• Published 22nd Mar 2022
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Don't Bug Me - Starscribe

Amie was prepared for a difficult season as a camp counselor. She wasn't prepared for her entire summer camp vanishing from Earth, and reappearing in a strange new world. Now they're bugs, in a world that seems to hate them. Survival not guaranteed.

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Chapter 84

Amie and Tailslide passed together through the tunnel entrance, and out before the full might of Commander Path's changeling isolation force.

They formed a semicircle in what had once been the gift shop. Unicorn magic or simple muscle had extinguished all the flames. Plush toys, snack freezers, and displays of old mining tools now lay scattered. Ponies formed a circular rank around them, with only the pair of unicorns and Path himself in the center.

Unlike Amie and Tailslide, they were all armed and armored. They might very well just attack them any second.

Except that Amie could still read their thoughts. Path had kept many of his feelings suppressed well in the past, but apparently that technique required a kind of calm that wasn't present here. Either that, or Amie's own powers of perception were just stronger now that she was a queen.

"Even now, you wear that deception. Do you think it will make me more vulnerable to your lies? We know what you are. We have already captured your kind. Your move on my own house was thwarted. If you thought that would make me turn aside this attack, you are dead wrong. I am now more certain than ever in the justice of our cause. There is no end beneath you, no evil you will not seize upon."

Amie had enough experience dealing with this man to know how it worked. When he got into the mood to lecture, she could really just wait for him to finish. So, she waited in silence, eyeing Tailslide pointedly as she did so. They needed a unified front, or else this brief truce would turn into a proper assault.

The pony army had numbers, and who knew what magical resources to turn against the little shelter of bugs. Even not understanding their foes, Equestria still had adults trained for this, and experience in previous conflicts with changelings. Amie's only real edge was the secondhand technology from her home, much of which was now crushed under camp buildings leveled in cannonfire.

"Princess Luna summoned our queen to Canterlot for judgment. She is already there, in the princess's tower. Before she left, the queen ordered her bugs to remain where they were and not fight. All you have to do is send a message to her. Luna will confirm this. We are ready to surrender to Equestria."

Commander Path's usual confidence faltered at her words. He fell briefly silent, glancing between the two of them. "You are incapable. Surrender implies an enemy faction—a nation with the same wants, the same drives, the same needs. Changelings aren't griffons or dragons. You don't want land; you want the souls of ponies. Coexistence is not possible. We tried it for these last few months. We left you to your mountain, and it was not enough. You intruded into Equestria, sent spies and assassins and hunters. As you always must, because it is your nature. You are parasites, without souls of your own. You know only hunger, hunger so powerful it overcomes all other drives."

"That's not true," Tailslide shot back, puffing out both wings. "Commander, they aren't like that. These bugs aren't from Chrysalis. They didn't attack Canterlot, they don't kill ponies. They just want peace."

"Killed at least two ponies I know of." The pegasus flicked his tail backward, where a medical tent already stood in the parking lot. Several others rose up as the seconds passed, and larger groups of ponies moved back and forth from the airships.

All the more evidence of the futility of this war if it became open conflict. Amie had a population of mostly children, all untrained, fewer than the people of a single city. Her eggs would make for hundreds more—but they needed to grow. They wouldn't be part of this battle, or any that followed in the next few years. If she got her way, they would never see violence.

It didn't matter if they had firearms and their enemy didn't. Even without the Equestrian unicorns to even things up, they would still be hopelessly outmatched. Amie's only hope came from delay, not triumph.

"I begged them to stop," Amie said flatly. "Your stallions charged to their deaths. If you attack this nest, many more will die. Please, send a message to the princess. Surround this camp and wait for Canterlot's reply. We're ready to surrender."

He was barely even watching her anymore. "Tailslide. You should have left these lands when you had the chance. They compromised you months ago. Was this maneuver your idea? It wasn't enough to argue that we should consider a different approach. You had to betray your nation instead. Many more will die here because of you."

Tailslide looked to the commander with defiance plastered to his face. "I know you have no reason to trust me. Maybe you think I've been replaced by a changeling by now, or mind controlled, or worse. None of those things happened. I'm telling you, telling all of you here, that Stella Lacus is different. They aren't like the other bugs who attacked Equestria. They won't hurt you or me or anyone else, if you give them a chance. But they aren't going to roll over and let you slit their throats either. We can coexist."

"Do we lose anything with a delay, commander?" one of the unicorns asked. Amie didn't know either one, but from their uniforms she knew they were both decorated officers. Not simple bodyguards, though they might be here on that duty.

"Assuming they don't have some clever strategy in play. Wait too long, and they might burrow out another way. If we strike now, we could burn them out before that happens. Equestria's infestation will not have a chance to spread."

We're already outside, Amie thought. Of course, she didn't tell them that—the less Path knew, the better.

"That infestation is a thousand children," Amie said. "From twelve to eighteen. When you get past my guards, you'll find corridor after corridor of terrified groups, huddled and begging for mercy. If you order your troops, it will be to commit genocide. They will spend the rest of their lives having nightmares filled with screaming children, clinging to them and begging for mercy while their innocent blood drips from their spears."

