• Published 19th Jun 2022
  • 791 Views, 12 Comments

A Date to Remember - Locomotion

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Chapter 2: More than a Feeling

Having returned to the hotel, Sandbar and Ocellus retired to their rooms to prepare for their evening out. Ocellus rarely ever bothered with makeup or jewellery, so she didn't take as long as Sandbar – indeed, she reckoned she had spent far more time preparing herself mentally than in terms of her appearance. She sat quietly in the lounge while the green stallion took a shower, thinking how much he meant to her. He sure was cute, she thought longingly, but did she really see him as just a friend? Or had Sassy Saddles just put everything into perspective for her?

The young changeling smiled softly as she thought back to their first year together, and how shy and alienated she had been at first. It had been hard for all of them of course, and Sandbar, being the only pony in the group, had been a much-needed rock for them to cling onto; but if any of them could have qualified as an outcast, it must surely have been Ocellus. Even now, she was still deeply touched by how accepting he had been towards her, notwithstanding the unsavoury history of her species.

“You ready, Ocellus?” called Sandbar's voice from the direction of his room.

“All set, Sandbar.” Ocellus stood up, pushing her reverie to the back of her mind as the young stallion emerged. “Shall we be off then?”

Sandbar nodded, and politely held the door open for her. “After you.”

Again, Ocellus allowed herself a soft smile as she trotted into the hallway. Such a gentlecolt, she thought dreamily.

Not much was said between the two teenagers as they left the hotel and began making their way to the Tasty Treat. They were mostly content to just enjoy each other's company, and to mull over their feelings, until after about five minutes they arrived at the restaurant. As they entered, they were greeted by an orange unicorn mare whom Ocellus guessed must be one of the owners, judging by her accent. The mare introduced herself as Saffron Masala, and showed them to a nice, quiet table for two next to the front window.

“This sure is a nice place you have here,” remarked Ocellus, settling down on the seat that Sandbar had just pulled out for her.

“Thanks,” smiled Saffron genially. “Yes, it is rather; and very proud we are of it too. So, what would you like to drink?” she asked, levitating a notepad and pencil.

“Glass of lychee juice for me, please,” said Sandbar, after a quick glance at the menu.

“Hmm...” Ocellus pondered for a moment. “...I think I might try the lychee juice too.”

“A good choice,” replied Saffron as she jotted their order down. “I'll just go fetch them for you,” and she ambled briskly away.

While she was gone, the two teens took a moment to browse through the menu and decide what they wanted to eat. For Ocellus, who had never tried Elephandian food before, this was already proving an experience to savour. “You were right about this restaurant, Sandbar,” she murmured. “I feel like I've entered another world.”

“Exactly how I felt, first time I came here,” chuckled Sandbar. “Not that that self-proclaimed 'restaurant critic'...what's her name? ...Zesty Gourmand, that's it! She didn't see much in this place, from what I'd read.”

“Eh?!” Ocellus looked at Sandbar as if she couldn't believe her ears. “How can anyone not like it here?”

“I know, right?” agreed Sandbar. “It's as if her idea of a good restaurant is one with no real décor and nothing you can call palatable! That's how conservative and...boring she is.” He gave a wry smile and shook his head; “I tell you what, she kinda shot herself in the hoof with this one. Hardly anypony took her seriously for a long time after that.”

“I should certainly hope not,” put in Ocellus feelingly. Having lived in a drab, unwelcoming hive herself, she could only imagine how dull and depressing this Zesty mare's “ideal” restaurant must be. Thank goodness this one was anything but, she thought gravely; however hard it may have been to choose something she might like. “Hmm...anything you can recommend, Sandbar?”

“Well, I do remember having a really nice broccoli curry with tandoori-spiced carrots and aloo gobi,” mused Sandbar, checking the menu again. “Ah, yes – the Broccoli Mughlai. It's got a slight kick to it, but it's not too spicy. I think you might like it.”

“Well, I guess it can't hurt to give it a try,” conceded Ocellus.

At that moment, Saffron returned with their drinks. “There we are – two lychee juices,” she announced cheerfully. “Are you ready to order?”

“Yes, please,” answered Sandbar, and repeated to Saffron what he and Ocellus had decided. “Also, could I have a Peshwari naan with mine?”

“Certainly, young sir,” affirmed Saffron, bowing politely, and trotted back to the kitchen.

It only took another twenty minutes for their food to arrive, and while they waited, Sandbar and Ocellus made small talk to pass the time. They talked about schoolwork, the goings-on with their friends, and even how the school buckball team had been performing. Eventually, the focus of their conversation turned to Gallus and Silverstream, and how close they had grown over the last two years. Sandbar even quipped that one or both of them might be taking advantage of this weekend break to confess to each other! Ocellus stifled a giggle at that; but she sincerely hoped they would.

