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Botched Lobotomy

Imprisoned (without charges) by the Paw Patrol


A unicorn with fur fair-white and mane sky-blue: that's who Princess Cadance knew that she was destined for. Only, now she's starting to wonder if she chose the wrong one...

Luckily, there's a spell for that! Destiny will take her course, but there are ways to see what might have been. As one horn touches to another, a life unlived begins to play...

Written for the May Pairings Contest. Check out the other entries here!

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 15 )

I liked the story, [I think] but not in love with the choice of narrative style. It felt almost like second person from Cadence's perspective but at times it skewed away from that and because of the nature of the subject matter it didn't always feel that way. I won't say it was a bad choice I can see the merit of it but it didn't do enough for me personally to benefit the story and at times it made the story feel clunky and harder to follow. Still I would say I apricate the risk taken it does make the story more unique.

That aside I absolutely love the concept [I have story I'm working on that's entire premise hangs around two ponies looking similar although much different context] and I think the story that is told is fun and interesting.

Keep up the good work and best of luck in the contest.

This was really interesting, and it was a pretty cool way to present this alternate reality and have the characters comment on it. However, I will say the narration did get quite confusing at times. I can understand the desire for a seamless flow between thoughts, especially in the dreamlike state most of the story is in, but a bit more structure would have helped.

You did well having Cadance and Vinyl play off of each other. It was kind of odd that you included the moment of Vinyl getting her cutie mark as a filly from Shining's performance from the comics, when that would mean there's a notable age difference, but their scenes together seem to be much later, so whatever. The way you ended the story, with them choosing not to pursue romance, was pretty effective. It makes sense that Cadance was still satisfied with her life as is, and at least it sounds like they'll continue to stay in touch. Though on that note, it's interesting that you mentioned that Lyra and Bon Bon are not a couple in the normal timeline of this setting; is that meant to imply that this isn't the timeline of the show? I'm curious why.

You probably won’t ever see this. Probably, you have guards or secretaries or such that go through all your mail. You probably get tons of it. I’m writing this mostly for me. Cause I’ve tried sleeping pills and magic spells and whatdyacallit, tantric meditation, and not a one of them’s done any good. I’ve tried forgetting. So what the hell. Maybe sending all these thoughts away will help, even if you never read them. And if you do:

love Vinyl Scratch's voice here; already very invested in the premise. to dream of the Princess of Love like this, and to be driven to send a letter to her about this impossible dream. standing at the membrane between this life and another possible one. augh, i should save these comments for later

Summon the image that always keeps you going, when you’re getting butterflies: white unicorn, blue mane. A dashing, handsome smile full of love and trust and adoration.

love this little bit of foreshadowing in how this description also applies perfectly to Vinyl. of course Cadance here doesn't notice what the reader does as she goes into describing Shining Armor more explicitly

You touch your horn to Vinyl’s, and the whole world goes flash! white.

the "flash!" really works so well with such a textured paragraph

Nudging here and there, encouraging, persuading—the magic helps, of course!—but never changing, no, only...allowing understanding, letting ponies see more clearly why they’re perfect for each other. Clearing brambles from the path! Like a foal whose cutie mark they’re having trouble working out.

ah, the confidence here! the self-assurance that Cadance has that she knows what she is doing and that what she is doing is good tastes different knowing where she is by the end of the story

You believe this utterly, completely, and with every fibre of your being. It’s a shock to realise you might have got it wrong.

i, too, have ships like this. good amount of overlap here, too! Princess Cadance has good taste

I love pretty pink mares,
they make me feel so good!

totally thought this was original to the fic, and was even more impressed that you captured how i imagine teenage Shining Armor to be so perfectly

You look around, fruitlessly. But of course, this is just a memory, and Vinyl just a voice, the two of you observers of events already passed. You look down, expecting the familiar jolt of somepony else’s body: instead, you see

pink hooves

tri-colour mane

(they make me feel so good)

it's such an interesting position these voices take in the narrative. they are themselves observing a story, which reaches out and affects their own internal narration while watching it, and the reader is one layer up and observing both

