• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 1,611 Views, 12 Comments

My Vampire Companion - kazamacat

Rainbow Dash is feeling down on her luck one night when she meets a vampire named Coco Pommel.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Transformation

It was a dark and warm, clear night in Ponyville when Rainbow Dash walked out of the local juice bar. She gave a friendly smile and wave to the other patrons and barkeep.

They raised their glasses, smiled, and bid her farewell.

Turning her head away from them, the sky blue mare immediately frowned. Their company had helped take her mind off what was bothering her, but now she was alone again. Being alone meant remembering that today sucked.

"'A real hero doesn't brag'," she muttered in annoyance to herself as she walked along a lone, dirt path. She sighed. "A real hero saves or helps ponies, which is what I was doing."

She blinked at a sudden memory of when she didn't move to save someone because she was signing autographs and wanted it to be more exciting by putting it off to the last second. "Emphasis on the 'was'...I'm sorry," she told no one.

Or at least, she thought no one. A stealthy figure stalked her...carefully observing her every move, word, and thought. Waiting—and hopeful.

Rainbow Dash assumed she was alone, and that was why she was openly muttering to herself. No one would or could get hurt from that. Well, no more than the hurt she herself felt at having her friends trying to knock her down a peg or two—or five. The pegasus grimaced but could not bring herself to say anything more.

Nothing could undo what happened at her own repeated failures, from the moment Mare Do Well first arrived on the scene. Now that the air had cleared on what Mare Do Well even was...Rainbow Dash had to move past that and work on becoming a better pony anyway.

That was the only way forward and no other.

Suddenly, she heard a small intake of breath. Rainbow Dash tensed up and looked around. She spread her wings but did not fly. She merely wiggled a few nervous feathers. She was going to be really embarrassed if somepony heard her rambling on and on about this stuff.

"H-hello?" Rainbow Dash asked the silent night air.

Suddenly, some entity whammed itself into her figure, knocking her down to the ground.

"Oomf," Rainbow uttered. Strong and radiant red eyes flashed at her and searing pain soon followed on her neck. A hoof clamped over her mouth to stop her from screaming outwardly in pain.

Sleep, my love a telepathic voice commanded. Gentle and unfamiliar... Sleep...and forget.

Rainbow Dash blinked several times, catching sight of a pony's face, and succumbed to the entity's command.

Sometime later that same night, Rainbow Dash groggily opened her eyes. She was laying on her back in a bed that wasn't hers. She did not know how she got here, but she knew she was not home.

"Oh good," a gentle voice greeted her, sitting right at Rainbow's side. The voice sounded relieved though it was not a voice Rainbow recognized.

She stared at an earth pony mare with an off-white coat and two-tone light blue hair. The awakening pegasus studied the figure and narrowed her eyes. "Who are you?"

"My name is Coco Pommel," the sincere mare told her.

"Rainbow Dash." Rainbow offered her hoof, still lying down on her back, and Coco pleasantly smiled. The off-white mare was happy to accept the shake for their introduction.

Rainbow Dash sat up and rubbed at her head. "What happened?"

Coco stared sadly at the floor. "I'm so sorry," she uttered.

"Sorry for what?" Rainbow Dash asked her.

Coco took a deep breath and looked at Rainbow with serious and sincere light cyan eyes. "I...want you..."

Rainbow stared at her incredulously. "Excuse me...?"

It was flattering to hear, to be sure, but she had to question it.

The other mare shook her head. "Okay, shoot. How do I do this? Where to start?" She stared up seriously at Rainbow Dash again. "You're mine now. I want you, and I have you. And you're mine."

Rainbow Dash burst into laughter and lightly tapped Coco's shoulder. "You're getting stranger by the second, girl. Just tell me what the hay is going on with you." The pegasus lifted out of the bed and into a hover not far above it.

At that, Coco hissed, lunged high, and tackled the sky blue mare to the floor. She forced Rainbow on her back yet again. Coco bared four sharp teeth just over Rainbow's muzzle with suddenly fierce red eyes. "You're mine!" she snarled.

Rainbow Dash squirmed and squirmed, but the earth pony was too strong—stronger than Applejack. She had Rainbow Dash easily pinned down against the floor, and the pegasus could barely move her wings. She squirmed that much more but to no avail.

