• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 771 Views, 264 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 6: Universal Collapse

“You managed to get four tickets?” Sunset Shimmer held up the airplane tickets in her hand.

“Yeah, but sorry, they didn’t have any flights to Germany…” Pinkie kicked at a loose pebble on the walking path and gave them her best smile. “The best we could get was this flight to the UK. From there, we can take a boat over to the Netherlands before crossing over to Germany.”

“I still can’t believe we’re going…” Fuchsia Blush sighed and shoved her backpack higher up her shoulder. “Just kill me now…”

The group was currently standing in a Chinese Ninja Garden path in Canterlot Airport, waiting for time to pass. Sunset had been very impressed with how they managed to make it look like they were in a different country, at least in this little garden area. There was even a small stream with round stepping stones in it to get to the other side. There were also some garden gnomes that were designed to look like shinobi. Lawn ninjas.

Summer Shine watched as Cajole Joyride picked up a fallen blade of grass and stuffed it in his mouth. He now looked like one of those samurai guys, except he lacked the wide hat. She forgot what it was called.

“I might not have a Stand, but you can bet that if a Stand shows up, I’m gonna beat it up with my own two fists!” Prism Dash pumped her hands up as she did a little cheer atop one of the garden’s larger boulders.

“Celldweller thinks you have too much confidence,” Fuchsia mumbled. “Confidence is arrogance. If you feel cocky, there’s something you don’t know.” She went back to eating the cookie she had bought at the airport bakery. “Bleh. This is so dry.”

“Well, I haven’t seen your Stand do anything better,” Prism challenged.

“Now now, we’re not here to compare Stands,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Remember your mission, Prism. You’ve got to work as a team, or the enemy has already won.”

“Wow, surprisingly sage-like of you, Dash.” Jostle Joyride flexed an arm, then put the other one behind the back. “You’re like a fine wine, you get better with age.”

“Why, thank you- wait, doesn’t wine turn into vinegar when you leave it for too long?” Rainbow demanded. “Are you calling me a sourpuss?”

“Well, I didn’t go that far. But let’s hope you don’t get there.”

There was a moment of silence that was broken by the sound of Fuchsia throwing her half eaten cookie into the trash.

“Worst. Bakery. Ever.”

“Is this really our best plan?” Summer asked. She wanted to be sure of their plan. “What if we’re not good enough?”

“Sushi, listen, you’ll be okay.” Sunset wrapped her arms around her daughter. “They’ll keep coming, and trust me, they won’t beat us. We’ll hold them off while you find out where they’re heading this operation and take them out. Those Nugget People cannot wake up.”

“See, that’s a lot of pressure, mom.” Summer looked at her friends. “Do none of you feel that?”

Fuchsia shrugged and rolled her eyes, Prism nodded vigorously and Cajole gave her a confident flex of an arm.

“We’ve got to try, Sushi,” Cajole tried to reassure her. “If we don’t do anything, Weather Alternate will awaken the Nugget People and we’re gonna be in some big soup.”

“I don’t think that’s how the expression goes.” Pinkie rubbed her chin.

“Doesn’t matter. What matters is that our children will be heroes once this is over.” Jostle pulled the four of them in for a group hug. “You kids, stay safe. And show ‘em who’s boss.”

“And don’t worry about us. We’ll hold things down here.” Rainbow Dash gave them a thumbs up. “Whatever these goons send at us, we’ll send them right back. In pieces!”

“We’ll give them their just desserts!” Pinkie licked her lips. “Ooh, dessert. Now I want some cake!”

“Just you wait, mom, we’ll have an even better adventure than you did when you saved the world!” Prism smirked and leaned against a bamboo tree.

“Oh, I don’t doubt that. You’re all going to Germany, after all.” Rainbow gave her daughter a hug. “Now go on, boarding’s about to start.”

Each parent said goodbye to their child and Summer shared one last embrace with her mother. “I’ll miss you, mom.”

“I’ll miss you too, Sushi.” Sunset patted her on the head. “Now you go out there, dear, and you show these bad guys that no one messes with the Sushi family. When you’re back, we’ll have lots of sushi to celebrate.”

“Funny, mom. I’ll hold you to that. It better be a big sushi feast.” Summer grabbed her back and slung it over one shoulder. “Love you, mom.”

