• Published 17th Jun 2022
  • 390 Views, 2 Comments

Of Diamonds and Pipsqueaks - themetavoorhes

After constant harassment from Lee Kanker, and rejection from Nazz, Eddy has finally found someone he's fallen in love with. Too bad Rarity Who came to town cause her parents thought Canterlot was too dangerous doesn't seem so receptive.

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two sides of a meeting

Eddy’s Pov

" So what?” Eddy asked listlessly when Double Dee informed them about the seating chart separating them. Eddy understood that double Dee and Ed where upset and he wasn’t exactly thrilled about it in all honesty, but Eddy simply didn’t Care enough to do anything about it.

" Well I kinda expected you to be slightly more upset.” Double Dee said

Eddy shrugged his shoulders " Eh can’t you just sign some form or something?” Eddy asked

" Well yes but it would take 4 weeks for it to be approved.” Double Dee said

“Fine do that and we’ll just deal with being separated for a bit” Eddy said

“But Eddy!” Ed said

" I don’t want to hear it lumpy. Any scheme we could come up with would somehow make it worse because it always does. " Eddy said

" Awe poor whittle Eddy is all sad isn’t that cute?” A grating voice said making Eddy roll his eyes in irritation. He turned to glare at the voices owner and saw it was none other the bane of his existence The Kanker Sisters led by their leader Lee Kanker. She stood before the trio with an unnecessarily arrogant smirk that said she believed she would win, She had long held a deep obsessive interest in Eddy same as her two sisters held in the other two Eds, Her sisters who currently flanked her with matching grins. Eddy used to be scared of her but as time went on he realized the Kankers weren’t worth it.

Ever since they moved here 2 years ago the Kankers had terrorized the trio simply cause they found them cute and assumed they would fall in love with them instantly. Problem being They had nothing positive to find appealing about them.

Lee Was tall with her eyes covered by a giant mass of orange curled hairs, her smirking showcasing her vaguely yellowish rows of teeth only broken up by a single blue tooth. She wore a white tank top covered in red polka dots and blue jeans and black shoes. While not great to look at it was her temper sadism and generally cruelty that not even her sisters were safe from that sank any chance of Eddy’s interest

On her left was the second oldest and Double Dee’s stalker Marie. Eddy had to admit she was the closest to pretty out of the trio, Her blue shoulder length hair was somewhat more well maintained than her sisters and was done in a way to cover one eye giving her a more mysterious look, and in general she seemed to be the most hygienic of the trio. She was wearing a black tank top and while her shoes where the same as Lees her pants were a dark green. That being said despite her being the best looking Kanker she ruined it by being probably the most violent of the three and most defensive of Her status as Double Dee’s “Girlfriend” Resorting to violence on a whim.

And finally the least evil of the sisters May who was Eds Stalker. While not as outwardly malicious as the other two her childish devotion to her big sisters along with her own love of violence means shes still far from good. Her long dirty yellow hair,freckles and large buckteeth gave her a trashy look she wore bright red shorts and black shoes.

Eddy didn’t want to deal with any of them but knew they wouldn’t go away

" What Do you want Lee?” Eddy asked while Double Dee stood calmly but fearfully while Ed Shook in fear like he couldn’t just rip them apart had his mom not terrified him from ever defending himself.

" Heard that the brain dead jock worked ya over for asking out the bimbo. So maybe ya finally came to your senses and decided to admit we are soulmates?” Lee said in the vaguely threatening tone she always made her advances with earning a mere scoff. They were not soulmates in the Slightest, Eddy despised her and Lee simply enjoyed terrorizing him due to her unhealthy crush.

" How do you even know about that?” Eddy asked

Lee scoffed " That weird bald kid told us hoping wed spread the word to Blondie so she’d dump the jock. Between us i think he really wants hat boy to himself.” Lee answered to the mutual disgust of Eds and Kankers alike

" And ya didn’t pass it along?” Eddy said surprised knowing the Kankers love of causing trouble in the cul de sac would have them spread that around just to watch the chaos.

" So The bimbo dumps him and you get another chance to pretend like we aint gonna get together? Hell no” Lee said. Eddy glared at her for using this to make her move.

" Well we aint gonna get together Lee accept that! I’m tired of you not getting this We eds don’t like you! Physically you aren’t appealing and personality wise your worse i’m done playing this game so whatever you want not interested.” Eddy said.

" Oh really not even Switching home-rooms to be with your friends?” Lee said with smirk.

