• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 531 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Mages: The Rainbow Keys - Foxhelm

Sometimes you find what you need in places you didn't think to look, even five of the six keys Twilight and her friends need to open the strange six lock chest.

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It Ain’t Easy Being Pixie

Fluttershy was hosting her five closest friends for tea in her house, after everyone had enjoyed their tea (coffee in Applejack’s and Rainbow’s cases), she spoke, “Thank you all for coming today for the final preparations for the pixies’ flight through Magiville in two days.” the druid started.

Pinkie was the first of her five guests to speak, “Yes! Ooh, it's so exciting! Ah! I can't wait for Rainbow and all the other Skyborns to make the breeze for them so I can see how cute they are up close!” Fluttershy was thankful that served Pinkie decaffeinated and unsweetened tea. But as her friend seemed to bounce around regardless, Fluttershy was thankful Pinkie didn’t strike anything and cause it to break.

Rainbow put down her coffee, “We've never done it before,” she admitted in a small moment of humility, but the moment didn’t last long, “Not that I won't be totally awesome at it, because I totally will!” her ego needed to be fed, even if that meant she had to make such an unfounded claim.

Everyone else sans Fluttershy shook their heads, sometimes Rainbow was right to have her ego fed and sometimes she was wrong. All they could really hope for was that the next time Rainbow discovered she was wrong she would actually swallow the serving of humble pie she was going to get.

Fluttershy gave a soft sigh before she spoke, “The breeze is very important,” she informed, or more accurately confirmed, “but so is cheering on those teeny-tiny little things, so they have the confidence to ride that breeze to their mound.” she explained. "I was thinking we could do a special Pixie cheer!” However, before Pinkie could say anything, the druid covered her often excited friend’s mouth, “But the cheer should be a quiet cheer.” she informed. The other five looked to each other as they tried to fathom a ‘quiet-cheer’, it was borderline oxymoronic. Fluttershy continued, as if she would answer every question without being asked in time. “We don't want to startle them. They need to be able to concentrate.” she explained. Why don't we try it? You can do it, Pixies.” After a second of mentally preparing to give the quiet cheer, they repeated the cheer, “You can do it, Pixies!” slightly quieter than their normal voices. “A little quieter,” Fluttershy couched. “You can do it, Pixies!” the four repeated as they neared a whispered. Fluttershy pitched the air between her left thumb and index finger, “Just a little quieter.” she couched. The five rolled their eyes and in what could only be considered a whisper repeated the cheer, “You can do it, Pixies!” Fluttershy beamed before she shouted, “Perfect!” so load it shook her house. After everything settled Applejack gave the druid the paladin’s near signature bemused look with the other four giving their own variants. Fluttershy gave a weak laugh before she whispered, “yay.”

Two days later in the center of Magiville, everyone had gathered in the open, save the Skyborns employed by Cumula Weather’s Magiville Branch, who were a little over ten meters in the air and were using their ethereal wings and elemental magic to regulate the current of the wind a meter below them. That ‘layer’ was where the pixies were to fly through Magiville and its surrounding area. Among the land bound Magicborn, Earthborn and the fair number of Skyborn (because anymore would make the winds too powerful for the pixies), there was subdued soft music playing as the excitement of seeing the pixies managed to be kept subdued as well. In front of city hall, the Cakes were in a discussion with Fluttershy as they set out the baked goods they were commissioned for the after party. “What I don't understand is why they need the Skyborn to make a breeze for them.” Mr. Cake said as he got to the point

Fluttershy smiled, she rarely got the chance to give her knowledge, especially to adults that were not politely fanning interest, something that even her friends did with albeit with the best of intentions. “Well, you see, it's the breeze that activates the pixies' magic, and that magic protects the pollen they're carrying from being destroyed.”

The bakers look at each other in slight confusion. They had gone to an evening seminar hosted by Princess Twilight about the durability of pollen with samples that dated before 0 AC and thus they still didn’t follow, “So, no breeze means no magic means the pollen goes bad?” Mr. Cake asked, trying to but not able to reconcile what Princess Twilight taught and what Fluttershy was saying. He wasn’t alone in his confusion, but Mrs. Cake saw no need to chime in at this point.