{You are. You’re so excited.}

{Course I am. I’m about to get my cutie mark, you know.}

{Are you serious? That’s even cuter!}

so true, that is even cuter

Three lives changed that day, you realise, and you’re glad somepony else got something near the joy you felt while watching that performance, too. Watching your Shining Armour.

and dang! placing the younger Vinyl getting her cutie mark at this performance is a neat idea. really links up their destinies

{You’re pretty adorable yourself, you know.}

{Shhh, I’m falling in love.}

hehe, great response to the previous "Shhh". and her comment applies both to the past Cadance of memory and what will happen to her in the course of the story, augh so good

But I’ve really given this a lot of thought, and I hope that even if you can’t love me any longer, we can still be friends.”

as horrifying as any universe where a parent not loving a child for being gay is even in the space of possibilities is, wow this is a fantastic line. the teenage awkwardness is just so on-point; i am feeling Vinyl's cringe so hard

Vinyl’s thinking, tapping her chin with alarming concentration. She waits a good five seconds before she says, “I think it was when I saw Princess Cadance at her coronation, last summer.”

{Unhear that part?}

{I will not!}

{Don’t worry, how can I put this delicately... The Princess of Love gets this sort of thing a lot.}

ehehe, i imagine that she does!

{Hey, these things are always awkward! When I came out, to my dad—}

{Wait, what? Since when are you...?}

{Princess of Love, remember.}

{Hah! Yeah, I suppose tha—}

took me a second to realize that Vinyl didn't even know Cadance wasn't straight until this point, haha

This time, there’s a mirror. Where Vinyl Scratch was short and sober, you’re gangly and frothy and have more limbs than you quite know what to do with.

love the way this poetically describes the vibe of teenage awkwardness (also the limbs on that pony model really are super-gangly)


{Thank, you, thank you. You can’t see me, but I’m bowing in my head. Thank you.}

hehe love this exchange between incorporeal voices

{So what did you settle on, eventually?}

{Eventually? Some form of bisexual, I suppose. I don’t think I ever really settled, I only stopped thinking about it. All that matters if that you’re happy, in the end.}

so true

{That is so cheating!}

{Look at it from my perspective: how embarrassing would it be if it turned out I chose wrong?}

she does have a good point. her brand would be ruined! (also can't help but think this was a deliberate way to sneak in the other meaning of the word "cheating" to be picked up later)

{I wouldn’t say that rules it out, exactly...}


{What? You don’t go kissing strangers in the cupboard sober, after all.}

ah, these inversions are so good! this imbalance between a public figure and a background pony is interesting. Vinyl only thinks that she knows about Cadance, but the real one has a lot more in common with her than either she or i would've thought

{No way. You can’t...Princess Cadance?}

You don’t remember this at all.

and dang, you know how to end these chapters

{Okay, tell me again. What did the Oracle say, word for word?}

Oracle, you say?

And that is distressing, that is wrong, but in the here and now (or then...or when?) of sunset, Vinyl fits you warm and sweet, and if anypony can sense when love is genuine, it should be you, even when you don’t want to see it.

and oof, just love this bit. the natural consequence of being able to sense something as abstract as love

You feel her warmth upon your swallow.

just love this line. really brings me into Cadance's sensorium

“Yeah,” you find yourself saying, “I’m pretty sure I like you, too.”

“I really really like you,” she says. Her lips are strange against your own, so unlike Shining Armour’s, but in the kiss is love the same, as wilful, potent, just as fierce. She pulls back, unsatisfied. Kisses you again. Leans in a third time, mouth against your own, and murmurs, “I love you,” as if it’s meant to be a challenge. There’s nothing easier in all the world than to take her up on it: you meet her without hesitation.

“I love you, too,” you tell her, and together you lie back to watch the sunset.

now this is how you write the "i love you" moment, augh. so full of dynamic and character

You press together close beneath the covers, and you reach out with your wings to wrap around her, even as she comforts you. Cocoon of love and warmth: in the life you know, from that cocoon your foal emerges: in this, who knows? Only warmth and trembling and love.

the two layers of that cocoon metaphor here, love it

“Hold me,” you say again, and in your hooves she’s so alive, so warm, so there. Protective and protecting you. “We’ll never feel this way again,” tight and tense and violently in love, “nothing will ever separate us.”
In this close space, it seems impossible that anything could. Impossible for things to be any other way. Impossible for this ever to have been at all.

after such an experience, i can imagine how impossible that would seem. Cadance's narrative voice is starting to submerge into the spell's image of Cadance's


Oracle, you say?

