• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 530 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Mages: The Rainbow Keys - Foxhelm

Sometimes you find what you need in places you didn't think to look, even five of the six keys Twilight and her friends need to open the strange six lock chest.

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Rainbow Falls

Author's Note:

Let's all be honest with ourselves, Rainbow Falls was the worst and weakest entry of both the Equestrian Games arch and the 'Rainbow Key' arch. It needed a massive over haul, so that's what I did. The main thing of Rainbow being torn between joining the Cloudsdale team or staying on the Ponyville team will remain, as well as Soarin still faking his injury, but pretty much every thing else needed to be replace.
I'll gladly talk about the changes in the comments.

The train from Magiville was one way to Rainbow Falls, the hosting site for the Mystican Games flight-based games preliminaries, Rainbow sat with one of her Aerial Relay teammates, Flash Sentry. They were keeping politely quiet. Flash was a member of the Royal Guards and Rainbow, while she only completed Wonderbolt Academy, was in the Wonderbolt camp. Thunderlane then joined his teammates. “Well, the other Air Sprinters aren’t too keen on you only doing the Aerial Relay.” Thunderlane said to Rainbow.

“Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot are competing for Cumula, and military personnel can only compete in one event.” Rainbow answered.

Flash snorted, “Active-duty military personnel,” he pointed out the incompleteness of Rainbow’s statement. His tone softened as he continued, “A reservist, like the Benchwarmer here, can compete in three,” he said as he nodded to Thunderlane. Thunderlane was unaffected by the insult and just shrugged, it was more like banter anyway. “Civilians,” he said as he looked squarely at Rainbow, “can compete in any number of events they can qualify for.”

“He’s got a point, you haven’t taken your history exam yet,” Thunderlane pointed out. “So why just Aerial Relay?” he asked.

Before Rainbow could answer, the group was joined by Magiville’s favorite mailperson, the Muffinmancer Brighteyes. “It’s because Rainbow is a lot better at things when she’s focused solely on the thing in question.” She pointed out. “Like me with my vision.” She added, as she called attention to her own strabismus. “If I wear an eyepatch, it helps me fly straight, especially at high speeds.”

Thunderlane placed a hand on her shoulder, a sort of comradery gesture, “Which is why you’re one of the alternatives for all the team sports.” he assured her. Brighteyes closed her eyes and smiled.

“Alright time to strategize,” Rainbow said as she reached her arms out to get a huddle of her team, Brighteyes among them. Rainbow’s eyes first went to Thunderlane, “In order to qualify we need to be among the fastest four teams to cross the finish line. Thunderlane, since you’re trying out for the Air sprinters and any other sport, we can’t tax you too hard, so you’re going to cover the first leg, it’s the shortest and has the least hurdles.” Rainbow started explaining her plan. Thunderlane nodded in solid agreement, the relay route wasn’t structured to have equidistance thirds nor equally difficult obstacles. And the first leg was the shortest and had the fewest obstacles. Flash said nothing, sure it meant that Thunderlane had it easier than him, but Thunderlane was trying out for three separate events. Brighteyes smiled and nodded in agreement. Rainbow turned her focus to Flash, “Sentry, you’ll be covering the second leg.”

“Well, I least know how to dodge,” Flash almost snorted.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and continued, “That leaves me with the last leg.”

Flash didn’t hide his disgust as he snorted, “Of course, gotta impress Spitfire somehow, and how better then to race neck and neck with her.” he chided her. Before Rainbow could rebuke him, “Whatever you want, Captain Dash.” He said as he broke the huddle and leaned back into his seat, “Just remember, if we don’t qualify, everyone else is gonna blame you.” he pointed out. Rainbow wanted to have the glory of the photo finish and with that came the shame of not qualifying.

Rainbow herself snorted, “Please, with me, any team will qualify, even if it has Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps having issues with his wings.” she challenged Flash. Flash just shrugged as if to say, ‘Whatever you say’.

“I am certain we’ll make it.” Thunderlane said and managed to defuse the situation. “We got two of the fastest Skyborn flyers on our team.” he continued, “And worst-case scenario, everyone will be eating Brighteyes’ dust.” Brighteyes smiled at the compliment from him. While Flash raised an eyebrow unsure of the claim. Rainbow was about to challenge, but had to concede. She knew Brighteyes is actually very fast, Rainbow raced her when they were children and Brighteyes was the top performer until her strabismus set in. Just then the conductor spoke as he started walking down the cabins, “Next stop, Rainbow Falls, end of the line.”

