• Published 19th Jun 2022
  • 776 Views, 12 Comments

A Date to Remember - Locomotion

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Chapter 1: A Change of Scenery

“Cor, am I ever glad school's out,” sighed Smoulder, leaning back in her chair.

“I'll say,” agreed Gallus. “It's great hanging out with you guys, don't get me wrong, but those finals have really taken it outta me!”

Silverstream, always the optimist, smiled broadly. “Well, at least we don't have to worry about them anymore,” she chirped. “We've got all the time in the world to just sit back and enjoy ourselves.”

“Until next term, anyway,” quipped Sandbar with a small grin. It was the end of another year at the School of Friendship, and he, Yona, Smoulder, Ocellus, Gallus and Silverstream had decided to celebrate with a visit to Sugarcube Corner, where they spent most of the afternoon chatting idly. Even now, it amazed him to think how far they had come – in the beginning, their respective cultures had been so different, and the curriculum so hard to follow, that the others had struggled to find their feet. Even so, the six friends had quickly grown inseparable; and over time, they became so accustomed to their new home that one could be forgiven for thinking that they had always lived in Ponyville.

The only thing that bothered him right now was that Ocellus, that studious young changeling with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, seemed more than a little weary. Her eyes were only half-open, and she barely seemed to notice the milkshake in front of her.

Concerned, Sandbar reached across the table and tapped her gently on the shoulder. “Ocellus? You okay?”

“Huh?” Ocellus snapped out of her drowsy state and looked up. “Oh...sorry, Sandbar,” she stammered. “I guess I must've dozed off.”

Smoulder cringed at the tired look on her face. “Yeesh,” she remarked, “I'm not surprised. You look like you haven't slept for days!”

“Yeah, friend Ocellus look awful,” put in Yona. “Why changeling friend lose sleep? Did friend have nightmare?”

“No, it's just been a difficult month, what with all this exam revision and so on,” sighed Ocellus. “I've had a lot of that, but I'll...” She paused, fighting off a yawn. “...I'll pull through.”

“A lot, says you? That's the understatement of the year,” retorted Gallus, arching a dubious eyebrow. “The trouble with you, Ocellus,” he added, growing more serious, “is you take on way more than you can cope with.”

“Gallus is right,” put in Silverstream, her usual bubbly demeanour giving way to grave concern. “It's been hard for all of us, but you've been pushing yourself a bit too hard of late. You really need to dial back on the extra credit assignments, or you'll burn yourself out.”

Ocellus frowned ruefully. “I know. I just didn't want to come across as a failure after all I've had to learn. Supposing I got an F-grade on one of my papers?”

But Yona just scoffed incredulously and pulled her into a reassuring bear hug. “So what?” she dismissed. “Ocellus no failure – Ocellus very good student, and even better friend!”

“Exactly! If any creature here has a chance of getting a good grade, it's bound to be you,” observed Sandbar. “You're so studious that you make the rest of us look like slackers; and yet you always seem to find time to help us with our own studies. We can't thank you enough for that.”

“Or for lending a listening ear where we need it,” said Smoulder with a wry grin. “Remember how I came out to you about...you know...?”

That brought a small smile to Ocellus' face. She could still picture the awkward look on the orange dragon's face when she confessed to liking cute, girly things like tea parties and makeovers. Indeed, if it hadn't been for the sixth sense that enabled changelings like her to read emotions, Smoulder might never have found the courage to admit it!

“We all really care about you,” finished Silverstream kindly. “Maybe it's time you let loose and took care of yourself a bit more – maybe get a bit of a change of scenery.” She looked up at the mountains, fixing her gaze on one in particular. “Maybe we could all go over to Canterlot and see the sights?”

“Sounds like a plan,” conceded Gallus casually.

“Yona think it great change,” agreed Yona, nodding eagerly.

Sandbar gave a thoughtful hum and tapped a hoof against his chin. “Funny you mention Canterlot,” he remarked. “I've just remembered a really swish restaurant there, the Tasty Treat. Mom and Dad took me there for my birthday a few years ago.”

