> Script > by Chemtest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Starswirl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a bright and sunny day in the small village of Ponyville. A warm summer breeze blows past the forms of fillies and colts, playing joyous games of tag together, mares and stallions, haggling for prices at the local marketplace, and past the forms of birds, squirrels, and all the other peaceful animals in parks, on roofs, or on walks with their owners. Every so often, a stray cloud would move in front of the sun, providing a brief respite from it’s brightness, before then moving on, allowing the surface light once more. Days like these are indeed beautiful, a true example of the ideal Equestrian day. The type of day every mare and stallion should be out enjoying.And they should be thankful for them. But, for Twilight Sparkle, it had might as well been the dead of night outside, her entire focus dedicated to the ancient book in front of her. She had spent days reading it over, decrypting the meanings of many ancient sayings and struggling to understand the oftentimes confusing writings of Starswirl. The spell contained within the book, not finished before the brilliant wizard’s demise, was never finished, and not once in the book did it mention the purpose of the spell. In fact, Starswirl’s writings seemed intent on never spelling out the purpose in the least, leaving nothing but hints and methods that formed the winding path to understanding. Twilight sighs as her eyes scan a blank page of the book, her scholarly patience drawn almost entirely to it’s end. Not for the first time that day, and certainly not the last, she turns her eyes to the letter which came with the book. ‘Starswirl, my dearest mentor in ages past, passed before he could finish this final and greatest spell. For millennia, ponies have looked over this book, not one being able to finish his spell. The greatest of each era, even Starswirl’s own descendants, have denounced this spell as impossible to finish, and a few even have made remarks of his madness while writing this spell. However, where ponies of the past have failed, I believe you, my most faithful student, shall succeed. You are the most brilliant pony in Equestria, the most brilliant mage to bless this world since my dearest mentor’s untimely passing, and I have faith that you can succeed where others have failed. Finish Starswirl’s spell, my most faithful student, I believe that you can. Celestia.’ Twilight sighs, burying her head in the book, muttering, “I don’t get it… who even writes spells like this?! Why wouldn’t he just write what the spell did!?” From behind her, Spike, the unicorn’s pet dragon, pats her back, offering a small smile. Twilight raises her head, looking over at him, smiling back, “I know, Spike, I know, I’m getting too emotional and invested in it, aren’t I?” Spike smiles and slightly shrugs, “Well, I wasn’t going to say that… I was just going to say we should get lunch. Pinkie said she was going to bake the strawberry cupcakes.” As he mentions cupcakes, a rumble comes from her stomach, causing Twilight to sheepishly smile. Spike grins, “Sounds like we’re getting strawberry cupcakes, then. And maybe some ice cream after?” Twilight smiles more, “We’ll get cupcakes. But no ice cream, you know that’s unhealthy.” Spike frowns slightly, “Aww, come on, Twilight, I’m a dragon, I’m fine with a little bit of unhealthiness.” Twilight grins slightly, patting his head with a hoof, “You’re still a baby dragon, Spike. Trust me, when you’re a big dragon, you’ll regret every pint of ice cream you ate. You know, I remember reading somewhere that there was a dragon who couldn’t breathe fire because he ate so much ice cream, it turned his inner heat into inner cold.” Spike blinks, “So… if I eat too much ice cream I can’t breathe fire anymore?” She grins, “Theoretically.” Spike pauses, tapping his scaled chin with a claw, only to grin himself, “So if eating ice cream turns my inner fire into cold… maybe if I eat more, I can breathe ice! And if I eat more and more ice cream, I’ll grow more and more powerful!” Twilight laughs lightly, “Alright, Spike, let’s not test that hypothesis of your’s. I don’t think ice cream would make you more…” She trails off, “Powerful…” Spike looks up at her, waving a claw in front of her face, “Twilight? Twilight? Hello, home to unicorn? Anyone