• Published 27th Dec 2021
  • 423 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Mages: The Rogues' Entries - Foxhelm

Friendship might be magic, but not everything is rainbows and sunshine.

  • ...

Rarity Investigates

Chantalot was still very much abuzz with the newest tailory, Canterlot Carousel as two young couples stepped out town-and-gown with every intention to paint the city red, after giving a farewell to Rarity. Once she wished them well she shut the door and took a deep happy breath. She then walked to the back and levitated three mannequins, one was dressed in a white long sleeve and long-tail dress with golden cuffs and around the chest, one had a short tail women's trench coat with a wide brim lady’s hat not too dissimilar from a fedora all maroon in color and the last had long sleeve middle skirt dress that was purple in color and seemed to be akin to business dresses of the 930s to 950s AC. As Rarity was moving the mannequins, she turned to the only other woman in the place. She looked to be slightly older than Rarity, she was taller and skinnier. She had brilliant orange eyes with deep blue eyeshadow along with vermilion hair with amber and tangelo stripes with shades of purple on the shadowed side of the hair. She wore a long black dress that had a series of pins stitched near her left thigh and a golden belt. “Oh, Sassy Sandals,” Rarity addressed the other woman, “don't you just love my new Femme Mystique Chic line of gowns?” she asked as she placed the mannequins in front of the shop’s only empty window.

Sassy looked from the receipt book, in which she had just finished adding the recent sale to the ledger. She gasped in awe, “Sequins and sashes, Rarity, they're exquisite!” she exclaimed as she left her station and walked to the spot Rarity stood as she set the mannequins down, “Where did you find the inspiration?” she asked, the awe she felt still very much there.

After Rarity placed the mannequins down, “Oh, I modeled them after Shadow Spade. Her stories are always full of mystery and suspense and, best of all…” she paused for clear dramatic emphasis, “fabulous costumes!” she declared as she pointed towards the three pieces.

“They're perfect!” Sassy agreed with a closed-eyed nod. She then reopened her eyes and was perplexed by Rarity’s fiddling with the mannequins. “What are you doing?” she asked.

Rarity didn’t turn from her work as she adjusted each piece of the display on the smallest lever she could, “Oh, uh, just making some minor adjustments.” She then stood up and blew on the headpiece that went with the businesswoman's dress. “Shadow Spade believes it all comes down to attention to detail. And so do I. '' Rarity then stopped, “There! Now it's perfect.” she declared.

Just then the door slammed open and the mannequins of the Shadow Shade-themed dresses fell onto Rarity and Sassy, as well as all the other mannequins with a crash. “Hey guys, how's it—” Rainbow Dash was cut short as she entered the shop. Rainbow then nervously laughed before she said, “My bad.” A few minutes later, after she had helped Rarity and Sassy put everything back up. “Sorry I messed up the shop.” Rainbow apologized again.

Sassy returned to her station, “Nothing we can't fix in a stitch.” she said professionally. “But what does brings you by?” she asked curiously as to why her employer’s less… attuned friends would stop by the shop.

Before Rainbow could answer, “Princess Celestia called upon a squad of the Wonderbolts to launch the spring opening of the royal gardens with an aerial display tomorrow.” Rarity answered. “And Dashie was hand-picked by Colonel Spitfire to be the reservists to fly should one not be able to fly,” she continued as walked over to another collection of clothes, they were of men’s attire and seemed to come right out of the same time as the dresses she had just put on display. Knowing that the eyes of the other two women did follow her and also spied the suits, “A real man knows how to suit up and the men of the greater Noir genre, include the novels of Shadow Spades were masters of the craft and while most men today aren’t, they just need one class to learn all the secrets,” she informed as she called attention to the fact that her cliental was not limited to one sex. “But back to the aerial display tomorrow, isn't exciting?”

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a blush of modesty on her cheeks, “Well, it is pretty sweet.” she agreed with Rarity in a rare moment of humility. “And I do get to stay in the castle, hang out with the actual Wonderbolts, and eat awesome food at dinner tonight.” she continued as her ego started to reflate. She then stopped as she turned to Rarity, “Speaking of the dinner, you're still coming, right?”

