• Published 18th Jun 2022
  • 2,503 Views, 498 Comments

Brave New Pony World - Goldfur

Prince Mark Wells' interdimensional business with Earth is expanding into new locations, and those require managers with knowledge of the existence of the magical nation of Equestria. How will these humans cope with the culture shock?

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“A pleasure chattin’ with you today, Gareth. Tell your wife Ah said hello and Ah look forward to seein’ y’all next week. Have a lovely day!” Jolene listened to Gareth’s response before hanging up with a pleased smile. She updated the computer with the sale she had just made. When the email confirmation came in, she passed on the details to the secretary to process the invoice before forwarding it to the shipping department. The woman leaned back in her chair with a satisfied sigh.

“That ought to make mah figures for this week look mighty fine.” Jolene glanced at the clock and noticed that it was getting close to quitting time. She decided that she had more than met her daily goals and she could afford to put further sales tasks off until tomorrow. Just then, the secretary passed by the open office door on the way to the tea room.

“Imani, hon!” Jolene called out. “Do you know if Jules is busy?”

The African-American woman backtracked and looked into her boss’s office. “Mr. Petit said he could be reached in the secure area, Ms. Harris.”

“Thanks, Imani. And it’s Jolene, remember?”

“Not while I’m on the clock,” the woman replied cheerfully as she continued down the hall.

Jolene chuckled. She would wear her down eventually. She shut down her computer before exiting her office. “Ah’m done for the day and Ah’m goin’ to join Jules. Take a message if anyone asks for me,” she called down the corridor.

“No problem!” the reply came back.

Jolene went to the Security Office with full confidence in their secretary/receptionist. In the past several weeks, Imani Williams had proved herself to be exceptionally competent at her job and they were grateful to the Martines for placing her with them. Jolene only regretted that Equestria needed to remain a mystery to the woman, although she hoped that she could persuade Rosa to include Imani in their confidence soon.

The Security Guard admitted her to the office and, after the required I.D. check, allowed her access to the portal. Moments later, Joy Leap trotted out into the Vanhoover facility. She made her way to the balcony that overlooked the factory and reared up to place her forelegs on the railing. Looking around, she soon spotted Jewel talking to a few of the workers there. Joy smiled, pleased with the growth that her co-worker had made in the month and a half they had been assigned here.

Joy readily admitted that Jewel had unparalleled product knowledge and she was always looking for the best outcome for their customers. While Jolene was the better salesperson, her coworker invariably had very satisfied customers who came back with more orders. If their clients had technical questions, Jules was always happy to clarify details with them and suggest alternative solutions if necessary. Ostensibly, these jobs were supposed to be roughly equally shared, but the two had fallen into the roles that played to their strengths and neither was inclined to change their current arrangement.

However, not content with all that, Jewel frequently met with the factory staff to discuss production schedules or brainstorm new processes. While the workers had been wary of the unicorn’s interference at first, they soon realized that she knew what she was talking about and her ideas were both practical and beneficial. Nowadays, they were all more than happy to listen to what Jewel had to say and the unicorn had bloomed in a way that her human self had never been able to back in Charlotte. Her confidence had grown along with her sociability. Jolene was finding it easier to get Jules to join in conversations with the neighbors back at their apartments, but here in Equestria, she always had an attentive audience and friends to chat with. As sounds of laughter drifted to her from the group, Joy decided to head downstairs.

When the pink earth pony mare approached the others, she said, “Okay, back to work, you slackers!” Her expression belied her words though and most of those gathered merely smiled, nodded, and went back to their stations. Joy mock-frowned at Fast Mover. “And you – you’re goin’ to make Jewel and me late for our dinner date.”

The unicorn stallion shrugged. “Considering that it’s with my herd, it’s a bit hard to be late.”

“Now, you know that it takes us mares a mite longer to prepare than you stallions. Run along and get your schedule done for tomorra so you can accompany us fillies when we’re ready.”

“Yes, boss!” Mover replied with a grin. She might not really be his boss, but he knew when not to argue with a mare.

