• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 8,052 Views, 361 Comments

My Little Pony: No Way Home - Battwell

When Twilight Sparkle completed Star swirl’s spell, she unknowingly brought visitors to Equestria.

  • ...

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Spike, Night Light, and Velvet got the hint. Spike took the spell Twilight was working on and they all ran for it.

It was then that all hell broke loose. Electro shot his arm forward and blasted Celestia in the chest. Sending her across the room. Twilight and Luna snapped their heads to the fallen Alicorn, unknowingly breaking their concentration. Goblin smiled as he broke out of Twilight's hold while Cletus smiled as the Carnage Symbiote consumed him, breaking Luna's magic shackles.

Before Twilight could react, Goblin ran forward and kicked her across the room. Luna flared her wings as Carnage roared. The midnight monarch shooting forward as multiple tendrils shot out of Carnage's back and moved forward, wrapping around Luna. As Carnage pulled her in closer, he was suddenly tackled by Venom. As Luna fell to the floor, Carnage and Venom broke through one of the stain glass windows, taking their fight outside.

Electro looked at his hands, eyeing the electricity crackling around his fingertips.

"My god."

Max turned to face Otto, who had a horrified look on his face.

"What have you done?"

Electro smirked, "I liked you better before."

As Otto's tentacles opened up, Electro shot his hand forward and fired a blast of electricity, blowing Otto through the throne room wall. As Otto fell, he quickly clung onto the side of the castle with his arms, preventing him from falling further. He then climbed up the wall and and turned around, gazing at the many buildings in Canterlot. He then leapt off of the wall and made his escape to reevaluate the situation.

Rainbow Dash was wacked into the wall by the tail of The Lizard. As Connors roared, Applejack wrapped her lasso around his neck, attempting to hold him back. But Connors simply grabbed the rope around his neck and broke it with his mighty strength.

Before AJ could react, Lizard pulled the rope with a mighty tug, pulling Applejack towards him. When she was close enough, Lizard grabbed her by the neck and slammed her to the ground. He then roared in her face, raising his clawed hand into the air, opening his hand, ready to deliver the final blow.

Applejack would've been finished had it not been for Pinkie Pie, who fired a shot from her Party Cannon, wrapping him up in confetti. As Lizard broke free of the confetti, Rainbow took this chance to fly forward at high speeds, intending on sending him through the wall.

She would have succeeded in that had Electro not interfered by blasting her with a blast of electricity, sending her crashing into the wall and knocking her out. He then turned to Luna, who had just gotten back to her hooves. She turned and snarled at the electrified villain.

Electro smirked as he punched the ground with his fist, creating a burst of electricity that sent Luna out of one of the stain glass windows. As Max stood upright, he turned to Celestia, who was struggling to get back up. He rubbed his hands together, electricity crackling around them. He then fired a blast of electricity, but he used it to lift Celestia into the air.

As she screamed in pain, Sandman stood there, contemplating what he should do. He just wanted to go home. This wasn't his problem. He knew what he had to do. He needed that scroll. He needed to needed to go home to his daughter. He turned his head slightly to see a terrified Fluttershy, tears in her eyes.

"P...please. H....help them."

Marko sighed as he gave Fluttershy a stern look, "I'm sorry."

He then transformed into a sandstorm and flew out of the stain glass window, leaving a betrayed Fluttershy behind.

Electro had his fun, but it was time to get to work. He used his electric grip on Celestia and slammed her to the floor, her crown shattering as it hit the floor. Electro chuckled as he hovered in the air, taking in everything that is happening. He looked around and saw two places full of electricity with his enhanced electrified vision. One was obviously the Crystal Empire, but he wasn't sure what the other was though. He then created an imbalance in his magnetic field and shot out of the castle.

Lizard took this opportunity to leap out the window while everyone else was focused on the battle.

As the ground shook from the fighting above them, the Sparkle family looked up nervously as they ran through the halls, making their way to the doors to the castle.

Twilight was not having a good day as Goblin slammed her to the ground with brute force. Before Twilight could get back up, Goblin kicked her in the side, sending her flying through the air and crashed through the throne room doors. As she groaned in pain and tried to get back up, Goblin walked towards her with a sick look of glee on his face.

"Strong enough to have it all..." Goblin then grasped her by the throat and lifted her into the air, "Too weak to take it!"

He then punched her in the muzzle, sending her flying down the hallway and skidding to a stop on the floor. As Goblin walked forward, Twilight wiped blood from her mouth with the back of her foreleg. Twilight then lit up her horn and encased Goblin in a magical aura, holding him in place.

