by Partycannon_

First published

Hi everypony! My name is Dinky and welcome to my VLOG! I have a ton of stuff to talk about, I'll see you soon!

*Read in a deep voice* At the edges of Equestria stands one filly! She has been summoned to a NEW SCHOOL in PONYVILLE!!! (insert screams of excitement here!) Dinky and her mom will overcome all who stands in our way! (Insert deep laugh here!)

Oh, also, checkout my AWESOME TRAILER for these vlogs. I Spent a lot of time on it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQoYWFI1A1o

(Huge thanks to Nocturnal Reverie for voice acting in the trailer listed above. You have to go follow Nocturnal, there is no other option!)

(Heavily inspired by the DinkySharkFighter32 made by Dawnsomewhere.)


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The screen flicked on revealing a small filly reaching above the view. Her lavender hoof attempted to focus the scene until you see her bright smile. The filly threw herself back to her seat and used the momentum to spin in the chair. The small pony rotated back to your perspective as she rested her head on her hoof. The lavender unicorn's smile is incredibly smug but she couldn't hold in her mirth as she quickly busted into a fit of laughter.

The background of the shot held a small wooden bed along with some shelves and a lot of packing boxes. There is a window to the left revealing a bright sunny day out. Finally was a door to the right with it's locks removed.

"Hello everypony, my name is Dinky," she tried speaking but the giggle plague continued.

Dinky slowed her breathing as she tried her best to stop giggling. She put her hoof over her mouth and softly counted to ten with her eyes closed. After she reached the last number, she put her hoof down and her eyes shot open.

"Hello everypony, my name is Dinky. I am a unicorn and, oh, my mom is the COOLEST! She bought me this camera and its awesome," Dinky picked up the view from her desk and turned it around, the scene showed a clean desk with a small laptop that was plastered with sparkles and stickers.

"Wait.." Dinky turned the view around and it showed a close up of her face. "How do I show you guys the camera?" the filly brought her hoof up to her mouth in thought, she tapped her hoof. "Oh wait, I know!" her face lit up as the view now flew to the ground. Dinky's hooves trotted across her clean carpet, there was a sound of a door opening and she trotted out onto a tile floor, there was a sound of another door opening, a sound of a switch being flipped and the light bounced off the tile floor, the scene then showed a mirror.

"Look at it, it's beautiful!" the filly's smile radiated as the camera showed its reflection, it was black and a little bulky, there was already a few cat stickers on it. The view also got a shot of a rack in the background which held a few towels, on the mirror were stickers, there were two sets of whiskers and two sets of cat ears, one set was lower on the mirror and closer together while the other set was higher and further apart.

"Dinky, can I have some help?" a female voice came from another part of the house.

"Okay!" Dinky yelled back as her smile turned to a smirk, she brought the camera close to her and scanned the buttons.



"I'm back, sorry my mom got stuck again," Dinky smirked at the camera. She is back in her room and the setup is the same as before.

"Anyways I am going to a NEW SCHOOL!" she threw her hooves in the air with extreme vigor. "I am going to have so many friends and I'll get the best grades in the class," Dinky's mind wondered off as a large childlike smile filled her face.

"Oh, right. My name is Dinky and welcome to my vlog! There is just so much to talk about, like.." the filly's smile wavered a little as she stared into the camera, after a few seconds her smile fell as she brought her hoof up to her mouth.

"What is there to talk about? Wait!" Dinky shot back up. "I'm going to go talk to the teacher today, I hope she is nice. The last teacher I had was bad, she- um. Anyways the new teachers name is Miss Cheerilee, my mom already met with her and talked about some things but now I'm going to chat with her on my own. Also, I have to go hang out after class every Thursday for some reason, I'm not sure what that's all about," Dinky played with her hooves.

"I don't go to school for the next two days so I guess I'll be doing a lot of vlogging. Tomorrow is the Summer Sun Celebration and I think me and my mom are going to a party, also I think the princess is showing up, I never met her before," Dinky drummed a little on the table with her hooves and she began humming along. She finished out the drum solo with hitting imaginary cymbals and making the sounds with her mouth. She turned back to the view with a wide smile.

