• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 597 Views, 12 Comments

A Drink - Chemtest

Four hundred years have passed since Luna’s banishment, and Celestia is all alone.

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Celestia sits at her large dining table, smiling as she takes a bite from a well prepared salad, quickly taking a sip of tea afterwards. Her smile is more genuine than normal, and her magenta eyes almost sparkle with warmth as she enjoys her meal. She sits, awaiting the Zebra Emperor, Darius, to converse.

Think of the Fatecaster and Darius appears, it would seem. The doors to the dining room open wide, a group of two zebras, wearing many golden rings around their bodies, step in, standing at attention on either side of the door. Trotting in after them is the Emperor of Zebrica himself. Wearing a red headdress, upon which sits at least twelve different feathers, with large golden earrings and larger golden bracelets around his legs. He smiles, and nods to Celestia, trotting up to sit across from her, “Princess Celestia.”

Celestia smiles back, floating down her silverware, “Emperor Darius. Please, take a seat, I shall have my servants fetch you something.”

Darius pulls out a chair, taking a seat, looking back at Celestia, “You speak differently than I remember, Celestia. You look different, as well, much less… how to say, serious? Perhaps not the proper word, but it is all my mind can find. What is the catalyst of this?”

She pauses, taking a small bite of salad as she mulls over the question. With a swallow, she smiles softly, “Do you speak often with your citizens, Darius?”

Darius blinks, and nods, the feathers of his headdress bobbing with the motion, “Some I do speak with, yes. I must confess, it is mostly just my advisors and the Council of Chiefs, but I do make it a point to sometimes trot the streets of Neighgeria, or even far-off Algae Area, to hear the voices of my citizenry. It can be enlightening for an Emperor like I to hear from those of a far below social hierarchy. It is the word of Zuéstro, after all, that states even the most common can be the most exceptional. Why do you ask this, Celestia?”

Celestia smiles more, “I must admit honestly, Darius, that I have questioned a decision of mine as of late. I discovered one who had shirked their duties and betrayed the nation, and wondered if I had gone too far with their punishment. I pursued a purview of the situation from a mortal citizen, as I know both my age and my position can easily tint my view of things. I spoke to one of my subjects, and came to the realization that I have, for too long, lost sight of who I truly was, and had gone much too far to protect my nation. I was, to put it simply, a benevolent tyrant, instead of the enlightened monarch, the benevolent despot, that I should be.”

Darius nods, smiling as a salad is placed before him, “I must say, that is a conclusion that I have to imagine was hard to come to. To admit fault, and to change ones path, is the hardest thing one can do, let alone one as old as you, Celestia. No offense intended towards your age, of course, I am sure it has granted you much wisdom throughout your rule. I must wonder what punishment was so bad as to get you to question your choices, but in the same breath, I must realize that it is not my place to pry into your Kingdom’s affairs as an Emperor. I will, however, ask as a potential friend and confidant.”

Celestia takes a bite from her salad, pondering for a moment, “I appreciate your open ear, Darius, and your offer of friendship. But we both know that my relations with the Griffons are strained, and your people have a longer history of friendship with them than with me. To befriend me, on the world stage, could very well cause problems in your alliances and friendships in the east.”

Darius nods, taking his own bite, “I did not offer that as Emperor, Celestia, but as a zebra. Beneath this headdress and these rings of gold, I am much the same as any other zebra, and as thus my feelings are not confined by alliances or the endless show of world politics. I rule not just for the good of my zebras, but for the good of all creatures everywhere, be they Equine, Avian, or Minotaur. I sit here and I see a pony in front of me who very much might need an open ear for her to speak to. I would offer said open ear.”

Celestia smiles softly, “I appreciate it, Darius, I truly do. Perhaps I might take you up on that offer, but I’m afraid business must come first. I shall cut through the mindless chatter, and say what I have heard to you honestly, so you may respond in kind. I have heard from a source I consider reliable that you may well have been consorting with the Mare in the Moon. You know her well.”

Darius frowns, his fur bristling up, “Nightmare Moon, hrátés, to even speak her name is like dipping my tongue into filth. I would like to know who this source is, that I may confront them and ensure they never slander me like that again! I am Emperor, servant of the gods, who would dare to accuse me of consorting with heretical demons?! Does he think I have not read of the famines caused by her, the zebras she kidnapped to fight and die?!” He slams a hoof on the table, “Zebrica has not forgotten the demon, nor shall we ever, lest the gods themselves turn their backs on us!”

Celestia looks him in the eyes, “Darius. Please. Calm.”

Darius pauses, looking at his hoof, and nodding, taking a deep breath. He lets it out slowly, “I… apologize for my outburst, Celestia. It was unbecoming of me, and shows I still have a long path to understand my emotions.”

Celestia nods back, “I am not surprised at the outburst, Darius, and in fact am happy about it. I can see the genuine anger within your eyes, and I understand it well. The Nightmare caused many zebras to starve, as she did to ponies, as is common in war. I also understand your view of her as a demon, a perversion of your Night goddess, Hermása, if I remember correctly. I perfectly understand why this accusation has brought you rage, and I apologize.” She bows her head in respect, “But it just means that I have a new problem.”

Darius raises an eyebrow, “And what might that problem be, Celestia?”

Celestia takes a slow bite of her salad, looking behind Darius at the fiery visage appearing behind him, “Someone has framed you.”