• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
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The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


Lofty doesn’t reply to that. The sky flashes white and a roar of thunder sweeps them up. “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“Yes!” Her voice cracks.

“Holly. I don’t think you do.”

“I do.” It comes far weaker this time. Her grip on the wheel falters.

Lofty sighs. She puts a hoof on Holiday’s shoulder. “It’s not too late to turn around,” she whispers.

Entry for the Lofty Holiday contest.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 15 )

I am a bad critic, so I will just leave a like since I found nothing wrong with it. Present continuous is consistent. It's not something I am used to, and I hoped for something with more sailing since nobody writes that here, but that is irrelevant.

I felt a bit detached somehow.
Almost like a screenplay but not quite... There was one specific line I noticed that can't be put on screen.

A storm is on the horizon.

She sees it brewing beyond, lurking just outside her window. A mass of gray over blue. A blanket miles over the ocean. Lofty can see it all from her bed.

A quiet sigh escapes her. The room is cold, even if the air outside is thick and humid. Static clings in the air and the stench of ozone reeks from above.

That's the story in a nutshell. It's tense and sparse but there's nothing Lofty can but wait.

Wow. I'm bad with words, so I'm not going to say anything other than that this is easily one of my favorite stories on this site.

Beautiful, in my opinion. I find it an interesting concept, that Rolling Thunder and Holiday used to date. Not one I'm altogether against, to be honest, I could imagine it

This was pretty neat. I never considered Rolling Thunder to be around the age of Scootaloo's aunts, but you managed to use her in an interesting way. The format did a great job showing everyone's emotions.

The table bucks as a sudden weight throws itself onto it. The newspaper lowers more so tired eyes can gaze in unamusement at the pony-shaped, tan and scarlet pile that has thrown itself onto the table.

augh, love the technique with the descwork here, with glints and flashes of detail and color standing in for dialogue tags and characters. i might have to steal this one it's too good!

“You neeeeever let me use iiiiiiiiiit!”

“I let you have it last week and look what you did.”

“I was gonna clean it, but I’ve been flat out like a kangaroo drinking.”


The newspaper rises again, and the pony-pile senses that it is running out of time.

also too good is describing Holiday as a "pony-pile" from this point, not to mention just the sheer character these lines are stuffed with, argh

Hooves return to the booth. A blue scarf is passed from one to the other. “Here. Happy birthday.”

“Lofts…” An embrace, warm and full, and a laugh that’s bright and joyful. “Thanks! I’m never taking this off!”

yay, the origin of her scarf! love it when the signature piece of clothing of a pony is given meaning in a story, as any proper backstory-filling fanfic does

A blush, on the other pony now.

Holiday blows a kiss and winks before prancing off into the market.

Lofty watches her go.

if you're writing this as a sensible, grounded, reserved mare x ridiculous, flighty, emotional mare pairing because that is exactly the kind of ship i am into then you are succeeding! already hooked on these characters and just what is in their pasts and futures from this little photograph.

A wave crashes against the shore. The sound is engraved into her head now. Same for the smell of salt heavy in the air, and the distant cries of gulls up above.

augh wish i could write settings like this

Holiday’s smile was etched into her mind now. The laugh echoes across the room. The ghost of their hug clings to her.

oof, i have been there, Lofty! i have been there

A sigh follows shortly after.

“She’s not yours, Lofty.” It comes out softly as the knitting slows. “She’s got Rolling. She’s happy.”

That should’ve been enough.

Lofty leans back against the headboard of her bed and waits for thunder.

and augh, poignance!

“Doc says I got lucky.” A low voice, stuttering and uncertain. “Gonna hurt in the mornin’ but I’ll be apples after. Just waitin’ for the X-rays and…” Holiday tries to muster a smile.

love the little Australianisms (Austhaylianisms?) in Holiday's speech, really adds to the texture

“Lofts, I’m sorry.” A quiet and defeated whimper. Holiday covers her head with her hooves. “She wanted to go towards the storm! I knew it was a bad idea, but she tried to turn us around and we just… it just…”

A low hum of understanding.

and augh, bringing in Rolling Thunder's characterization, and how she and the sister of Shutter Snap would be a seemingly obvious match in terms of personality and lifestyle, at least at first...

dangit Red, you are way too good at shipping! this is Advanced Shipping and i love it

“It’s alright, Holly.” It comes out soft and gentle. Lofty puts a hoof on Holiday’s withers and smiles. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I don’t deserve you.”