Jewel giggled and trotted along with Joy as she headed back to the office. “Would you believe that Mover was already trying to get me to wrap up and prepare for this evening?”

“Fast Mover is a good stallion and has this factory runnin’ as slick as a greased pig. He knows when it’s time to work and when it’s time to relax. We’ve done good this week, girl, and we’ve both earned a night out.”

“You say it like that’s something unusual but we’ve been having dinner with Mover’s herd at least twice a week,” Jewel commented.

“An’ each time, it’s been special, ain’t it?” Joy said with a pointed look.

The unicorn smiled fondly. “Yes. Yes, it has.”

The two made their way back to the Los Angeles facility where they finished up everything for the day, said good night to Imani, then headed back to their Equestrian office. There, they changed into their nice clothes and helped each other primp a little to look their best. Then, they joined Fast Mover and the three of them strolled to his home, chatting about their day.

As soon as Jewel stepped inside Mover’s house, she was besieged by two foals.

“Auntie Jewel! Come see what we’ve built!” Flying Sparks exclaimed, grabbing her by a hoof and practically dragging her away.

“A-n-n-n-d we’ve lost her. In record time too,” Mover said.

Joy snickered. “Considerin’ how quickly she became an honorary aunt, you know that those two rascals of yours have prior claim on her.”

Golden Touch met them just then. “Hmmph! I didn’t even get a chance to give Jewel a welcoming hug.” It didn’t stop her from giving one to Joy before doing the same to her husband and adding a kiss.

“You know our foals look forward to seeing their Aunt Jewel, hon,” Mover said. “You just have to be quicker than them next time.”

“I was distracted getting a drink for Breezy at the critical moment,” Golden replied with a wry smile.

“How’s she doin’?” Joy asked. “The foal’s due soon, ain’t she?”

“In a couple of days. But Breezy’s fine – she just needs to take it easy and keep off her hooves until then. But don’t you dare think that we shouldn’t be having this dinner date! Breezy would clip my ears if I dared suggest that we put it off. She loves these nights almost as much as the foals.”

“Then best we’d not keep her waitin’!” the pink mare said.

The three of them walked into the living room where they found Subtle Breeze lounging on the sofa while the two fillies and the fashion-model mare were discussing their latest project in one corner. Joy blinked and scratched her head. Jewel gave the colorful magnetic tiles to the foals a few weeks ago. How exactly did the two manage to create a cantilevered span with them? She was certain that wasn’t a capability the building toy was supposed to have.

Breezy insisted on getting up to give the visitors a welcoming hug and Goldie took the opportunity to waylay Jewel long enough to give her one as well.

As was their usual routine, they conversed until dinner was ready. However, although Breezy joined them at the table, her appetite was off and she picked at her meal.

“Would you rather have an early night, love?” Mover asked.

Breezy shook her head. “No, but I think I’ll go back to the sofa for now. Could you bring me my drink though?”

She got off her chair and started heading for the living room. Then she paused and grunted. A splash was heard and there was a puddle on the floor around her hind legs.

“Oh, Sweet Celestia! My water just broke!”

“What?!” exclaimed Mover. “You’re not due to deliver for a few days yet!”

“Tell that to the foal!” Breezy snapped back as a contraction hit.

Golden Touch became all business. “Mover! Go fetch the midwife! Breezy – head for the bedroom. Joy – please help me get Breezy comfortable and prepare her for the birth. Jewel – please keep the foals occupied.”

No one argued and each set about their task. Fast Mover lived up to his name and practically shot out of the house. Goldie showed her preparedness by having all the requisite materials on hand. She and Joy stripped the bed and laid down a waterproof sheet before putting some old linen sheets over it. Breezy was propped up with several pillows and made comfortable.

“Is there anythin’ else Ah can do for you?” Joy asked.

“Not right now,” Goldie replied.

“Yes, there is,” Breezy contradicted. “I’m not missing out on our conversation just because I’m having a foal!”