“Love you too.” Sunset waved as Summer and her group stepped out of the Chinese Ninja Garden and followed the signs towards their gate. She turned around and gave them one more wave and then kept on going.

“It feels like it was just yesterday I was still feeding Fuchsia with that ol’ airplane spoon tactic.” Pinkie sniffled and blew into a tissue. “I miss her already.”

“Don’t sweat it, Pinkie. They’ll get this done.” Jostle ran a hand along her shoulder. “They’ll stop Weather Alternate. I trust them. In the meantime, we’re going to have to be on the alert. Weather Alternate will keep coming and we’ll keep kicking them back to whatever hole they came from.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Sunset said. “Now, we need to get ready for whatever goons Weather Alternate sends our way. Our kids are out of our hands now, and we have to trust in them to do what’s right.”

The four adults watched them go, standing together in a line beside the garden. Unknown to them, a woman with purple and pink curly hair followed along after their children, wheeling a luggage bag behind her.
“First class, yo this is bad!” Prism grinned as she reclined in her airplane seat. She picked up a champagne glass full of orange juice and drank it.

“I’ve never flown first class before,” Summer commented as she played with the little TV next to her seat. “It’s surprisingly spacious. I can’t believe your mother got us first class, Fuchsia.”

“I hope the cake is better here,” Fuchsia Blush took a bite of a slice of cheesecake she had ordered from the stewardess. “Nope. Well fuchs that.”

The plane ride so far had been quite uneventful, with just a small delay on the runway when taking off. The pilots kept the plane as steady as could be, so that the girls barely felt like they were in a giant flying metal tube.

It had already been six hours since they had left the ground and everything was as comfortable for them as it could be in a plane thousands of feet in the air. Jojo flipped through the safety instructions of the plane, just in case. He liked to be prepared. In front of him, on the foldout table, was a stack of papers and a bulky textbook. He had to make sure he finished up the rest of his homework on this mission to save the world.

“So, what’s the plan once we land?” Prism asked once she had finished her drink. “We driving to Germany or something? Swapping planes?”

Summer rolled her eyes. “You gotta start paying attention during our planning sessions, Prism. We’re landing at Norwich Airport, after which we’ll meet with one of Jostle’s contacts. They’ll have a mode of transportation ready for the next part of the trip. We’re supposed to head to Rotterdam after that.”

“Oh. Cool. Hey, Jojo, how’s your dad know this guy again?”

“Some old associate. He saved him from some street in England once.” Jojo shrugged. “I can’t remember the exact details.”

“Plane rides are long and boring…” Fuchsia groaned and placed both palms over her eyes. “Why did I have to be a part of this…? All I wanted to do is bake.”

“Yeah, that reminds me, what does your Stand even do, Fuchsia?” Prism turned around and looked past the back of her chair. She and Summer were beside each other and Jojo and Fuchsia were sitting behind them. “I mean, I’ve seen Sushi’s. I’ve heard of Jojo’s. What does yours do?”

“What, Celldweller?” Fuchsia looked out the window. “It tells me things. Think of it as a second person.”

“So it… doesn’t do anything else?”

“Well, it’s not for combat, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Pshh, Sushi has a cooler Stand.”

“Hey, at least I have a Stand.” Fuchsia took another bite from her cheesecake, then spat it out. “Ugh, disgusting…”

“Well, uh, you know what…” Prism remained silent for a few seconds, then flipped back to face forward.

“You don’t need a Stand to be cool, Prism,” Summer told her. “You're my best friend. You’re already cool.”

“A little cooler won’t hurt.” Prism sloped down in her seat. “Well, no use mulling over it. I think I’ll watch something on TV. Maybe a movie or something.”

“Yeah. Why not.”

Summer had been searching for something to watch the whole time, but she still hadn’t decided on anything. She had sifted through all the new releases and some of them did sound interesting, but she still passed them by anyway. Perhaps it wasn’t something she wanted to see at the moment, perhaps she actually didn’t want to watch anything because her mind was elsewhere.

She found herself thinking about her mom, and what they could possibly be up to right now. They were probably already defending themselves against another member of Weather Alternate. She had heard it from Timber Spruce himself when he had tried to kill them, but she still didn’t exactly know what kind of organization they were. He had said something about eliminating weak people, maintaining noble lineages and toppling governments and if she didn’t know any better, that actually sounded like a totalitarian group, which she didn’t believe existed in this day and age, at least before now.