“That's right!” Fluttershy declared. “You see this is a very special pollen and is harvested in a very particular way that makes it dependent on the pixies magic to maintain its structure.'' She gave a means to connect what seemed to be the contradictions between her statement and the lecture that she knew the Cakes attended. “And they only have a total of two days since the harvesting was completed to get that pollen back before the portal to their home closes.” she pointed out the time constraint that the pixies were under. “That's why it's ever-so-important that we help them make their way through Magiville safely.” she finished.

The Cakes turned to each, they both could tell that they still didn’t understand much of this, but they understood enough. Mrs. Cake spoke on her family’s behave, “We certainly wouldn't want to scare them and divert them from their path!” she declared, as Mr. Cake nodded in agreement. Fluttershy smiled and nodded, she knew the couple still didn’t understand it all, but they got the key points. “Well, you certainly know a lot about them.” Mrs. Cake finished. Fluttershy smiled and had a faint blush, few outside of her friends complimented her and her knowledge.

In less than ten minutes, the mayor of Magiville, after she was briefed by a Skyborn that was keeping an eye out for the pixies had spotted them, started to float from the side farthest from the Everfree Forest, cleared her throat and got everyone’s attention. Then in a whisper, “Everybody, it's time.” she started. “Please welcome…” she trailed off for a second or two just as the pixies got within visual range of most of the townsfolk. “The pixies!” she announced. Everyone turned and as silently as they could wooed and awed at the sight.

One of the pixies seemed to float alongside the rest of the tribe, he had blue skin, pink hair, with rose-red eyes and dressed in what seemed to be a black full bodysuit with white around the wrist, neck and ankles. He spoke the language of the pixies, “Lun! Arshen aifok!” in what was some sort of command. It was clear that he was among the leaders of the pixies. Everyone managed to keep their excitement over the cuteness of the pixies as they continued to float through the town.

Just then a leaf broke off a small branch and floated into the breeze. Everyone held their breath as they hoped it would just float along the pixies (beyond the fact if anyone tried to get the leaf it could do more harm than good). Yet the leaf cut across the path of the pixies in front of the last dozen. Everyone gasped as the dozen pixies panicked as they were caught in spirals, trapped in midair. Rainbow turned her head to her left as she tried to keep her torso forward as she spoke to the two Skyborn closest to her in their V formation. “Slow down the breeze for the other group to catch up!” she ordered. “They’re too far back! We can't connect the breeze to both sets!” the one on her right side pointed, calling attention to the increasing distance. Rainbow turned to face forward and came up with another idea, “What if we speed it up?” she asked, hoping that the other plan would work. “Then the first group'll be going too fast, and they'll get separated from each other even farther!” the one on her left pointed out.

The dozen pixies continued to panic as they continued to spin, trapped midair. The blue skinned pixie stopped and turned around midair to check the status of the rear dozen and saw their panic. “Tanagretu nik mir!” he shouted as he flew towards them against the breeze. “Maisegu de piripa!” he continued to command. He seemed about to shout something else as one of pixies was thrown out of the wind tunnel. Faster than anyone imagined, Fluttershy jumped into the air, her wings beating faster than ever, and she caught the pixie and flew closer to the rest of the panicking pixies. As Fluttershy got among the pixies, the commander shouted, “Mekenar stuf!” as he pointed to Fluttershy and the pixie she caught.

“Seabreeze's right!” she both identified the pixie in command and affirmed his command, “You must all gather as close as you possibly can!” she explained as she stretched out her arms and was able to catch all but Seabreeze, who managed to fly on his own next to Fluttershy as the druid brought them all safely to the ground, or rather an old stump. Once Fluttershy landed, everyone, save the recently identified Seabreeze, cheered.

After a second the cheering stopped and Seabreeze looked at Fluttershy, “Mugudi saikendus?” he asked the druid somewhat confused that another being seemed able to understand his tongue and yet not speak it.

Fluttershy only picked up the literal meaning of his question, that she understood his language, “Oh, I understand the language of all kinds of creatures!” she boasted.