Twilight then moved her head, causing Goblin to be slammed into the wall. She moved it to her right, sending Goblin into that wall. She then moved up, down, left, and right, sending Goblin crashing into the walls, ceiling, and the ground. When Twilight released her hold on him, Goblin got back up off of the ground with ease, cackling like a madman.


Twilight lit up her horn again, but before she could cast a spell, Goblin charged forward and kneed her in the chin, breaking her concentration. He then kicked her in the stomach, sending her into the ceiling. As she fell to the floor, Goblin bent down and grasped her by her horn.

Twilight screamed in absolute agony as Goblin squeezed her horn with his brutal strength. Goblin then raised her into the air and slammed her through the floor. As Twilight landed harshly on the floor below, Goblin jumped down and placed his foot on her chest.

He smiled, "You say that friendship is magic? That it can get you through anything?" He then leaned down toward her face and and chuckled evilly, "Well? Where's your friendship now?"

Venom was tired. In fact, he was exhausted. As he clung to the side of the castle, he held his side as he panted heavily. He then took notice of the rain. The thunder cracking in the sky. The lightning striking. He looked upwards towards the top of the castle.

He saw Carnage hang onto the pole on top of the castle. He then let out a mighty roar as the lightning struck behind him. Venom exhaled, he knew he wasn't going to win this. But he had to keep fighting. Venom then let go of his side and pulled himself up.

With a mighty leap, Venom soared through the air, making his way towards Carnage. When Carnage turned, he roared at his father. He shot forward several tendrils, each of them piercing Venom's body. But the Symbiote didn't let up. He didn't let the tendrils stop him.

Venom then got close enough and tackled Carnage off of the pole. They both clawed and bit at one another as they tumbled off of the top of the castle. They rolled off and fell off the castle. As they fell, they were tearing each other apart. Carnage was getting the upper hand as he bit into Venom's shoulder.

Venom roared as he dug his fingers into Carnage's eyes, causing the Symbiote to screech in pain. They eventually crashed down on the ground below, creating a crater where they landed. Venom groaned in pain as he tried to get back up. But he just didn't have the strength.

The last thing he saw before slipping into unconsciousness was Carnage limping away.

Spike, Night Light, and Velvet made their way down the stairs. The doors were in sight. They were gonna make it.

"Come on! We can make it!" Night Light shouted as they ran.

Velvet looked concerned, "But what about Twilight?"

Spike gave her a slight smile, "Don't worry! If anypony can fix this, it's Twilight!"

Suddenly, Goblin and Twilight crashed through the ceiling and landed on the floor harshly. Several pieces of the ceiling laid around them. It was then that Velvet noticed that Goblin was on top of Twilight.

Choking her.

Twilight looked hurt. Really hurt. She had several cuts on her face. Her horn could barely produce a spark. ANd she was bruised all over.

As she gasped for air, Goblin laughed in her face, "Your weakness, Twilight, is morality. It’s choking you! Can you feel it?"

Velvet had had enough and charged her horn. She took the spell from Spike's grip and looked it over. She then teleported in front of the madman and channeled enough magical properties. She then fired the spell at Goblin. When it hit him, he staggered a bit but overall.....

It did absolutely nothing.

Goblin glared at Velvet, "It didn’t work! Guess magic can't fix this "Curse"! Norman was right. She got it from you. That pathetic--" As Twilight turned her body around to face her mother Goblin slammed his foot down on Twilight's back, preventing her from getting up, "--sickness!"

As Goblin leaned down to Twilight's ear, Velvet lit up her horn while Spike and Night Light watched anxiously.

Goblin then whispered into Twilight's ear, "You tried to fix me--"

Twilight groaned as she spoke to Velvet, "Mom, go--"

"Now... I’m gonna fix you."

But Velvet won't leave. In fact, no-one noticed that outside, Goblin's glider was hovering outside the main doors. It extended it's blades, ready for the command.

Twilight pleads one last time, "Mom, run, please."

But it was too late as the glider burst through the doors and cut Velvet down, stabbing her in her side.


As Velvet was launched across the room, Goblin walked towards his glider and leapt onto it, a pumpkin bomb in hand. He turned around to Twilight with a sick grin on his face.

"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight.... No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later."

Goblin glanced at Velvet, who was still moving on the ground. Twilight then noticed the pumpkin bomb. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was going to do. She mustered all the strength she could to get back up, but it was too late. Goblin tossed the bomb directly at Velvet.

