• Published 22nd Mar 2022
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Don't Bug Me - Starscribe

Amie was prepared for a difficult season as a camp counselor. She wasn't prepared for her entire summer camp vanishing from Earth, and reappearing in a strange new world. Now they're bugs, in a world that seems to hate them. Survival not guaranteed.

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Chapter 54

The chef aboard the train to Agate could not sate Amie's appetite, despite what he promised. But the attempt was admirable, and the conversation was better.

Despite her months in Equestria, Amie had met so few ponies in total, and her curiosity for their lives was almost as boundless as her physical and magical hunger. They might be alien equines in a magical world, but talking to them wasn't that different from entertaining a group of fresh campers.

Ponies wanted to talk about themselves, and were eager to have someone there asking the questions that would lead them from story to pleasant memory to ambitions for the future and beyond.

It wasn't easy at first. But the more she ate, the more comfortable with her the watching ponies became. She realized why just observing their emotions. Ponies don't have a spell to detect us, but they know we can't eat. Not long ago, Amie never could've emptied plate after plate of vegetables and oats and other things, not without feeling as though she was eating rotten food.

Before Amie and Wes had fled for their lives, Amie was closely connected to Stella Lacus leadership. She'd been there for the meetings where they figured out exactly how much meat it took to make other food edible, and what happened to ponies who ate other things anyway.

The answer was little different from what might happen to humans who ate bad food—explosive and unpleasant trips to the bathroom were soon to follow.

Nothing like that happened to Amie, as she cleaned out her own plate, seconds, and leftovers from the other ponies one at a time. She had to lie when the chef asked if she was full. "Just saved enough for dessert, thanks. That was wonderful."

"Told you my kitchen was different," he responded, radiating his pride and satisfaction. That could've been a little infusion of glamour for Amie, but she held back, letting it wash over her uncollected.

She had made a promise to the orange tribe—the green bugs could not drink of the pride that orange needed to survive. Maybe when we're more secure, we can negotiate paying it to them instead. This seems wasteful.

There were plenty of positive feelings to join her meal, though. All she had to do was entertain the ponies with a little conversation. It helped that the chef brought out wine for the others, but only juice for her. Because she was pregnant, obviously.

I'm pregnant. She couldn't think those words without an accompanying wave of dread. Pregnant before she was out of college, pregnant with a stranger she barely knew. Pregnant with dozens, hundreds, or maybe even thousands of young.

"You'd be better off passing Agate by if you can, ma'am," Sweetie said, pulling her firmly back to reality. "It's not as safe as it used to be."

"Because of the mountain," Amie said, feigning ignorance. "I thought there was a whole base to keep the changelings trapped. Why should I be afraid if the Royal Guard are there?"

The three ponies shared a look. There was no magic telepathy to speak of in the exchange, but they didn't need any. Amie could tell most of what they meant just from their emotions. The other two were subservient to Sweetie Drops, and wanted her permission to say something.

She was the one to say it, in the end. "It does seem like the base is doing its job for the moment," she answered. "In the months leading up to the Canterlot invasion, there were a number of disappearances among the less-fortunate. Ponies ending up in the hospital with mysterious injuries, or just going out one night and not coming back. This hasn't happened in Agate, or the other towns nearby. Motherlode hasn't had a murder since it was founded, only the occasional mining accident."

"But that doesn't mean it will stay that way," Dim added, growing a little braver. Brave enough to reach across the table, and rest one hoof on Amie's. "Please, Silver, the gold isn't worth it. You seem like a sweetheart—take your children somewhere else."

Sweetie Drops shot him a harsh look. Of course, Amie pretended not to notice. "So they're not out now... but you think they might get out?"

"Commander Path is an idiot," Ardent blurted. "He's guarding the mountain like they're an enemy army ready to battle him. But changelings aren't like that—they're stealthy, they're infiltrators. They would never battle an army of ponies. They'd lose every time! Not even dragons can stand against our elites!"

Sweetie Drops shoved a spoon of pudding into his mouth, silencing him. "As I said, it's Powers's first time. He's still learning the rules, and the risks. But I think we all agree about one thing: changelings could get out at any time. Right now Agate and the surrounding townships don't have enough security to protect against an infiltration. The commander has armies flying on patrol when he should have ponies in the constabulary and the morgue. He should be watching for unexplained injuries, and checking up on every disappearance. That's how we'll know when there are changelings among us."

"You should leave before you deliver, miss," Dim said, a little more confidently. "There's no love quite as potent as between a foal and their mother. You'll draw them down on you like flies. They are kinda like flies. Nothing is sacred to them, no food they won't devour. Particularly with winter coming soon. They'll be desperately hungry. They might start eating ponies again."

"Don't tell her that," Sweetie hissed. "Don't terrify the poor mare. Most of that isn't even public."

Amie didn't have to act. Her stomach twisted, and she put down her spoon with dessert still unfinished. "You just said... they..."

Sweetie Drops rested one hoof on her shoulder, turning her gently to meet her eyes. "I know it can be hard to believe—but just because they look a little like us doesn't mean they have anything in common. Make no mistake, there are invaders on that mountain. They're the greatest danger Equestria has ever faced. But please, don't panic. There's no sign of an infiltration yet. Tomorrow or the next day—well, that's why we're coming to Agate. Let's just say ponies all the way at the top are worried about a breach, and they've sent ponies to make sure it doesn't happen."