there?” Twilight quickly spins around, floating up Starswirl’s book, smiling widely, “I get it now! The spell makes you more powerful!” Spike walks up to her, poking her side, “But… but strawberry cupcakes.” Twilight glances at him, “I’m sorry Spike, but I need to capitalize upon this realization! I finally understand it, why it was all so vague, it’s because this spell is supposed to ascend a pony into a… a Spirit, like Discord! It’s not supposed to make sense because only a pony capable of understanding it is worthy of casting it!” She flips back to the beginning of the book, “Go get the cupcakes by yourself, Spike, I’m sorry but I need to read this all over again, I finally understand it!” Spike slowly nods, and then smiles, “Well, good, maybe we can finally move on to something else. I’ll be right back!” He walks to the front door, exiting the library, leaving Twilight alone. Now she can ascend, and all that juicy magic will make this world so much more… tasty. The unicorn mare flips open the first page of the book, setting to it with new understanding in mind. Before she can make it halfway down the page, however, a loud crash comes from behind her, a prismatic and blue blur crashing into her. She’s sent flying by the collision, hitting into a bookcase, with it falling over and spilling books everywhere, leaving her looking at the offending Pegasus, Rainbow Dash, surrounded by a broken table. Twilight frowns, “Rainbow, how many times do I have to tell you to not do that?” What. Rainbow grins, “Yeah, yeah, I know, ‘oh no, you always cause so much collateral damage when you enter like a totally awesome Pegasus’, which I am.” She stands from the broken table, not noticing the broken book halfway up her leg, impaled by said leg, “Look, you said that if you ever got too obsessed with something to-“ Twilight interrupts her, her eyes locked onto the book, “My book! You… you destroyed it!” She… destroyed the book. Rainbow flinches, looking down at her leg, and then winces, “Yikes, umm… I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize, I… geez, I’m so sorry Twilight, that was uncool.” Twilight sits, grabbing the sides of her head, “This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening! That was Starswirl’s last spell! His unfinished spell, older than the Princesses themselves! The Princess trusted me with it, and-and…” Rainbow looks down, slowly removing the book from her leg, “I… I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize I would… I didn’t know it was so important…” Sorry? Sorry isn’t going to cut it, you… you insignificant speck. Sorry isn’t going to cut it. Twilight looks down as well, “The Princess put her faith in me that I would solve it… now I need to go tell her I failed, that I got it destroyed…” Rainbow steps forward, “No, Twilight, you aren’t going to be doing that. I destroyed the book, I’ll tell Princess Celestia. This is my fault, and I’m not going to let you get punished for it. I’m sorry, and I know being sorry isn’t enough, I should have thought before I crashed inside. But I’m going to take responsibility for this.” With those words, she spreads her wings, taking off through the window, headed to Canterlot, leaving Twilight behind, over a ruined book. Does she think she can get away with this? Does she think this… this disobedience will go unpunished? She’ll learn. This whole world will learn. No going off script. > Wrote > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a dark and stormy evening within the village of Ponyville, dark clouds above blotting out the sun’s light, pelting the village below with rain and occasional lightning. Wild winds blow through the streets, making signs outside of stores swing, sending leaves flying from their home trees, and instantly chilling anypony who dares open their home to the outside. Families gather around Monopony, getting into fights over the rules, some old mares sit on creaking chairs to read dusty old books, and the struggling writers all gather in the local cafe, the dark and rain being their muse. Such a dreary day would bring anypony’s spirits down, but for Twilight Sparkle, the outside was a perfect match for her over the past few days. She lays on her bed, looking out a window at the sheets of rain, her mind lost in thoughts, too distracted to even light a candle. Spike had left earlier that day, wanting to help Rarity cut back a tree to