Seabreeze squinted unimpressed, he had dealt with many Mysticans that could understand what his kind said, but none to date seemed able to actually speak it. “You must be so proud.” he mocked.

Fluttershy barely fought back a gasp of surprise, “And you speak my language too?” she asked.

Seabreeze gave a ‘pf’ and eyeroll, “I can.” he pointed to himself. He looked over his shoulder to the other pixies. “This lot can only understand you. Clearly, they're not the brightest bunch around.” The other pixies gave shouts of indignation. “Oh please, Mystican is not that hard to learn, we hear it every time and we have to harvest the pollen and go home.” he chastised the dozen. They only protested in response. He shook his head and turned back to Fluttershy.

While the pixies still shouted in indignation at Seabreeze, Pinkie was the first of Fluttershy’s friends to come on scene, “That was amazing!” the jester shouted as she hugged Fluttershy, turning the druid around to face their friends. Everyone else gave various cheers of praise.

Rainbow was the first to say something other than praise, “I'm sorry we couldn't get a breeze going that would get them back to the others.” she apologized for the shortcoming.

Fluttershy shook her head, “Oh, it's not your fault.” she pointed out.

Before this tangent was allowed to go further, Twilight spoke up, “I, for one, am very proud of you, Fluttershy. Leaping into action like that.” She praised the druid.

However, there was another matter to be addressed, and Rainbow elected to call out the elephant in the room, as delicately as she could, “So, Fluttershy, you want us to get the breeze going again so these little guys can get a move on?” she asked the druid. All the pixies, sans Seabreeze, cried in protest as they leapt from the stump and clung onto Fluttershy. Seabreeze remained on the stump.

“Maybe we should wait just a moment or so.” Fluttershy suggested. “They've been through so much…” she trailed off as she called attention to what they had experienced. Everyone, sans Seabreeze, gave various declarations of either agreement or deferment to Fluttershy’s knowledge on other creatures. Seabreeze could only look at the scene in sad disbelief.

An hour later, the pixies were resting throughout Fluttershy’s cabin some in Angel’s own bed. This didn’t settle well with the rabbit as he whimpered. Yet this was ignored by Fluttershy as she tended to the pixies. Fluttershy spotted one of the pixies shivering slightly, “Oh, my, Twirly, you look like you need a blanket.” she acknowledged and place one of Angel’s blankets around the pixie. “Sanken.” the pixie said in gratitude. Fluttershy smiled. “Oh, no problem.” she said. Another pixie held out a thumb thimble which was being used as a cup, “Malenki?” it asked. “Oh, did you need some more water?” before she went for the cup she had set out and the dropper she had in it. She squeezed it so that it would collect some of the water and the squeezed it into the thimble as a droplet. The pixies slipped the water up almost greedily. Fluttershy smiled.

There was a knock at the front door before it was opened by Applejack, “Hey there!” she said as she looked around before swinging it farther open to show both her and Twilight. “Can we come in?” She asked. After noting that no one was in danger of being stepped on, Fluttershy nodded.

After being allowed in, Twilight was the next to speak, “We just wanted to see if you thought the pixies were ready to give it another try.”

Fluttershy looked to the clock in her cabin, “Has it been an hour already?” she asked really to no one. As she understood the time on the clock, “Oh, my goodness!” she gasped. She turned back to the pixies and then looked out one of her windows, “Time flies when you're making sure little creatures don't feel that you're abandoning them to the cruel world.” However, outside her window everything was calm as a butterfly just floated without care in the light breeze.

Both Applejack and Twilight raised an eyebrow at that. Then Applejack shook her head, Fluttershy could not be this dense, not even Rainbow Dash could be that dense. Twilight elected a different approach as she walked up to Fluttershy, “But they're not going to a cruel world, right?” she questioned the druid’s logic. “They're going home.” she pointed out.

“Oh, yes, that's right!” Fluttershy looked from the window and Twilight to the pixies and recalled that indeed the pixies were following the breeze that would take them home. ““Oh, yes, that's right!” she declared. Once the druid agreed with the demigod, all the pixies, sans Seabreeze, floated to Fluttershy, as they gave cries of protests. As they clung to her, “On second thought, I don't think they're quite ready.” she sided with the pixies.

