• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 1,611 Views, 12 Comments

My Vampire Companion - kazamacat

Rainbow Dash is feeling down on her luck one night when she meets a vampire named Coco Pommel.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Confession

"Ghastly Gorge," Rainbow said with a proud breath. It was the night after feeding on Shimmering Stride. She stared out at the named gorge from over a cliff as she she admired the night atmosphere. The young vampire turned around to look at Coco Pommel nearby. "I've never actually even tried it at night, you know. You sure you don't want to try seeing it in the day? It would look better."

Coco smiled warmly. "We want to be sure it is not overpowered compared to what your friends and others in Ponyville expect, yes?"

Rainbow Dash sighed wearily. "Yeah, I guess, but...the sun helps me hold back...I think."

"True," Coco agreed. "Then let's just say 'yes'. I want to see it at night first actually."

With another deep breath, Rainbow conceded, "Alright. It's not easy for me to do on command—or at least it wasn't."

"Time to find out," Coco said with a closed eyes smile. She sat down with a light clap of her hooves.

Rainbow Dash bowed her head. "One Sonic Rainboom coming right up—hopefully." She flew off down into the gorge, deciding it was safer to try and go up rather than down with knowing she had a good chance of disturbing the quarry eels and possibly other wildlife near the gorge.

She took off and flew up in arch, focusing her energy as she recalled how she managed in practice.


The prismatic circle and its sound exploded out from behind her. Rainbow smiled and looked back at her trail with pride. Some animals stirred in their sleep but did not fully awaken. Any nearby nocturnal critters simply waited in apprehension in case a predator was responsible.

Coco stared up in an awe-induced smile.

Rainbow Dash soon returned. "It's brighter in the day of course," she explained.

Coco giggled. "I don't care. It's beautiful here and now, my love."

The companion blushed. "Thanks." She immediately changed her wings to their bat form. "I want to test out this form too."

With a nod, Coco noted, "The area was a little disturbed, but I think one more will be okay."

"Alright, here goes," Rainbow remarked.

She performed the trick again and stared back to see that a faint red hue surrounded the Rainboom itself and her trail.

"Wow," Coco said when the younger vampire landed.

"Alright, the good news is I can still do it. I don't think I can do anything about the red though."

"That's not a bad thing," Coco said.

"Well, I'm Rainbow Dash, not Redbow Dash but yeah, true enough," Rainbow agreed. She figured it was a nice little flair in the grander scope of things.

"So...?" Coco asked her with an interested smile.

"The sun will be enough to help me hold back. I won't be out there doing ten Sonic Rainbooms like it's nothing. I'm actually spent even now. I don't have another in me tonight. I'll be a better flier, but just gotta watch it around ponies who know me better, like my friends," Rainbow Dash answered.

She leaned her head down for a quick nuzzle to her companion. Coco blushed and smiled, returning the nuzzle.

As the days went on, Rainbow Dash still attended to the weather and practiced her flying. For the flying, she held back as best she could to match with what she thought other ponies expected of her, making it all appear as a slight improvement. It actually wasn't hard with the help of the sun and her practice night with Coco Pommel.

The young vampire had an extra sense of if she was being watched, and mainly needed to hold back when her close friends were watching. For most of Ponyville, she was still a fast sky blue pegasus making a rainbow trail.

Rainbow Dash visited Coco at night sometimes but never stayed the whole night, which her master was perfectly okay with. The older vampire had been quite forthcoming from the start. Coco really wanted occasional company but had other matters of interest to her, most obviously her sewing. She liked to read too.

After two weeks passed since Rainbow's initial transformation, the master vampire decided it was time to start looking for an actual residence. Things were going well for her fledgling still living on a seemingly mortal life. Coco found a place and began to move her belongings from the inn to the new house. Rainbow Dash stopped by one night to help out, and they had taken a few boxes of books up to the attic.

"I always thought of reading as a thing for eggheads like Twilight," Rainbow Dash commented to Coco on the subject.

The earth pony mare giggled. "I take it you don't read much at all then."

"Hmph," Rainbow folded her forelimbs and stuck up her nose. She remarked in annoyance, "I'm an athlete. I have an image to maintain, and reading is undeniably unquestionably not part of it. It is so not cool."

"I'm going to make you eat those words," Coco told her with a smirk.

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow asked her, picking up on the challenge. She knew she was being goaded, but she didn't mind.

Coco thrust a book into her hooves.

"'Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone'?" Rainbow Dash read aloud while holding the book.