"I think they may have a music class; I much rather do that than a boring magic class. You know my grandmother used to force me to practice magic every single day," Dinky face fell to a frown but shot up. "WAIT! Grandma isn't here, NO MORE MAGIC PRACTICE!" the filly raced out of her chair without the view and flung the door open, she threw herself in the hallway. After a few seconds a loud "WHAT?" came from the other room. A few minutes pass and Dinky came back into the room, she closed the door slowly as though all her energy was zapped from her. She sat back down with a frown.

"Turns out that I still need to go to magic practice, it's just soo boring..." the unicorn pouted. She sat up in her chair and looked at the camera. "Anyways I have to go now, you know to meet with my teacher. I will be vlogging to you later," Dinky leaned back in her chair with a smug look and the chair started to fall, the unicorn had a face of deep desperation as she fell with it. The chair and filly clashed with the floor, the view shook and the filly stood up with a worried frown, she picked up the view.



Complete and total darkness, the sounds of rustling can be heard until a voice drowns it out.

"Hey guys, did you know that this camera has night vision?" said Dinky quietly. "I'm currently under my sheets as you can see and don't tell my mom but its past my bed time. Anyways I can't sleep, I am just so excited for school. Miss Cheerilee was super nice and even though normally kids don't transfer schools until summer but as it turns out there are two others that are also transferring into my class at the same time. One is another unicorn like me, she moved with her parents because her sister lives down here and the other is a pegasus, Miss Cheerilee said something about a chicken other than that I don't know." The view shuffled around a little.

"It doesn't seem like anypony will know why I moved which is wonderful news, I was honestly really stressed about that. Miss Cheerilee knows of course but she kind of has to. I am just soo glad that I won't be alone anymore because I have the perfect plan. You see here is me and here is the new unicorn," small rustling can be heard.

"Hey I love your cutie mark!" Dinky said in a higher pitch.

"Yeah, it is pretty cool. You want to watch me sing? It is what I got my cutie mark in after all," Dinky said in a low pitch.

"I would love to!" the filly said in a high pitch.

"Boom instant friend. Now all they would have to have is a singing cutie mark... Wait, is the night vision on?"



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Dinky turned on the camera and sat back in her chair, she had bags under her eyes. A lot of the boxes in the background were unpacked but still littered the ground. She put up a cat poster and a few books with fantastical cover art were put on the shelves.

"Welcome back to my vlog. Today we are breaking the formula, I will be making a documentary on my MOM!" the filly had a mischievous grin. "But she won't know that I'm filming," Dinky whispered.

"You see my mom, Derpy, is very camera shy. If I can record her without letting her know then she shouldn't be shy," the filly smiled. Dinky opened a drawer in her desk and slapped a fake mustache on her muzzle, the mustache fell off a second later.

"Derpy Hooves was born on-" Dinky muffled her voice as she spoke into her hoof. "AND she became the greatest mother when she had her first child," the unicorn smirked. "Now hear from her very own daughter," she turned in her chair and put her hoof on her muzzle but then started looking around with confusion. She turned back to the view with a small smirk.

"My mom is the greatest, she tells me she loves me every night. She plays with me when she isn't busy and she always listens. This one time after- um, anyways we went to the park and we played all day. She packed some sandwiches and we ate nothing but sandwiches all day. After that we started living with my grandma, she always spoiled me. She bought me tons of stuff including a laptop. Now I only want one thing, a new friend!" Dinky smile grew. "Oh, and a cat. I really want a cat," the filly softly clapped her hooves.

"Right, this is supposed to be about mom. Oops!" the filly giggled at herself and she picked up the view.

The view faced down and it started moving, first was the carpet then was a tile floor, then was a rug. She stuffed the view in the couch cushions in an attempt to camouflage the camera, the angle of the shot was decent but parts of the screen were covered. The recording showed a very plane living room, a rug laid on the ground, some family pictures littered the walls with a few windows. The filly stood at the side of the frame and scooted to where she thought a good spot to stand might be.

