• Published 23rd Nov 2021
  • 5,218 Views, 73 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Rip and Tear - aegishailstorm

Against all the magic that Equestria can conjure... All the wickedness that mankind can produce...We will send unto them... only you...Rip and Tear...until it is done.

  • ...

Salvation of both worlds

The Slayer reached the waters edge, and stared at it for a moment before looking up at the barrier was still several miles off shore. He plunged in, and began swimming toward the barrier.

The Slayer's hand reached though the barrier and grabbed onto the expanding landmass on the other side. Pulling himself though. He got to his feet and looked around, he found himself in a forest. Dr. Hayden chimed in.

"I'm detecting a large collection of equine heat signatures to your direct front." The Doomslayer began making his way deeper into the forest. The forest gave way to a small town. The sign on its outskirts read "Springborough, Equestria."

"Perhaps you should introduce yourself. " Dr. Hayden suggested. The Slayer leisurely strolled into the town. As he entered, its residents collectively stopped to gaze at him in confusion, for all they new, what they were witnessing was impossible. One of them was brave enough to approach him.

"Uh, pardon me sir, do you need something?" The Slayer looked off into the distance, he could feel the magic energy of the being which had shut down his castle. He gave the newfoal a slight nod. And walked past the others, as he left town, he began to pick up speed. Going from a simple stroll to sprinting at top speed. To where, he did not know, only that where he was headed was the location of the being who had caused this world's suffering.

12 hours later...

The Slayer made his way deeper into Equestria. Crossing forests, scaling mountains, and gunning down resistance wherever it showed, which to say, was not often. He had come across many towns, most of which he had simply avoided. Eventually, he came within sight of a large mountain, protruding from its side was a city, sparkling white.
As he progressed closer to what Dr. Hayden and Vega had determined was Equestria's center.

"That, is Equestria's capital city, Canterlot,.home to their leadership, and the one they call Celestia, located within the castle on the far side of the city." That was all the Slayer needed to hear. He charged the mountain, jump boosting his way up to the city high above him.

When the Doomslayer arrived, he found the Royal guard, standing at the gates, blissfully unaware that he was there, when the caught sight of him however, their mood changed entirely. They began to uncontrollably panic, running away in fear, others dropped their weapons and threw themselves on the ground in front of the Slayer, begging for mercy. He didn't understand, how was it possible that this race was able to do so much damage to earth, and humanity?" He ran though the city shotgun raised, jumping over vendors and buildings. Until he stood a the gates of the Royal castle. The gaurdsponies there were just as desperate to get away from the Slayer as he tore apart the gates, and strolled into the gardens.

"Sister!" Luna came rushing into the throne room. "There is a human in the castle!"

"Oh really now? Let him through."


"Don't give me that tone Luna, tell the guards to stand down."

"Well... That's the thing, they sort of abandoned their positions and fled as soon as they spotted him."

"Hmmm..." Luna gave her sister a look of, "I'm genuinely fear of my life." And sat down next to her. She didn't even notice the subtle red glow growing in her sisters eyes.

The Doomslayer entered the castle, still not having encountered any real resistance.

"This is most unusual, this is their capital city, they should've put up more of a fight. Remain vigilant. " The Slayer continued down the now empty hallways of the royal castle. He made it to a pair of massive doors. He could practically feel the magical energies behind it. He Kicked them down and rushed in. Within he found Celestia and Luna, siting on their thrones.

"Greetings Slayer." He continued walking towards her, slowly.

"My name is Celestia, and this is my sister Luna, we know why you are here, I myself have watched you work, I know that you desire for humanity to be freed of it's so called suffering. We had every intention of doing that, you see...Our worlds collided roughly one year ago, I saw the state that humanity was living in, I decided to help them, to give them an opportunity" The Doomslayer watched as her lips began to quiver. He could practically smell the deceit radiating off of her, yet he could also feel something else. An ancient presence, not unlike the one which he constantly felt looming over him while in hell, it was clear to him, that the words coming out of this beings mouth were not their own, that this "Celestia" Was fighting a battle in her own mind, and she was losing.

"So, do we have a d-" She stopped talking entirely, and stumbled for a moment, when she got to her full height, Both the Doomslayer, and Luna watched as her glowing blood red eyes turned a deep purple, the lower portion of her body began to dissolve into glowing mist. Her screaming was replaced by booming laughter and deep growling.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Luna asked, backing away.

"SILENCE!!!" The being cried out, Luna cupped her hooves her ears and dropped to the ground in pain. The being turned to face the Slayer. He knew now that this wasn't some magical equine, but something far more ancient and malevolent. It began to float above the ground, he raised his shotgun and, without hesitation, blasted the creature in the face. It had not expected such a sudden reaction and was knocked back by the blast, it rose back to full height, and its horn began to glow. A bolt of energy flew from its horn, making contact with the Slayer's chest, sending him flying through the walls of the castle, down into the streets below. Ponies gathered around the crater where the Slayer had hit the ground in confusion and wonder. Their looks of wonder where soon replaced by ones of terror as a bright white mist arose from the royal castle, shadowing over them all. It let out another laugh.

"WHO ARE YOU, A MORTAL, TO INTERFERE WITH MY PLANS!?" The Doomslayer rose out of the hole, and stared the creature right between is glowing eyes, his entire body began to glow a dim red. He ignited his crucible and charged the being. Jumping the castle walls in one large bound and scaling his way up to one of the castles many balconies. He jumped, and, with both hands, brought the crucible down on the being's ethereal head. Watching as its argent blade tore it open, it let out one last demonic screech, before crashing to the castle grounds far below. The 2 of them hit the ground. The mist around Celestia's body began to dissipate, as did the hole in her head. Leaving her body, unconscious , but intact, lying on the ground. The Slayer approached her.

When Luna finally came to, she looked around for her sister, instead, she found the throne room in ruins, a giant hole lay in it's side, she shakily got to her hooves and peered out it. She could see the ominous form of the human she had encountered earlier, towering over her sister's body. Frantically, she flew down to meet them. Landing just a few feet away.

"Please, don't kill her!" She pleaded with the Slayer. He stood there, unmoving, looking down at the body of Celestia. Suddenly, she awoke. Looking up at the Slayer.

"I-I'm sorry." Was her first response. Luna looked at her sister with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... It's kind of hard to explain, but these last few months, I haven't quite been myself, it all started the moment Equestria appeared on this world. It's like something in my head just snapped. Something emerged from it, something ancient, older than me. I've been fighting with it since. But when he arrived, it began to get stronger, and when he entered the throne room, it won. I can't thank you enough for saving me." The Slayer looked down at her, staring deep into her eyes, he knew for a fact that she was telling the truth. That none of the things that this world faced where not her fault, at least, not directly. He gave her a slow nod of affirmation and began to walk away. Celestia said one more thing to him.

"I swear on my life to put an end to the pain and suffering which that... Thing forced me to do." He walked off into the distance. The Slayer knew that she would hold true to her promise.