"There are loads of different kinds of books, Rainbow Dash. This one might just be the one for you. I see a lot of you in Daring Do herself...or maybe Daring Do in you. Just...give it a try. Alright?" Coco suggested.

Rainbow blew out some air from her nostrils in a mildly annoyed breath. "Alright." She opened the page and began to read. Before she or Coco knew it, the pegasus had stationed herself in a corner of the attic to recline back and read. Then she simply kept reading.

Coco smiled at the sight and chose a book of her own to read as they kept each other company.

Rainbow didn't finish the Daring Do boook in one night and had to reluctantly stop though Coco at least let her take the book home if she found any time to spare.

The next night, Rainbow Dash managed to finish reading the book. "Okay, fine. I liked reading. Ya happy?" she said to Coco begrudgingly.

"Very much so," Coco replied with a humored smile. "You know, there's no shame in it, Precious. The library has the whole series if you ever want to read more."

Rainbow's face lit up at that news.

The next morning, Rainbow Dash arrived at the Golden Oaks Library.

"Hey Twilight," she said with a cheerful smile.

"Oh hi Rainbow Dash," Twilight greeted her, looking up from a book she was reading. "How are you today?"

"Awesome!" Rainbow told her enthusiastically. Without further comment, she flew in a dash over to a nearby bookcase and scanned the books.

Twilight watched her friend with interest. "....Are you looking for something in particular?"

"The second Daring Do book," Rainbow announced happily.

"Oh, that's right over here with the others," Twilight explained, leading the pegasus friend to a specific shelf.

"Yes!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed, exuberantly pumping a hoof.

"You like Daring Do too?" Twilight asked, now even more interested by her friend's visit.

Rainbow gasped with a huge smile. "You too?!"

Twilight smiled back. "Yes." She pranced in place, so happy to know one of her friends enjoyed the adventure series.

"I just read the first one the past couple of nights. So much action! And Daring Do herself! Talk about super awesome!" Rainbow informed her friend.

Twilight replied happily, "Yes, she really is. Adventurous. Fierce. Downright unstoppable! I'll bet you like her because she's kinda like you, huh?" She nudged at a hovering Rainbow Dash with a friendly elbow.

The pegasus blushed. "Yeah...you might say that."

Before the two could talk more about the books, Pinkie Pie opened the door and bounced her way in to join them. "Hiya Twilight! Hi Rainbow Dash! I was out and about, making other ponies smile and thought I would stop by to see if I could make Twilight smile too! And you too, of course, Rainbow Dash—since you're here. But here you both are, already smiling, which is great! What's the smiling for?"

Twilight chuckled. "Rainbow Dash was just telling me she's into the Daring Do books now. It's a great adventure novel series."

"Oh neat," Pinkie commented. "Hey Twilight, I also came to say that I want to give you a birthday party."

Twilight blushed. "That's fine. My birthday's coming up soon. You remembered, huh?"

"A Pinkie never forgets. Okay, well, sometimes I do, but let's just say that I have ways to help me remember." She leaned in close, elongating her neck in the process. "The exact way is a secret," she whispered loudly.

Smiling warmly in amusement, Twilight remarked, "We won't pry, then. Right, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow had opened the book but quickly shut it and hid it behind her back, not having quite started reading it yet. "Right," she answered. "We all have our secrets, don't we? Well, I want to get to reading this book. When's the party?"

Pinkie and Twilight worked out the details then and there with Twilight alerting the two that Spike's birthday was not long after her own. They would have a party for him too though Twilight insisted she be the one to plan it.

Later that afternoon, Rainbow Dash sat across from Rarity as they ate lunch together outside. Despite her vampire status, she could still eat. Food was a bit more bland since it did not compare to blood, but she could manage to play the part of a mortal pony enjoying her meal nonetheless.

"So, Pinkie Pie says we'll have the party at the library for Twilight's birthday. You'll make it back from Canterlot just in time," Rainbow told her friend.

"Oh splendid," Rarity said in relief. "I simply cannot wait. Can you believe it? Twilight has requested Celestia provide me a place to stay."

Rainbow snickered. "Yeah, I can believe that. You're not the only generous pony in the group." She winked at her friend. "And it is pretty cool," she added with an assuring nod. "You know, there's a Wonderbolts derby happening while you're there."

"Oh really? Will you be going then?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nah. I like seeing them, but I don't go to every event. I'll just be sticking around here and working, like usual. But if you want to know who's going to win, I'll tell you."

