• Published 24th Dec 2021
  • 768 Views, 262 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Nugget Run Horizon - Jojoleopard

Summer Shine, the daughter of Sunset Shimmer, finds herself pulled into an international plot that could mean the end of civilization as we know it.

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Chapter 3: System of a Down


Sunset couldn’t turn her head, but she would know Summer’s voice from anywhere. Timber looked past her, but jumped aside as Pegasus Forever leapt over Sunset’s prone body and threw a punch at him.

Timber narrowly dodged it, then slid to the side as System of a Down flew in a zigzag pattern towards Pegasus Forever. Summer stood behind her mother’s body, an arm extended towards Timber as her Stand swung another punch at the enemy Stand.

“Sushi, watch out, it can paralyze you. Don’t get stung!” Sunset called out to her daughter.

“So, your daughter is the next Sushi, huh?” Timber lifted one arm and placed it on top of his other hand and bent it at a forty-five degree angle. “I would’ve had a daughter by now if it weren’t for you. And if Spike were a human, he would still be alive now and he’d have children too. He had so much potential and you took it all away!”

“Enough with that already!” Sunset yelled.

“Enough with you! I’m going to kill you and end your bloodline here. System of a Down!” Timber placed a hand on his belt and the other on his right knee. “Get her!”

“Don’t worry, mom, I’ll sort him out.” Summer narrowed her eyes and threw two fingers into the air. “Pegasus Forever!”

Her Stand got into position and charged at Timber’s Stand, bringing both arms up in front of its chest. System of a Down easily avoided its charge, then moved in to attack its rear, but Pegasus Forever dropped to its hands, then kicked its legs out in the air. The flying Stand just narrowly avoided one hoof and sped back, hovering in the air above the swimming pool.

“Do you think you can stop System of a Down?” Timber bent back with laughter. “No, I’ve seen your Stand now. And I know Pegasus Forever is a short-ranged Stand that can punch. What can you do if System of a Down stays flying above the swimming pool, a place you cannot reach? And it can also spit a powerful acid from its mouth. Watch!”

System of a Down did a vertical spin in the air, then unfurled its legs and its mandibles as a glob of yellow was ejected from its mouth. Pegasus Forever raised its arms, but the acid splashed into it and began melting its blue armor.

Summer screamed as her forearms began to burn and her skin began to peel, but she couldn’t let it end without even trying. She had to think of something, and she might just have the right thing.

“Your mother’s heart is going to stop. And then you’ll be next, young Sushi.” Timber pointed his index finger to the ground.

System of a Down continued firing acid balls at Pegasus Forever, but Summer knew better than to get hit a second time. Pegasus Forever ran around the pool, avoiding the acid as it splattered against the ground, melting the tiles around the pool’s edge.

Pegasus Forever took a moment before the next spit of acid to punch an arm into the water as hard as it could. As the water splashed up into the air, Pegasus punched at it again, but this time, it stayed in place, neither flying higher or falling back down. It simply stayed in place.

“What good do you think that’ll do for you?” Timber scoffed. “You freezed some water in the air. Good for you. Now die!”

System of a Down continued spitting acid at Pegasus Forever, but Summer’s Stand punched at the water in the air and they began flying at System of a Down, much to Timber’s surprise. Because he wasn’t expecting it, the water cut through the air with great speed and bore holes through his Stand’s wings and one went through its thorax.

Timber dropped to a knee and coughed out blood as a similar hole appeared on his chest, clean through to the other side. “Impossible! System of a Down is small and fast, but you still fired that water at it like a bullet and you managed to hit it!”

Summer raised one hand and put it in front of her left cheek, then the other on her waist. “Pegasus Forever is able to manipulate energy and when it turned the water into potential energy, it was just sitting there, waiting for something to kickstart it and Pegasus Forever turned that potential energy back into kinetic energy and the speed depends on how hard and fast it touches it, and my Stand hits pretty hard. It can turn the simplest of things like water into bullets.”

System of a Down hovered in the air, finding it harder to fly now that its four wings had holes in them. Timber watched his Stand as a pit began to form in his stomach. He had come here confident, sure that if he first took out Alicorn Fantasy, the rest would be a breeze, but he hadn’t anticipated Sushi’s daughter would’ve already learnt how to use her Stand to this capacity. He was sure he would take her done faster than he would her mother.

“I had miscalculated my revenge,” he said to himself. “But I can’t lose to the likes of you. You who kill girlfriends and favorite dogs!”

“You did.” Summer smiled and crossed her arms. “But you also shouldn’t have messed with my family.”

“You may win here today, young Sushi, but you won’t live to see the next decade.” Timber stared daggers at her. “Now that you’ve messed with me, you’ve messed with my organization. You can’t stop us. My master is aiming to find something that would soon reshape the world into the likes you’ve never dreamt of. The weak will be eradicated. Governments will topple. Only those born of noble lineage will live to see the dawn of a new era. You will not stop him and you won’t stop that which we aim to release. It’s only a matter of time now. Once we trace the gold, you’re done for.”

“You talk too much.” Summer raised a palm to System of a Down.

