> My Little Mages: The Rogues' Entries > by Foxhelm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was the pre-dawn hours, and there was a loud knock on one of Fluttershy’s bedroom windows. This broke the silence that had been the norm of her cabin at that hour and caused some of the non-nocturnal animals and the druid to wake slightly before trying to go back to sleep. Fluttershy, however, was slightly more awake as she yawned, “Who could that be?” she asked. She could barely open her eyes above a squint, but even she could tell it was far from what any sensible person would call ‘morning’. “It's still dark.” she noted before the window was pushed open from the outside as Rainbow Dash, fully dressed, came in with, nearly crashing into the wall on the far side from the window. Rainbow turned on a dime and flew to Fluttershy’s bed, “C'mon, Fluttershy!” the elementalist shouted before she pulled the covers off and grabbed Fluttershy, who was in a rabbit themed adult-onesie. “Cider season's about to start!” Rainbow continued as she dragged the druid out of the window. The druid shrieked all the while. Rainbow stopped after a few meters. “Seriously, you don’t recall last year’s cider season?” The question was rhetorical, but Fluttershy was expected to see ‘I know’. But the druid was too tired for this. “Pinkie Pie got ahead of us, and they ran out of cider.” “Didn’t you have a keg set aside?” Fluttershy asked, calling out some of Rainbow’s actions earlier that year. Rainbow let go and rubbed the back of her head, “Well, I lost a bet with AJ.” she confessed. Fluttershy dipped her head, shocked it and sighed. “But still, we got to beat Pinkie!” Rainbow shouted and grabbed the druid’s arm before she bolted in the direction of Sweet Apple Temples. “This year I'm gonna get there before sunrise, so I can drink all the cider I want and laugh when she doesn't get any! It's the perfect plan. Y'know, I might even buy some cider and hold onto it for a while, drinking it drop by drop in front of her–'' Rainbow exposed her plan before she noticed that there was a line of tents starting at the gate of the fence of Sweet Apple Temple and going the length of the side of the fence that was closer to town to three meters from the end of Sweet Apple Temple grounds. Once she saw this, Rainbow gasped in horror. Fluttershy, now more awake, took in the situation, “It looks like others had the same idea.” she pointed out. The two more or less hovered to the front of the line with a pink tent, that screamed ‘Pinkie Pie’ was first and foremost. Pinkie, dressed also in a onesie, but pink and covered with balloons, then got out of the tent with bed hair that was in part a result of the static electricity from a handful of balloons. Noticing the bed head and electing to be polite. “Oh, gosh, Pinkie. I love your new style.” Fluttershy said to her eccentric friend. Rainbow, however, was stuck on the fact that there were so many others in line, “Who are all these people?!” It really wasn’t a question, they were her neighbors, fellow townsfolk, but seeing every one of them there at that hour, left Rainbow in a state of bewilderment. Pinkie stretched and took a deep refreshing breath, “Isn't this great?” she asked as she turned to face and talk with Fluttershy and Rainbow, “I couldn't sleep last night 'cause I was so excited about cider season, and I had this brilliant idea to come down here and camp out, so I told a few others about it, and they all thought it was a great idea too, and now it's just a big old cider party! Woo-hoo!” she explained, unable to contain her excitement over the whole thing. She stopped and looked at the line of tents, her eyes widened in horror. “That’s a lot more people than I told,” she stated. She gave a nervous smile as she turned back to Rainbow and Fluttershy, “I really really hope they don't run out before you get any.” she said with guilt, remorse and shame in her tone. Rainbow flew up into the air and started to curse like a sailor. Fluttershy and Pinkie turned to each other, cringing at the sight, “Maybe this year I’ll only order one mug.” Pinkie said.  Fluttershy shook her head with closed eyes, “Even if everyone ordered one mug, they are likely to sell out before Rainbow or I could order one.” The druid pointed out having done the math. Rainbow overheard it and could only curse more. A few hours later, with the sun about a quarter of the way in the sky, everyone who had a tent had packed them up and they were all waiting in line. Twilight was among the first dozen, with Spike on her left shoulder. “Isn't this exciting, Spike?” she asked the small dragon. “Opening day of our first cider season!” she barely reframed from shouting. Behind her stood Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Spike however was licking his lips for a different reason. “Yeah! That means it's only thirty more days 'til sapphire season!” he chipped and growled in Draconic, looking beyond the beverage moments away to the gems he intended to devour. All three Magicborn rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Before more could be said, “Attention, everybody!” came Apple Bloom’s voice, through some sort of voice enhancer. “Cider season is now officially open!” she declared, and everyone cheered and chattered, however no one seemed to notice the absence of Applejack. Pinkie was the first, she placed two bits into the money box and after Granny Smith filled a mug of the cider from a tap connected to a barrel and handed it to Pinkie, the jester left and started to drink it. This continued as people exchanged two bits for a mug of cider until the last of the two baker’s dozen kegs there. Fluttershy paid her two bits and got her mug and then Rainbow paid hers’ but the tap fizzled out. The last of the cider was gone. “What the actual-” “Watch your tongue, little lady!” Granny Smith cut Rainbow off. Before she walked around the booth, after she gave Rainbow back her two bits. “I am sorry folks, but that’s the last of the cider for today!” the matriarch of the Apples announced. This was met with depressed awes from everyone that had not gotten a mug. “Now don’t go and belly ache, yah hear!” she scowled the crowd and silenced them. Granny took a breath, “We’re doin’ our best to increase our supply, Applejack is currently recruiting as many of our kin as possible and should be here tomorrow.” she tried to explain. There were calls of various complaints about the quantity of the cider. Granny raised her staff and slammed it down causing a small quake which knocked everyone off their feet and silenced them. “Our cider is the best dang gone cider in all of Mystica! Made with, our love and integrity and only the highest apples in all of Mystica!” She continued. Everyone slowly got back to their feet. “Our recipe takes time.” This didn’t have the desired results of ending all the complaints. She tapped the ground, causing another small shake through the ground, this silenced everyone. “Now, if y'all just be patient, we'll have plenty more tomorrow. Y’ah can’t rush perfection!” Everyone gave muted protests as they started to leave, but nothing to counter Granny’s point. “Also, everyone who already had a mug, can’t buy another mug until everyone else has been served!” Granny called out. This seemed to lighten the mood. Granny wiped the sweat off of her forehead before Big Mac handed her a glass of water as Apple Bloom handed her a neckerchief. As several of the townsfolk started to head off there was a honk followed by noises that seemed to come from some sort of steam powered electrical machine. Everyone turned to see a repurposed train engine that was made into a more terrestrial vehicle. There was a couch about midway along with a podium just above the cow trap. The back looked like some sort of combination of a shredder, sorting means and something to press apples. “What the sam hill is that?” Granny asked the question that was on everyone's mind at the site of this contraption as it stopped on the Everfree side of the gate. Two men then jumped off of the couch and off the vehicle. They both wore vests with blue and white vertical stripes over short sleeve white shirts and black bow ties, with a pair of pale pants each and straw hat with blue around the base just above the brim, much like the hats often worn by members of a barbershop quartet. They both had red and white striped hair, green eyes, with one with a thick red mustache and seemed to be ten years older than the one without facial hair. The one with the mustache had an aura mark that looked like an apple with a quarter cut out of it. The younger looking one had an aura mark of a quarter of an apple cut from a full apple. The one without the facial hair began to sing, well started as speaking in meter, but shifting into singing properly, “Well, lookie what we got here, brother of mine, it's the same in every town. People with thirsty throats, dry tongues, and not a drop of cider to be found Maybe they're not aware that there's really no need for this teary despair.” The older looking one then took over the song, “That the key that they need to solve this sad cider shortage you and I will share.”  Almost everyone went over to this site and began to chatter with great excitement. “Well you've got opportunity In this very community.” The two men sang together. “He's Flim.” the older looking man sang as he pointed to the younger man. “He's Flam.” The younger looking man sang as he pointed to the older man.  “We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers Traveling salesmen nonpareil.” The two sang together ending this part of the song. While everyone seemed to be caught up in the excitement, Pinkie, of all people, was perplexed by what the two said. “Nonpa-what?” she asked. Flim started up the song proper, but more of a speaking in the meter of the song than actually singing at first but did morph into singing, “Nonpareil, and that's exactly the reason why, you see No body else in this whole place will give you such a chance to be where you need to be And that's a new world, with tons of cider Fresh squeezed and ready for drinking.” Flam took over the song, “More cider than you could drink in all your days of thinking.” he offered. Then the two brothers sang together, “So take this opportunity,” Only to be joined by the throng, “In this very community.” “He's Flim.” Flam sang as he once again pointed out his brother. “He's Flam.” sang Flim, doing likewise. “We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers Traveling salemen.'' The two sang together, getting the crowd to eat up their pitch. ”Nonpareil.” the crowd sang. Flim then started up the song again as he sang, “I suppose by now you're wondering 'bout our peculiar mode of transport.” “I say, our mode of locomotion.” Flam sang.   “And I suppose by now you're wondering, where is this promised cider?” Flim took over the song as he jumped back onto their vehicle and stood at the podium.  “Any man can make a claim, and anybody can do the same.” Flam sang as he got back on their device. Flim took over the song again, “But my brother and I have something most unique and superb Unseen at any time in this big new world.” “And that's opportunity.” The two sang together. “Folks, it's the one and only, the biggest and the best,” Flim sang by himself. “The unbelievable.” Flam sang, continuing the description. “Unimpeachable.” Flim then sang, adding another adjective. “Indispensable.” Flam then sang, adding another adjective. “I-can't-believe-able.” Flim sang and combining three words into one, while splitting another. “Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.” The two sang together as they finally identified the compration. The crowd of their own volition started to sing on their own, “Oh, we got opportunity In this very community Please, Flim, please, Flam, help us out of this jam With your Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.” pleading with the brothers. Flim turned to Granny Smith, “Young lady, I would be ever so honored if you might see fit to let my brother and I borrow some of your delicious, and might I add spellbindingly fragrant apples for our little demonstration here?” he asked trying to cozy up to the only source of apples around. “That will be ten bits an apple.” Granny declared, you can’t get something for nothing, someone somewhere had to pay the price and if these two and the music stopped. Flim and Flam looked at each other. They reached behind the couch that made their seat and pulled out a chest. They opened it and allowed Granny, Apple Bloom and Big Mac to count out the coins and verified that they were authentic. After counting out five hundred coins, which was all the coins they had in the chest. “You can use that tree.” Granny said before she pointed to one with all its apples. “Opportunity, in our community.” The crowd sang as the music picked back up. “Ready, Flim?” Flam sang as he asked Flim. “Ready, Flam?” Flim sang as he asked Flam. “Let's bing bang zam!” The two sang as they cast a spell on two pillar-like structures on the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 and it started to activate. Flim then spoke as a funnel attached to a hose started to move and raise until it hovered over the tree offered and it suctioned the apples off of the tree and sucked into what looked like a barrel and it started to spin “And show these thirsty of a world of delectable cider!” All the while the crowd chanted “Cider, cider, cider, cider…”As the barrel spun, Flim spoke continued as he pointed to a couple of upside down large glasslike vessels that was collecting what looked like apple juice, “Watch closely, my friends!” he requested. “The fun begins!” Flam sang. Flim then took over the pitch as he said, “Now, here's where the magic happens. Right here in this heaving, roiling, cider-press-boiling guts of the very machine,” he started as he pointed to the contraptions. “those apples plucked fresh'' he pointed out that the apples were just collected, “are right now as we speak being turned into grade-A, top-notch, five-star, blow-your-horseshoes-off, one-of-a-kind cider!” he said as he continued the pitch calling attention to the quality of the cider. Flam then took over the pitch as he sang, “Feel free to take a sneak peek!” as he pointed to a window in the Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. Just as Flam finished, Granny Smith started to sing, “Now wait, you fellers, hold it! You went and over-sold it! I guarantee that what you have there won't compare For the very most important ingredient Can't be added or done expedient And it's quality, friends, our acres' quality and care!” She called attention to the fact that there are trade-offs between quality, prices and production time, and the Apples have selected quality over production, as it is next to impossible to get both and have the honestly low price of two bits per mug. This caused the chanting to end. Flim, however, was not going to be set back and started the pitch up again as he sang, “Well, Granny, I'm glad you brought that up, my dear, I say I'm glad you brought that up You see that we are very picky when it comes to cider if you'll kindly try a cup.” As he sang, he offered a mug of the cider the Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 just made. Granny tried it. She couldn’t help but smile, it was good cider, not Sweet Apple Temple Cider Season cider good, but in the top fifty recipes of cider she had drank throughout her life. Seizing the opportunity, Flam took over as he pointed back to the window that he called attention to earlier and sang, “Yes, sir, yes, ma'am, this great machine let's just the very best.” In the window there was a conveyor belt that had each apple go through a magical scan and it rejected bad apples and sent the good ones to be made into cider. “So whaddya say then, Apples? Care to step into the modern world And put the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to the test?” he asked the family, directing his attention and pitch not to the crowd but to the Apple family, just as the crowd started to chant, “Cider, cider, cider, cider... “. Flim then spoke up, “What do you think, folks? Do you see what the Apples can't?” he asked rhetorically as he continued the pitch by saying, “I see it clear as day! I know she does! So does he!” he said as he pointed to random members of the crowd. And as the excitement continued to build, “C'mon, Magiville, you know what I'm talking about!” he declared. “We're saying you've got,” Flim and Flam sang as they started the last part of their song. The crown then joined in, “Opportunity, In this very community He's Flim, he's Flam We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers Traveling salesmen nonpareil!.”  The song then ended as Flim and Flam sang, “Yeah!”. Once the song was over and there was a second to breathe, Apple Bloom bolted from the stand and held out her right hand, “You got a deal!” she declared. This caused the crowd to start chattering in excitement. More quality cider and sooner than the next day, they would gladly part with a couple more bits a piece. Granny Smith was not so impressed, “Not so fast!” she called out before she pulled Apple Bloom and Big Mac into huddle. “No way no how that machine matches up with the care we put in our cider!” She declared and informed her grandchildren. Having tasted the FlimFlam cider, and with decades of cider consumption, she spoke true.  Apple Bloom dipped her head with a frown, “But if it really does work, we could make everybody in town happy!” she pointed out. The young girl was right, a happy customer was a repeat customer, and a repeat customer was a customer more willing to purchase more. Granny smiled at this, “Ah know, little seed, but they love our cider for its quality, one we’ve made the same way for over the last fifty year.” the sage pointed out. “Eeyup.” Big Mac agreed with the most frequent one-word response. He then noticed that Flim and Flam had joined the huddle on opposites of him. “Huh?” he asked, calling attention to the two uninvited additions. Flim was the first of the intruders to speak, electing to alter their pitch, “We'll sweeten the deal.” he started. He nodded to the apple orchard on the Sweet Apple Temple grounds. “You supply the apples…” he trailed off. Here Flam picked up the pitch, “...We supply the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.” he nodded toward the contraption that they arrived in town on and with. The two brothers then spoke together, “Then we split those sweet sweet profits…” they trailed off as called attention to the fact that the profits from this was not going solely to the Apples, which was to be expected. Flim then gave the first part of the split, “...Seventy-five…” he then trailed off so that Flam could complete the pitch as he stated the other end of the split, “...Twenty-five.” Apple Bloom smiled at the idea of this offer presented by the two brothers, “Deal–” she started before she was silenced by Granny Smith covering her mouth. After she silenced her currently only present granddaughter, Granny Smith spoke, “Now hold on there, little one.” She said to Apple Bloom. She then focused on Flim and Flam. “Who gets the seventy-five?” she asked, striking at the heart of the matter. Flim was the first of the two to answer, “Why, us, naturally.” Flim informed, pointing out that they were providing the thing that did most of the ‘heavy lifting’. Flam then took off his and Film's hats to show their focus gems, “And, we'll throw in the magic to power the machine for free.” he added as the two actived their focus gems to show that they were Magicborn. Granny snorted, “We planted the seeds, we grew the trees, we tended to their needs. We made sure the soil was just right. And we incur the costs of not just the apple orchard, but all of the farming land.” Granny pointed out. “We’re the ones that actually provide the salaries and wages of every other farmer that grounds on the grounds, the only farming land in town, and for us Apples, it’s our cider sales makes sure we have all that covered. With anything less than a 50/50 split, we’d have to sell off everythin’ to stay afloat through the winter. We'd lose the acres, maybe even Sweet Apple Temple, we’re clergy, if y'all haven’t noticed, we don’t have much to spend willy nilly.'' She pointed out the many facets of running the temple and the farming lands on its ground. This revelation resulting in many of the townsfolk to feel like they have been stealing from the Apples, and among the ones that lived and worked on the other farms in the temple grounds soon realized they never really appreciated what they have been offered by the Apples.  “We can do 60-40, our way.” Flim countered, he and Flam had to concede to some of Granny’s points, but their equipment was still doing the heavy lifting. “So?” Flam asked. “What'll it be?” the brothers asked together. Shocking everyone in town, Big Mac stepped in front of his grandmother and sister, between them and the two brothers and with two words, “No deal,” ended the discussion. Flim gave a ‘Hmph.’ in defiance. “Very well.” he admitted defeat, “If you refuse our generous offer to be partners, then we'll just have to be competitors.” Granny then started to laugh, “With what apples?” she asked, still hooting. “We Apple's own every apple tree for kilometers. And even if you went to any other towns with apple trees, good luck convincing them to give yah any when yah explain that yah plan to compete with that cider in Magiville’s Cider Season. Besides, you wouldn’t even dare, yah snake oil charlatan.” Flim grinned, “Oh no?” he asked, clear that he was going call this as a bluff. Flam joined his brother as he called the focus to the crowd, “Don't you worry, everybody!” he called out, “There'll be plenty of cider for all of you!” he and Flim got back on the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 and the two started their departure. Flim spoke, just barely under his breath, so that only Flam could hear him, “Once we drive the Apples out of business.” Flam fought back a smile, “After we show those stuck-ups that Dad wasn’t a quack.” he said just barely under his own breath so that only Flim could hear him. The next day, the line was just as long as the day before and no one that had a cider the day before was in line, but it was still ridiculously long, from Rainbow’s point of view. She found herself again near the end of the line and she was the only one of her closest friends in line. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy with Spike, having had her cider the previous day, went around the line to talk with the Apples. It was then that they finally noticed Applejack’s absence. However, their focus was more on the possibility of there being someone that could drive the Apples out. Twilight was silently elected to be the spokesperson, being the newest person in town offered her some shielding, and so she would speak to Granny as the sage and her present grandchildren, Apple Bloom and Big Mac, continued to serve the residents of Magiville, two bits for a mug of cider, one cider a person. “Aren’t you worried about Flim and Flam?” Twilight asked the question. Granny chuckled, “They were just blowin’ hot air.'' She dismissed Twilight’s concerns. Just then Rainbow arrived with a massive grin, she managed to get to the front of the line. Much of the town was served she would finally… “That's it! We’re out!” Apple Bloom called as the last keg proved to be empty. Rainbow was about to grab the stand and flip it, but Pinkie and Fluttershy managed to grab and pull her back as the elementalist started to curse like a sailor, with the furry and rage of a tempest. Everyone cringed as the two, and Rarity tried to calm Rainbow down. Apple Bloom was the first to recover and after she cleared her throat, “C'mon back tomorrow, everybody!” she announced. The crowd that had not got any cider that day and the day before could not help but complain somewhat. Just then the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (SSCS 6000) came down the road from the Everfree side. It then stopped right next to the gate. Flim was the first to stand and looked at the crowd before he shook his head in disbelief, “What seems to be the problem here?” he asked rhetorically. Flam, then Flam took over as he too shook his head, “Oh my, oh my, out of cider again?” he asked rhetorically. The two stepped off the SSCS 6000 and walked around to the back to a collection of barrels. “What have we here?” Flim asked as he pulled a level and a barrel rolled off the vehicle. Flam then tapped the keg and readied a mug. “Who'd like a mug?” Flam asked. The crowd gave cries of excitement. Flam held out the mug before Rainbow took it, without paying, “Don't worry, everybody, we've got the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 to make more in an instant!” he declared. As Rainbow was lost in admiring the foam and the prospect of the beverage, Granny knocked the mug out of the elementalist’s hands. “You can't sell that cider!” she called out before she raised and lowered her staff sending a small tremor that shattered the barrel. “That's made from Apple family apples! You thieves!” she accused the two. Well to call it an acquisition would imply that either Granny could not prove it, or it was in fact false, and Granny could both prove it, and it was true.  Rainbow dove to the dirt that was shocked with the spilt cider and put some of it into her mouth in a desperate attempt to taste the faintest amount of cider only to taste dirt. She refused to spit it out as she wept, “Is this some kind of cruel joke?” she asked, almost broken. “For crying out loud, girl!” Granny slapped Rainbow, forcing her to spit the dirt out. “Show some self-respect!” Granny chided the elementalist. “And you want to be a Wonderbolt?” she asked Rainbow rhetorically. She rolled her eyes, “Back in my day, Wonderbolts were the most dignified of the most dignified.” she continued as she shook her head in disgust at Rainbow’s actions. Flim smiled as he saw a chance to capitalize on the situation, “Don't worry, everybody, there are plenty of apples in Mystica.” he pointed out that the two weren’t limited to the apples there. “We'll find some others and make more cider than all of Magiville can drink!” The crowd gasped at the prospect, a cider season during which everyone had even more than just one mug. Apple Bloom leapt around the stand and pointed at Flim, with every intent on issuing a challenge, “We'll make more cider than you could ever imagine!” she declared, the crowd then gasped again, more cider to drink than ever. However, before Apple Bloom could say any more or for Flim or Flam to respond, Big Mac picked her up and brought her back to the other side of the stand. There Granny Smith waited, “Now, it ain't about the speed, young'un, it's about quality.” she pointed out what has been the family’s modus operandi of the family’s cider production. The crowd all sighed disappointed in the revolution that they were not going to get much more cider after all. One among those present was more vicious, “Who cares how good the cider is if I never get to drink any?” she asked belligerently. “And she wonders why the universe seems hellbent on denying her our cider.” Apple Bloom whispered to her big brother. Big Mac fought back with a smile and laugh. Flim, seizing on the chance to better market his and his brother’s possible cider by taking hold of Rainbow and patting her on the head affectionately, “Oh, look at these poor, dissatisfied people.” he declared. Apple Bloom broke from her family, “Magiville is Sweet Apple Cider country, and our cider speaks for itself!” she shouted ready to challenge the two. Flim and Flam smiled, “Let's put it to the test!” Flim beat her to it. “Anywhere, anytime!” Apple Bloom opened the floor as she squinted at the two, ready for a brawl. The crowd could only mutter in shock. Granny Smith placed her right hand on Apple Bloom’s right shoulder, “Well, that's enough now.” she tried to stop her granddaughter from doing something stupid. Flam took over the pitch and challenge, “With our machine,” he said as he pointed to their machine, “we can make enough cider in one hour to satisfy this entire town!” “We'll do it in 45 minutes!” Apple Bloom countered boasting about the possible speed of the Apples to make the cider. The members of the crowd looked at each other in utter awe. “Easy, Apple Bloom, easy.” Granny tried to pull Apple Bloom back and try to undo any potential damage that the young girl might have caused. Flim seized upon this and went after the grandmother, “What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?” he asked, goading her on. Granny squinted as she turned from her granddaughter to the younger of the brothers. “What did you call me, sonny?” she asked. It was clear Flim got her goat. Flim smiled at Flam and then turned back to Granny, and as the two leaned against the SSCS6000 and dipped their hats forward, “If you're so confident in your cider, then what's the problem?” he asked. Granny took two steps forward, “Tomorrow mornin', right here!'' She declared the time and location. “You can use our south field!” she added before either brother could point out that they didn’t have any apples to use to make cider. “It'll be worth it to teach y'all a thing or two about cider making!” she added the last part, there are things more valuable than money at times. The two brothers looked at each other and smiled. Flam nodded and Flim spoke, “Excellent; we have a bet.” he said, and he held out his right hand, “Whoever produces the most barrels in one hour wins the exclusive right to sell cider in Magiville.” he declared pointing out the stakes. “And keep the rights to the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, its patent, all 5999 previous model’s patents, the trademark and copyright of the term ‘Super Speedy Cider Squeezy’.” Granny added as she tapped on the SSCS6000 calling attention to other stakes. Flim looked to Flam and the older brother, after a moment of thought nodded. Flim turned back to Granny and with gritted teeth nodded. However, before Granny accepted the hand, “Assuming three selected barrels pass the Magiville Taste Test!” Granny pointed out there was more than quantity and if the people of Magiville found that the cider was lacking, then it didn’t matter how much each side produced. Flim again turned to Flam, Flam nodded to his brother. Flim then nodded in agreement to the last condition of the bet. Granny and Flim then shock hands, after the shake, “And after we beat ya, I don't never want to see you bambahoozlers around here again!” she declared. The crowd could chatter at the idea of all that fresh cider. Flim and Flam then stepped back on the SSCS6000 and started it up to head off, “Until tomorrow.” Flam bid everyone a due as they tipped their hats and left down the road. “What is going on here?” came the voice of the town’s favorite paladin. Everyone turned to see Applejack almost sprint down the road. “Where are they going?” she asked just as she reached the gate and took a deep breath.  “Those snake oilers thought they could just mossy on up and start sellin’ cider here.” Apple Bloom informed. Applejack covered her face and groaned before she spoke, “Those were our cousins, they’re the last of the Skim’s Branch as in Enterprise Skim.” she said as if the others knew who she was talking about. “That quake?” Granny asked. “You’re sayin’ those two are related to that fool?” she continued. Applejack nodded before she took a breath “Ah managed to convince everyone to come and have the family reunion after this cider season. Everyone else should be here either later today or early tomorrow.” she told her family. “And those two,” she said as she pointed in the direction that Flim and Flam went. “Promised they would arrive; well it would have been yesterday to help.” Granny, Apple Bloom and Big Mac looked to each other than back to Applejack, Granny spoke for the family, “They weren’t interested in helpin’ with the cider season, but to sell their own cider.” Applejack could only sigh. “They even had the audacity to wager ownership of Sweet Apple.” Applejack was about to cry. Twilight, of all people, walked up and placed a hand on Applejack’s shoulder, “Don't worry, Applejack, I know you'll win tomorrow!” This didn’t bring any comfort to the paladin, but Applejack exhaled and then looked at her family, there was nothing that could be done to alter the past.  