Rainbow Dash took several deep breaths. She stopped to think over her losing struggle, trying to figure the other mare out.

Coco's facial expression had gone blank, and she said nothing. All she did was hold Rainbow Dash down in the moment. Thinking of the mare's gentle nature before her lunge, Rainbow thoughtfully blinked a few times. Coco was restraining her but not biting her despite those fangs she revealed a moment ago. "Please get off of me," the captured pony politely requested.

The other creature silently complied and seated herself nearby on the floor, wiping her mouth with a hoof. Rainbow Dash took equally silent notice of the mare's eyes returning to a light cyan color.

The rainbow-maned pegasus dusted off her own forelimbs and chose to stay grounded for the moment. That was probably safer if Coco was just trying to make sure she didn't escape. Gathering her bearings, Rainbow asked, "What are you?"

"I'm a vampire," Coco replied.

Rainbow Dash searched her memory—searched hard. "I don't know what that word means," she finally admitted.

"I'm not sure anyone besides me does, but that is what my maker called me," Coco explained.

"'Maker'?" Rainbow repeated back to her.

Coco nodded but explained no further.

Rainbow sighed. "So, care to tell me anything else about you or what a vampire is? All I've got so far is that you got super possessive and grew fangs just now. The eyes changed to red. You almost bit me, but you didn't. And you're strong. Really strong."

"I have already fed on you," Coco Pommel admitted. She stared at Rainbow Dash seriously. "I drink blood. I drank your blood."

Rainbow Dash blanched at that. "You did what?" she furiously whispered back.

Red returned to Coco's eyes in a glare. Predatory and fierce. "You are mine," she said again.

"Yeah, you keep saying that, but I don't get it. If you already drank my blood—which is totally messed up and sick by the way—what makes me 'yours'? I am your what? Your prisoner? Your emergency food supply? What?"

"My companion. My fledgling," Coco answered her. She stood and approached the other mare. The red faded into light cyan again. "I'm lonely, Rainbow Dash. Please...be with me." Coco held the pegasus' hoof in her own, in a loving gesture.

Rainbow stared at the touch. She paused and thought hard for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer. Sincerity emanated from the dangerous creature, but the fact remained that Coco Pommel restrained her only a moment ago. "You're not really giving me a choice here, are you, Miss Vampire?"

Coco stared around at the room uneasily. She knew what Rainbow Dash was thinking. Not every word verbatim but well enough to know the pegasus' uncertainty and suspicion. "I..." she gulped and clenched her eyes shut with evident remorse. "You don't have to be my companion, but you have no choice in becoming a vampire like me. I have fed on you, and I want you. I have done all the steps to make you a vampire. I will have that of you, if nothing else."

"And those steps are?" Rainbow asked suspiciously.

Coco put a hoof to her mouth. "It does not matter. You cannot stop what will happen to you. Only choose how you will move forward from here. With me—or without me."

Rainbow shoved the hoof away. "Alright, I think I've humored your messed up fantasy enough, lady. I've got friends, alright? Friends that have dealt with far worse villains than whatever a vampire is. I don't know what you're going on about, but I'll bet my friends can stop me from becoming that. So, no, I will not be your companion. And somehow, I don't know how yet, I won't become a vampire either."

"But you're mad at your friends, are you not?" Coco asked in earnest. "They plotted against you. They set their sights on taking you down, on humbling you—which they have. Your ego is bruised. Your pride fallen. You are hurt, Precious. I can make it better. I can be somepony who believes in you, who appreciates you, who wants you to be there for me any day, any night, just so that I can have the beautiful, wondrous chance of being with you."

Rainbow Dash sniffled and held back tears at the comforting thought Coco offered her. The sky blue pegasus had felt so alone before. Not only that, there was the painful reminder of just why she had felt so lost before being found by this creature. Rainbow had instinctively lifted into a hover, but Coco did not stop her this time. Despite the offered comfort, the pegasus muttered shortly to the vampire, "You don't even know me."

Coco smiled at her with some kind of twisted warm pity and sincerity. "I have fed on you. I know you, even if you do not know how I know you. I know your pride is your strength and your weakness. I know you wear it like a badge of honor, but it is really a shield because you're so terribly, terribly afraid of what you are deep down. You're so scared that perhaps you are not good enough. Good enough for who you want to be—who you strive to be."

