• Published 18th Mar 2022
  • 2,438 Views, 78 Comments

Phantom Pony - Zeprto678

A crossover between MLP: FiM and Danny Phantom. Danny ends up in Equestria as a pony.

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Pandora's Box of Answers

Chapter 9: Pandora’s Box of Answers

The pony was a unicorn mare who was floating in the air with a box levitating in her ectoplasmic, green-colored magic.

“Pandora!? What are you doing here?!” asked Danny, shocked. “Shouldn’t you be in the Ghost Zone?!”

Pandora looked at him, annoyed. “I was in the Ghost Zone, minding my own business at my home, when all of a sudden, some sort of portal appeared and whisked me and my box away and we landed next to some place that resembles Greece. After that, I found myself-” The ancient ghost pony gestured a hoof at herself. “-like this, but I also found out that I can use magic, and that there are different kinds of creatures living in this world too, not just ponies, unicorns, and pegasi,” explained Pandora. She then looked at the ghost pony with a suspicious look. “You wouldn’t happen to have any involvement with this, did you?”

Danny felt himself sweating in fear. The ghost pony put on a fake smile. “Nope. I’m in the same boat as you, Pandora,” he lied. “I have no idea what’s going on or what did this.”

The ancient ghost pony had an unbelieving look on her face. “I met the Box Ghost yesterday and he told me everything about what you did,” Pandora informed.

Realizing that he was caught, Danny decided to come out with the truth. “That Blabbermouth Box Ghost. Next time I see him, I’m decking him in the mouth,” muttered the ghost pony. Danny cleared his throat. “Fine, you caught me. It’s all my fault this happened, but I know that Sam and Tucker are working on a solution to get me out of this part of the Ghost Zone.”

She shook her head. “Unbelievable. All this time you’ve been here, and you haven’t realized it yet?” asked Pandora in disbelief.

The ghost pony was very confused as he didn’t know what she was talking about. “What? What haven’t I realized yet?” asked Danny.

“That we’re all in a dimension that is separate from the Ghost Zone. Another dimension,” answered the ancient ghost pony.

The ghost pony had a disbelieving look on his face and scoffed. “Pfft. There’s no way that we’re not in the Ghost Zone,” said Danny. “We’re just in some unknown section of it. Uncharted territory.”

Pandora looked serious. “I know we’re not in the Ghost Zone. While I was traveling through this world, I met up with one of your friends: Frostbite,” she explained.

Danny looked surprised. “Frostbite’s here too? Where?” he asked.

“Somewhere cold in the North, but that’s not important right now,” said Pandora. The ancient ghost pony tried to get back on topic. “He showed me this map he had, the ‘Infini-Map’, and tried it out. It wasn’t working, which let us both know that none of us are anywhere in the Ghost Zone, and if we’re not in the Ghost Zone…?” She paused in order to let the ghost pony figure it out himself.

Danny thought about it for a while until his mind finally connected the dots. “Then that means…that Sam and Tucker won’t be able to find me if I’m trapped in another dimension, even if they get the Ghost Portal working. I’m going to be trapped here…forever?!” questioned the ghost pony, despairing. “What am I going to do?! I don’t want to live my entire life as a pony!”

“Don’t despair. Frostbite said that he’s going to go look for a solution and that we should wait until there is word from him until he’s found one,” reassured the ancient ghost. “For now, you should just do things normally like you always do until then.”

“But what about the ghosts that ended up here? Aren’t they causing trouble everywhere in this world?” he questioned, still a bit worried.

She nodded. “Well, it seems that whatever you did had caused portals to open up from this dimension into the Ghost Zone, dragging in not only me and Frostbite, but also some other ghosts as well just before they closed. Some of them have become ponies, while others have become different creatures,” Pandora informed.

That bit of bad news made Danny even more worried and with his enemies becoming different creatures, that might have made them even more of a threat. “Well, thanks for telling me, Pandora. What are you going to do now?” he asked.

“I’ve decided to travel the world again, but this time I’ll be taking in the sights instead. I did work my butt off gathering information after all,” the ancient ghost pony informed.

Before the ghost pony could comment, a voice sounded off near the barn.

“Hey, Danny. How’s it goin’ over there?” asked a young voice.

