• Published 18th Jun 2022
  • 2,502 Views, 498 Comments

Brave New Pony World - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells' interdimensional business with Earth is expanding into new locations, and those require managers with knowledge of the existence of the magical nation of Equestria. How will these humans cope with the culture shock?

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Phil Martine emerged from the Security office at the Houston facility with Tyrone Harris and Michelle Van Dijk hot on his heels. He paused outside the currently unoccupied offices and turned to face the others.

“The equipment and layout in both of these two offices are exactly the same, although feel free to add personal touches. If you have a preference for which, let me know.”

“I’d prefer the one closest to the portal,” Michelle said.

Tyrone shrugged. “Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Michelle can have it.”

Phil nodded and gestured for them to enter Michelle’s new office. “Take a seat and start up the computer while I grab another chair.” He returned quickly and sat down between the two. Phil told Michelle the login as he handed a thumb drive to her. When the PC had booted up, the woman inserted the thumb drive and a new program auto-started.

“Use your SecureID Token to install that onto the PC. We’ll do the same for yours, Tyrone. That contains all the files and programs that you will need to run operations here. A VPN will ensure a secure connection to the Charlotte headquarters as well as the Los Angeles facility. If you leave your office for any reason, the PC must be locked without exception. Except for the security guards, all other staff members are local hires who have no knowledge of Equestria and are not authorized to access anything in that software.”

Phil leaned back in his chair and smiled. “And now that I have impressed upon you how seriously we take security, the interesting stuff begins. We chose you candidates not only for your managerial abilities, but also your thorough knowledge of our products. However, as you found out during yesterday’s tour of the factories, Harmonic Composites has several new products awaiting release. You’re going to review each of these until you are completely familiar with their specifications, production requirements, and rate of manufacture. When we announce these revolutionary new products, we expect that there will be a surge of interest quickly followed by orders. You are going to have to be ready for it all, as well as getting your team up to speed. So, let’s get to work.”

Aside from a coffee break, the three spent the entire morning engrossed in educating the managers in everything they needed to know about running the new branch. Then Phil glanced at the clock and said, “That will do for now. It’s almost time for lunch which we’ll have in Ponyville. Before that though, I want to re-introduce you to the Baltimare staff in your Equestrian forms so that they won’t be caught by surprise.”

“Hence why you wanted us to bring our robes,” Michelle said as she reached for her bag.

“Exactly. I’ll wait for you two in the Security Office while you change.”

Tyrone grinned. “I didn’t think that the first use of my new office would be as a changing room.”

It wasn’t long before a unicorn, an Abyssinian, and a hippogriff emerged into the Baltimare facility. Phil took them to the factory manager’s office where the main staff was brought in to make introductions.

Phil said to Precious Goods, “We’ll be meeting up with Rosa and the new Vanhoover branch managers for lunch, but we’ll be back afterward to put some of Tyrone and Michelle’s new knowledge to the test. I will need either yourself or one of the leading hooves to assist us then.”

“No problem, Mr. Martine,” she replied.

“Let’s go,” he told the cat woman and hippogriff. “I’m feeling a might peckish.”

The Security guard at the Ponyville portal did not let the group leave immediately. Instead, he pointed out a few parcels while ignoring the brief sounds of some commotion going on elsewhere in the facility. “The clothing that you dropped off earlier to be enchanted has just come back.”

“Great! That was quicker than I expected,” Phil said before turning to Michelle and Tyrone. “If you two would prefer, you could try out your outfits now before we head out.”

“I’m curious as hell,” Tyrone said, and Michelle agreed.

They transitioned to the Charlotte office where the two changed clothes before returning to Ponyville. Tyrone was immensely pleased that he retained the jacket as he had hoped. It not only fitted him perfectly, but it had also adapted to accommodate his wings. Michelle’s jacket and shirt were unchanged except for being reshaped to fit her feline form. Her slacks, however, stopped just below her knees and her shoes had disappeared.

“It seems bare paws are preferable in this form,” Michelle opined. “Still, I’m quite satisfied with the result.”

Just then, five more people arrived through a portal – first, two humans then, after a brief pause, a griffon, a unicorn mare, and a very bouncy earth pony mare.