After exiting the train, the teams had checked in to their rooms at the Rainbow Falls Inn. Rainbow Falls wasn’t so much of a city or town, but a field with a few lodging places and crisscrossed with rivers next to a series of waterfalls. The water that flowed down the various falls had the unique property of being the seven colors of the rainbow, hence the name. The water was still safe to drink, bathe, cook, clean, etc, with, but it wasn’t a place for much permanent residency. After check in, the Magiville Skyborn competitors all headed to the largest field in the center, were Skyborn from the other cities were engaged in stretches and warm-ups for the many aerial events of Mystican Games they aimed to qualify for. Rainbow couldn’t help but grin at the sight. While this was the first time that Magiville ever fielded a team for the Mystican Games, she knew that all Magiville competitors were going for the gold. No one was going to call Magiville a backwater when they became the first city to win medals in all events and have a perfect gold medal count, something that no city ever achieved.

As they all entered the field and prepared to train, “And the game is on!” came the voice of Spitfire from above and behind Rainbow Dash, just before she, Fleetfoot and Soarin landed about three meters in front of her. They were in their Wonderbolt flight suit uniform.

Soarin was the first to take off his goggles, “And looks like the real competition here!” he declared as he walked up to and offered his hand to Rainbow, Thunderlane and Flash. Each accepted and shook his hand in turn.

Fleetfoot was the next to speak and actually approached the three, “Two days of practice, then we'll see you in the air, Rainbow Dash!” she said as she lightly and playfully punched Rainbow in the shoulder as a greeting. She then turned to actually look at Rainbow’s team mates. She said nothing about Thunderlane but as her eyes shifted to Flash, “If you're lucky and White Flag here doesn’t wave his sigil.” she jabbed at Flash before the three flew off.

“Haha, very funny, at least a civilian that couldn’t fly didn’t knock me out at a flying competition.” Flash called back, but the trio were out of earshot. Rainbow however, could only sigh in slight bliss. This was not lost on Flash, “Oh Faust help us!” he groaned as he covered his face with his right hand. After a second, he dropped his hand and looked squarely at Rainbow, “You’re still fangirling over them?” it wasn’t a question, but Rainbow had to be called out.

Rainbow shook her head in a poor attempt at denial, “It’s just that the Wonderbolts know a winner when they see one,” she said, mostly concluding that the praise given was directed at her. It was a correct inference, but by Flash’s frown, it didn’t help her case, “And we'll be winners just as soon as we practice!” she declared.

Flash was about to retort, but Thunderlane shouted, “Right on, Rainbow!”

Flash only sighed in defeat, “Whatever, let’s just get a few runs in today, before Thunderlane has to practice his sprinting.”

“After we observe and take a few pointers from the Wonderbolts.” Thunderlane suggested.

“Great call, we see how the team with the record of winning the gold in the aerial really trains and we can replicate it. You’re a genius!” Rainbow declared.

Flash wanted to roll his eyes and groan, but elected to just shut his eyes and take a deep breath. “Fine,” he agreed, defeated and deflated. “Fricking benchwarmers”, he whispered to himself as they followed the direction the Wonderbolts went.

Within moments they arrived at the Cumula/Wonderbolt pit stop. Spitfire was getting a massage as Fleetfoot was taking a water break, all the while Soarin was flying above them, “Watch and learn. Flying for Cumula are the Wonderbolts, and Wonderbolts are the best flyers there are.”

“No really, you don’t say.” The sarcasm and sardonicness in Flash’s tone was so apparent, the deaf could hear it.

Rainbow elected to ignore Flash’s remark, “And my personal heroes.” Flash only rolled his eyes at that. It wasn’t like it was some state secret that Rainbow was a fan of the Wonderbolts. However, he elected to bite his tongue. “So, maybe we can learn something.” Rainbow finished as she took out a pen and notebook. Thunderlane and Brighteyes did likewise. Flash knew most of the training routines of the Wonderbolts by heart, they weren’t that different from what the Skyborn in the Royal Guard went through. And so he walked over to the nearest pole, shut his eyes mostly and leaned on it.

Fleetfoot finished her water and looked up, watching Soarin’s routine. “C'mon, Soarin, pick up the pace!” she shouted, noting that Soarin should be going faster than he was. “You can do better than that!” she added in an attempt to motivate Soarin with a reminder.

Spitfire glanced from her massage table to Soarin in his flight and then back forward, “I sure hope so.” she said with no heart.