With a nervous swallow, a helpless tear streamed down Rainbow's cheek, and the flapping of her wings slowed in place.

"I know that you want to do right, that you are full of so much love, even if you don't want others to know how much you want that or how far that love goes. Because you also know...you are a flawed pony."

The pegasus began to descend back down over the bed she had woken from in this place. Her expression was sad and pensive. More tears streamed down with her descent.

"And that these past few days, you felt powerful and loved and right. You were a hero, but you were also a celebrity. Then that fame clouded your mind. You messed up—and then you kept messing up. And the more you tried to fix everything, the more it damaged that fragile shield, all to end in humiliation."

Rainbow Dash clenched her eyes shut and clenched her jaw. Her lips quivered, and she shook her head, stifling a whimper.

"And I know that because you are so full of so much love for those friends, you don't wish to show them how angry you are. You could show them your confusion and your hurt. But your anger? They can know you're irritable, but they cannot know your fury."

Lips quivered helplessly again.

"Because you don't feel such rage is justified. You know you were wrong. You were out of line. Maybe it wasn't humility you needed so much as a reminder...that helping others is more important than basking in the fanfare of doing it. That is what you believe, yes?"

The rainbow-maned mare was a sniveling mess at this point and openly sobbed into her own hooves. "Y-yes. I'm...I'm sorry," she murmured through her tears. "Oh I messed up so bad."

Coco stepped forward and embraced her. "I know, and I forgive you," she whispered.

Rainbow accepted the embrace without question, burying her head into the other mare's chest. Then she blinked and stared up at Coco, as if seeing her for the first time, really and truly. Coco's off-white coat was soft, and her light cyan eyes were warm and caring. It was clear she wanted Rainbow to feel better and comforted. Rainbow blinked a few more times in thought, then reluctantly forced herself away. She stepped down from the bed and paced about the room. "You're right...alright? You're right about all of that, but..."

Coco waited and did not interrupt.

"But they are still my friends," Rainbow noted strongly as she met Coco's eyes with a serious expression, "and I still need their help—assuming you're telling the truth."

Coco gulped. She stepped closer, reached out, and gently stroked the other mare's cheek. "I am."

Rainbow Dash visibly resisted the urge to flinch and let her do it.

The vampire smiled with two sad light cyan eyes at her. "They cannot help you. It will start very soon. You will not make it in time."

"I'm fast!" Rainbow shot back at the vampire, flaring out her own feathered wings. She swiftly dashed to a nearby window, standing on her hind legs and ready to open it.

Coco was on her in no time. The vampire embraced her from behind before Rainbow Dash could fly away. It was a firm grab but also protective and loving in its nature. "Not fast enough," Coco told her gently. The strong vampire held tight.

Rainbow Dash squirmed but barely. She had little fight left in her. The longer she was with Coco, the more she understood the truth. She knew—she felt it in her own body—she knew Coco was right. Her muscles relaxed, and she stopped trying to escape the vampire's clutches.

Coco loosened her grip but still hugged the other mare from behind. "I will teach you. After that, you can leave me or stay with me but stay long enough for me to guide you. I have denied you one choice, yes, but you do still have the other, I promise." She released her hold.

Rainbow turned around and looked at her. It was a serious, thoughtful gaze, not one of disgust or anger or rejection. Coco smiled and gently stroked the sky blue mare's forelock.

Rainbow Dash gulped, looked down at the floor, then up again at the vampire, meeting her sincere eyes yet again. "Okay," she surrendered gently. She shuddered in place. "Okay." Her voice slowly became more steady. "What's next? How long does it take?"

"It will start in only a few minutes. Most of the transformation does not take long, but you will need to feed for it to truly finish," Coco informed her.

"But then can't I just...not...feed..?" the sky blue mare hesitated to ask.

"Trust me, Rainbow Dash, you will not be able to resist. Not your first," Coco explained with a sympathetic shake of her head.

Rainbow Dash trembled in place and started to cry again. "But—"

"Trust me," Coco told her firmly, and Rainbow trusted her.

The frightened pegasus sat down, and she waited. Coco sat right across from her to help her through the process.