“Oh right? What's it like?” asked Silverstream.

“It's an Elephandian place on Restaurant Row. They serve some real nice food in there, and the atmosphere...oh, it's like you've been whisked away to Elephandia itself,” sighed Sandbar wistfully.

Gallus gave a small but appreciative smile. “So...what, you suggesting we go try this place out?”

“Well...yes and no. I was kinda hoping...” Sandbar paused and shyly rubbed his arm. “...well, I kinda wanted it to just be me and Ocellus.”

This took the young changeling completely by surprise. She stared at Sandbar in awe, wondering if she had heard him right – surely, she thought, this had to be some kind of dream!

There was a long silence.

“Ooh, I get it!” smirked Gallus at last. “You're asking her out for a date, am I right?”

“Well...yes,” muttered Sandbar, almost beginning to wish he had kept his mouth shut.

“You with a changeling, eh?” teased Smoulder. “And there was I thinking you had the hots for a yak!”

“Hey!” protested Yona, offended. “Yona not like Sandbar that way. Sandbar just friend!” She gave an indignant huff and turned to Sandbar; “But if Sandbar have crush on changeling friend, Yona happy for them both,” she finished plainly, giving a warm smile to show she meant it.

This made Sandbar feel much easier. He turned his attention back to Ocellus; “So...how about it?” he ventured.

Ocellus stared back at him with misty eyes. “You...really want to take me out to dinner? Just the two of us?”

“Well...only if you want to.”

Another pause ensued as Ocellus tried to analyse her feelings and weigh up her options. At last, she gave the young stallion a touched smile and said, “Sandbar, I'd be delighted to accept this date.”

Sandbar smiled back with relief. “I guess that settles it then. Canterlot, here we come.”

Arrangements took time, but within a few days, the six friends arrived in Canterlot on the overnight train. They had planned to spend the whole weekend there, so they had booked a suite at a luxury hotel near the city centre, with Smoulder giving up one of her gems to pay for it. Having checked in, they left their luggage at the hotel and spent most of the day wandering around town, stopping only to take lunch at a pleasant café not too far from the castle.

Towards the end of the afternoon, Sandbar announced that it was about time he and Ocellus went to prepare for their date. After agreeing to meet them back at the hotel no later than ten, the six friends went their separate ways; Smoulder and Yona opting to grab a snack at a nearby hot-dog stand, while Gallus and Silverstream flew off to hang out in the park together.

At first, Ocellus believed she and Sandbar were headed straight back to the hotel to freshen up; so she was understandably puzzled when he took her in the opposite direction, towards a smart looking shop on the High Street. “Uh...Sandbar...?”


“You said we had to go prepare for our date, right?” asked Ocellus, raising a perplexed eyebrow.

“Well, of course we are,” affirmed Sandbar. “Didn't I tell you so just a few minutes ago?”

“Yeah, but you do realise our hotel is that way.” Ocellus pointed back the way they had just come.

Sandbar stifled a chortle. “I know that,” he continued, giving her a coy smile, “but what you don't know is that I...let's just say I had an extra destination in mind.” To emphasise his point, he cocked his head and winked at the signage by the front door.

Only then did Ocellus realise what he was up to. “Wait a minute!” she gasped. “This...we're at one of Professor Rarity's shops!” She turned her gaze back to Sandbar. “You don't mean...”

Sandbar nodded. “I know the Tasty Treat isn't exactly a black-tie affair,” he explained, “but I thought it'd be nice if you and I could dress up for the night.”

It took a while for Ocellus to find her voice again she was so awestruck. “Gosh,” she murmured at last. “If I'd only known about this before we left, I might've brought more money with me.”

“That's okay,” smiled Sandbar. “I don't plan on us getting anything too pricey or extravagant – just simple and smart-casual, that's all,” and he held the door open for Ocellus to enter ahead of him. Deep down, she was a little uncertain of finding anything within her budget here; but she kept a brave face all the same.