Soarin then shut his eyes, took a breath and caused his ethereal wings to beat faster, quickening his pace. However, Soarin seemed to misjudge the tightness of his turn and hit his right ankle against the side of the ring he was flying through. This caused his ethereal wing there to phase out and begin to plummet. Rainbow Dash had the fastest reflex time and was able to catch Soarin under his armpits and gently bring him to the ground. All but Flash cheered in excitement. He just clapped for Rainbow. “As good as any Wonderbolt!” Spitfire declared as she patted Rainbow on the shoulder. She then turned to Soarin, who was putting all of his weight on his left foot. “You okay, Soarin?” She asked. Soarin tried to shift his weight to his right foot, gritting his teeth, but almost fell over. It wasn’t at the degree of a broken bone, but that of a sprain ankle “MEDIC!” Spitfire shouted for medical attention, she was going to make sure her wingman was taken care of regardless. Within seconds two fairly large Earthborn men arrived with a stretcher to take Soarin to the Rainbow Falls Hospital.

“I am sure it’ll be okay by the try out, Boss.” Soarin said as he got on, with some help by Spitfire and Fleetfoot. All the while gritting through the pain.

“You worry about that sprained ankle, Clipper.” Fleetfoot said before she and Spitfire stepped back so as not to be in the way of the stretcher bearers.

Soarin nodded, “Sure thing. Oh, and thanks Rainbow, You’re the best!” his voice echoed as the stretcher was carried away.

Flash got off the pole and gave a sardonic clap, “Fantastic lesson,” he said as he finished the clap, “What a clip. At that speed he should have broken his leg, not sprained his ankle, and me without my pen.” he then snapped his right thumb and middle finger. “Darn, looks like I am gonna have to borrow Thunderlane’s or Brighteyes’ notes after all. Well, with this lesson over, I say we put some of that into practice.” Flash said as he left, Thunderlane and Brighteyes not far behind him.

Rainbow stayed behind to offer some form of sportsmanship support to the two, “That a really tough break to lose a teammate right before the tryouts.” she started.

Fleetfoot and Spitfire looked at each other for a solid second. Fleetfoot then nodded before the two put on their sunglasses, which hid their eyes. They turned from their leaving teammate to Rainbow. Fleetfoot was the first to speak of the two. “You grew up in Cumula, didn’t yah?” Fleetfoot asked. Rainbow nodded a yes. “And you’re still technically a resident of it, as well as a resident Magiville, aren’t yah?” she asked. Rainbow again nodded to confirm. She wasn’t sure were this was going.

Spitfire took over, “That means, if you wanted to, you could practice with us until Soarin recovered.” she informed Rainbow of the option.

Rainbow rubbed the back of her head and neck, “Uh, I don't know. My team really needs me to be at my best in order to qualify.” she responded. “Don't wanna be too worn out by the time the race comes around.” she added.

Spitfire took off her glasses and placed a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder, “Back at Wonderbolt Academy, you were put through some of the most intense workouts in all of Mystica. If you can survive that, then taking twice the time anyone else will to hone your relay skills can’t hurt you.”

Rainbow couldn’t help but give a little laugh, “Yeah, I did kick some major rear at the Academy…” she said looking back at her time at Wonderbolt Academy. However, her focus then shifted back to the present and the fact that she was not competing alone. “But I don't know how my teammates will feel about me practicing with the competition.” she caught herself.

Fleetfoot went to Rainbow’s other side, “Tell them, don’t tell them, consult them, don’t consult them, those are the calls only you can make.” she stated. “Besides, Thunderlane has to practice for the air sprinting and the gilded boy has to make it look like the Royal Guards are half-way confident.” Fleetfoot continued as she made Rainbow think about her teammates. “Think about it, Rainbow Dash! This is your chance to fly with the winners!”

Rainbow looked from the hovering finish line of the aerial relay then to the two Wonderbolts next to her. She then turned and looked for her team. She spotted them after a few seconds, Thunderlane was practicing his sprint, while Flash seemed to be doing nothing. Rainbow then turned back to the two Wonderbolts. “Alright, I'll do it.” she declared as she held out her right hand.

The two Wonderbolts nodded and each shook her hand in turn, “Excellent call, Rainbow Dash.” The training began half an hour later as Rainbow flew through a set of rings that crossed and pulled back at a timed interval. At the other end was Fleetfoot, hovering and waiting for Rainbow to deliver the button. Rainbow zig and zag through the course, trying to be both as straight as possible and get through as many rings without getting hit. Once she made it, Fleetfoot took the button and flew the next leg of the training run.