Early the next morning, everyone in town was drifting in and finding a place to sit just outside of Sweet Apple Temple, all were there to watch and maybe be judges of the competition. The Apples were preparing for the competition. Applejack was using a boxing bag to practice her blows, with Apple Bloom providing some counterforce, Big Mac was stretching and loosening his joints, he was going to do a lot or running. Granny was looking through each of her glasses to find the perfect pair. Twilight with Spike on her shoulder, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle approached the farmers, Twilight spoke to Granny, “Granny Smith, are you sure this is such a good idea?” she asked the sage. Granny snorted, “Are y'all doubtin’ our cider makin’ capabilities?” she asked rhetorically, everyone knew that the quality of the cider would not be in question, but could they match the quantity. Before she allowed anyone to answer, “Besides, nobody calls me a chicken.”  Applejack then pulled away, “Oh, before Ah forget, are y'all coming for the Family Reunion?” she asked Twilight et al. As the paladin noted the confusion on their faces, “Y'all honorary Apples, remember, that means your kin.” she clarified. The seven Mysticans and one dragon looked to and from each other, and in the end, all looked to Twilight. Twilight looked back at Applejack, “You should focus on the competition first, but yes, we’ll be there.” She answered. Not even Rarity contradicted her as they others nodded and gave various agreements. Applejack too nodded. “Best of luck.” Twilight said on her and the other’s behalf.  Applejack smiled, “Thanks.” she said and took a moment to collect herself before the hour. The mayor then spoke into a device to amplify her voice so that all could hear her, “Attention, everybody!” she announced to get everyone’s attention. All turned to the mayor, with Time Turner next to her and a large sandglass. “The teams have one hour to produce as much cider as they can, after which the barrels will be counted. Then the team with the most barrels will choose who’s barrels will be tasted first and which of their three barrels will be tested.” The mayor stated the conditions for determining the victor. “The side that passed the taste test will be declared the winner and they will be named the sole cider provider for all of Magiville and owner of the rights to the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy!'' She stated the prize to the victor. The mayor looked between the two teams, “Are both teams ready?” she asked. Granny Smith snorted before she, the three other Apples, Flim and Flam all declared “Ready!” The mayor looked to Time Turner, “Then…” she trailed just as Time prepared the glass, once it was about to flip fully and start pouring, “Begin!” she called.  The Apples each dashed to their spot, Applejack began to box one tree, then another, as Apple Bloom carrying a large basket collected as many as she could. Big Mac got on the treadmill for the press as Granny got to the quality control station and started looking over each of the apples in the first basket Apple Bloom collected as the sage said, “Ugh, bad 'un. Good 'un! Bad 'un…”. Flim and Flam rested at ease on the couch and using their magic started up the SSCS6000 and it vacuumed up the apples of one tree then another.  As the Apples finished the first barrel in just under thirty seconds, Applejack commented, “Great job, y'all! We've already filled an entire barrel!”  Apple Bloom was much more prideful, “I'll bet you those guys don't even have–” she stopped herself as the whole clan gasped as Flim and Flam’s SSCS6000 had finished filling a sixth barrel.  Applejack was the first to spring back into action, “C'mon!” she shouted. “Focus everyone! We gotta forget those guys if we're gonna have a chance of winnin'!” she said as she moved to the next tree, Apple Bloom barely keeping pace with her sister. Granny Smith got back to the apple sorting, but it threw her off. Big Mac was fairing the best after Applejack, but the towering cleric was starting to feel the burn of his leg muscles starting to resort to lactic acid fermentation. In less than five minutes, as the Apples kept pushing themselves, it became clear to anyone that they were going to lose the first part of the competition. Rarity was the first to put to words what everyone was witnessing, “This is just dreadful. Even their top speed the Apples are only making one barrel to the brothers' three!” she said, the Apples had managed to double their output, but Flim and Flam were way ahead and getting farther. Twilight broke from her friends and the crowd, save Spike who was still on her shoulder and approached the mayor, “Excuse me, Madam Mayor!” she called getting the mayor’s attention. The mayor turned to the newest resident of Magiville. “Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition?” she asked as she was joined by Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The mayor thought with a slight grimace, “Well, I'm not sure…” she trailed off with a non-committal answer, not that she could give a committal answer. The mayor turned to Flim and Flam as they each reclined on their couch and enjoyed a mug of their own cider, “Flim, Flam, would you object to honorary family members helping?” the mayor asked. Flim was the first to sit up, “Are you kidding?” he asked and took another swig of his cider. Flam was the next to sit up and looked at Twilight et al and didn’t even bother to fight back a laugh, “We don't care if the whole extended Apple clan, even dishonorary members, helps. It's a lost cause.” he declared. “Funny you should say the whole extended Apple clan.” came the voice of a young man somewhere between Applejack and Big Mac in age. Everyone turned and saw that it was Braeburn and with him was the rest of the extended Apple Clan, “Sorry for bein’ late,'' Braeburn apologized on behalf of himself and the rest of the family. The two brothers looked at the recent arrivals and shrugged clearly bored and returned to their cider not moved and saw no threat. Everyone turned to the mayor. She rubbed her chin in thought, “Well if Flim and Flam are alright with it, I guess it's okay.'' She then turned to the Apples. “Granny Smith? What do you think?” she asked the matriarch of the Apple Clan. Granny lifted her gaze from the apple she was examining, “Well don’t just stand there yah idjits and getta workin’.” the sage stated and went back to her apple sorting. The mayor shrugged her shoulders Twilight et al then went to  Twilight got the recently arrived Apples and the Magiville honorary Apples in a line. She took a breath and looked at them, “Okay, everybody, we're not gonna let those smooth talkers take our friend's and family’s farm.” She informed them of the objective. Everyone gave various affirmations that they followed. Twilight continued speaking more to the extended Apple Clan, “Apples, you all know your talents, and I know you will divide yourselves to the role you know best, so I will ask you to go to the position you will do the best.” Each member of the extended greater Apple family gave a vocal agreement and scattered, the youngest helping Apple Bloom with apple collecting with the rest either helping Applejack clear the trees, help Granny Smith with quality selection or Big Mac with the press, with some sealing and rolling away the full barrels as a couple others rolled in the next barrel to be filled. Twilight turned to Fluttershy, “Fluttershy, help Applejack with the trees.” Fluttershy nodded and then jumped into the air, she took a deep breath and spoke in the language of the druids called the animals of the farm and of her cabin to help with the harvest, mostly with the clearing of the trees. Twilight turned to Pinkie, “Pinkie Pie, you're on apple catching detail with Apple Bloom.” Pinkie pulled a basket out of her hair and skipped to the closest tree with apples on it. Twilight then turned to Rarity, “Rarity, you've got a discerning eye. Help Granny Smith with the quality control station.” Rarity nodded and rushed over to the apple sorting and quickly picked up on how Granny and the others easily determined the apple quality. Twilight then turned to Rainbow, “Rainbow Dash, help with the press.” Rainbow all but snorted and rushed over to the press and jumped on the wheel. Twilight then turned to the last two, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, “Would you help two help Apple Bloom with the apple collection?” she asked. The two nodded and rushed over to help with the apple collection. Twilight then took Spike off her shoulder, “Spike, help with quality control.” The dragon nodded and went off to help sort the apples. Twilight smiled and elected to help with the barrel removal and replacement all the while keeping a tally of full barrels produced both by the Apples’ and by the FlimFlam brothers. The help from everyone quickened the pace of cider production immensely. First the pace of getting the apples off of the trees by Applejack, Fluttershy and every Apple that joined Applejack and the animals that Fluttershy called upon. Second was the collection, with Pinkie’s, for lack of a better term, teleportation and the adult collectors able to get more than just Apple Bloom. The third place this helped was actually the press. Big Mac was still the main one running the press, but those that joined did manage to keep it going as it was clear the strain was starting to take its toll on the cleric. The last place where the help increased the speed was the quality control, but that was to be expected. Twilight looked over the figures. She smiled as she spoke up, “Keep it up everyone, we’re making ten barrels for every three of theirs!” she told the Apples and friends. There was cheering from the crowd. Flim and Flam, while mostly ignored following the entry of the extended Apple clan and Applejack’s friends, spat out the last bit of cider they just drank. Flim turned to Flam with a slight panic in his eyes, “Come on, brother, we've gotta pick up the pace!” he voice was starting to hint that his eyes didn’t lie. Flam slapped his younger brother to get the younger to focus, “Double the power!” he ordered and the two took a breath and used more of their magic to get the SSCS 6000 to quicken its production, but it was not enough to match the Apple’s new production rate. Flim turned back to Flam, “We've gotta try something else!” he was about to fight back a shout. Flam looked to his side of the SSCS 6000 and saw the dial for the quality control. Flam turned the dial to the lowest setting, “I've got it, brother of mine.” he said. The SSCS 6000 started to run faster and faster. Flim smiled at this brother, “Well done, Flam!” he said. He turned to the crowd, “We're at top productivity!” he shouted. The crowd cheered. Rainbow was the first to see the increased production of the SSCS 6000, she jumped off the treadmill and started to fly to the quality control station when she was stopped by Twilight’s magic. “Rainbow, we need you to keep grinding!” Twilight made clear.  Rainbow struggled, but could not break free of Twilight’s magical hold, “We don't have time for quality control if we wanna win this thing!” she challenged her friend calling attention to how  “The number of barrels is only the first part of the competition.” Twilight reminded Rainbow, “Also where do you think the expression ‘One bad apple spoils the bunch’ comes from?” she asked the elementalist. Rainbow was about to protest, calling upon Applejack for help, but as she saw Applejack was wiping sweat off her face as the paladin was about to strike another tree. Rainbow took a breath and turned back to Twilight and nodded accepting the situation. Twilight ended her spell and Rainbow got back on the treadmill and got back in the rhythm. Before anyone knew it the hour was up as the mayor called, “Time's up!”. Every one of the Apples then dropped to the ground, everyone was almost soaked in their own sweat and panted. The crowd cheered at the collection of cider kegs. The mayor of Magiville started to count each stack of barrels. After a minute she recorded the number of the Apples’ cider kegs and then started to count the FlimFlam kegs, and after another minute and jotting the total down, the mayor called out “Flim and Flam have more barrels ready.” She announced the winners of the first phase. “Now for the selection. Since Flim and Flam produced the most barrels, they will choose the three Apples barrels first.” Flim and Flim looked to each other and barely fought back a laugh, “Whatever three you want.” Flam spoke as he waved to three of the easiest barrels. Twilight and Rarity levitated the three kegs for them to be taste tested. Everyone enjoyed every mug of cider. It was clear the Apples seemed to have the lead in the taste-test. The mayor then turned to the Apples, “Now the Apples can cho-” she started. “The last three!” Rainbow declared as she seemed to become the voice for everyone that helped the Apples. They all looked at her in confusion, but after a second or two of thought, they decided to trust the elementalist.  Flim and Flam levitated the three kegs and started to serve, “Drink up, Magiville! Down the hatch!” Flam order, he failed to notice that cider was full of small pieces of wood, leaves among other things. Everyone almost at the same time spat out the cider after one swig, grunting and gagging. “I can't get the taste off my tongue!” one of the townsfolk shouted. “Mine's got rocks in it!” a second declared as she poured her cider out to show that there were in fact rocks in it. Everyone then glared at the brothers and threw their mugs at them. Surprisingly, very few missed their mark even as the brothers ran to hide behind the SSCS 6000. Flam was the first to speak “It looks like we've encountered a slight... problem here in Magiville.” there was a pause in the middle of the statement. Flim looked slightly forward as more and more mugs were passing over the SSCS 6000, “Nobody wants our product.” he pointed out. He looked to his brother, “Next town?” he asked. Flam nodded, “Next town. Let's go, Flim!” he agreed as he got up and prepared to run. Flim joined his brother, “Let's go, Flam!” Flim agreed and the two started to run as fast as they could, all the while more mugs of the disgusting cider were chucked at the two. Once Flim and Flam were out of any responsible throwing range, “The winners are the Apples!” The mayor declared as she got in front of the crowd, and everyone cheered. Apple Bloom then spoke up, “Once we go through all the kegs and find all the bad ones filled by Flim and Flam, we’ll have more than enough cider for everyone in town to have all they want.” Everyone cheered. “Rainbow Dash gets the first mug, and it's on the house.” she added. Rainbow cheered the loudest and got her well-earned cider, it was better than she ever imagined. > Wonderbolt Academy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow and her friends were seated on the ground under her cloud house, next to her terrestrial mailbox, and were having a tea picnic. Normally Applejack and Rainbow would have coffee, but tea was nice every once in a while. Everyone was drinking, save Pinkie, she was pacing back and forth. “Ooooh, I wish the mail person would just come already! I can't wait another minute to find out if Rainbow Dash got in or not!” she shouted, it was clear that she was not able, or gave up trying to contain her excitement for the results of Rainbow’s application to attend Wonderbolt Academy.  Normally her friends would just let her be, but there were times that they had to set her straight. This time it was Twilight’s turn to be the one to speak up, “Pinkie, you're more nervous than Rainbow.” she barely fought back a laugh as she pointed to how Rainbow was calm and collected. The elementalist smiled, “I'm not nervous at all.” Rainbow declared. She rubbed the tips of her finger in the space between her breasts and then looked at them, “When I get into the Wonderbolt Academy…” she trailed off. She had intended to make a boost, but she was not able to say anything as Pinkie grabbed her by her upper arms. “IF” Pinkie shouted correcting her friend, “you get in!” she added. “If you get in!” she repeated. “Don't jinx it!”, the cotton candy mage finished. It was clear that she didn’t want anything to compromise Rainbow’s chances to get into the academy, not even assuming that one got in. No one questioned Pinkie. Pinkie was serious, and not cartoonishly serious, which made it all the more terrifying. Just then Brighteyes arrived and took a letter out of her mailbag and was about to place it in Rainbow’s mailbox until she saw Rainbow et al. She then walked up to Rainbow and handed the letter to Rainbow, “You got mail.” she said as she shut both her eyes and gave a massive grin. She then flew off to her next stop, passing through Rainbow’s house, knocking over one of the flower vases. “Oops, my bad”. Everyone just took a breath and turned to Rainbow. She then tore open the envelope and her face started as a massive grin only to shift to sorrow and disbelief, “I... didn't get in.” she said just short of breaking down into tears. Her five friends gasped. Rainbow then smiled and had a light giggle, “Gotcha!” she declared as she pointed to her friends before she handed the letter to them, “Like I wasn't gonna get in!” she said, the smugness on her face was inescapable. Everyone rushed over and pulled her into a group hug to congratulate their friend.  After a solid second Pinkie made everyone break it as she zipped up the line that secured her cloud house and zipped back down with a duffle bag with Rainbow’s aura mark, “Seven days' worth of clothes, toiletries, your hygiene, and some paper and a pencil. Now, play nice with the other kids, don’t pick a fight, but if a fight gets started, finish it before anyone gets hit. Take notes and don’t give your teachers a hard time.” Pinkie said as she tossed the bag to Rainbow and turned her to face the way to Wonderbolt Academy. “And most importantly, don’t forget to write.” Rainbow nodded, gave them all a farewell hug, and then left as they all waved goodbye to one another. After about three hours of flying later, Rainbow saw a lone mountain with something like a plateau with a runway down the center about three-fourths the way up and just at the cloud line. She flew closer only to be stopped by a trio of Skyborn men dressed in armor like those of the royal guard but was the same blue as the Wonderbolts with the Wonderbolt stylized lightning bolt with wings in the center. Rainbow pulled out her letter of acceptance into the academy, her Magiville and Cumula residence identifications, and her employee id for working at Cumula Weather and handed them to the closest man. After he looked them over, he showed them to the other two. They nodded and the first one-handed them all back to Rainbow and hovered to the side to let them through. Rainbow nodded thanks and flew on. As she neared the recent cadet sign-in she looked around noticing the cadets that were finishing their weeklong training, as well as reservists fine-tuning their skills. The cadets and the reservists were noted by their flight suit, a legless, sleeveless version of those worn by the Wonderbolts’ but the blue was lighter. Rainbow smirked, she was where she belonged, well one step closer. After she found the sign-in and dropped her stuff in her room at the cadet barracks, she joined the eleven other new cadets. She recognized ten of them from Magiville, the eleven she didn’t recognize but she did take a good look at her. She was about Rainbow’s age with yellow eyes and amber hair with gold stripes and her hair was slightly shorter than hers.  Before there could be any exchange of pleasantries, they all heard a whistle blow, and all stood at attention. Within a second, Spitfire, dressed in the blue formal officer’s suit arrived with her aviator sunglasses on. She walked up and down the line, “Well, lookie what we got here.” she said as she looked at each one of them, “Bet y'all think you're Wonderbolt material, don't ya?” She asked. Rainbow knew this was a trick question and she remained silent as did the woman that was not from Magiville. The others all said, “Yes, ma'am!” Spitfire wanted to shake her head; another batch that got the first question wrong. However, she only continued. “Think you got what it takes to be an elite flyer?” she asked and again all, but the stranger and Rainbow gave the wrong answer as they said, “Yes, ma'am!”. Here Spitfire strutted to be three meters in front of the dozen before she turned to face them all, “Well then. Let me be the first to tell you…” she trailed off as she walked up to the person on her furthest left, “You don't!” She shouted almost in his face. She then walked to the next person, “If you had what it took to be an elite flyer, you'd already be a Wonderbolt!” She said as she continued to walk down the line. She stopped at the person second to Rainbow’s right and asked, “Still think you're something special?” The woman could barely stand up as she weakly responded with “No, ma'am!” Spitfire then turned to the man on Rainbow’s immediate right, “Ya think you're hot stuff?” she asked him. He shook his head from left to right almost violently. Spitfire then stepped in front of Rainbow and sized her up, “You look like you're the worst flyer in the whole academy!” She challenged Rainbow. “You'll probably quit after the first day!” she added getting right into Rainbow’s face. Rainbow looked squarely into Spitfire’s face and without a blink or any waiver of resolve countered, “No, ma'am! I'd never quit, ma'am!” Spitfire fought back a smile and a laugh, before she walked to the end of the line, “What about you?” she asked. “Bet you couldn't fly past the first flagpole without getting winded.” she challenged before she started to look away. “Try me, sir.” The stranger challenge as she broke into a smile. Spitfire lowered her sunglasses, no one has ever spoken back to her or any officer, “What's that?” she asked to give her the chance to step back. The stranger only smiled wider, “Let me show you what I've got, sir.” she continued. Spitfire squinted, this young woman was clearly bold, but she couldn’t be this reckless, “Ah. You want a chance to prove yourself, huh?” Spitfire asked, giving this cadet one last chance to pull back. “Yes, sir!” was her response. Spitfire gave a half grin, “Well then, now's your chance.” She then turned to look down the line, “Give me five hundred laps! All of you!” and she blew her whistle and all twelve were off. After the better part of an hour, “Lap four-hundred and ninety-nine!” Spitfire called as Rainbow and the stranger managed to get to the lead and completed the second to last lap. Rainbow looked to her left, “One more lap to go!” she shouted, this was rough, but it was also exciting. The stranger turned to face Rainbow, “You're on!” She challenged and the two flew so fast that Rainbow left a trail that looked like a rainbow while the stranger’s trail looked like a horizontal lightning bolt inside a teal barrier. Within almost no time the two completed the last lap, overtaking a few of the others who were just finishing their 499th lap. The two landed, almost screeching as they slip down the runway. On the ground, the two were panting, like dogs that have been running for hours. Spitfire turned to the two as the others continued to fly, “Not bad... for a couple of newbies. But a good flyer knows to pace themselves, even during the final stretch. Now hit the showers, you both reek.” she said and turned back to the rest. “After that, report for suit measurements at the barracks before you call it a day,” Spitfire added. Rainbow held out her right hand, “I am Rain...” she started. “Rainbow Dash, bearer of the Element of Loyalty, Hero of Mystica, I know the story.” the stranger cut her off, “The name’s Lightning Dust.” the stranger introduced herself as she accepted Rainbow’s hand. “I say we skip the showers and grab some grub; I am starving. You in?” Lightning asked. Rainbow smiled as she gave a small nod. This was going to be an awesome week. The next morning, after reveille and before the twelve cadets were permitted to go into the mess hall for breakfast, they were gathered at the runway. In front of them stood Spitfire who was in front of a large structure under a larger cloth with a couple of Wonderbolts to the side. Spitfire spoke up, “The Wonderbolts are the fastest, best precision flyers in the world.” she started the lecture, “But spin-outs can still happen. And when they do, a Wonderbolt must be able to recover quickly.” she informed the twelve. She then pointed to the thing behind her as she stepped away. “This…” she trailed off as the two other Wonderbolts revealed a large wheel with two gears, one gear was smaller and was in the center of the wheel with larger gear was along the edge of the wheel with a bar in the center of the gear. Both of the gears were connected by a belt. “is the Dizzitron.” Spitfire identified the device. She then stepped forward to the dozen cadets, “It's gonna make you very – I repeat – very dizzy.” she informed them. “Which is why you were barred from the mess hall this morning. You’re going to be dizzy as is, we don’t want to have to clean up your breakfast.” She explained part of their situation. Spitfire continued, “Your task is to try and recover and fly straight again, as soon as possible. Once you have recovered you must come in for a smooth landing. Now, who's first?” she asked. There were no volunteers. She waited three seconds for one to step forward then pointed to a woman at random, “You. You're up.” the young woman gulped. “Now!” Spitfire gulped and the woman ran to the Dizzitron and grabbed onto the bar as if for dear life. “Go!” Spitfire ordered and the Dizzitron started to spin. For ten seconds the Dizzitron spun, increasing in speed until Spitfire called, “Release!” and the Dizzitron stopped sending the girl flying caught in a spin. She soon managed to correct herself and bright herself to a barely safe landing. Spitfire looked at her watch, “Fifteen seconds.” she informed blankly, as if it was neither impressive nor terrible. “Decent, but I wouldn't go writin' home about it!” she said to the girl. Spitfire then turned to the other eleven. “Who's next?” she asked. Rainbow and Lightning both raised their hands, Rainbow was slightly faster. Spitfire nodded, “Alright, Rainbow Dash. Let's see what you got.” she said. Rainbow nodded and dashed over and grabbed the bar. She nodded that she was ready. Spitfire nodded in turn, “Okay, go!” she ordered and the Dizzitron started up again, after ten seconds, Spitfire called out, “Release!” and Rainbow was sent flying. Rainbow managed to recover extremely quickly and land with little effort. Spitfire then called the time, somewhat confused, “Six seconds?”. She then turned from her watch and smiled at Rainbow, clearly impressed, “That's an academy record.” she declared. The first ‘victim’ of the Dizzitron was the first to compliment Rainbow among the cadets, “You made it look so easy.” Rainbow didn’t fight back her smug grin. “I make everything look easy.” she declared her ego on display. Spitfire then moved down the line, “Lightning Dust. You're up.” she declared. Lightning smirked before she got on, “Sir, can you put the Dizzitron at maximum speed?” she asked. “I wanna push my limits.” She explained the reason for the request. Spitfire raised her eyebrows and lowered her sunglasses, “You sure about that?” she asked, her voice full of concern. Lightning nodded with a massive grin on her face. Spitfire shrugged her shoulders, if Lightning wanted to kill herself, well that was her call. Spitfire nodded to the man at the Dizzitron controls. He then turned a dial from pointing at a tortoise to pointing at a hare to finally pointing at a skull with lightning bolts pointing at it. Spitfire then called “Go!” and the Dizzitron started spinning this time much faster than before. After ten seconds, “Release!” Spitfire gave the order, and Lightning was launched. She quickly managed to recover and land safely. Spitfire checked her watch, “Six points five seconds. Not bad.” she declared as she seemed to fight back how impressed she was. “Next!” she called, and the next cadet timidly approached the Dizzitron. Rainbow and Lightning fist-bumped each other, “I doubt anybody else will even come close to six seconds.” Rainbow declared. Lightning nodded with a smirk, “They should make us Wonderbolts right now.” she added.  Rainbow nodded, “Yeah, they should.” The two watched as the remaining cadets took their turn and it was clear that Rainbow and Lightning were a cut or two above the rest. After the last cadet landed, Spitfire blew her whistle, “Listen up! For the rest of the camp, you'll be working in pairs. 'Morrow morning, I'll post the teams, including who'll be lead and who'll be wingman. You’re dismissed to the mess hall and for your drills, you better be worn and ready for bed when taps are played.” Spitfire ordered. She then departed the group. Rainbow turned to Lightning, “Breakfast?” she asked. Lightning nodded and the two then headed off to the mess hall. The next morning, Rainbow strutted into the mess hall right after reveille and ready for breakfast and to see her wingman was. There was no doubt that she was going to be a lead, she had the best performance, and she was the head of the Magiville Branch of Cumula Weather, she had the skills. Rainbow saw the rest of the cadets near the left wall from her. The reservists, Wonderbolts, instructors, and all other faculty were eating. As Rainbow got to be about a meter from her fellow cadets, “So, which one of you has the pleasure to be my wingman?” Rainbow asked. All turned to face Rainbow, a few of the girls wanted to giggle, while the guys just cringed slightly unsure how to answer. After a second of no actual responses, “What?” she asked finally. They all stepped to the side, but Rainbow couldn’t help but feel as though it was like they were parting for a casket to be lowered into a grave. Rainbow slowly approached and looked at the listing, as she failed to find her name in the column of leads, her lower jaw dropped to her knees.  She felt an arm reach around her right side and grabbed her left shoulder, “They made us a team!” came Lightning’s voice as before Rainbow could turn to see her teammate, “Isn't that awesome?” she asked. Rainbow could only nod to her lead, forcing a smile. After having her breakfast, Rainbow headed to the officer’s offices. She arrived at Spitfire’s office, it was open and with two men in the same armor she saw when she arrived on each side of the doorway, “Permission to enter, ma'am.” she requested as she stopped herself a few decimeters in front of the guards. Spitfire was at her desk looking over paperwork, “It’s sir, cadet, I am an officer of the Earth-Sky-Magic United Coalition,” she corrected Rainbow.  Rainbow took a breath, “Permission to enter, sir?” she asked with the correction in mind. “Denied, cadet,” Spitfire answered not looking from the paperwork. After a solid second, she giggled, “Just messin’ with yah, Cadet Dash.” she said as she put what she was looking at down. She took a breath and squinted slightly; she was serious. “What is it, Cadet Dash?” she asked, getting to the point. Rainbow cleared her throat, “I had the best time on the Dizzitron! Only six seconds!” she announced as she entered the office, too late she realized that she used too much force. Spitfire crossed her fingers right in front of her face with a disinterested frown on her face, “And?” she asked.  Rainbow took another step closer, “And you made me a wingman!” she pointed out what she thought was the wrong choice. Spitfire showed no signs of being moved, “Because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a team of horses is only as fast as the slowest horse.” she explained as she tapped her thumbs together, “Lightning and you both performed at such a level you would be held back if you were paired with any of the other cadets and the other cadets are likely to get injured as they tried to keep pace with either of you.” Spitfire pointed out the difference in performance between Rainbow & Lightning and the other cadets. “And with what you both have shown the last couple of days, I believe you and Cadet Dust will be an unstoppable team.” she informed the reason why she and Lightning were paired, “Do you not think you'll be an unstoppable team?” she asked.   “Yes, sir! I mean no, sir! I mean... “Rainbow started, only to realize that she might have benefited from thinking this out. After her trail-off, “We'll be an unstoppable team, sir.” she agreed with Spitfire. Spitfire didn’t move a centimeter as if she was curved from stone, “Then what's the problem?” she asked.  