“Oh no, it’s Apple Bloom. You need to get out of here before she sees you,” whispered Danny. “It’s going great, Apple Bloom. I’m almost done.”

“Kay. Also, big sis wanted me ta tell ya that she went out ta help ‘er friends fight off some ghosts that had appeared amongst the trees near the farm, causin’ a whole heap of trouble fer us,” Apple Bloom informed. Also, that she should stay away from the commotion no matter what.

“Okay. Thanks,” the ghost pony said.

“Yer welcome,” said the apple filly.

There was the sound of light hoofsteps as Apple Bloom left.

The ghost pony turned around to see that Pandora had left while he was distracted.

“Me being in another dimension, having to master all of my powers, and both my allies and worst enemies, and the Box Ghost, were transported here with me. What else could go…” said Danny.

It was a few seconds as the ghost pony had repeated part of what the apple filly had told him before realizing something.

“Wait, there are ghosts near the farm and those girls went out to go fight them?” questioned Danny. The ghost pony groaned. “I can’t believe it. They’re off to go fight some ghosts even after what happened the last time.” He sighed. “I have to go help them and return before anyone notices I’m gone.”

Luckily, Danny only had one more spot of hay left to sweep up before being done. After that, he galloped in the direction of the house in order to go get the Fenton Thermos.

Meanwhile-Somewhere in the Apple Family’s Apple Orchard

“Protect those apples with yer lives! We can’t let those darn ghosts take ‘em,” said Applejack, determined.

The Mane Six, except Fluttershy who was hiding in fear, were currently battling against the ghosts as there were not only ghost ponies of different races, but also ghost griffins as well. Unfortunately, every time they thought they’d defeated the ghosts, there would be others to take their place. Not only that, but the ghosts that weren’t fighting were stealing the apples while the mares were distracted.

“Applejack, there’s just too many of them! We can’t stop all of them!” shouted Twilight Sparkle. “We need a different plan!”

Rainbow Dash was enjoying fighting the ghosts as she was able to land some hits on the ones that didn’t have enough time to turn tangible before the rainbow mare got to them. “Says you! We just have to keep hitting them!” she shouted.

Rarity was fighting some ghosts by swinging some branches at them while Spike was by her side breathing fire at the others that approached them. “Even if we keep on fighting them, Rainbow Dash, more will just keep on coming without stopping! All of this fighting is going to ruin my mane!” shouted the fashion pony. Rarity was worried that her mane would end up messy after all of this was over.

Fluttershy was hiding behind Pinkie Pie, who was blasting at ghosts with her party cannon.

“We need that friendly ghosty pony to give us a helping hoof. He bonked them good last time,” said the party pony.

The smart pony had to agree with her. “He did help take care of that ‘Box Ghost’ before. He might have a way of defeating these ghosts with his ghost abilities,” said Twilight Sparkle.

Rainbow Dash stopped in the air, scowling. “No way! I don’t need his help,” she said. “We’ve got this.”

Rainbow Dash’s friends could tell that the rainbow mare’s pride was in the way of making her think smart.

“Rainbow Dash, fer once in yer life don’t let yer gosh darn pride blind ya ta the fact that we’re losin’ an’ we need help!” exclaimed the apple mare.

The rainbow mare knew that she couldn’t argue as Rainbow Dash knew that her friends were right as they really did need help. As soon as the rainbow mare thought that…

“Hey. Can I join in?” asked a familiar voice.

Everyone saw the ghost pony smirking. He quickly flew towards the ghosts and pulled a hoof back before delivering a punch to one of the ghosts, sending them flying. He followed it up with a kick to the face with one of his hind hooves. Afterwards, the ghost pony grabbed two ghosts before slamming their heads into each other. Everyone watched as Danny was beating up the ghosts, leaving them pleasantly surprised. Rainbow Dash was only a little impressed yet jealous as the ghost pony was easily handling the ghosts.

Some of the ghosts had flown off, wanting to get away from Danny, leaving the other ones behind to face a beating from him. Seeing that the ghosts were defeated even though some had escaped, the ghost pony opened up the Fenton Thermos before pointing it at the ghosts.

“Please work. Please work,” said Danny, hopeful.