Rainbow Dash felt her body grow cold and still. All of her blood, and her own heart seemed to stop, but she was still thinking. The pause was momentary and weird and painless. Then it all began to flow again. "What was that?" Rainbow whispered to Coco, her eyes suddenly red and glowing. "Did I just die?"

"Sort of," Coco answered her. "Just consider it a part of the transformation Your eyes are glowing red for the moment."

"They are?" Rainbow asked. She rushed over to the first mirror she could find within the room.

Rainbow stared at herself in amazement. She felt guilty at how beautiful she found the new eyes. "Wow," she whispered. The glow subsided at the sight, and the color receded back to her standard magenta as a pegasus. "Can I make them come back?" she asked Coco.

Coco nodded. "Any time you like though for me, it happens when I am...hungry...angry...predatory."

Rainbow Dash nodded back and even smiled. She liked that. She practiced in the mirror to her great amusement, before pausing to reflect that her transformation was still in progress. "It's still happening, right?"

"Yes," Coco answered her with a nod. "If it is like mine, your teeth are next."

Rainbow Dash was captivated at that idea, so returned to looking at herself. She opened her mouth, longing to see it happen. She watched in more amazement as four of her teeth grew into pointy things, two on top and two on the bottom. She grinned, enamored with her new look. She glanced over to Coco. "Can I uh...?"

"They will grow and retract at will," Coco informed her with yet another nod.

The pegasus practiced that and changing her eye color. She was positively giddy, even hopping in place with a tiny clap of her hooves, which made Coco smile with disguised relief.

"What else?" Rainbow asked. She now came across as an eager and hopeful student learning something important from her teacher. "Is that it?"

"Your senses..." Coco began, but Rainbow Dash suddenly fell to the floor and gasped in pain.

"Rainbow Dash!" the other vampire worriedly exclaimed, taken aback by whatever was happening

"My wings!" Rainbow choked out in pain.

She cringed as her feathered wings flashed into leathery bat flaps, switching between the two types a few times.

"I didn't know they would change too. I'm sorry!" Coco told her.

Gritting her teeth and clenching her eyes shut, Rainbow said nothing to Coco. She was not sure what to make of this change yet, so she would not worry about that until the pain ended. She felt the change in texture. Soft feathers to rough leathery appendages. Once the pain subsided, she stood back up and stared at her new wings. They were bat wings with sharp and menacing tips. Her eyes turned red, and her fangs grew.

What a monster she had become.

She looked at herself in the mirror, still utterly fascinated by the changes. She giddily laughed and hopped in place again at the sight. She tried to will the wings back to their feathered form, and they obeyed. At that, the pegasus sighed in relief. She looked at Coco. "I forgive you for that part." After all, Coco was an earth pony and had admitted to not knowing if there even were other vampires besides herself.

Rainbow Dash realized the change in her senses started, as Coco had predicted before the wings shifted. The sky blue mare could see better and hear better. She started to pick up on sounds she could usually only hear if she listened hard without much other noise to bother her. She could smell too. She could smell the blood of other ponies in the same building. It was then that Rainbow realized she was in some kind of inn room.

She briefly wondered if that meant she would feed here, but she shoved that unpleasant thought away. Aside from that dreadful prospect, she felt really good in the moment.

She sighed happily, letting all of her vampire features out. They were alone, so she let them remain on her for the moment. They made her feel powerful in the best way.

"Any more?" she asked Coco eagerly again.

"The bloodlust will settle in soon to aid you on your first hunt," Coco explained.

The bat pony's body sagged at that. "Too bad you can't have all this without...that."

Coco giggled. "It's actually quite nice too. You'll see." The earth pony circled her to inspect the fledgling. She stroked one of Rainbow's leathery wings. The fledgling happily let her and even spread the wings to flaunt them all the more. Coco smiled warmly at her. "You're even more beautiful than I imagined you would be."

"Aw, thanks. You're not so bad yourself, lady," Rainbow told her. She had already forgiven Coco for making her this new creature. "Why didn't you tell me it would feel so....so awesome?"

Coco stared sadly at the floor. "I did not know it would. I have done what I know to make one like myself...but...you are my first and only fledgling, Rainbow Dash. I hoped that I was right."

Rainbow nodded. "Fair enough. Was your maker a vampire too then?"

"No," Coco quickly admitted and stopped there for her answer.