a safe length for the storm, and was staying with her currently, leaving Twilight completely and utterly alone. In other words, a perfect target. From within the room behind her comes a bright golden flash, a tall mare of a brilliant white coat appearing, looking over at Twilight and trotting closer to her. Celestia speaks with a small smile, “Is everything alright, my most faithful student? I haven’t received a letter from you for a week.” Twilight sighs slightly, looking at the Princess through the window’s reflection, “I’m sorry, Princess, I meant to write today, but I forgot.” Celestia trots closer, “That, my student, was a skilled avoidance of my question, not an answer. Are you alright? If this mood is because of the spell, then I will remove that book and never mention it again.” Not much to remove now. Twilight frowns at the mention of the book, only to blink, and look around, “Wait, you mean you didn’t hear? Rainbow Dash said she was going to go tell you.” Celestia smiles slightly, lowering herself to Twilight’s level, “I’m afraid I haven’t heard from Rainbow Dash since last Nightmare Night, my student. What is it she was supposed to tell me? Did something happen?” Oh, you don’t know the half of it, sister. Twilight looks away, “I… Princess, look to the desk on your right.” Celestia turns her head, seeing the broken book on a nearby desk. She blinks, her eyes widening and floating the book over to herself, “It… the book was destroyed? That…” She looks slightly away from it, “That wasn’t what was supposed to happen.” Oh, you don’t say? You have a habit for stating the obvious, Celestia, it makes you quite annoying. Twilight frowns, quickly bowing her head, “I’m… I’m sorry, Princess! I failed you!” Celestia looks over, “Twilight.” She raises a wing, placing it on Twilight’s mane and ruffling her mane, “You didn’t fail me at all, my faithful student. How did this happen? If this book drew you to frustration to drive your leg through it..” Twilight looks at her past her wing, and shakes her head slightly, “It was Rainbow Dash. She… she was concerned about me not getting out and came crashing through my window, and impaled the book and… and I had just had a breakthrough.” Celestia nods, “Mistakes happen, accidents sometimes will bring disaster, but you must not let this break your friendship with Rainbow Dash. What breakthrough?” The breakthrough was the book. Don’t you listen? The book was broken through. Twilight nods slightly, “I know, Princess, I just… need some time to cool down about it.” She then slightly smiles, “I figured out what the spell was supposed to do.” Celestia smiles widely, “Did you? What do you think it was supposed to do?” Twilight weakly smiles back, “It was supposed to be a strengthening spell.” Her smile slowly grows stronger, “It was supposed to take the caster or the target of the spell and ascend them into a Spirit like Discord, or you and Princess Luna, not just in magical strength but in physical health and even immortality as well. I believe the spell’s origins to lay in both advanced Necromancy with many sigils taken from Enchantment and Restoration magic, Princess. I theorize that back in Starswirl’s times, darker magics such as Necromancy and Enchantment were much more commonplace and accepted, that or Starswirl might have possibly had friends with a sufficiently advanced understanding of Necromancy, perhaps this could help explain his oddly long life.” Celestia smiles along, listening intently to Twilight’s speaking, “I can see you truly have thought much about this spell, my pupil, and your theories are correct. Back in the centuries before Discord’s rise, dark magic was seen like any other magic, and there were many heroic Necromancers, even one who was close friends with Starswirl. Sadly, as time has gone on, the corruptive elements of Dark Magic have only grown stronger, and the users more evil.” She nods, “But you have impressed me, my student, because you got correct what the spell does.” Twilight smiles, only to pause and blink, “Wait… I thought it was unknown what the spell did?” Celestia grins slightly, “Twilight, when Luna and I found the Elements of Harmony, and used their powers to defeat Discord, I was not the one who carried Honesty.” Twilight frowns slightly, “So you knew what the answer was all along? But, the letter…” She trails off, only to then slightly smile, “It was a test.” Oh