From the couch Seabreeze shouted, “Supa laipas data kurpa! Mise neku ersken laika maur! Siripat sulat!” he exclaimed.

Fluttershy were left agape in horror at what Seabreeze just said. Neither Twilight nor Applejack knew what the pixie just said, but they could tell that it was something they didn’t want to know. “Okay Ah haven’t the foggiest incline of what he just said, but Ah think Ah’m better off not knowin’ for the time bein’.” Applejack said as she turned to the druid. Fluttershy nodded affirming Applejack’s suspension. Applejack and Twilight then turned to the front door, “In any case, Ah'm sure yah know what you're doin'. No one knows rare magical creatures like you do.” the paladin said as she stepped out first.

Twilight was the next to step out, “We'll just wait for your word.” she wanted to make sure Fluttershy understood.

“Thank you. I'll be in touch very soon.” Fluttershy bid her friends farewell before she closed the door.

Once the door closed, Seabreeze spoke up. “We need to go now, or we will never get home!” he shouted at the other pixies, barking commands. “I wish we did not need that stupid breeze to activate our magic, or I would just force you all to fly home right now!” he continued, seemingly he was barely able to stop himself from exploding with wrath. “Why do we have to need magic to keep our pollen safe?” he bemoaned.

Trying to defuse the situation, “Um, now, Seabreeze-” Fluttershy started.

Seabreeze floated up to Fluttershy’s face, cutting her short, “Why are you giving in to these wimps?!” he asked; it was clearly rhetorical as he continued. “If they had not been so scared in the first place, this never would have happened!” he pointed out that the current situation was the result of the other twelve panicking.

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes, not unlike how she had seen Applejack and Rarity done when the two lectured Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle for misbehaving, “But that is just not true, Seabreeze.” Fluttershy started. “It was because of a leaf, and you know that!” she pointed out the cause of the panic, the leaf cutting across their route.

Seabreeze rolled his eyes, “Oh, please!” he countered. He then looked at the other pixies, then back to Fluttershy, “They have no idea what they're doing out there!” as he pointed his left index finger at the druid, “Like you said, we need as much time as we can get because they are so incompetent!”

Fluttershy was taken aback at that, not even Discord had twisted her words or put them in her mouth like that. She was silent for a second as she collected her thoughts. “Well, I didn't say that exactly now, did I?” she asked, pointing out how Seabreeze her words to fit his own means. Seabreeze turned his back and gave a ‘Hmph!’. Fluttershy took a breath and then looked to the other pixies. “Oh, well, maybe a snack will lighten the mood.” she offered. The pixies gave coos of interest.

Half an hour later as four pixies were finishing a cookie humans would eat, and as one was munching on a grape, as three more rested on the floor, while another was eating a cupcake, the rest, sans Seabreeze, were lying on Fluttershy’s couch next to her as she read on of her books. A pixie burped and said, “Mi fargen.” Fluttershy smiled and said, “You're excused.” She then put the book she was reading down and got up, “Well, my pixies, I think we can all agree that now that you've eaten and you have a little energy going in your bodies, you're strong enough to face the breeze!” She then started to the door as she spoke to them, “I've loved having you here, and I hope I've made you all feel loved and special. But you have to go.” she informed the pixies with soft and fair words, making it clear that if the circumstances were different, the pixies would be welcomed to come back and stay with her longer. “Nobody here will deny that-” she continued.

“There is nothing special about these losers!” Seabreeze shouted as he floated past the other pixies and was in between them and Fluttershy. “They cannot handle a simple breeze home!” he berated the frailty of the twelve. “If they could just stick in formation and listen to me, we would be safe!” he shouted. “At home!” his voice started to not so much soften but deflate, “Home, where every pixie is like us!” he said, not fighting back the tears that pooled in his eyes and shed. He sighed in dejection as he floated through the front door and looked out the peephole.