"MOM! MOOM!" the filly yelled with a giddy smile.

"Just a minute!" a female voice echoed in the house.

The filly giggled as she could hardly hold still. Dinky's eyes lit up as Derpy entered the frame. The mare had a large smile as she landed and the filly held back her laughter.

"What, is, your, name?" Dinky said awkwardly while on the edge of bursting into giggles.

Derpy tilted her head slightly. "Alright my little muffin, what did you do?" the mare picked up her child as she burst into laughter.

"I DID NOTHING!" the filly yelled and she continued to giggle.

"Really?" Derpy smirked and she started tickling Dinky's stomach with her muzzle.

The filly couldn't stop her laughter and she began tickling her mom as well, both ponies tired themselves out quickly from their giggling. They finished in a warm hug with huge smiles on their faces.

"I love you mom," Dinky rubbed her head in her mother's fur.

"I love you too my little muffin," Derpy's smile grew.

A knocking came from a door and both heads turned to face outside of view, Derpy looked back to her daughter and kissed her on the head, she got up and trotted offscreen while Dinky sat quietly, she looked up to where her mom went while her curiosity burned but turned away quickly.

"Hi, its Pinkie Pie! you remember me from the other day?" said a mare offscreen.

"Oh yes, please come in. I have muffins in the oven," Derpy said offscreen.

Both mares trotted into the living room and Dinky moved her body facing away from the guest subconsciously.

"I'm throwing a party at the library today, it's a surprise party! Both of you are welcome to join, afterwards we were all going to watch Princess Celestia raise the sun," Pinkie said with a smile.

"Sounds like a blast," Derpy clapped her hooves softly. "Don't you think so Dinky?" the pegasus tilted her head at the filly.

"Mmm," Dinky nodded with a frown.

Ding, with a sound from the kitchen Derpy trotted off leaving Pinkie and her daughter in the living room. Pinkie looked around and spotted the camera, she smiled and held up a pretend microphone to her mouth as she approached the filly.

"Dinky, what is the state of the weather?" Pinkie held out the pretend microphone to the filly.

The unicorn turned back and everything clicked as a wide grin dawned her face. "Well, Pinkie Pie, we will have clear sky's all day- wait, what is this," Dinky held a hoof up to her ear. "Oh no, it seems it's RAINING KITTENS!" the filly faked a frown but giggled anyways.

"Oh no! What ever can we do?" Pinkie played along.

"We have to pet all of them," Dinky narrowed her eyes to the camera.

Derpy trotted in with a paper plate full of muffins and watched the two perform.

"But how? There is so many?" Pinkie fake fainted.

One of Derpy's eyes wondered to the couch and she tilted her head.

"We will have to build a machine," The filly puffed out her chest.

Derpy dropped the plate of muffins as she blushed. She began to hide her face as it turned completely red.

"M-Mom?" Dinky looked around Pinkie.

"I-I," Derpy trotted backwards until she bumped into a wall, the pegasus then turned away and ran out of the room.

"Mom!? Uh, Pinkie Pie turn off the camera!" Dinky began to chase after her mom with a worried expression.

"Okey Dokey!" Pinkie trotted to the view.



The view was of Dinky in her room just as before. The window was open and the lighting outside was growing more orange. Dinky looked down as her hooves couldn't stop fiddling.

"Hey, small update... Um, everything is okay with me and my mom. I just uh, didn't understand how uncomfortable the camera made her. Like I knew she was camera shy, I-I just..." the filly continued to fiddle as a hefty sigh came from her. "Not everyone likes to be recorded. I thought that everypony enjoyed it, just some were more shy then others.. I didn't know.." Dinky sniffed.

"My mom forgave me," Dinky grew a small smile. "But she told me to make sure that if I record somepony that they would be okay with it. Which of course I would make sure!" the filly looked at the camera with a very serious expression. "I don't want others to feel uncomfortable.." she continued her fiddle as she looked down again.

Dinky stopped her fiddling and just stared at the table, after a few seconds a tear began to form. She held a hoof up to her mouth and whispered to herself counting to ten while the tear ran down her fur. After she reached the final number, she rubbed the tear away and smiled at the camera.