Phil said, “Good timing, dear. I presume that this is Jolene?”

Rosa replied, “Yes, or should I say this is Joy Leap.”

The pink mare practically bounced up to the stallion. “This is so wonderful, Mr. Martine! You are Mr. Martine, aren’t you? You have his voice.”

“Yes, I am, Joy. I’m happy to see that you like your Equestrian form.”

“Oh, Ah couldn’t have asked for anything better! And are these Ms. Van Dijk and Mr. Harris?”

“Yes, we are,” Tyrone answered.

“You two look great!” she exclaimed. “Almost as good as me and my new marefriend.” She gave Jewel a hug and the unicorn blushed.

“Your clothes have been enchanted, Jewel,” Phil said, pointing a hoof at the remaining parcel. “If you want to slip back to Charlotte and put them on, we’ll wait for you.”

“OK,” she replied. Jewel narrowed her eyes and pointed her horn at the package. It glowed with a light green aura and the parcel shot away from her at high speed. Rosa deftly caught it with a wing and transferred the package into a waiting clawed hand.

“Oops. Looks like I'll need some practice.” Jewel gave a sheepish smile.

“And lessons, mi querida,” said the griffoness as she placed the parcel on the unicorn's back. Jewel carefully walked through the portal so as not to unbalance her load.

While everyone waited for her return, Rosa told Joy, “As you can see, the others have had their clothes adapted. If you bring in an outfit tomorrow, we’ll arrange to have them enchanted too.”

“Ah’ll do that. Not that Ah don’t love my natural pink coat, but Ah do need to look business-lahk while on the job.”

Before long, Jewel returned. Not much of the human’s clothing remained, and what was left had been changed beyond recognition. The mare wore a high-collared silk jacket with pearl buttons and an intricate pattern stitched in silver thread. Although it still fit the description of business casual, it nevertheless accentuated her beauty.

Michelle rolled her eyes. “A fashion model even when she dresses for work!”

“Well, Ah think she looks mighty fine,” Joy said firmly. “Now, aren’t we supposed to be heading out for lunch? Ah’m hungry even if you aren’t.”

“Sounds good,” Caleb said. “Willow will be joining Vicky and me at The Fig Tree.”

“Then let’s get going,” Phil said. “Mustn’t keep your wife waiting.”

Joy’s eyebrows rose. “Wife? Ain’t Vicky your wife?”

“I’ll explain along the way,” Caleb replied.

A small frown grew on the pink mare’s face as they exited the factory and walked toward town.

“Ah see how that’s a necessity for ponies, but ah have to say that it makes me uncomfortable for a human to do the same. It don’t sit right with me. And Ah sure don’t understand why you’re fine with this, Vicky.”

The woman sighed. “I’m not from Earth, Joy. This is normal for me.”

Joy shook her head. “Even so, you’re a human, not a pony.”

Vicky glanced at Caleb and they both gave Rosa and Phil a questioning look.

“Oh, go ahead,” Rosa said. “It would have to be revealed sooner or later. We didn’t intend for it to be secret forever.”

Vicky nodded and green magic flames briefly engulfed her form. The four trainee managers all gasped in shock, then stared at the anthro mare that had replaced the woman.

“As you can see, Joy, I’m not human. I’m a changeling who bonded with Caleb. While Willow is Caleb’s heart-mate, I am his soul-mate. We belong as a threesome.”

Tyrone gave Caleb a hard look. “What about you? Are you pretending to be human too?”

Caleb replied, “Born and bred in America and as human as you are, I assure you.”

Joy had been stunned but she shook herself and her smile returned. “Well, if that don’t beat all. Seems Ah have a lot to learn still. You look mighty fine like that, Vicky.”

“Thanks, Joy. And I’m Butterfly Sky – Sky for short. Vicky is my human persona.”

The pink mare grinned. “Seems only fair that you get a second identity like us, Sky. Tell me a bit more about you ’n Caleb and your wife.”

The group continued into town while Caleb and Sky talked with Joy about their marriage. Tyrone, Michelle, and Jewel learned a lot about changelings as well. There were the normal greetings from passing ponies and other beings, some meeting the visitors for the second time. Rosa flew ahead to reserve a table as she had the previous day, and they found her waiting with Willow. Joy watched with a neutral expression on her face as Caleb and Sky greeted the earth pony with a hug before they entered The Fig Tree. She could see how much they meant to each other, but she had yet to fully reconcile the human’s relationship with her own beliefs. She took a deep breath and replaced her smile before following the others inside.