Lofty just leans in further to hug her the best she can.

augh. the obvious arc is here, as well as the problems lurking in it. can't wait to see how these elements unfold

“You’re an idiot.” It comes out bemused and mirthless.

“And it’s hard yakka being an absolute drongo,” Holiday responds with a wink.

hehe it's fun trying to understand dialect through context!

Holiday gestures for her to lean in, and Lofty obliges to entertain her. “Come… closer. You gotta tell my family I said this. It’s important. Put it on my gravestone. My final words… are…” It comes out a whisper. “Butts.”

honestly this has to be my headcanon for what Holiday is like now

Even as they smile, something churns in Lofty’s stomach. Somehow, she still feels… off. Upside down. Like things are still wrong between them.

hey, just because they're in Pony Australia doesn't mean they're upside down! but yes love subtle moments like this!

A roll of thunder in the distance.

A splash of rainwater against her window.

Lofty climbs in next to her in the bed and hugs her close.

Nothing more is said that night.

augh just love these lines. halfway between poetry and prose, and really just letting the throughline of the emotional arc following the weather soak into the page

“Jealous. Jealous?!” A wave crashes into the boat. “I’m not jealous, I’m pissed. And I’m pissed because Rolling Thunder walked out of your house, wearing the scarf. THE SCARF I MADE FOR YOU!”

biggest of oofs!

and augh, i don't know how to describe it. this really is just Grade A lesbian drama! Lofty has a right to be frustrated by her friend going back to the same jerk who hurts her, but confronting Holiday like this is definitely colored by her unrequited crush. and Holiday is correct in seeing that, but regifting such a personal gift to someone you know the gifter doesn't like, justified or no, is at the very least thoughtless, and i can definitely see Holiday just not thinking of that until it was pointed out. all of it feels ripped straight from the pages of life, or something. just fantastic work here

“I don’t know!” comes the cry. “I need to know what I did wrong, okay?!”

augh, this line is so true that it is painful to read

Holiday grips the wheel tightly. In the dark, Lofty can make out her form trembling in the wind. “You shouldn't have come,” she finally snaps. “I had this all figured out, now you’re ruining it! I didn’t bring enough supplies for you, I had a plan and now…”

and this is so true as well. this is shame and cognitive dissonance, because Holiday knows she can’t justify this to Lofty, and could only go through with something that is so obviously a bad idea if she only has herself to talk to. her then flailing out to blame Lofty for “ruining it” is just so on-point.

Slowly, Lofty puts a hoof on the wheel. “I think we should go home. Do you want to turn around?”

Holiday sniffs, tears staining her cheeks and mixing with the rain. “Yeah,” It comes out soft and small.

Slowly, their hooves together turn the boat around.

Through the waves.

Back to land.

Away from the storm.

and augh.

love the subtle note it ends on. not quite the visceral catharsis that a lesser writer would think is obligatory here, and in fact deliberately avoiding that by turning away from the storm, all metaphor-like.

there’s a lot of blank space between here and where we see them in their canon appearance, and i just love that. a lot of room to age and grow into each other in Pony Australia, before finding themselves settling in Equestria for reasons that have nothing to do with Rolling Thunder (which must have been a story in it of itself!). and speaking of, it’s really neat how Rolling Thunder does not make a single appearance in this fic despite her being so important to it. a third planet in this system, detected only through its gravity well

i just can’t say enough good things about this story. loved the beauty of its prose, the characters, and the emotionally complex relationship between them. the way that it paints its setting with a fraction of the wordcount and so much more mood and atmosphere than most fics manage. this might be my favorite story i’ve read from you so far, and that’s saying a lot given the competition there. thank you so much for writing this!

I can see why you won. Incredible density of storytelling, small scenes coming together to be vastly greater than the sum of their parts. As Bicyclette noted, Rolling Thunder only being seen in the negative space of the story was a bold and very effective move. Thank you for this, and congratulations.

:D Thank you!

I've mentioned it several times now but the story came to me with the idea of Rolling and Holiday being in a toxic relationship only for Rolling to suddenly reappear at the end of the story to reveal that Lofty was with Holiday now. Ultimately though the ending felt too wrong for the story so I made the decision to leave her out of it completely, I'm happy to hear it paid off!

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