What puzzled her the most was what they intended to do with the Nugget People. There was no reason to do so unless they thought they could gain something from it, but after what humanity had done to them eons ago, she doubted they would offer up their assistance to humans again.

“What was that?” Fuchsia asked from behind her.

“Hmm? I didn’t say anything,” Summer answered.

“I wasn’t talking to you, Sushi. I was talking to Celldweller.” Fuchsia peeled her earphones from her head. “Something’s off…”

“Hmm? What do you mean off?” Summer looked around her chair.

Fuchsia Blush got up and proceeded down the aisle towards the cloth separating them from economy. She felt a tap on her shoulder, then a brush of air against her cheek. It was a warning from her Stand. Something was back there and it was agitating it. But it couldn’t be an enemy Stand user. They couldn’t have possibly found them already, especially since their plan had been to get to Germany while their parents acted as decoys back in Canterlot.

“This was a piss poor idea…” Fuchsia shook her head. “Why did I have to get involved? Everything is meaningless anyway…”

She slid the curtain aside an inch just to look, but then something purple zipped past her and knocked her back.

Fuchsia lost her balance, but she felt Celldweller place its hands under her and it pushed her back on her feet. She turned around to see that there was now a rather tall purple being standing between them and the cockpit and it had its arms folded across its chest. It had a chitinous appearance, like it was covered in overlapping plates. Between the plates were golden, eye-like holes that seemed to glow slightly, and there was a bright yellow cross pattern on its chest.

“Oh. It’s a Stand,” Fuchsia sighed and shook her head in exasperation. “Can’t get a moment’s peace around here…”

“Looks to be the work of an enemy Stand.” Jojo unbuckled himself and got up.

“You think?” Fuchsia grumbled and muttered under her breath.

“We got an enemy Stand!” Jojo exclaimed before sending Tenacious D out towards it, horns at the ready.

Tenacious D slammed into the enemy Stand, but then simply bounced off and crashed into a bearded man by the front. His arms splayed to the side and he dropped the newspaper he was holding. Immediately, the woman on his left screamed and got up, putting her hands to her face.

“Uh oh.” Jojo partially hid himself behind his seat as a stewardess rushed to the front to check on what was happening.

Summer readied herself as well, but the enemy Stand was making no move to do anything. It just stood there with its arms in front of its chest.

“What gives?” Jojo joined her. “It’s not doing anything.”

“Man, what are you all looking at?” Prism slapped her thigh. “I want to see Stands.”

All of a sudden, the plane dipped down and everyone was thrown forward. Summer called forth Pegasus Forever, who caught her and Prism before they could smash their faces against the seats in front.

The stewardess was thrown forward and she bounced off the enemy Stand and repelled against the window. Blood smeared against it as she slid down to the ground.

“The front!” Summer deduced. “The Stand user has to be in the cockpit. That’s why it’s not moving. It’s keeping us from getting there!”

“What is happening?!” one woman cried out from the back. From behind the curtain, more people slid down, falling against the enemy Stand and bouncing off with enough force to crack their heads against the sides.

By now, there was a pile of people against the bottom, all the while, the plane continued to plummet.

“We need to get to the cockpit before we all end up dead!” Summer sent Pegasus Forever to the enemy Stand.

It brought its fists up and with a snort, it brought them both against the Stand’s head. There was a resounding blow and Pegasus Forever was thrown back. There was not even a dent on the enemy.

Summer sent her Stand back to it, but instead of attacking it, she had it try to pry its way past, but even with Pegasus Forever’s bulging muscles, it could not get the enemy Stand to move. Tenacious D sped over to help, but they still couldn’t get it to move out of the way.

“We’re all going to die here.” Fuchsia shrugged and sat back down, buckling herself in.

“No, we’ve got to think of something!” Summer looked out the window to see the clouds shooting up past them. They didn’t have long before they hit the water below. If she had to guess, she thought they had about four minutes before they went under. “Keep that Stand busy!”

Jojo looked at her. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll find another way to the cockpit.” Summer put her hand on Prism’s shoulder. “Prism, buckle in and hold on.”