"I guess I can't do a documentary on my mom so instead we will have to do one on second best pony! ME!" Dinky giggled. The filly opened one of the drawers of her table and pulled out a pair of pink glasses, she put it on with a smirk. "Dinky, what do you enjoy to do in your free time?" the unicorn took off the glasses and rotated herself slightly.

"Well I.." another tear began running down her face. "I.. I promised I would never hurt another pony, never again!" she began to cry, she put her hoof up to her mouth, she closed her eyes and whispered to herself counting from one to ten. She opened her eyes and looked at the camera, "I-It's not working," the filly sniffed as her eyes poured more tears.

The door opened swiftly and an extremely concerned Derpy rushed in, she picked up her daughter and hugged her tightly as the filly's tears continued to flow. "It's okay.. It's okay.. Shh, everything is gonna be okay.." Derpy rubbed Dinky's back, the pegasus reached over the view.



The view shook slightly, it showed Dinky looking up to the camera in the living room, the filly's eyes had dark bags under them but her smile pierced the stratosphere.

"D-Did I do it right?" a familiar voice came from behind the view.

"Yeah mom, its recording!" Dinky jumped.

"Today we will be doing a documentary on the best pony in the whole wide world!" said the voice behind the camera.

Dinky blushed but moved her hooves in excitement. "ASK ME A QUESTION, ASK ME A QUESTION!" the filly yelled.

"Hmm, did you enjoy the party tonight?" said the mare behind the camera with a small giggle.

"IT WAS AWESOME! But not as awesome as just hanging out with my mom!" the filly's smile grew. "NEXT QUESTION!" The filly yelled.

"Okay, okay. Um, what do you want the most right now?" the voice asked.

"A new fri-" Dinky brought a hoof up to her chin in thought. "For this moment to NEVER END!" the filly chuckled.

"Really, not even a cat?" the mare giggled.

"NEXT QUESTION!" the filly yelled.

"If you got a cat, what color would you want it to be?" the voice asked.

"WHITE!" Dinky yawned.

"Why white?" the mare tilted the camera but moved it back.

"BEEECAUSE!" the filly jumped.

"Because why?" the voice giggled.

"Because white cats are super cute!" the filly yawned again.

"Dinky, can you show us how a cat sleeps?" said the mare mischievously.

"Sure!" Dinky trotted in a circle and fell on her back with a loud thud, the view jerked as a grey hood came from behind the screen but paused as loud snoring came from the filly.

The view got set on the couch facing the cushions. minutes pass then suddenly a loud CLASH came from somewhere in the house and a few seconds later the view got turned to the rest of the living room. A grey mare sat on the floor with a frying pan as a hat, the mare blushed as she rubbed the back of her head with her hoof.

"Hello, I'm Derpy," the mare gave a genuine smirk.

"Sorry about my daughter, she can get a little loud when she gets tired. Oh, and don't worry about the noise, when she falls asleep she doesn't wake up," Derpy chuckled. "She is just the best, isn't she? I would give her the world if she asked for it," the mare blushed.

"Dinky.. I-I love you soo much.." Derpy began to cry as she hugged herself. "I know things are hard right now but we have to keep moving forward. Things will get better," the mare smiled wholeheartedly at the screen while her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. "I-It's okay to cry, I'll be there. I always will!"


(Ch 3) A New Dinky!

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The view shook quite a bit, the vision showed grass and leaves that littered the dirt ground but it was mostly focused on a fuzzy worm as it inched up a piece of grass. it appeared to be morning by the orange lighting.

"Welcome back to Dinky's Vlog!" a very familiar voice whispered loudly behind the view. "Isn't nature beautiful?" a filly's hoof came from behind the view and poked the worm.

The worm slowly turned its head and with a small delay shot something transparent above the view. The view was instantly pulled back and the sound of spitting started.

"IT GOT IN MY MOUTH!" said the voice with the spitting continuing. The view came around and showed a close up of Dinky's face with a expression of pure disgust. "Nature is no longer beautiful," the filly said with a polka dot tongue.