As Seabreeze just hovered there, “Okay, well, a confusing pep-talk, but nonetheless. I do know that if you don't leave soon, you may never make it back, and that would be terrible!” She pointed out the situation the pixies were in. One of the pixies then sneezed before saying, “Merte marshken farde.” then another pixie coughed before saying “Merki marshken plumatu.”. Fluttershy looked at the pixie that last spoke with a questioning gaze, “I had no idea you all have colds! Really? All of you?” she asked, not quite believing the claim. All the pixies then started to cough, as if in proof that they were slightly under the weather. “Oh, dear.” Fluttershy all but gasped. “I can't let you go out there sick!” she declared. “What kind of a friend would I be if I made you go now?” she asked. The pixies then started to chatter excitedly.

Seabreeze had drifted from the front door to one of the bird houses inside the cabin, this one not in use, “D'oh! Irde turten manes pudenhel! Nievo ut! Parde tarmen!” he cursed trying to stop himself from ripping about the other pixies, ultimately he went into the birdhouse to give the last of his vents.

About another hour later, there was a knock at Fluttershy’s front door. The druid pulled away from the pixies and the situation around them and Seasbreeze and opened the door slightly to reveal Rainbow and a couple of the other Skyborns of the Magiville Branch of Cumula Weather just outside. “Hey, Fluttershy, just wondering if the pixies are ready to go yet.” Rainbow spoke, she was the lead and one of Fluttershy’s closest friends. “Clock's kinda ticking for them to make it back before their door closes.” she pointed out.

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy stated, clearly in agreement with the last thing Rainbow said, but quickly realizing that it might be confused with her saying that the pixies ready to make another attempt, “I mean, not quite.” she stated. She looked over her shoulder and then back to Rainbow, “Um, maybe just a few more minutes?” she asked before she closed the door.

After Fluttershy shut the door, “Uh, alright,” Rainbow said before she turned around and nodded for them to head off. As they flew, one of the other two spoke up. “If we wait too long, we'll have to create such a strong breeze, it may be more than they can handle.” she pointed out. Rainbow wanted to agree with her co-worker, but she knew Fluttershy was the expert in the field in question, “We just have to trust Fluttershy. She must know what she's doing.” she tried to

Half an hour later as the pixies seemed to be celebrating, with Fluttershy seemingly caught up in it all. One was playing a small saxophone that Fluttershy had made for the smaller animals that lived in her cabin, other than Angel. Seabreeze couldn’t take it as he grabbed the saxophone and threw it to the floor breaking it. Everyone gave a depressed “Aww!”. “Why are you spending your time on this?!” Seabreeze asked his arms up and out as if in defeat over some battle. “I will never get home!” he all but pleaded.

After a second of letting Seabreeze’s words sit in, Fluttershy couldn’t disagree with him. “Pixies, I must say, Seabreeze has a point.” she started to give her agreement. “I think it's time for me to get Rainbow Dash so that she and the others can create the breeze for you to get home.” She then started for the door. The pixies, sans Seabreeze, clung to her giving dismayed shouts in protest. “
“Ooh…” she trailed off. “You're all awfully anxious…'' She had to agree with the pixies in their state. “Oh, I don't want you to feel abandoned, or that I wasn't the most kind host I could possibly be…” she continued and trailed off slightly. Then one of the pixies spoke up, “Adoshen papan gorn.” Fluttershy nodded, “Oh, yes, that does make sense…” she trailed off and thought she asked Seabreeze, maybe reason with him, “Seabreeze, do you think you could wait just a couple more hou- Seabreeze? Seabreeze? Has anyone seen Seabreeze?” she asked. The other pixies looked around and each in turn raised their shoulders. Fluttershy then spotted that the peephole in her front door was opened. She dashed over and looked out only to gasp as she saw Seabreeze flying on his own. “Where's he going?” she asked more so to herself as she shut the peephole. “There's no way he can handle being out there on his own!” she declared and opened the door and shut it behind her before she went after Seabreeze.

