• Published 26th Feb 2022
  • 2,802 Views, 120 Comments

My Little Schnee - Krieg cormac

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Chapter 4

This wasn't a dream, or a hallucination brought on by a cocktail of painkillers meant to keep Weiss' body numb from pain. The adorable horsey-pony princess gave Weiss what she could only assume was a smile, one that seemed to hurt a lot judging by how wide it was. Keeping the copy of the Arma Gigas' sword in hand, a thousand thoughts raced through Weiss' mind. Princess Luna, seemed nice enough at a glance, but that didn't indicate what part of Remnant Weiss was now stuck in.

"It's so wonderful meeting you Weiss Schnee!" Princess Luna said, keeping her awkward large smile. "Especially now that you are awake and not covering my garden in your blood."

Weiss had never been this confused before. Princess Luna? Equestria? Bleeding to death in a garden? As beautiful as Haven Academy was, there wasn't any garden on campus that Weiss was aware of.

"Thanks? I guess." Weiss refused to lower her construct. What if this was all a ploy to get her to lower her guard? What if this was the result of Emerald's semblance? "Where on Remnant am I?"

The horsey Princess tilted her head to the side, her smile dropping as she held a hoof to her uh, chin? It took all of Weiss' willpower to not squeal at how adorable the princess was! Still, she had to put her survival first.

"I have never heard of this Remnant." Princess Luna admitted, her voice formal and a bit slow. Never heard of Remnant? Weiss felt her grip on her sword tighten. "However! We have an expert on hoomans arriving soon!"

Hoomans? This was honestly one of the weirdest conversations Weiss had ever had, and that was saying something considering Nora's personality, and Ruby whenever she had one of her sugar highs.

"Please, lower your blade. I swear upon my cutie mark that no harm shall come to you." Princess Luna continued speaking. Even with the cute pony sitting down, Weiss could tell that she was at least a whole head taller than her, and that was without her heels. "I shall send for the doctors to ensure that your wound hasn't reopened. Would that be okay?"

Weiss' stomach growled before she could answer, causing her pale cheeks to heat up. She felt her body grow numb.

"Oh my, I have been a poor host so far." Princess Luna stood up, the long horn on her head easily making her seem much taller. "I shall also send for our chefs to make you a meal."

"Y-Yes, that would be fine." Weiss said, her voice cracking for just a second. She allowed her sword to dissipate without another word.

"Wonderful!" The pony princess beamed. How was that even possible?! Every logical bone in Weiss' body told her that this very interaction was impossible!

But this was real, it felt too real, it smelled too real. Weiss took a deep breath, forming one of her 'Heiress' smiles she used when dealing with Father's business associates.

"Could I see a map?" Weiss asked. She would figure out whatever deception was going on here and find a way back to Ruby. She wasn't going to be aggressive if it turned out that it wasn't these uh, ponies fault.

"Of course." Princess Luna finished entering the room, her eyes drawn to Weiss' hand. "My sister will be joining us. She has been waiting for you to reawaken as well."

Sister? Was she also going to be a cute pony? Something inside Weiss really hoped she was.

Now if she could only figure out what was going on here.

After ensuring that Weiss was comfortable with the doctors, along with leaving a squad of guards in the hallway with specific orders to be extra careful with their new guest, Luna trotted into Celestia's smile with a large grin on her face, a real one not the ones she practiced in the mirror when she thought no one was looking.

"Sister! She's alive!" Luna said before Celestia could even look up from her plate of cake, she was in the middle of stuffing her muzzle when Luna walked in. Dear Sister usually came in here to relax after the first half of Day Court during the lunch break.

"I'm well aware." Celestia wiped her muzzle carefully with a napkin. "I also read the doctor report, and Nurse Bandage told me that you caused her to lose consciousness after waking up the first time."

Luna smiled sheepishly in return. "That was not my intention. She was still delirious from the healing spells and herbs."

Another reminder that the ponies of the palace still didn't trust Luna to handle matters. It stung, but there was little she could do to change their minds quickly. Her actions would have to speak louder than words,

Celestia nodded, with her usual smile gracing her pure white muzzle, and caused her stopwatch to levitate in the air, bringing it to her eye level. "I know Lulu. Twilight will be here within the hour, I'll be leaving the issue with our new guest to the two of you."

"You trust me enough to handle it?" Luna's words escaped her throat before she could stop them. Everypony usually second guessed her orders, often going to Celestia for confirmation before doing it. That was annoying.

"More than anything." Celestia stood up and clopped around her desk to place a wing on Luna's head. "We rule together Sister, my word is yours, and yours mine."

That made Luna's insides warm up, and caused the fur on her cheeks to darken in a blush. It felt good, having someone believe in her, even if it was her sister.

"I won't let you down Tia." Luna declared confidently. First contact with a new race was so exciting! Luna hadn't felt this excited since her Siege of Yakyakistan over a thousand years ago.

"You never do." Celestia hummed as she floated her cake back to her muzzle. That was a lie, Luna's banishment to the moon was clear evidence of that, but she remained silent.

With another smile, Luna turned to exit, when Celestia spoke again. "Oh, and Luna?"

Luna paused, and angled head to look at her sister with one eye. "Yes Tia?"

"Get some sleep soon. Too much coffee isn't good for your health." Celestia said in between bites of her cake, her lunch break was going to be over soon.

"I'll stop drinking my coffee the day you stop eating sweets." Luna teased as she finally walked out. She was never going to give up her dragon roast.

Now to see whatever knowledge of these hoomans young Twilight brought with her.

Author's Note:

Wow! Another chapter so soon! The first half of this chapter felt awkward to write, but I wanted to get it over before getting writer's block again.

How am I doing so far? It's been so long since Ive written anything MLPwise and I want to get everyones characterizations mostly right.

Thank you all for reading! I'm only able to keep writing because of readers like you!