"Fleetfoot?" Rarity asked with a grin to show she had paid attention when Rainbow talked about the Wonderbolts before.

Rainbow confirmed with a nod. "Fleetfoot. Same reason as always. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in speed. The derby's testing their speed in a simple race."

"No doubt one day you will be taking such a title, hmm?" Rarity remarked.

Rainbow sighed dreamily. "That would be pretty cool. But for now...Fleetfoot gets the glory."

"I'll continue to take your word for it, Darling," Rarity said. "I must say, Rainbow Dash, have you done something with your mane or...there's just something different about you. I can't put my hoof on it."

The blue mare smiled bashfully. Only a pony as attentive to detail as Rarity would have picked up on the light vampire charm. It was really subtle, especially when Rainbow wasn't thirsty. Being out in the day helped subdue it all the more too. "It's some kind of weird magic I got myself into—a charm you might say. I didn't mean to, but it can definitely give off that feeling. It might wear off eventually." That last part was not likely and almost a lie, but so be it. Things could happen or change for all she knew.

"Magic that kept you from work three weeks ago?" Rarity wondered. "Perhaps related to your new friend?"

"Err..." Rainbow hesitated. She had told her other friends as much as she had told Fluttershy that first day. The mysterious new friend had not been brought up since. They had little knowledge of what Rainbow herself did at night. The pegasus blushed and rubbed at her colorful mane. "Yup," she confessed. "Guilty as charged. I don't want to get into it any more than that."

"Very well then. Well, I know that such is the point of a charm, but I do like it, if I may say that much."

"You may but no more," Rainbow told her.

Rarity nodded.

That was that.

Rainbow Dash decided a little remark like that did not fully qualify as worthy of the whole confession. When she inevitably had to confess, she could point out this day, this time, and thoughtfully offer she did not wish to alarm or gross her friend out on the subject of recently becoming a blood-sucking monster.

Granted, Rainbow was a non-lethal, not-too-violent monster, but still...it was a thing she did. While she had adjusted and accepted this new fact of her existence, undoubtedly, other ponies would find it repulsive, especially a prissy pony like Rarity.

The night before Twilight's birthday party, Rainbow Dash spent some evening time with Coco, as she often did. The residence had a loft and a large enough crevice near a window for to perch on while she watched Coco work on her sewing.

"So...it seems you're doing well at still being diurnal," Coco noted.

"'Diurnal'?" Rainbow repeated.

"Yes. A daytime creature," Coco explained.

"Ah," Rainbow replied. "Don't think I've ever heard that word, but yeah...I'm managing. I think it's because I've still got my friends and my job around."

"That makes sense," Coco agreed.

"Did that make a difference with you?" Rainbow wondered. "Like, I don't know how old you are, but the way you talk...I get the feeling you would have died by now if you weren't a vampire."

Coco was solemn and still for a moment. "My life's circumstances were very different from yours, Rainbow Dash. I left what I had behind because...I wanted to. I'm not ready to tell you all of it. Not yet."

"Oh, sorry, sounds like a touchy subject. I get it. Whenever you're ready, Coco," Rainbow Dash assured her companion.

"It's alright; thanks, Rainbow. As for my age, it is indeed past the life expectancy of most ponies. Not by that much though. I'm almost 200, including my first 20 mortal years."

"Huh...actually seems kinda young compared to the princesses," Rainbow thoughtfully remarked.

Coco agreed with a little nod. "Yes, I suppose it does." She changed the subject. "Tell me more about your day."

Rainbow smiled. "Sure. Oh and before I get into all that, I wanted to tell you...I'm actually heading to Canterlot tomorrow. I might be there overnight. Rarity's cat got sick, so she doesn't want to leave yet. We figure we'll all head over there instead. Fluttershy can check in on Opalescence—that's the cat's name—too."

"That sounds like a lovely plan. Do enjoy yourself," Coco replied.

The night went on pleasantly from there.

The visit to Canterlot was a lot of fun. They partied hard for Twilight, then joined the garden party. Twilight got to show off her dress and compliment Rarity for it. Rarity was a bit overwhelmed by it all but eventually came through, expressing support of her hometown and friends.

A unicorn friend she had made named Fancy Pants asked her to introduce her friends, and she obliged.

"And this here is my friend Rainbow Dash," Rarity finished, after introducing the others.

"Ah, the Wonderbolts trainer, yes?" Fancy Pants asked, extending his hoof and shaking Rainbow's.

Rainbow accepted the hoof and gave a questioning look to her friend.