Seabreeze was rapidly regretting his decision as he could barely maintain his own flight in the wind. “Ah! Ah! Ah! Blusken! Ah! Ah! Arge nusen! Uf! Osemi! Ah! Narsken! Noi serenda! Ah!” he cried as the breeze was just short of overpowering him and he struggled to not only stay upright but avoid hitting anything and keep himself going forward. A sudden increase in the force didn’t help matters as it loosen acorns causing them to fall, many of them barely missing him. “Ah! Gah! Ah! Kesino! Uu! Tu ge! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Miuse konda!” he cried after the impact of one near miss caused the air current to overpower him and sent in spiraling into a beehive. He covered his face and braced for impact. There was a squeal as he punctured the side of the hive and was at his waist inside the hive. He cautiously opened his eyes and cast a mild faire fire to see inside. If the bees weren’t already perturbed by the intrusion, the pixie’s attempt to illuminate his situation made it clear he was far from welcomed, as the buzzing indicated. “Vaior uskren! Yavaya…” Seabreeze shouted before he managed to pull himself out. The bees followed him as he was caught at the end of a branch below their hive. “Ibeku-u-u! Ah, sa-sabada!” he called out in fear as he lost his footing and had to grab the branch.

As the bees swarmed, preparing to take care of the intruder, “Excuse me, bees?” came Fluttershy’s voice. Every bee and Seasbreeze turned to see Fluttershy hovering close to the tree that all was playing out on. “Can you please back off my pixie friend?” she asked politely. “He didn't mean any harm. It was just an accident.” she explained to the bees. The bees were not moved and turned their focus back to Seabreeze. However, before they could go farther, “I'm working on a bee dance and was hoping you could help me?” Fluttershy asked. The bees turned to see a human sized bee with pink stripes were Fluttershy was. She began to perform an aerial dance that if translated into human speech roughly meant, ‘Does this bring to mind any images for you? Perhaps a bee?’. This didn’t move the bees and they prepared to give their lives to ensure their hive’s safety from the intruding pixie. “Excuse me!” Fluttershy shouted, once again a human, “I have done nothing but be kind, but I guess that is not working!” she scolded the swarm. “You bees know better than to hurt a helpless pixie! I demand that you go away now, or you'll have to answer to me!” For a brief second her irises flashed red as she gave the bees ‘the stare’. The bees seemed to have thought better and flew back to their hive.

After the bees left, returning to their hive, Fluttershy turned to Seabreeze. “Menkyulen. Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for coming after me!” The small fairy said as he hugged her and then sat down on a branch so that they were at eye-level.

Fluttershy gave a smile as she looked at Seabreeze, “Of course. You could've gotten seriously hurt out there. Even Magiville is much too dangerous for you on your own. At your size, even an acorn is a threat!” Fluttershy pointed out as she reached her right hand to Seabreeze silently offering to carry him back.

Seabreeze threw his arms into the air, expressing his frustration over the situation, “Yeah, I know! That is one reason why I have been trying to get us to go from the beginning!"

Fluttershy was a little taken aback, but the direness of Seabreeze’s situation was finally dawning on her, “Oh, my goodness. I was just trying not to hurt any creature's feelings, but my displays of kindness may have cost you everything…” She gasped as she realized how little time Seabreeze and the other pixies have before they would be trapped outside of their mound. “Time is running out, and you may never make it home!”

Seabreeze gave a sigh before he spoke, “That is exactly what I have been telling all of them! But they do not listen to me! Nobody ever listens to me!” He turned away from Fluttershy and looked down towards the ground forlorn and dejected.

Fluttershy placed a finger on his shoulder as a soft smile grew on her face, “Seabreeze, I understand your feelings are hurt, but it's hard for them to hear you when you're shouting and being mean. The message doesn't get across.”

Seabreeze turned to Fluttershy and pointed towards the beehive he barely escaped from, “But what about those bees? You were not nice to them, and that was the only way they listened!” he pointed out.