The view showed Dinky in her room as she smiled at the camera. The background no longer had any boxes as some more decorations were put up such as hanging lights, more cat posters, and a rug. There was a small drum set in the background with a seat behind it.

"I'm back," the filly smirked at the camera, her tongue was filled with the same polka dotted design as before. "My mom took me to the doctor and they told us I have a disease..." Dinky giggled slightly as she frowned. "It's called being AWESOME!" the filly chuckled.

"The doctor told us that it might mess with my voice in weird ways but that hasn't happened yet. I must be immune," Dinky shrugged with a smug expression.

"Anyways, school is tomorrow and I am super excited," Dinky grew a large grin. "I have a goal to be the bestest pony in class! I have a step-by-step plan, first is to destroy the introduction!" the filly smiled with confidence. "Miss Cheerilee will call the three of us into the class and I will be the last one of course. Each of them will give a pretty decent little speech, then BOOM! I will give the most epic speech known to the universe," Dinky had the smug energy oozing from her.

"After that I will be put in the back of the class next to the window but turns out the window next to me is always open and the wind will blow right in my mane, making me look awesome. Then Miss Cheerilee will say something like 'surprise exam' and the class will groan in pain, all except for one filly... ME! We all take the exam and guess who will get a perfect score... ME!"

After the lengthy explanation and throwing her hooves everywhere she smugly sat back in her seat and as she did the seat began to lean back as well. The filly quickly caught herself in the chair and managed to balance it, in a laugh she leaned back slightly and she fell to the floor. As a thud was heard the view shook and the filly stood up in pain, she picked up the chair as she whispered something under her breath. She sat back in her chair as she rubbed her head.

"Is everything alright my muffin?" came from the door that opened slightly.

"I'm okay mom," the filly answered in a defeated tone but she grew a small smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna go back to my paperwork," the mare said and the door closed.

"Um," Dinky scratched her cheek. "Right, school. I am really excited to meet my fellow classmates, I think it will be really fun and I hope that I get a friend," Dinky looked away from the view with a small but genuine smile.

"There is soo many things that I haven't done yet," the filly played with her hooves. "I haven't ever had a sleep over before, or been to another filly's party. I never had a secret hoofshake or a secret password. All the other fillies had something like that," Dinky gave a weak smile. "I just want a friend, a cat can do just fine," the filly retreated into her hooves.

After a short few seconds, the filly put down her hooves and gave the camera a small smile. "I'll get a friend by the end of the week, I have to! It's not going to be like last time," Dinky reached over the view.



"I found out that NIGHTMARE MOON TRIED TO SHROUD THE LAND IN DARKNESS!" Dinky overflowed with energy, she was in her room with the lights on and curtain closed. "Turns out that six mares representing something called the Elements of Harmary- sorry, Harmony, and they stopped the evil queen of darkness," the filly brought up a newspaper to the view.

The newspaper held a large image of six ponies from their return from the Everfree Forest, it also held other small images, one of Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna, a clown juggling on a ball, and a hoofdrawn picture of a robot destroying a town. Dinky laid the newspaper on her table as her eyes were filled with curiosity.

"I wonder if they went on a dangerous quest, I wonder what type of scary creatures they faced and friendship lessons they learned?" the filly smirked happily. "What if they laughed at some trees, and um, threw a rock at the um, the evil queen?" Dinky shrugged lightheartedly.

"I can't believe that I just found out about this. This is like history in the making, I mean it's not every day that six ponies have some sort of magical destiny and go on a quest," the high energy filly was fixated on the newspaper. "What if I have a magical destiny? I think going on adventures that could ruin the world if I fail would be pretty.. Fun?" Dinky looked up to the view. "It sounds a lot more fun when you don't think about it."

"That's it for the news," the filly sat the newspaper aside but still glanced at it frequently. "I can't wait for school tomorrow, I will be posting a vlog as soon as I get back, unless another filly invites me over. Wait, what if there is a big party for the new fillies? That would be so awesome! So I will be vlogging as soon as I get back tomorrow.. Unless it's a sleep over? What if it's an all week sleep over? Would I vlog there?" Dinky's mind was filled with chaos, she looked around sporadically. "What would mom say? MOM!"