While the fledgling was curious, she could tell that Coco did not want to talk about her maker. She decided to leave it be, and maybe she could find out more later. "Strange," Rainbow muttered. "So uh...the bloodlust still isn't here...should I...?" She paused, then gulped. "Never mind."

She seethed in place. The yearning grew inside her, beckoning her, commanding her to take that which was hers this night. She grinned evilly. "Never mind."

Coco chuckled in amusement. "There you are, Precious," she said, as if she had discovered a hidden treasure.

"What do I do?" Rainbow asked though she said it as more of a demand. She even grabbed Coco's forelimb in the process.

Coco did not mind the touch one bit. She leaned in forehead to forehead, sending the thoughts and guidance forward for her fledgling. Rainbow took in the information with serious care. With a nod, the bat pony retracted all her features. She looked exactly as she always had before Coco bit her this night.

"Perfect," Coco told her.

With a nod of acknowledgment, the bloodthirsty pegasus left the room, and Coco followed soon after.

Rainbow Dash casually trotted through a hall in the inn with a spring in her step and a noticeable whistle.

"Having a good evening?" a friendly unicorn stallion asked her as she passed by him. He had a brown coat and wavy silver hair with some darker gray streaks.

"The best," Rainbow answered him with a huge smile and no fangs.

He nodded with a smile back.

The pegasus seemed to continue onward with that spring in her step for a bit. Using her enhanced sense of smell, she knew his room was otherwise empty. Good; he was isolated. Taking observation of her surroundings, she trotted back a few steps, and glanced around. Coco nodded from a distance to tell her that no one else was watching or listening in the hall either.

Rainbow Dash knocked at the door.

The stallion answered. "Well, hello again, Miss. Can I help you?"

The sky blue mare grinned up at him. "I was hoping I could have a moment of your time. You see, I'm ever so thirsty."

The stallion smiled at that. He could just tell her to go to a vending machine, but he had drinks here. Plus, she was very charming and beautiful.

"Oh, well, you're in luck. I have something to drink inside. Won't you come in?" he offered.

"It would be my pleasure," Rainbow answered him. Upon the invitation, she forcefully stepped forward, then used one of her hind legs to kick the door shut, before taking several more steps, easily backing him to a nearby wall.

The stallion gulped. "Bit forward of a mare, aren't you?"

Her expression suddenly turned vicious. "You have no idea," a deadly voice told him. Her suddenly red eyes trapped him—held him. Yet just as quickly and easily...her voice softened into a seductive murmur. "The drink I want is inside you. Won't you let me have some as you have so generously invited me in?"

Trembling, the stallion found he could not look away. "Yes," he answered her.

"Oh, thank you," she replied gently with a sincerely grateful smile. She leaned close to his neck and sniffed. She closed her enchanting eyes for a moment to enjoy the scent and let her new fangs grow. Her wings shifted into their bat form and fluttered at her side. The stallion saw the change and gulped. What was this mare? She took another moment to bask in hearing his flowing blood and nervous heartbeat.

Thump thump thump thump thump.

A little faster than usual for a stallion of his size. He was scared of her. She had him. He belonged to her. She could kill him if she liked. Crush his bones with an evil, sickening crunch. Snap his neck like it was nothing. She could hear those malicious possibilities—even see them—fleeting fantasies that they were. She wouldn't do those things to him, but she could. That power felt oh so good.

He seemed to realize her enchantment waned in her pausing, so he slowly tried to push her away.

Rainbow Dash could have overpowered him—could have held firm. Slam him against the wall and just taken her bite that instant.

But she did no such thing. She just stood there with his hoof pressed against her chest, locked still, because he could not bring himself to push her any further. His unicorn magic was much the same. The horn lit with a yellow glow but nothing more. It was as useless as his hoof. She let him wallow in his fear of her and what she would do. Mostly, he was still trapped...but there was also his own morbid curiosity of what she had in store for him.

"Are you going to kill me?" he asked with a nervous tremor in his voice.

"I want to," Rainbow admitted in a low tone. She smiled slyly and let her red eyes light up with a malicious glow. "It sounds so positively delicious right now."

She held him in her gaze a little longer still. Then she leaned close to one of his nervous flattened ears, despite the hoof he still held against her chest. "I could suck you dry," she added with an evil whisper. She pulled away. Her smile widened into a wicked grin, yet she made no movement against him.

