• Published 18th Mar 2022
  • 2,438 Views, 78 Comments

Phantom Pony - Zeprto678

A crossover between MLP: FiM and Danny Phantom. Danny ends up in Equestria as a pony.

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Danny Causes A Scare

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter, everyone. Sorry it took so long.

I'm currently working on the Gore chapter for my Zombie Pony story.

Danny will be having some problems with his powers since he's in an unfamiliar body. Also, he'll eventually realize that he's not dreaming.

The Psychopath proofread this chapter.

Comments are welcome. :heart:

Danny was on top of the roof of a house, crouched down as he was looking down at the town, surprised.

“Whoa. I can’t believe what I’m seeing,” he said. “It’s just impossible.”

It was a town filled with ponies of different ages, shapes, sizes, and shades of color.

Seeing the ponies, it confirmed one of his theories. “Okay. I have to be dreaming if I’m seeing a town full of different colored ponies,” said Danny, observing.

The ghost pony continued to observe from his hiding spot. As he watched, he could tell that every pony there looked quite nice and friendly.

Danny suddenly had an idea. “It wouldn’t hurt to take a peek, right? What’s the worst that could happen?” said the ghost pony.

He shouldn’t have tempted fate. Especially since he was new to using his ghost powers as a pony.

Danny closed his eyes and started struggling, trying to turn himself invisible. “Come on. Come on,” muttered the ghost pony.

His horn started emitting an ectoplasmic green-color aura, which then spread across his entire body. Once it completely covered Danny’s body, his body then turned invisible.

The ghost pony opened his eyes. He looked at himself and saw that it was a success. “Awesome! It worked!” cheered Danny.

Nearby ponies who heard him shout, looked up in his direction, confused, but there was nothing there. So, the ponies went back to what they were doing.

Maybe I should be quiet and not shout out loudly, attracting unwanted attention to myself? Especially since I don’t know how long I can remain invisible?” he thought quietly.

The ghost pony then strained himself again as he was concentrating on trying to fly again while also trying not to drop his invisibility. After a few seconds of concentration, Danny started levitating into the air again.

He looked a little tired. “Man, for a dream, this feels kind of realistic. I feel exhausted from using my ghost powers, which should be impossible in dreams,” commented the ghost pony. Danny thought about it until he came to a conclusion. “Ugh, I’m probably sleepwalking or ‘sleepflying’ around town in my ghost form right now, using my powers without realizing it. I must be feeling the exhaustion my body is going through right now.’

The ghost pony flew off into the air.

“I just hope I wake up before I end up crashing into something. Like the side of a building,” said Danny.

He then started observing the ponies closely.

Few Minutes Later

While observing them, the ghost pony saw that the ponies have small pictures on their ‘butts’ like he did, have weird names, and they had a currency of gold coins known as ‘Bits’.

This dream is getting weirder and weirder. If I told anyone that I dreamed this whole thing up, I’d be a laughingstock until the end of High School ,” thought Danny. “Luckily, I might forget this as soon as I wake up.

The ghost pony looked around at some random houses, trying to decide which one to take a look in.

“Hmm…I’m going to have to decide this in a more mature way,” he said.

A few seconds later, Danny was spinning in place with his eyes closed and a hoof extended, pointing straight.

“And…Stop!” said the ghost pony before stopping in place.

He opened his eyes and saw that his hoof was pointing at a cream-colored house. Danny landed onto the house’s roof. Now came the hardest part for Danny as the ghost pony needed to keep his hold on his invisibility and flight while trying to turn intangible. He was already tired from turning invisible and from flying, and from keeping them both up for a while. Turning intangible would tire him even more. In the end, the ghost pony’s curiosity won.

Danny concentrated hard once again. After a while, he started phasing through the roof of the house.

“Danny does it once again,” cheered the ghost pony.

He flew down into the house. It was a charming-looking home and in it was an earth pony mare, a pegasus stallion, and a unicorn filly and an earth pony colt too. They were sitting at the living room table, playing a board game.