Fluttershy shook her head at first, she could not help but feel that Seabreeze was conflating being firm with being abrasive. “Yes, but they had to go, and they wouldn't listen to me any other way. However, there is a difference between being firm and being abra...” Fluttershy paused as she saw a rainbow made of the colors of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink glitter on Seabreeze’s wings before her eyes reflected it. She knew then and there what she had to do. “We need to go, now!” She grabbed Seasbreeze and flew as fast as she could back home, making sure Seabreeze was not torn about by the force of the wind. After she and Seabreeze returned to her cabin, Fluttershy called all the other pixies’ attention. She shut her eyes, took a soft breath and then opened them and spoke to the twelve, “My dear pixies,” she started, “I had to rescue Seabreeze from serious harm,” she informed the pixies. “And now I know more than ever that you must leave before it's too late! You would never survive in Magiville.” she declared. The twelve were in disbelief, “Erski parli polin!” The pixies protested in the hope that Fluttershy wouldn’t cast them out as they went to her legs, like children to their mothers. Fluttershy, however, was not moved. “I can't help you anymore.” she pointed out to them. “In fact, I wasn't helping you at all by being nice.” She took another breath, “But the truth of the matter is that I must be firm!” She then went to her front door and took hold of the knob. “You must go, now!” she declared firmly as she opened the front door. Reluctantly the pixies floated out the last to leave was Seabreeze. Once she saw that Seabreeze had left, Fluttershy shut the door softly before she covered her face and cried. She knew it was the right thing to do, that housing the pixies was the wrong thing, and yet it didn’t stop the pain.

Outside, Rainbow and the whole of the Magiville Branch of Cumula Weather were using a tree and its leaves to visually judge the strength of the wind and have been trying to find the goldilocks zone. However, the leaves were on the verge of snapping off. “It's too strong!” Rainbow called out. The one over her immediate left called back, “We can't do it any lighter!” she informed Rainbow. “And if just one of us breaks off and land, it will be too light!” the one over her immediate right called out. Rainbow sighed. “Okay everyone, stop! We need to form a new plan.'' Everyone landed and took a break.

On the ground, the pixies kept close to Fluttershy, even Seabreeze as well as the rest of Fluttershy’s friends. The pixies all slumped and barely fought back tears. Fluttershy looked at the pixies, but she wasn’t looking as she did, but from a new point of view. Her eyes widened, “There’s too few of them.” she pointed out. “When they started their journey, there were more of them to face the breeze together.” she elaborated. This was not lost on anyone.

As everyone was at a loss of what to do, Twilight spoke up, “I've been studying an old spell book from the Castle of the Two Sisters.” she offered. Everyone turned to the new princess. “There's a spell that I think could help us!” she declared as she teleported the spell book she had ‘borrowed’ from the castle. She flipped through it and showed the pages with the spell, it was written in the same letters of modern Mystican but the words made less sense than the speech of the pixies with the images of a Mystican, a pixie and a set of arrows that pointed to and from the Mystican and the pixie. “A Transmutation spell that would transmute our bodies into the bodies of pixies!” she informed them with confidence. While Fluttershy seemed willing to, the others didn’t seem so willing.

“That won’t be necessary!” Everyone turned and saw Brighteyes. “I spoke with Time Turner after the pixies were separated and he has another idea.”

About an hour later, everyone was inside Time Turner’s house, pixies included. “Thank you all for coming.” he said as he opened the door to what seemed to be a blue box that had to an area of 1.4 meters square for its base and was 2.75 meters tall, suggesting a maximum volume of 3.85 cubic meters, “It’s larger on the inside.” he said as he entered. Everyone cautiously followed. “Now the pixie’s magic to protect the pollen they collected needs a certain wind speed when traveling a long distance. However, if it is just the last thirty meters, they would only need to hover around someone with a gentle flight, like Fluttershy, then all will be fine.” Time Turner said as he went to what looked like some sort of collection of buttons, switches, levers, pulleys, etc. arranged to look a control panel of some half-baked 960’s AC sci-fi television series and began pushing, switching and pulling things until the box started to rev and within seconds he dashed to the door to show that they on the shore of a river that came from a waterfall and in the side of cliff to the right of the waterfall (looking at the waterfall from its front) was a hole about eight meters vertically and six meter horizontally away from the door. “It’s on you Fluttershy, you have thirty minutes before the door closes. You should get there in less than five.” Time declared

Fluttershy nodded and stepped forward with the pixies holding on to her, “Maifo flai batendud!” she announced and started her flight towards the hole in the wall entrance into the pixies’ mound.