After the filly's yell a sudden CLASH, CRASH, and BLAST came from the other room. Dinky turned away from her door and looked away with eyes of an innocent child. After a few moments the door was casually thrown open and a soaked Derpy with a pan that covered her entire head entered the room. "Dinky?" the mare asked in a slow voice.

The filly slowly turned back to the mare with puppy dog eyes. "Yes?" Dinky faked a smile.

"What did I ask you not to do?" Derpy asked slowly.

"Um, not to yell while you made dinner?" Dinky matched her mom's talking speed.

"Uh-huh," the mare said.

"Sorry.." Dinky apologized in a defeated tone.

"You gonna help clean up?" Derpy asked normally.

"Yeah.. After that I got a question," Dinky's energy began to restore.

"Let's hear it my little muffin," the mare said happily.

Dinky reached over the view. "Let's say that someone from school wanted to have a week long slee-"


(Ch 4) Worst Impression

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Dinky sat in her chair with a large smile but had bags underneath her eyes. It was very early in the morning as the dark orange glow came from the window.

“Hey everypony! Its officially school day today,” the filly was filled with joy. Dinky still had her polka dotted tongue. “I couldn’t sleep last night, I just kept on thinking about how today is going to go. I have everything planned out, there is nothing in Equestria that could stop me from making a friend today!” the tired filly had a smug smile.

“I have to go soon; we have to get there a little bit ear-”

The door opened and Derpy trotted inside, “Are you ready my little muffin?” Derpy smiled until noticing the camera. The mare blushed slightly as she backed into the hallway but not before bumping into the wall.

“Yeah, can you give me one second?” Dinky questioned happily.

“Mhm, be quick,” said Derpy as she closed the door.

“Sorry about that,” the filly smirked. “I’ll vlog as soon as I get back. Today is just going to be so exciting!” energy filled the filly as she couldn’t hold still. Dinky reached over the view.



The curtains were closed and the light was on. Dinky sat in her chair with a defeated frown, her fur underneath her eyes were damp. The filly seemed extremely exhausted as she made an attempt to smile at the view.

“Hi, I’m back from school,” Dinky said in a gravelly voice. “Today didn’t go too well, you probably already figured that out,” the filly looked away from the view.

“I, um, got to school and everything was going well. Mom dropped me off and I sat in the office for a little bit before another filly sat next to me. She was awesome, she was a unicorn like me but with white fur and cotton candy like hair. We talked a little bit and I wanted to ask if she liked music but I was too scared to.” Dinky smiled lightheartedly but it fell back to a frown without a fight.

“The other filly, she was an orange pegasus got there late so I didn’t talk to her. Then we um, we introduced ourselves to the class,” the filly quickly whipped away her tears. “So, I went first and um, I, yesterday I went to the doctor because of the worm and they said that it could do weird things with my voice. I couldn’t speak for like two hours,” Dinky buried her head in her hooves.

“They all laughed at me and I couldn’t say anything back! I think the two other fillies in the hallway laughed as well, why wouldn’t they? I made a fool out of myself; nobody will want to be my friend. It’s just like last time,” the filly hid within her hooves more and more with each word spoken.

“Why does it happen to me?” Dinky slowly lifted her head up as she began to cry.

“NOTHING EVER GOES RIGHT!” the filly slammed her hoof into the table, she was filled with regret as the sting of pain ran up her body. Dinky held her hoof close to her chest while she took her other hoof and held it high above her table preparing to slam it. She was filled with hate but she couldn’t bring herself to bring down the other hoof. The filly let out a hefty sigh as she held both of her hooves to her chest.

“S-Sorry,” Dinky looked away with a sullen expression. “Afterwards we took a test, it didn’t count towards our grade. I think it was so that Mrs. Cheerilee could see how smart we were,” the filly rubbed her hooves softly. “Then we went to recess and just like always I sat by myself,” Dinky’s expression changed to a mix of emotion in quick succession, the first was of anger, then was sadness and finally was defeat.