“Heavens, yes!” Rarity exclaimed as she strutted back to her friend and pass her to the mannequins she had placed earlier, “A chance to dress up, be charming and show off my newest femme mystique couture?” she asked, it was clearly rhetorical even without her providing the only answer, “I wouldn't miss it for all of Mystica.”

“Great!” Rainbow declared before she started for the door, “See ya tonight!” She was about to throw the door open but stopped herself as she eased it open, slipped out of the shop, and gently closed the shop’s door.

Later that night, inside the Chantalot castle, in one of the ballrooms, a baffle was laid out as members of the Wonderbolts, in their blue and yellow flight suits, mingled with various other attendees, many of them wearing pieces from one of Rarity’s various lines. The last two to enter were Rarity, who wore the white dress that had just been shown earlier that day, and Rainbow Dash, who was in her Wonderbolt reservist flight suit. Rainbow spotted the surprisingly short line for the catered food, “Let's grab some grub!” she declared as she sprinted over.

Rarity shocked her head amused at her friend and her priorities. However, she picked up a scent, one she recognized. She then sniffed the air and smiled, “At least one gentleman here knows what to wear” she mused, “Juniper Phoenix if I am not mistaken.” she added as Rainbow walked back to her. “Wouldn’t you agree?” Rainbow just shrugged her shoulders as her focus was on her food.

“You know your men’s colognes.” came the voice of a man that sounded to be between his late fifties and early sixties. Rarity and Rainbow turned to the source of the voice. He was a Skyborn and in fact in his early sixties. He had amber eyes and his hair was once lime green with chartreuse green stripes but was graying with his years. The most noticeable thing about his attire was a flight jacket and an ivory white scarf done in a loose slipknot, on the back of his jacket was embroidered a flight hat with a set of goggles, on the front was a golden Wonderbolt pin. “Juniper Phoenix happens to be my favorite,” he said with a nod of greeting.

Rarity gave her nod, “Oh, one of mine as well.” she said. “It's masculine and yet soft with the barest hint of floral notes and—” Rarity began to explain the scent and the reasons for her stance.

But she was cut off as she was pulled back by Rainbow, “Rarity!” the elementalist did her best to not shout as she spoke hushly. “Don't you know who this is?!” she asked. Rarity opened her mouth to answer, but she stopped herself. She had spent enough time with each of her friends to realize that the answer she would give, noting his tastes in colognes and scarves, would be the wrong one. She shut her mouth and shook her head. “Wind Ryder!” Rainbow declared. Rarity was about to give Wind Ryder a proper salutation, but she stopped herself. She knew Rainbow had more to say. “He's a living legend. He holds the record in the Magesage Marathon!”

Wind Ryder had a deep chuckle, “Well, that was a long time ago.” he stated as he seemed to reminisce about his past. He shook his head, “Honestly, I can't believe I still hold the record.” he added as he shook his head. While most would have heard humility in Wind’s word choice, Rarity caught something else, a hint of pride.

Before Rarity could say anything, Spitfire, Soarin, and Misty Fly arrived upon the scene, “Wind Rider,” Spitfire called as the trio landed, “I see you met Rainbow Dash! She's one of our most promising reservists.” she stepped to be right next to Wind and elbowed him gently, “She just might beat your record.” Spitfire praised the youngest Skyborn present.

Wind smiled as he turned from Spitfire to Rainbow, “Really now?”

Rainbow blushed embarrassed. Before she could contradict Spitfire, “Ah isn’t she cute trying to be modest.” Spitfire joked. “She’s already performed like half a dozen Sonic Rainbooms, maybe more. A little endurance training and she’ll be beating not only reservist but proper Wonderbolt records in no time.” Spitfire continued to praise Rainbow.

Wind nodded his head with a “Heh-heh.” He turned from Spitfire and looked at Rarity and Rainbow, “Well, it's nice to meet you ladies.” he said with a nod and left the lot.