The two teenagers barely made it into the lobby before a tallish cerulean unicorn mare came cantering over to them. “Good evening,” she announced cheerfully, “and welcome to Canterlot Carousel, fashion boutique par excellence! What can I do for you?”

Sandbar couldn't help marvelling at how enthusiastic this pony seemed. Spoken like a true Carousel Boutique manager, he thought as he addressed her; “Good evening, Miss...uh...”

“Sassy Saddles – at your service.”

“...Miss Saddles, is there anything for sale here on a student budget?” asked Sandbar. “See, my friend Ocellus and I are off to dinner at the Tasty Treat tonight, and we wanted something...kinda smart-casual.”

“Informal dress for a changeling, eh?” Sassy's face lit up with intrigue. “Would I be right in thinking this is the same Ocellus who represents the Changeling Kingdom at Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship?”

“Uh...yeah,” replied Sandbar, taken aback; and Ocellus gave a self-conscious nod of affirmation.

“Well, lace and linen!” remarked Sassy. “This is such a privilege, having two friendship students for clients – and one of them a changeling too!”

“Uh...it's no big deal really,” began Ocellus timidly. “I'm nothing spec...”

“Oh, tosh!” interrupted Sassy in a tone of eager dismissal. “There's no need to be so modest. I've never had a changeling in this boutique before, School of Friendship or not; so this is a really enticing first for me. Now, what can I interest you in?” she continued, putting on a more professional tone. “Tea gown, perhaps? Maybe a nice cocktail dress? Or how about one of Rarity's own Butterfly Beauty range – new on the shelf, six designs, all in a fetching psychedelic style to match your kind?”

Ocellus blushed madly. “Well, that's...really nice of you to offer,” she stammered. “Could I just go for something plain...please?”

Sassy paused, eyeing up the young changeling. “Why, certainly,” she declared after a while. “I must confess I'm a little out of my depth here; but I'll see what I can do. If you'd like to accompany me to the sewing room, please, so I can take your measurements?”

Incredibly, it only took Sassy a few minutes to find something that suited Ocellus. Sandbar didn't have much trouble either; while they were busy, he found a simple golden brown dinner jacket complete with white dress shirt that fitted him just right, and picked out a red bow tie to go with it. And boy, did he look sharp in it too, he thought proudly as he posed in front of a nearby mirror.

But nothing, he quickly decided, compared to what Ocellus was wearing as she stepped out of the fitting room. It did indeed look fairly plain, just a simple white dress with golden trim, but it just seemed so right for a changeling like herself – simple, understated, no frills...and kind of cute too. He might as well have been gazing upon an angel!

“How do I look?” The young changeling's voice promptly broke him out of his trance.

Sandbar beamed warmly. “Beautiful,” he breathed, earning a bashful smile in return.

“Thanks,” murmured Ocellus, “and that suit looks good on you too.” She looked up at Sassy; “And thank you too, Miss Saddles, for making this for me.”

“Think nothing of it,” replied Sassy modestly. “It's been quite an interesting little exercise – and not a bad job if I do say so myself. And as students of the School of Friendship, I reckon a 25% discount is in order for you both,” she added, examining Sandbar's outfit and tallying up the prices in her head, “so to you, that's...45 bits in total.”

“Only 45 bits?” Ocellus was taken aback.

Sassy nodded. “Twenty for yours, and the rest for your coltfriend's outfit.”

“Gosh...that's really generous of you, Miss Saddles,” said Ocellus, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks. She couldn't help thinking somehow that Sassy was being a bit forward in her assumption; but at the same time, she found the idea strangely enticing. While the love she got from her friends was appetising enough, the thought of having a coltfriend, someone whose love for her was far more direct and unconditional, made her heart skip a beat. And whichever way she looked at it, she did think Sandbar rather handsome.

“Uh...yes, very generous indeed,” stuttered Sandbar awkwardly, his own face reddening as he and Ocellus paid for their purchase. “Anyway, uh...we'd better head back to the hotel now. You know, just to spruce ourselves up for tonight. Thanks again, Miss Saddles.”

“No trouble at all. Enjoy your date!”