“Well, Sky, Willow, and I have to part ways with you all now,” Caleb said as they left the restaurant after a pleasant meal. “We must make our final preparations for our holiday trip which begins this afternoon when we take the train south. It’s been a pleasure meeting you all and I hope to see you again in the not-too-distant future. It’s nice to have some more human company for a change.”

Everyone made their farewells but Sky drew Joy aside for a moment.

“I have never met anyone who has been so happy at their species change. It suits you. However, Jewel is still coming to terms with the fact that she becomes a mare. Do you think you could keep an eye on her and help her when needed?”

Joy nodded. “Ah figured she’d need a woman to guide her. Don’t worry none – she’s in good hands… or hooves.”

“Thank you. And, Joy, there’s more to being a pony than four legs and a tail. Please take guidance from those who were born that way.” Sky then joined her mates and they waved goodbye as they headed home.

Phil said, “Okay, it’s back to Baltimare for Tyrone, Michelle, and me. Lots more to do before the end of the day.”

Rosa put a wing around her two charges. “It’s only fair to give Joy a chance to have a look around Ponyville before we get back to work.”

“Sounds good. I’ll catch you later, love.” Phil kissed his wife on the cheek and then departed with his trainees.

“And we’ll go thisaway,” Rosa said, giving Joy and Jewel a gentle push.

The two pink mares stared at each other, grins growing hugely on their faces.


Citizens across Ponyville heard the sound and gulped.

Somewhere in otherspace, a draconequus rubbed his mismatched hands in glee.

Michelle and Tyrone were going over the production details of one of the new product lines when the hippogriff’s cell phone started ringing. He reached inside his jacket to take it out of the inner pocket.

“Pardon me,” he said before turning his attention to the call. “Hi, dear. What’s up?” He listened for a few moments. “Uh, huh. … Yep. … OK. … No problem, hon. Love you.” He turned the phone off and tucked it away before returning his attention to the others. “Sorry about that. Makena wants me to pick up a couple of things from the supermarket on the way home. I wonder what she would think about the market produce here.” Then he stopped and blinked. “Here in Equestria. How the hell did I just get a phone call from another world?”

Phil laughed out loud at the face that Tyrone had made. “Same way we are connected to the internet. We have a mini-portal to Earth set up purely for a data connection. The factory has a microcell to relay phone calls.”

Michelle took out her phone and looked at the display. “Five bars. Can’t complain about that.” She put it back in her pocket. “Okay – where were we?”

“No, that’s enough for today,” Phil said. “Tomorrow, you two are supposed to be flying from Charlotte to Houston, so you need to put in the appearance of doing so.”

“Not a problem,” Michelle said. “I made my goodbyes to my girlfriend a couple of nights ago. At least, now I know why you were so cagey about the flights. We’re not even going to see the airport, are we?”

“Nope,” Phil agreed.

Tyrone said, “Good thing you told us that you would be shuttling us to the airport along with some equipment for the new office. Makena wanted to drive me there so that she and the kids could say goodbye. After all, they don’t expect to see me again for a few weeks while I settle into the job. Can’t start selling the house before we’re sure the move is permanent.”

“Don’t worry, Tyrone. We may have made a mistake with Shariq, but we’re certain you’re up to the task. At least, you don’t need to worry about accommodation as we’ve got that all sorted for you.”

“Ironic that I’ll actually only be a couple of portals and a normal commute away.”

Phil nodded. “Yeah. When we can finally reveal the existence of that magical technology, we’re going to change the world.”

The next day, Jules sat in front of his computer monitor in his Los Angeles office. He stared at the photo taken of him as Jewel in her transformed jacket that Rosa had forwarded to him. That mare was so different from him and yet every new aspect fitted as if it had always belonged. As a mare, she was uncertain but happy. As a man, he could only wonder what it all meant. His world was changing so fast and he didn’t know whether to be excited or terrified.

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Author's Note:

Cool pic by RatedPonystar.