Rarity giggled in embarrassment. "I might have embellished that one a tad."

"I'm more of a Wonderbolts hopeful," Rainbow explained. "I did win the Best Young Fliers' competition by performing a Sonic Rainboom, if that's any consolation," she added with a sly smile.

"Oh goodness me, that actually makes for an even better story. Why did you not say so from the start, Rarity?" Fancy Pants asked.

Giggling again, Rarity confessed, "It is a bit embarrassing, I must admit. I had a role to play in it, and it was not one of my better moments."

"Oh, now I must know more," Fancy Pants said. "If your friend has forgiven you dear, I'm sure it's not all bad."

"I'll tell you all about it sometime," Rainbow Dash offered Fancy Pants.

"I think I'd like that, actually. Perhaps you could even indulge me now?" he requested.

Rarity blushed. "Oh, very well. But—Fancy Pants, please know my friend has a flair for the dramatic and prone to some embellishment herself."

"I won't deny it," Rainbow Dash admitted with a cocky little shrug as she hovered in place.

Fancy Pants chuckled. "Duly noted, Miss."

The pegasus began her tale, doing her best to not insult Rarity and hype her own abilities up instead. Rarity left the pair to enjoy the rest of the party. The other friends mingled among the other guests too, leaving Rainbow Dash and Fancy Pants alone.

"Hah, what an interesting tale you weave, Rainbow Dash. Truly. Do you always narrate with such exuberance?"

"I have been known to get ponies excited for campfire stories," Rainbow acknowledged with a proud nod. She felt her bloodlust suddenly starting to creep in.

Fancy Pants chuckled. "I see."

"Well, Fancy Pants, it's been fun, but I'm getting thirsty so off to find something to drink," Rainbow informed him.

"Oh, I'd be happy to accompany you," Fancy Pants offered.

Rainbow took a quick glance and general observance of her surroundings. They were a fair distance from the few guests left, including her friends. She might be able to talk him into going with her, but she could not drink blood here. That much was certain.

He was a friend to Rarity, so there was that to consider as well. In Ponyville, she tried to stick to strangers to the town or at least to herself. The distance added some protection in keeping her secret, which admittedly had not been difficult. All things considered, the safer option was still to let the stallion be and resist her true thirst.

Rainbow Dash smiled at Fancy Pants. "I would like that."

She let him accompany her and pretended to find something she liked before he parted for the night. Then she and her friends went back to Twilight's own previous residence.

She fed the next night on a stranger in Ponyville instead.

Another few days passed. The day after Spike's birthday, Rainbow Dash happened to fly near a tree with Twilight Sparkle and Applejack tied to it. The pegasus burst into laughter at the sight of them and fell on her back. "Don't tell me! You—you tied yourselves up?"

The other two mares struggled and squirmed from within their unintentional capture.

"Get us out of here right now!" an annoyed Applejack told her.

Suddenly, all three heard a scream.

Applejack gasped. "What was that?"

"It sounded like Fluttershy to me," Rainbow answered as she lifted herself up from the ground. She quickly bit the rope loose for the other two, and all three made their way to Fluttershy's cottage.

There, the trio learned a little more about the situation among each other though Rainbow herself had nothing to contribute. Twilight explained that Spike had turned into a rampaging dragon bigger than his usual size. He had taken apples from Applejack's orchard and stolen Fluttershy's chicken coop. During this conversation, the four mares heard yet another scream.

"That sounded like Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow informed her three friends. They all hurried off to Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie Pie was angrily throwing cakes at the greedy, larger dragon Spike had become.

Rainbow Dash gulped at the sight of him.

The purple dragon had prominent fangs and hissed with a visibly forked tongue. He was easily double the size of a mare like herself. While he had not physically struck any of her friends, she knew they were under a serious threat if this thing went on. She was about to suggest Fluttershy try her Stare, but then Spike's body started to shake and grow.

Deciding action was necessary right then and there, Rainbow Dash threw herself at him and pinned the large beast to the ground. She held him firm with fierce red eyes and gritted fangs of her own. "Stop!" she commanded him.

The young dragon stared up at her, locked in the gaze. He blinked and held still. His body froze, no longer about to transform any further.

The other mares watched in amazement, stunned and speechless.

Seething, Rainbow Dash simply held him in her enchantment. They already saw one of her powers, and she could not hold him forever.

"I need you girls to trust me," she said without looking away from the dragon trapped in her enchantment. "Trust me that what I'm about to do is to help him. Got it?"