Danny became interested and decided to get closer. He didn’t notice that both his invisibility and intangibility had just worn off. His presence had created a shadow to the left of the mare, causing her to notice and look in his direction.

She looked shocked, said her husband’s name, and pointed out where the ghost pony was. Everyone followed where she was pointing and saw the source of the shadow. They looked shocked just like her. The ghost pony was confused at what they were staring at and decided to look behind himself, but didn’t see anything. Then the mare screamed, followed by the stallion and the two children.

“What is that thing?!” she asked, shouting.

“I don’t know! Must be some kind of ghost or something!” he shouted.

What the stallion said shocked Danny. He looked down at himself and realized one thing.

“Uh-oh,” said the ghost pony.

Meanwhile-Outside of the House

Ponies had stopped and looked at the house, concerned as they heard the family screaming. All of a sudden, the door opened and the family ran out followed by some kind of perplexed, terrifying-looking Alicorn creature. The ponies didn’t know whether to be scared or shocked, so they chose to be scared. Now, there were ponies running around like the family: scared.

Danny reached the streets. His flying had ended as he couldn’t maintain it anymore. “Hey! Wait!” he shouted. “I’m not here to hurt you!”

No one was listening as they were scared of him.

Suddenly, there was a voice.

“Hey, you! Stop right there!” shouted a female voice.

Danny turned his head and saw that the voice belonged to some sort of a blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane and tail. All the ponies stopped running around as they looked at the mare herself.

“I want you to stop terrorizing the ponies right now and come with me,” she demanded.

The ghost pony, instead of saying something reasonable in response, ended up voicing his thoughts out loud. “Are those hair colors natural?” asked Danny, wondering.

The ponies who were nearby were stunned to hear him speak.

The mare was shocked at first as well, but she quickly became furious. “Wha-?! Of course they are!” she shouted.

The ghost pony then realized that he had accidentally said that out loud. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you angry,” said Danny, apologizing.

The rainbow pony scoffed. “Whatever. Make this easy and give yourself up,” she informed. “Don’t, and-” the rainbow pony gave him a big grin “-I’ll catch you faster than you can run.”

So, my choices are either get brought before whoever’s in charge, who might treat me like I’m some sort of bad guy, or run away?” he thought. After a few seconds, the decision was made. “Yeeeeah, no thanks. I’m leaving.”

The ghost pony then turned around and galloped away with some difficulties.

The rainbow pony grinned. “Fine. More fun for me,” she said.

The rainbow pony crouched down and quickly flew off into the air.

While galloping, he turned his head and saw that the mare was flying after him at a fast speed. “She’s coming in hot. Better disappear,” thought Danny.

The ghost pony turned the corner into an alley. He needed to hurry as she turned the corner and was getting closer and closer and there were only a few more feet until the end. If he didn’t turn intangible now, the ghost pony would end up caught by the rainbow pony. He’d either end up crashing into a brick wall, and then be caught, or his transformation would wear off and then he would transform back into his other pony form, and then he would be caught. Either one was bad. The ghost pony concentrated hard.

The distance between them was shrinking. “You shouldn’t have run down this alley. You made it all too easy for me to catch you,” the rainbow pony informed. “I don’t know what Twilight will do to a male Alicorn like you, but I don’t care.”

The distance between Danny and the wall were also shrinking too. The mare’s hoof was extended, reaching for him. Just as he was about to crash into the wall, he had finally turned intangible and phased right through it. Safe.

The ghost pony gave off a relieved sigh. “Phew. That was a close o--” he was interrupted before he was finished.

The mare was not so lucky as she had crashed through the brick wall and through the front of the building, creating a dust cloud.

Danny winced. “Oof. That’s got to hurt,” he commented. “Better get out of here before anymore trouble happens to me.”

With a little bit of difficulty, the ghost pony flew off into the air, unseen.