my Me, the mare who is famous for her tests gave you a test? Shock and awe. Celestia smiles back, “Yes, my student, it was a test. The final test I give to my every pupil. I have cast the spell before, and I know well it’s upsides and downsides. My intentions were for you to complete the spell, and then to cast it, that it might have set into course a series of events that I have taught you for. The spell only responds to those it deems worthy, to those with the knowledge to put it together and cast it on themselves. All the years I spent teaching you magic, all the tests I have given you… Sombra, Discord, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, the little trials you have undergone with your friends, all your feats and accomplishments were supposed to end with the casting of that spell.” Twilight looks at Celestia, “I… I was supposed to…” Supposed... Celestia nods, “You were supposed to become an Alicorn, like Cadence before you, Princess Twilight Sparkle. However, with the book destroyed…” Twilight looks over at the book, “I… I can’t cast the spell, I can’t become an alicorn.” Celestia nods grimly, “You can’t become an alicorn. However… that does not mean you can’t be great.” She smiles slightly, “You are a unicorn on the level of Starswirl, and are much smarter than he ever was. You are an Element of Harmony, Bearer of Magic… future Archmage of Equestria.” Her eyes widen, “Archmage of Equestria? But isn’t Sprig the Studious, the smartest stallion in all of Equestria, Archmage?” Celestia smiles, “For now.” She stands up, “I have faith in you, my faithful student, and I know you can do anything you set your mind towards. I will give you a new project by next week. Until then, spend some time with your friends.” Twilight nods, slightly smiling, “I will, Princess. I won’t let you down!” Celestia grins, “That’s the spirit.” And, in a flash of golden light, she disappears. Really, Celestia, Archmage of Equestria? Do you think that simply saying things like you planned for them means they were actually planned? Do you think you’ll get that far? You won’t. > Once > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a cloudy day over the small village of Ponyville, puffy white clouds blocking the sun’s light and providing respite and shade for those below. Many are out and about in the town, picking up after the storm earlier in the week, buying and selling goods, and playing fun little games with each other. It’s the perfect kind of day, with enough light and dark to appeal to every pony that find themselves outside, with a perfectly warm temperature just cold enough to not sweat but warm enough to still be summer. Five mares sit at a table outside the local cafe, the Elements of Harmony, with only Rainbow Dash missing. The orange earth pony, Applejack, speaks on how the storm affected her crops, the others nodding along and listening, enjoying their different treats. The silence is broken when the other earth pony, Pinkie Pie, speaks up, “Hay, has anypony seen Dashie? She hasn’t pranked anypony in days!” Rarity smiles and lightly laughs, sipping from a fancy coffee with an elaborate name, “I’m sure nopony are missing those pranks, especially with all the work after that dreadful storm.” Applejack nods, “Now that y’all mention it, Rares, it ain’t like her to let a storm do that much damage without telling us. Lil’Branches Junior even lost a few twigs.” Fluttershy meekly speaks up, “And, umm… she didn’t even drop by and try to insult Discord during our weekly tea, which she normally does so that’s… odd.” Pinkie nods along, “It’s super weird, and that’s coming from me! I didn’t even get any Pinkie Sense about her and I always get a sneeze, back left kick, and twirly mane when Dashie goes to sleep!” Twilight clears her throat, “I think I might have seen her last.” She sips from her orange juice as everyone looks at her, “I was working on my project when she came in through the window.” Rarity nods, “Oh, but which project, darling, if you could share? Was it the one on Tartarus, Dragons, or Starswirl?” Twilight smiles, “Starswirl, Rarity, attempting to finish his last spell. When Rainbow came through my window, though, she crashed into me, and accidentally drove her hoof through the book.” Applejack rolls her eyes, “Of course she would. How many times do we gotta tell that filly about crashing inside somepony’s house?” Rarity