They all gulped. "We got it, Rainbow," Applejack answered for the other four. She, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy placed comforting hooves on a nervous Twilight Sparkle.

The vampire mentally prepared herself. This feeding was unique. He was a young dragon, and she was not even thirsty. She never fed during the day. She resisted the urge to switch to her bat wings. They often came out right before the bite, but her friends were scared enough as things were.

Rainbow Dash leaned down and bit into the other creature's neck. She felt his greed that had overpowered him so sought out and found the memory of Rarity talking about how generous he had been about his fire ruby. The thought of Rarity and her appreciation for him settled the dragon down, but he still needed a little boost.

The vampire pulled away and held him in her gaze a little more. "Now...remember..." She pushed the memory more strongly back into him.

Spike nervously nodded, closed his eyes, and slowly...his body began to shrink.

Eventually, he was small enough that Rainbow Dash knew she would hurt him with her weight pinning him down. She lifted off into a hover. Twilight rushed over to him and hugged his unconscious body. She nervously held her ear to his chest, then heard his heart beating safe and sound. "He's okay," she told the others.

"You've got some explaining to do." Applejack stared up at Rainbow Dash with a stern fire in her eyes.

Fluttershy was sitting on the floor. She nervously looked up at the sky blue pegasus while holding onto her own long pink tail. "I would like to know more about what just happened too."

"Um...yeah..." Pinkie Pie concurred with as much energy as she could muster on the whole thing.

"When she's ready," Twilight uttered.

They all looked at their unicorn friend.

"I mean...when she's ready but hopefully soon too...right, Rainbow?" Twilight said with careful hope.

Rainbow sighed and plopped herself down to the ground. "Yeah uh...when Spike is awake and...I wouldn't want to tell all of you without Rarity around."

"I'll get her and meet ya'll back at the library then. Fair deal?" Applejack offered.

Ashamed and generally disappointed with the day's events, Rainbow nodded. "Fair deal."

The six mares and one young dragon sat in a circle, all eyes on the rainbow-maned sky blue pegasus among them.

"So...what was that all about?" Twilight Sparkle prompted.

"I uh...I turned into something called a 'vampire' awhile ago," Rainbow Dash explained.

The others exchanged glances until most of them looked at the studious Twilight Sparkle. Twilight looked at them nervously and shrugged. "No idea," she confessed with embarrassed, folded down ears. She turned to Rainbow Dash. "Tell us more, Rainbow. What is a vampire?"

"Well, there's only the two of us that we know of..." Rainbow continued.

"Two? Who's the other one?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I'm not telling you her name. Just know she exists," Rainbow told them all.

They gulped but did not argue, sensing Rainbow's protective nature of the other vampire.

The sky blue mare went on, "So anyway...um...from what we can tell—the two of us—is that a vampire is a creature that drinks blood—"

Horrified gasps escaped the lips of her friends.

"Have you had any of our blood?" a terrified Fluttershy asked.

"Well, I had Spike's, like you saw...but uh....no. Not any of yours. I haven't actually been a vampire for long," Rainbow admitted.

"How long then?" Applejack wanted to know.

"The night of the Mare Do Well parade. The other vampire found me and took me that night," Rainbow answered. "A little over a month ago."

Fluttershy gasped at the realization. "Your new friend!"

Rainbow bowed her head with a hint of shame. "Yeah, her."

"Sounds dreadful," Rarity remarked.

"Well...I definitely thought so at first too, but I actually really like how things turned out now," Rainbow admitted. She smiled. "We're companions."

"But you drink blood!" an exasperated Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Yes. Yes, I do," Rainbow replied. She stopped herself from telling them how wonderfully delicious it was.

"Blood thing aside," a nervous Twilight interjected, "there is more to it than that, right?" The unicorn was doing her best to hide her disgust and stay calm.

"Well, I mean I got some extra powers. I can enchant someone, like I did with Spike before I bit him. I'm stronger and faster. My senses are amplified. And uh...oh, I can grow fangs, make my eyes turn red, and make my wings change to be bat wings."

Everyone sat...stunned.

"Okay...." Pinkie Pie finally said. "The blood thing was really gross, but the rest of that does sound kinda neat. I would want to be a vampire too without the blood bit."

"Rainbow Dash...why didn't you tell us?" Twilight wondered.

"I wanted to keep it a secret for as long as I could. I knew a day like today might happen, but I didn't think it would be so soon. I actually did hint at it to Rarity one time," Rainbow explained.

Rarity blinked. "Oh goodness, you're right. It was just before my visit to Canterlot. That is where you newfound charm is from? This vampire thing?"