Which brought her back to her own feelings towards the green stallion sitting opposite her. Truth be told, she had known about them for a long time, but always brushed it off as a mere schoolgirl crush; surely he could do better than her, no matter how she felt. But now, with Sassy's words still playing on her mind, and in such a romantic atmosphere, she couldn't deny it any longer – that “schoolgirl crush” of hers had evolved into something much, much more...

“Sandbar,” she ventured timidly, “can I ask you something?”


The young changeling paused, rubbing her arm and bracing herself for the worst. “How do you feel about me?” she whispered, averting her gaze.

“You mean...as a friend?” Ocellus couldn't tell, but she thought she could detect a mild falter in Sandbar's voice. It sounded nervous, but almost hopeful at the same time.

“Well...yes and no. I meant, like...more than that,” stammered Ocellus, bracing herself for the inevitable ridicule.

But it didn't come – instead, silence reigned over them for a moment. Finally daring to look up again, Ocellus was stunned to see that Sandbar was gazing back at her with a look of touched affection, one hoof resting against his chest. “And there was I thinking you didn't need to ask,” he said softly. “Did you never think to...you know?”

Ocellus blushed sheepishly. “Well...I did – but I avoided it out of respect for your privacy.” But then her eyes lit up. “Do you mean...?”

“Yes, Ocellus. I've felt that way for you ever since we ran away to the Castle of the Royal Sisters that one time.” Sandbar gave a light, hearty chuckle at the memory. “I'd been wanting to tell you for ages, but I could never build up the courage – until now.”

That brought a smile back to Ocellus' face. “I feel the same way,” she murmured. “I kept telling myself I just valued you a lot as a friend; that even if you did return my feelings, you could do so much better than some changeling like me...that I was only hungry for love. Guess I was kinda right about that last one – just not the way I thought I would be.” That was when another realisation dawned on her. “Is that why you brought me here? Why you suggested we dress up for the evening?

“It sure is. I was hoping that way I'd finally pony up and confess,” explained Sandbar, and chuckled again. “Guess you beat me to it, huh?”

They both fell silent again as they gazed into each other's eyes – not the awkward silence from before, but a pleasant, romantic silence where nothing needed to be said. This didn't last long, of course, as Saffron soon came over with their food.

“Back to reality,” remarked Sandbar wryly as their plates were set down in front of them. “Thanks very much, Saffron.”

“Yes, thank you,” added Ocellus politely.

“You're very welcome. Enjoy,” said Saffron. With that, she left them to eat in peace; but secretly, she couldn't help smiling softly. She had seen the look in their eyes from afar, and silently wished them all the best as she went about her business.

Sandbar and Ocellus did indeed enjoy their meal. It was just as Sandbar had remembered, and Ocellus found it most delectable too, from the curry, to the lychee juice, to the pistachio ice cream she had had for her dessert. She was definitely coming to the Tasty Treat again someday, she decided. Once they had finished, they paid their bill and thanked Saffron for such a wonderful dinner, leaving her a tip before they departed.

By now, darkness had fallen over Canterlot. The moon was full, the stars were twinkling, and a cool breeze wafted through the streets as the two teenagers strolled along, side by side, without a care in the world apart from each other. Every so often, they would share a brief, meaningful nuzzle, blissfully ignoring the odd looks they were getting from passers-by.

Their route back to the hotel took them past the park, and since they wanted to make the most of their date, they decided to take a detour at that point. Away from the street lamps and shops, the night sky seemed far more beautiful amidst the peace and tranquillity of their surroundings, and Sandbar and Ocellus enjoyed the stillness. After a while, they found themselves beginning to wear out a little, so they paused at a nearby hillock for a short rest. This gave them such an amazing panorama that Ocellus didn't care if they fell asleep here – as long as she had this view and her stallion to wake up to, nothing else mattered. She snuggled up to him, purring contentedly as he wrapped an arm around her barrel.

“How did you like the Tasty Treat, Ocellus?” whispered Sandbar.

“I loved it,” sighed Ocellus happily. “Best restaurant I've ever been to.” She gazed dreamily into his eyes; “Thank you so much for sharing this with me...Sandy.”

“That's alright...Celly.” Sandbar fondly returned her gaze, slowly losing himself in the twin pools of blue.

“You know,” added Ocellus, “back before we changelings were liberated, I used to wonder if we could ever feel love ourselves – like, of our very own, and not the love we spent so much of our lives stealing. Now I know we can.”

