• Member Since 7th May, 2020
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The Toaster

Writing for the fun of it.


A nation fractured and surrounded by enemies, a physically weak ruler who struggled daily to maintain an empire that weakened with each passing year. Together with nobles increasingly ambitious and emboldened as the emperor's authority dwindled.

All this added up to a powder fuse for a nation that would explode into conflict with the ambition of the various duchies and counties that already wielded considerable power.

And in the middle of all this chaos, he is born.

An old spirit in a young body. The first and only heir of the Von Greifenstein dynasty and the last hope of a declining Griffonian Empire.

Grover the Sixth, Emperor of the Griffons.

This story is based on the mod for Hoi4 Equestria at war. It's really worth checking out. All types of constructive criticism are accepted and very well welcome! I don't own any of the images! They all belong to the Equestria at war Dev team and their Artists!

Chapters (16)
Comments ( 657 )

Ok this sounds awesome

A Self-Insert as Grover VI? Oh, this sounds very interesting! The more EaW fics, the merrier!

Yes. Finally, a story that deserves to be told. He will be legendary!✊

This looks really promising!
I will follow this fic with keen interest.

I’m excited! A HiE story set in the world of Equestria at war, with the MC being none other than Grover VI! I will follow this story eagerly!

I'll wait for a few more chapters to come out to start reading one chapter will go to quick for me to enjoy it

This just made me read the wiki for the Griffonian Empire, lots of potential, can't wait to see where you take this.

Hopefully this story progresses as it has great potential and not stop like the other stores you made because while I saw the same to them they were not continued and that was disappointing so let's hope this one doesn't follow the others

Can't wait for the next chapter ! I was sad that I couldn't find more kingdom building story/quests of the MLP universe !

That is a very, very good start to a story. We will observe you career with great interest 😃

Fancy seeing you here! Yeah, this fic looks pretty neat.

This story will go down in the history books, literally, since it's a HOI4 Equestria story.

Why does this story have a Human tag? Other than that it looks really promising but I'm really not a fan of having humans in a EaW story.

I think it is only for the beginning and to explain Grover the sixths unnatural intelligence. Other than that I think this will mostly follow the original story from EAW

I do hope this story will take a different approach to grover. Perhaps making him more active in politics

I would love to see here this story goes ;)


Impressive start so far 👏

Thanks Toaster for the great chapter. I'm excited to see how this story turns out, especially since there are not many Griffon centered fanfics out there and definitely not one's that focus on a Human, SI, reincarnated, or otherwise, in a Griffon Kingdom. Good luck with your next chapter, and as always have fun writing.

Really hope that this is going to be like KKSlider's: Changing Expectations. Gives me that vibe. A good one!

This is already starting to look good! I really hope this story keeps on going for the seeable future, I could only wonder what comes next! :pinkiehappy:

Agreeing with the Silver, this is giving the same vibe that Changing Expectations did.

I love that story and I love Griffons so I'm gonna enjoy this

Any chance at you telling us which "Focus" you have in mind for the story to follow?

Man, you got me hooked!

Oh wow.
I'm not going to read this right now, but I'm super-interested in seeing where it goes. This looks like a potentially awesome and fresh take on the "human wakes up as major character" trope.

Looking forward for this story.

I don't think it will. The main character of Grover VI-th "canon" story is the Archon. G is mostly just there to observe and learn. (To his credit he does that well, supposedly.)

Definitely a nice opening. Let's see how this will go?

This is really good. Scared to like it, though... the author has left so many stories behind...

I am at the edge of my seat!

I love fics that worldbuild and talk about nonpony species. Keep up the good work!

keep this shit rolling my brotha, you making me craving more of this like an addiction

This is fantastic! We've got political intrigue, a (for once) noble play for power by the church, the looming threat of the death of the King, and an intelligent little pup/cub/chick that will rule the nation with the grace and knowledge beyond his years.

Something I did notice, however, was the paragraph structure. In the first half with the archons, it was difficult to tell who was talking to who, and the repeated use of 'he' when referring to both of them. Normally, you start another paragraph when the speaker changes, doing that would improve most of the issues. And maybe using the name or what god they're priests of to refer to them out of speaking dialogue will help everyone remember the names better.
Besides that, this is shaping up to be an amazing story, and I'm looking forward to more!

A monarch living a Hellenistic life while his nobles killed each other in futile wars to expand their family's territory and influence.

I think you mean hedonistic. That means opulent and self-indulgent.

Hellenistic refers to ancient Greek culture between the death of Alexander the Great and Cleopatra.

