• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

Comments ( 9 )

Before I read this, I must know: Prophylactic potions? What do those do?

Prevent pregnancy. As mentioned in the story, Roseluck isn't ready to start a family yet so she's taking something to prevent that.

Not bad. Not bad at all. Have an upvote

And I thought Foolers Rush In went bad. Hoo boy! Not bad indeed...

Why is it canceled?

So fun! Now that's dedication to a lifestyle!
Roseluck will have no problems training this party. Their prowess will be legendary, guaranteed!
Interestingly though that the potion apparently lost its potency. Malice, accident, or property of the land? Regardless, Rose may just upset the bylaws from the result...
Keep going! ;)

Why is this marked as cancelled?

look at his last Blog

Fine I guess I'm gonna go add ears to the list of fetishes

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