Rainbow gave a blissful sigh, “Not as nice as it is to meet you, sir.” she said bidding Wind Ryder adue. She then covered her mouth with her hands in a desperate attempt to contain her laughter. Once it had passed, “I can't believe I just met Wind Rider!” she exclaimed her excitement far from contained as stars appeared in her pupils.

Misty Fly spoke up, “Yeah, he's coming out of retirement and take the spot of honor in the center of our aerial flower formation tomorrow.” she explained why Wind Ryder was there.

Rainbow gasped, “Really?” she asked still not believing all this. “That's incredible!”

“Yeah, listen Dash, we got to butter up our sponsors, but we’ll catch you later,” Spitfire said before she, Misty Fly, and Soarin flew off.

Once the trio was gone, Rainbow’s head dipped in sorrow. She took a breath, “Guess I'll just watch Wind Ryder being awesome from the sidelines…” she trailed off slightly. “practice tomorrow is gonna be so boring.” she added forlornly.

Rarity was quick on her feet, “I don't suppose I could keep you company?” she asked.

Rainbow’s eyes widen as she smiled, “You could! They always let friends and family come watch practices!” she then went to hug Rarity, yet in the process, she knocked a platter off the table. Rarity managed to react in time and avoided getting anything on her dress. Rainbow gave a weak apologetic laugh.

Rarity shook her head, “It’s a good thing you missed,” the enchantress said as she looked over her dress, “ it's almost impossible to get stains out of silk. Not that I can’t do it, but it's still far better to not have to clean something,” she said as she found none. “But just in case, I've come prepared!”

About two hours later, in the east tower of the northwest wing, Rarity followed Rainbow and Spitfire to the east tower of the northwest wing of the castle. “That dinner was absolutely divine. Thanks for inviting me!” she thanked Rainbow. It was then that she noticed their location, “Ooh, you're staying in the east tower? Those rooms have the best view of Chantalot!” she declared. No one seemed to notice that at the pillar closest to the door’s stage right side one of the damask curtains had fallen out of their velvet rope-holder.

Spitfire went to that door and opened it, “How lucky are we?” she asked rhetorically. “Well, we better get some shuteye before practice.” she declared before going in and shutting the door behind her.

Rainbow turned to Rarity, “See you tomorrow, Rarity!” she left Rarity as she flew to the farther door.

“Good night!” Rarity called out and left the hall.

The next morning at what best resembled a race track but only had the stands, with a view box for those willing to part with more coins and inner ring to denote the center. As the Wonderbolts, including Wind Ryder (who was easy to tell because he wore his jacket over his flight suit), were practicing their various formations, as they fine-tuned the aerial flower formation, Rainbow and Rarity watched with a few other close friends and some family of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow sighed dejectedly before she turned to Rarity, “Thanks for keeping me company, Rarity. If you weren't here, well, I don't know who I'd be talking to right now.” she confessed. Rarity only smiled, what more could she say, Rainbow was one of the biggest extroverts she knew, the other was Pinkie Pie.

“You'd be talkin' to me.” came Soarin as he landed right in front of the two. “Rainbow Dash, Spitfire got a message saying that her mom’s sick. She had to leave to take care of her. This means you’re taking her place during the rest of practice and for the show if needed. Now suit up in one of the spare flight suits!” Soarin ordered. Rainbow was about to squeal. “NOW RESERVIST!” Soarin shouted.

“Sir, yes, sir!” Rainbow said with a salute and bolted.

“You could have let her have her moment.” Rarity pointed out.

“I need to get her up to snuff and in sync between now and the show, and I don’t have much time to do it in.”Soarin shot back, “She needs to be a professional, and professionals don’t celebrate a job until it’s complete, one would think you know that better than most.” he added before he left without Rarity getting a word in.

Rarity wanted to protest, but she knew in her heart that Soarin was not only right, but with Spitfire gone, he was in command and he had to look out for the safety of everyone there. She also knew that it only took one person to make one mistake and everyone could be leaving in caskets. She took a deep breath and let it go. Besides once she shared this story with Applejack, the paladin would set Soarin straight.