"Yeah. I figured you would find it gross and repulsive. I mean, I did...I just...it's who I am now," Rainbow replied.

Rarity gasped at a sudden realization. "Fancy Pants! You were with him that night for the garden party." She gasped again. "Did you drink his blood?"

"No. Believe me, it was tempting. He was ripe for the taking that night," Rainbow admitted as she licked her lips, showing her fangs even then, "but no. I thought it would help keep the secret longer—which it did."

"That is a slight relief," Rarity uttered uneasily.

No one spoke for awhile.

"So..." Rainbow Dash fiddled with her tail and asked meekly, "Um...can I still be friends with ya'll?"

"Well, that depends," Twilight spoke for the group. "Have you been hurting other ponies to get the blood like you did with Spike?"

Rainbow Dash sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes. Yes, alright? I enchant them, sometimes scare them a little, and..."

She paused.

"What is it, dear?" Rarity wondered.

Rainbow Dash decided to go all in. She had come this far, and if anything drove them away...it would be this fact...probably. "...and I resist the urge to kill them. I command them to forget me or think of me as a nightmare...and then I take enough to satisfy me while not actually killing them. I don't know if it would make a difference to any of you, but they do like it thanks to the enchantment."

"Yikes," Spike remarked.

"The enchantment makes the pain not so bad," Rainbow explained with a pleading voice, trying to justify it all. "And they're not traumatized because they forget! I can technically still live without the blood, but then it makes me more susceptible to mind magic that can turn me into an actual real killer."

"Oh my...well...I suppose I do look after some predator animals myself...." Fluttershy considered aloud. "We do have an arrangement that they cannot prey on my other animal friends when we're all together."

"But Rainbow Dash ain't some woodland critter you're taking care of," Applejack noted sternly. The frown her face spoke volumes of disapproval. "Rainbow Dash, you—." She honestly didn't know what to say. She was just mad. Rainbow Dash hadn't even lied...not really...it was just...Applejack felt she should have been told sooner or something. She sighed in exasperation. "Consarn it, Rainbow. What are we going to do with you? We can't just have a vampire in Ponyville and do nothing about it—two vampires!"

"But what would we do?" Fluttershy asked her. "Like Rainbow said, it's part of who she is now, and she hasn't killed anypony."

"Get rid of them, cure them, something!" Applejack yelled.

Rainbow Dash stared sadly at the floor. She couldn't even be mad. "I get it," she said. "If things were reversed, I would probably be saying the same thing, but still...I don't want to be cured," she admitted to them.

They all turned their heads to look at her.

"I like being a vampire," she explained.

"But Rainbow Dash..." Twilight Sparkle began.

"I know! Alright, I know! But...i-it feels so good. So right," Rainbow told them, sniffing the air with a contented smile. "Argh!" She deliberately fell over on her back in frustration.

Twilight opened her mouth to speak and thought for a moment, then announced, "I'll ask Princess Celestia."

The vampire sat up. "Please...no..." she begged. Not Celestia. Not she who wielded the sun, that big dangerous ball of fire in the sky.

"Rainbow Dash, we have to do something!" Applejack insisted.

Fluttershy added gently, "And maybe Princess Celestia would know what do. None of us want to hurt you, but we don't want you hurting other ponies either. It may be part of who you are now, but it wasn't always."

"I know it's risky," Twilight said, "but could you please resist the blood-drinking at least until I've talked to Princess Celestia about what to do."

"Ugh, fine," Rainbow Dash grumbled and folded her forelimbs in annoyance. "But remember, that I warned you girls if some freaky magic happens to me."

"We know, Rainbow. We know," Rarity assured her.

"And at least ask the other vampire to do the same," Twilight suggested.

"I will," Rainbow said with a sigh.

Meanwhile, an approaching figure from outside had other ideas. The mare paused at the sight of the large tree that housed the Golden Oaks Library. "Found you," she said with a smirk. Coco was going to pay.

Author's Note:

Author's Notes:

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My other Rainbow Dash vampire stories:

The Master Mev is my main work. It is both lighter and longer than this story, my true pride and joy.

Vampires About Ponyville was a very similar concept last year of me being in the mood to write something involving Rainbow Dash as a blood-drinking vampire and similar in planned length of this story.

This story is still on track for 9 chapters though chapters 6-8 are still in their rough state. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep to weekly updates once I get to that point. Still, I plan to publish Chapter 4 next week (Friday night or Saturday morning).