• Published 26th Feb 2022
  • 2,802 Views, 120 Comments

My Little Schnee - Krieg cormac

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Chapter 14

Weiss lost track of how many questions she had been barraged with. Their shyness disappeared after the initial shock wore out, which led to a few questions that were pretty redundant in Weiss’ opinion. Why did it matter that she prefered white chocolate over regular chocolate? That had earned more than a few scandalous gasps, which was weird. Still, it did go way better than Weiss had expected, even if she still got called a hairless monkey by a few ponies, despite Princess Celestia’s best attempts to correct that. At least she knew how the faunus felt.

“You were a natural back there!” Twilight returned to normal the moment they were off the stage, and out of the public’s view. The entrance to this wing of the palace was blocked off by a squad of the Royal Guard, who made sure the reporters couldn’t sneak past to take more pictures. The two older princesses had stayed behind to handle the closing.

“I’m used to being the center of attention.” Weiss shrugged. She’d be thrust into the spotlight from the moment she was born, as were her siblings. The Schnee’s were the most famous, and richest, family in all of Atlas, and the world at one point. Father enlarged Grandfather’s legacy, and made it profitable. Winter renouncing her position as heiress to join the army live on television had made all of the Atlesian news companies, the ones Father didn’t own at least, surround the Schnee mansion for weeks. “My tutors taught me public speaking, and how to handle reporters.”

Twilight looked like she was writing that down mentally, judging by the way she bobbed her head up and down. She hadn't gotten a chance to speak to the purple alicorn too often, the Princess of Friendship was trying to find Weiss way back home, so she was busy. Weiss spent her days with Luna, whenever she wasn’t sleeping or busy with her royal duties.

“It sounds like you were considered a princess back home.” Twilight said cheerfully. They were going to meet some of her friends from Ponyville for a light lunch. Apparently, Twilight wanted Weiss to meet them for some reason.

Weiss frowned. She always disliked it whenever someone back home called her princess, it always sounded more like an insult than a compliment. Now that she thought about it, yeah, it was an insult. “Not really. I’m one of the last people that should be considered a princess.”

In most people's eyes, she’d probably been compared to the creatures of Grimm, especially by the faunus who cursed the Schnee name whenever they had a chance. It was well deserved, especially after everything Father had done after he took control of the company after Grandfather died. She still missed Grandfather Nicolas, and his smile. He always gave her the best gifts, even if they may not have been what she wanted at the time.

“I’m sorry if I brought up any unpleasant memories.” Twilight quickly apologized. She looked nervous, with her eyes giving Weiss side glances when she thought the lone human wasn’t looking. The purple alicorn wasn’t as discreet as she thought she was. Her ears pressed themselves downwards, flattening against her mane. She was cute, and it took all of Weiss’ self restraint to not pat her on her wittle head.

“Don’t worry about it.” Weiss gave her a practiced smile. The few guards that accompanied them stayed at a respectful distance as they continued to walk through the corridors of the palace. It felt liberating, finally being able to explore the palace, and Canterlot now that she wasn’t restricted to her lone wing. “I just have to keep moving forward, otherwise I’d trip and fall if I keep looking back.”

Staying in her room wishing she was back home would result in nothing happening, other than an early death perhaps. If she was going to find a way back home, then Weiss was going to have to keep moving forward, and survive.

“If you do fall, you’ll always have friends to help you back up.” Twilight smiled back. She was a nice pony. Weiss had no doubt that the Princess of Friendship would be able to find her a way back home.

She felt it in her soul.

“Thank you.”

They reached a familiar pair of beautifully adorned double doors, which was starting to be a common sight in Canterlot palace. The two guards with them quickly trotted to open the doors for Weiss and Twilight. Five ponies, and a dragon, were already waiting for them inside.

“Weiss, meet my friends!” Twilight’s smile grew as she pointed a hoof at the table once they walked in. The group of ponies, and Spike at the table waved as they greeted their friend.

Weiss counted one unicorn, two pegasi, and two Earth ponies, each with a completely different fur and mane color from the last.

“Rainbow Dash.” Twilight pointed at the pegasus with cyan fur and a rainbow colored mane. She looked like the type to cut her own hair.

“Sup.” Rainbow Dash leaned against the table, using her hoof to hold her head up.

“Applejack.” Twilight pointed at the orange Earth pony wearing a cowboy hat. She looked like she’d be related to Jaune somehow.

“Howdy!” Applejack said, tipping her hat. That felt like a stereotype, and not in a good way in Weiss’ opinion. She didn’t need Blake complaining about her regressing to her older ways of judging people by how they looked.

“Rarity.” Twilight moved onto the lone unicorn, who had fur as white as Weiss’ hair, with a purple mane styled into a curl. She looked the most Atlesian of the five.

“Why hello darling.” Rarity gave her a polite smile, her accent the exact opposite of Applejack’s. She certainly did sound like she’d belong amongst the Atlesian Elite.

“Fluttershy.” Was the slightly smaller of the two pegasi, with yellow fur and a baby pink mane.

“H-Hi!” She whispered shyly, hiding her muzzle behind her long mane. Well, she certainly did live up to her name Weiss supposed.

“And-” Twilight was cut off by a blur of pink that plopped itself right in front of them. The last Earth pony was pink, that was really all Weiss could say. Her fur and mane were pink, and her bright blue eyes made Weiss a bit uncomfortable.

It was the pony who kept asking questions about chocolate chips.

“Hiya! I’m Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie Pie said with the largest grin Weiss had ever seen. It looked unnatural. “It’s so nice to meet you! So you’re the reason why Twilight disappeared suddenly. Wow! I’ve never met a human before.” The pink pony started to ramble. Her friends seated at the table started to groan.

Blinking slowly several times, Weiss tore her eyes away from the strange pony and gave everyone else a large smile.

“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you.” Weiss said with a curtsey, she didn’t know how high ranking they were in society if they were Princess Twilight’s friends. “My name is Weiss Schnee.”

The others were interrupted by the end of Pinkie’s long ramble. “White chocolate and carrot cake just don’t mix!”

Great, another Nora….

Author's Note:

I'm not used to writing scenes that have a lot of characters in it, so we'll see how I do next time.

Weiss finally met the Mane 6 at least!