Half an hour later, as Rainbow was practicing with the Wonderbolts, a Skyborn woman who seemed to be in her early fifties, dressed in purple with a ring of pearls for her necklace and a set of pearls as earrings, on her skirt over her right thig was what looked like a fire shaped like a twister. However, to Rarity, the most striking thing about the woman was that she had an uncanny resemblance to Spitfire, “Good Morning, I am Rarity." Rarity offered her hand to greet the woman standing up.

The woman accepted Rarity’s hand and the two shook, “And a good morning to you as well, I am Stormy Flare.” Stormy said as she introduced herself.

As the two sat down, Rarity continued the conversation, “I happen to be a friend of a Wonderbolt, namely the rising star among the Wonderbolt reserves, Rainbow Dash,” she said as she pointed to her friend as she flew by. “And you, friend or family?” she asked.

Stormy gave Rarity a smile, but her eyes were focused on the sky as she was scanning for something or maybe someone, “Family. My daughter's the leader of the Wonderbolt, but I don't see Spitfire up there.” She turned from the sky and looked at Rarity, “Do you know her?” she asked her new acquaintances.

“Ooh, you're Spitfire's mum?” Rarity asked. It wasn’t an actual question, but proper etiquette required certain questions be asked, she could see the resemblance between Spitfire and Stormy Flare. However she then recalled something, “But I thought you were sick.” Once she saw the confusion on Stormy’s face and before Stormy could ask. “You see Spitfire got a note saying it was from you and that you weren't feeling well, so she left to take care of you.”

Stormy was without words, but before she could say anything, “Mrs. Flare?” came the voice of Soarin as he landed right behind the two, “Ma’am aren't you supposed to be sick?” he asked.

Stormy shook her head not understanding, “Last I checked, no. I am just as confused as you Soarin, all I know is that I didn't send my daughter a note.” she informed as the other Wonderbolts arrived, surprised to see their SO’s mother then when they had the understanding that she was sick and Spitfire went to take care of her.

While everyone was befuddled, it was Rarity that spoke up, “Could somebody have sent Spitfire a fake note?” she asked.

Misty Fly was the next to ask a question, “Who would do such a thing?” it seemed to be the working assumption that the answer to Rarity’s question was yes.

Soarin then mused aloud, “Somebody who wanted her out of the show, I suppose.” he gave the most likely answer. These were all assumptions, but they were better than most.

“Why would anybody want that?” Rainbow asked. To most people, it was clear that Rainbow was highly naive.
Here Wind provided an answer, glaring at Rainbow as if he was accusing her, “Maybe so you can take her spot.”

Shortly after that claim was made, the Wonderbolts gathered in the locker room to discuss the matter. Rainbow was the first to speak, “Me?!” she countered. “I would never do that to Spitfire! Why would you think it was me?” she asked looking from each of the Wonderbolts, one after another.

One of the Wonderbolts was about to say something. However, all the Bolts were cut short. “Before anyone says anything, Rainbow is still a reservist, which means that she’s still a civilian and is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt!” Soarin declared, silencing everyone else before they said anything, “However she would first have to be officially charg-”

“What if I could prove my innocence?” Rainbow cut him short.

“Then the burden of proof would fall on you?” Fleetfoot pointed out. “And you had opportunity, you slept in the only other room in that hall and you have motive, to fly with Wind Ryder.” Fleetfoot pointed out. “I am no lawyer, but my dad is and he would say that it would be better for you if we were forced to prove guilt.”

“But her innocence can be proven, and the guilty party will be found.” came Rarity’s voice as she walked out from behind a set of curtains in the woman’s trench coat and wide brim hat she placed for display the previous day. “For Detective Rarity is on the case, and I will get to the bottom of this faster than my costume change!” she declared. Everyone just stared at her in various states of bewilderment. Rarity sighed, “I am channeling Shadow Spade through these gorgeous garments, and she would say that the best way to prove that someone is innocent is to find the guilty party.” she stated.

Fleetfoot groaned, “My dad’s a criminal defense lawyer and he hates that series all those like it, they erode the legal standard of presumption of innocence, and I have to agree.”