Rainbow took a breath to collect her thoughts and then with all the confidence she could muster, “I think I should be the lead, sir.” she answered. Spitfire cleared her throat and one of the guards stepped in, “Sergeant, will you get me Cadet Dash’s personnel file?” The man nodded and went to one of the file cabinets in the office and pulled out a file marked ‘Dash, Rainbow’ and placed it on the desk in front of Spitfire. “Thank you, sergeant. This shouldn’t take much longer,” she said before the man nodded and returned to his post. Spitfire opened the folder and looked it for a second before she turned her focus back to Rainbow, “As the lead of the Magiville Branch of Cumula Weather Management, you should know how to make calls on the fly like a lead by now, if you don’t, it’s not my job to teach you that while you're here in Wonderbolt Academy.” Spitfire started to explain. Rainbow wanted to protest but Spitfire was correct Rainbow knew how to lead, or given her job should by now. “However, your record shows that you seem to have issues with following orders and someone else’s lead and that addressing the adventures and shall we say misadventures of the Element of Harmony.” Spitfire then shut the folder. “Most of anyone's time as a Wonderbolt will be following someone else’s lead, since you respect Cadet Dust’s skill and you both have started a comradery with each other, I see no issues with you following her lead. Also, as a Wonderbolt, you are an officer of the Earth-Sky-Magic United Coalition, you will be expected to follow commands as well as issue them. Am I understood, Cadet?” Rainbow was left speechless. Spitfire was right, any conversation about her (Rainbow) having issues with following orders would be resolved with an interview with Twilight Sparkle. She reluctantly and with dejection nodded in agreement. “And in terms, you seem to respect, Cadet Dust requested the highest setting and was half a second slower than you, which means that if she was at the normal setting she would have recovered in less than six seconds. She pushed herself to limits we normally expect for seasoned reservists. Now you should meet up with your lead so that you both can plan how you two will be spending the rest of your time here when not in the training sessions.” Spitfire nodded to the door. Rainbow quickly inferred that she was being dismissed. Rainbow nodded and turned to leave. Before she exited, “Some free words of wisdom, Rainbow” Spitfire called to her. Rainbow turned around to listen to what Spitfire was about to say, “When you boast about being the best, don’t mope about having your ego bruised when someone bests you, it’s petty and at best people would rather care less.” Rainbow nodded and left the office. An hour later, the twelve cadets were lined up once again at attention as they waited for Spitfire. They were all paired up, with the leads having a golden Wonderbolt pin and the wingmen having a silver. Spitfire then arrived, still in her officer’s uniform and flanked by the guards that Rainbow saw at her office. One had a red flag in his left hand and the other had a blue flag in his right. Once the three arrived, Spitfire spoke, “Today you will all be participating in a flag hunt.” she said as she walked down the line. She stopped between the third and fourth pair. “We'll divide you into two teams, red…” She said as she pointed to the three pairs on her left and the guard with the red flag walked behind them and held his flag up. “and blue.” she said as he pointed to the three pairs on her right, with Lightning and Rainbow making the center pair of the blue team, as the guard with the blue flag walked behind the six and held his flag up. “Whichever pair finds the most flags of the opposing team's color within the next hour wins.” she declared. All but the two guards, Lightning and Rainbow started to cheer. Spitfire took out her whistle and then blew long and hard. Once the ten celebrators were silent, “This is not recess, this is not a game. As a Wonderbolt, you are considered the best of the best of all Mystica’s aerial forces. Should we be called to fight, you will be called up to engage in many different types of missions ranging from recon, raids, targeted kills, battles, and that list will go on. You will be expected to find your target with limited if not outright wrong information.” she elaborated. “And capture the flag is the best way we can train you to accomplish any of those missions with the lost cost of failure.” She continued to expound. “Are there any questions, cadets? Ask them now or forever stay silent!” she ordered. Everyone remained silent. “You will fly in your pairs, leads will be calling the shots, wingmen will follow. You will fly together if a pair splits, both are disqualified,” she explained the last bit. “Do you understand?” she asked. All the cadets answered in unison, “Sir, yes, sir!”. Spitfire smiled, maybe there was hope for this batch of cadets after all.  “Go!” She shouted before she blew her whistle and the six pairs jumped into the air and started their search. The red pairs started their search lower to the ground as the blue pairs flew higher and higher. Once they reached their desired altitude, Lightning turned to her right to face Rainbow, “Ready to rock and roll?” she asked. Rainbow grinned, “Ready.” and the two broke from the other blue pairs going several times faster as they circled the mountain scanning for any place a flag could be placed.  After a few seconds, they stopped as Lightning looked around, almost frankly, “Spot any flags yet?” she asked Rainbow as the two hovered. Rainbow looked to her left and saw that two logs laid over a small chasm about a hectometer away, in it was a red flag, “There's one!” she shouted. Lightning turned to look in the direction Rainbow was and then saw the flag, “You got eagle eyes, partner!” she declared and jettisoned towards the chasm.  Rainbow flew as fast as she could right behind her. After some quick mental calculations, “We should slow down.” she suggested. “It doesn't look like both of us can make it at this speed!” she pointed out.  Lightning smirked, “Just do what I do, Wingman.” Lightning said as she began a dive only to pull up a meter from the entrance so that her feet were would be the first thing into the chasm and made herself as thin as possible and slipped in with no problems. Rainbow tried to do like wise, but she was too close to the log on her right and it hit her upper arm, where the flight suit covered it, “Ow!” she cried. She didn’t feel any break, but she knew there was going to be a wicked bruise there for a while. However she couldn’t focus on that for long as she tried to catch up to Lightning and the two landed on the runway they launched from, Lightning holding the flag up.   “Cadet Dust and Cadet Dash found the first flag!” Spitfire declared before she looked at her watch, her sunglasses hiding her wide eyes, “One minute, you two girls want to break every record we have?” it was a rhetorical question.  Lightning and Rainbow both smiled, but Rainbow was trying to hide her gritting teeth and the pain she felt. Lightning turned around and after a little stretch, “Come on, Wingman! Let's find some more!” Lightning was pumped and ready for more. Rainbow rubbed her upper arm, “Just give me a second.” she requested somewhat timidly.  Lightning turned around and gave Rainbow a once over, after seeing nothing wrong, “You look fine to me, Rainbow.” she said. Rainbow couldn’t counter and then nodded and the two flew off. Nothing of this scene was lost on Spitfire. She took a deep breath, “Dash, Dash, Dash,” she muttered only for the guard next to her to hear, “Part of being a wingman is calling things to the lead’s attention, especially something the lead seems oblivious to.” She then took a breath, “But for crying out load, Dust, a once over is not sufficient for an inspection.” she critiqued Lightning. “Will have to put that in the side notes of both their files,” she added with a slight groan. “And they were doing so well.” At the same time in Magiville, Rarity was hosting lunch for her friends, Pinkie’s hair was slightly deflated, never a good sign. “Thank you all for coming. I know we all miss Rainbow Dash.'' She started electing to get to the heart of the matter and tried to be as tactful as possible.  “And while she is following her dream to be a Wondebolt, it would be nice if she’d reach out to us.”  “To be fair, these kinds of training are very intense.” Twilight commented, “My brother would come home after his training and barely make it to his bed before he flopped onto it.” she explained.  Pinkie sighed as her hair deflated a little more and her entire body, hair, skin, cloth, etc, shifted one shade closer to gray. Applejack was the quickest to speak, “Surely you and yahr folks were able to visit him?” the paladin asked. “Well my parents and his girlfriend, my old babysitter, did. I was busy with my studies.” Twilight informed. They all saw Pinkie’s hair deflate again, “But I’ll give him a call and see if we can visit Rainbow.” She finished. Pinkie’s hair reflated and her colors returned to their normal shade as a massive smile formed on her face. “It might take some time, Wonderbolt Academy is still a military installation and we’ll need to be clear,” she stated. Everyone looked at Twilight for a solid second. “I’ll get on it,” she said and left for the Golden Oak Library.   After lunch and the cadets were in their pair drills, Spitfire was in her office finalizing the results from capturing the flag. She was right, Lightning and Rainbow were effectively an unstoppable team, but Lightning failed to notice Rainbow’s injured arm, while Rainbow remained silent. She took a deep breath through her nose. She couldn’t say anything to either until their debriefing on their last day at the academy when cadets would be asked to schedule their history exam or shown the door. If Lightning continued to not notice Rainbow’s injury or failed to notice other things, then Lightning would be shown the door. Pushing one’s limits was one thing, but pushing others to the point they were injured, was the whole reason she made those two a pair. Yet if Rainbow continued to keep things to herself, then she two would be shown the door, the ESM, let alone the Wonderbolts, was not a place for the complacent. She covered her face and groaned. Just then the scrying crystal on her desk started to wobble and glow. She lowered her hands and turned to the crystal. She took to a breath and placed her right hand on it, “Wonderbolt Academy, Office of Colonel Spitfire, Colonel Spitfire speaking.” she said. “Colonel Spitfire, thank you for taking my call, I am Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight started. Spitfire rolled her eyes, she didn’t want to deal with civilians right now, even if the civilian was the grand marshall’s little sister, “To what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Sparkle?” she asked professionally and politely. “I was wondering if my friends, Rarity Crumbles-Flanks, Applejack Apple, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and myself could visit Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked choosing to get to the heart of the matter. “I did reach out to my brother, Grand Marshall Shining Armor and he said that it was your call and your call alone.” Twilight informed. “Well the grand marshall is correct it is my call, and normally I’d be inclined to deny this request. I can not risk civilians either getting injured or distracting the cadets.” Spitfire stated bluntly. She then paused, “However, Cadet Dash and partner are among the best the academy has ever had, and to be frank, she could afford to slow down a little.” Spitfire admitted. “When do you intend to come here?” “As soon as possible,” Twilight answered. Spitfire held her chin with her left hand, “And how do you intend to travel?” “Hot air balloon,” Twilight answered. Spitfire lowered her hand, “Tomorrow we will have our obstacle course in the morning and cloud busting after lunch. So the earliest is the second hour after midday tomorrow. Is that too late?” Spitfire asked.  “No that will be perfect, oh and can we keep this as a surprise?” Twilight asked. “I’ll have you escorted to my office incognito and summon her there,” Spitfire answered. “Oh thank you, Cornel!” Twilight all but shouted. “I should let you go. Goodbye.” and Twilight ended the call. Spitfire smiled and leaned back, “Nothing in the regulations says I can’t get Dash’s friends to point out her shortcomings for me.” she said to herself, having found the work around to her problem. The next morning after breakfast, the twelve cadets were lined in their pairs, with Lightning and Rainbow as the middle pair, near the end of the runway. Spitfire was to their right and started to walk in front of them. “Today we'll be doing our famous air obstacle course,” she said as she pointed ahead and above them. There were many rings made of clouds. Down the route were at least three large contraptions, maybe more what when water was poured in turned it into clouds. Each maned by two reservists, one to add the water, and one to strike the cloud turning it into a small storm cloud with lightning cracking in it. “The object of this exercise is to work on your precision flying under extreme circumstances, as Wonderbolts you will be called upon to fly in extreme weather and maintain formation, much like the capture the flag yesterday this is exercise will give the best results with the lowest cost to you in the case of failure. However, unlike the last few days, this is not a race. It is always better to arrive back to base late and in one piece than to try to get back to base ahead of schedule and end up dying.” she pointed out the contrast between the course and the previous drills. “Am I understood?” she asked. “Sir, yes, sir!” all the cadets answered. “Now on your marks!” she shouted and everyone prepared for a quick launch into the air. Spitfire took a deep breath and blew her whistle and they were off. Lightning and Rainbow were still the middle pair, over ever they managed to dodge everything that they came across. However in less than twenty seconds they were effectively stuck behind the previous pair. Lightning groaned “Can't they go any faster?” she asked Rainbow after she pulled back to fly beside her wingman. “I can't see away to get around them!” she all but shouted and groaned. Rainbow placed a hand on her shoulder, “It doesn't matter, remember Spitfire said this is not a race.” she attempted to reason with Lightning. Lightning was sheezing, “We can still fly completely in sync and blow Spitfire's mind with our moves!” she added. Lightning fought back a snort, “I guess…” she gave in reluctantly. After about ten seconds, Lighting and Rainbow were still behind the pair in front of them as they enter a fairly large storm cloud. As the two pairs were struggling against the wind, which seemed to have no effect on Rainbow and Lightning, “What are they, snails?” Lightning asked belligerently. “It's just a little weather,” she added to the back hand just as a few bolts of lightnings stroke, causing the pairs in front to spalt, wide enough for Lightning and Rainbow to bolt through and pass them. Lightning was first to spot the chance, “Now's our chance to pass these slowpokes!” she proclaimed and seized the chance, Rainbow reluctantly keeping pace and they dashed between the four. However, the four were caught in the wake and lost control. They screamed as they collided with the three pairs behind them. All this was outside of the view of all others.  Rainbow and Lightning almost breezed through the last leg and landed with little screeching as they stopped in front of Spitfire. Spitfire looked at her watch and didn’t fight back the impressed smile that formed on her face, “One minute and six seconds, You girls must enjoy having academy records for breakfast?” she asked rhetorically before she pulled out a spoting glass, “Definitely made the right decision making you two a team.” She said as she looked into and scanned for the others. She soon spotted all ten, either stuck in a cloud or trying to help their partner out of it, to various degrees of success and failure. She put the glass away, and took a deep breath, “Every Faustian time.” she muttered as she shook her head. “I am gonna have to help them out and have them go through this again,” she informed the two and started to hover. She looked at her watch, “After lunch, you two and the rest will be clearing these clouds as the next training session. So take a break, shoot the bull, chew the fat, what have you.” Spitfire said before she took proper flight. “Sir, thank you, sir.” Lightning and Rainbow said together as they saluted Spitfire. Spitfire stopped and saluted the two and then back to the stuck cadets. Lightning then started to the mess hall.  Rainbow, however, was far from happy about what happened in the storm cloud, however, she was not sure how to approach the subject, “Say, Lightning?” she started as she followed her lead, “Maybe next time we shouldn’t cut the other teams off like that.” she asked. Lightning snorted in a fanned attempt to fight back a laugh, “You heard Spitfire, this happens every academy training.” she countered. “Besides, Wonderbolts are supposed to be able to recover from a spin-out. You saw them on the Dizzitron!” she pointed out the performance of all the cadets on the first day of actual training. “They could use the practice. I mean, it's not our fault we're so much better!” she said as she pointed out how she and Rainbow have out performed the others. “Not everyone is destined to become a Wonderbolt. Only the best of the best, right?” she asked as the two were just strolling. Rainbow wanted to say something, but words failed her and all she could do was nod. “Now let's go fuel up!” she said as she guided Rainbow to the mess hall. “Kicking.” she said as she kicked the door open with her left foot, “all that tail has made me hungry.”  Rainbow didn’t want to admit it, but she was hungry. After lunch, Spitfire gathered the cadets, “Alright, your next task will be to clear all these clouds. As Wonderbolts, you will be called upon to fight in the air, this means taking out foes in the sky. The cloud made for the obstacle course are your targets, and a tally of them will be counted, the pair that clear the most clouds in one hour wins.” She took out her whistle and blew before walking off, leaving the tally to a pair of reservists. The six pairs then leaped into the air after gaining some altitude and momentum broke up and started dispersing the clouds.  Within ten seconds, Rainbow and Lightning had a considerable lead over the others and it was growing. Before another fifteen seconds passed, as their tally rose, Lightning flew next to Rainbow, “I have an idea about how we can literally blow away our competition.” she said as she pointed out that the other ten were barely in the double digits while they nearing the triple digits. Rainbow shook her head, “I don’t know, we're already way ahead.” she commented, while she was referring to the same numbers, it was to point out that they were in no danger of being supplanted. Lightning shock her head, “Seriously, Rainbow, we’ve been eating Academy records for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, why not go for dessert?” she asked. Rainbow looked away at first, “Come on, Rainbow, part of being a wingman is to provide input. So are you in or not?” she asked. Rainbow couldn’t bring herself to look at Lightning as she thought back to when Spitfire told her why Lightning was the lead. She took a breath, “I'm in!” she declared. Lightning smiled, “Knew I could on you.” she stated, “Follow my lead!” she ordered and the two pulled away to get some distance between them and the others before they started to spin. In less than two seconds they managed to produce a twister. This began to quickly bust the clouds, however, in less than ten seconds, the wind was too strong. With fear in her voice, “I can't control it!” Lightning managed to confess before the twister spat her out. Rainbow was sent out almost immediately after. After it had jettisoned the two elementalists that conjured it, the twister went from the high-pressure area that Lightning and Rainbow generated to make it, and hovering barely three meters off of the ground went towards the closest low-pressure area.  As the twister was passing over the runway of Wonderbolt Academy, the hot air balloon Twilight et al planed to use to take them to Wonderbolt Academy broke through the clouds. They were ahead of schedule. Applejack was the first to see the oncoming spiral. “It's a twister!” she shouted getting the other four’s attention. As the twister came closer and closer, “Hold on!” Twilight ordered as she cast a shield spell as fast as she could, yet they were already caught in it and while Twilight managed to keep her focus on the spell, all five young women screamed for their lives as the twister spun them around. Rainbow was the first of her and Lightning to fully recover as she heard her friends scream as Twilight’s bubble was flung out of the basket. She gasped and then bolted, flying with all her heart, soul, mind, psyche, all her metaphysical parts fueling her body as she managed to perform a Sonic Rainboom and within seconds caught the bubble. She struggled to hold on to it and carry it to the plateau of Wonderbolt Academy, but she was soon joined by the ten other Magiville cadets and in less than two minutes they got the shield bubble to the ground before Twilight could no longer hold it and it burst. “Remind me to never do that, again.” Rarity requested as the five collected their breaths. Rainbow didn’t stop herself from pulling her friends into a group hug. “I am so glad you guys are alright.” As her friends returned the hug, something dawned on Rainbow, “Is this because I forgot to write, isn’t it?” she asked. “I am so proud of you, Rainbow, you managed to figure that out all by yourself.” Fluttershy’s tone was sincere and honest, but Rainbow couldn’t help but feel a slightly passive-aggressive jab.  After another second, they broke the hug, “That... was... awesome!” Lightning shouted as she arrived on the scene. Rainbow’s mouth dropped, “Awesome?” she asked utterly bewildered at her lead’s action. “My friends could have been smashed to pieces!” she said as she pointed towards her friends.  Lightning looked at the five and shrugged, “They look fine to me.” she declared. She then looked to the sky and how clear it was, “Now those clouds, on the other hand, we totally wiped them out with that twister.” she continued to boast the accomplishments of the two, “Looks like the cloud busting is over and we won, Wingman!” she then thrust out her left fist for a fistbump. Rainbow squinted before she brushed it away, “Seriously?” Rainbow asked utterly disgusted at Lightning. She squinted and barely fought back a snarl. “You made me bruise my arm.” She said as she rolled up her right arm sleeve and revealed the bruise. She then pointed towards the other cadets. “You sent the rest of our class into serious tailspins on the obstacle course.” she then pointed towards her friends, “You unleashed a tornado that nearly demolished my friends!” she finished leving three accusations. As Rainbow levied each accusation, Lightning all but snarled and growled. Once Rainbow was done, Lightning was not going to let Rainbow go scot free. No, Rainbow had no right to place the blame of all this solely on her,  “Okay, miss holier-than-thou,” she then turned to Applejack, “And no, I am not sorry if that phrase offends you, Paladin.” Applejack was offended, she gave no signs. Lightning then turned back to Rainbow and raised her right index finger, “First, you’re a grown woman, and the winner of last year’s young flyers competition, so don’t blame me because you misjudged your distance in a rapid descent, Miss Sonic Rainboom.” She then raised her right middle finger as she continued to count, “Second, you choose to not show me that bruise when I said ‘You look fine to me’ so don’t go crying about it now.” She then raised her right ring finger. “Third, as Spitfire said, tailspins are the norm for the first time through the obstacle course, and you didn’t complain about making the academy record, only to say ‘let’s not do that again’.” She then raised her right pinkie finger. “Forth, if you had that as an issue, then why didn’t you say anything to Spitfire before she went to help those soon-to-be washouts out? I know why and it’s because you want to win, you want the world to know that you are the best.” She then raised her thumb. “Fifth, you choose to help make the twister, no one put a knife to your throat, you choose to help me so don’t you dare claim that your hands no cleaner than mine,” she then rolled her fingers back and then held her right index finger again but this time she pointed to her friends, “and sixth, your friends were trespassing in ESM air space, specifically Wonderbolt Academy air space, they are a security breach.” Rainbow was barely about to stop herself from growling, but she managed to collect herself and glared, “What I did and didn’t do and what my friends might have done, don’t change your action!” Rainbow countered she took another breath. She knew she could never get through to Lightning if she let her anger get the best of her. She knew this because no one could get through to her if they let their anger get the best of them and Lightning in too many ways then Rainbow wanted to admit, “I get that you want to be the best. So do I! But you're going about it in the wrong way.”  Lightning snorted and didn’t stop herself from laughing, “Oh I doubt that, Dash. Because if you forgot,” Lightning started before she pointed to the golden lead Wonderbolt pin she wore, “Spitfire made me the lead.” she then pointed right at the silver wingman Wonderbolt pin that Rainbow wore, “and you the wingman. If you got a problem with that, then take it up with her, Wingman.” Rainbow took a breath and turned around, she was following her lead’s advice. A few minutes later, Rainbow opened the door to Spitfire’s office. Spitfire, raised her head from what she was reading, “This better be important, cadet. You're supposed to be busting clouds with your partner.” she stated, as far as she knew the cadets would not be done busting the clouds for at least another forty minutes.   “We're done with that, sir.”, Rainbow informed Spitfire. “Already?” Spitfire asked before she looked at her watch, “Less than ten minutes, Damn! I guess it is safe to say that you and Lightning intend to break every academy record!” She didn’t stop herself from a chuckle. But after that, her face went stern, “Explain your methods.” she ordered. Rainbow took another step forward, “That's why I'm here, sir.” she started, “Lightning Dust decided to use a twister.” Spitfire rested her chin on her right hand as she looked down and to her right in thought, “A bit excessive for cloud-busting.” She stated before she raised her head and lowered her hand, “But judging from your time, it was obviously an effective tactic.”, she was not going to hide her impressed smile. Rainbow and Lightning were Wonderbolt material. There would be some rough edges to smooth, but nothing their respective debriefings couldn’t resolve. Rainbow closed the distance and placed both her hands on the desk, “Yeah, well that "effective tactic" nearly took out my friends!” she all but shouted right into Spitfire’s face. She manage to take a breath and a step back, “No disrespect intended, sir, but there's a big difference between pushing yourself as hard as you can and just being reckless.” she declared. She stopped and took another breath, preparing herself for the plunge she was about to take, “And if being reckless is what gets rewarded around here, if that's what it means to be a Wonderbolt, then I don't want any part of it.” she said it. It was off her chest. Spitfire’s eyes were wide in confusion. Why would Rainbow say that their tactic endangered her friends, they weren’t expected for another hour? And where was this thing about recklessness coming from? After a second of not finding an answer, “What are you saying, cadet?” Spitfire asked, hoping for clarification on something that Rainbow just said, even the smallest bit. Rainbow took off the silver wingman Wonderbolt pin and placed it on Spitfire’s desk “I quit.” Rainbow said and turned around and walked out of the office, shutting the door behind. She stopped and wanted to turn around or look back, but she took a breath and continued her walk. “No seriously, what was she saying?” Spitfire asked as if to herself, otherwise stupified by what just happened. Nothing Rainbow said made any sense. Just then one of the Wonderbolts that often taught at the academy reopened the door, “Sir, there’s been…” he trialed off as he tried to find the right phrase, “An issue.” he said with a twinge of fear.  Spitfire took a deep breath, “What is it?” she asked. Back at the runway, Rainbow had told her friends what happened, not carrying that the other eleven cadets were right there. All were in utter shock, save three. Lightning who just shook her head and one of the other residents of Magiville, one of the few men, who happened to be a wingman seemed to be having a nervous breakdown, and his lead, the young woman who was the first on the Dizzatron as she rubbed her back trying to calm him. Applejack was the first to speak, “You did what?” she asked still having a hard time trying to understand what Rainbow did. Rarity was the second to finally say something “Being a Wonderbolt is your dream, Dashie!” the enchantress called back to Rainbow’s ambition.  Rainbow took a breath and shook her head, “Some dreams aren’t worth pursuing, Rares.” Rainbow countered. Twilight reached out and placed a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder, “I'm sorry, Rainbow. I know how much this meant to you.” she said, knowing that this was a massive thing for Rainbow. “Cadet Dash!” came Spitfire’s voice as she yelled and ran up to the scene, flanked by two of the ESM aerial guard. She took a breath and squinted at Rainbow, “How dare you not only enter and exit my office without permission, but depart with giving me a chance to respond!” She almost shouted. Rainbow gulped as she realized that she should have thought things a little more before she went to Spitfire’s office. Spitfire continued to frown, “The Wonderbolts are looking for the best flyers in Mystica,” she started but then her tone soften, “but you were right.” she informed. This shocked all but the guards. “Being the best can never come at the expense of others. It's not just about pushing ourselves. It's about pushing ourselves in the right direction. I am glad that you manage to learn that before the sixth day of the academy. You've shown that you're capable of doing just that.” she then turned to Lightning Dust and took off the golden lead Wonderbolt pin, tearing the suit in the process. She then turned back to Rainbow and started to present it, “You're-”  However, Spitfire was cut off. “I CAN’T TAKE IT!” the man who was having a nervous breakdown shouted as he got to his feet. “I QUIT! I AM GOING BACK TO DEVILERLING MAIL!” he tore off the silver wingman pin and started to storm off, but was stopped by Spitfire. “Easy cadet, easy,” she managed to calm him. “I will gladly accept your resignation, but first you need a psych-eval and a debriefing. Once those are done, no one will stop your exit.” Spitfire stated. The man took a breath and then nodded, “Now, first hit the showers, our base psychotherapist will meet you at your quarters in the barracks. After that, he will escort you to my office for your debriefing.” Spitfire informed. The man nodded and headed to the barracks. Spitfire nodded to the guards, one flew to escort the man and the other went to get the base psychotherapist.  Rainbow picked up the wingman pin the man threw done and put it on. “Sir, with all due respect, sir, I don’t believe I’ve learned enough of how to be a good wingman, sir.” Rainbow declared. Spitfire turned to the lead that just lost her wingman. She nodded accepting Rainbow as her wingman. “Well, if that what you want so be it,” Spitfire said as she shrugged her shoulders. She then turned to Lightning Dust, “Cadet Dust, you blatantly disregarded the safety of others and justified it as ‘pushing yourself’ is not only conduct unbecoming of an officer and it will lead to someone getting killed. As such I am forced to dismiss you from the Wonderbolt Academy and to have you permanently banned from becoming a Wonderbolt. Now I can’t tell what other branches of the ESM to do, but this will go up to Grand Marshall Shining Armor. Now pack your bags and get out of this academy in one hour, or I’ll have security throw you out.”  Lightning Dust snarled and spat in Spitfire’s face before she turned to leave, but not before passing one last glare at Rainbow and her five friends and headed off, “Their’s nothing in my quarters I need.” she said as she got up and started to fly. However, before she got far, “Better watch yourself, Dash, because you might end up in the trash too.” and with that, she left.  > Rarity Takes Manahattan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity was looking out the window of the train, a blissful smile on her face as she looked at the city of Manahatten and its skyline full of skyscrapers, many of them taller than the castles of Chantalot and Krystalopolies. Seated next to her was Applejack with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seated across from her. “Congratulations on the invitation to this year’s Manahatten Fashion Week.” Pinkie said to Rarity. “Too bad Twilight and Spike couldn’t make it.” Rarity turned from the window, “Let’s not forget she’s a princess now. And as one she needs to be seen positively. I’m glad she elected to provide summer workshops.” electing to address the absent princess of their party. “Sweetie’s spellcraft is actually advancing nicely.” she added. “Zecora told Apple Bloom to get a few pointers of brewing potions from Twilight, something about learning how to learn differently and learning from other sources.” Applejack chimed in. While she was not stupid, nor Big Mac or Granny Smith, Apple Bloom was the member of the Apple family that actually understood academia. “And Scoots could use some pointers in research.” Rainbow commented. Everyone was silent for almost a solid minute, didn’t Rainbow need to study for her Wonderbolt Reservist Entrance Exam in a few weeks? Sure she made it through Wonderbolt Academy, but that was if she had what it physically took to be a Wonderbolt. Now the question is, can Rainbow take the time to show she has the right mind. The rest elected to not press the issue, Rainbow was either going to take the exam seriously or not, and if she chose not to and that choice destroyed her chances to be a Wonderbolt, no skin off of anyone else's nose. Yeah Twilight would be a much needed good academic influence for Scootaloo, as everyone silently agreed. Fluttershy sighed and shivered slightly, “I just hope she’s not overwhelmed.” the druid added, thinking about all those young students and Twilight by herself. “Couldn’t she start with say one, two, maybe three at most?” Fluttershy asked as she recalled her own experiences with school age children. “And give grounds to be accused of nepotism?” Rarity asked in slight horror with an implied gasp. “Nonononononono.” she repeated swiftly and shook her head at the druid’s lack of knowledge of such matters. “As a princess now, Twilight’s actions are going to be highly screwtinized. If she just had Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo over, it would look like she’s playing favorites among the school age children of Magiville that haven’t uncovered their aura yet. Diamond Tiara is bad enough as she is, could you imagine what she could do if she thought her father could press a lawsuit against Twilight?” Rarity asked. Applejack shivered as she understood what would happen. It took Rainbow a little longer, but she too skwormed at the thought. “Sorry I asked,” Fluttershy said as she wanted to be anywhere else at that second. Pinkie coughed, “Girls.” she ordered, “We’ve passed Twilight time, now on to our designation and everything there.” Pinkie then turned her focus to Rarity, “So what’s the plan for fashion week aside from Rarity showing her new line?” Rarity pulled out her purse a set of tickets, “Am owed a few favors by the costumer maker of the hottest musical on Mantraway.” Each of the four took one. “SWEET!” Rainbow cheered as she made a fist with her left hand, turning it so that the back was facing the flow and brought her arm back so that her fist was now parallel with her chest. “Twi’s been so wanting to talk about this musical after Celestia and Luna took her to see it opening night.” Fluttershy looked from the ticket back to Rarity, “But it has been sold out before Twilight’s coronation.” the druid pointed out “How did you get them? Applejack gave the hermit her signature bemused look, “Didn’t Rarity just say that she was owed a few favors.” she pointed out before she looked over the ticket more thoroughly. “Thankfully these are good for any showing.” “Why do you say that?” Pinkie asked. Applejack just shook her head, “of mice and men, Sugarcube, of mice and men.” Applejack took a breath. “Hopefully Sunflower is there to pick us up.” she whispered. Just then the train started to decelerate as it neared the station. “We will be arriving at Manahattan Grand Sage Station shortly, all passengers for Manahattan please disembark. Next stop Selam.” The conductor said as he walked down the car and repeated as he entered the next car and continued this repeat until he returned to the front. “Well fortunately The Manafair Hotel is only a few blocks from the station and a short walk from the theatre, all in the very heart of this glorious metropolis.” Rarity said as she got her bag. “Another good thing is that Twilight lent us her bag of infinite holding. Can you imagine what it would be like to carry our luggage traditionally?” The question was rhetorical and every one of her group knew as they made no comment, and nodded agreement. After the train came to a stop and the five exited. Rarity saw an older man having a hard time getting on to the train. She focused her mind on the man’s walker and as she placed a hand on it the walker sprung to life and picked up its master and the man gave a grateful smile to Rarity as he got on the train. This was seen by a young man, about their age dressed in a three-piece striped blue suit. He opened the door for Rarity and her friends as they headed to the station exit. Once outside, “That is what makes Manahattan so splendid and amazing.'' She commented on how she helped someone and was then given small help in turn. “You do something nice for somebody, and then somebody will do something nice for you!” she declared. She took a deep breath as if she was preparing to belt out a song. “Oh, Manahattan, what you do to me Such a huge bustling community—” “Hey, save the musical number for the stage, yah country broad!” Rarity’s song was cut short by a shout that sounded like it came from a woman their age, but the diction was similar to how Babs Seeds spoke. The group turned to their left and saw a woman their age with green eyes, like Applejack, with blonde like orange hair with a white peddled flower with a yellow center in her hair just over her left ear. She was dressed in blue pants and a long sleeve, mostly dark pink light sweater. She was leaning against a yellow and white running car with the word ‘Taxi’ all over it. She spat on the ground, “It’s bad enough that you smell like country, could not act like you just got off tha bus.” “Well good day to yah too, Sunflower.” Applejack spined back as she walked up to the woman, squinting slightly. It was clear there was little love between the paladin and this particular member of the Apple Clan. “Jackie.” Sunflower retorted, just as bluntly as she crossed her arms. The two stood silent for almost a solid second as they seemed to be sizing each other up. “I can’t believe I let Babs talk me into this.” Sunflower said first as the cousins stared at each other. “Ah ain’t too keen on Apple Bloom bein’ thah onah tah suggest this, either.” Applejack retorted. After another second of tense silence, Sunflower then smiled as she patted the roof of the taxi car before she walked around to the driver’s seat. “Well, the meter’s runnin. You coming or not, I am on the clock.” “She’s expecting us to pay?” Rainbow groaned as she was the first to enter the cab as she was going to the front passenger seat and started to open the door. “HEY! All riders go to the backseat!” Sunflower shouted as she pulled the door back, shutting it and locked it before she rolled down the window. “The boss already bitches about the current insurance policy and that there aren’t enough trees for waivers and consent forms, and verbal contracts are worth the paper they're written on!” Rainbow was about to explode at Sunflower, “Oh Dashie, it’s for our own safety.” Rarity said as she, Pinkie and Fluttershy walked around her to the back door and opened it. “Thank you so much for agreeing to this somewhat off label reservation and for picking us up here.” Rarity said with a smile, clearly attempting to defuse the situation. “So where are you all heading?” Sunflower asked as Applejack was the last of the five to get in. “The Manafair Hotel.” Rarity answered without missing a step, a confident smile on her face. Sunflower looked into the rear-view mirror to get a look at Rarity while looking behind her car. “To meet a client at the bar who’s gonna foot the bill?” The disbelief that any of AJ’s friends could afford a room at the most expensive hotel for any period of time was saturated in her tone. “Nonononononono.” Rarity shook her head as she rapidly and yet ladylike denied the implication. “I am a contestant for this year’s fashion week. I even booked a room.” Sunflower just stared blankly at the answer for a solid second. She then turned from her seat and looked squarely at Applejack, “Is this broad for real?” Applejack nodded with a slight smirk that Sunflower didn’t fail to catch. Rarity then took out of her bag a diamond and placed it in Sunflower’s right hand. It was the closest to flawless that Sunflower had ever seen, the most devoid of colour, the most excellent cut and Sunflower could tell that it had a mass of 10 grams. Sunflower’s eyes widened even larger as Applejack smirked at her cousin’s agape mouth. “The Manafair Hotel it is. I’ll have to stop at one of the gem shops along the way to get your cha...” Rarity giggled causing Sunflower to trail off. Once Sunflower was silenced, “Keep it, as a gratuity.” Fortunately for Sunflower, her mouth couldn’t drop any farther. After a brief second Sunflower was able to shut her mouth and then started to protest but Rarity waved her left hand, “I insist.” Sunflower then smiled and put the diamond into one of her pockets. As that happened Rarity sighed, “To think my dresses could soon be displayed on the most glamorous shopping thoroughfare of the most glamorous city in Mystica!” If Sunflower’s snort had any effect on Rarity’s musing, Rarity didn’t show as she continued to expose her thoughts, “Oh, it would be my dream come true!” Pinkie then spoke up, “Unless there is something you need help with.” the jester pointed out. At that moment, only Applejack seemed to realize that the cab was not moving. She leaned forward to speak to Sunflower, “Say, Cus, Ah know there’s still some bad blood between us, but taking it out on my friends is beyond petty, even for you.” Sunflower tried to contort herself so that she could still look out her left side windows and mirrors, “Sorry cuz, but traffic is ridiculous.” she said as she nodded. Applejack looked and saw that Sunflower was sugarcoating the description. As the two cousins spoke only so that they could hear each other, Rarity gave a ‘Hm,’ in response to Pinkie before she gave a proper reply, “Nothing I can think of.” She then reached into the bag she borrowed from Twilight to carry everything. “The dresses are all completely finished,” she said before she pulled the top of a roll of the fabric she brought just in case, “all made from a fabulous new fabric I've been developing for months. Stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery, but not showy.” she said as placed it back in. Her friends smiled, it was clear none understood her, but they were happy that she was happy, “Sounds amazing.” Fluttershy spoke diplomatically to convey the support they offered Rarity. Rarity smiled as she looked up, not so much at the ceiling of the taxi but into the ether beyond and between, “There's nothing left for me to do but check in at the runway with my dresses by two this afternoon.” Sunflower broke from her vigil to safely enter traffic and turned to face Rarity with eyes widened in shock, “Two?” she asked as if Rarity just asked her to walk on water in a pair of cement shoes. Rarity nodded, blissfully unaware of what she just asked. “Then why didn’t you catch the previous train?” she asked, pointing out the reality of the situation. Before she gave any of the five a chance to answer, “You’ll be lucky to get there with less than a minute to spear in this traffic.” Rarity gasped as it dawned on her that Manahatten was not Magiville, “Oh, my ribbons and threads. If I don't get there, I'm disqualified!” she started to panic and ventilated into the bag. Sunflower muttered something that must have been something like ‘Old on two yah passess’ before she turned her left turn signal and made what even the five country bumpkins in her back seat could tell was an insane dash into traffic. Horns blared as Sunflower entered traffic and shot into the left most lane and drove like a demon as she weaved in and out of the lanes until she was able to pull up to the entrance of the Manafair Hotel, and her taxi was without a bent or starch. Her passengers, well it took a few seconds before they were able to stop screaming and crying. “Manafair Hotel.” Sunflower declared. “Sorry for the scare, but you asked to be here for a two in the afternoon check in.” she pointed out as she stopped the meter before she stepped out and walked around to open the door for them. AJ was the only one to calmly get out, Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy were forced out as Rarity bolted out. “THANK YOU!” Rarity shouted as she ran into the lobby. “Well I better get going.” Sunflower said as she started to driver’s seat. “Say, give mah a couple of minutes, Ahm gonna check in to our room and then yah can give us a Real Manahatten tour, none of the tourist money skins.” Applejack said as she walked up to Sunflower and whispered into Sunflower’s ear. Sunflower couldn’t help but beam at what she heard. Applejack then went in behind Rarity, after handing her hat to Pinkie. Inside Rarity arrived at the reception desk, she was out of break and struggling to collect her breath, “Good afternoon, I'm here for Fashion Week!” she managed to finally regain her breath and her composure. The receptionist didn’t look up from the file she was examining. “Everybody's gathered in front of the runway and about to start, so you'll just have to bring your dresses along with you and store them backstage later.” her tone was mono. She clearly didn’t care for fashion week attendees. “Go down the second hall on the left and follow the signs, even a broad right off the bus can’t miss it.” she pointed with her right hand. Rarity bolted. Just as she left, Applejack cleared her throat, “Well, I do declare, my uncle, Citrus Orange, was right.” she spoke in her best belle drawl. “This is the most be-a-utiful hotel this side of Chantalot and those on the other side can’t hold a candle.” The receptionist turned to see Applejack. She smiled as the paladin looked over the lobby. This was someone she could work with. “Why thank you, this week everyone only talks about the fashion show, they seem to have forgotten the venue.” “Now that's just wrong.” Applejack declared in shock. “And not a single 'thank you' or 'how do you do' for the receptionist, where are people’s manners?” she asked rhetorically. “Please forgive my friend’s lack of tack, Ms. Janine Magewitz,” Applejack recalled from the name plaque after she spotted it before looking around. “She didn’t mean any harm, but Ah do suppose I’m the one to blame. I should have gotten an earlier train.” “Well life happens, so what can I do for one of Citrus Orange’s nieces?” Janine asked. “I’d like to check myself and my friends into the room that was booked by our contestant friend, Rarity Crumbles-Flank.” knowing how Rarity felt about her family name, “It may be booked in her given name.” The receptionist started to look over the reservations. At that moment, Rarity pulled out the bag of the mobile rack with the seven dresses she made for the competition as she rushed on to the stage and stood in a line of the five other contestants. She huffed and had a sigh of relief, “I made it!” she declared. “And with only seconds to spare.” came the voice of an older woman, one in her early fifties. She was of dark skin, with dull pink hair, it was not dyed, and less dull pink eyes. She wore a pink shirt that looked like one wore by ESM officers in high formal events, blue pants and a set of round purple gem earrings. Her cufflinks had her aura marks, a pair of golden scissors with a spool of pink thread. “Miss Rarity Crumbles-Flanks, I presume. Rarity nodded. Rarity knew better than to speak. “Miss Crumbles-Flanks, how is it that all of the other attendants are here at least half an hour early and yet you arrive seconds before we begin?” Rarity remained silent as she knew any answer would not be satisfactory for the host of the event. The host struted so that she could look at all contestants. “Once we’re done here, you're to finish setting up backstage, so you'll be ready for your run-through appointment.” she said to all of them. She then focused solely on Rarity. “You show your designs last.” she didn’t need to point, everyone there knew she was talking at Rarity. She then turned and started to walk up and down the line of contestants. “We keep to a precise schedule, so let's try to be more than a few seconds early, hmm?” she asked. This would have gotten a chuckle out of the other contestants, but now was not the time. “Tomorrow is the contest to see which one of you gets to stay to meet top designers all across the city. The rest of you must go home early. So sad.” she said and then started to leave, “Dismissed!” she declared. Most of the contestants left, Rarity sighed as she started to the other side of the curtains. She heard a chuckle she thought she remembered. “I can’t believe Prim Hemline used your family name, Rarity.” Rarity turned to the source of the voice. It was a woman about her age. She had brown eyes and violet hair done up in a slight back bun with a white band just behind her ears. She wore a light blue striped bandana around her neck and was dressed in what looked like a dark purple-red plaid skirt and blazer, on the back of the blazer was a set of three buttons, one yellow one blue and one purple. “But I’m glad you made it, Rarity.” Rarity then remembered her, “Suri Polomage!” Rarity then hugged her old acquaintance. “It’s been three years, the Magiville Knitters League hasn’t been the same since you moved.” she stated after they ended the hug. “But I am glad to see you here too.” Rarity then looked around the place, “So you move to Manahatten?” it wasn’t a real question. Suri laughed, “Yep. You know what they say, if you can make it in the big city…” she trailed off, letting Rarity finish it or leave it unstated. Rarity elected to not continue it as she allowed Suri to continue on. “And now here we are, competing!” she then laughed after the declaration. Rarity turned from Suri, “Well, good luck!” the enchantress said as she started to leave. Suri fought back a chuckle, “Oh, I don't need luck.” she declared. “Would you like a hand with your things?” she offered as Rarity was boarderline behind schedule. Rarity nodded thankfully. In the dressing room for the models after Rarity took the covers off of the dresses she made about twenty minutes later, “My, your collection is gorgeous!” Suri acknowledges, barely able to stop herself from being agape. Rarity smiled and closed her eyes, “Oh now, I'm sure your collection is equally lovely, if not more so!” she complimented, while it was a competition, there was no reason to be unladylike. All the while she was looking for a place to put the two bolts of the fabric, she brought with her in the case of emergencies. A lady should always be prepared. Suri shook her head, “It's alright,” she confessed, “but nothing like this!” she was still enamored by Rarity’s line as she looked over every piece, soaking in every detail, “Take my culottes, for example –” she stopped as she tried to find the right things to say, “they are simply crying out for just the right accent, but I haven't the slightest notion where I—” she gasped as turned back to the dresses. “Actually…” she trailed off as she actually touched one of the dresses, feeling the fabric, “just a touch of this fabric could be perfect with it. W– Oh, hey, would you mind terribly if I took a swatch?” she asked with a somewhat guilty smile. “Oh, not at all!” Rarity said as she turned to Suri and levitated to her one of the two bolts. “Here, I have loads extra.” Rarity admitted. Suri was absolutely at a loss, she wanted something to add just a little extra flare, but this. “You're sure?” she asked, not believing that Rarity would ever give her so much. Rarity smiled, “Positive!” she declared as she turned from Suri. “Oh, well, it's been wonderful getting caught up, and I don't wish to be rude, but I must finish my preparations and I am a bit late as it... is?” she trailed off as she noticed that Suri was no longer there. Almost two hours later Rarity arrived back in the lobby, she rang the bell at the receptionist’s desk. “Hello!” she said to the receptionist. “I'm here half an hour early for my run-through appointment,” she informed the mostly still uninterested Janine. “Just the way Prim likes!” Rarity added. “Tell your friend, Miss Apple that you’re not making it easy to pardon your previous lack of tack.” Janine. She then pointed to a line that had formed, “Get in line over there.” Janine’s eyes then drifted from Rarity to her dresses. “Oh my, that fabric's gorgeous, did you make that yourself?” she asked in awe. Rarity shut her eyes and smiled at the compliment before she provided confirmation, “Oh, why, yes.” She started the short description she gave her friends while in the cab, “It's stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery—” Rarity stopped as she heard in slight distance echo Suri’s voice say the same word, “Shimmery, but not showy.” Rarity forced her way through the line to see on stage Suri with a mobile rack with exact replicas of her own dress. Standing next to her was a woman slightly younger than Rarity, she had blue eyes with hair that was two shades of light blue with one being slightly gray dressed in a simple lavender dress with a white brimmed sailor’s collar, a scarlet tie and a three colored hair clip. Embroidered on her skirt was her aura mark, a wide brim feathered lady’s hat. “And the entire line is in the same adorable pattern.” Suri added her own words to the pitch. “It works on everything from skirts to tops to shoes and,...''She chuckled before trailing off. Prim was in the stands at the end of runway where the VIP of the audience and judges would seat for the proper show. She stood up and applied. “Bravo, Miss Polomage! I've never seen anything like it!” she said and headed to the nearby exit; it was her ritual to come in with fresh eyes. Once Prim had exited, “You stole my fabric!” Rarity accused Suri as she all but ran onto the stage. Suri was at first affronted but quickly regained her cool with a laugh, “I didn't steal it, okay?” it wasn’t an actual question, but there was a point to it that Rarity couldn’t accept unless she was the one that had to come up with the answer, “You gave it to me, 'member?” Suri reminded her as she walked past Rarity before she nodded to the other woman to push the mobile rack. Rarity turned and refused to be walked over, “I gave you the fabric for accents!” she pointed out what she understood to be the terms of the offer, “Not for your whole line!” she called out the abuse. Rarity then realized something, those new dresses had to have been made in the last hour and half, “And how could you possibly make all of those outfits out of it so fast?!” she requested to know. “Fast?” Suri asked as if she was insulted, “Hah!” her laugh compounded her point. She then pointed to the third woman there, “Coco Pommel took practically forever!” She identified and charged her assistant. “Nearly got me completely disqualified.” Suri added not pleased with the time it took Coco to work. Coco gulped, “Well, I wanted to make sure you'd win,” her voice was small and timid. She wasn’t shy, more like soft spoken, “so I took the extra time to—” she tried to explain everything to her boss. “Coco, I pay you to sew and get coffee, not talk.” Suri silenced Coco. “'Kay?” it was not a question and Coco only nodded and rolled the rack away to the model’s dressing room for the show. Rarity however didn’t seem to notice this maltreatment as she was still trying to come to terms with what happened. She gasped in an attempt to get air in her lungs to prevent a panic attack, “How could this happen?” she asked. Suri walked up to Rarity and placed her left arm around Rarity’s shoulders, “Aw, sweetie, don't blame yourself.” the words while by their own would be comforting, the tone Suri used was to pour salt into the wound, “It takes some small-town girls a while to learn it's every girl for herself in the big city, m'kay?” she added in a clear mockery of providing advice. Rarity ran away in tears. Once she was gone, it was only Suri and Coco on the stage, “Hope you realize how fortunate you are to have me as a mentor.” Suri said without looking at Coco. Before Coco could voice her opinion, “Now get me some coffee!'' She ordered and Coco ran to fill the order. After getting her key to the room, Rarity was on her bed, still in tears, her oil-based mascara was running. “What a great afternoon!” Pinkie all but shouted as she, Rainbow, Applejack and Fluttershy entered the room. “Pace yourself Pinkie, there still so much to do!” Rainbow tried to reign in her excitable friend. The irony of that was not lost on Applejack or Fluttershy. Applejack took out their itinerary, “First there's the salon appointment at four fifty-five to get our hair done and then there's our fancy dinner at the Far-AWay Tavern at six with my uncle and aunt Orange, Sunflower and Babs and then there the…” Applejack trailed off to a stop, while she was the last to enter the room as she was the first to notice Rarity was a mess. ‘Buck’ she whispered just before everyone else noticed. Fluttershy walked to Rarity’s bed, “Um...is... everything okay?” she asked timidly. Rarity managed to take a breath and told the story, “And then Suri stole them!” she was struggling to not cry as she was breathing quickly. “I let one of the other contestants use some of my one-of-a-kind fabric” she stopped speaking as she started to breathe quickly again. “And then she turned it into a wardrobe just like mine,” she was nearing the end but needed another breather, “only now it looks like I'm the one copying her! My generosity has ruined me, I tell you! Ruined!” she then bawled and returned to tears. Applejack held out her left hand with the palm up and brought the fingers in a few times, indicating that the others were to pay up. Fluttershy and Pinkie swiftly placed several bit notes in the paladin’s hand. Rainbow dug into her pockets only to find one bit coin. Applejack’s bemused face looked squarely at Rainbow. “Can I issue an IOU?” Rainbow asked weekly. “Sun up to sun down for three days during the upcoming harvest.” Applejack declared. Rainbow sighed and nodded agreement. Applejack turned to the still bawling Rarity. Slapping her would silence Rarity long enough to hear her, but she wouldn’t listen. Applejack took a breath, “So how can we help?” “How?!” Rarity was almost incredulous, “That line and fabric was going to put me on the map, I was going to be properly recognized as one of Mystica’s greatest designers. There is no how! A new line would have to be far better than the last! It would have to be even more daring than anything I have mustered before! It would have to be so bold that even throwing in the kitchen sink would be tame…” Rarity trailed off as she looked around the room soon her eyes widened as an idea came upon her. “I still have a chance, with your help.” While Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow all seemed gung-ho about it, Applejack sighed and went to the phone in the room. She dialed a phone number, “Hello Sunflower, could yah call Uncle Citrus and Aunt …, my friends and Ah aren’t gonna make it to the Far-Away Tavern tonight.” She waited. “Rarity seemed to have been more than generous with some fabric of and another contested beat to the punch with a near identical line.” Applejack paused and listened. “Yep, that was a right-off-the-bus mistake, can you help me out>” She paused as she allowed Sunflower to answer, “You’re a lifesaver, cousin.” Applejack then hung up the phone and cracked her knuckles. It was past eight at night as Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy were nearing completion of Rarity’s on the spot dresses. Rainbow stopped sewing the piece was working on as her stomach growled like a movie dinosaur, “I’ll say, we’re supposed to be having dessert right now.” the elementalist bemoaned. Rarity sighed, “I am sorry, room service should be here soon. This is a service industry and if a patron presses matters too hard they will be placed on the back burner.” She tried to explain and apologize. Rainbow cleared the table she was working on with both her arms as she roared, matching her stomach. “At this rate we’ll miss the showing for tonight!” Applejack stopped and tried to get between Rainbow and Rarity. “Now, Sugarcube, let’s try to keep our heads on, the tickets are good for any showing and we’ll be here for the rest of the week.” She tried to defuse the situation. Rainbow moved AJ aside, “I get that this is a big thing to you, but you’re the one that screwed up and gave that Slurry Whatsherface an either roll and let her examine your dresses!” the elementalist pointed out. Rarity narrowed her eyes, “Oh! I see!” Her tone started to raise. “I go out of my way to get you tickets for a show, and this is how you repay me?” Her question was not one expected to be answered by Rainbow as Rarity gave the ‘correct’ answer, “By abandoning me in my hour of need?” granted it was in the form of a question. “Oh, oh, oh! Fine! Go and see your little show tonight!” She declared as she pointed to the door. “And then tomorrow morning when you come to see my fashion show without any fashion to show, you can have more entertainment! ‘Oh, why look, there's our friend Rarity going down in flames! Isn't friendship magic?!’”She almost shouted. Rarity started going into one of her dramatic sighs, but this one was full of frustration and exhaustion. Rainbow sighed as she, with Applejack’s help, picked everything back up and restarted the dress. After half an hour, the final dress was almost finished. Applejack clipped on the last pick. “And it’s done.” Applejack declared. Rarity gasped as she covered the dress and put it onto the mobile rack and began to run out of the room, “Finally!” she declared. Pinkie leaned out of the room, “You're welcome!” she shouted in her own Twilight-voice. Hours later, well into the fashion week contest (in fact outside the sun was rising), the last model, wearing the last of Suri’s counterfeits, walked off of the runway and headed to the dressing room. Prim walked onto the stage. “Let's have another round of applause for Suri Polomage's amazing collection.” she announced and the audience applauded and cheered. The judges, however, reframed from any expression, they had to be seen to be impartial. “That fabric! So original!” Prim praised, moved by the fabric. From the currents, Rarity sighed in ire. As Prim was exposing the history of Rarity’s career, Rarity heard Suri chuckle as she walked up to her, with Coco following with a clipboard and notepad. “Well look who's here. Here to show off your copycat collection, mm? Heh.” Suri just walked past Rarity, as far as she knew, she had beaten Rarity, and all because of Rarity’s misplaced generosity. However, Rarity took a calming breath. Prim finished telling of Rarity’s career to date, “And now, we debut her brand new line – and I mean ‘brand new’ – Hotel Chic.” Prim stepped off the runway as the first of Rarity’s seven new dresses, each of them seemed to be themed after parts of a hotel room. How Rarity made it all work, someone with little fashion sense could not articulate, but each dress was almost drop dead gorgeous. The audience cheered, some applauded and others spoke excitedly, all sounding in praise. Even the judges were moved. Rarity was in awe at how her hotel chic line was a massive success among the audience. People cheering and cameras clicking all the while, “Oh! They're liking it! I think I may have just won this thing! Oh, I can't wait to celebrate with…” As she looked at the audience only to see the section reserved for her friends was vacant. “My friends. They didn't come. What have I done?” Before Rarity could fully let the absence of her friends and the start to