“The other kids kept looking at me as they whispered to each other but most of the kids talked to the other two new fillies. It’s like they were celebrities or something,” Dinky was overwhelmed with jealousy. “The new unicorn kept looking at me, I pretended not to notice but I DID!” the filly shook her head.

“When we came back inside the teacher taught a lesson but I didn’t care, I just wanted to go home. After the bell rang, I ran outside and my mom was there waiting for me. She asked me what happened but I just climbed her and told her to fly home,” Dinky let out another hefty sigh as some of her sadness left.

“Mom cooked me macaroni and cheese when we got home and we both cuddled into a blanket and watched some videos about cats,” Dinky looked down as she grew a genuine grin. “I don’t want to go to school anymore, I just want to stay home with mom.”

Dinky reached over the view.


(Ch 5) A Possible Friend?

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The view came on and showed a dark room with a small light emitting on Dinky's face. The small filly giggled as she picked up the view and shifted it to look at her pink covered laptop. A video played at a low volume of a cat dancing to music and rainbows. The video was poorly made as nothing synced properly. Dinky sat the view back where it was originally.

"Sorry I haven't uploaded in a few days," Dinky rubbed the back of her head as she whispered.

"That video is pretty awesome huh?" Dinky's childlike smile grew. "I would love to do videos like that but I can't possibly match these awesome videos," the filly played with her hooves.

"Oh! There is this new game, you play as a cat and its this awesome platformer! I would have to play it for a video," Dinky brought her hoof up to her mouth in thought. "How would I do that?" the filly questioned into her hoof before shaking her head.

"Sorry, sorry. Um, school is better now. I have been doing good in my classes, nopony still talks to me but at least they aren't staring anymore, well, except for Sweetie Belle. I don't know what she wants, its just awkward," the filly sighed softly.

"I hope she isn't in music class. Its for fillies and colts after class every week or so, it starts..." Dinky looked at her monitor out of view. "T-Today..." Dinky was filled with worry instantly.

"I-I have to go, I promise I will vlog tonight. Bye!" the filly scrambled, she reached over the view.



The tired filly had a small smirk as she looked into the view. The time seemed sometime in the afternoon.

"Hey, I'm back!" Dinky smiled lightheartedly. "I went to music class today, as it turns out, Sweetie Belle happened to be the only other student. She um, well it was pretty awkward for the whole class but afterwards we talked. She said she wanted to talk to me and of course I played it cool," Dinky struck a weird pose.

"S-Sup!" the filly said in a lower tone.

"I wanted to talk to you but you always leave school in such a hurry," Dinky said in a squeaker tone while rotating her body slightly.

"Yep, that's me alright!" the filly answered herself in a low tone while shifting back to a awkward pose.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you are okay. You don't seem like you would have made a scene without a reason," Dinky squeaked.

"Oh? That was just the magical curse that a wild beast put on me," the filly said slowly.

"W-Well if you need to talk to somepony then I'll listen," Dinky squeakily smiled.

"I-I think I may have gotten a friend today. I-I mean my mind raced and I didn't know what to say and like, I don't know, isn't that what friends do. They like, talk to other friends and like, listen? Like, did she just say that we were friends or am I just crazy, I don't know," the filly talked sporadically while darting around in her chair.

"Would she be my first friend? Or maybe mom is my first friend? If mom is my first friend then grandma would be the second first friend and Sweetie Belle would be my third first friend. Unless we are best friends? Wait, is mom my best friend?" Dinky began to question her reality.

"S-Sorry, I can worry about that later. But I think we will be the bestest of friends," the filly smiled widely.

"Anyways, I would like to thank everypony for all the awesome comments and likes on these Vlogs," Dinky began talking in a static way but seemed genuine.

"I would like to thank PonyCommander, OneCool7786, RippingNose42, Coffee Star, and Nighttime Reverie for each of your comments!" the filly read names from outside of view.

"So many views, everypony is so awesome! Oh, a new subscriber, um. Thank you ButtonGamer27 for subscribing to my Vlog!" Dinky smiled to the view.