The only response she got from Sandbar was a hum of agreement. They continued to admire the twinkle in each other's eyes for a few more moments, sharing breath as they slowly closed the gap...and then came what they could only agree was the best part of the whole date. If there was ever any doubt left in Ocellus' mind as to whether Sandbar really loved her – of his own accord, for that matter – that doubt instantly faded away as their lips met. Her heart fluttered with joy, and she let loose another sigh of contentment as she leaned into the kiss, enjoying the taste of his love flowing into her mouth.

It only lasted half a minute, but to the young lovers it felt like an eternity. Eventually, however, they reluctantly broke apart and went back to snuggling until the chime of a nearby clock tower reminded them how late it was. With the tiniest hint of regret in his expression, Sandbar stood up; “Quarter to ten,” he thought aloud. “We'd better get back before the others start to wonder where we are.”

“Mmm...I suppose so,” murmured Ocellus. “I just wish this date didn't have to end so soon.”

“Ah, that's okay,” soothed Sandbar. “I really enjoyed being with you tonight – and I'd be more than happy to do this again with you sometime.”

Ocellus smiled. “So would I. Does this mean we're a couple now?”

“Well, based on what your changeling sense tells you...” Sandbar said no more, but gave her a tender peck on the forehead, just below her horn. That was all Ocellus needed for an answer.

When the two teens returned to the hotel, tired but happy, they found the rest of their friends chatting idly in the lounge. Smoulder noticed them first, and could only chuckle incredulously at their attire. “Wow, you guys,” she joked, “I thought you'd gone for dinner at the Tasty Treat, not to some fancy dress ball!”

“And a good evening to you too,” replied Sandbar, ignoring the orange dragon's cheek. “Everything okay, I trust?”

“Aw, it's been great,” chirped Silverstream. “You wouldn't believe what a great time I had with Gallus – he took me to this restaurant only a few blocks away from where you went. Aw, it was great; it had a water garden, it served some of my favourite seaweed...oh, and that's not even half of it...”

“What do you mean?” asked Ocellus curiously; although deep down, she already had an idea what the answer was going to be.

“...we're dating!” squealed Silverstream ecstatically.

Sandbar gazed at Gallus, feigning disbelief. “Is this true?”

“Yeah...it is,” murmured Gallus, blushing awkwardly. “By the way,” he went on, hastily changing the subject, “you're looking pretty sharp there, Sandbar. Where'd you get that suit from?”

“And the dress,” added Silverstream.

“Oh...just a little souvenir from Canterlot Carousel,” said Sandbar casually. “Since this was...you know, a date...anyway, it's getting on a bit. We'd probably better turn in.”

“Friend Sandbar promise to tell us all about it tomorrow?” asked Yona hopefully.

“Of course I will.”

We will,” put in Ocellus with a smile.

With that, the six friends bid each other goodnight and retired to their rooms – all except Sandbar and Ocellus, who lingered a little longer until they were all alone. Checking to make sure they weren't being watched, Ocellus leaned forward and nuzzled her beau fondly. “Thanks again, Sandy, for such a lovely date,” she whispered.

“Anything for you, sweet Celly,” replied Sandbar. “Sleep well,” and he and Ocellus shared a final kiss before they parted ways for the night.

“I love you, my handsome steed.”

“I love you too, my cute little ladybird.”

Comments ( 8 )

Seems alright fiction. (reads it) pretty good.

“...we're dating!” squealed Silverstream ecstatically.

Sandbar gazed at Gallus, feigning disbelief. “Is this true?”

Omg that's also my shipping as well 😍🥰

Oh my goodness this was a pretty nice story so it looks like the night has come and they are ready to go to dinner and yeah it is the tasty treats when they being served by saffron which awesome to see her again and basically there are having a little a moment together until Ocellus ask a question that if he feels something for her which it turns out that yeah he really was in love with Ocellus which she was surprised and happy to hear he said that to her then after dinner they went walking to the park and basically just watching the night sky and then they have their lovely moments with each other and shared a kiss with each other but they had to get back to the hotel where the friends are waiting and it looks like gallus and silverstream have there a little announcement as well they also found love with each other and became a couple which yay and I really like to see a stories like that but anyway this was really good keep up the good work

“I know, right?” agreed Sandbar. “It's as if her idea of a good restaurant is one with no real décor and nothing you can call palatable! That's how conservative and...boring she is.” He gave a wry smile and shook his head; “I tell you what, she kinda shot herself in the hoof with this one. Hardly anypony took her seriously for a long time after that.”

Well she was crazy anyway and nobody take her that thing seriously after that

This was a grand story. I really enjoyed it!

Heartwarming story.

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