Pegasus Forever punched more water up, soaking System of a Down’s already failing wings. It struggled to maintain its flight and crashed into the water with a tiny splash. Working fast, Pegasus Forever grabbed the tarp Alicorn Fantasy had dropped and threw it over the pool. It punched its surface, turning its energy into potential energy and freezing it in place. Timber’s Stand tried to push its way out of the pool, but the tarp held strong and kept its head underwater. At the same time, Timber himself was finding it harder and harder to breathe, no matter how he tried to inhale.

He fell on his side and grabbed at his throat, gasping for air, but to no avail. Soon, System of a Down stopped struggling against the tarp and flipped on its back as its body went still. Timber’s hands lost their strength and they fell to his sides as his eyes now stared blankly into the woods.

Summer struck a pose with Pegasus Forever flexing an arm behind her, then she rushed over to her mother’s side to help her up.

“Sushi, you did it!” Sunset rubbed at her arms as feeling returned to them.

“I did, mom!” she said excitedly. “You okay? Did the poison wear off?”

“I think it disappeared once you defeated him.” Sunset looked to Timber’s body. “It’s a shame… He came here to kill us because we killed his girlfriend and her dog. We had to do that because she was with Cinch and we had to stop her no matter what.”

“What’s going to happen now?” Summer helped her stand. “He said his organization is going to release something that would end the world or something.”

“Not another world-ending plot…” Sunset rubbed at her face and sighed. “He mentioned gold? That means whatever they’re looking for must be underground. The question now is…”

“What are they looking for?” Summer finished for her. “None of this can be good.”

Sunset stared at the ground ahead of her, her mind racing in thought as she tried to process this new information. Timber had come here on a revenge plot, but he was part of something bigger, and now that they had taken him out, his organization will surely come knocking. They would have to be ready and they would have to find out what these people were after.

“I think we better get the others. They’ll need to be prepared too.”
The cool night breeze wafted over the fields that lay on the lower parts of Mount Fegel in Germany. Autumn was turning into winter, and the air was growing colder by the day. However, high up among the peaks of the mountains was a motley collection of people, none of them interested in the picturesque view that stood below them.

Instead, they were looking at a deep pit that had been dug in the mountain’s top, reaching deep into the earth like a yawning, toothless mouth.

“I found it here, just yesterday.” A man with a horseshoe moustache and a bowler hat pointed into the pit. “But the Nugget Run has attracted many since the gold was found. Folk from all over the world have flocked here to dig up their share.”

“Finally, after so many years of searching…” One muscular man with outlandish blonde hair raised a hand and formed a fist. “According to the legends, gold forms around them. A side effect of their cursed blood. We’re closer than we’ve ever been. Our old associate, Abacus Cinch, couldn’t see this. She was a fool to lose hope so soon and search for a different power, one that had eluded her grasp and fallen into the hands of her enemies.”

Airsoft Yodel had been keeping tabs on the cave system here ever since the recent earthquake revealed them to the world. They had eventually found gold deep down, and in such vast quantities that it couldn’t have been anything else. What they seeked was down here and on their home turf.

“Once Weather Alternate gets its hands on them, we will finally secure our place in this world.” The blonde man crouched down and clenched his fists tightly. “The legends were all true and we will soon have them to prove it.”

“What if someone finds them before we do, Master Dolfy?” another of the companions asked. This one was a woman with purple hair that frizzed around her face. “With this booming Nugget Run, someone might just dig them up before we do.”

“Then let them.” Dolfy stood up and gazed down into the pit as an orange aura began to form around him. “Weather Alternate had been founded not on hard work alone, but built atop the sacrifices of those unfit to survive in this world. This will not be any different. Let them come. Let them dig for their nuggets, but once we find the source, then I, Dolfy Horner, will use the knowledge of the ancients to conquer this world and weed out the weak and find the strong.”

“But what of the one known as Sushi?” Airsoft Yodel rubbed at his moustache.

“What about her?” Dolfy turned to them.

One woman pushed past Airsoft. She had magenta hair under a wreath of flowers atop her head, along with a baggy poncho too big for her. She was livid. “What about her? She killed my brother! She killed my brother’s girlfriend and our favorite dog, Spike! I had been calm enough to let Timber handle this, but now he’s dead. My precious brother is dead! I demand retribution against her and anyone she knows!”

“Why should we divert our assets to wasting time with this Sushi business?” Airsoft groaned loudly.

“No.” Dolfy walked closer to the rest of them. “I think Gloriosa has a point. This Sushi is a problem. She managed to defeat Cinch and even we hadn’t been confident to go after her, even in our prime. Sushi might be the only thing that could stop us from awakening them.” He unfolded a parchment that had been in his pocket and gazed upon it. It depicted ancient markings of beings in the middle, with floating figures behind them, along with smaller humans at the sides, bowing down to them. “I will not tolerate failure again, especially not now that we have an actual lead to the myths. No, Sushi must be taken out of play. Gloriosa, you’re in charge. Do what you must to destroy them.”

Gloriosa’s expression changed into one of glee. “I will, Master Dolfy. For Weather Alternate, but also for my brother. I will turn Sushi and her friends’ insides out and I will spread their organs across the world for all to see!”

“Excellent. Then you will return to America at once.” Dolfy returned his attention to the dark pit. “A new dawn is at hand and once we have the ancients, then Weather Alternate will rise and shape the world into our image. Time to get started. You all know what must be done.”

Author's Note:

And there we have the first signs of what's to come...

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