• Member Since 30th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen May 27th


Because "fantasy erotica" sounds better than "cartoon horse porn."

Comments ( 36 )

Rofl, that ending.

Cue someone weaponising her (latex projectiles, basically kirin cannon).

Would that also melt the condom as well and also Interspecies loving is a popular trend.

When most of the canon characters aren't human, this is inevitable.

God bless this fandom.

Of course you would write this. Never miss an opportunity do slap thirds degree burns onto some poor bastard's junk.

EDIT: Never mind, lol

This time with onomatopoeia.


Poor girl. Thankfully, there's a solution.

And I have no doubt Pinkie has a supply of neoprene or chloroprene balloons in her party cave for ponies and creatures who can't have latex at their birthday parties.

...man, what did Gallus do to you? This just did not end well for him.

Unfortunately for him, he was the only catlike character I could easily pair with a kirin. I'll make it up to him soon: Miss Sassy, are you trying to seduce me?

The literary equivalent of watching a fuse burn down. You know there's going to be an explosion, but you want to know if it's mortar fire or fireworks.

Hilarious end result. Thank you for another bit of incendiary madness. (And hey, at least it wasn't an M/M fic with a kirin named Willy Pete.)

Well, it seems Gallus is already practising with this yellow balloon...


Truth be told, non-latex chloroprene and neoprene balloons are much softer and smoother and fun to hug than standard latex. But they're mostly used for advertising or scientific weather balloons.
Whether it's also true of non-latex condoms, I can't say.

And they also pretty expensive, so it must have been a bummer for Pinkie to bring out that huge yellow one for Celestia's play.

With a name like Danger Close, you gotta expect the unexpected.

This story gave me a laugh, good job on it!

hmm, neat


(And hey, at least it wasn't an M/M fic with a kirin named Willy Pete.)

not yet

Just from the desc, imagined cartoon images of Gallus screaming and on fire are inescapable.

Should've used asbestos condom.

close but not precisely. I tried to find a new play on the old trope.

Well, at least he didn’t burn his dick. That would have been the bad ending. :rainbowlaugh:

The casual mention of the asbestos dildo should have prompted second thoughts.

Yup, that was deliberate.

Dang, I must be allergic to latex.

It seems he needs some Polyurethane condoms

"Yeah," she said. "I have an asbestos dildo and popped my own cherry years ago. Uh... sorry if you wanted to do that."

Better luck next time Gallus!

I guess this is hilarious as fuck.

*Reads this, re-reads it, rubs my furry eyes with my paws and reads it AGAIN...Takes a DEEP Breath and*


Oh no Team GallUS IS BALSTING OFF Aaaaaaaaiiiinn....! :rainbowlaugh:

Liked and faved. Well done, that gave me a good chuckle.


I think I'd be more worried about his junk than glallus atm, I mean he got motor fired OUT OF HER PUSSY, his dick is either 3rd degree burned or ashes atm. :P

*caws that are laughter*


That's a fantastic mental image. I was just expecting him to catch on fire but that was so much better.

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