• Published 17th Jun 2022
  • 390 Views, 2 Comments

Of Diamonds and Pipsqueaks - themetavoorhes

After constant harassment from Lee Kanker, and rejection from Nazz, Eddy has finally found someone he's fallen in love with. Too bad Rarity Who came to town cause her parents thought Canterlot was too dangerous doesn't seem so receptive.

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Chapter one

Opposites attract Is a common saying that people use in romance constantly; it’s usually applied to parings such as an athletic guy falling in love with an intelligent girl or a rebel from the wrong side of the tracks falling for a privileged woman who doesn’t seem to care for his low-class ways.

But this is a paring not just of opposites but of complete antithesis colliding together; a girl of elegance and grace with a heart of generosity meets a young man draped in Ill manners and a foul temper whose primary motivation is greed.

These two had no idea that their paths shall cross in each other’s lives with all the hardships and joys it entails. So we shall hear this tale set in the the humble cul de sac of Peach Creek, a quiet town for the most part except for the cul de sac itself. A somewhat chaotic part of the town

We start with the first major player in our drama. Eddy Sampson; He was a diminutive young man whose face was currently marred by an bored scowl, He was clad in a yellow and purple shirt blue pants red shoes and upon his head he was all but bald with three black hair spikes being the only thing keeping him from being completely hairless. While looks wise he was definitely not what most women would consider their type it was his personality that tended to test patience.

Eddy was not what one would call kind or generous, He was a man full of aggression and spite. His massive temper more then making up for lack of height, he was also manipulative, Crude and somewhat cowardly. But what truly ruined Eddy's life Was the insatiable bottomless Greed in his core.

Eddy was a man full of avaricious desire for wealth and ambition that drives him to scam and con his way through life even at the detriment of his reputation and health. Despite all this however over shadowed by his behavior and hunger for wealth was his hidden shining qualities A true care for his friends, Determination and a desire to protect his friends. But today was different.

Today Eddy simply didn't have the care to make a scam, for he was currently still nursing several injuries from what he called number 5 on his list of worst decisions. The other day Eddy finally got up the courage to ask out beauty queen of Peach Creek, Nazz Van Bartonshmir and to say it didn't go well was an understatement. It wasn't so much Nazz saying No as at the very least she was nice about it after all kindly informing Eddy of her recent Decision to actually start dating her longtime friend and Eddy's oldest rival Kevin. Eddy simply hid his disappointment and walked away but he didn't count on one thing.

Kevin's personal toadie and number one fan Johnny 2x4. The creep hid And listened and then immediately fled to his overlord Kevin and ratted him out. So later on as Eddy walked around Kevin,Johnny And his other two henchmen Wimpy little Jimmy And big mouthed brat Sarah cornered him and ganged up on him. Eddy received his worst beating from Kevin yet ( Though he's dealt with far worse from his stalker Lee Kanker and even worse from... him) Eddy fought back but he was outnumbered. Eventually Kevin ended his assault and simply told Eddy to " Never go near his girl again" before they walked off leaving him there.

Fortunately Eddy at least had the strength to walk home but still he decided to rest for a bit. He probably would have simply waited around for him to feel better but then he heard a knock at the door. Eddy walked over and opened and saw his best friends

. One was tall and yellow skinned with somewhat Unwashed and greasy red hair, and wore a red and white shirt with a green jacket over it, He also had blue pants and black shoes. This was Ed an oafish but imaginative young man with the strength of ten men.

Standing next to him was. A lanky man with a black eye and standing at average height he had a orange shirt and purple pants with black shoes. His most distinctive feature being a black beanie upon his head. This was Double Dee or Edd he was known as the single most intelligent person in peach creek though also the frailest and most insecure . But what he lacked in physical abilities and confidence he made up for in kindness and empathy.

The trio had been best friends their entire life. And where the towns most common troublemakers, But today was different. The other Ed's had become worried for Eddy after hearing what happened with Kevin. Eddy had never actually tried asking a girl out but Double Dee said he shouldn't risk angering Kevin by asking out the mutual crush of all peach creek. He knew she'd probably say no due to her feelings for Kevin but he didn't imagine Kevin's violent retaliation would be so brutal. To that end Double Dee threatened Kevin that he'd tell Nazz of his cruel actions only to be violently struck and told him should he tell Nazz he'd do worse to all three of them. So needless to say all Double Dee could do was make sure Eddy moved on from this.

" Hello Eddy how are you feeling?" Double Dee asked despite knowing how pitiful a question it was. A thought that only was proven by Eddy's glare

" What do you think sockhat? I've been attacked and the jerk who did it is lounging with the girl of my dreams." Eddy said bitterly

" Ooh I know! Let's use the el mongo stink bomb on Kevin then we win!" Ed said happily

" No we don't. Hell smell bad and get off Scott free as always and we'll get in trouble or humiliated. And Nazz still won't see through the whole big man on campus routine." Eddy said storming off

" Oh come now Eddy it's not up to you who Nazz dates." Double Dee said

" No it's not but it's up to me the give up." Eddy said

" Give up? You don't give up." Ed said

" Me and Nazz ain't gonna happen that has been proven. So let her date the jerk and I'm gonna move on." Eddy said

" That's... Suprisingly mature for you Eddy." Double Dee said suprised.