recover from it, Prim Hemline took her out to the stage. Rarity didn’t know it but she was the only fashion designer that Prim ever escorted to the stage as the last model presenting her competitive line “Rarity, they all adore you! Aren't you going to tell them about your fabulous pieces?” Rarity looked to the area her friends were to be and saw the cord that was in front of the area. She saw it glitter a rainbow made of the colors orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink. Her eyes then flashed the same rainbow. She knew what she had to do. Shutting her eyes and leaping off the stage heading towards the back exit. “I have to go.” Prim gasped as she called out to Rarity, “Come back at once!” The audience gasped as Prim stormed a short distance but stopped before stepping off the stage. “This is unheard of!” Prim shouted. Rarity was not phased as she ran to the room. Her friends were not there. She then ran down to the receptionist desk, but the receptionist wasn’t there. She then dashed outside and looked around in a panic. She then heard the bell hop address her, “ How do you do, ma'am? Contest going well?” he asked politely. Rarity turned to face the bellhop, “No time to talk. I have to find my friends!” she explained. The bellhop seeing the tears that were forming in Rarity’s eyes, “Oh, uh, they're gone already. I saw them headed out.” he informed in a soft and clearly attempting to be comforting tone. Rarity gasped and then ran to the train station. She failed to hear that the bellhop was trying to say something just as thunder rumbled. At the same time clouds rolled in and soon it began to pour. She arrived at the station hoping to catch the next train with Magiville as a stop, however she just missed it and the next one would be hours later. Rarity dipped her head and turned around and exited the station. She slowly walked back to the hotel, all the while the rain came down, and it didn’t hide her tears. She stopped suddenly, a ways from the hotel, “Oh, Manahattan, what have I done?” Rarity started to sing only to be silenced yet again by a certain member of Applejack’s kin. “HEY BROAD!” Sunflower shouted as she pulled Rarity out of the rain and under an awning, just before the traffic started to flash by just before Rarity was splashed. “Geez, what is wrong with you hicks?” she asked before she took a cigarette out of a box and lit it. “I know Jackie would throw a fit if she found out,” she inhaled and then exhaled a stream of the smoke, “But the Oranges can be just as trying to deal with.” She then turned her focus to Rarity and offered her one from the box. Rarity declined. Sunflower put out her cigarette and flicked it into the street then to the door, “Well you managed to make it for breakfast.” she said as she opened the door, revealing that they were at a restaurant, which happened to be the Far Away Tavern. Rarity was dumbfounded for a solid second, “You comin?” Rarity followed and saw at a fairly large table not only her four friends that came with her but also Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, a girl the same age as the CMC. She had green eyes, her hair was two shades of a bright red with a noticeable left side bang. She wore a green jacket with numerous pockets over a white shirt. Rarity concluded that she was Babs Seeds. Also at the table was a young woman about her age, she had white hair with purple streaks and dressed not too dissimilar from a librarian, and wore a pair of school girl glasses, on her lap was a dog with purple fur. “Twilight?” Rarity asked. The woman gave a freighted ‘ah’, “How did you guess?” she asked, confirming Rarity’s suspension. “Spike as a dog.” Rarity answered as she pointed to the dragon turned canine. Spike turned around in Twilight’s lap and gave her a bemused look as if to say that he knew this was a bad idea. Twilight only rolled her eyes in response. “Are you using a glamour?” Rarity asked Twilight, calling attention to her new form. Twilight nodded as she tapped her glasses. While Rarity wanted to press the matter, other things were more pressing, “What are you all doing here, I thought you,” Rarity’s focus was on Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Pinkie, “left for home after how I…” Rarity could not bring herself to finish. Applejack placed her fork down, “Took advantage of our friendship and treated us pretty rottenly.” the paladin finished for her. Rarity nodded, “Sugarcube, last night wasn’t your best night.” the farmer started. “But we’ve known you for years, and one bad night ain’t worth ending our friendship over.” Applejack then pointed to the empty chair, “Now eat up.” she ordered. Rarity smiled, as tears of joy started to form in her eyes. “Oh, thank you! You really are the most wonderful friends a girl could have!” Rarity declared as she hugged Applejack, then Rainbow, Fluttershy and Pinkie. “I am dreadfully sorry you missed the show you wanted to catch last night.” Then hummed for a second as she noticed the three younger sisters of her group, Twilight, Spike, Sunflower and Babs. “I know just the way to atone. But first I need to swing back to the hotel, I need to talk with Prim Hemline.” “Nope.” Applejack said before she pointed to the food, “We all eat.” Rarity didn’t challenge as she picked up one of her forks and started her breakfast. After they had finished their breakfast they headed back to the hotel. While Sunflower and Babs were about to leave, Rarity insisted that they come (a 2 gram ruby helped with her pitch). There Rarity rang the bell at the reception desk, this time the receptionist was there. Standing nearby were her friends. “I need a moment with Prim Hemline.” Rarity said to the receptionist. The receptionist turned to Rarity, “I have to rush back to Magiville, but I just wanted to thank her first for—” she started but was cut off by a familiar voice. “Uh-uh-uh, you'd best steer clear of Prim for a while.” Rarity and her friends turned to see Suri Polomage with her assistant Coco next to her. “She's pretty furious.” Suri informed Rarity. “Isn't that right?” she turned to Coco as if to confirm. Coco nodded in agreement. Suri then turned back to Rarity. “Also, she doesn’t grant audiences to losers.” she added. “I lost?” Rarity asked, shocked by the news at first but then felt nothing. It was as if it didn’t matter. She smiled and tossed her hair, “Doesn’t matter.” She turned around to face her friends, with her focus mostly one AJ, RD, Fluttershy and Pinkie, “I'm just happy you're all still here after how I treated you. Now let’s catch the show!” Rarity declared and the group left, with them cheering. Sunflower and Babs only shrugged as they followed. After they left, Suri smiled as she turned to Coco, “And that is how it's done.” she declared before she had a small laugh. “Pretty clever how I convinced her to stay away from Prim, wasn't it?” she asked. Coco nodded. “Wouldn't have wanted her to find out the truth now, would we?” She asked and left. Coco looked in the direction that Suri walked and then turned to look where Rarity and her friends headed. A few hours later, as they exited the show house with them heading back to the hotel, “THAT WAS AWESOME!!!” shouted Rainbow as she leapt into the air. Everyone nodded in agreement, there was no need to be as vocal. Sunflower and Babs had the biggest smiles, they clearly wanted to catch the play longer than any of the rest. Applejack turned to Rarity, “As Sunflower would say, ‘How a broad like you score those tickets?’” she said, sounding like her cousin. Rarity gave a sad sigh, “Remember my costume designer friend who got me the tickets?” she asked the paladin. Applejack nodded. “Well, I offered to make all the costumes for his next show.” she informed her friend. Applejack raised an eyebrow, “Yes I would be staying here in Manahattan until they costumes are done.” Applejack gave a small but sad nod. “It is still a great opportunity for my work.” Applejack only gave an understanding smile. Just then, “WAIT!” they all heard shouted as Coco ran up to them, mostly to Rarity. After she caught up she had to collect her breath. Once she was able to breathe, “Mind if I join you?” she asked. Rarity nodded, “Certainly Miss Pommel…” she trial off as Coco reached into a large purse she had and handed to Rarity a trophy, “This year’s Manahattan Fashion Week first place trophy?” she asked as she accepted it. She then gasped as she read the name of the victor. She then looked at Coco in confusion. Coco nodded, “Yes, you won.” Coco confirmed. She took a breath, “Suri was hoping that if you didn't claim your prize, the judges would consider it a forfeit and first place would go to her.” Coco started to explain. This action on Suri’s part was not shocking or surprising for Rarity at that moment. “So she lied to make you go away, and, well, I lied too.” she confessed her part, tears of remorse in her eyes. “I've worked for Suri for so long, I started to believe that it really is every girl for herself in this town.” Sunflower snorted in derision, “You believe this bimbo?” she asked Babs as she pointed to Coco with her left thumb. Babs snorted too and shock her head. “Look Mocha,” Sunflower started as she turned to focus on Coco. “Coco.” Coco and Rarity corrected, Coco was more sheepish while Rarity was firm. “Whatever,” Sunflower continued unconcerned. “It’s the girls that think its every one for herself that don’t last here.” Coco sighed and continued, “Until I saw how generous you were with your friends and saw the results of how generous they were with you.” Coco paused as she took a breath and prepared to continue. “It made me start believing there was something better for me out there. So, I– I quit.” She told the last part of her story. She then looked squarely into Rarity’s eyes, “And I want to thank you for giving me the courage to do so, even though you weren’t aware.” Coco then reached into her bag and pulled out a small, wrapped box, “I brought you something to say thank you.” Rarity accepted the gift she wanted to hug Coco, but she knew Coco needed something more. Rarity gave a ‘Hm.’ as she thought. Then a light bulb went on above her head. “I suppose you'll need a job now that you're no longer with Suri.” Coco nodded in agreement. Rarity then expressed her idea, “How would you like to work for my friend making all the costumes for his next show?” she asked. Coco smiled and nodded in silence. Back at their room, as everyone else were drifting into sleep later that night, Rarity opened the bag she borrowed from Twilight and took out the group journal, having been entrusted to her for the week. She opened it and turned to the next blank page. She took out a pen and started to write about the last couple of days. As she neared the end she gave her reflections on the events, ‘Manahattan was simply grand. It was in this magnificent metropolis that I learned that, while there are ponies who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends.’ their due as she jotted them down. Once she opened the box Coco gave her. It was a spool of thread that was the seven colors of the rainbow. She squinted at it in confusion for a second but smiled as she put it back into the box before returning it and the group journal to her bag. As she did that she failed to notice the spool flash a rainbow of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink. > Leap of Faith > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack and Apple Bloom were splashing the water near the surface of the pond on the grounds of Sweet Apple Temple (a slight misnomer as it was water that filled a long inactive quarry). They were not alone with another young woman slightly younger than Applejack. She had brown eyes, light orange hair, her skin was slightly darker orange with a set of small curved horns coming from the side of her head. The woman then splashed Apple Bloom causing the young farmer to almost gag. After she resurfaced, Apple Bloom coughed, “Not cool, Strongheart.” she complained. Applejack swam to Apple Bloom and patted her on the head, “Don’t be too sour, Sugarcube, she’s family after all.” the older farmer. Before Apple Bloom protested, “EEEYYYUUUPPP!!!” was called shortly before the Apple Sister’s big brother cannon balled into the pond. The three ducked into the water to let the wave pass over them. After a second or so they re-surfaced as Big Mac swam to be a meter away and threaded water like the three girls. “Nice one, Big Mac.” Apple Bloom complemented before she looked around. “Say where’s Braeburn?” she asked as she failed to spot her cousin on the shore. Big Mac pointed to one of the cliffs along the side of the pond about 30 meters up. Everyone looked up to see a man somewhere between Applejack’s and Big Mac’s ages. He had light brown hair with light amber highlights and green eyes, not an uncommon trait among the Apples. Strongheart looked from the height of the cliff to the surface of the water and made some swift mental calculations. She didn’t like the results indicated by her eyes widening before she shouted in a slight panic, “Brae, hon, what are you trying to do?” It wasn’t really a question. “If Granny can be an award winning high diver, one of her grandchild should win gold in the high dive.” Braeburn called back. Apple Bloom, Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other then to Strongheart, “He can’t be that…” Apple Bloom started but was stopped short as they all heard, “GERONIMO!!!” shouted by the cowboy cleric of the Applesoolian branch of the Apple Family Tree. “Eyup.” Big Mac answered as he covered Apple Bloom’s eyes, just as Applejack shut her eyes and Strongheart covered her face and turned away. All unable to watch as Braeburn’s shout turned into a scream until they heard the distinct thud of a hard belly flop from over ten meters. Applejack was the first to open her eyes before she swam to help her cousin. “Looks like the swim is over.” About two and a half hours later, as the Trunk of the Apple Family and their visiting kin were walking back to Sweet Apple Temple from Magiville General Hospital, “What in the sam hill got into yah, Boy?” Granny scolded the massively bruised Braeburn. Granny and the rest of her immediate family were in their usual garps, while Braeburn wore a leather steton of darker brown than AJ’s, with a similar leather vest with the typical white rodes of a cleric. Strongheart was now wearing what looked like a white headband with a feather and what looked like a one piece yellow gown like attire that covered her whole body from afar but was of several colors and patterns, all renderings of life along the plains. However, even with her attire, Strongheart’s bison-like tail and feet could be discerned. She was of the Tatanka. That was not the only thing that was not hidden. Braeburn tried to laugh, but could only groan, “I thought I practiced my high divin’.” he replied. Granny sighed, “High divin’ is incredibly dangerous.” the sage pointed out, “It is the riskiest, scariest, darn-fool thing I ever did do!” she added almost shouting. Her tone softened and saddened, “Done almost killed myself at least five time, almost sent my husband, your Grandpappy, Barrel Mac into an early grave a dozen more times, with all the worrin Ah put the poor man through.” After a moment of silence from the matriarch of the Apple Clan, she then pointed her staff to Strongheart’s slightly swollen belly. “And you got your own youngen to think about.” Braeburn was about to protest, but thought better of it after he opened his mouth and shut it. Granny then continued along the road home, “Now let’s get you back to the farm and start that special bath Dr. Redheart recommended. At least she gave them fancy salts for only two bits.” The last part was a slightly unjustified complaint, but none of the younger Apples, by blood or by law, felt any compulsion to comment. Big Mac and Strongheart headed on ahead with Granny Smith, as Applejack pulled Braeburn aside with Apple Bloom electing to be with her sister. “Cus, yall know Granny’s discouragement was because she cares about you?” she asked. Braeburn nodded, “Ah know, AJ,” he sighed before he looked up into the sky, “but Ah want my kid to be proud of me, not just because Strongheart and I were the first Tiefling-Earthborn couple.” “You know they prefer their tribe name of Tatanka?” Apple Bloom asked before she was given a whack on the back of her head from AJ. “Ow.” “Yah missin’ the point, Sugarcube.” Applejack pointed out. She then turned her focus back to Braeburn, “And yah thought that if you could earn the gold in men’s high diving in the Mystican Games your child would be proud of you?” Applejack elected to get to the heart of the matter. Braeburn nodded. The Apple Sisters were not sure what to say or do. Braeburn was going to be a father soon, and while being part of the first married couple between the tieflings of the Tatanka and the Earthborn of Appaloosa was a big deal, it was something more focused on bring two peoples that almost went to war together in a mutually beneficial bound that made both better. As the two tried to figure out what they could say to Braeburn they soon noticed that a loosely pack crowd of people were walking past them. Each person in various states of need for medical attention. “What the?” Applejack asked, “Where are they going, the hospital is that way!” she said as she pointed in the direction the Apples came from. “And Zeroca’s hut that way.” She said as she pointed in the direction of the Everfree Forest. Just then the three then started to hear something like fairground music, yet fairly far off. Apple Bloom and Braeburn both silently agreed to follow the crowd. “And where are yah two headin’?” Applejack asked them. “Gonna see what this commotion is all about, Cousin.” Braeburn answered as he and Apple Bloom left Applejack. Applejack sighed as she looked at a shadow of a nearby tree. “Well, Dr. Redheart said that he doesn’t need that bath for a couple hours.” After about fifteen minutes they arrived in one of the open areas near Magiville, there was a large red and white circus style tent from which the music was coming and into which everyone was going. Applejack elected to fail back and watch, from the rear. Inside the tent was a decent size stage. On the stage was a steam powered wheeled contraption that seemed to be some sort of mobile presentation wheel. “Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!” came a familiar voice of a man, Applejack knew it as once as Flim. This was followed by the voice of another man, and Applejack knew it was Flam as the two stepped onto the stage, “In fact, we think it will prove to be the most valuable time you've ever spent!” Applejack scowled at the two knowing that there was something a miss, but she couldn’t tell what or how. Flim took over the Brothers’ pitch, “Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!” Then Flam took over, “A demonstration of a better life!” Then he passed it off to Flim, “A demonstration of a better time! And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!” Flam took over the pitch by asking his brother to explain a particular word used, as if several in the crowd also didn’t know the word,“A phenomenon? What's that?” Flim smiled as he gave a reduced dictionary definition of the word, “It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses,” and then proceed to give an example, “but in this case, it's the simple fact that: There's ailments all around us in everything we touch and see.” he point out as he tapped the machine and it began to cycle through many images of a common afflictions. Flam began to sing, this was clearly not the first time the two presented this. “A sickness that lies waiting there in every breath you breathe.” “Disease will up and grab you as it crawls from land and sea.” Flim took the next line of the song. “It's amazing how infected that the natural world and all its things can be,” Flam sang, as the two have gone from one to the other. Flim stopped singing, but the music continued to play, “Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick.” Flam then took over, “But twisted wrists and ankles and aching joints don't heal all that quick.” Flim then took the next line, “Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might…” he then trailed off as Flam sang the next part of the pitch, “Slip and fall, break or sprain something here tonight.” Then Flim joined his brother as they both sang the rest of this pitch, “But luckily for you, we've got the thing you need And it's easier when all you need's the cure The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic Is just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure.” As they sang ‘Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic’ the presentation wheel showed an enlarged image of the bottled drink with their faces on the labels and the basic claim, along with its name. The two once again stopped singing and Flim spoke, “Now I know our claims seem fantastical.” Flam then jumped in with “Impractical.” Flim then took over again with “Improbable.” which and the pitch then again passed to the brother as Flam said, “Impossible.” and the two said together, “And magical!” There as a second or two allowed for the brothers to look over the room again and while many seemed interested, this was still not an easy pitch. “So we welcome every suffering person to make their way up to the stage.” Flim said as he waved his hand and his focus gem glowed as the every front of the stage transmuted into a ramp with railing such that anyone could go up it. “Now don't crowd.” Flam requested the audience, “There is no need to for further injuries.” Flim cleared his throat as he saw that still the audience was nearing the point of purchasing the tonic, but not yet there. “And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness before your very eyes.” he said as he and Flam levatiated a crate of the tonic and took one of the bottles out. “First one is on the house.” He announced. Flam looked around and then pointed to a person in the audience, “You there!” Flam called to the man he selected. The man in blue overalls standing in the back not far from Applejack. He had a set of ergonomic crutches with the upper part going around the upper arm as opposed to under the armpit. He also had dark silver hair and wore a set of large black frame glasses. Applejack couldn’t tell his age, but she swinted at this, ‘why this guy all the way back hear?’ she thought. ‘There are plenty of people in worse cases much closer.’ she continued to muse to herself. “Come up here, good sir.” Flam requested and the man approached. As he got up to the ramp, Flim took off the cap of the tonic he showed, “I'll wager you're tired of those crutches, my friend.” he reasoned. The man sighed and nodded. Flim then handed the man the tonic as Flam used his own body to support the man. “Try taking a sip of this!” Flam declared and the man drank the whole bottle. The man then pulled from Flam and was able to support himself without the crutch he held onto with his right hand. He then let go of the one he held with his left and was able to stand. He then lifted one of his legs and the crowd gasped as he was able to support himself on one leg. After he put his foot down, “That's why you're so lucky we've got the thing for you Just come on up, we've always got some more Of the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic.” The brothers sang as they walked with the man across the stage a few times, neither touching him, as if to sell an act. The man scuffed at his crutches and started to dance out of the tent without them and threw the open ‘door’ of the tent as he sang, “I won't need these crutches to dance out the door.” and left the tent. Applejack raised an eyebrow at that, it sounded too in sync with the music for it to have naturally come from the man. It sounded rehearsed to Applejack’s ears. Flim then took over the song, renewing the pitch. “Now some of you may suffer from feelings of despair You're old, you're tired, your legs won't work, there's graying in your hair.” he said as he pointed to some of the older members of the crowd. “Just listen and I'll tell you that you don't need to fear Your ears will work, your muscles tone, your eyes will see so clear.” Flam took over the last part of the song just as the crowd started to chant, “Tonic... tonic... tonic…” the crowd chanted, almost everyone having been swept up in the presentation. Applejack could even hear Apple Bloom’s and Braeburn’s voices in the chant. It was clear the brothers were closing in on the sell. But there was a little more they had to do. Flim started up the next part of the pitch, “It cures the runs, the spurs, and hair blight. Flam then added, “diarrhea and dysentery cured in just a night.” he claimed. Flim once again took over the pitch, “You've got swollen feet and rear or terrible orofacial cleft.” he listed off more afflections. The last one was not among those present, but still was in the pitch. Flam once again took over from his brother, “Saunter sitz and gallop plop will give your head some heft.” he pointed out , this time acknowledging a couple of the aflections among those there. “Hair loss, hay fever, or terrible tonsillitis.” Flim added to the list. Flam took over the pitch again as it seemed that they were nearing the end, “You heard it here, folks -- this is the only place in all of Mystica you'll find it!” Flim once again began to sing with the music as they were about to end the pitch, “It can make you shorter, taller, or even grow old.” Flam took over and questioned in song, “But who'd want that?” Flim once again took over and sang “When with one drink” Flim was then joined by Flam and the two seemed to arrive at the very end of both the song they have song somewhat piece mealy and the pitch for the tonic, “You can even be young again–” “SOLD!” Shouted Braeburn as he leaped on to the stage cutting the song short. Flam was shocked, the pitch as it was more geared to the more seniored in the audience who would appreciate some youth. However, Flim was not phased and took Braeburn’s hand and shook it, “Congratulations!” he declared, “You just made the purchase of a lifetime!” Applejack could only groan. The next morning, along the shore of the river that cut through one of the farther corners of the Sweet Apple Temple farming ground, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Granny Smith, Big Mac and Strongheart were fishing with no hook or bait, just casting a line with a weight and burble. “Boy, I just can't believe all the things that Flim Flam Tonic can do!” the youngest Apple declared as she read the back of one of the bottles of tonic that Breaburn the afternoon before. Applejack reeled her line in, “There’s an old sayin’ ‘When somethin’ sounds too good to be true, it usually is,’” The paladin pointed out. Apple Bloom was not sure what to make of that. She “You mean Breaburn wasted his money?” Applejack prepared to cast her line again, “Well, I don't know about that, but I don't think there's a tonic in Mystica that can even make the old young again like those two adversities. Too bad Twilight’s off tryin’ to keep A.K. Yearlin’ from filin’ a restrianin’ order on Rainbow just because the next damn Daring Do book was delayed.” Apple Bloom was about to protest and defend the series, but that was a battle she was never gonna win, beside there was more immediate matters. “Okay, so why don’t we ask Zecora?” Apple Bloom elected to ask as she prepared another cast and sent her line flying. “She likely forgot more about potion in an hour than Twilight has learned in a year.” “Ain’t in the mood to translate her rhymes today.” Big Mac commented, with his response being atypically worded and he reeled his line in. This got a nod of agreement from Applejack and Granny Smith. Apple Bloom had to grant that Zecora would be much clearer if she didn’t speak in rhymes. “Besides, Ah thought she was spendin’ this week on the other side of the Everfree getting thin’s some ingredients that only grow there.” Granny pointed out. She elected to not touch her line and just let it bub. Strongheart was not as visually calm as her in-laws, or so they rightfully assumed as she chucked her rod instead of casting and almost growled, “I should have been there!” as the rod plummeted and splashed into the river. “I could have stopped him from wasting that money that snake oil.” Applejack patted Strongheart on the shoulder, “Braeburn’s a grown man, and while any married man should take his wife’s opinion into account, he’s decisions are his own.” Strongheart could only sigh in frustration. Applejack was right, she had to allow Braeburn to make his own choices. But it still stung that he spent any money on what had to be a bogus thing. “Oh don’t be like that, Hon. They’re Enterprise Skim’s boys. They’re kin.” came the voice of Braeburn from the other side of the river. They all looked and saw Braeburn, wearing a set of swimming trunks, his massive bruise from yesterday was completely gone. They were all slightly agape, Dr. Redheart said it would take about two days, but there Braeburn was almost as good as new. “BRAEBURN!!!” Strongheart shouted, more out of fear of what he might do than over anger at what he did. “Dr. Redheart said to take it easy for three days!” she called out. Granny was the next to speak, “Besides, Enterprise Skim was a quack. Alway tryin’ to make some new fangled contraption to do a job in ten hours that an honest worker could do in three. Plum fool, got so wrapped up in those dime store novels of future tech, never could get him to work an honest day.” “Didn’t he die when a branch fell on him fifteen years ago or there about?” Apple Bloom asked. “Eeyup.” Big Mac answered. Applejack cleared her throat, “Not the time for this family history lesson.” she pointed out. “Braeburn, you better not be thinkin’ on div…” Applejack never finished as Braeburn took a diver’s stance and sprung into the air before he turned midair to complete the dive. Unlike the day before, he managed to not belly flop and dove into the water. Everyone gasped as Applejack and Big Mac stripped so that they would get the least of their clothes wet to go in after him. However Braeburn surfaced and started back stroking upstream as if he was done floating downstream and wanted a bit of a challenge going back up. Applejack and Big Mac redressed themselves as they all headed for the shore and were greeted by Braeburn as he was drinking another of the tonics. It had to be at least the third he drank since he purchased a full crate last night. “How…” he started before he was silenced by Strongheart slapping him across the face with the back of her right hand. “You almost gave me a heart attack, you idiot!” She tried her best to keep herself together. As Braeburn rubbed his check, “Ah sorry, hon.” he was able to say. There was no reason to doubt his sincerity. “Ah go so caught up with this sprin’ in my step after Ah took this tonic and when I woke up to see my bruising was gone.” He stopped himself, “Ah got carried away and Ah was wrong to not talk with you first. I am sorry.” he repeated. Strongheart took a deep breath and let it out slowly, “Talk with me next time before you do anything that requires you to start above 5 meters for the next four days.” she stated her condition. It was understood that she had forgiven him. Applejack was the next to speak, “While we’re all glad to see yah ready to get back inta the water and that yah’re feelin’ well. Ah ain’t so sure that tonic really does anythin'. Are yah’re sure it’s not that the treatment Dr. Redheart prescribed worked faster than she stated?” Applejack question. Braeburn shrugged, “Well Ah could go back to the quarry and do another 30 meter belly flop and just really on Dr. Redheart’s treatment.” the actual cowboy there pointed out. He didn’t need to shift his eyes from Applejack to Strongheart to know the later was about to throw a rightful fit, “But Ah’m on thin ice as it is with meh wife and angerin’ a spouse is not, how would yah say, condosive for one’s health.” There was no further protest on Applejack’s part. She has no qualms with Strongheart and frankly didn’t want any at this point. She nodded, accepting Braeburn’s point. Braeburn then turned to his wife, “Say hon, I left my clothes back upstream, mid if I go and swim to get them?” he asked Strongheart. Strongheart thought for a second and then nodded. Braeburn smiled before he turned to Big Mac and Applejack, “Say, Cuz, wanna race?” Applejack and Big Mac looked to each other and then the larger cleric spoke for the two of them with one of his two his renowned one-word answers, “Nope.” as he and Applejack shock their heads. Braeburn shrugged his shoulders with his eyes shut, “Shoot you self, Cuz,” Braeburn then dove back into the river and swam upstream. As Granny, Strongheart and Big Mac all started back upstream and home, Apple Bloom and Applejack had both seemed to stay behind. “Gee, it looks like that tonic works after all!” the younger farmgirl declared. She then rubbed her chin, “I wonder what's in it.” she mused. Applejack could tell that Apple Bloom wanted to know how it worked. However Applejack was also curious, but she couldn’t help but feel that the tonic was not as advertised. “Ah think maybe it's time we found out.'' She agreed and the two spoke softly as if to plan something they wanted no one else to know. That night, Applejack and Apple Bloom followed the path to the tent were the FlimFlam Brothers sold their tonic. It was just outside the limits of Magiville. As they approached, they couldn’t help but hear the jiggle of the ‘FlimFlam Miracle Curative Tonic’ faint as it was. Apple Bloom was the first to speak, as they had not spoken since they left the farm house, “So you're just gonna walk up and ask them how it works?” she asked. Applejack took a slight second to look up to the starry sky, “Ah’m gonna start there,” she said, “Though if it's a genuine cure, Ah don't suppose they'll be too keen on sharin' the recipe.” Just as Applejack said that, the two were a couple meters from the tent’s entrance as the man from the pitch that Applejack, Apple Bloom and Braeburn saw came out singing, “–out the door!” The two Apples stopped in confusion, “Wait a second!” Apple Bloom was the first of the two to speak as the two recognized the man, and noticed his blue eyes. “That's that same man from before!” she pointed out. The man looked to the Apples and then away and bolted. “Hey!” called out as she and Apple Bloom followed the man around the tent into the ‘backstage’ area. Soon they had him cornered in what seemed to be an open air dressing room. “Now hold it right there, Mister...?” the paladin trailed off as she had never got this man’s name. The man gulped, “Shill.” he said weakly, “Silver Shill.” he gave his full name. It was then that the two farmers noticed his aura mark, two silver coins. “What do you two want?” he asked as he was looking around like a trapped animal, but not yet scared enough to lash out. Applejack started closing the distance “Our cousin took some tonic and we want to know how it works.” She elected to not mix words and get to the heart of the matter. Apple Bloom then started with the story, “Braeburn had this really bad bruise and was told to do little for the next couple days, and after he took it, he’s back to normal. Not unlike you couldn't walk and now you can.'' She made the comparison. “But what are you doin' back here?” she asked, confused. Applejack’s eyes widened and then narrowed as her sister spoke, the paladin’s suspecitions starting to be shown to be well founded. Silver’s gulp confirmed it. “It’s because he's part of the act!” Applejack stated bluntly. Her left hand started to drift to her sword’s hilt, “It's time for you to tell the truth! You never needed crutches at all, did ya?” she asked getting ready to draw it. She was going to have the truth one way or another, and it is neither chaotic or evil to make it clear what would happen if one found out they were lied to. Silver panicked and saw a decommissioned version of the machine that Flim and Flam used in their pitch. He kicked it and it jetted out steam, forcing Applejack and Apple Bloom to take a few steps back. This enabled Silver to slip by them to the part of the track that forked into the place the two cornered Silver and another route.