If this affected Rarity, she showed no signs as she continued, “First stop – the scene of the crime!” she declared.

Everything changed to black and white as the music often used to as background soundtrack for film noir played, as Rarity still in her trench coat, and she was joined by Soarin, who was dressed in a three-piece suit and a short brim fedora and a camera around his neck, “Um why am I here and dress like this?”

Rarity smiled, “Several reasons, 1) I need a model for the men’s attire in my newest line, 2) I need to show the evidence I find to someone, 3)Very great detective needs a sidekick to bounce ideas off of, 4) You need to spice up your wardrobe, and 5) if Rainbow was present, then she might also be accused of tempering the evidence.” she listed off as they arrived in the room Spitfire used. Rarity’s voice was then heard narrating, “There was little time but I was up for the challenge.” Soarin started by taking pictures of the room, even opening draws and taking pictures of the continent. Rarity was looking around as her voice narrated, “There I was, surveying the crime scene, and looking très chic while doing it.” Soon spotted something and tapped Soarin’ shoulder. She then pointed to the item, “This must be the envelope for the letter Spitfire got!” she declared and Soarin took a picture of it before Rarity levitated it. Soaring taking pictures every other second. Rarity held it close to her nose and sniffed it. “Hmm.” she mused. “Soarin, what does this smell like?”

Rarity levitated it to Soarin who sniffed it in turn only to gag and stick out his tongue, “Eh, it smells like my dad when he thinks he’s gonna get lucky with a girl younger than me.” he added before covering his mouth so not to lose his last meal.

Rarity’s narration took over, “Soarin’s lack of taste in colones aside, we had our first piece of evidence.” Rarity used her magic to open the envelope and shock it as rainbow-colored hair came out. The hair was levitated by Rarity, “These look like hairs from a rainbow-haired person!” Rarity declared.

“They look like someone cut them, but why would Rainbow cut her hair and put them in an envelope with a note? She might not be the sharpest tool in the shed at times, but she’s not that stupid.” Soarin pointed out as he took a closer look at the hair, still very much perplexed at the sight.

Rarity smiled as her narration took over, “We were on to something. Two pieces of evidence, but we need more, I to clear Dashie’s good name, and Soarin to bring the person who sent his SO off to justice.” She stopped and looked at the damask curtains that fell out of their velvet rope-holder at the pillar just to the right of Spitfire’s room.

Soarin took a picture of it as he followed Rarity’s gaze, “Someone must have tried to use it as a hiding spot. But they would need to get past the palace guard.” Rarity turned to Soarin, “The other branches may joke about them, but all branches crack jokes at the other’s expense. There’s no way someone could slip past them.” Soarin declared. Only for there suddenly to feel a draft. He turned around and saw that the window’s which curtain was misplace was opened inward. “Of course getting in through here could work.” he corrected and then took a picture. “But that would only work if each of the three guards stationed here last time took their hour rest one right after other,” Soarin informed.

“Isn’t that against protocol?” Rarity asked.

Soarin shook his head, “As long as two guards are on patrol at a time and each only takes at most one hour of rest, there isn’t a problem. It’s odd though, but all on the up and up. We’ll have to interview the three posted here last night.”

“To the barracks!” Rarity declared. The scene changed to the common room of the castle barracks. Across from Soarin and Rarity were three guards, all three were trying to stay awake. Rarity’s narration took over as Soarin took out a notepad and pencil. “Soarin has already briefed me on the patrol procedures, and the three of you are in the clear, however, something caused you three to agree to each take your break one after each other.” Rarity started, “We only need to know what that reason is?” “Somebody brought us a cake.” One of the guards started. “And we each took a turn eating a third of that cake.”

Soarin snickered, “So we add cake-eaters to the list.” he chimed as they all turned to him. “Oh don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong, boys, but expect that loophole to close for the rest of us.” he added with a slight chuckle as he underlined ‘cake-eater’ in his notes.