“Well, I’m not gonna do anything else, if that’s what you’re wondering.” She got back in her seat and fastened the seatbelt. “Don’t die, alright?”

“Trust me, I’ll get us out of this.” She nodded, then she began making her way out of first class.

Pegasus Forever grabbed her around the waist and kicked off the back of Fuchsia's seat, launching itself past the curtain that divided it from economy and began grabbing various chairs to make its way up the descending plane. Most people were still belted in and they were screaming their heads off and doing everything in their power to panic. No one paid her any attention as well, seeing as there were bigger things to worry about than a girl making her way up the plane. Once she hit the next section past the curtain, Summer had Pegasus Forever pull open the little hatch to the cargo bay below.

Getting back down was easy, seeing as the plane was still tipped forward, but Summer still had to watch out for bouncing luggage. She had the airline to blame for this. It seemed they didn’t secure the bags down properly and she almost got swatted in the face with a rather large one.

Making her way as far as she could, Summer eventually ran into a curved wall at the end, meaning the only way she could go now was up.

Pegasus Forever reached a hand up and wrapped its fingers around the lever for the hatch. It ripped out the entire door and leapt up into the cockpit, taking Summer up with it.

The two pilots lay slumped in their seats, their faces bloody and disfigured, dead. From behind Summer came a swing of a long pipe. She ducked and Pegasus Forever grabbed the weapon out of her attacker’s hands. It was a man with blonde hair and white skin and he wore a white tuxedo. He looked absolutely offended that he had lost his weapon.

“So you’re the Stand master, huh?” Summer watched him back away. “Well, your plan ends here, whoever you are.”

“You don’t know who I am? Oh, offended I am indeed.” He placed the back of one hand to his forehead and attempted to faint. “I am Blueblood, and if this world still had kingdoms of the old days, I would be a prince! I am of royal blood and lineage and you are not worthy to even touch my skin.”

“Uh huh. Well, this lowly peasant is going to kick your butt out of this plane.” Summer cracked her knuckles and looked at her Stand, which did the same. “Pegasus Forever!”

Pegasus neighed and threw a punch at him. Blueblood flinched and raised his arms, but then a purple blur swooped in through the crack of the door and stood between them. Pegasus’ fist connected with it as it brought its arms up in front of itself and the impact launched both Pegasus and Summer back. The girl crashed against a row of panels on the side and sent sparks up into the air as she shattered a console.

“There’s nothing you can do to me, Sushi.” Blueblood began laughing. “My Stand is called Universal Collapse, and it has the power to change between being an unstoppable force or an immovable object. While it is unstoppable, it can get through anything no problem, including that door, including your bag. When it is an immovable object, you can do nothing to hurt it or move it. You can’t win! Soon, this plane will hit the ocean and you will all disappear without a trace!”

Summer wiped blood from her forehead and stood. “You’re in it too.”

“I’ve destroyed all the parachutes.” Blueblood pointed to a stack of torn fabric. Then he turned around to show Summer he had one on his back. “Except this one. I’ll be long gone and there’ll be no hope for you.”

“You’re not going anywhere!”

Pegasus Forever charged again, but Universal Collapse got in its way, blocking off its path to Blueblood. Instead of punching, Summer had her Stand try to get around it, but there was no room in this narrow cockpit and Blueblood sneered at her and pointed to his parachute.

“Have fun dying. You’ll never get to your destination, and you’ll never stop Weather Alternate. Master Dolfy will rid the world of people as low as you. And Gloriosa will be pleased with your demise. You should have never killed her brother. Timber was dear to her and now she’ll stop at nothing to wipe out your family.”

“Just you wait. I’ll get to you.” Summer pointed at him. “When I do, you’re going to regret this.”

“Unlikely.” He waved at her, then struck a pose, bending his body to one side while he slid two fingers around his belt and his other hand around the back of his head. “I would say it’s been an honor, but you are like the dust beneath my feet. You don’t deserve to exist in the same space as I.”

