• Published 4th Mar 2022
  • 597 Views, 12 Comments

A Drink - Chemtest

Four hundred years have passed since Luna’s banishment, and Celestia is all alone.

  • ...

A Dream

Celestia smiles, taking a seat at her royal dining table, her mind not even affected by the alcohol she downed in the last hour. Servants enter the room, respectfully placing her dinner, a simple salad, before her and then trotting off. She smiles, taking a bite of her salad, thinking back on her conversation with Teardrop. If a common pony is like that, perhaps she should speak with more commoners in the future.

In the middle of her thoughts, the door to the room opens, a unicorn entering. Dark blue coat, darker blue mane, and a lithe body. One of few stallions in her employ, confined to a wheelchair. His horn lights up, spinning the wheels of the chair, moving him closer, where he bows his head, “Princess.”

She smiles at him, “At ease, Agent Astral. I must say, it is odd for you to come to me, you are usually performing your dream duties.”

Astral looks up, and nods slightly, “Normally I would be, Princess, but this is not a normal night.”

Celestia nods, looking back at him, “Do tell, Agent Astral.”

He nods once more, “While performing my duties, Princess, I decided to check on the dreams of the Zebras.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow, “The zebras? Astral, that is not your realm to overview. The zebras fall to Agent Sweet and Agent Sweet alone. I trust you must have had good reason.”

He looks into her eyes, “I did, Princess. I discovered that their dreams hadn’t been checked on for nearly a month, a clear dereliction of duties. I decided to check on the dream of Emperor Darius, to ensure there was no treachery. I fear Darius has come in contact with Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia drops her fork, standing instantly, “He’s what? Astral, if this is some sort of prank, then I will have you drawn and quartered.”

Astral looks up at her, “It is no prank. In his dreams, he spoke to the moon and stars, and told them that he would obey their commands. They commanded treachery, deceit, the ruination of peace. The facilitation of the return of the Nightmare.”

Celestia scowls, “Zebras… of everyone, she would contact them.” She looks to a nearby guard, “Contact the General at once! I do not care if she is sleeping or if she complains, she shall report to me before midnight!” The guard quickly nods, and rushes off, while Celestia looks back at Astral, “You know what this could mean.”

Astral nods, “War, Princess. This could mean war.”

She nods grimly, “If the Nightmare is on their side, Astral, it won’t just be the army who fights. We will need to protect our minds and dreams as well. Rally the other Agents, ensure that they are prepared for everyone. And Astral.”

“Yes, Princess?”

“Cull the Agents who aren’t loyal. I will not have them doom my nation to the Nightmare again.” She gives him one last look, and then trots out of the dining room, “Inkwell!”

Unicorn mare, wearing fine robes, white coat, black mane, secretary. She rushes up at Celestia’s call, “Yes, Princess?”

She looks down at the smaller mare, “Take correspondence to Emperor Darius. Dear Emperor Darius the Second of Zebrica, I have heard rather concerning news as of late. I request your immediate presence in Canterlot, so we may discuss, as allies, the proper path of action. This may very well be time sensitive, so hurry as quick as you can. I shall await your arrival with baited breath. From Princess Celestia, Goddess of the Sun and Ruler of Equestria.”

Inkwell smiles and nods, finishing the letter, “I’ll get our fastest flier on it right away, Princess!” She gallops away, quickly replaced by a galloping mare, who salutes immediately upon seeing the Princess.

Celestia looks down on the new mare, “General Shine, your swiftness is commendable.”

Shine nods, keeping her salute up, “I come to your call, Princess.”

She nods, “And that is why you are General. I want the army to be rallied, and prepared for war. Do not question why, do not make it obvious, but make it swift. Do this, and I’ll ensure a reward.”

Shine smiles, “At once, Princess.” And gallops off again. Celestia, alone, takes a deep breath, letting it all out in a sigh, quietly trotting her way to her bedroom.

She opens an orange golden door, trotting into her bright room. Even in the moonlight, her orange bedsheets almost glow with radiance, and the roof of the room, painted like a sunny and clear day, almost seems to shine. Their brightness is in contrast to Celestia’s dour posture, as she sinks into her bed, looking out of a nearby window, right at the moon, and at the face upon said moon.

To her side, a fiery mane appears, the forked tongue of Daybreaker whispering, “She’ll be back eventually, Sunny-Bunny, even you can’t stop that. And there won’t be any Elements to stop her this time.” Celestia lets out a sigh, looking at the moon harder as Daybreaker goes on, “Either you’ll die, or you’ll have to kill her. We both know you won’t be able to survive the heartache.”

Celestia lays down, looking Daybreaker in her fiery eyes, “You’ve said that every time before. Discord, Sombra, Father, even with the Fatecaster. You’ve never been correct.”

Daybreaker grins, “Every time, Sunny-Bunny, you had Lulu to confide in. She was your rock, and you crashed against her until she was a pebble. It’s your fault. But you don’t have to deal with the pain of your mistakes, you know. I’m here, Sunny-Bunny.”

Celestia smiles, “Oh, you are here, yes. And here is where you will remain, Daybreaker. Goodnight.” She closes her eyes, the demon fading away as she escapes into the bliss of dreaming.