Before any of the guards could say anything to Soarin, “What kind of cake was it?” she asked politely, calmly, and diffusively. Another guard answered, “It was cherry with a custard filling.” The third added, “I think it had chocolate frosting.” The first guard then took over, “And I think its base was decorated with buttercream rosettes.”

“You mean a donauwellen?” Soarin asked after he finished jotting down what the guard said. The three guards shrugged their shoulders.

Rarity’s narration took over, “Thankfully Dashie wasn’t here, if she was she would be questioning my methods. But I knew what I was doing and Soarin, while happier than he should be about the actions of the Royal Guards, was more focused on solving the case.” Rarity then spoke, “There’s only one bakery in Chantalot that makes donauwellens.” Rarity paused as she turned from Soarin and the guards to the door, “To Cinnamon Chai's Tea and Cake Shop!” she declared.

Sometime later, a storm was in the earliest stages, not enough to close outdoor seating for restaurants, but the storm was starting, which caused the show to be delayed. At that moment, Rarity and Soarin arrived at the bakery in question. The clients were all heading home, leaving a Magicborn woman slightly older than Rarity with an apron, “Hello, how can I help you?” the woman asked.

As Soarin pulled out her notepad and pencil, “Is this Cinnamon Chai’s Tea and Cake Shop I've heard you have the best donauwellen in town!” Rarity announced, “You must be Cinnamon Chai?” she asked.

The woman, recently identified as Cinnamon Chai, smiled and nodded “ Ah, you travel in the right circles! We have the only donauwellen in town!” she declared. “But we sold the last one last night and I won’t be able to get the ingredients until tomorrow,” she informed the two new clients.

Rarity covered her mouth in shock, “Oh, no!” she gasped. “Pray tell, who was the lucky person?” Rarity asked.

Cinnamon Chai rubbed her chin in thought, “I can't even say, it was hard to tell. They were wearing a trench coat, sunglasses, and a scarf around their head that covered most of their face.” Cinnamon paused her story as she cleaned her countertop. This was to give Soarin the time to jot what she said down. “I don’t remember much else but they had a really deep, raspy voice.” she explained before she stopped again and then remembered something else, “You could tell by how they threw a big fit when they accidentally got some of the chocolate ganache on their ivory scarf.”

“Thanks, ma’am, that’s all we need,” Soarin said as he put away his notepad and pencil and he headed out.

Rarity sighed as her narration took over, as they left the bakery and the rain was starting to pour, “Soarin was too eager, but our ducks were in a row. Except one.” she stated as a group of ducks walked by the two, the last one quacked. Once the ducks were gone. Rarity’s narration took over, “Rainbow Dash was not going to like it, but there was only one way to find out if my suspicions were correct.”

In less than an hour, Rarity and Soarin arrived as lightning cracked, “I have found the culprit!” Rarity declared followed by Soarin. He wanted to protest, but let it go as everyone but Stormy and Wind gasped. Rarity walked deliberately towards Wind Ryder as she spoke, “Somebody sent Spitfire away and framed Rainbow Dash for it. And that somebody was none other than…” She paused before she pointed at Wind Ryder, “Wind Ryder!” she declared as lightning cracked. All but Soarin, Rarity, and Wind Ryder gasped and gave various expressions of shock and surprise. Before anyone could counter Rarity’s accusation, she continued, “All the evidence points to him!” she declared. Everyone stood quiet as Rarity eat up the center of the room, “Let me explain. When I found these rainbow hairs in Spitfire's room but if you look closely you can tell they didn't fall out.” She said as she levitated the rainbow hairs, keeping them in her aura. “They... were cut!” she pointed out. “Nobody loses hair like this. And look at the ends. It's a straight line! They were clearly cut with scissors, which means somebody planted it!” she concluded. Everyone turned to Soarin, who nodded silently. Rarity continued, “Also there, I smelled something on the envelope. Juniper Phoenix, Wind Ryder's cologne of choice!” she added pointing out the scent.

