• Published 16th Jul 2022
  • 289 Views, 18 Comments

DINKY'S VLOG - Partycannon_

Hi everypony! My name is Dinky and welcome to my VLOG! I have a ton of stuff to talk about, I'll see you soon!

  • ...

(Ch 3) A New Dinky!


The view shook quite a bit, the vision showed grass and leaves that littered the dirt ground but it was mostly focused on a fuzzy worm as it inched up a piece of grass. it appeared to be morning by the orange lighting.

"Welcome back to Dinky's Vlog!" a very familiar voice whispered loudly behind the view. "Isn't nature beautiful?" a filly's hoof came from behind the view and poked the worm.

The worm slowly turned its head and with a small delay shot something transparent above the view. The view was instantly pulled back and the sound of spitting started.

"IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!" said the voice with the spitting continuing. The view came around and showed a close up of Dinky's face with a expression of pure disgust. "Nature is no longer beautiful," the filly said with a polka dot tongue.



The view showed Dinky in her room as she smiled at the camera. The background no longer had any boxes as some more decorations were put up such as hanging lights, more cat posters, and a rug. There was a small drum set in the background with a seat behind it.

"I'm back," the filly smirked at the camera, her tongue was filled with the same polka dotted design as before. "My mom took me to the doctor and they told us I have a disease..." Dinky giggled slightly as she frowned. "It's called being AWESOME!" the filly chuckled.

"The doctor told us that it might mess with my voice in weird ways but that hasn't happened yet. I must be immune," Dinky shrugged with a smug expression.

"Anyways, school is tomorrow and I am super excited," Dinky grew a large grin. "I have a goal to be the bestest pony in class! I have a step-by-step plan, first is to destroy the introduction!" the filly smiled with confidence. "Miss Cheerilee will call the three of us into the class and I will be the last one of course. Each of them will give a pretty decent little speech, then BOOM! I will give the most epic speech known to the universe," Dinky had the smug energy oozing from her.

"After that I will be put in the back of the class next to the window but turns out the window next to me is always open and the wind will blow right in my mane, making me look awesome. Then Miss Cheerilee will say something like 'surprise exam' and the class will groan in pain, all except for one filly... ME! We all take the exam and guess who will get a perfect score... ME!"

After the lengthy explanation and throwing her hooves everywhere she smugly sat back in her seat and as she did the seat began to lean back as well. The filly quickly caught herself in the chair and managed to balance it, in a laugh she leaned back slightly and she fell to the floor. As a thud was heard the view shook and the filly stood up in pain, she picked up the chair as she whispered something under her breath. She sat back in her chair as she rubbed her head.

"Is everything alright my muffin?" came from the door that opened slightly.

"I'm okay mom," the filly answered in a defeated tone but she grew a small smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna go back to my paperwork," the mare said and the door closed.

"Um," Dinky scratched her cheek. "Right, school. I am really excited to meet my fellow classmates, I think it will be really fun and I hope that I get a friend," Dinky looked away from the view with a small but genuine smile.

"There is soo many things that I haven't done yet," the filly played with her hooves. "I haven't ever had a sleep over before, or been to another filly's party. I never had a secret hoofshake or a secret password. All the other fillies had something like that," Dinky gave a weak smile. "I just want a friend, a cat can do just fine," the filly retreated into her hooves.

After a short few seconds, the filly put down her hooves and gave the camera a small smile. "I'll get a friend by the end of the week, I have to! It's not going to be like last time," Dinky reached over the view.



"I found out that NIGHTMARE MOON TRIED TO SHROUD THE LAND IN DARKNESS!" Dinky overflowed with energy, she was in her room with the lights on and curtain closed. "Turns out that six mares representing something called the Elements of Harmary- sorry, Harmony, and they stopped the evil queen of darkness," the filly brought up a newspaper to the view.

The newspaper held a large image of six ponies from their return from the Everfree Forest, it also held other small images, one of Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna, a clown juggling on a ball, and a hoofdrawn picture of a robot destroying a town. Dinky laid the newspaper on her table as her eyes were filled with curiosity.

"I wonder if they went on a dangerous quest, I wonder what type of scary creatures they faced and friendship lessons they learned?" the filly smirked happily. "What if they laughed at some trees, and um, threw a rock at the um, the evil queen?" Dinky shrugged lightheartedly.

"I can't believe that I just found out about this. This is like history in the making, I mean it's not every day that six ponies have some sort of magical destiny and go on a quest," the high energy filly was fixated on the newspaper. "What if I have a magical destiny? I think going on adventures that could ruin the world if I fail would be pretty.. Fun?" Dinky looked up to the view. "It sounds a lot more fun when you don't think about it."

"That's it for the news," the filly sat the newspaper aside but still glanced at it frequently. "I can't wait for school tomorrow, I will be posting a vlog as soon as I get back, unless another filly invites me over. Wait, what if there is a big party for the new fillies? That would be so awesome! So I will be vlogging as soon as I get back tomorrow.. Unless it's a sleep over? What if it's an all week sleep over? Would I vlog there?" Dinky's mind was filled with chaos, she looked around sporadically. "What would mom say? MOM!"

After the filly's yell a sudden CLASH, CRASH, and BLAST came from the other room. Dinky turned away from her door and looked away with eyes of an innocent child. After a few moments the door was casually thrown open and a soaked Derpy with a pan that covered her entire head entered the room. "Dinky?" the mare asked in a slow voice.

The filly slowly turned back to the mare with puppy dog eyes. "Yes?" Dinky faked a smile.

"What did I ask you not to do?" Derpy asked slowly.

"Um, not to yell while you made dinner?" Dinky matched her mom's talking speed.

"Uh-huh," the mare said.

"Sorry.." Dinky apologized in a defeated tone.

"You gonna help clean up?" Derpy asked normally.

"Yeah.. After that I got a question," Dinky's energy began to restore.

"Let's hear it my little muffin," the mare said happily.

Dinky reached over the view. "Let's say that someone from school wanted to have a week long slee-"


Author's Note:

Description: Had to go see a doctor but SCHOOL IS TOMORROW! :heart::heart::yay::moustache::derpytongue2::heart::heart:

Alternative title: Diary 30: Dinky is Coming to School

This chapter was a little hard to write for me but I'm sure things will start picking up now that the introduction is fully out of the way. These do take a decent amount of effort to write but thankfully they don't take up too much time.

(Updated 11/15/2023)