So, between contractions, Joy chatted with the two herdmares as if it was just another evening’s social event. Joy swapped out with Jewel when the expectant mother insisted on talking about her week too. Only when Mover returned with the midwife in tow did the conversation get interrupted.

After a few minutes, Sure Hooves, the midwife declared, “The foal is in a hurry to be born, judging by the time between contractions. Anypony who doesn’t need to be here might wish to leave.”

Joy looked at Golden Touch. “Maybe we should go now.”

“That’s between you and Breezy,” Goldie replied. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re practically family too.”

Jewel said, “I… I’d like to stay… if that’s okay?”

Breezy reached out to the elegant mare. “You’ve never experienced this, have you?”

Jewel shook her head. “We do things a lot different back home.”

“I think you – nngg – I think you need to see this. Please stay.”

“I’ll watch the foals to free up Mover,” Joy declared.

“Thanks, Joy. That would be a great help,” Goldie replied before returning her attention to Subtle Breeze.

As labor progressed, talk devolved into distractions and encouragement until Sure Hooves declared that it was time to make the final push. Jewel watched the process in fascination. Everyone else in the room had been through this before, but to the mare from Earth, it had been something that only ever happened to others and her knowledge of childbirth was purely clinical and meager at best. Still, even though it was far from a comfortable process for Subtle Breeze, it was nevertheless a wondrous and beautiful thing. The mare and her stallion had created a new life and it was now being brought into the world to be shared with love and joy with its family. Tears leaked from Jewel’s eyes as the foal slid free from the warmth and security of its mother’s womb. The healthy cries of the foal announced its displeasure, but they brought smiles of happiness to its parents.

“You have a filly,” Sure Hooves announced.

It wasn’t a surprising result considering the normal ratio of female to male births, but the parents were overjoyed at the news. Golden Touch took the foal to clean her up while Sure Hooves dealt with the afterbirth and ensured that Breezy had not suffered any complications due to the delivery. With all that satisfactorily done, the new mother was given her infant pegasus filly wrapped in a foal blanket. Breezy was tired from her labor but she was filled with fresh energy when she gazed into the golden eyes of her child. The blue-coated foal blinked back and burbled a bit and everyone chuckled.

After a while, Breezy passed the foal to her sire who gazed at her proudly and gently tousled her short white mane.

Joy poked her head into the room. “Can the varmints come in now?” The two foals scampered past before anyone could answer, demanding to see the new family member.

Mover laid down on the floor to allow Flying Sparks and Graceful Spire to have a good look at their new sister.

The fillies stopped chattering and stared with sparkling eyes.

Flying Sparks gasped. “She looks just like me!”

Graceful Spire frowned and turned to her sister. “No way! Much more like me! She’s too cute to look like you!”

“You’re wrong! … except about the cute part.”

After a suitable amount of time of the two admiring and arguing, Golden Touch chased them off to their rooms as it was well past their bedtime.

Fast Mover was about to pass the foal back to Breezy when the new mother looked at Jewel and said, “Perhaps you would like to hold her for a while? She should get to know her Aunty too.”

Jewel’s eyes opened wide and she gaped. “Are… are you sure? I’ve never held a baby before.”

“It’ll be okay, Jewel,” Breezy replied.

With a reassuring smile, Mover held out the foal. Not trusting her unicorn magic, Jewel accepted the infant with slow and deliberate movements. Soon, she had the foal nestled in the crook of her foreleg. The filly had fallen asleep but it looked like a little equine angel to Jewel. “She’s beautiful and perfect.” She pushed a little curl of mane from her face. She smiled as tears of happiness welled in her eyes. “I… I wish I had a child of my own.”

A glow started to fill the room and the startled occupants gaped at the source. Even with all eyes on her, Jewel was nevertheless distracted by an indescribable feeling that was engulfing her. She felt herself lifting from the floor as Mover gently took the foal from her grasp. Jewel rose until she nearly reached the ceiling where the strange feeling climaxed with a mixture of fulfillment and self-realization. Then she drifted back down to the floor where she panted a little.