Again everyone looked to Soarin, he nodded confirming that Rarity was truthful. Rarity continued, “Then, in the castle hallway, I noticed some of the damask curtains fell out of their velvet rope-holder, indicating that somebody had been hiding behind them! Perhaps after he dropped off the fake letter?” she asked looking at Wind. Wind Ryder kept silent as he scowled at Rarity. Rarity continued. “And so I question the castle guards! They were at their post at the entrance to the hallway all night, except for a small window of time when someone brought them a cake and the three guards took their breaks one right after the other. A cake that was ordered by someone with a raspy voice! Whoever ordered the cake got a chocolate stain on their ivory scarf,” she listed off the evidence as she walked closer and closer to Wind Ryder. She looked at Wind Ryder’s scarf, “and I couldn't help but notice that your scarf is tied in a tight Windsor knot instead of its usual loose slipknot!” she called attention to the scarf and its knot “And why is that?” she asked before she undid the knot to reveal the chocolate stain on the scarf. “Is it to hide this chocolate stain?!” She asked rhetorically.

The Wonderbolts, save Soarin, gasped, Wind Ryder was about to protest, “Just admit it – you're as guilty of framing Rainbow Dash as you are of ruining that ivory scarf!” she formally accused Wind Ryder. Wind gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to say anything. Rarity continued, striking the hot iron. “And the motive is as obvious as it is infantile, the fear that someone would break your record while you still live!” she declared. Wind’s eyes widen in horror as his mouth hung open slightly, “I heard you when Spitfire said Rainbow Dash was close to breaking your record. You said, and I quote, 'Heh-heh'. That's the polite but disingenuous laugh you make when you want to seem happy but really you're not.” Rarity paused.

Everyone turned their focus to Wind Ryder. He looked from one glaring Wonderbolt to another, “I thought if-” he started.

“You thought wrong!” Soarin shouted cutting Wind Ryder off, “For framing Rainbow Dash, as the current highest-ranking officer of the Wonderbolts, I hereby strip you of your status as a Wonderbolt, resend your temporary commission as an officer of the ESM and discharge you with dishonor.” He said as closed the distance between him and Wind and grabbed the Wonderbolt pin on his jacket and Soarin tore it off ripping the jacket in the process. “Now if you don’t tell us where you sent Spitfire off to, you’ll be charged with the attempted murder of a senior commissioned officer of the ESM,” Soarin added glaring at Wind all the while.

Wind tried to look away from Soarin, only to see glares from everyone else Wind Rider. He tried to look down but Soarin grabbed his hair and made him look right into Soarin’s eyes. Through gritted teeth, “I don’t recall exactly what I told Spitfire her mother had, but I told her that she needed to get ice iris.” he stated. Everyone but Soarin took a step back. He stepped around Wind Ryder and began to force him away.

While Soarin was showing Wind the door, Rainbow was the first to respond, “No wonder she's been gone so long. Ice irises are almost impossible to find in spring this far south of the Crystal Mountains!” Rainbow then went to one of the windows and opened it. “Spitfire needs to know!” she shouted as she bolted out of the window leaving a rainbow in her wake and in seconds she managed to produce another Sonic Rainboom.

Hours passed and the storm continued to rage, postponing the showing likely to tomorrow. The Wonderbolts and Stormy Flare were pacing. Rarity was the only one at ease sipping tea. Just when a couple of the other bolts were getting ready to leave, a door flung open. Both Rainbow and Spitfire almost fell in, panting and soaking wet. Swiftly Stormy and a couple of the other Wonderbolts rushed over to help them dry off. Soarin spoke, “Wind Ryder sent the message, I’ve already stripped him of his status and decommissioned him.” he informed his superior officer. “Sorry if I overstep.” Spitfire shook her head to dismiss Soarin’s concerns. Soarin then turned to Rainbow, “Well with Wind Ryder discharged, we need you in formation, Dash.” Rainbow’s eyes widened and dilated as her grin grew.

The next day, it was all black and white as Rarity started to narrate as Rainbow flew in the show, “So my friend got her moment in the sun. Or the center of an aerial flower, as the case may be. And as for me? I got a chance to show off my Femme Mystique Chic collection and I have no doubts that it will sell well.”