I completely forgot this was in here! Lil Timescales reference for u

An ordinary day. Crystal castle, lots to do. Lounging about in love, instead.

{...What happened?}

Ask like you don’t want to know. Like you’re not looking for advice, the way to end this.

{She died.}


{Oh. I’m sorry.}

Say it with a little more enthusiasm, Cadance! Say it like you care! You do care. You just don’t have room to think, right now.

Vinyl kicks you on the couch, makes a show of saying that she didn’t do it. You pretend like you believe her, kick her back with equal innocence. Two mares reading on the couch. Nothing else to go on.

the interleaving of this recollection of an ordinary day and the emotional conversation between its observers is fascinating. like talking during a lull in the program, or a commercial break. but what a backdrop! without it the mood and direction of the conversation would be so different

{It sucked pretty bad for a bit, yeah. We were broken up at that point, too, which made it worse. We were always off and on like that.}

{Sounds unstable.}

And do not say what you really think about relationships like that, that they’re a sign of something wrong, that fate has other plans. You want her to forget fate’s other plans. You want fate to forget fate’s other plans.

ah, Cadance's worldview is starting to crumble at the edges here

{Nothing at all. It still hurts. It hurts so much I want to cry, every day, and always. Nothing helps. And if it gets easier, if you forget, then that’s the worst thing of all.}

when to your horror you find your own life going on without the person in it. the pain at least means that they are still present with their absence, and it's easy to see that there are things more important than mere happiness

{Well I’ve really never been to Tartarus, have I? Just another curse, to us mere mortal ponies.}

{I’ve been to Tartarus.}

{Good for you.}

ah, the gulf between Vinyl and Cadance, in more ways than one! i feel Cadance's position hard here, not having gone through much loss myself

{I don’t think I want to fall in love with you.}

{I don’t think I want that, either.}

{Because it’s disrespectful?}

{Because you’re surprisingly annoying.}

{I’m bowing, again. Imagine me bowing.}

they are such a fun couple!

{I didn’t think Princesses were allowed to be annoying.}

{Nopony does. That’s how we get away with it!}

hehehe this is such great Princess writing

{Not half bad. I’ll have to try remember this one.}

{Now who’s cheating.}

is it plagiarism if you're taking from an alternate timeline version of yourself?

{Like a super hot pony failing to blend in!}

“Like a super hot pony,” she grins, “trying to blend in!”

“Oh do I?” you say, with a grin of your own. “You won’t mind, then, if I go out and enjoy myself?”

{Totally, I’d like to watch!}

Wryly. “If it please the Princess.”

{Nice try.}


ehehe that is a very fun game

There it is again: worked in between the pulse of synths, voice unmistakable through the distortion: “—Vi-vi-vinyl, remember to take out the trash—

{Oh, you little monster.}

{Nice one, me!}

ahahaha love this. such a DJ wife moment

{What are you off to do now?}

{Something completely justified, I’m sure.}

i back Cadance completely on this. she is 10000% justified in everything she does (also the whole Princess's will thing Vinyl does in this chapter is so fun! something i can't imagine Shining Armor doing with the same kind of energy, though that may be my bias)

You, of course, are crying. You’d probably have to hand the crown in if you weren’t.

hehehe (i guess in this timeline, Cadance is the wedding crier in her relationship, which makes sense)

{That’s...a little sad. No, they never got together. I’m not even sure who Bon Bon is.}

{I am. She owns a sweet shop in Canterlot I take Flurry Heart to sometimes. Or—I used to.}

{So it’s our fault, then.}


{We messed destiny up pretty bad, huh.}

yeah a universe where LyraBon doesn't happen... messed up, indeed!