I am enjoying this, but on a grammatical note, every time someone new speaks it starts a new paragraph. For instance:

Proteus turned his head to his friend and their eyes met. "You know his hunger for power is insatiable." His fellow archon nodded. "I know, but he still doesn't have a bad relationship with me and thinks I am ignorant of his malicious intentions, he wants power and I'm the only source of that. I will restrict him without him even noticing."

Should be:

Proteus turned his head to his friend and their eyes met. "You know his hunger for power is insatiable."

His fellow archon nodded. "I know, but he still doesn't have a bad relationship with me and thinks I am ignorant of his malicious intentions, he wants power and I'm the only source of that. I will restrict him without him even noticing."

I am looking forward to what comes next.

Oh, I do love me some political intrigue. I can't wait to see how our little soon to be emperor messes everyone's plan up.

The worldbuilding felt forced and awkward here, and it wasn't helped by the stilted dialogue. Too much telling and not enough showing.

If any of the "antagonists" had been given more depth before this, or if we'd been given a better introduction to Griffinheim to better understand the sad state it's in I think I would have been more invested. The first chapter was promising, but this one nearly brought that momentum to a halt.

I love the characterization of the Archons in this chapter. They are very much like I imagine them from the game and I’m glad to see them in a more positive light. I do wonder though if we’re going to see the nobility’s perspective on this, considering Duchess Gabrielle and Duke Gerlarch are also very prominent characters in the game. Some say it’s the more wholesome Path for the Empire too. I’d say that it is very likely that you’ll be sticking with the main Imperial path for this story (For example no Bronzehill regency or Grover II’s resurrection) but it will be fun to read nonetheless. AND I SWEAR TO BOREAS IF YOU GO DAWNCLAW ON US-

Same here... gonna be good watching him put those traitors in their place, before they are executed.

Woops, thanks for pointing that out

Valid points. I wanted to demonstrate what the city was like from the Archon's point of view itself and not as a fact, and I much preferred to try to explain the situation that the empire found itself in a natural way, without being too detailed so as not to bore many and that It would give an understanding to many who didn't know very well about the intrigues that were going on for the Griffons in that city, and to do the groundwork for when Grover grew up and meet both the Archons and the city proper.

But I see your critique and I understand.

I see. Sorry, my mistake and I'll fix it, thanks.

Is knowledge of EAW universe necessary to enjoy this fic?

I am a big fan of HOI4 EAW, and i have to say: I LOVE IT!
It's nice to see that the modification got its own SI /human fiction.
Will the next chapter be dedicated to Gabriella and Gerlach IV, or are you planning something else?

Well you now know what to do.
Keep updating this story, I love it very much!

Threats to the very Souls of Griffonia still linger far over the horizon. Maar, the Dread League, and worse coming from Barrad. The future is uncertain, the young Emperor will need strong allies such as the Archons in order to succeed.

Eros seems kinda harsh to Grover IV, calling him hedonistic and weak. According to Equestria at War lore, that griff tried to reform the Empire to do better, and he was even doing a somewhat of a good job despite the aristocracy's efforts, but his biggest flaw was dying at the worst possible time. After he died his cousin Guto was declared regent, but then he also died so the aristocracy took control with the Regency Council. Their actions would eventually lead to the secession of the various kingdoms and the Republican Revolution, which left the Empire as a rump state.

Grover IV was the Emperor at the time the Empire was at it's height, so Eros taking a dim view on him feels kinda weird.

Shouldn't these two Archons think about the new Emperor and helping him and not about usurping power to fight nobility?
He is a symbol that will have to unite them all and do the whole fight with the nobility
Emperors are one of the things that hold/glue them/griffons/this kingdom to their important history and past glorious days that they called so important

I really like this story and can't wait for more
I hope that when he will grew up he will try to say quotes from human media or even better teach his soldiers to tell some of these lines
Like this masterpiece lines when in battle

Not all of them when mentioning the Emperor of Man or other human stuff for obvious reasons they wouldn't know the meaning, unless slighty changed
With the lines talking about the Emperor ,they could stay if the soldiers are the ones telling them.

For example change
"Torpedos dead ahead ignore them, bring us closer"
"Arrows/magic dead ahead ignore them, bring us closer"

"Even gods may die" could be used when alicorns are full of themselves

By the way, I'm no fan of Warhammer 40k and don't know much about it but Russian Badger's lines are just too good and could fit everywhere.
I generally don't like how everything seems just more bulkier and savage for just a gory look

Another idea for the future, when he gets older and get his own armor,why not go with darker colored armor,like dark or red/dark red

Dark would look cool but /reddark red would make him see bathed in blood and hide his injuries
Like Deadpool does
From 0:20

As for what kind of armor, I thought about classic and good Nazgul armor, even if it's dark or red/dark red

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