• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

Comments ( 17 )

Oh no that cover art is dangerously adorasexy :rainbowderp:

What's mane penetration?

Using hair to penetrate the vagina.

Your help was appreciated as always, Strong Man. Thank you. And I'm glad you enjoyed the story to the capacity you were able. This isn't really my fetish either.

man im a bit disappointed its so short. i kinda wanted to see twilight ask her friends for help first instead of solving it overnight tbh

The rules of the event made it impossible for me to make the story longer. This is an issue to take up with the organizer.


man im a bit disappointed its so short.

That's what she said.

Hey! Sorry I didn't comment sooner, but as you know, I've been otherwise occupied with a vacation lately. I greatly enjoyed getting to edit this story, and I really appreciate the shout-out in the story description you gave me. Thanks for letting me go to town on this, which turned out to be a lot of fun--doubly so since I didn't initially think it was a story concept that would interest me. I'm pleased to see this was at least a modest success, and I really do think you did this justice. Best of luck in the contest, and thanks again! :heart:

This was great I really enjoyed it.
Is there any chance for a sequel?:twilightsmile:

No sequel but as every author knows, a request for a sequel is a compliment all its own so I appreciate it! :heart:

nice work

Thanks, Zach. I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

“It is not!” Twilight shouted back, her words belied by a trickle of precum rolling down her inner thigh that caused all her leering onlooking to lean closer. “Please, Princess Luna… I just want to wake up!”

The huge disconnect between her conscious wants and overwhelming arousal really turned me off. Felt like she was being raped by her nightmare, but it's okay because she secretly really wants it, even if she doesn't know it.

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