"Oh! This girl in my class is having a cute-ceañera, her name was Diamond Tiara I think? I'm not sure, she invited the whole class and I think everypony is going to be there. I need to ask my mom if I can go, she did seem a little mean though," the filly questioned as she bounced her head from one side to another in thought. Her eyes shot open as a thought came.

"Did I talk about music class? Well, it was good. The teacher was an older stallion but he said he was going to find a replacement. He was a fine teacher though, he was really impressed with my drum skills and Sweetie belle's singing. I think we can take the world by storm, just two bestest friends!" Dinky giggled to herself as her imagination ran. After a small time she snapped out of it.

"Well, that's about it. Sorry about this video being all over the place and I will see everypony later!" Dinky waved with one hoof as the other went above the view.


(Ch 6) [CORRUPT]

View Online

The screen tore static. The audio blasted long stretches of overwhelming sound. Finally was silence as the video froze on a single frame, a fluffy small kitten on the screen of a bright pink laptop covered in stickers.

(Ch 7) Runaway Train

View Online


The view was shaky and made it difficult to see. Celestia's sun was a deep orange as it slowly closed over the horizon. The audio receiver picked up the snapping of twigs underhoof. Your view presented a countless amount of tall trees reaching to the sky, many rocks and sticks littered the ground. There were no landmarks, nothing of interest, only the woods.

"Welcome back everypony to my, um. My Vlog," a tired, gravely voice echoed behind the sight.

"Today we are joined by the outdoors and me of course," Dinky tried to laugh but the attempt quickly fizzled away. A short time passes as the view is brought deeper into the woods.

"So, I watched a lot of the um, survival shows. That's... I am doing that now," the movement stops and the view is brought to the sky leaking in through hundreds of leaves.




The scenery was the same but the daylight burned more and more dim. With that the luxury of sight becoming far more sparse.

"Hello everypony. Welcome back to Dinky's Vlog." A fake delighted tone said behind view and spoken as though practiced.

"I want to try to live... Like, the survival shows... GRAH!" Dinky let out an angered scream.



"Hello I am Dinky's Vlog and we, I mean." Dinky spoke quickly but tripped over her own tongue. The audio picked up an aggressive stomp into the dirt bellow.



"Welcome to um," sniff "D-Dinky's Vlog," the despair in her voice was apparent above all else. While the audio was working the video hardly showed anything in the darkness.

"WHY!?" She howled suddenly, her emotions getting the better of her. The sounds of birds scattering were picked up.

"Why?" she asked.

"I-I don't understand why this always happens," sniff "It never makes sense," despite the black void of the forest, Dinky continued moving through it.

"The world is evil and bad."



Finally the view was stationary. Dirt covered hooves turned on the vision before the pony connected to them retreated and sat a few feet away. You see the damp fur around her eyes, the bags of tiredness within the wet fur, and her tired pupils. She laid her back against a rusted metal sheet while a small light echoed from under the view.

Dinky was in thought as her pupils dragged against the ground. Her mouth remained mostly closed and she held her limbs around her barrel. Dinky seemed to come to a conclusion in her head and brought it to the view.

"Um, hello everypony. I-I'm safe, I'm in a train, thing. Like, where they hold stuff... I forgot a pillow and blanket. So, I'm going to sleep on the ground," she spoke with long pauses between thoughts. Dinky bit down on her bottom lip, still looking away.

"I don't really want to talk about Ponyville," she sighed.

"I-I... You guys probably think that I'm this really cool pony. Somepony who is awesome and great but... I'm just a loser. Nopony wants to be my friend and that will never change." Dinky physically cringed, her tired eyes filled with defeat.

"All I ever do is drive ponies away, even my dad doesn't want anything to do with me. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up with a cutie mark showing that nopony will evER BE AROUND ME ANYMORE!" Her shout echoed in the old train car as she retreaded within her hooves.

"I can't keep doing this anymore." Dinky held the hooves to her eyes as tears ran down them. She sat in this position for twenty minutes only opening her mouth to whimper. Finally she brought her head up and looked around, then her face dropped, she realized that no one was there to comfort her...