Twilight tried to grab it with her magic, but the pain in her horn wouldn't allow it.

Night Light and Spike dashed towards Velvet but it was too late.

The bomb went off.

(End song)

The explosion filled the room, sending Twilight flying across the room while Spike and Night Light were launched into a wall behind them. Goblin cackled as he flew out of the castle, throwing two more bombs as he flew.

As Twilight struggled to get back up, she heard multiple explosions go off outside. She used her wing to move a piece of rubble off of her. Once she got up she saw Night Light and Spike get back up on the other side of the room.

"Spike, Dad! Are you both okay?!" Twilight asked.

But before either of them could answer, they heard a groan of pain in the center of the room. They each made their way to the source of the noise. As they got closer, the groans of pain got louder. Once they got to the center of the room, their eyes widened as they saw Velvet on the ground....lying on top of a pool of her own blood.

Twilight was the first to lean down and check on her.

"Mom? Mom, are you okay?" Twilight asked in panic.

Velvet groaned as she opened her eyes slightly, "T.....Twilight?"

Twilight nodded frantically, "Yes.....yes it's me!"

Velvet managed a slight chuckle, "I....I guess I got.....knocked on my flank......didn't I?"

Twilight started to feel tears in her eyes, "D-don't worry! I-I'll cast a healing spell! I-I-I-I'll make it right!!!"

Velvet simply shook her head, "Twilight......we both know that it's too late for that."

Twi shook her head, "No. No, I won't let this happen! I WON'T!!!"

Velvet simply reached for her daughter's cheek and wiped the tears away, "Twilight.....you.....have a gift. You.....have been given....a power. But with great power. There must also come great responsibility. And.....I know.....you'll make me proud."

Tears were streaming down both of her cheeks as Twilight turned to Spike and Night Light, who were crying as well. Velvet turned to Spike.

"Spike......I....I need you....to promise me..... Promise me....that you'll take care.....of my little filly....... Promise me."

Spike was bawling but managed to nod.

Velvet turned to Night Light, "Night Light?"

Night Light moved closer to her and grasped her hoof with his own, "Y-yeah, honey?"

Velvet was crying now too, "We......we made good parents....didn't we?"

Light nodded as tears fell, "Yeah.....yeah we did."

"Thank you....for making me the luckiest mare in the world...." Velvet then turned to Twilight, "Tell Shining.....that I love him."

Twilight sniffled, "I.....I will."

Velvet smiled, "I hope you all know....how much I love you all."

Twilight managed to smile slightly, "O-of course we know, Mom."

Velvet's eyes began to feel heavy, "Good......that's all......I ever......wanted...."

Velvet then closed her eyes for the final time. Her body fell limp as her hoof fell from Night Light's hoof. Her chest stopped moving. She was no longer breathing.

She was gone.

Twilight broke down right then and there. She cried into her mother's chest as Spike hugged Night Light. Twilight then screamed into the air, the pain being too much for her.

The doors leading into the room opened up as the princesses and the Mane 6 galloped in. But they stopped dead in their tracks at what they saw. Twilight bawling her eyes out. Spike and Night Light holding onto one another as they cried as well. Twilight Velvet.....completely still in the center of the room.

Applejack knew about loss. She lost her parents as well. She removed her hat and placed it over her chest as tears fell from her closed eyes. Rainbow simply looked away, not wanting anyone to see her cry. Pinkie's mane deflated as she openly sobbed. Rarity was crying as she comforted Fluttershy.

Luna felt tears fall from her eyes as she looked away. Celestia bowed her head as she shed tears of her own.

Twilight then began to shake. Her body full of rage and hatred. She gritted her teeth as tears were streaming down both of her cheeks. All she could see was red.

Celestia saw this and attempted to step towards her.


She was cut off as Twilight teleported out of the room. Celestia sighed. This was all her fault. Velvet was dead because of her. Her train of thought was broken however as she heard hoofsteps at the entrance. She looked up to see Cadance and Shining Armor standing in the door way. Cadance was openly sobbing into her husbands chest while Shining bowed his head, tears falling from his eyes.

Shining then approached his father and embraced him. Cadance went to Spike and gave him a big hug.

Celestia felt awful. This wasn't suppose to happen. Nopony was meant to die. The room was silent, except for those who were crying. Celestia swore that she could still hear the Green Goblin in the distance....

Cackling like the maniac he is.