“What the heck was that all about?” Jewel demanded.

“Look at your flank, dear,” Golden Touch said with a kind smile.

Jewel craned her neck around to see something on her hindquarters that had not been there before.

“I have a cutie mark?!” Jewel exclaimed. “What does this mean?”

Golden Touch replied, “If I were to interpret it, I’d say that your special talent is being a mother.”

“But… but I know nothing about being a mother! I’m not even female back on Earth! How can that be my special talent?”

Breezy had reclaimed her foal and gazed lovingly at her as she spoke to Jewel. “Being a mother is more than just biology. It’s an attitude, a desire – the rest you learn. Do you think I knew all about being a mother before I had Flying Sparks? Every mother has a lot to learn when we first decide to bring a new life into the world, but it would seem that you have a head start. Don’t let this revelation upset you – we all had to learn exactly what our cutie marks mean to us.”

“If it helps,” Goldie said, “Mover, Breezy, and I all saw this in you whenever you interacted with our children. We think that you will be a wonderful mother when that day comes.”

Jewel looked off into space as she took all of this in. It was a lot – life-changing, even.

Joy spoke up. “Ah think it’s time that I took Jewel home. She has much to think about an’ y’all have a new foal to deal with. It's been a…” She winked while poking Jewel’s cutie mark with a hoof. “… magical evenin', folks. Ah was glad to be part of it, but it’s best we get goin’.”

Breezy said, “Thanks for being here tonight, Joy. Your presence was a bigger help than you might know.”

“Yes, thank you and goodnight to both of you,” Goldie added.

Joy put a foreleg over Jewel’s withers and gently urged her out of the room.

Mover accompanied them to the front door where he gave them both a parting hug. “Sleep well, ladies.”

The two mares traveled in introspective silence back to the factory where the Security Guard bid them ‘Good Evening’ before they passed through the portal to Los Angeles.

“What the…?!”

Jolene had gone through first, but she turned at the exclamation. Her eyes widened and met Jules’. “Ah think Ah’d better call the boss.”

Jules nodded fervently in agreement.

Rosa Martine had been annoyed at getting a phone call so late in the evening, but that soon turned to surprise when she learned why Jolene had called. She hung up the phone and yelled, “Phillipe! I’m going to the Los Angeles facility. Algo ha pasado.”

“Why? What could have happened at this hour?”

When Rosa told him, he declared that he was coming too.

Minutes later, they stepped into Jolene’s office where two women were sitting. One was Jolene, but while the other looked familiar, it wasn’t the man who normally worked there. Instead, a light-skinned woman gazed back uncertainly.

“Jules?” Rosa asked the strange woman who nodded in confirmation.

“Yeah, it’s me.” She got up and spun around, long blonde hair flowing behind her. “When we returned from Equestria, I emerged from the portal as a woman.”

“Did you go back and try again?” Phil asked.

“Of course. Same result. I’m now a female human. Believe me – I checked.” She opened her jacket to reveal a full bust that the blouse did not hide. “Even my clothes transformed into a feminine cut.”

“Did something happen while you were in Equestria that could have caused this?” Rosa asked.

Jolene snorted. “Yep, you could say that.”

Jolene and Jules told the Martines about their evening and its climax. They all went back into Equestria to see Jewel’s cutie mark and came to the same conclusion as Mover’s herd. Returning to the Los Angeles office, Jules remained a woman. They made coffee in the break room and sat at the table.

Phil said, “Well, this is certainly going to cause some complications, both for you and the business. The adaptation spell seems to have decided that your optimal form on Earth is that of a woman.”

Jules said, “I thought it was supposed to just revert us to our normal human forms?”

Rosa spread her hands and shrugged. “So did we. Nothing like this has happened before.”

“Then what are we going to do about this situation?” Jules asked.

Jolene replied, “First of all, hon, we’re goin’ to have to get you a bra. Your transformation didn’t give you any support garments, and darlin’, you’re sure to need one!”

