• Published 14th Jun 2022
  • 410 Views, 16 Comments

Script - Chemtest

Twilight Sparkle is about to finish Starswirl’s unfinished spell. Rainbow Dash goes off script.

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It’s a cloudy day over the small village of Ponyville, puffy white clouds blocking the sun’s light and providing respite and shade for those below. Many are out and about in the town, picking up after the storm earlier in the week, buying and selling goods, and playing fun little games with each other. It’s the perfect kind of day, with enough light and dark to appeal to every pony that find themselves outside, with a perfectly warm temperature just cold enough to not sweat but warm enough to still be summer.

Five mares sit at a table outside the local cafe, the Elements of Harmony, with only Rainbow Dash missing. The orange earth pony, Applejack, speaks on how the storm affected her crops, the others nodding along and listening, enjoying their different treats.

The silence is broken when the other earth pony, Pinkie Pie, speaks up, “Hay, has anypony seen Dashie? She hasn’t pranked anypony in days!”

Rarity smiles and lightly laughs, sipping from a fancy coffee with an elaborate name, “I’m sure nopony are missing those pranks, especially with all the work after that dreadful storm.”

Applejack nods, “Now that y’all mention it, Rares, it ain’t like her to let a storm do that much damage without telling us. Lil’Branches Junior even lost a few twigs.”

Fluttershy meekly speaks up, “And, umm… she didn’t even drop by and try to insult Discord during our weekly tea, which she normally does so that’s… odd.”

Pinkie nods along, “It’s super weird, and that’s coming from me! I didn’t even get any Pinkie Sense about her and I always get a sneeze, back left kick, and twirly mane when Dashie goes to sleep!”

Twilight clears her throat, “I think I might have seen her last.” She sips from her orange juice as everyone looks at her, “I was working on my project when she came in through the window.”

Rarity nods, “Oh, but which project, darling, if you could share? Was it the one on Tartarus, Dragons, or Starswirl?”

Twilight smiles, “Starswirl, Rarity, attempting to finish his last spell. When Rainbow came through my window, though, she crashed into me, and accidentally drove her hoof through the book.”

Applejack rolls her eyes, “Of course she would. How many times do we gotta tell that filly about crashing inside somepony’s house?”

Rarity smiles, “At least once more, darling, it would seem.” She then turns to Twilight, putting a hoof on her back, “And I’m so sorry to hear that, darling, I know how much time you put into that spell, and Starswirl is your icon. I can hardly imagine how it must have felt to… well, I won’t say more because that’d just remind you.”

Fluttershy nods along, “I couldn’t imagine how I’d feel if someone did something like that to me. I’d be so… miffed.”

Pinkie nods also, “I wish you had told us, we could have thrown a ‘feel better’ party.”

Twilight smiles softly, “Thank you, everypony, really, but I’m better now. And I forgive Rainbow, I’m just concerned about her. She said she was going to fly to Canterlot and tell the Princess about what she did, but when the Princess visited me a few days ago, she said she hadn’t heard from Rainbow. I know Rainbow is a capable mare, but…”

Applejack nods slowly, “But it ain’t like her to just up an’ disappear. And it ain’t like her to take multiple days to get anywhere.”

Fluttershy looks around, “W-well, it could be that she’s just really, really nervous about telling the Princess. Or maybe she got caught up in some adventure on the way there.”

Rarity smiles, “If anypony were to somehow find an adventure between here and Canterlot, it would be Rainbow Dash. Still, we should keep an eye on the sky, she could be in trouble.”

Applejack nods once more, “But she’s her own mare, so we gotta trust she ain’t in danger. But… if’n she ain’t back by tomorrow, I say we talk to her weather team, get them searching.”

Pinkie nods, looking at Twilight, “I have a bad feeling about this, master.”

Twilight nods, back, “But if any one of us would be fine, it would be Rainbow. We can definitely keep an eye out, and tell a few ponies to search, but we don’t need to panic.”

Rarity smiles, “Speaking of panic, darling, what will you do now that the book is destroyed?”

Twilight smiles back, “Well, Princess Celestia said that she would give me a new project by the end of the week, and said that I should start to pursue becoming Archmage of Equestria.”

Applejack blinks, “Umm, what’s the difference between a mage and an ‘Arch’ mage, Twi?”

Rarity gasps, “Archmage of Equestria? B-but darling, that would mean you would have to go against and replace Sprig the Studious, fifteenth most eligible bachelor in all of Equestria!”

Twilight nods, “And the smartest stallion in all of Equestria, yes. But the Princess assured me that she thinks I can.”

Applejack looks between the two alicorns, “Now just what the hay is this Archmage thing anyway?”

Fluttershy leans in, “Sprig the Studious, the stallion who tamed an Ursa Major and grew back the Northern Tagia in a day?”

Twilight nods again, “The very same Sprig, yes.”

Applejack looks at Fluttershy, “You too, Fluttershy? Just what the plum is an Archmage?”

Pinkie smiles, “Oh, oh, the same Sprig who is the great-great-great-great-great-“ She takes in a deep breath, “Time twenty five grandson of Clover the Clever and also has the favorite color of yellow and a birthday on the fifth of July?”

Twilight blinks, and slowly nods, “Umm, yes, him, Pinkie.”

Applejack smacks the table, “Twi! Sorry to shout, but what the hay is an Archmage?”

Twilight looks over, and smiles, “Oh, an Archmage is the greatest wizard, witch, sorcerer, warlock, cleric, magical pony in Equestria. They are the final authority on all things magic, and even have been able to overrule the Princesses in the past on magical matters. They are responsible for the magical portion of the Royal Guard and REA, and are the next in the line of succession right after Prince Blueblood.”

Applejack smiles back, “Well shoot, Twi, sounds like a big position you’ve got lined up. Good luck, and if you need any help, I’ll do what I can.”

Twilight smiles widely, “Thank you, Applejack. It might be difficult, but with you all helping, I know I can do it.”

Ah, Twilight Sparkle, you’ve always gotta admire her determination.
The really funny thing is that she could become Archmage, she’s talented and smart enough for it.
But, sadly for you, Twilight Sparkle, you won’t get a chance.
I’ll fix you.