“Hey!” Applejack shouted. Once the steam died, Applejack and Apple Bloom doubled back and split to better find Silver. Applejack managed to find the right route as she saw him run pass that night’s crowd and into the tent. If the crowd noticed him, they didn’t care. Applejack then followed Silver in, only to be greeted by Flim and Flam. Flim was the first to speak, “Well, if it isn't our most favorite Apple!” he said as he offered his right hand. When Applejack didn’t accept it. Flam spoke, “What brings you back to our humble abode?” he asked, getting to the heart of the matter. Applejack then saw Silver trying to hide behind Flim. She glared at him before she turned to the brothers. “You two charlatans sold my cousin a bottle of tonic, and now he's off actin' like a bachelor without a care.” The two brother’s looked at each other and smiled, Flim asked, “What's so bad about that?” addressing that Braeburn still having a spring in his step as a good thing. Applejack glared up at Flim, “First off he’s married with his first child on the way, done near gave his wife a heart attack, which could have resulting in a misscharge.” Applejack started. “His bachelor days have been over for months and he needs to focus on being a father.” She then raised her right hand and held out two fingers, “Second, Ah know for a fact that yahr crony here.” she lowered he hand and pointed her finger at Silver, “is dressin' up as a different person every night so he can pretend to be cured!” Flim nodded to the left and Silver left the three. Flam then spoke, “Well, well, well, that's quite an accusation.” It wasn’t a denial, but it was far from a confession. Flim then took over as Flam took backstage their earning, “But let's say that it's true…” he trialed of as he lead Applejack to the back following Flam. “Hypothetically…” Flam added as he pulled out an used crate and trailed for Flim to take over. Flim then added, “Theoretically…” and yet again trailed off for Flam to take over, “As I understand, our mutual cousin Braeburn wants to earn the gold in the Mystican Game Men’s High Dive.” he pointed out. Flim then took over for dramatic effect as he levitated as juicer as Flam made turn the crate upside down to be used as a table. “To be the star of the show, if for only event.” Flim said as he placed the juicer down and Flam levitated a sack. “But had a bad belly flop yesterday afternoon and narrowly avoided breaking a few ribs, and wouldn’t able to get enough training in.” he said as he emptied the sack showing it to be nothing but apples and beet leaves. Applejack nodded. She wasn’t about to say a word to confirm what they said, but she knew she couldn’t deny it. She also more focused on what they two put on their makeshift table. Flim then took over, “Well, then even if our tonic were nothing more than a mixture of apple juice and beet leaves…” he trailed off as he leaviated a couple of apples and a few beet leaves into the juicer. As Flim pressed, “Hypothetically…” Flam added, and elected to trail off for Flim to continue. Flim did so as he readied an empty bottle of the tonic for it to receive the blend, “Theoretically…” Flam then took over as the tonic was juiced into the bottle, “The fact is that your cousin, Braeburn, is happier now than before he tried it.” he pointed out. Applejack again elected to hold her tongue, but she had to grant the two at least one small nod. As Flam capped the bottle, Flim continued. “So, the question is…” he trailed off and then Flam finished as he handed Applejack the tonic and asked “Do you really want to be the person who takes all that happiness away?” Applejack was about to counter, but somewhere deep down she agreed with the two. This left her tongue tied. Just then Apple Bloom arrived, “Ah’m sorry, Ah couldn’t find that Silver fella.” the younger farmer said, she didn’t see what Applejack was holding at first. But after she got closer, “Did yah find out what's in the tonic?” she asked. Applejack looked at the bottle in her hand and then to the FlimFlam Brothers and repeated it a couple of times. She then shut her eyes and handed it back to Flam. She turn and spoke, “Honestly, Apple Bloom…” she trailed off as she tried to find the words, “as long as it works, I…” again she hesitated unsure of the ground she was treading on. “don't suppose it really matters.” she finished. Apple Bloom dipped her head with an ‘oh’, she really wanted to know the recipe, if for nothing else then to study it. But she smiled and raised her head, “Well, if it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to me either, sis.” she declared before the two started out of the tent. As the two passed the ‘threshold’, Flim called out to them, “That's the spirit!” Then Flam called out, “Come back anytime!” and the two returned to their collected funds, just as Silver joined them. It was time to count. The next morning, at one of the other watering holes on the grounds of Sweet Apple Temple, Big Mac, Strongheart, Granny Smith were cooling themselves in the water. Applejack was on the shore. It was her turn to keep an eye on Braeburn as he continued to practice his drive, increasing the height five decimeters at a time since yesterday. At his rate he was practicing, he could easily do a 25 meters dive that afternoon. Applejack wanted to feel happy for Braeburn, but she could only feel sick to her own stomach. After another successful dive and surface. “That was great Braeburn!” Apple Bloom all but shouted, cheering her cousin on. “Ah’d give it a solid 8.” Granny scored, “Don’t be in such a rush to get to a higher start, yah all get sloppier than Barrel Mac’s old biscuits and gravy.” She declared. She then hummed to herself and smiled, “They were still the best dorn biscuits and gravy Ah ever did have.” she pointed out. “Good thing he left the recipe.” Braeburn swam up to his family, he nodded, electing to not argue the point. “You’re right, Granny,” he agreed. “Also can’t over do it, Am still taking part in the Magiville Swim Meet with Apple Bloom.” Braeburn then caught himself, “That is my wife is okay with me doing it.” Strongheart thought for a few seconds, “I don’t know, you’ve been drinking alot of that tonic, sure it looks like it has been helping you with your recovery....” She trailed off unsure about how to feel or what to say. “Especially since Dr. Redheart said you should take it easy.” No one seemed to know what to say. Strongheart had a point. Applejack, being farther from the rest of the family, was able to see that both Apple Bloom and Braeburn were somewhat crushed by this. Heck the swim meet was one of the reasons why Braeburn was here, it was the perfect chance to show to the Magiville team that he could, despite technically being from Applelossa, bring home the gold in the Men’s High Dive. Also the couple needed some time away from their neighbors every once in a while. Applejack took a breath and then spoke, “Well, Ah don’t know Strongheart,” Applejack started. “Dr. Redheart said that sometimes recoveries can be faster than she expected. And for much of Mystican history, most medicine and treatments were tonics and potions like what Flim and Flam sold.” Applejack started. She then stopped with the ‘history’ and ‘medical’ lesson. “Besides, a swim meet sounds pretty safe. And after all, if that tonic helped him with his dives in a river and a swimmin' hole, a pool should be no problem at all.” she added. This wasn’t a lie, but to call it the truth would be a stretch. Strongheart thought on those words. After a few seconds she turned to Braeburn, “If you drown, I am not going in after you, and if you do need CPR, I am singing ‘And another one bits the dust'.’.” she stated her conditions. “Just to keep the tempo.” she added with a wink. Everyone could only give a weak nervous laugh. But it was the closest thing to a straight up yes Strongheart was going to give at this point. “I’m gonna have to get some more of that tonic.” Braeburn said as he rubbed the back of his head. It took a couple hours for the Apple family to arrive at the tent were Flim and Flam were selling their tonic, this time they were not having another ‘show’ instead it was just a stand at the entrance. Flam started the pitch, “Welcome, friends, and step right up! The next show starts in five minutes!” he said, while true, Flim gave a weak smile, because if these shows happened too often some one, other than Applejack, was going to put it all together and since Applejack had not given them a single bit, well those that have lost money are not known for their ready forgiveness. “But why not buy your tonic now and avoid the rush?” he asked as he levitated one of the bottles. Braeburn, took the lead and placed another bag of bits on the stand, after side stepping the line, “Ah'll take another whole case!” he said. One of those in line, a young woman with some badges around her head and in a wheelchair, “Are you saying this stuff actually works?” she asked. Applejack wanted to say ‘no’, but she couldn’t say it, Braeburn had recovered faster than what Dr. Redheart said he would after he started drinking the tonic, “It seems to work for him.” Applejack ultimately equivocated as she placed her left hand on Braeburn’s shoulder indicating the him she was referring to. Flim then leapt upon the table, “You heard it here first, folks!” he declared as he held up a bottle of his tonic, “The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic is Apple Family-tested and Applejack-approved!” he said as he gestured to Braeburn when he said the tonic was Apple Family-tested and then to Applejack when he said Applejack-Approved. The woman that asked if if worked reached into a pocket and took out a few coins, “If Applejack says it works, that's good enough for me!” she declared. The rest of the townsfolk cheered and started handing over their money for the tonic. Applejack could only grit her teeth, more so in horror of what she had possibly unleashed than of anything else. That afternoon, at the Magiville public inground pool, a decent number of the Magiville residents were either showing off their aquatic skills (with some expecting to make the Magiville team for the Mystican Games) or they were there to watch, cheer, and for a few of them, judge. Off to the green Braeburn was in his swimming trunks and was stretching, making sure none of his muscles were tense. With him was Apple Bloom in a one piece swimsuit. Sitting in the area were the rest of the family. “Just remember, you two. The most important thing is to be safe and have fun, right?” Applejack asked, she was not yet ready to inform Braeburn that the tonic was little more than juiced apples and beet leaves but she was going to prod the two to act safely. Braeburn didn’t stop his laugh, “With the routine Little Bloom came up with, it would be an abomination if we don’t win. Right, A.B.?” he asked. Apple Bloom gave him a slight glare, “First, no, do ever call me Little Bloom or A.B. again,” while the youngest Apple didn’t specify what would happen if Braeburn did, it was not something he was going to push. Apple Bloom then softened, “but second, yeah, we’ve got this in the bag.” While Strongheart, Big Mac and Granny Smith gave soft applauds at the confidence of the two. Applejack, was not so sure, “Well...uh... good luck, then!” she offered. Braeburn barely fought back a chuckling snort, “Luck?” he asked dismissively, “Who needs luck, Cousin?” He continued his dismissal. “With Apple Bloom’s routine, our skill and some of this tonic...” he said before he picked up the bottle that was close to his feet and drank from it. After he swallowed and gave an ‘ah’ of refreshment, “on our side, how can we lose?” Before Applejack could counter, “Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic!” came the voice of Flam. This was followed by the voice of Flim saying, “Get your Applejack-approved tonic!” he declared. It was then that Applejack saw that the two hoodwinkers had set up a stand a few meters away and were selling their tonic at the meet, “The Apples drink it – why shouldn't you?” He finished the pitch as residents of Magiville started to form a line. Applejack could only sigh, what could she say? However this was lost on her cousin as he and Apple Bloom walked to one end of the pool, “Sorry Cous, but if'n you'll excuse us, we got some swimmin' to do!” he said before he and Apple Bloom did a near silent ribbleless dive and began the routine. It was a synchronized swim to the tune of ‘Blue Danube’. Applejack could never describe the movements or plot them out, that would have been Rarity’s department, but the farmer knew that it was beautiful and awe inspiring. Once the song was done, Apple Bloom and Braeburn exited the pool and bowed to the judges. There was thunderous applause. Applejack could only shake her head and give a small smile. All the while images of Braeburn and Apple Bloom were being made as they were given the first place trophy. Among them was a sport reporter, “That was some of the most amazing aquabatics I've ever seen!” the man declared as he pulled a pen and notepad, “How in Mystica did you do it? Hard work? Lots of practice?” he asked. Braeburn smiled, as he patted Apple Bloom on the shoulder, “Well of course, you just can’t pull off any aquabatics without practice, training and hard work. You also need one of the brightest people around to develop any routine, especially one like the one we did.” he nodded toward Apple Bloom indicating that it was her idea. “But for myself, it was this tonic that gave me that helped me recover quick enough to perform today.” Flim and Flam then almost slid from the ground next to the victors, “That's Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic, to be precise.” Flim said as he showed a bottle. “Buy it now while supplies last.” Flam added as he pointed to their stand. Applejack took a deep breath and turned away, she just couldn’t face her family or all this right now. That was when she spotted Silver Shill, dressed in a black and white striped shirt like those often worn by referees but with a tray of the tonic that was supported by leather straps that went around his neck. Applejack walked up to him after he had made a sale of one bottle of the tonic. “What are you doin' here?” she asked, electing to get to subject matter. Silver turned to face Applejack and after giving a short nervous laugh, “Oh, things are going so well, Flim and Flam gave me a promotion!” he declared. He then took out the bit he just got from the purchase that Applejack witnessed. “Just made my first bit as a salesman.” He couldn’t help himself from smiling, “No more costumes for this man.” he declared as he pocketed the coin and shut his eyes as a massive closed mouth smile formed on his face. After a second the confidence dropped as he opened his eyes and looked at what he was wearing and looked into the bemused face Applejack had on. “This is more of a uniform.” he equivocated. Applejack’s bemused expression didn’t change. “I used to wonder if I was doing the right thing. You know, pretending to be cured, basically lying to folks about this tonic. But thanks to you, I realized that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy.” Applejack was shocked at what Silver Shill said, she looked away unsure what to do until she saw Braeburn take one of the tonics, she saw a rainbow made of the colors orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink glitter on the bottle. Applejack’s eyes then reflected the same rainbow and she knew what she had to do. As Braeburn was about to drink the tonic that Flim and Flam sold. Applejack took her lasso and pulled it away. “STOP!!!” she shouted. Everyone turned to the paladin as she drew her sword and pointed it into the air, “Zona Vero!” she shouted as a clear bubble formed around those gathered. “That tonic is nothing more than the juiced beet leaves and old apples. It has no healing properties. Ah been equivocating for those charlatans!” she said pointing to Flim and Flam. “They have done nothin’ but con yall of yar hard earned bits! And Ah helped them.” Applejack lowered her head in regret. Silver Shill then stepped forward and threw the portable tray he had on the ground. “So have I, I have helped them con you all and many others. Not only that I helped them force Applejack into equivocating on their behalf. I am sorry.” “Thank yah, Silver.” Applejack said as she accepted Silver’s apology. Her face, however, grew stern as she turned back to Flim and Flam, “But no more and never again!” She made a cross with her right hand as it glowed green like a granny smith apple. “Ah curse myself, should Ah ever help these two with lies and equivocations, may Ah die where Ah stand!” Applejack’s body then glowed with golden delicious yellow light as the curse took hold. She then turned to Flim and Flam and made the same cross pointing at them. “And Ah curse yah two, too. May yah never leave Las Magus ‘til yah both become honest men, through and through.” The brother’s bodies also glowed the same shade of yellow. “And leave your ill-gotten gains!” After making the curse on the brothers, Applejack swung her blade as a granny smith green bolt appeared to be sent from it striking the two and sending them flying. Everyone was silent, none knew what to say. It was almost abdominal to most of Magiville that Applejack would so blazingly engage in such a falsehood that swindled money from so many of them. Yet she did confess to them when it would have been easier for her to let the lie continue. On top of that she had cursed herself. Such an act was unheard of. Applejack however, only sheathed her sword and headed home. Once she was there, Applejack effectively dropped into one of the chairs on the front porch of the Sweet Apple Temple farm house and covered her face and wept, still riddled with guilt and shame. She didn’t know how long she cried but she felt a hand placed on her shoulder. She lifted her face and saw Silver Shill standing next to her. “I know I said it before, but I am sorry for my part in all this and how it affected you.” he started as he took a seat in the chair next to her. He reached into his pocket and took out a one bit coin. “This is the last bit I have to my name,” he said as he looked it over, “It’s also the first bit I was actually given by selling that damn tonic.” he continued to mused. He then closed his right hand around it. “And it will be the last one I will earn through dishonest means.” He looked from his hand to the farmland that made up the Temple grounds. “I’ve thought about throwing it away.” he said before he turned to face Applejack again, “But I want you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped a wretch see what is the truth.” Applejack wasn’t sure if she should accept it. “The reason why it’s the last bit I have is because I gave the person I swindled for this one of my own bits.” Silver said before he took Applejack’s right hand and placed the coin in. He closed AJ’s hand around it and stood up. “Well I need to be off, I have to find another town so I can start my honest life.” He smiled at Applejack and turned to the dirt path. “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound…” he started to sing to himself softly and left. After passing Silver, the rest of the Apples arrived home. Applejack gave a small frown, “Ah’m sorry, Cousin, I hope this doesn’t mean yah’ll stop trainin’ for your high dive.” Braeburn laughed, “Why in tarnation would I do that?” he asked. “I just need to train smarter.” He stopped as he could feel the glare from Strongheart, “After I get the all clear from my wife.” he added with a weak laugh. “ and without any tonic.” This brought a laugh out of Applejack. Later that night as Applejack was preparing to go to bed, she took out the group journal. She had finished describing everything and after some thought jotted down a reflection, ‘Bein' honest sure gets hard when it seems like the truth might hurt someone you care about. But I think believin' a lie can end up hurtin' even more. Maybe some people don't care about that – but I sure ain't one of them.’She finished jotting down. She looked at the calendar, tomorrow she would pass the journal to Rainbow. She failed to notice that the coin flashed a rainbow of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink. > Rarity Investigates > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chantalot was still very much abuzz with the newest tailory, Canterlot Carousel as two young couples stepped out town-and-gown with every intention to paint the city red, after giving a farewell to Rarity. Once she wished them well she shut the door and took a deep happy breath. She then walked to the back and levitated three mannequins, one was dressed in a white long sleeve and long-tail dress with golden cuffs and around the chest, one had a short tail women's trench coat with a wide brim lady’s hat not too dissimilar from a fedora all maroon in color and the last had long sleeve middle skirt dress that was purple in color and seemed to be akin to business dresses of the 930s to 950s AC. As Rarity was moving the mannequins, she turned to the only other woman in the place. She looked to be slightly older than Rarity, she was taller and skinnier. She had brilliant orange eyes with deep blue eyeshadow along with vermilion hair with amber and tangelo stripes with shades of purple on the shadowed side of the hair. She wore a long black dress that had a series of pins stitched near her left thigh and a golden belt. “Oh, Sassy Sandals,” Rarity addressed the other woman, “don't you just love my new Femme Mystique Chic line of gowns?” she asked as she placed the mannequins in front of the shop’s only empty window. Sassy looked from the receipt book, in which she had just finished adding the recent sale to the ledger. She gasped in awe, “Sequins and sashes, Rarity, they're exquisite!” she exclaimed as she left her station and walked to the spot Rarity stood as she set the mannequins down, “Where did you find the inspiration?” she asked, the awe she felt still very much there.  After Rarity placed the mannequins down, “Oh, I modeled them after Shadow Spade. Her stories are always full of mystery and suspense and, best of all…” she paused for clear dramatic emphasis, “fabulous costumes!” she declared as she pointed towards the three pieces. “They're perfect!” Sassy agreed with a closed-eyed nod. She then reopened her eyes and was perplexed by Rarity’s fiddling with the mannequins. “What are you doing?” she asked. Rarity didn’t turn from her work as she adjusted each piece of the display on the smallest lever she could, “Oh, uh, just making some minor adjustments.” She then stood up and blew on the headpiece that went with the businesswoman's dress. “Shadow Spade believes it all comes down to attention to detail. And so do I. '' Rarity then stopped, “There! Now it's perfect.” she declared. Just then the door slammed open and the mannequins of the Shadow Shade-themed dresses fell onto Rarity and Sassy, as well as all the other mannequins with a crash. “Hey guys, how's it—” Rainbow Dash was cut short as she entered the shop. Rainbow then nervously laughed before she said, “My bad.” A few minutes later, after she had helped Rarity and Sassy put everything back up. “Sorry I messed up the shop.” Rainbow apologized again. Sassy returned to her station, “Nothing we can't fix in a stitch.” she said professionally. “But what does brings you by?” she asked curiously as to why her employer’s less… attuned friends would stop by the shop. Before Rainbow could answer, “Princess Celestia called upon a squad of the Wonderbolts to launch the spring opening of the royal gardens with an aerial display tomorrow.” Rarity answered. “And Dashie was hand-picked by Colonel Spitfire to be the reservists to fly should one not be able to fly,” she continued as walked over to another collection of clothes, they were of men’s attire and seemed to come right out of the same time as the dresses she had just put on display. Knowing that the eyes of the other two women did follow her and also spied the suits, “A real man knows how to suit up and the men of the greater Noir genre, include the novels of Shadow Spades were masters of the craft and while most men today aren’t, they just need one class to learn all the secrets,” she informed as she called attention to the fact that her cliental was not limited to one sex. “But back to the aerial display tomorrow, isn't exciting?”  Rainbow rubbed the back of her head with a blush of modesty on her cheeks, “Well, it is pretty sweet.” she agreed with Rarity in a rare moment of humility. “And I do get to stay in the castle, hang out with the actual Wonderbolts, and eat awesome food at dinner tonight.” she continued as her ego started to reflate. She then stopped as she turned to Rarity, “Speaking of the dinner, you're still coming, right?” “Heavens, yes!” Rarity exclaimed as she strutted back to her friend and pass her to the mannequins she had placed earlier, “A chance to dress up, be charming and show off my newest femme mystique couture?” she asked, it was clearly rhetorical even without her providing the only answer, “I wouldn't miss it for all of Mystica.” “Great!” Rainbow declared before she started for the door, “See ya tonight!” She was about to throw the door open but stopped herself as she eased it open, slipped out of the shop, and gently closed the shop’s door. Later that night, inside the Chantalot castle, in one of the ballrooms, a baffle was laid out as members of the Wonderbolts, in their blue and yellow flight suits, mingled with various other attendees, many of them wearing pieces from one of Rarity’s various lines. The last two to enter were Rarity, who wore the white dress that had just been shown earlier that day, and Rainbow Dash, who was in her Wonderbolt reservist flight suit. Rainbow spotted the surprisingly short line for the catered food, “Let's grab some grub!” she declared as she sprinted over. Rarity shocked her head amused at her friend and her priorities. However, she picked up a scent, one she recognized. She then sniffed the air and smiled, “At least one gentleman here knows what to wear” she mused, “Juniper Phoenix if I am not mistaken.” she added as Rainbow walked back to her. “Wouldn’t you agree?” Rainbow just shrugged her shoulders as her focus was on her food. “You know your men’s colognes.” came the voice of a man that sounded to be between his late fifties and early sixties. Rarity and Rainbow turned to the source of the voice. He was a Skyborn and in fact in his early sixties. He had amber eyes and his hair was once lime green with chartreuse green stripes but was graying with his years. The most noticeable thing about his attire was a flight jacket and an ivory white scarf done in a loose slipknot, on the back of his jacket was embroidered a flight hat with a set of goggles, on the front was a golden Wonderbolt pin. “Juniper Phoenix happens to be my favorite,” he said with a nod of greeting.  Rarity gave her nod, “Oh, one of mine as well.” she said. “It's masculine and yet soft with the barest hint of floral notes and—” Rarity began to explain the scent and the reasons for her stance. But she was cut off as she was pulled back by Rainbow, “Rarity!” the elementalist did her best to not shout as she spoke hushly. “Don't you know who this is?!” she asked. Rarity opened her mouth to answer, but she stopped herself. She had spent enough time with each of her friends to realize that the answer she would give, noting his tastes in colognes and scarves, would be the wrong one. She shut her mouth and shook her head. “Wind Ryder!” Rainbow declared. Rarity was about to give Wind Ryder a proper salutation, but she stopped herself. She knew Rainbow had more to say. “He's a living legend. He holds the record in the Magesage Marathon!” Wind Ryder had a deep chuckle, “Well, that was a long time ago.” he stated as he seemed to reminisce about his past. He shook his head, “Honestly, I can't believe I still hold the record.” he added as he shook his head. While most would have heard humility in Wind’s word choice, Rarity caught something else, a hint of pride. Before Rarity could say anything, Spitfire, Soarin, and Misty Fly arrived upon the scene, “Wind Rider,” Spitfire called as the trio landed, “I see you met Rainbow Dash! She's one of our most promising reservists.” she stepped to be right next to Wind and elbowed him gently, “She just might beat your record.” Spitfire praised the youngest Skyborn present. Wind smiled as he turned from Spitfire to Rainbow, “Really now?” Rainbow blushed embarrassed. Before she could contradict Spitfire, “Ah isn’t she cute trying to be modest.” Spitfire joked. “She’s already performed like half a dozen Sonic Rainbooms, maybe more. A little endurance training and she’ll be beating not only reservist but  proper Wonderbolt records in no time.” Spitfire continued to praise Rainbow.  