• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 8,050 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

Enter Electro

As Twilight and the others, who were now out of their formal wear, talked about their situation, Pinkie Pie bounced around happily for some unknown reason. As she continued to bounce, Otto stared at the pink pony with curiosity and annoyance. His train of thought was disturbed however, as Pinkie Pie suddenly popped up behind him and squealed, "HI!!!"

After Otto recovered, he turned around...only for the party pony to shove a party kazoo in his mouth and a party hat on his head. She giggled as zoomed off outside of the cell. Otto spat out the kazoo and threw the party hat to the ground. He glared at Pinkie Pie.

"First of all. DO. NOT. Do that again. And secondly, how did you do that?" Otto asked.

Applejack walked over towards his cell and stood next to Pinkie, "It's Pinkie Pie. Don't question it."

Otto stared at the two for a moment before saying, "That's not even a proper answer!"

Twilight looked over and cleared her throat, "Girls! We need to focus! We can't waste time when we need to find that Goblin thing!"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "Uh....don't you mean that ELF thing?"

Twilight turned to her rainbow maned friend, "Rainbow, it was clearly a Goblin."

Rainbow crossed her forelegs over her chest, "And how can you tell the difference?"

"I just can, alright! Look, we need to focus so we can find this GOBLIN and put an end to this madness." Twilight replied.

"It's impossible."

Twilight and her friends turned to Otto, who had his back turned to them.

Twilight walked slowly towards him, "You know him, don't you? I heard you say his name."

"Norman Osborn. Brilliant scientist. Military research. But he was greedy, misguided..." Otto trailed off.

Fluttershy approached slowly, "Um...what happened.....?"

Otto turned around sharply and shouted, "WE TIRE OF YOUR QUESTIONS, HORSE!!!"

Fluttershy's eyes turned to pinpricks as she quickly hid behind Rainbow Dash, who was glaring at the scientist.

Otto breathed out and glared at the Mane 6, "It can't be him."

Rarity tilted her head, "Why?"

"Because Norman Osborn died, years ago. So either we saw someone else.... Or you're flying out into the darkness....to fight a ghost."

As the mares looked at each other with concern, the doors leading outside the dungeons shot open as Celestia and Luna walked in at a fast pace.

Twilight approached her mentor, "Princess? Is everything alright?"

Celestia answered by levitating a scroll to her student, "This is a spell that I developed that can send these trespassers into one of these cells. Hit them with this spell, and they shall be teleported here instantly."

Twilight took the scroll with her magic and rolled it up. She gave the scroll to Applejack, who placed it in the saddlebag that she brought with her.

"With this spell, your mission will be made easier, but not by much. Equestria is counting on you, My little ponies."

Twilight smiled to her mentor, "Don't worry, Princess! You can count on us!"

"Yeah! It's not like this could get any worse, right?" Pinkie asked rhetorically.

Twilight scratched the back of her head with her hoof, "Ehehehehehe...."

Luna stepped forward, "Best of luck to thou, friends, as thou will need it."

"Why's that?" Applejack asked.

Luna had a serious look on her face, "Because we have received word that The Crystal Empire is under attack.... By a living lightning storm."

Celestia and Luna teleported with the Mane 6 to The Crystal Empire as soon as Luna relayed the information to them. They teleported and ended up right in front of the Crystal Palace. Rainbow covered her mouth with her hoof, her cheeks turning green for a moment.

"Ugh....I hate teleporting..."


Twilight and the others turned around to see Shining Armor and Cadance rush over towards them with frantic looks on their faces.

"SHINY!!!" The two sibling embraced one another for a moment before breaking apart.

Luna stepped forward, "Niece, what is the situation?"

Cadance turned around and pointed to the top of her castle, "THAT is our situation."

They all looked up to see blue electricity colliding with one another, or connecting to be precise, as the electricity appeared to be forming into something. The ponies' eyes widened as a bipedal figure started to form in the electricity. It's legs formed first, then some sort of blue clothing formed over it, then it's torso and arms formed next along with the weird piece of clothing, then finally, it's head.

Electro has entered the picture.

Electro hovered above the Crystal Palace, not appearing to do anything. Although, strands of electricity appeared to be approaching Electro from all around the Empire. The strands appeared to be originating from the storm outside the barrier protecting The Crystal Empire.

Pinkie turned to Twilight, "Ooh, looks like we found another visitor! Although, this one looks kind of mean."

Shining Armor turned to Twilight, "When Luna teleported us back to the Empire after the attack, we were preparing to head back to Canterlot to check on you, but then the streets of the Empire were struck by powerful bolts of lightning. Sooo, we contacted the princesses to ask for some help."

Twilight stepped forward, "This appears to be another Multiversal Trespasser..."

Cadance raised an eyebrow, "A what?"

Pinkie drew in a large breath.


Cadance blinked a few times at Pinkie's explanation before tilting her head, "Mind running that by me again?"

As Pinkie drew in a large breath, a hoof covered her mouth, courtesy of Applejack.

"Uh, Ah don't wanna be the bearer of bad news, ya'll...but what's that varmint doin'?"

They all looked up to see Electro bring his arms into his chest as the strands of electricity approached him at a faster pace than before, causing more electricity to crackle around him. The ponies held in their breath while Luna and Celestia stared at Electro with stern expressions, ready for him to make a move. The electricity around him grew larger as some of it collided with the castle he hovered above.

It was then that his eyes snapped open.

He stretched out his arms, sending out waves upon waves of electricity all around the Empire. Lighting bolts collided with the streets and houses, causing the Crystal Ponies to run away in terror. Twilight and her friends were nearly struck by a lightning bolt that struck the ground right in front of them.