smiles, “At least once more, darling, it would seem.” She then turns to Twilight, putting a hoof on her back, “And I’m so sorry to hear that, darling, I know how much time you put into that spell, and Starswirl is your icon. I can hardly imagine how it must have felt to… well, I won’t say more because that’d just remind you.” Fluttershy nods along, “I couldn’t imagine how I’d feel if someone did something like that to me. I’d be so… miffed.” Pinkie nods also, “I wish you had told us, we could have thrown a ‘feel better’ party.” Twilight smiles softly, “Thank you, everypony, really, but I’m better now. And I forgive Rainbow, I’m just concerned about her. She said she was going to fly to Canterlot and tell the Princess about what she did, but when the Princess visited me a few days ago, she said she hadn’t heard from Rainbow. I know Rainbow is a capable mare, but…” Applejack nods slowly, “But it ain’t like her to just up an’ disappear. And it ain’t like her to take multiple days to get anywhere.” Fluttershy looks around, “W-well, it could be that she’s just really, really nervous about telling the Princess. Or maybe she got caught up in some adventure on the way there.” Rarity smiles, “If anypony were to somehow find an adventure between here and Canterlot, it would be Rainbow Dash. Still, we should keep an eye on the sky, she could be in trouble.” Applejack nods once more, “But she’s her own mare, so we gotta trust she ain’t in danger. But… if’n she ain’t back by tomorrow, I say we talk to her weather team, get them searching.” Pinkie nods, looking at Twilight, “I have a bad feeling about this, master.” Twilight nods, back, “But if any one of us would be fine, it would be Rainbow. We can definitely keep an eye out, and tell a few ponies to search, but we don’t need to panic.” Rarity smiles, “Speaking of panic, darling, what will you do now that the book is destroyed?” Twilight smiles back, “Well, Princess Celestia said that she would give me a new project by the end of the week, and said that I should start to pursue becoming Archmage of Equestria.” Applejack blinks, “Umm, what’s the difference between a mage and an ‘Arch’ mage, Twi?” Rarity gasps, “Archmage of Equestria? B-but darling, that would mean you would have to go against and replace Sprig the Studious, fifteenth most eligible bachelor in all of Equestria!” Twilight nods, “And the smartest stallion in all of Equestria, yes. But the Princess assured me that she thinks I can.” Applejack looks between the two alicorns, “Now just what the hay is this Archmage thing anyway?” Fluttershy leans in, “Sprig the Studious, the stallion who tamed an Ursa Major and grew back the Northern Tagia in a day?” Twilight nods again, “The very same Sprig, yes.” Applejack looks at Fluttershy, “You too, Fluttershy? Just what the plum is an Archmage?” Pinkie smiles, “Oh, oh, the same Sprig who is the great-great-great-great-great-“ She takes in a deep breath, “Time twenty five grandson of Clover the Clever and also has the favorite color of yellow and a birthday on the fifth of July?” Twilight blinks, and slowly nods, “Umm, yes, him, Pinkie.” Applejack smacks the table, “Twi! Sorry to shout, but what the hay is an Archmage?” Twilight looks over, and smiles, “Oh, an Archmage is the greatest wizard, witch, sorcerer, warlock, cleric, magical pony in Equestria. They are the final authority on all things magic, and even have been able to overrule the Princesses in the past on magical matters. They are responsible for the magical portion of the Royal Guard and REA, and are the next in the line of succession right after Prince Blueblood.” Applejack smiles back, “Well shoot, Twi, sounds like a big position you’ve got lined up. Good luck, and if you need any help, I’ll do what I can.” Twilight smiles widely, “Thank you, Applejack. It might be difficult, but with you all helping, I know I can do it.” Ah, Twilight Sparkle, you’ve always gotta admire her determination. The really funny thing is that she could become Archmage, she’s talented and smart enough for it. But, sadly for you, Twilight Sparkle, you won’t get a chance. I’ll fix you. > Upon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a late afternoon in the village of Ponyville, the sun shining it’s last rays before it sets, tired foals resting after their playing and many ponies returning home from work or visits. One such pony is Twilight Sparkle, having