Amie nodded weakly. Some part of her was still imagining just what Queen Chrysalis was like, that she was willing to allow her swarm to do such terrible things. And there was another part that wondered what Stella Lacus would do if they ran out of food in the winter, and everyone started starving at once.

She wanted to believe her campers were better than all that—but she didn't know for sure. There was a very real danger of exactly what these ponies said happening when winter came and the prey was all gone.

Unless Amie did something about it. "You're all... Royal Guards?" she guessed. "Here to improve security in the city watch?"

Sweetie finally let go of her shoulder, and went back to her dessert. "Something like that. I'm an expert in fighting the changelings. They once hurt a pony very close to me, and I'm determined not to let that happen to anypony else. If we can do our job, you won't have anything to worry about prospecting in Agate. But there's still no way to detect them preemptively—we're stuck waiting until they give themselves away. If you do decide to stay, and you see something strange—don't hesitate to tell a guard. Or one of us. We'll be opening an office of Changeling Activities in the next few days, with experts on duty at all hours. Anything you see, please pass along."

Amie nodded, and went back to her meal. At least if she kept her mouth busy, she didn't have to find something to say.

I'm going to bring in a whole group of bugs who don't know how to change, and barely know anything about ponies. Now there's gonna be a special security force to look for us?

"I don't understand—have we tried talking to them? Maybe if we sent ponies up onto that mountain, we could work something out. They might not want to hurt anypony."

"They don't have a choice," Dim said. "You're not the first pony to think of that, believe me. Princess Celestia herself tried negotiation, during the invasion. They're not interested in conversation. No matter how much they might want to, they can't help but need to eat. Nothing we can say will change the fact that they see us as food."

Amie took another bite of pudding, clearing off her plate. She was actually starting to feel full—on the meal, and an ample portion of real concern for her radiating from this crew of very dangerous creatures.

"Oh," was all she said, without argument. If she wasn't a queen, she might've taken a daring chance with a little more—these ponies thought her kind were evil monsters, but they were also the ones sent to deal with them.

I need to write them a letter. If I can get them to read it, maybe they'll give us a chance. They were setting up an office in town, apparently. She could address it there.

The ponies across from her were obviously running out of energy. One by one they returned to their room, until it was just Amie and Sweetie left at the table. Sweetie nursed another glass of wine, while Amie had juice. It was drinkable, but nowhere near as good as proper glamour.

Every second they spoke, she had to resist the urge to tell the truth. Ponies were so afraid of changelings, but they knew almost nothing about them! If she could fill in the gaps in their understanding, there would be no more need to fight.

She never did. Eventually Sweetie Drops too got up, nodding to her. "Maybe we'll see you in Agate, miss. Keep a close eye on your foals if that's where you stay. Please."

"I will," Amie said, without deception. "They're all I have in the world. I'll do anything to keep them safe."

As Amie closed on the private bedroom, she felt the panic radiating out through the walls. She quickened her pace, as much as she dared. She didn't exactly know where Sweetie Drops and her fellow agents were staying. One of the locked private rooms, probably. Maybe even the one right next to hers.

Amie knocked lightly on the door, then spoke in a low whisper. She didn't need an excuse for that, not when it was well after midnight and most ponies would be asleep. "I'm back. Can someone unlock the door, please?"

Someone did. Pachu’a appeared in the doorway for an instant, then yanked her inside, and shut the door just as quickly.

Instead of resting the night away, she found her car at a state of panic. Everyone was up next to the side. Natane had one of the lamp-fixtures down off the wall, and seemed ready to use it to shatter the window. They were all wearing their saddlebags, as though expecting an imminent evacuation.

"We need to get off this train," Pachu’a whispered, directly into her ear. "I know your brother can't fly. We'll have to carry him. We can't be here. There are SMILE agents aboard."

She kept her voice just as low. Instead of fear, she projected as much confidence and relaxation as she could. "I know. We had an interesting conversation over dinner."

"And they brought you here under arrest?" Pachu’a finished. "Easier than making a scene."

"No." She stepped back, then nudged her brother. She didn't have to say any of the next part nearly as quietly. "Get some real sleep, Wes. You'll need it."

He nodded eagerly, climbing back up into the bunk. He slid out of the saddlebags, levitating them to the floor. "That's what I told them."

"Nobody fools those agents," Pachu’a said, his voice just as harsh and low as before. "I've lost hunters to them before."

It didn't seem that hard. Amie shook her head again, keeping her expression as neutral as possible. "We did talk about some of the dangers of moving into a town so close to the changeling mountain. They tried to talk me out of staying. But I told them the gold is just too good. We couldn't turn down a contract like this, so I wasn't turning around."

She settled into an empty seat, then gestured towards Natane. “Put that back where you found it. And get the book out, I'd like to get some reading in."

The three kleovore changelings all stared, radiating a mix of disbelief and fear. But she didn't budge. There was no explosion of noise from down the train. As the seconds passed, even they were forced to see the truth of what she said. There was no attack coming—Sweetie Drops and the others didn't know she was a changeling.

"This is why creatures like you stay home," Pachu’a muttered, curling up near the wall. "Make my hearts give out if you keep this up.”

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