Her words did little to the commander—but behind him, many watching ponies lowered their weapons. Others just looked down in shame, faltering under the pressure.

"Will you submit yourself as a prisoner?" Commander Path demanded. "You, and the traitor. If any strike came from inside this shelter, your lives would be forfeit. Both of them."

Before she could answer, the ground started to shake. Amie looked up through the broken ceiling, along with many observing ponies. They all saw the same shape appearing there, a light that first joined with the sun, but soon shone brighter, briefly blinding them.

Amie shielded her face with her hoof, and she wasn't the only one. Many ponies did likewise, hiding from the growing brilliance until it finally faded to something more reasonable.

When it did, it left a single creature in its place—the glittering white body of an Alicorn. A pony that Amie had yet to see in person, though of course she recognized her instantly. It could only be Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria.

"It seems your delay will not be necessary after all," Path said, settling onto his haunches with a sudden, powerfully smug expression. "Whatever deception you intended is undone. The princess will burn you from this mountain and sterilize Equestria of your corruption. Your lies will get you no further."

Amie took one step closer to Tailslide. As she did, she directed her attention backward, through the opening. Her soldiers had sandbags piled up to waist level now, about as far as they could want for shooting purposes. She focused her mental energy backward, in a general transmission that would probably be received by a dozen different bugs. Keep your weapons down. Don't even point them at this pony. If the white one comes in, surrender instantly. She's more powerful than you can imagine.

Amie had no time to listen and see how many bugs had received the message—Princess Celestia was already there. She landed before them, closer to the semicircle of armed ponies. That put the little negotiating party between her and the mine entrance.

Her glory was beyond even Amie's first glimpse of Princess Luna. So much magic radiated from her that a bug could probably feed just by standing in the same room. All that compassion she felt for her ponies, true parental love. This pony was more than just a ruler—she was borderline divine.

She was also much larger, as significant a difference as Queen Kaya was to the ordinary changeling drones. Her wings opened as wide as several ponies, and her mane flowed backward through the air as an iridescent rainbow of light and warmth.

As she touched down, every pony in attendance lowered their heads into a bow. Those who still carried weapons lowered them now, not daring to point them anywhere near her. Her arrival brought comfort from the army—but also its own feeling of fear.

So, she had that much in common with a changeling queen. That left only one who didn't bow—Amie herself. Instead, she changed, abandoning the pony disguise in a flash of magic. Otherwise, she kept all her hooves firmly planted, movements slow. If those unicorns got a little overzealous, if they decided she might be too much of a risk to their princess...

But whatever smug confidence boiled in Commander Path, it would soon be disappointed. "Commander Bravo Path," the princess said. Her voice was like so many other aspects of her—impossibly graceful and confident, loving and powerful. Everything a queen ought to be. Something for Amie to aspire to.

"I have inquired with the Office of Military Intelligence. I can find no evidence suggesting you were ordered to this offensive. Why are there ponies on this mountain?"

The pegasus kept his head down, both wings closed. Despite the princess's words, he still seemed confident. "Princess. We received a message from Canterlot. They attacked my household directly. Their infiltrators were discovered in the castle. When I heard this, I—"

"Ordered an attack without confirming it was authorized," Celestia interrupted. In an instant, the love and compassion in her voice hardened to a knife's edge.

"Spent the lives of your soldiers, and inflicted who knows how many casualties. Apparently, it did not occur to you that Equestria might have other intentions. Did your orders not clearly specify that you were only authorized to make a counterattack against the mountain if Agate itself was threatened? During my flight over, I saw no fires, no casualties—only ponies cowering in terror in their homes, fearing that we have become embroiled in another war."

Commander Path met her eyes. There she saw the first real sign of defiance, strong enough that her emotional senses could read it. "Somepony had to protect Equestria. My brave mares and stallions were prepared. Give them leave, and they will make Equestria safe forever. This one here admitted that her troops are unprepared. It will be an easy battle. We can finally have peace."

The princess's horn flashed, and the commander vanished from his place. The teleport was so brief that even the soldiers staggered back, confused. "I am now in command of this army," the princess said, raising her voice to carry back towards the more distant parts of the formation. "All of you, weapons down."

Those few ponies who still carried their spears all set them down. Swords slid back into sheaths, and crossbows fell limp against their straps. Ponies who had been watching attentively for the battle to stop were now entirely still.

Only then did the princess turn towards her. "I am told to expect one among your kind, changeling. Her name is Amie Blythe. Can you find her for me?"

She nodded. "I am her voice, princess. Her body is in your sister's tower. We can speak there, if you prefer."

The princess scratched her chin once, as though considering. Then her horn glowed again, and light filled the broken gift shop.

When it faded, it left several ponies behind—Beth and Ivy Path, settled beside a resting bat. Amie's real body.

"Better to have it here," Princess Celestia said. "We have seen enough bloodshed over delegation today. Is there anywhere we could have tea?"

Amie released the worker and stood up as a bat. She transformed again, growing into her full size. A few ponies gasped, reaching for their weapons. But any who did got a sharp glare from the princess and lowered them again.

"You may come inside. I'll show you the people Commander Path wanted to massacre."

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