Electro then started to descend to the ground, using his hands to shoot electricity at the houses and ponies around him. Electricity crackled around his fingertips as he shot another blast of electricity. He smirked as he raised his arms into the air, shooting electricity into the air. The sky crackled as electricity filled the sky.

Electro brought his arms down, causing several bolts of lightning to crash down on the streets below, destroying several houses and buildings. The ponies were slacked jawed as they looked on in awe at the sheer power that Electro had in his arsenal.

They all looked up to see Flash Sentry and some Pegasi Crystal Guards flew towards the electric villain. Electro smirked again as he raised his left hand and shot electricity at the guards, causing them to scream out in pain and fall to the ground unconscious.

Electro spotted Twilight and her friends and raised both of his arms. He shot bolts of lighting towards the ponies. If it wasn't for Celestia and her shield spell, Twilight and the rest of them would most likely be unconscious right now. Electro kept shooting lightning at the shield, but eventually let up as his arms lowered to his sides. Celestia lowered the shield spell as well.

Electro then landed in front of the ponies and stared at one another for a few seconds.

Rainbow growled angrily as she shot forward at high speeds towards Electro. Big mistake. Electro reacted quickly and shot a bolt of lightning at the Pegasus mare, sending her flying backwards, screaming in pain. Electro then rode along the magnetic ripples at speeds that would make RD jealous and appeared before Applejack.

He seized her by the throat and zapped her with electricity, AJ crying out in pain as a result. He tossed the cowpony aside as he glared at Twilight and the rest of her friends.

Cadance then stepped forward with an angry expression on her face, "ENOUGH! WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

Electro smirked at the Princess of Love, "Don't you know?" electricity began to crackle around him, "I'm Electro!"

He then fired a blast of electricity towards the group of ponies, but Celestia and Luna had had enough and fired beams of magic as a counter attack to Electro's electricity. The two beams and electricity were struggling for dominance. Electro smiled as he added more electricity to keep up the pressure.

"I don't know what's goin' on here exactly. But I felt a new energy that I've never felt before. I want more of it! And there ain't nothing you freaks can do to stop me from getting it!"

Suddenly, a third beam of magic joined in on the fight. The Royal Sisters turned to see Cadance helping her aunts in this battle. Then a fourth beam joined, then a fifth, and a sixth. Shining Armor, Rarity, and Twilight each added a beam of magic to counteract Electro.

It was then that Electro realized that he was losing. The beams of magic were overpowering his electricity. Electro gritted his teeth as he struggled to overcome the beam of magic. The combined beam of magic eventually won out as it struck Electro in the chest and sent him flying down the street, defeated.

(End song)

The Unicorns and Alicorns all bent downward and panted heavily. The amount of magic they used was exhausting and took a lot out of them. They eventually recovered as Fluttershy and Pinkie went to go and check up on Rainbow and Applejack while the rest went to get Electro.

When they approached him, they noticed something different about him. For one, he wasn't blue anymore, and two, the electricity surrounding him was now yellow. And lastly, his blue uniform was gone.

Electro groaned as he got back up to his feet. As he did, he observed his hands, seeing the yellow electricity surround them.

"I got my body back."

He turned to face the ponies, only to raise an eyebrow, "The hell is this?"

Twilight looked confused, "What?"

"You're tellin' me, I got my ass beat by a bunch of talking crayon colored horses?" Electro asked.

Twilight frowned, "First of all, we're ponies. Second of all, you're in a different universe now. Third of all....."

"And what? You all gonna stand there and act like I ain't butt ass naked?" Electro cut Twilight off.

Shining raised his hoof, "I am."

Celestia sighed as her horn lit up, conjuring some clothing for Max. It appeared to resemble an electricians outfit back on his world.

Max looked at his attire, "Well damn."

Twilight then took out the scroll from AJ's saddlebag and lit up her horn, firing a beam of magic at the human villain, teleporting him elsewhere.

Max ended up in a cell next to Otto, who waved condescendingly, much to Max's annoyance. He then turned around to see Twilight and the rest of her friends, including Shining Armor and Cadance, appear before his cell. Max then pointed to The Lizard and Otto.

"And who the hell are these two?"


Max then got a good look at The Lizard, instantly recognizing him, "Connors?"

Otto turned to Max, "Wait. You know this creature?"

"Nah, nah, not a creature. A man."

Pinkie turned to Twilight, "Whoa. Same universes."

"Dr. Curt Connors. He was a scientist at Oscorp when I worked there. A brilliant scientist....until he turned himself into a lizard. Then he tried to turn the WHOLE city into lizards, it was crazy."

Connors stepped forward in his cell, "It wasn't crazy, Max. It was the next step in human evolution."

Pinkie gasped, "The dinosaur can talk!"

Twilight leaned towards her pink friend, "'Lizard'."


Connors continued, "Speaking of which, what happened to you? Last I recall you had bad teeth, glasses and a combover. Did you....get a makeover?" Lizard smiled, "You know I could give you a REAL makeover."

Max frowned, "Let me guess, into a lizard?"


Max waved his hand dismissively, "Yeah whatever," he turned to the ponies, "Aye! Where the hell are we?"

Celestia stepped forward, "The dungeons beneath Canterlot."

Max stifled a laugh, "'Canterlot'? Seriously? What is Sir Lancetrot coming to interrogate me or somethin'?"

Twilight tilted her head, "Who?"

Max sighed, "Forget about it," he looked down to his hands, "I just want another taste of that new energy I just felt."

His hands crackled with electricity, making the ponies all the more nervous.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Ponyville, a small grain of sand made its way into town.

The Sandman is coming to town.