He cringed and waited...waited for death to take him.

But death did not come.

The stallion cracked an eye open to see the red-eyed mare still smiling wickedly at him. He gulped and met those terrifying red eyes again. "But you're going to let me live?" he asked hopefully.

The evil smile suddenly disappeared. Those dreadfully powerful red orbs thoughtfully flitted up and down, sizing him up for her answer. "Under the right conditions."

"Which are?" His words came out before he could think them. She was so beautiful...so captivating...so positively mesmerizing.

She gently pushed his hoof back to him, then leaned in and murmured once more into his ear. "Tell no one. Forget me. Forget I took you this night to have you as my first drink of blood. And if you somehow do not forget...let me be nothing but a nightmare to you. My power is your wicked secret. Do that for me, and you will live, my prey."

She pulled away with a seductive evil smile, showing off her fangs as she asked, "Do we have a deal?"

"Yes, sweet creature. Yes," he answered with a sudden longing that she do take him. He had the honor of being her first, and she would let him live. He wanted her to do it.

The fanged creature was extremely pleased to see that happen. With a light snarling breath, her mouth widened. She sank her sharp teeth in, piercing his flesh and drinking her first taste of blood. Sweet, sweet, delicious pony blood. Pure ecstasy of dark red liquid flowed from his neck, into her mouth, filling her undead body.

Flashes of his life flashed into her. His name was Astral Ace, and he was only a little older than she was. He was a friendly, amiable stallion...sometimes a bit lonely but had parents and a brother that cared for him over in Fillydelphia, even if he could never find a special somepony to be with him. There was a mare here in Ponyville that he kinda liked, so he would visit from time to time on business. Ponyville was a pleasant, friendly place. He always felt welcome here.

This beautiful mare with him was a welcome sight, even if she was the most scary thing he had ever encountered in his life.

Rainbow Dash pulled away as she felt her own power tell her it was time to stop before she did something so dangerous as kill the weak little mortal with her. She fully intended to keep up her end of the bargain.

He fell, but she caught him before he could hit the floor. The vampire gently carried him to the bed.

His eyes blearily blinked up at her. "Nightmare..." he muttered, no longer scared of her at all, just tired and enchanted.

Rainbow gently stroked his mane and pecked him on the cheek. "Good luck, my prey. I hope things work out for you," she told him.

He smiled. "Not a bad way to go if you did kill me."

Rainbow smiled back at him with caring red eyes. "You'll be fine," she assured him in a soft voice.

"I will be fine," he repeated, allowing her spell to put him at ease. It was still true, after all. "Can I know your name, Nightmare?"

Rainbow's eyes darted over to the threshold of the room where she saw Coco standing. The earth pony had arrived without making a sound and was watching them from the door. Coco shook her head. The vampire fledgling looked at her victim again. She realized her transformation was complete, but she could reflect on that more in a bit. For now, she addressed the stallion. "I'm afraid not, sir. I love you, and I thank you, but...I want you to forget me. I'm sure you can understand why."

"Right," he nodded tiredly. "I hope I don't," he muttered as he at last fell asleep.

Rainbow Dash watched over him. No traces of her bite could be seen on his neck. She heard his blood flowing, safe and sound...and most importantly—alive.

Her shoulders relaxed for a moment as she reverted back to a pegasus form. She glanced to the other vampire, who beckoned her to follow. The two mares stealthily made their way back to Coco's room undetected.

"You did wonderfully, my dear," Coco told her giddily. She lightly clapped her forehooves together with pride.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash held a forelimb against the wall to support herself where she stood, overcome by everything that just happened. Seething with a sneer, she resentfully replied to Coco, "...You turned me into a murderous monster."

Coco frowned. "You didn't kill him!" she exclaimed defensively.

"Yes, but..." Rainbow paused. "I wanted to Coco. Oh, I wanted to so bad. I could have done it, and I stopped myself, but I wanted to. I could hear and see different ways to do it! What if I can't help myself next time? What if it is not someone so easygoing? What if he fought me and refused?"

"Rainbow Dash, I have done all I can to ease this process. You are cognizant, my love, and in full control of your faculties. The longing is something I cannot rid myself of either. I have long since learned to embrace it, but I see it is not the same for you. For that, I am sorry. I cannot make that part stop, only remind you that you can almost always manage," Coco said.