Wind nodded his head with a “Heh-heh.” He turned from Spitfire and looked at Rarity and Rainbow, “Well, it's nice to meet you ladies.” he said with a nod and left the lot. Rainbow gave a blissful sigh, “Not as nice as it is to meet you, sir.” she said bidding Wind Ryder adue. She then covered her mouth with her hands in a desperate attempt to contain her laughter. Once it had passed, “I can't believe I just met Wind Rider!” she exclaimed her excitement far from contained as stars appeared in her pupils. Misty Fly spoke up, “Yeah, he's coming out of retirement and take the spot of honor in the center of our aerial flower formation tomorrow.” she explained why Wind Ryder was there. Rainbow gasped, “Really?” she asked still not believing all this. “That's incredible!” “Yeah, listen Dash, we got to butter up our sponsors, but we’ll catch you later,” Spitfire said before she, Misty Fly, and Soarin flew off. Once the trio was gone, Rainbow’s head dipped in sorrow. She took a breath, “Guess I'll just watch Wind Ryder being awesome from the sidelines…” she trailed off slightly. “practice tomorrow is gonna be so boring.” she added forlornly. Rarity was quick on her feet, “I don't suppose I could keep you company?” she asked. Rainbow’s eyes widen as she smiled, “You could! They always let friends and family come watch practices!” she then went to hug Rarity, yet in the process, she knocked a platter off the table. Rarity managed to react in time and avoided getting anything on her dress. Rainbow gave a weak apologetic laugh.  Rarity shook her head, “It’s a good thing you missed,” the enchantress said as she looked over her dress, “ it's almost impossible to get stains out of silk. Not that I can’t do it, but it's still far better to not have to clean something,” she said as she found none. “But just in case, I've come prepared!” About two hours later, in the east tower of the northwest wing, Rarity followed Rainbow and Spitfire to the east tower of the northwest wing of the castle. “That dinner was absolutely divine. Thanks for inviting me!” she thanked Rainbow. It was then that she noticed their location, “Ooh, you're staying in the east tower? Those rooms have the best view of Chantalot!” she declared. No one seemed to notice that at the pillar closest to the door’s stage right side one of the damask curtains had fallen out of their velvet rope-holder. Spitfire went to that door and opened it, “How lucky are we?” she asked rhetorically. “Well, we better get some shuteye before practice.” she declared before going in and shutting the door behind her. Rainbow turned to Rarity, “See you tomorrow, Rarity!” she left Rarity as she flew to the farther door. “Good night!” Rarity called out and left the hall. The next morning at what best resembled a race track but only had the stands, with a view box for those willing to part with more coins and inner ring to denote the center. As the Wonderbolts, including Wind Ryder (who was easy to tell because he wore his jacket over his flight suit), were practicing their various formations, as they fine-tuned the aerial flower formation, Rainbow and Rarity watched with a few other close friends and some family of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow sighed dejectedly before she turned to Rarity, “Thanks for keeping me company, Rarity. If you weren't here, well, I don't know who I'd be talking to right now.” she confessed. Rarity only smiled, what more could she say, Rainbow was one of the biggest extroverts she knew, the other was Pinkie Pie. “You'd be talkin' to me.” came Soarin as he landed right in front of the two. “Rainbow Dash, Spitfire got a message saying that her mom’s sick. She had to leave to take care of her. This means you’re taking her place during the rest of practice and for the show if needed. Now suit up in one of the spare flight suits!” Soarin ordered. Rainbow was about to squeal. “NOW RESERVIST!” Soarin shouted. “Sir, yes, sir!” Rainbow said with a salute and bolted. “You could have let her have her moment.” Rarity pointed out. “I need to get her up to snuff and in sync between now and the show, and I don’t have much  time to do it in.”Soarin shot back, “She needs to be a professional, and professionals don’t celebrate a job until it’s complete, one would think you know that better than most.” he added before he left without Rarity getting a word in. Rarity wanted to protest, but she knew in her heart that Soarin was not only right, but with Spitfire gone, he was in command and he had to look out for the safety of everyone there. She also knew that it only took one person to make one mistake and everyone could be leaving in caskets. She took a deep breath and let it go. Besides once she shared this story with Applejack, the paladin would set Soarin straight. Half an hour later, as Rainbow was practicing with the Wonderbolts, a Skyborn woman who seemed to be in her early fifties, dressed in purple with a ring of pearls for her necklace and a set of pearls as earrings, on her skirt over her right thig was what looked like a fire shaped like a twister. However, to Rarity, the most striking thing about the woman was that she had an uncanny resemblance to Spitfire, “Good Morning, I am Rarity." Rarity offered her hand to greet the woman standing up. The woman accepted Rarity’s hand and the two shook, “And a good morning to you as well, I am Stormy Flare.” Stormy said as she introduced herself. As the two sat down, Rarity continued the conversation, “I happen to be a friend of a Wonderbolt, namely the rising star among the Wonderbolt reserves, Rainbow Dash,” she said as she pointed to her friend as she flew by. “And you, friend or family?” she asked. Stormy gave Rarity a smile, but her eyes were focused on the sky as she was scanning for something or maybe someone, “Family. My daughter's the leader of the Wonderbolt, but I don't see Spitfire up there.” She turned from the sky and looked at Rarity, “Do you know her?” she asked her new acquaintances. “Ooh, you're Spitfire's mum?” Rarity asked. It wasn’t an actual question, but proper etiquette required certain questions be asked, she could see the resemblance between Spitfire and Stormy Flare. However she then recalled something, “But I thought you were sick.” Once she saw the confusion on Stormy’s face and before Stormy could ask. “You see Spitfire got a note saying it was from you and that you weren't feeling well, so she left to take care of you.” Stormy was without words, but before she could say anything, “Mrs. Flare?” came the voice of Soarin as he landed right behind the two, “Ma’am aren't you supposed to be sick?” he asked. Stormy shook her head not understanding, “Last I checked, no. I am just as confused as you Soarin, all I know is that I didn't send my daughter a note.” she informed as the other Wonderbolts arrived, surprised to see their SO’s mother then when they had the understanding that she was sick and Spitfire went to take care of her. While everyone was befuddled, it was Rarity that spoke up, “Could somebody have sent Spitfire a fake note?” she asked.  Misty Fly was the next to ask a question, “Who would do such a thing?” it seemed to be the working assumption that the answer to Rarity’s question was yes.  Soarin then mused aloud, “Somebody who wanted her out of the show, I suppose.” he gave the most likely answer. These were all assumptions, but they were better than most. “Why would anybody want that?” Rainbow asked. To most people, it was clear that Rainbow was highly naive. Here Wind provided an answer, glaring at Rainbow as if he was accusing her, “Maybe so you can take her spot.” Shortly after that claim was made, the Wonderbolts gathered in the locker room to discuss the matter. Rainbow was the first to speak, “Me?!” she countered. “I would never do that to Spitfire! Why would you think it was me?” she asked looking from each of the Wonderbolts, one after another.  One of the Wonderbolts was about to say something. However, all the Bolts were cut short. “Before anyone says anything, Rainbow is still a reservist, which means that she’s still a civilian and is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt!” Soarin declared, silencing everyone else before they said anything, “However she would first have to be officially charg-” “What if I could prove my innocence?” Rainbow cut him short. “Then the burden of proof would fall on you?” Fleetfoot pointed out. “And you had opportunity,  you slept in the only other room in that hall and you have motive, to fly with Wind Ryder.” Fleetfoot pointed out. “I am no lawyer, but my dad is and he would say that it would be better for you if we were forced to prove guilt.” “But her innocence can be proven, and the guilty party will be found.” came Rarity’s voice as she walked out from behind a set of curtains in the woman’s trench coat and wide brim hat she placed for display the previous day. “For Detective Rarity is on the case, and I will get to the bottom of this faster than my costume change!” she declared. Everyone just stared at her in various states of bewilderment. Rarity sighed, “I am channeling Shadow Spade through these gorgeous garments, and she would say that the best way to prove that someone is innocent is to find the guilty party.” she stated. Fleetfoot groaned, “My dad’s a criminal defense lawyer and he hates that series all those like it, they erode the legal standard of presumption of innocence, and I have to agree.” If this affected Rarity, she showed no signs as she continued, “First stop – the scene of the crime!” she declared. Everything changed to black and white as the music often used to as background soundtrack for film noir played, as Rarity still in her trench coat, and she was joined by Soarin, who was dressed in a three-piece suit and a short brim fedora and a camera around his neck, “Um why am I here and dress like this?”  Rarity smiled, “Several reasons, 1) I need a model for the men’s attire in my newest line, 2) I need to show the evidence I find to someone, 3)Very great detective needs a sidekick to bounce ideas off of, 4) You need to spice up your wardrobe, and 5) if Rainbow was present, then she might also be accused of tempering the evidence.” she listed off as they arrived in the room Spitfire used. Rarity’s voice was then heard narrating, “There was little time but I was up for the challenge.” Soarin started by taking pictures of the room, even opening draws and taking pictures of the continent. Rarity was looking around as her voice narrated, “There I was, surveying the crime scene, and looking très chic while doing it.” Soon spotted something and tapped Soarin’ shoulder. She then pointed to the item, “This must be the envelope for the letter Spitfire got!” she declared and Soarin took a picture of it before Rarity levitated it. Soaring taking pictures every other second. Rarity held it close to her nose and sniffed it. “Hmm.” she mused. “Soarin, what does this smell like?” Rarity levitated it to Soarin who sniffed it in turn only to gag and stick out his tongue, “Eh, it smells like my dad when he thinks he’s gonna get lucky with a girl younger than me.” he added before covering his mouth so not to lose his last meal. Rarity’s narration took over, “Soarin’s lack of taste in colones aside, we had our first piece of evidence.” Rarity used her magic to open the envelope and shock it as rainbow-colored hair came out. The hair was levitated by Rarity, “These look like hairs from a rainbow-haired person!” Rarity declared. “They look like someone cut them, but why would Rainbow cut her hair and put them in an envelope with a note? She might not be the sharpest tool in the shed at times, but she’s not that stupid.” Soarin pointed out as he took a closer look at the hair, still very much perplexed at the sight.   Rarity smiled as her narration took over, “We were on to something. Two pieces of evidence, but we need more, I to clear Dashie’s good name, and Soarin to bring the person who sent his SO off to justice.” She stopped and looked at the damask curtains that fell out of their velvet rope-holder at the pillar just to the right of Spitfire’s room.  Soarin took a picture of it as he followed Rarity’s gaze, “Someone must have tried to use it as a hiding spot. But they would need to get past the palace guard.” Rarity turned to Soarin, “The other branches may joke about them, but all branches crack jokes at the other’s expense. There’s no way someone could slip past them.” Soarin declared. Only for there suddenly to feel a draft. He turned around and saw that the window’s which curtain was misplace was opened inward. “Of course getting in through here could work.” he corrected and then took a picture. “But that would only work if each of the three guards stationed here last time took their hour rest one right after other,” Soarin informed. “Isn’t that against protocol?” Rarity asked. Soarin shook his head, “As long as two guards are on patrol at a time and each only takes at most one hour of rest, there isn’t a problem. It’s odd though, but all on the up and up. We’ll have to interview the three posted here last night.” “To the barracks!” Rarity declared. The scene changed to the common room of the castle barracks. Across from Soarin and Rarity were three guards, all three were trying to stay awake. Rarity’s narration took over as Soarin took out a notepad and pencil. “Soarin has already briefed me on the patrol procedures, and the three of you are in the clear, however, something caused you three to agree to each take your break one after each other.” Rarity started, “We only need to know what that reason is?” “Somebody brought us a cake.” One of the guards started. “And we each took a turn eating a third of that cake.” Soarin snickered, “So we add cake-eaters to the list.” he chimed as they all turned to him. “Oh don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong, boys, but expect that loophole to close for the rest of us.” he added with a slight chuckle as he underlined ‘cake-eater’ in his notes. Before any of the guards could say anything to Soarin, “What kind of cake was it?” she asked politely, calmly, and diffusively. Another guard answered, “It was cherry with a custard filling.” The third added, “I think it had chocolate frosting.” The first guard then took over, “And I think its base was decorated with buttercream rosettes.” “You mean a donauwellen?” Soarin asked after he finished jotting down what the guard said. The three guards shrugged their shoulders.  Rarity’s narration took over, “Thankfully Dashie wasn’t here, if she was she would be questioning my methods. But I knew what I was doing and Soarin, while happier than he should be about the actions of the Royal Guards, was more focused on solving the case.” Rarity then spoke, “There’s only one bakery in Chantalot that makes donauwellens.” Rarity paused as she turned from Soarin and the guards to the door, “To Cinnamon Chai's Tea and Cake Shop!” she declared.  Sometime later, a storm was in the earliest stages, not enough to close outdoor seating for restaurants, but the storm was starting, which caused the show to be delayed. At that moment, Rarity and Soarin arrived at the bakery in question. The clients were all heading home, leaving a Magicborn woman slightly older than Rarity with an apron, “Hello, how can I help you?” the woman asked.  As Soarin pulled out her notepad and pencil, “Is this Cinnamon Chai’s Tea and Cake Shop I've heard you have the best donauwellen in town!” Rarity announced, “You must be Cinnamon Chai?” she asked. The woman, recently identified as Cinnamon Chai, smiled and nodded “ Ah, you travel in the right circles! We have the only donauwellen in town!” she declared. “But we sold the last one last night and I won’t be able to get the ingredients until tomorrow,” she informed the two new clients. Rarity covered her mouth in shock, “Oh, no!” she gasped. “Pray tell, who was the lucky person?” Rarity asked. Cinnamon Chai rubbed her chin in thought, “I can't even say, it was hard to tell. They were wearing a trench coat, sunglasses, and a scarf around their head that covered most of their face.” Cinnamon paused her story as she cleaned her countertop. This was to give Soarin the time to jot what she said down. “I don’t remember much else but they had a really deep, raspy voice.” she explained before she stopped again and then remembered something else, “You could tell by how they threw a big fit when they accidentally got some of the chocolate ganache on their ivory scarf.” “Thanks, ma’am, that’s all we need,” Soarin said as he put away his notepad and pencil and he headed out.  Rarity sighed as her narration took over, as they left the bakery and the rain was starting to pour, “Soarin was too eager, but our ducks were in a row. Except one.” she stated as a group of ducks walked by the two, the last one quacked. Once the ducks were gone. Rarity’s narration took over, “Rainbow Dash was not going to like it, but there was only one way to find out if my suspicions were correct.” In less than an hour, Rarity and Soarin arrived as lightning cracked, “I have found the culprit!” Rarity declared followed by Soarin. He wanted to protest, but let it go as everyone but Stormy and Wind gasped. Rarity walked deliberately towards Wind Ryder as she spoke, “Somebody sent Spitfire away and framed Rainbow Dash for it. And that somebody was none other than…” She paused before she pointed at Wind Ryder, “Wind Ryder!” she declared as lightning cracked. All but Soarin, Rarity, and Wind Ryder gasped and gave various expressions of shock and surprise. Before anyone could counter Rarity’s accusation, she continued, “All the evidence points to him!” she declared. Everyone stood quiet as Rarity eat up the center of the room, “Let me explain. When I found these rainbow hairs in Spitfire's room but if you look closely you can tell they didn't fall out.” She said as she levitated the rainbow hairs, keeping them in her aura. “They... were cut!” she pointed out. “Nobody loses hair like this. And look at the ends. It's a straight line! They were clearly cut with scissors, which means somebody planted it!” she concluded. Everyone turned to Soarin, who nodded silently. Rarity continued, “Also there, I smelled something on the envelope. Juniper Phoenix, Wind Ryder's cologne of choice!” she added pointing out the scent.  Again everyone looked to Soarin, he nodded confirming that Rarity was truthful. Rarity continued, “Then, in the castle hallway, I noticed some of the damask curtains fell out of their velvet rope-holder, indicating that somebody had been hiding behind them! Perhaps after he dropped off the fake letter?” she asked looking at Wind. Wind Ryder kept silent as he scowled at Rarity. Rarity continued. “And so I question the castle guards! They were at their post at the entrance to the hallway all night, except for a small window of time when someone brought them a cake and the three guards took their breaks one right after the other. A cake that was ordered by someone with a raspy voice! Whoever ordered the cake got a chocolate stain on their ivory scarf,” she listed off the evidence as she walked closer and closer to Wind Ryder. She looked at Wind Ryder’s scarf, “and I couldn't help but notice that your scarf is tied in a tight Windsor knot instead of its usual loose slipknot!” she called attention to the scarf and its knot  “And why is that?” she asked before she undid the knot to reveal the chocolate stain on the scarf. “Is it to hide this chocolate stain?!” She asked rhetorically. The Wonderbolts, save Soarin, gasped, Wind Ryder was about to protest, “Just admit it – you're as guilty of framing Rainbow Dash as you are of ruining that ivory scarf!” she formally accused Wind Ryder. Wind gritted his teeth, fighting the urge to say anything. Rarity continued, striking the hot iron. “And the motive is as obvious as it is infantile, the fear that someone would break your record while you still live!” she declared. Wind’s eyes widen in horror as his mouth hung open slightly, “I heard you when Spitfire said Rainbow Dash was close to breaking your record. You said, and I quote, 'Heh-heh'. That's the polite but disingenuous laugh you make when you want to seem happy but really you're not.” Rarity paused. Everyone turned their focus to Wind Ryder. He looked from one glaring Wonderbolt to another, “I thought if-” he started. “You thought wrong!” Soarin shouted cutting Wind Ryder off, “For framing Rainbow Dash, as the current highest-ranking officer of the Wonderbolts, I hereby strip you of your status as a Wonderbolt, resend your temporary commission as an officer of the ESM and discharge you with dishonor.” He said as closed the distance between him and Wind and grabbed the Wonderbolt pin on his jacket and Soarin tore it off ripping the jacket in the process. “Now if you don’t tell us where you sent Spitfire off to, you’ll be charged with the attempted murder of a senior commissioned officer of the ESM,” Soarin added glaring at Wind all the while.  Wind tried to look away from Soarin, only to see glares from everyone else Wind Rider. He tried to look down but Soarin grabbed his hair and made him look right into Soarin’s eyes. Through gritted teeth, “I don’t recall exactly what I told Spitfire her mother had, but I told her that she needed to get ice iris.” he stated. Everyone but Soarin took a step back. He stepped around Wind Ryder and began to force him away.  While Soarin was showing Wind the door, Rainbow was the first to respond, “No wonder she's been gone so long. Ice irises are almost impossible to find in spring this far south of the Crystal Mountains!” Rainbow then went to one of the windows and opened it. “Spitfire needs to know!” she shouted as she bolted out of the window leaving a rainbow in her wake and in seconds she managed to produce another Sonic Rainboom.  Hours passed and the storm continued to rage, postponing the showing likely to tomorrow. The Wonderbolts and Stormy Flare were pacing. Rarity was the only one at ease sipping tea. Just when a couple of the other bolts were getting ready to leave, a door flung open. Both Rainbow and Spitfire almost fell in, panting and soaking wet. Swiftly Stormy and a couple of the other Wonderbolts rushed over to help them dry off. Soarin spoke, “Wind Ryder sent the message, I’ve already stripped him of his status and decommissioned him.” he informed his superior officer. “Sorry if I overstep.” Spitfire shook her head to dismiss Soarin’s concerns. Soarin then turned to Rainbow, “Well with Wind Ryder discharged, we need you in formation, Dash.” Rainbow’s eyes widened and dilated as her grin grew.   The next day, it was all black and white as Rarity started to narrate as Rainbow flew in the show, “So my friend got her moment in the sun. Or the center of an aerial flower, as the case may be. And as for me? I got a chance to show off my Femme Mystique Chic collection and I have no doubts that it will sell well.” > The Mage Attraction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was midmorning and in an open area just to the north of town proper of Magiville, Applejack was directing her friends and many of the residents of Magiville that lived and worked the farmland of Sweet Apple Temple to construct an elevated stage. While everything creaked and squeaked, everything was coming together. Applejack whistled and everyone stopped and took a break. As the paladin smiled at the sight, Princess Twilight walked up to her, “Wow, Applejack!” she exclaimed very much amazed at work done, “Are you sure you've never managed a concert before?” she asked still very much impressed. Applejack fought back a modest laugh as she rubbed the back of her head, “Well, it turns out doin' up a concert's ain’t that much different than settin' up a rodeo.” the paladin stated. “But we both know the real master mind’s Pinkie, thanks to her we got quite the lineup for…” The paladin trailed off as she didn’t recall what the event she was setting up was called. There were at least a dozen such events if not more since Twilight’s coronation.  “The Helping Hands Music Festival!” came the voice of Pinkie in sort of cross of a shout and a scream as the cotton candy-haired jester ran up to the princess and the pauper. Once she arrived she stopped and started to pant. However, she didn’t allow anyone to ask her anything before she spoke, “I have the most amazing news ever! It is gonna freak your frizz!” she announced. Everyone remained silent as they waited for Pinkie to continue. Pinkie collected herself and got serious, “It wasn't easy. In fact, it was terribly difficult. But I have managed to book the biggest pop star in all of Mystica as the main attraction of the Helping Hands Music Festival!” She declared with a pause. Applejack was about to ask who but stopped herself. The paladin concluded that she would only make a fool out of herself. Pinkie continued, “I have booked the one, the only, Countess Coloratura!” she announced. Everyone gave an ‘Ahhh…’ in utter awe of Pinkie’s accomplishment. Well not everyone, Applejack had no idea who Pinkie was talking about, “Who’s Countess Coloratura?” the paladin asked. Everyone stopped and gasped as if the paladin had spoken blasphemy and turned to her with mouth open in stupidity.  After a solid second, Pinkie was first to speak with her right eye slightly closed unsure how to approach the subject, “How-how-how-how-how have you not heard of her?!” Pinkie asked, voicing the confusion she and all the others had. The farmer shrugged her shoulders. “Ah don’t know of a countess, but Ah did know a gal named Coloratura when Ah was just a girl.” She couldn’t help but laugh with a slight snort at the absurdity of a notion she thought of, “Wouldn't it just be the funniest thing if that Coloratura and this Coloratura were the same Coloratura?” she asked she whipped a tear from the corner of her right eye and finished with a “Heh.” Pinkie looked squarely at the paladin with her eyes squinted and a slight scowl forming, “Do you mean to tell me that you actually know Countess Coloratura?” she asked as if her friend could have saved her a few headaches. Applejack took a step back, “Well, Ah don't think it's the same person,” the paladin pointed out, “My friend wasn't a countess, or at least she never professed to be.” Pinkie took out a piece of paper and some pens of different colored ink and in less than a second drew a yellow five-pointed star with (going from the upper left corner clockwise) a green, orange, red, blue, and purple eighth note. She then showed it to her friend. “Well, dip me batter and call me a fritter, that’s my friend Coloratura’s very aura mark!” Applejack confirmed Pinkie’s suspicions.  Pinkie then grabbed Applejack by her shoulders and lifted her into the air, “Do you have any idea the number of hoops I had to jump through to get her to perform at the festival?!” she asked her rhetorical question as she shook the paladin very much annoyed at all the work she had to do that could have been avoided if only, or so she thought. Applejack shook her head after Pinkie was done shaking her. “A whole lot of hoops!” she finished before she threw Applejack into their four closest friends. “That girl is very demanding!” Pinkie finished before she sat down and gave an exhausted huff. After getting back to their feet, Rarity was the first to speak, electing to affirm Pinkie’s statement, “I completely understand.” she started. She then used her hand to brush back her hair before twisting her neck to give her air some air, “We artistes require certain necessities to do our best work.” Applejack looked into the space right in front of her head as she shook it, “That doesn’t sound like Rara at all.” she stated. “Rara?!” Everyone asked in utter bewilderment. Not only did Applejack know Countess Coloratura, but she also had a nickname for her. Applejack could only shrug her shoulders at first, “Rara never really like the name her partners gave it, it was too long, sounded like they were trying too hard to be fancy and it had too many syllables yah can trip over, so I came up with Rara. She’s the first person to call me AJ.”  Rarity reached into one of the hidden pockets of her gown, “I sense a memory to share.” the enchantress said as she found the group’s memory gem. She handed it to Applejack.  The paladin placed it on her forehead and from her eyes came the projection of a memory. It was of her about the same age as Apple Bloom with another Earthborn girl. The other girl had moderate opal eyes, and her hair was dark grayish indigo with dark indigo and moderate opal highlights. Both were dressed in one-piece swimsuits as they ran along a short wooden pier before jumping into a lake, with a lot of other children about the same age. As the scene panned around, it looked like it was at the very least a day camp for children. “Ooow Camp Friendship!” Rarity almost squealed, “My first actual fashion show was there.” she reminisced with a blissful sigh. Applejack cleared her throat. “Sorry, this is about you and …” Rarity trailed before she gasped and took the gem back from Applejack. The paladin bit her tongue, “Fluttery, Dashie, Pinkie, don’t you remember the girl that Applejack performed, ‘Mystica, the land I love’ with?” the enchantress asked, ending the projection. Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie held their chins in thought for the better part of a second before their eyes widened in shock at the revolution. “That was Rara?” Pinkie and Rainbow all but shouted.  Fluttershy gave a more restrained, “Ow” at first before she spoke up, “I remember her now, she had the most beautiful voice, she discovered her aura mark while performing that song.” The druid added. This was followed by the Rainbow and Pinkie each giving an ‘oh’ of recalling. Fluttershy then to Applejack, “what happened to her?” she asked. Applejack lowered her head and shook it, “We wrote for a bit but…” the paladin trialed off before giving a huff full of regret. “... we lost touch.” She then raised her head with a slight smile, “But Rara always did want to go to Manahattan to try and make it big.” She informed her friends with what she recalled from the exchanges. However, she had to commit. “But a demandin' diva, that just doesn’t sound like Rara at all.” Pinkie however turned from her friends and gasped. “She's here!” she shouted. Everyone turned in the direction Pinkie was looking. Approaching them, they saw a small group of eight men dressed in torn leather trousers and open leather sleeveless vests with steel studs, carrying a bizarre litter, it looked like a bronze pyramid-like egg in the center with four carrying poles with two men at each carrying pole. When they got about ten meters away from the stage and the crowd of the crew gathered to construct the stage, the eight men stopped and the egg opened up and became a platform with a throne in the center. The back of the throne was slightly shorter than the thrones in The Castle of Friendship’s throne room with Rara’s Aura mark with a woman that seemed to be the same age as Applejack. She was dressed in leather much like the men, but her clothes were not torn and she wore no vest but a high collar purple jacket, on the back was Rara’s aura mark. Over the woman’s face was a thin black veil and her hair was dyed light gray with purple streaks.  All, save Applejack, were in transfixed awe as Rara strutted down the steps of her litter and towards the stage. The paladin was just flabbergasted. Shortly followed by not only the litter bearers but by a man that appeared to be in his late thirties and was dressed in an almost shining dark blue three-piece business suit. He had light brown eyes and his hair, once pink, had grayed. On his face was a set of glasses that only needed the bridge of the nose to balance. The man in the suit broke away, “Where is Miss Pie?” he asked as he looked around. Pinkie then stretched and was right in front of the man in less than a second with a cart right behind her, “Right here, Mr. Svengali.” She then turned to the cart and began pointing to the items on it, “Here is the Rainbow Fall water in twenty glass containers, with straws.” She pointed to a collection of a score of glasses with the rainbow-colored water unique to Rainbow Falls. “Floral arrangements from the royal Chantalot gardens,” she then pointed to a collection of flowers. She then pointed to a platter of eclairs, “Chocolate éclairs made by the greatest harpy pastry baker in Mystica Gustave le Grand.” She then stepped around and pointed to an assortment of crystals, “A selection of crystals from the Crystal Empire.” She then pointed to two bowls of cherries, one with red cherries and the other with yellow. “And freshly picked cherries from Cherry Jubilee's farm separated red from yellow.” The recently identified Svengali blinked thrice as he tried to take it all in as he barely managed to keep his jaw from dropping. “Go ahead, ask me for a cup of Ork handmade Yakyakistan vanilla ice cream made from yak milk, I’d be back with a gallon before you finished the last syllable!” the typically cheerful jester seemed to dare with deadly seriousness. Svengali shut his eyes, coughed, and cleared his throat. “Well, by some miracle, the requests have been reasonably met. So let us move on…” he trailed off as he saw Applejack approach Coloratura. Rara was still looking at the stage before she heard a throat being cleared. She turned and saw, “AJ?” she asked as she looked at the paladin. “It's been ages. Nice tan.” she complimented or at least tried to. Applejack laughed softly, “Yeah, working in the field will do that.” Applejack tried to joke. “It’s been a while. So you go by ‘Countess’ now, Rara?” She asked. There was a small plea in her heart that all she was seeing was something more akin to one of Rarity’s more elaborate dresses than Twilight’s coronation. Rara had her soft laugh. She beamed to her friend from under her veil, “You’re not gonna believe it, but it’s not just a stage title, I really am a countess.” Rara then paused for a second and spoke again before Applejack could voice a response. “Well technically I should be a duchess, but Duchess Coloratura just doesn’t have that…je ne sais quoi that Countess Coloratura has. Also one of my ancestors gave up a fair amount of the lands to the Church as an act of penance, which shrunk the holdings from a duchy to a county, and Princess Celestia did demote him from duke to count.” Applejack smiled, “Well, maybe you’ll be able to move into that county.” she suggested to her friend. Rara shook her head, “The current mayor has been doing such a good job. She doesn’t need me breathing down her back.”  