said goodbye to her friends before going back home. As she trots inside her tree house, closing the door behind her, she suddenly stops, looking at the center of the room. Stood there in the center of the room is a slightly taller mare with midnight blue fur, large wings coming from her back and long horn from her forehead. Princess Luna grins, “Greetings, Twilight Sparkle.” She blinks, and then slightly bows her head, “Princess Luna, it’s… why are you here?” Luna smirks, a bit of telekinesis lifting Twilight’s head back up, “No bowing, and just Luna. We are here from request by our sister, she said something about a ‘project’.” Twilight blinks again, and then smiles, “Oh, Princess Celestia told me she would give me a new project by the end of the week. I just expected she would send a letter rather than send you.” Luna grins, trotting closer, “You misunderstand, Sparkle, we are the project. Sister has declared that you are to help us understand modern magic and teach us the spells of the new age. In order to ensure that your teaching isn’t compromised, we have also given your drake a vacation to the Dragon Isles, with your bother keeping him safe.” Twilight smiles more, “I get to teach you magic?! Oh, that’s wonderful! I mean, this is really a dream of mine come true, being able to teach somepony else equally smart about magic!” Luna pauses in her trotting, and smiles, “You are very eager, Sparkle, and we shall enjoy learning. But do note, there is presumably not much you can teach us.” Twilight grins, “Maybe not, Prin- I mean, Luna, but I can try! Magic has changed a lot since you were banished, with a lot of discoveries being made.” She trots over to a nearby table, “Of course, I’m going to go over everything anypony had written since the two thousands, but we should start by finding out what you know.” Luna trots to the table as well, “We should start by laying down rules, we would say. Firstly, stop saying everypony, anypony, and all that bullshit.” Twilight freezes, slowly looking over, “All that… what?” Luna grins, “Bullshit, Sparkle. That ‘Everypony’ shit is just nationalistic and xenophobic bullshit came up with by our sister because the bitch wanted to spark an identity of species.” Twilight gasps, “B-bit-did you just call the Princess a-a-that?! You can’t do that, even if you’re her sister!” Luna smirks, sitting down, “Sparkle, she banished us to the moon for a millennia, we believe we reserve the right to call the bitch a bitch. This is the second rule, Sparkle, do not get offended or act shocked when we act ourself. We never asked to be a prim and proper Princess, we never wished to be one, so you can take your expectations of that and shove them up your ass.” Twilight frowns, sitting down, “I… I just, Luna, I mean… where was all this when we met you before?! Why weren’t you… cussing during Nightmare Night?” Luna smiles, “Well, sister already spilled her plan about wanting you to become an alicorn, so we shall spill more of her secrets. We never once in our life spoke with ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ except in the mockery of someone, we never once shouted at that volume in normal conversation, and we have always known the word ‘fun’, far better than sister ever has. When we returned, sister instructed us to act that way, that ponies would think the past different than it truly was. Do you wish to know who we truly are, Sparkle? We are a foul mouthed, fun loving warrior Princess, with the power to move the fucking moon.” Twilight sits back, losing her frown, “Wow, I… didn’t know that at all, Luna.” She smiles slightly, “I suppose that means I haven’t met the true you, then, have I?” She offers a hoof, smiling widely, “Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, Element of Magic, a pleasure to meet you.” Luna looks at the hoof, grinning and bumping it, the strength behind the bump causing Twilight to flinch, “We are Luna, Spirit of Moon and Night, fucking badass, killer of armies, slaughterer of infidels, the Terror of Prance, the Neighgerian Blizzard, the Romauian Champion, yada yada, pleased to truly meet you.” Twilight nervously chuckles, holding her bumped hoof, “Yeah, and you’re also really, really strong. I felt that bump in my entire body.” Luna grins, “Yes, we are strong.” She raises a hoof, punching through the wall next to her, and the refrigerator on the other side of said