"'Almost' always? But not 'always' always?" Rainbow asked irritably.

Coco shook her head with obvious sympathy and a hint of shame. "Not 'always' always."

Gritting her newfound sharp teeth, Rainbow Dash thought of asking about Coco's past kills but decided against it. "I wish Mare Do Well had been real. There's somepony I wouldn't mind killing." She clenched her eyes tightly shut and took a deep breath. The thought of killing those responsible briefly crossed her mind, but it was a fleeting idea she knew to be so terrible and wrong. She blamed her new murderous nature and shoved the horrible thought away. She would never do that.

Those ponies were still her friends—weren't they? She looked at Coco. "You wanted me to be your companion, but I don't want to leave my friends. Tell me—can I still be friends with them? Will they accept me as this...this thing?"

"Rainbow Dash, I am not all-powerful," Coco admitted. "I don't know the answer to that. If they don't, we'll go and find a better home. If they do..." she smiled warmly. "I'll stay here in Ponyville. The place does not matter so much as the companionship."

Rainbow only stood in thought for a moment. With much of her anger settled yet not all gone, she simply asked, "What else do I need to know?"

"Fire is most dangerous to you. In fact, don't go out into the sunlight tomorrow. It will burn. After that, it is not so bad, but you will be more inclined to be nocturnal from now on," Coco answered.

Rainbow clenched her jaw and thought for another fleeting moment that she probably could not become a Wonderbolt anymore but....it was nothing compared to the feeling of being a vampire. She could probably out-fly them all now. Bloodlust aside, she liked her new form and new powers.

"You don't have to tell anyone," Coco suggested to her. "You can hide the signs and just hunt at night, alone or with me."

"How often do I need the blood?" Rainbow wondered.

"Never," Coco answered, smiling.

Rainbow blinked up at her in shock. "You're lying."

Coco blinked back. "Well...hmm...not on purpose. Let me explain. You meant that question for your own survival, did you not?"


"You are immortal. You don't need anything anymore. Follow the desire in your heart. It will be more frequent because you are so young, but I am not kidding. You will live forever, even if you resist. But..." Coco's voice turned stern.

Rainbow Dash gulped nervously. The gentle mare had never sounded so stern in Rainbow's brief time with her.

"This is perhaps where your instincts told you I lied. You are more susceptible to magical influence if you do not feed often enough to follow that desire. Some magic exists that can make you...lose control."

"No," Rainbow uttered, positively horrified.

"It is the same for mortals," Coco reminded her. "If you lose control, then you really will not be able to stop yourself from going on a killing spree. The mortals might be able to burn you or harm you and seem to 'kill' you. It is just a stall. You will return eventually, reshaping into your own body—and will be back in control once again. Even so...you should feed if for no other reason than to prevent that scenario. In that sense, you do 'need' it—to help retain your 'self,' transformed as it is, so to speak."

"Coco...can I really not die, ever?" Rainbow asked. She was too startled by the idea to figure out if she thought that was a good thing or a bad thing yet.

"I know that I have not died. I have wanted to die but never so badly to try and kill myself over it. I believe if I wanted it badly enough, I could burn myself to ash, ask somepony to scatter the ashes, and then either be truly dead or at least gone for a long time," Coco answered.

"Well, that's kinda cool. Scary and maybe not so cool," Rainbow thought aloud. "Wait. What if mortals did that to you? Or me?"

Coco shook her head. "That is not the same. If I want to live on, it will be so. The same for you. The ashes will coalesce more quickly than if either of us truly longed for death. We would seem to die, but we will return...probably within an hour to a day."

Silence. Rainbow could not think of anything to say to that.

"So..." Coco nervously rubbed her right forelimb to on her left and then flitted it outward. "So...." Her light cyan eyes pleaded with Rainbow Dash for an answer.

The fledgling knew what she wanted. "What are you to me? Like a mom or a girlfriend? I can't tell," Rainbow replied.

Coco blushed with an embarrassed smile. "That is why I have chosen 'companion,' but as you are my 'fledgling,' I am...I am not sure what the word is, if I am being honest. Not...'mom'." She giggled. "'Mistress' or 'master' perhaps?"