Summer had to stop him before he got out. She grabbed a fire extinguisher from the corner and threw it at him. Pegasus Forever touched it in flight and it froze in the air. From behind it, it punched it as hard as it could and it began moving again, zipping past Universal Collapse and towards the door Blueblood was going for. The man ducked and squeaked as it bounced off the door like a comet. It clipped him in the neck, then bounced again, its head now broken, allowing the gas inside to propel it faster. Universal Collapse moved, switching modes, and Summer knew she didn’t have many chances like that.

Pegasus Forever grabbed the Stand’s arm and yanked it closer, but then it just slipped through its grip and swung a kick at it. Pegasus ducked and aimed another punch at the enemy Stand, only for it to deflect it and punch out an arm at the flying extinguisher. It bounced off the plane’s controls and then back at Pegasus, who swatted it aside and reached for Universal Collapse’s throat. It grabbed it, but the Stand slipped through it again, this time raining blows against Pegasus Forever’s chest.

Summer felt each one connect with her Stand and she felt her insides getting turned to mush as the punches rained on. She had Pegasus block its attacks the best it could, but Universal Collapse’s arms seem to bend and squeeze past its defence, still hitting it square in the chest, making Summer cough up more blood.

It can really get through anything. I’m in trouble.

“I was going to run and leave you to die.” Blueblood’s feet appeared in her vision. “But now that I see exactly how weak you are, I’m going to enjoy watching my Stand beat the life from your eyes.”

He had the fire extinguisher in his hands and he held it up high, ready to attack. As he swung it down at her, it suddenly vanished from his hands and the blow never came. Both Summer and Blueblood looked behind him as Fuchsia Blush walked around, holding the extinguisher in her hands.

“Not gonna happen, fancy pants.” She held it firmly in her hands.

“The name is Blueblood! I am of noble lineage. The likes you’ve never once seen or touched!” He curled his fingers inward as he said it.

“Yeah, whatever. Fuchs you.” Fuchsia swung the extinguisher at him and Universal Collapse stopped its attack on Pegasus Forever to aid its master.

But this time, Pegasus Forever reached over and as it punched the Stand in the left shoulder, it turned its energy into potential energy and froze the Stand in place.

“What? No!” Blueblood looked in horror at his Stand as the fire extinguisher connected with the side of his face. He spun around and dropped to the ground with blood already pooling around his jaw. “Wh-What have you done…?”

“Simple enough.” Summer balanced herself as she walked over to him. “Your Stand, while an Immovable Object, cannot move, but cannot be damaged or attacked. But when it is an Unstoppable Force, it can move like lightning and get past anything. In this state, it can be hurt, and it is in this state that I have transformed your Stand’s kinetic energy into potential energy. Remember what I said I was going to do to you, Blueblood?”

“No-no, please. I’m rich. I’m famous…” He tried to get up, but Fuchsia stepped on his back and grinded her heel into it. “I can give you… anything!”

“I’m a woman of my word, Blueblood. So you know, this peasant keeps her word.” Summer widened her stance and shoved one hand into her jacket pocket, while her other one brushed up her fringe from her face. “Pegasus Forever!”

Pegasus let out one vicious ‘NEIGH’, then threw a punch forward. It hit Universal Collapse in the face and its energy changed again and the force sent it flying out through the already cracking windshield. It shattered the glass and it disappeared around the corner, out of sight.

Blueblood screamed in pain and part of his face crumpled in, matching that of his Stand’s. He writhed around on the ground, gasping and screaming from the pain, but then Fuchsia dropped the fire extinguisher on his head and he stopped.

“Fuchsia, thanks. You saved me.” Summer gave the older girl a hug. She was instantly shoved off.

“No need for all your sweetness and meaningless show of affection.” Fuchsia dusted her outfit, then looked at the controls. “What are we going to do now?”

With the windshield broken, wind whipped around the cockpit and through the open door to the cabin. Alarms began blaring on the damaged controls and oxygen masks dropped from above all along the cabin.

Summer wasted no time in grabbing the controls, trying to right the plane, but even if she could, the air pressure had changed and there was not going to be a safe way to land this, especially out in the middle of the ocean.

“What are we going to do?” Summer looked through all the plane’s controls, hoping to find a magic button that could right all this.

If they weren’t in trouble before, they were now.

Author's Note:

Credit goes to Golden_Reflection for the Stand. His envisioning of it was a pair of gloves, but I messed up and forgot about it and wrote it in as a bipedal Stand and I apologize for that again.

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