wall, ripping a glass of water back out of the hole, then lighting her horn up, fixing the hole. She smirks as Twilight looks at her, “So, you wish to become Archmage, we have heard?” Twilight nods, looking at Luna’s leg, “Yes… how is your leg fine after doing that? My walls are reinforced with many-“ Luna interrupts, grinning more, “That means you’ll have to get through Sprig the Studious, doesn’t it?” Twilight slowly nods, “Yes, but your leg shouldn’t have been able-“ Luna smirks, interrupting again, “Good, you’ll do fine then. Sprig is a fucking idiot. Now, if you don’t mind, we were stood in the center of this room for most of the day waiting for you to enter so we could introduce ourselves properly, we shall now go sleep, good night.” She stands, trotting away before Twilight can say anything. Twilight blinks, dumbfounded, looking after Luna’s flank as she disappears into another room. She leans back, as Spike then walks up to the table, grabbing the glass of water and drinking it. He grins, tapping the side of the glass with a single black claw, looking at Twilight, “Looks like you’ve got your work cut out for you.” Twilight slowly nods, “No kidding, Spike, no kidding.” The first piece is in play. And you can’t even see it, Twilight Sparkle, not at all. Check in one move. Checkmate in two. > The > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a dark night in Ponyville, a new moon providing little light to the sleeping little village. Only a few trot the streets, some rowdy stallions returning home from a bar, foals scurrying back home after losing track of time, and a few mares trotting home after spending the whole day with friends. Princess Luna sits atop a cloud, overlooking the city, enjoying the cool breeze as it blows past her. She closes her eyes, taking in a deep breath, letting it out as she looks up at the moon, blue eyes twinkling. Her peace is suddenly disturbed as one ear twitches, a sound coming from below. A scuffle, and a mare shouting, “Help!” Luna stands on her cloud, giving her wings an experimental flap, then jumping off the cloud, not using her wings at all. She crashes in the middle of an alleyway, sending dust flying up from the dirt street, clearing it all with another flap of her wings. In front of her, she sees a mare being held at knife point by another mare in a brown cloak, the threatened mare holding a purse close to herself. The thief immediately turns her head, eyes widening as she sees Luna. She quickly turns her knife from the mare, instead pointing it at Luna, “Don’t come any closer!” The mare rasps out in a fake voice, trying to sound deeper and more gravelly that it truly is. Luna takes a single step closer, “We have.” The thief takes a step back, her grip on the knife trembling, “I-I’ll stab you!” Luna once more steps closer, pressing up against the knife, “Do not announce what you will do, when you can do it.” She looks at the other mare out the corner of her eye, “Leave.” The mare quickly nods and runs away, the thief watching her, “I-I… hi-ya!” She stabs her knife forward, the metal bending and eventually shattering as it hits Luna, leaving nothing but a handle pressed against her blue coat. The thief slowly looks up at Luna, gulping loudly as the Princess looks down at her. Luna launches into action, grabbing the knife’s handle, throwing it away, spinning around and knocking the mare’s legs out from under her with a single wing. The mare collapses as Luna looks back at her, panting. The thief whimpers, “P-please don’t hurt me, it’s not my fault…” She winces as Luna raises a hoof, closing her eyes and bracing. However, she soon opens her eyes back up upon feeling no blow fall, seeing Luna simply extending a hoof, a stern but empathetic look on her face. The thief slowly takes the Princess’ hoof, Luna pulling her back to her hooves, “What is your Cutie Mark?” The thief slowly blinks, “D-does this mean I’m not in trouble, Princess?” Luna doesn’t move her gaze, “Your Cutie Mark.” The mare looks away, “Well, its a coin purse that’s been cut open by a dagger, Princess. That’s my name, umm, Coin Purse.” Luna scrunches her lips as she frowns, “A Cutie Mark around thievery. You did this because it’s the only thing you can do, according to fate.” Coin nods, “And according to my bank account, Princess.” She nervously chuckles, “If you get what I mean…” Luna nods, slightly smiling, “We do. You are