"Master," Rainbow said with a smile, and her eyes even lit up to red happily. "Master." She clearly approved and even nodded.

Coco blushed all the more. "I am your master then, but please just stick with calling me Coco, my dear. I can call you 'dear' and 'precious' and 'love,' right?"

The younger vampire shrugged. "It's a little icky and weird, since I barely know you, but I don't really mind. I won't stop you."

"So...my dear...will you...be my companion?" Coco asked hopefully.

"For now," Rainbow consented with a thoughtful nod of her head. She still ultimately forgave Coco despite her earlier anger. She liked the strange sweet master well enough in the moment. She was cute, even if the senior and more powerful of the pair. The fledgling gave Coco a devious smirk and leaned in close, showing off her fangs with gleeful red eyes. "You sure you don't want me to call you those things too?"

Coco blushed again, even harder than before, and her eyes widened. "W-well, I mean if you actually wanted to...I-I wouldn't stop you either."

Reaching out a hoof, Rainbow Dash lifted Coco's chin and stared at her with an amused smile. Coco looked into those beautiful red eyes. They spoke of a wordless decision. Maybe...once Rainbow got to know her better.

The master smiled. She was fine with that.

Rainbow smiled back. The moment ceased, and the fledgling returned to another pressing thought. "As I was saying...for now, Coco. I need to figure out if I'm going to tell my friends the truth."

"My advice is that you don't," Coco offered.

"Coco, trust me. It's going to come up one day...somehow. I don't know how, but it will. My friends know I'm strong and fast but not as strong and fast as what you've made me," Rainbow explained. She smiled proudly. "Now I can be an even stronger hero that really could outdo even Mare Do Well, huh?"

Coco giggled. "So could I, but if it makes you feel better...yes."

"It does," Rainbow told her with a delightfully wicked tone in her voice. She blushed. "Thanks. I know you did it for your own selfish reason but thanks."

"That was not the only reason, even if it was the main one. I really did think it might help you in a way, with how down you have been lately...a gift...and it was my pleasure," Coco replied.

"Alright, so..." Rainbow returned to thinking about her friends. "Guess I'll just tell them if they notice something is up. That way, maybe I can keep it a secret."

Coco nodded. "Very well then. That would definitely be preferable to me. You might find it easier than you think to blend in during the day."

"Oh, well that's cool. Do...do you expect me to move in with you or you move in with me? This is an inn," Rainbow reminded her.

"Visiting is fine. We are only recently...bonded," Coco admitted. "You live in a cloud house off the ground. I am a powerful creature, but I still cannot fly. I am sure I could find a way if I wished, but I do not. I will find a residence in due time."

"My friend Twilight one time gave my friend Rarity wings, and then she could fly. They were butterfly wings that burned off....so guess we're not the only ones weak to that." The young vampire snickered. "It was temporary even if that had not happened," she conceded.

Coco chuckled at the brief story. "We don't have to live together. I just want some company sometimes."

"Right," Rainbow replied and nodded. "Right. Well, I'd feel safer with my master for my first day, especially if I shouldn't go out into the sun. Shoot... I need to call in sick or...or something. I can't have everypony thinking I've gone missing."

Coco understood well enough. "Do what you must."

The young vampire fledgling was off, making sure to wear her regular pegasus form. She left a note for the weather team at the office and shoved a note for Twilight under the door of the Golden Oaks Library, in case her friends looked for her during the day.

Despite Coco warning her of a nocturnal inclination, Rainbow Dash hoped she could manage still. She did not want to stop her life, even if she could. If her vampire life took over, she could take her time in that happening. She had forever now.

She returned to the inn room and took on her vampire form. Coco wanted some company, and Rainbow did too. Being immortal did not mean being invulnerable. The soft, caring master helped the young fledgling feel safe and protected.

Author's Note:

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My other Rainbow Dash vampire stories:

The Master Mev is my main work. It is both lighter and longer than this story, my true pride and joy.

Vampires About Ponyville was a very similar concept last year of me being in the mood to write something involving Rainbow Dash as a blood-drinking vampire and similar in planned length of this story.

The plan for this story is 9 chapters. Ideally, I will be publishing new chapters once a week between now and Christmas, but Chapters 6, 7, 8, are a bit rougher than the others. We'll see how it goes with my other projects and life things.

The other chapters will not be as long as this one.