The flight was for the most part straight forward, but the wind was slightly stronger than expected. One of the pixies began to lose her grip. She then started to fall. One of the other pixies was able to get her, but they were starting to slip and fall behind. “Marskin farskin.” “Metar.” the two said to one another, feeling the fatigue of the wind. Twilight was right, there weren’t enough of them. However, their absence didn’t go unnoticed as Seabreeze managed to slip off and was flying in front of the two. “You can do this!” he declared to them. “I am sorry for how I treated you before!” He finally apologized for all he said and did. He took a breath, “It was not right that I called you names! I did not even really believe those things I said! I was worried we would never get back to our home, and I lashed out…” he trailed off slightly as he finally bore his soul and allowed himself to feel guilt. He then raised his hand and flew above and ended behind the two. “I know you can do this! I believe in you!” he declared as he offered his arms. “Hold on to me, let us join the group!” he said and the three were able to catch up, grabbing Fluttershy’s hair.

After getting through the hole in the cliff side, Fluttershy floated to another smaller hole in the far wall in less than three minutes. Once there she stopped, and the pixies were able to complete their journey. Fluttershy couldn’t fit, but she was able to see inside. The whole of the tribe that went to collect the pollen was there as well as the rest of the court that remained behind. And everyone greeted each other like they haven’t seen each other in years in joyous celebration. It was then that Fluttershy saw the reason for Seabreeze’s temper and desire as the first thing Seabreeze did was fly to female pixie with a baby in her arms. Fluttershy could only shed a tear, Seabreeze was just a father trying to do the best he could for his child. Her own father might normally be a timid man, but he would do anything for her. She took a breath and then cleared her throat to get the attention of the pixies. They all turned to look at her. “I wish you all well, and hopefully the next time you fly through Magiville it won’t be so…” she trailed off to find the right word. “Nerve wracking” she selected after some thought. “I too need to head home, and so I goodbye everyon…” she trailed off as she noticed that Seabreeze was not among the court. She tried to scan the inside, but she was limited by her size.

This search lasted less than a second as Seabreeze re-appeared with a flower with blue petals. He floated up to her and held out the flower to Fluttershy. “To remember us by.” he said with a smile.

Fluttershy reached in and accepted the flower with her right index and middle finger, “Thank you!” she said as she then placed the flower in her hair and over her right ear. “I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you!” Fluttershy gave her final farewells as pixies all called out their own farewells.

Later that night, after she had been taken home by Time Turner, Fluttershy wrote another entry into the group journal about everything that day. Once she finished, she paused and reflected on everything and then jotted down her musings, ‘My experiences with the pixies have helped me to see that kindness can take many forms, and sometimes being too kind can actually keep a friend from doing what they need to do. Pushing them away may seem cruel, but it's sometimes the kindest thing you can do. ’ She then set down the pen and shut the group journal. She took the flower Seabreeze gave her and put it into a flower vase with water to prevent it from wilting and went to bed. She failed to see the flower flash a rainbow of the colors of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink.

Author's Note:

And that's the Rainbow Key arch.
I don't know if I have any more in me.
Maybe I'll do a couple of bonus chapters to fill out a few things.
Will post a blog about it soon.
Foxhelm out.

Comments ( 8 )

I haven't gotten to it yet. Progress has been slow due to real-life occurrences.

The whole thing being a secret test of character from the Wonderbolts higher ups feels a bit more believable than the idea of them just being selfish jerks.

Okay. I'm done. Unfortunately, since I only have a passing understanding of Doctor Who, I have no idea what Time Turner had Fluttershy do instead of the transmutation spell. :applejackunsure:

The Tardis can move through Time and Space, call it teleportation

So, are they inside the TARDIS or what? What are the pixies being blown away by if they're inside? :applejackunsure:

Brighteyes took them to Time Turner, and Time Turner transported Fluttershy and the Pixies via the TARDIS

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