" Really?” Double Dee asked

" Don’t bother sock head. Its always some dumb scheme with them. Let me guess you make us say we are dating you three in front of everyone humiliating us in the process then you trick us into getting ourselves locked in a room with you and you kiss attack us even though we desperately scream for you to stop?” Eddy said the stunned looks on the girls faces was all the answer he needed.

" Thought so. Guys lets get to class” Eddy said as he and the Eds walked away. Lee yelled after him

" Act cocky all ya want dreamboat! But all three us have your homeroom so we’ll see how long this smugness last!” She shouts as Eddy ignored her

" Like i care Kanker witch.” Eddy said

" But Eddy We wont be in the same homeroom.” Ed said fearfully.

" Well don’t worry Ed we simply need to do the paperwork and it should solved in a month. Eddy that was impressive you completely shut the Kankers down.” Double Dee said

" I’m done with them. Well guys i guess we meet at lunch?” Eddy said. The other Eds reluctantly nodded and walked ( Ed more sadly) Before Eddy walked towards his homeroom and arrived just as the bell rang he sat down and saw all three of the Kankers slithering with smirks towards him fortunately none of them where allowed to next to him and forced to sit at least two chairs away from him and each other (Principals orders).

Unfortunately Kevin came in holding hands with Nazz wearing the mask of a loving boyfriend which slipped so he could smirk arrogantly at Eddy as he and Nazz took two of the seats behind filling him with rage. Johnny and Jimmy came in next sitting Sycophanticcally near Kevin with Jimmy in front of him and Johnny behind (probably so he could stare adoringly at his idol without being told off).

Two seats were left fortunately Sarah was in Double Dee’s home room so she wasn’t one of them. The last and nicest of Kevin’s friend came in a tall lanky blue haired farm boy with tanned skin and wearing a fez and brown wool was Rolf and being the only one who wasn’t part of the assault Eddy didn’t mind him taking the seat directly behind him.

Then Rarity walked Eddy saw her and he was shocked this girl was even more beautiful than Nazz and in addition she carried an air elegance and high society with her. Eddy looked away before she sat down right next to him so as not to do something stupid not noticing he began sweating and blushing. The girl didn’t react to his awkwardness till he glanced at her and she saw him

" Um Hello.” She said politely in a classy voice that made Eddy’s knees weak. Eddy was shocked and turned to her attempting a confident smirk.

" Um hey your a new girl huh?” Eddy asked holding out a sweat covered hand

The girl raised a brow " Yes i am. Rarity,pleased to meet you” Rarity said gingerly shaking his hand Eddy inwardly kicking himself for his inability to stop his body’s self soaking.

" Well if Nazzs description was accurate. You are Eddy correct?” She asked. Eddy’s smile left instantly

" Yeah ? What’d she tell you?” Eddy asked nervous at already losing a chance with this goddess.

" Oh nothing bad. She said you enjoy pranks and get rich quick schemes oh and recently you suffered some foul accident that left you stuck at home. Sorry about that” She said sympathetically.

Eddy let out a sigh of relief. Of course Nazz wouldn’t turn her against him.

" Yeah that's me and thanks .” Eddy said glad hes not instantly hated by someone

The twos first conversation was ended by the teachers arrival. Eddy couldn’t focus on this class all the way to bell ringing, he and Rarity stood up and she waved sweetly at him before leaving He waved back and held a lovesick smile through the rest of his classes and his thoughts where on her he didn't remember one thing the teachers said fortunately the first day was usually just intros to subjects even after Rarity left to a different class he couldn't focus . Eventually lunchtime came and Eddy hastily went to the cafeteria feeling way more cheerful then he did this morning.

Sure he just met her but he had a new crush one who wasn’t poisoned by shovel chin and big mouth, maybe he would have some tiny chance and if not he still liked having that chance. Ed and double Dee noticed his smile.

" Good day Eddy?” Double Dee glad to see a genuinely positive expression on his face.

" Yeah I think i just met The new girl of my dreams.” Eddy said

Double Dee raised an eyebrow thinking it was far more likely Eddy simply found a rebound crush. But who knows this could work out. Besides Double Dee for now was just glad Eddy wasn’t as sad.

Rarity’s Pov

Rarity had to admit so far Peach Creek was a pleasant surprise, It was a quaint humble little town, and while it was somewhat more dull Canterlot she did admit her mother was right that not worrying about magical nonsense was somewhat pleasant. She met Nazz’s friends and personally she found them a mixed bag.

Sarah and Jimmy seemed somewhat bratty and reminded her of the foul twerp Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon that terrorized her sister but they did seem loyal to their friends and she figured its not like Nazz spends alot of one on one time with them so she can probably put up with them in group settings.