{Hah! No offence, but—}

{Why do I get the feeling you’re about to say something really offensive right now?}

because that is how "no offence, but" is traditionally followed by ofc

{What if it’s all been a lie?}


{Everything I’ve done. The ponies I’ve nudged together, if I got something as big as this wrong, who am I to tell them what to do?}

{Nopony. Though that’s probably just the anarchist in me.}

{I didn’t take you for a revolutionary.}

{I’m a DJ. Every DJ likes to pretend they’re a little revolutionary.}

hehehe yeah, hard to imagine Vinyl being any other way than this!

{I’ll keep that in mind, and advise Princess Twilight to do the same.}

{You’re so funny.}

{You think I’m joking.}

i just love this ship. something about Cadance as the Princess here feels extra-right

{If you got yourself and Shining Armour wrong, and you’re happy, and you’re still together, what’s it matter? For that matter, even if you weren’t still a couple, I don’t think you’d stand here saying that it wasn’t worth it. So if you think that even if you got it wrong, you wouldn’t change it, why call other ponies’ choices lies?}

{Because I made them.}

{You didn’t make them. You at most, what, pushed them? Suggested them? Who cares. Ponies make their own decisions, it’s, like, our favourite thing to do.

and it's interesting that at the beginning of the story, Cadance claimed to have this very perspective, and it's only after the foundations are shaken that she shakes off that anodyne cast

{Stop being so wise.}

{I once opened a bottle with my eyelid.}

hehehe love this Vinyl

Years pass. Spring turns to Summer turns to Autumn of your lives.

always a classic to describe the long passage of time

“I was trying to be romantic, here.”

“You’re always romantic. It’s like your whole thing.”


hehehe gotther

“Octavia Melody.” You say it as if each syllable requires at least two hooves of personal space.

“Octy, that was it! The grey earth pony with the—the thing—”

“The mane, yes. Quite what you saw in her, I don’t...”

“You don’t need to be jealous of a mare I dated forty years ago.”

and augh, the contrast with how big Octavia's shadow looms over our Vinyl's mind

“Okay. That new baritone was coming up, Shining whassisname.”

“Not a clue.”

“Shining Notaclue, the very same.”

“Handsome colt, wasn’t he?”

“If you go for that sort of thing. I was more into dishevelled mares in denim shirts, back then.”

and oof, on Cadance's side as well! those names are just a bit of background trivia in their stories here

“‘Oh? Why, what was I doing?’”

“‘Falling,’” you reply, “‘except I didn’t know that angels got to keep their wings.’”

“‘How classy.’”

A grin. “‘You got a light?’”

and augh, how the order of those lines aren't recalled in the right order, then jumble into their place in the mutual recollection. not to mention just how exactly like i'd imagine Vinyl and Cadance's first date to start. it all feels like i am seeing slices of something existing far beyond what i see

And the two of you sit and watch the red leaves blow, huddled close as afternoon turns evening. And though the wind is cold, up in the Crystal Empire, you hardly feel the chill: whether it is magic, body heat, or something else, all that matters in the end is that the two of you are here, together, warm.

a recreation in miniature of the Spring to Autumn transition at the beginning of the chapter. all this working on both levels at once, how beautiful

Deep down, you start to understand, and in that moment, for just a breath, you love Vinyl completely and entirely. You wonder: should you try a kiss? Just this once? Just to feel it, truly?

The moment passes. You wipe your eyes, you offer her a smile. You’ll see each other soon.

And you go home.

just the perfect moment to end it on.

and wow, the way the main characters are themselves an audience for a love story. it pulls them in deep until Cadance can feel the love that the alternate Cadance had for Vinyl. but in the end, as beautiful as everything they saw was, as connected as it feels to some sort of true destiny or fate, that love is between two other mares with very different lives. how else can it end but the moment passing, and Cadance going home to her husband who she loves?

(and the metafictional aspect of how Cadance's journey is a reflection of what a reader goes through in engaging with a gripping romance, lots to think about there! that muddled, dreamlike state the poetic second-person brings adds so much)

i really felt this ship and that bittersweetness, that burning smile and those tears. once again i am in awe of the depth of the feel of these relationships you paint with so few words and scenes. i believe in pretty pink mares and unicorns of fur fair white and mane sky blue.

Wow, just wow. The narration style reminded me a lot of the narrator of Disco Elysium (and that's the voice I read most of it in) and what a bittersweet tale of what-if!

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