not in trouble, Coin Purse, you are merely a victim of fate. Fuck fate.” Coin blinks, and then smiles back, “Yeah, fuck fate, but fate’s what’s here.” Luna grins, “For now.” She lights her horn up, summoning a scroll in a flash of blue light, floating it over to Coin, “Take this and bring it to a bank. You shall have enough bits to survive more than three times your lifespan without any more thievery.” Coin looks at the scroll, slowly grabbing it with her wings, swallowing and beginning to slowly speak, “I… this, Princess… w-why? I’m just a thief?” Luna nods, calmly smiling, “You were forced to be a thief by fate, Coin Purse. It is an unfair, cruel fate, one which declares your entire existence to be a crime.” Coin looks at her, “But that doesn’t answer me, Princess. I’m not complaining, but…” Luna smiles more, “We were once a victim of fate as well, Coin Purse. Fate, the cruel mistress of all, targets those of us in the dark especially cruelly, and as the matron of the night, we cannot let that pass. Go home, Coin Purse, leave this life behind.” Coin looks up at the Princess, giving a small salute, “Thank you.” She begins to trot out, only to pause, turning and giving Luna a hug, “Thank you.” Luna nods, looking down at her, “You are welcome.” Coin breaks off the hug, only to rush out of the alleyway, Luna looking after her. Once the mare is gone, Luna takes a breath, grinning and deciding to turn around, trotting deeper into the alleyway. About halfway down the alleyway, she passes a pile of boxes, pausing as they rustle. She floats one off the top, seeing the face of Coin Purse, wearing black robes, hiding behind the pile. Luna raises an eyebrow, “Coin Purse, what are you doing back here?” The mare blinks, and grins, “Oh, don’t mind me, Luna, I’m just enjoying myself. You can go on.” Luna slowly narrows her eyes, “Coin Purse?” She looks back, smiling innocently, “Yes, Luna?” “You were wearing a brown cloak.” As soon as Luna finishes speaking, Coin lunges out of the boxes, slashing at her with a dagger. Luna draws back, the dagger still getting her cheek, opening a bleeding gash. Her eyes widen as her blood flows, before she then frowns, lowering down and lunging forward, pinning Coin against the wall with a single leg, her other foreleg pressing against the hoof holding the knife, pressing down until the leg snaps. Luna snarls in Coin’s face, “You fucking bitch, you just fucking cut us, do you even know how hard that is? What the fuck did you think would happen?” Coin pants, her broken leg struggling, “Not…hing, Luna.” She laughs once, “Just… distract…” Luna scowls, punching a hoof into Coin’s side, causing her to cough up black, inky blood, “Distract for what?” Coin coughs some more, inky blood flowing freely, “Just… you wait, Luna… we’ll set things… right!” Luna growls, thrusting her horn up and through Coin’s head, ripping her entire head with a single movement of her neck, flinging the decapitated head against the opposite wall, the limb bursting into black blood. Luna breathes heavily, “Set things right… what has went wrong recently?” She looks down, only to pause, “The book.” She spreads her wings, rapidly taking off. In the library, the slight moonlight shines in from a window, barely illuminating the bedroom in which Twilight Sparkle sleeps, cuddled up to her pillow and covered in a purple blanket. The door to the room slowly creaks open, Spike sneaking his way in, tapping his black claw on his leg as he approaches. He climbs up onto the bed, holding the claw at Twilight’s throat, “Everything… will go right.” Before he can draw his claw back, Luna comes crashing in through the window, crashing into Spike and knocking him away. She dives towards him as Twilight wakes up, blinking, “Huh, what?” Spike growls at Luna, struggling, raising up his claws and raking them across her leg, opening up many gashes. Luna glares down at him, “We do not know who you are, shapeshifter, but we don’t care.” She raises up her other leg, bringing it down, punching through Spike’s head and the floor beneath it, his entire body melting into inky black liquid which then evaporates. Twilight gasps, “Luna! What did you just do?!” Luna looks over, “Stead fast, Twilight Sparkle, we are under attack.” Luna is strong, that much is for sure. A brutish strength and a good eye. But this war won’t be one is strong muscles or keen eyes, Luna. Things will go right.