Johnny seemed odd. His love of nature was fine but unlike Fluttershy he took to strange levels like obsessively guarding his “Best Friend” Plank a board with a crudely drawn face and carrying it everywhere. That and he was constantly glaring at Nazz and Rarity assumed it was cause he was clearly interested in her boyfriend. Yes Rarity could tell, she held no judgement but felt he should probably find his own person to be interested and not hover around someone in a relationship.

Rolf was the nicest and was a strange mixture of Applejack and Pinkie Pie in personality he was a friendly boy and despite his more rural leanings he so far was her favorite of Nazzs friends

And that Brings them to Kevin. Rarity quite frankly had no clue why Nazz has any interest in him. Shes dated enough people like him to know the tell tale signs of arrogance and fake kindness. He greatly reminded her of the bratty Trixie if only she genuinely managed to convince everyone to fawn over her. His constant smirks, his habit of possessively putting his arm over Nazzs shoulder and the sense of joy from everyone praise of him made him completely unappealing to her in any facet. Add that with the less wholesome looks at her physique behind Nazzs back and she did not care for him. But she didn’t think he was dangerous so she let it slide and just ignored him. It wasn’t up to her to like Nazzs boyfriend for her.

Anyway Rarity met up with Nazzs group in the morning and they went into their homeroom. She noticed four new faces. Three girls, One with blue hair, one with blond hair and buck teeth and one with curly orange hair. Knowing her cousins stories these were The Kankers, three girls she was explicitly warned away from. Fortunately their was a vacant seat by somewhat short and sweaty boy. Rarity shrugged and took her seat. The boy was sweating profusely clearly nervous. Rarity was used to this from boys (and some girls.). Not to sound arrogant but she was well aware how appealing she was to those interested in women. She could guess this was Eddy a local prankster and wannabe millionaire. She caught him looking at her and decided to try being polite

" Um Hello.” She said politely causing the boys posture to straighten instantly . The boy looked surprised and turned to her with an incredibly nervous smile

" Um hey your a new girl huh?” He said holding out a sweat covered hand

Rarity raised a brow at his awkward behavior " Yes i am. Rarity pleased to meet you” Rarity said gingerly shaking his hand making a note to wash her hand later.

" Well if Nazzs description was accurate. You are Eddy correct?” She asked. The boy looked worried

" Yeah ? What’d she tell you?” Eddy asked in a somewhat scared tone.

" Oh nothing bad. She said you enjoy pranks and get rich quick schemes. oh and recently you suffered some foul accident that left you stuck at home. Sorry about that” She said genuinely sorry for any sort of pain he went through despite just meeting him.

Eddy let out a sigh of relief.

" Yeah that’s me and thanks.” Eddy said sounding somewhat glad to hear a kind statement.

The teacher arrived and she turned her attention to them she and Eddy didn’t talk but he seemed happier then when she sat down. The class ended and the students filtered out. She waved at Eddy and left. After her second class she unfortunately had her first encounter with The Kankers.

" Hey bimbo!’ A crass vaguely feminine voice said Rarity turned and saw the Kankers glaring at her. Being called Bimbo instantly angered her so she returned the glare.

" Excuse me?! That is not how you address someone you don’t know when they’ve done nothing to you!” Rarity said unthreatened.

" Oh you did something alright since your new here well tell ya right now. The Eds are ours and you try to take em and we take you down. Got it?” The one she assumed was Lee asked. They walked away before Rarity could respond and she rolled her eyes. She wasn’t scared of them after two demons The dazzling s and evil Forest monsters these three couldn’t even top juniper in meanness.

She forgot about them by lunch where she sat at Nazzs table With Rolf Johnny Kevin Sarah and Jimmy. She saw Eddy sitting with two boys she assumed where Ed and Double Dee.

" Hmm why does no one else sit there?” Rarity asked.

Nazz was gonna answer but Sarah’s loud voice cut her off. " Because no one wants to sit with fish face and his nimrods she said glaring at them. Rarity shot a disapproving look at the brat but ignored it

" They cant be that bad.” Rarity said.

" They’re not. Sarah’s just a jerk about them.” Nazz said earning a glare.

“Shes got a point babe. Rares trust me you don’t wanna befriend the Eds they cause nothing but trouble since they have been born.” Kevin said with finality.

" Yeah Kevin right your at the cool table anyway Rarity!” Johnny said happily desperate to get approval from Kevin. The group then dissolved into meaningless small talk (much of which involved fawning over Kevin and Nazz) But Rarity looked at the Eds. They didn’t seem bad and Twilight and Sunset would definitely try to befriend them. Rarity decided shed follow their example. She was gonna Befriend the Eds.

Thus our epic begins