" Good. Maybe some day I'll believe it." Eddy said before sitting in his chair. " Can we talk later guys I'm tired." Eddy asked

Double Dee and Ed looked at one another and realized Eddy needed more time.

" Very well then but just remember Eddy Nazz isn't the only girl out there." Double Dee said before they left.

Eddy stared at the tv annoyed " No. but I doubt There's any better." Eddy said bitterly before passing out for a nap

New people tend not to show upin Peach Creek.This reason caused the monotony to be broken very quickly by the arrival of one recent visitor to the town. Sitting in the passenger seat Was a young woman with displeasure written on her fair face.

At first sight of her, you knew she was an exquisite beauty; She had a slender frame, and her skin was flawless and matched the snow in color; her eyes were sky blue, and though currently marred with irritation, they usually sparkled an expressive kindness within; Her hair which was a vibrant shade of purple and reached halfway down her back was diligently curled and styled perfectly. She has dressed in a light blue sweater with the sleeves rolled up and a purple skirt with the image of three diamonds etched into it; she had purple boots and golden bracelets on her wrist.

Her name was Rarity Belle, and she was on track for a school year she would not enjoy. After the summer break incident with Gaea Everfree, Her parents wanted her to have a “Nice typical year with no Demonic versions of her friends, Hate spreading music groups or psychotic Forest monsters.” So they made arrangements for her to spend the year with her cousin Nazz and her family.

Now While Rarity loves her relatives, she is still miffed by her parents decided to take her away from her friends and stick her in this nowhere town that Nazz kept saying was so dull compared to Canterlot in their webcam conversations. A school year of nothing to do in this tiny hamlet, far from her friends and family and All the shops, cinemas, and restaurants she enjoyed going to."Here we are" Her mother Cookies Crumbles said as The car passed the entrance sign into Peach creek . She turned to her daughter noticing her daughters disapproving scowl.

Cookie let out a deep sigh before addressing her daughter " Rarity I know this wasn't how you wanted to spend the school year but Canterlot High is just too dangerous lately and we just think you could use a normal year." Rarity glared at her mother.

" A normal school year? Mother how exactly am I to do that in a town I barely know? Rarity said angered

" Oh Rarity can't ya see magic monsters, Growing pony ears and forest witches aren't how a girl should spend her high school years? We didn't mind at first but then when made those diamonds appear out of nowhere we knew something had to be done." Cookie said sternly

"I know but i like The magic and it doesn't hurt anyone." Rarity said

" Until ya do it in front of a crowd of strangers and they don't find it cool." Cookie said vocalizing her biggest fear about the situation. She Kept having nightmare that outside of Canterlot folks would have a poor reaction when her daughter and friends " ponied up" as they called it and a new witch trial would begin. Next she her Daughter and her friends were being hunted like animals, dragged out of their homes as she and her husband Hondo Flanks were held back unable to help their screaming eldest and then watched as The girls were swarmed by the crowds. At first She dismissed her dreams but lately she's been hearing " Whispers" Amongst the town of some folks growing concerned about what has been going on in Canterlot. So Cookie and Hondo discussed it and despite their limited magical knowledge Maybe Rarity would lose it after time apart from her friends, do they called up Cookies sister and arranged for this school year to be spent in a nice quiet town ( What they assumed peach creek was anyway)

Any further conversation was cut off by them stopping at their relatives house where a young slender blonde girl about Rarity's age with her hair in a bobcut style was waiting. "Rarity! Aunt Cookie!" Nazz said waving as the two got out of the car. Cookie instantly embraced her niece, Rarity also hugged her.

" Nazzie! It's been too long how's your mom?" Cookie asked letting go of her.

" Oh she's fine. Real estate is keeping her busy. So Rarity ready to see Peach Creek?" Nazz asked. Rarity gave a polite smile and answered " Yes that would lovely but first would you mind helping me with my bags?"Rarity asked getting some of her bags.

" Sure!" Nazz said grabbing the rest. Once they had emptied the car of Rarity's items. Cookie spoke up

" Alright girls I must be going. Well call you in a few days Rarity! Goodbye!" The older women said getting in her car and driving away as the younger girls said goodbye to her watching her drive away leaving the two alone.

" So What do we do now?" Rarity asked

" Unfortunately not much to do here. One thing was going to the candy store but they got a knew employee there who's just not... a people person. " Nazz grimaced "Wanna just watch tv for a bit?" Nazz said, Rarity shrugged and Nazz went inside. Rarity took a look around the cul de sac and sighed before following her cousin . She had no idea how she’d spend this year, but the young woman doubted she’d have any excitement during this school year . She had no idea how wrong she’ll be.