Before Applejack could question her friend further, “Excuse me!” came the angry and defensive voice of Svengali. “But who are you?” he asked Applejack, squinting at her as she was some used chewing gum he saw on the ground just before he stepped on it. Applejack was about to answer, but Rara placed her hand on the paladin’s shoulder, “This is my childhood friend, AJ!” Rara answered with a degree of cheer as she introduced Applejack to her agent. “We had so much fun back at Camp Friendship. She’s the one that came up with my first stage name, ‘Rara’!” Svengali squinted as if to deride his client, however, he elected a different choice of words, “Oh, yes” he said as he raised his head in slight disgust, “how cute and... common.” he added with a pause between the word ‘and’ and ‘common’. He then shut his eyes and place his right hand on the center of his chest. “Of course, I was the one that started calling you ‘Countess’,” he said before opening his eyes and throwing his arms up and out, “and just look at how you've moved up in Mystica since then!” was his declaration. As he lowered his arms he looked squarely at Rara but something in his tone told Applejack was that it was the farm girl that he was talking to. “Why, you've got everything you've ever wanted! Especially the requests for your attendance at this event.” He said as he stepped to the side and pointed to the stand with the requests. Before Rara could say anything, “Now to uphold our end, to the rehearsal!” Svengali declared as he guided Rara to the stage. Applejack sighed before she rejoined her friends, namely Rarity. She looked at the mobile cart that Pinkie put together with all of the requests, “Pinkie's right, Rarity,” the paladin acknowledged. “The Rara I knew didn't hide behind a veil, sippin' up imported water, and needin' her cherries separated.” Rarity tried to smile supportively, “Oh, I do understand. Sometimes it's hard to see our friends change.” she tried to ease her friend’s sentiments. Applejack could only give Rarity a faint version of her usual bemused look. Rarity placed her right on the paladin’s shoulder. “Trust me. Once you see Countess Coloratura perform, you simply won't believe it!” she declared before they all turned to the stage. Everyone watched as most of the stage lights turned off and then several turned on and off several times with the focus on the stairway that went zigzag down in the center from the back to the front. Rara started to strut down the stair as the music began to play and she started to sing, “Time for the spectacle Time for the show The lights are bright and the colors glow I'm not just anybody I think you know The time is now, it's about to blow!” as Rara reach the end of the stairs, the major lights turned off and the pyrotechnics at the front went off. Once the pyrotechnics ended, the main lights returned to show that at the wings of the stage were the men that carried her litter. They were background dancers and beyond their gyrations with the beat, did not contribute much to the performance. “Razzle dazzle Glitz and glam Turn it all up, it's a spectacle.” Then the stage was covered by a massive puff of smoke that cleared swiftly. As the smoke cleared, the light show startup with as narrow beams of lights shot around the stage, “Razzle dazzle Glitz and glam Turn it all up, it's a spectacle Give me more Razzle dazzle Glitter eyes, big surprise Lights, cameras.” Just then all the background dancers stopped dancing as they all kneeled and from gems word on the necks of each of the background dancers a beam was sent into Rara’s throat as she began to vocalize an ‘Ah’. The beams seemed to be part of a spell that was correcting her pitch. Once she was finished vocalizing, Rara continued to sing with the corrected pitch, “Razzle dazzle Glitz and glam Turn it all up, it's a spectacle Hear the applause Here to impress Not just somebody, I am the Countess!” The lights on the stage all turn off and everyone, save one farmer, began to cheer at the performance. Rarity turned to her friend after the song. The paladin was left speechless, but it wasn’t because she was impressed. Rarity had seen many different expressions of disappointment, many in her mirror and the farmer’s face wouldn’t hide it. Rarity gave a weak apologetic laugh, “Perhaps not my best choice of words.” Applejack only lowered her head and shook it.  As Rara stepped down from the stage, Svengali applauded the singer, “Oh, my shining star!” he declared as he closed the distance. He then placed his left hand on his chest and shut his eyes with a false modest smile, “Thanks to the sparkling costumes, dazzling choreography, and brilliant vocal effects that I designed, your performance was spectacular Countess Coloratura!” he added with a slight bow. Rara gave a short laugh, “Thank you, Svengali!” she declared as she walked over to the cart and started to drink the Rainbow Falls water. The paladin turned to her enchantress friend, “Correct mah if Ah'm wrong here, but that Sven-feller didn't actually compliment Rara. He was complimentin' all the bells and whistles he's piled on to make her ‘Countess Coloratura’.”  Rarity was about to counter, pointing out the interstices, and how each component that Svengali brought to the table made a Countess Coloratura performance what it is. However, one look from her oldest friend’s face summed all the farmer’s thoughts up and Rarity long ago had to recognize a lost battle well before it was fought. After a second of the gears in her mind turning in an attempt to find an explanation, “Perhaps a more modest approach would garner a wider and more acquiescible audience.” the enchantress elected as the middle ground. After Coloratura finished the water she was drinking and she turned to Svengali, “Oh, if we're all done here, I'd love to go back to my trailer and rest, Svengali.” she said before she started to drink the next bottle. Applejack saw the left corner of Svengali’s mouth slightly rise and drop and could have easily been missed if one blinked. Before anyone said anything, Pinkie, arrived with a clipboard. She turned the top paper, “Actually, right now you're scheduled for your meet and greet with the schoolchildren!” the planner informed Rara and Svengali as they were joined, silently, by the paladin. Svengali took the clipboard and looked it over. He sighed before he returned it, almost shoving it into Pinkie’s chest. He turned to Rara, “We have traveled a long way to be here, and you just gave an impassioned rehearsal, perhaps postponing the meeting with the schoolchildren, Countess…” he began to counter, but trailed off as he finished saying ‘Countess’. Coloratura put her drink down and glared at Svengali through her vale. She lifted her left hand and cut the air in front of her with her arm, “Absolutely not. That’s my favorite part of any event!” she declared. Applejack then made her presence known as she placed her right hand on Rara’s right shoulder. “The kids’ll be so happy to hear that, Rara!” the paladin confirmed leading her old friend in the direction of the school-aged kids. Svengali just squinted with a small frown as he was left on the stage. About an hour later, outside of the Magiville schoolhouse in the school’s playground, Coloratura was seated with the Magiville school-age children. “Magiville students! As part of the Helping Hands Music Festival, I'm holding a contest where some of you will get a chance to sing with me on stage at the concert tomorrow!” Coloratura announced to the children. “Sound fun?” she asked in addition to a ring in her voice. Her veil didn’t hide the massive beam that formed as all the children cheered at the prospect of singing with her (even Sweetie Belle). “Alright!” she declared. Applejack watched the scene as Rara interacted with the schoolchildren a few meters away from the actual schoolyard. The paladin didn’t bother to fight the raising of both corners of her lip. “Now that's more like the Rara I remember.”  Applejack’s smile ended far too soon as she heard Pinkie’s voice saying “But…” with a slight trailing off. It was somewhat distant, a couple of dekameters away, and weak. Like the party, the planner was dealing with an irritable customer. Applejack turned and with swift strides witnessed Pinkie speaking with Svengali, “... I got everything you requested!” Pinkie said as Applejack arrived. Svengali shook his head as he crossed his arms in front of him, “That was for Countess Coloratura!” he declared before he dropped his arm, “This is for me!” he added as he pointed to his chest with his right index finger. “And what I want is premium oats!” he ordered. Pinkie smiled as she pulled out a platter with something that looked a lot like the wheat after it was removed from the stock, “Oh! Well, we have lots of tasty oats right here in Magiville!” she informed, as her eyes dilated in joy. Svengali squinted at the offering of the wheat-like crop before he adjusted his glasses and returned his gaze to Pinkie, “I don’t want that chicken feed.” he said, his tone was saturated not with anger, but with disappointment. “I want the real stuff, Appleloosan oats,” he said plainly as he turned from Pinkie and looked at the area where the festival was going to be housed, Sweet Apple Temple’s farm grounds. “And as it appears that apples will be omnipresent in the festival, five hundred pre-peeled, pre-cored apples, and I want them in twenty-four hours,” he said and started to walk away. Pinkie reached out and grabbed his left arm, “I know that I can complete any task the plot needs me to, but that’s just excessive!” she declared, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as if pleading for Svengali to at the least change his demands to something much more reasonable. Svengali turned and with what appeared to be no effort freed himself from Pinkie’s hold. He closed his eyes and took a breath, “Ms. Pie, as per our contract I am entitled to two requests which you are to provide. Now failure to meet those demands is a violation of the contract that we signed. Failure to meet my two requests means that I will have to pull her ladyship out of this…” he paused as he took off his glasses and took out of one of his pockets a piece of cloth to clean them. “...charity show. Feel free to consult an attorney as you re-review the contract. Just remember, you are the one on the ticking clock.” Once he finished speaking, he finished cleaning his glasses and place them back on. “Good day, Ms. Pie.” he added before he left. Pinkie’s knees started to go weak, but before she knew it she felt the sturdy arms and body of her closest Earthborn friend. Pinkie turned to face the farmer and buried her face into AJ’s shoulder, “Svengali just made all of these new demands and he said—” Pinkie tried to say but was stopped by Applejack. “I heard, Pinkie.” Applejack said as she rubbed her friend’s back. “But don't you fret. I'll talk to Rara and fix things right up,” she said before they broke and Pinkie went to get the oats and apples Svenagli requested.  Applejack silently sighed as she went back to the schoolyard, where she was almost tackled by her little sister, as the younger farm girl was followed by Rara, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. “Did'ja see, sis?! Did'ja see?!” Apple Bloom asked her sister. Before Applejack was able to answer, “Is this the little sister you wrote to me about, AJ?” Rara asked. “Hold on, AJ.” Apple Bloom denied the chance to answer the question, “You wrote to Countess Coloratura about me?!” Rara answered the question for her friend of old, “AJ said you were the best little sister ever, Apple Bloom!” this left all of the Cutie Mage Crusaders with their jaws hanging open and eyes wide. Applejack shut Apple Bloom’s mouth, “Alright now, you'd best get along, little ones, you still have classes.” she reminded the trio and they left for the schoolhouse and their next class. Once the three were out of earshot. Applejack turned to Rara,  she took a breath, she felt a pit in her gut, but this had to be done, Pinkie worked hard plenty to get Rara here. “Hey, Rara, mind if I talk to you about your manager?” she asked after a second of thought. Rara smiled and nodded. Applejack rubbed the back of her neck with her right hand, “Well, while you were meetin' with the school kids, he was demandin' all sorts of stuff from Pinkie Pie.” Applejack informed. Rara smiled as she shook her head, “Svengali works very hard as my manager, AJ, so if he needs some things when we're on the road, I don't see anything wrong with that. He’s earned them after all.” the songstress pointed out. Applejack wanted to counter, but she knew she couldn’t on that point. She didn’t agree with all the bells and whistles that seemed to define a Countess Coloratura performance, but an honest’s day work was an honest’s day work. After a little thought, “Well, do you see somethin' wrong with him tellin' Pinkie that if she doesn't get those things by tomorrow, he'd pull you from our charity festival?” Rara’s veil didn’t hide the widening of her eyes, “What?” she asked not believing what she just heard. She dipped her head slightly and shook it at first, “But he knows how important this is to me, and leaving the festival would completely ruin my image!” as she finished she raised her head back up and looked squarely at Applejack refusing to trust such slander levied at her manager. Applejack was not moved and continued to press her argument, “I'm afraid Svengali doesn't give a pickled pippin about your charity work.” she accused Svengali. “That's not true!” Rara all but shouted back, defending her manager from such a found-less accusation, “Svengali has always supported me in all my interests. You're just saying those things because you're jealous!” she levied her own accusation at the paladin. Why else would one she was so close with once be so adamant about ending a relationship she knew little about? Applejack felt a series of nerves being slashed. She felt many things, but jealousy was rarely among them. “Jealous of what?” she almost lashed back in a rhetorical question. “A gal who hides behind a veil so thick she can't see when someone's usin' her?” she asked as she mocked the lifting of Rara’s veil and let it flop back down. “No, I'm not jealous of that, Rara!” she tried to solidify her point.  Coloratura raised her head as if she was turning her nose up at Applejack and with a pose and proper voice, concerned to be expected of actual nobility, “I am not Rara! I am Countess Coloratura!” she declared, with shut eyes. This hick was beneath her, she always was and she always will be, no matter what bond they had as children. “And while we may have been friends when we were young, we have clearly gone in different directions!” As she spoke she opened her eyes slightly, but they seemed to burn as if what she saw before her was trash littered right in front of her. Applejack felt her heart race and what could be her blood boil. However, she realized that she should not have hammered the point and her recent denial, while true, had not helped matters. Especially since Rara was not the one that she was angry at and lashing out at her would do even more harm than good. Yet Applejack would not let the Countess have the last word. After she exhaled through her nose, she shut her eyes and shook her head, “Yeah, Ah guess we have,” she said, and then with a bow that looked as mockingly as it felt, “Mi-lady.” she added before she raised herself back up and without flaw spun around and walked away. The next day, in the kitchen of the Sweet Apple Temple living quarters, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith were helping Pinkie peel and core the apple Svengali ordered. Well, less so Applejack. The paladin was still vexed about Svengali and his actions, “It just ain't right!” she finally shouted as she threw onto the table the apple she was coring with the corer. “He's manipulatin' her, and she's just not seein' it!” she added bringing her hands down on the table. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith carried on as if nothing happened. It was only Pinkie that responded, first with a sigh and then spoke, “I know the story wants me to ask you to stop stewin', and do more peelin' but I move at the speed of the plot. So screw the time barrier, WARP TEN, SCOTTY!!!” Pinkie shouted in a blink of an eye all the remaining apples were peeled and cored and the only evidence of labor was a bead of sweat on Pinkie’s forehead. Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith’s eyes widen at the result and all three lowered their jaws as if to ask a question. “It’s me, don’t question it.” Pinkie stated and the three other Apples just shrugged and carried on. Applejack sat back down, rested her left elbow on the table and her forehead in her left hand, “I’m sorry, Pinkie for letting myself get so worked up over Rara-” but before she could continue. “Then go and fight for friendship, you stupid girl.” Granny cut her off, “If yah think that Svengala-whats-or-other is using her, then don’t just sit there like the apples we just cored and get that worm out.” the sage continued. “Dag nab it, AJ,” she muttered to herself as she walked away. Everyone else turned to face Applejack. The paladin silently got up and left. About an hour later, Applejack arrived at the stage as Rara was directing several of the background dancers as they fine-tuned everything on the stage. Applejack knew that if she wanted Rara to see the truth, she would have to be the first to yield. Once Rara had finished, “Countess Coloratura!”  Applejack called out. Rara turned to see her old friend, “Wow, AJ, you said my real name.” Applejack could feel the want to refute what she heard climb up her throat, not unlike a swig of bad cider. Yet she bit her lip and her tongue. She could not afford to reopen yesterday’s wounds, at least not yet. “I know you believe that Svengali would never do anything to tarnish the image you want to set for yourself. But since I have made that accusation, I have to be able to prove it.”  Rara’s scowl was not hidden by the veil. Rara took a breath before she answered, “And when you have failed to prove your accusation before I get on stage tonight, you will publically declare that you have falsely accused Svengali and you would publicly request his forgiveness and you will perform whatever action he deems to be sufficient for atonement.” the Countess declared her terms. Applejack knew she wasn’t going to get a better offer, “As you wish, I just need you to do exactly what I say and my accusation will be proven or not.” Applejack accepted the terms. Two hours later, Applejack and her friends were going over the stage and the props once more, “Svengali!” Rara called out, not unlike a noble summoning a footman. Svengali didn’t need more than one call for a summons and arrived within seconds. “Yes, Countess. Do you need something?” he asked her as he got on the stage. Rara shut her eyes and took her breath, she felt a tear in her spine. She wanted to tell him that this is a test, that he had been accused of effectively going behind her back. But she knew if she told him that, Applejack could, and rightly, claim she sabotaged everything. “I was considering canceling the school children contest.” She stated. The smile was far from hidden on Svengali’s face. “Countess, this is wonderful!” he declared with gree. I've been waiting forever for you to cancel that pointless contest.” Rara remained silent and tried to remained unmoved as Svengali continued. “You do it at every charity event, and it does absolutely nothing to promote the Countess Coloratura image that we have built!” the glee in his voice was unmistakable. However, Svengali was able to drop his excitement and with a bow, “Consider it canceled.” he stated. Once he rose from his bow, “Pinkie Pie!” he called. Pinkie arrived as if teleported, “Yes, Svengali, sir!” she said. Svengali then started to walk away from Rara as he placed a hand on Pinkie’s shoulder. “We are making some adjustments to the show. Come with me.”After Svengali and Pinkie got off stage and went backstage, everyone stopped and followed. All remaining silent. Once Svegali thought he was far enough he stopped. He turned to face Pinkie as he took off his glasses and cleaned them. “There has been a change in plans,” he said before he put his glasses back on, “Cancel the contest for the kids and schedule me a spa treatment.” He ordered. He turned from Pinkie and looked up and cracked his neck, “Now that I don't have to oversee a rehearsal with those brats, I have time for the works!” he declared with a sigh of relief. He turned back to Pinkie, “You know the drill! Deliver on the contract, or the diva ditches your dippy charity!” he declared and started to leave. Unbeknownst to him, Princess Twilight Sparkle was recording the event with a recording gem. Once he was back on stage, “Okay, Countess Coloratura, all taken care of!” he said as he approached Rara with a grin that could not be hidden and his eyes closed. However he then heard his voice loader than he expected say, “You know the drill! Deliver on the contract, or the diva ditches your dippy charity!” Svengali opened his eyes and turned to see his conversation with Pinkie projected to the backdrop of the stage from a bird’s eyes view. He followed the projection beam to a gem in the hands of Princess Twilight as the demigod hovered above. Before he could say anything, “I spoke out for you, I defended you, I even ordered that my friend would have to do anything you deem once her accusation was proven false because I knew you wouldn’t do anything that could reflect poorly on me.” Rara stated her tone matching her tone when she gave Applejack her term. “And you’ve been using my name to intimidate people, threatening charities that I would pull out because not everything is as you want it. Is this how you've been managing things?” it was all she could do to not spit in disgust. Svengali waited a couple of seconds before he spoke, adjusting her glasses slightly. His face was almost expressionlist, “It is rather easy for venues to abuse an artists,” he spoke flatly and plainly. “and being a manager for one of the most indemand singers requires alot of work, planing, logisitis and so much more.” he added pointing out a few of the facts that seemed to be lost on Rara. “And that’s not address that according to our contract, if I need something to help make my job easier I am permitted to get it. Feel free to consult an attorney to review it.” he added as his lips couldn’t help themselves into forming a smug grin.  Rara pulled out of her purple jacket a copy of their contract. This caused Svengali’s grin to vanish and his eyes to widen. Rara then flipped through the pages, and stopped and point to a highlighted clause,“And it says right here, well parapharsed into legal jurgen, that  your requests cannot be made in bad faith, and one example of such,” she stopped and flipped a few more pages, “is to mislead a representative of a venue of my intends.” she read another highligted clause before pointing to it. Svengali didn’t reach to take the contract for himself to read. He already knew it, “I would never cancel the contest with the school children. If you think that, then you never understood me.” Rara wanted to shout, but was calm as she threw back her veil. She looked squarely at Svengali. Her throat tightned for a second and then losened, “You’re fired, Svengali.” she said. Her tone was not at the level of Princess Celestia, but it rang with the wieght and authority of the arisocraty of yore. Svegali huffed, “I’m the one that found you in the streets of Manahatten, I’m the one that discovered that you are a countess, I’m the one that made this all happen.” He said as he flung his arms wide open to all that was around them. “You were barely rubbing two bits together when I found you.” he added cutting at the core of his client. “What can you even do without me?” he asked. Rara didn’t flinch, she didn’t react. She looked at him and in a tone that hinted to no spefic emotion, “That will not be your concern, Svengali.” she said. She then turned to her left and called out, “SECURITY!!!” “That wouldn’t be necessary.” Svenagli said as he turned and started for the stairs off the stage, “You couldn’t make me stay in this backwater if you tied me to a tree, I am taking the next train out of here. Good luck without me, Countess Coloratura!” he shouted back as he headed back into town and the train station. “I won’t need it!” Rara called back, refusing to let Svengali have the last word, “I have someone that truely understands me and will be there for me for all that lies ahead!” Svengali only increased his pace, with nothing that he can say. As Rara’s former manager left their sights, “I’ll be okay for the concert tonight!” she assurted. “The show must go on!” Later that night, almost twenty minutes before the show was about to start, Rara was in most of the costume that Rarity had made for the show. The only thing missing was the headpiece. However, Rara was pacing back and forth in fear and regret, “Oh, my gosh, Rarity, Svengali's right! This is gonna be a disaster! I'm gonna be terrible!” As Rara continued to pace back and forth in her panic, Rarity’s face was shifting red and her nostrils were flaring as the headpiece remained in her hands. Applejack placed her right hand on the fashionista's right shoulder, “Can you give us a minute, Rares?” Rarity placed the headpiece down and nodded before she left. Applejack didn’t miss the relieved smile that grew on her oldest friend’s lips as she left. Once Rarity was gone,  Applejack forced Rara back into the make-up chair and sat down next to her, “Now, why's it gonna be so terrible?” she asked. Rara looked around the room, trying to find something that wasn’t. “Because Svengali was in charge of everything! The lights, the visuals, the sound! Without Svengali, I have nothing!” she worked herself up and was about to get out of the chair. Applejack softly placed both of her hands on Rara’s shoulders and eased the songstress back into the chair. “Now, now, don't go gettin' yourself into a tizzy there, Rara.” the paladin tried to calm her friend. With Rare back in the chair, the paladin gave a soft smile to her friend as she pulled back her left hand, “Svengali turned you into Countess Coloratura and acted like your friend so he could enjoy the perks that came with bein' with a star.” Applejack pointed out. Rara dipped her head and gave a silent sigh. Applejack continued, “But the real perk of friendship is gettin' to see your friend bein' true to their self. And Rara,” Applejack placed her free hand under Rara’s chin and raised her friend’s face, “when you're simply yourself, you're the brightest star I've ever seen shine.” The paladin said with the sound of comfort. “Besides, all that’s glitz and glam don’t mean a  thing without someone to sing the song.” she finished. Rara smiled and nodded.  Fifteen minutes later, Princess Twilight hovered 30 centimeters above the stage as she touched her throat and caused her vocal cords to glow, “Good evening, everybody!” she said loud enough for all to hear and without a need to shout, “Welcome to the opening night of the Helping Hands Music Festival! Now it is my great honor to introduce you to our headlining act.” Twilight paused for a brief second before she announced, “Countess Coloratura!” and as she hovered off of the stage the crows cheered the arrival of Countess Coloratura. The curtains parted and revealed Rara in a black shirt and shorts with a transparent skirt that went down to her ankles. Her hair was no longer dyed and was its original color and breaded to her right side and rested over her right should. She stood next to a grand piano with a microphone close to the center. She smiled as she took the microphone and spoke, “Good evening everyone. A lot of you might have noticed the absence of much of the…” she paused for a second, “Well, stuff that I’ve used in most of my shows. The reason is because I need to do something that’s totally different, and yer very familiar.” She pauses as she allowed members of the audience to express their confusion. After a second she spoke, “Once you hear this song, you’ll understand,” she placed the microphone back and took the seat. She took a silent breath and began to play. After twelve seconds she started to sing, “I'm here to show you who I am Throw off the veil, it's finally time There's more to me than glitz and glam, oh-whoa And now I feel my stars align For I had believed what I was sold I did all the things that I was told But all that has changed, and now I'm bold 'Cause I know That I am just a magi I make mistakes from time to time But now I know the real me And put my heart out on the line And let the magic in my heart stay true Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa And let the magic in my heart stay true Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa Just like the magic inside of you And now I see those colors Right before my eyes I hear my voice so clearly And I know that it is right They thought I was weak, but I am strong They sold me the world, but they were wrong And now that I'm back, I still belong 'Cause I know That I am just a magi I make mistakes from time to time But now I know the real me And put my heart out on the line And let the magic in my heart stay true Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa And let the magic in my heart stay true Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa Just like the magic inside of you Just like the magic inside of you…” As she sang her aura mark glowed and the sound of an entire orchestra was heard alongside her piano work and song and once she finished the crowd exploded in cheers. A smile grew on her lips. She was right, the show would go on. She took the microphone back and got off the piano bench before she turned to face the audience. She then spoke, “Thank you, everybody! When I arrived at the Helping Hands Music Festival, I had forgotten who I really was! But then an old friend reminded me what real friendship is about, and she told me that if I was true to myself, I couldn't go wrong! So I have a very special surprise for her. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, come on up!” and the CMC walked onto the stage. “Actually, we don’t want to be here.” Sweetie Belle took the microphone and started. “Yeah, we entered because we heard stories about your friendship with Applejack and we thought that she would like to be here for this number.” Scootaloo joined in. “COME ON UP, SIS!” Apple Bloom completed with a shout as she held up her late mother’s guitar. Applejack beamed as she got up on the stage and accepted the guitar from her sister as the CMC got off stage. “It’s been a while, Rara, you sure you remember the lyrics?” the paladin asked as she made sure her guitar was tuned. Rara snickered, “Better than you remember the music, AJ.” The two laughed and Applejack started to play the guitar. Rara took a breath and started to sing the old camp sang, “Mystica, the land I love A land of harmony Our flag does wave from high above For magikind to see Mystica, a land of friends Where magikind do roam They say true friendship never ends Mystica, my home.” Once Rara ended the song the crowd cheered as she and Applejack took a bow.