• Published 23rd Nov 2021
  • 5,218 Views, 73 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Rip and Tear - aegishailstorm

Against all the magic that Equestria can conjure... All the wickedness that mankind can produce...We will send unto them... only you...Rip and Tear...until it is done.

  • ...

World Corp Complex

The Slayer looked up a the grey skyline of new York city, dropping the last dead PER operative at his feet. He turned back to gaze at the dozens of Blackmesh, now taking up defensive positions around the complex. He began walking towards them.
It was just now that he realized the state of the world he now found himself, streets covered with garbage and sludge, and skies choked with smog. It didn't matter to him, earth was still earth, even if it did bring back memories of hell. All the while, the Blackmesh continued to try and stop him, all of their efforts proving unsuccessful of course. All the while, this fight was being broadcast over the hypernet to every corner of the globe, millions watched on in amazement as this mysterious figure completely disregarded their attempts to apprehend him, they, for the first time ever, felt a strange sense of hopefulness emerge from within them, for decades they had watched helplessly as the earth fell more and more into disrepair, when Equestria had appeared, they believed their only options were to become one of them, or die. Yet something about this figure, the way he fought, the was he stood in the face of those odds, made them think that it could be diffrent. The HLF, or human liberation front, also watched the triumphant scene unfold, they were already hatching their own plans for how they could use him.

"Look at him! The way he took down those PER agents, and the Blackmesh. He could be a valuable asset!"

"Calm yourselves, for all we know he could be just as much a danger to us as to those fucking Equestrians! For the time being, I would advise we keep our distance, until we can learn more about who, or what he is."


The Slayer continued his approach, until he stood right at the gates of the world government headquarters.

"Perhaps now would be a good time to reveal our intentions, Dr. Hayden?"

"I agree Vega."

"Greeting world government personnel, my name is Vega, the figure you see standing before you is known as the Doomslayer, as he is incapable of speaking, I will do so on his behalf, we would like to speak with your leaders. A murmur arose from the security personnel within the base, finally after about 5 minutes of waiting, a holographic projection appeared in fort of the Slayer.

"Greetings Doomslayer, speak you demands." The Slayer stood, unmoving.

"We have none, your world is in major need of repair, we understand that the land of Equestria has been the cause of many of your strife's, has it not?"

"On the contrary, Equestria has been nothing but kind, they allow us into their borders freely, and without judgment. Do you perhaps belong to some special off shoot of the human liberation front? Your tactics seem to match theirs." This angered the Slayer, being compared to terrorists, of all things, it almost reminded him of those UAC cultists back on his previous version of earth. Luckily, Dr. Hayden spoke up again before things got violent.

"The man you see standing before you is not of this world, the insignia he bares, is one of tragedy and suffering, he, and the things he has done are beyond your comprehension, you would do wise to not interfere with his exploits again. "

"I see..." Responded the hologram. The Blackmesh began to approach him again.

"Perhaps now would be the time for an exit, our true fight lies elsewhere."

"One moment, if we are to continue, I will require a better understanding of the way this world operates, I will require a hypernet terminal, I have marked the nearest for you on your HUD." The Slayer nodded in approval, and with one large kick, knocked down the reinforced titanium gates of the world headquarters, revealing the lobby inside, the people inside began to flee in terror.

"Do not be alarmed, we simply require something before we depart." This statement did nothing to calm the terrified civilians inside the complex, and they continued running in terror. The Slayer Inserted Vega's chip into one of the Hypernet access points, it took less than half a second for Vega to find the information they needed, the Slayer snapped his chip back into place, and ran back outside, ignoring the Blackmesh, still trying to use conventional firearms on him. A swirling vortex appeared in the center of the pavilion, the Slayer entered though it. It closed behind him, leaving the soldiers and security personnel alone, confused as to what had just happened. One of the frightened politicians spoke up across the PA system.

"Send out a broadcast on the hypernet, this... thing is not to be engaged, at all costs! Is that understood!?"

The Slayer emerged from the other side of the portal back aboard the fortress of doom, wiping away the blood and debris from his mission. He immediately began to prepare for the next one. Vega spoke up.

"Now that the world government headquarters is no longer in danger of being overrun, I believe we should turn our attention to attention to this "PER" Using data collected from the hypernet, I have been able to determine the location of their headquarters, located in the city of Quebec."

"Your proverbial mail box is full. I believe you would like to hear a few of them." What he heard was almost enough to bring tears to his eyes. They were thanking him. Urging him on. A few weren't even human, a handful were from those ponies whose lives he spared, giving their thanks for sparing their lives and for giving them hope that wasn't in the form of magic, or wings for once. From what he could tell, most didn't even know why, they just seemed to have a gut feeling that he was there to save them. Just as plentiful were those who wanted him to be hunted down, to be brought to so called "Justice" For his atrocities. The next transmission was a warning from the world government.

"To all civilians, while it is clear that the being encountered earlier at the world government headquarters is indeed an enemy of the PER, and of Equestria, it is still unknown weather he is a threat to civilians. Please, for your own sakes, keep your distance from him. As of now, he is to be considered an enemy of the state." He couldn't believe this, he had just saved them, and now they had marked him as a wanted criminal, it was partially understandable, given how vague and violent his arrival had been. Growling in anger as the transmission ended, he turned back to the portal, no reset for Quebec, he walked through it, shotgun raised.