Jules looked at her aghast. “Do I have to?”

Rosa said, “If you are going to keep living here on Earth, you’re going to have to learn all about being una mujer if this change is permanent.”

“What about my job though? Jules the man can’t simply disappear and have a supermodel replace him!”

Even though Jules’ looks had been recognizable although femininized, her new body was the human equivalent of her Equestrian one. She was gorgeous and she carried herself with an unconscious grace. In no way would she be overlooked or mistaken for her former male self. Her voice had also risen an octave and had a completely different vocal timbre that matched her appearance.

“We’re going to have to think about that one for a bit,” Phil replied. “We’ll make inquiries with Prince Mark and see if he can find out anything. Meanwhile, you'll have to work out of Equestria if you don’t want to stay on Earth as a woman.”

Jolene said, “There’s one thing none of you have asked yet. Jules – Ah know that you are completely comfortable as a mare in Equestria, but there were no preconceptions for you to live up to. Here, you have all your co-workers, your business contacts, an’ even your neighbors. You’re right worried about them, but set it all aside for the moment and ask yourself this – do Ah feel like myself? Is this body wrong for me?”

Jules blinked. “Everything’s happened so fast, I really haven’t thought about it that way. I… I… need to check something.” She headed for the rest room and Jolene hastened to follow. The transformed woman looked at herself critically in the large mirror. She removed her jacket and turned around, checking herself out thoroughly. Then she closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and took stock of her emotions. When she opened them again, she smiled at Jolene who had been silently watching her friend.

“I’ve always been a little self-conscious about my looks, but that’s changed. I like what I see and feel. It’s both wonderful and frightening. However, I’ll have to learn what it is to be me all over again.”

Jolene shook her head. “No, hon, I think you already know most of it. That’s why you got your cutie mark an’ you became a woman here. Sure, you’ve got lots of trivial details to learn, but you already know you who y’all are. You just need to acknowledge it.”

Jules beamed. “You’re right! I am the true me for the first time in my life. You’ll help me with what I don’t know, won’t you?”

“Darlin’, it would be mah pleasure!”

“Then say hello to Jewel Petit. Thank you, Jolene.” She hugged her friend.

“Call me Joy, Jewel. Let’s go tell the bosses the news.”

Mark was bemused by the message that he received the moment that he had stepped out of his quarters that morning. When Twilight Sparkle joined them at the breakfast table, he let her get some coffee into her before he brought up the subject.

“Hey, Sparkles, you know that improved adaptation spell that you designed for the portals? It’s intended to transform people into their ideal Equestrian form based on their true nature, right?”

“Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but yes, that’s essentially how it works,” Twilight replied.

“So, when people go back to Earth, the spell is just canceled?”

“Sweet Celestia, no! How could you undo a transformation just by canceling the magic? No, the adaptation spell activates again, but because their true nature comes from their original form, that’s what they always revert to.”

Mark nodded and sipped some of his coffee before continuing. “Jules Petit became a woman when she returned to Earth last night.”

Twilight’s eyes widened and coffee shot out of her nose. After a few coughs to clear her nasal passages, she got off her chair and bolted from the room.

Mark felt a hoof on his withers. As always, he had not sensed the owner’s approach.

“Well done, my apprentice. Your timing is indeed improving.”

“Thank you, my Jedi Master,” he snarked. That earned him a nip on his ear from Penumbra before she returned to her spot at the back of the room.

As Trixie buttered a slice of toast, she said, “Our co-ruler won’t be back. You are going to take Twilight Sparkle’s Day Court session, Tanbark Smells.”

Mark sighed. He had to admit that he had walked right into that. He’d have to go rescue Jewel from the purple alicorn later. At least it would give him a chance to meet his “new” employee.

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Author's Note:

You get this chapter so soon because I accidentally worked on it before Tyrone's chapter. It was basically ready to go already!

Jewel's cutie mark was reworked from a human-based one that I found on the internet. I think it looks good on her, don't you?