Luckily, his hopeful pleas were answered as the thermos released some sort of a vacuum-like, ectoplasmic green-colored energy tornado at the ghosts. When it had come into contact with them, the screaming ghosts started getting pulled into its maw, trapping them within the cylinder. The ghost pony was impressed as it actually worked, while everyone else was surprised at what he was doing.

“Ooh. Lookie at what he’s doing!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, now impressed. “All the big bad ghosties are disappearing!”

She was impressed too. “Impressive. He’s trapping and containing all of the ghosts inside of that thermos,” observed the smart pony.

The rainbow pony looked at the thermos. “Can you make something exactly like it to trap ghosts too, Twilight?” she asked.

“If I could study and recreate it, then maybe,” responded Twilight Sparkle.

The group continued staring as Danny captured the last of the ghosts before placing the cap back on the thermos. The apple forest was cleared of all ghosts, except for the ghost pony.

Seeing as how he was finished, the smart pony decided to speak up before Danny left. “Excuse me, Phantom,” she called out.

That gained the ghost pony’s attention, so he turned to look at Twilight Sparkle. “Yeah?” asked Danny.

“I’m sorry for bothering you, but I was wondering if you’d let me borrow your ghost catching Thermos for a while. I want to study it and see if I can make my own based on it,” asked the smart pony.

He thought about it. “Wouldn’t you need to take it apart to also study the inside too?” questioned the ghost pony. Danny was only asking out of fear of what could happen if Twilight Sparkle did that.

“Well…Yeah, but you must have another one to put the ghosts in, right?” asked the smart pony.

The ghost pony shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I have only one of these things and I need my…uh, ‘Phantom Thermos’ to catch the ghosts. Unfortunately, I don’t have a way to send them back to the Ghost Zone yet,” answered Danny. He had no choice but to lie about the name of the thermos as the ghost pony’s last name in it would’ve tipped the group off about who he really was.

The group became confused.

“Excuse me darling, but did you say the Ghost Zone?” asked Rarity.

Danny nodded in response.

“What kind of place is it? If you don’t mind me asking,” asked the shy pony, curious.

He saw no harm in answering Fluttershy’s question. “The Ghost Zone is a dimension where the ghosts live. I usually catch ghosts and send them back there through my thermos, but now I don’t have access to the place anymore,” answered the ghost pony. “Until I do, I’ll need to find somewhere to contain them.” Danny needed to leave and make it back to the farm before Granny Smith, Big McIntosh, or the apple filly even notice that he’s not at the farm. “Now then, I must really be off. Until next time.”

Before anyone else could ask the ghost pony any more questions, Danny flew off in another direction. Everyone only stared in the direction where he had flown off.

Twilight Sparkle was the only who wasn’t as the smart pony was holding a hoof up to her chin, thinking about what the ghost pony said. “Hmm…A place to store ghosts, huh?” muttered Twilight Sparkle. “Maybe there is a way to help Phantom. I’ll need to send a letter to Princess Celestia about this.

The group then started cleaning up the mess that the ghosts had made.

Meanwhile-Everfree Forest

At a distance from where the Mane Six was stood a mysterious figure watching them from above the treetops. Their attention was then focused on the ghost pony who had turned around in a different direction, heading towards the apple farm.

“Heh heh heh. The Phantom kid’s back to being his weak self again,” said a mysterious male voice. “I guess I can wait until he gets strong again as it’s only a matter of time, but for now, I guess I’ll go after his friends as they might be worth catching.”

Then, the mysterious figure disappeared with an evil laugh.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait everyone. I was busy with my other stories and life.

So now Danny received both some good news and bad news. Until he finds a way home, him and all of the ghosts that got sent there are stuck. Danny also needs to retrain himself into using his other ghost powers too if he wants to survive his fights with his enemies.

Pony Pandora was drawn by my friend, chaosborb.

The Psychopath proofread this chapter.

Comments are welcome. :heart:

Comments ( 5 )

:pinkiecrazy: more ghosty goos

Why didn’t my tracking update?!? I almost missed the newest chapter!:twilightangry2: May I have some more, please?:twilightsmile:

Don't worry. The next chapter will be updated soon in the future. I've just got to work on my other stories.

Yay! Some of the stories I like, like Noctis Ascending, tend to just go dead because either the author forgets about it or just doesn’t log on to the website for long periods of time, like a few years or just quit the website entirely… :raritydespair:

I'm glad you like this story. ^^

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