The scene then changed to later that day as Rainbow overseeing Thunderlane as he tried a similar course, but was clearly constructed on a shoestring budget, “Come on, Thunderlane, you can do it!” Thunderlane then picked up his pace, but it was too fast too soon and he sprinted towards the end. This caused him to trip in one of the rings and collide with Flash who was waiting for the button. Rainbow looked away at the moment of impact, but she heard all of it.

“DAMN IT, BENCHWARMER!” Flash roared as he tried to throw Thunderlane off of him, “This is not a sprint! Get your head on straight and focus on the sport you are on!” Rainbow only covered her face and groaned into the palms of her hand.

Events like this continued on for much of that day and into the next day. While the Magiville team were getting better with each attempt, Thunderlane still had the mentality of a sprinter and as such started off too fast and ended either tripping up near the end of his leg or bull rushing into Flash. Flash on the other hand, while he was able to cover his leg with greater and greater ease, he was still thrown off, mainly because he was recovering from the collision with Thunderlane. On the Cumula team, Rainbow had to admit that she, Spitfire and Fleetfoot were a well-oiled machine. Yet Rainbow had to admit that Flash and Thunderlane were pushing themselves and when she came back tired from her training with the Cumula, they never pushed her, they trusted her, heck they went out of their way to make sure Rainbow wasn’t strained and could go all out on the try out.

After another practice run with Spitfire and Fleetfoot, before rejoining Flash and Thunderlane, Rainbow knelt along the shore of one of the rivers that passed through Rainbow Falls and splashed her face with the water to cool, refresh and collect herself. She gave a sigh of relief. “It's not easy practicing with two teams, is it?” came a voice from behind her. Rainbow almost jumped out of her skin as she turned to see Brighteyes. Brighteyes smiled, “Don’t worry, Thunderlane’s also has to train for the air sprinters and Flash has to drill regularly, and in order to keep access to his boons he has to make sure he has the time every twilight to affirm his devotion to Twilight, and everybody else is focused on their own qualifications.” she answered Rainbow’s unasked question.

Once Rainbow was able to think clearly, “Then how did you…” she started only to realized too late that if Brighteyes was able to keep track of Thunderlane and Flash enough to explain that how they failed to notice Rainbow’s habits, then Brighteyes would be able to notice Rainbow’s habits.

Brighteyes shrugged with her eyes closed and a closed mouth smile, “Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me, I’m a de facto alternate for team sports. I just need to do well enough to help the team that ends up needing me for the preliminaries to make through qualifications.” She then took some of the river’s water and splashed her own face. “Besides, who wouldn’t want to practice with the Wonderbolts?” she asked rhetorically.

Rainbow could sigh in defeat, “I know we’ll qualify. This will build up my endurance. I can easily fly fast enough to make up the time from whichever leg we fall behind in.” Brighteyes said nothing and shrugged her shoulders. “It’s also so much more fun working out with them, they have their own masseuse, pit team and everything.” Brighteyes said nothing but gave a small sad smile and shook her head. “And Magiville will still qualify!” Rainbow almost shouted.

“Whatever you say,” Brighteyes shrugged and closed her eyes and again splashed the cold water on her face before she took out two eye patches and covered both her eyes and lied down in the shade of a fairly large tree. Rainbow was no medical expert, but she swiftly concluded that this was because Brighteyes was seeking relief from a headache which was ultimately caused by her strabismus.

Rainbow was about to ask if she should get a doctor or some other medical help for Brighteyes when Spitfire and Fleetfoot walked up to her from behind, “Hey Rainbow, you got a minute?” Spitfire asked. Rainbow turned to face the two Wonderbolts and nodded.

Fleetfoot took over, “You could really be an asset to our team, so…” she trailed off as she tried to find the right words. “we want you to join the Cumula team.” she finished. Rainbow’s jaw started to drop. “Permanently.” Rainbow’s jaw then finished dropping as she gasped.

Before Rainbow could ask, Spitfire took over the explanation, “Soarin’s ankle won’t heal in time for the trails, by the looks of things. And if his ankle is still bumped-up, his ethereal wing won’t manifest in order for him to fly.” Rainbow was about to respond when Spitfire elected to point out a particular shortcoming oversight, “Of course, this means you won't be able to fly for Magiville, but let's face it. Even with you on their team, their chances of qualifying for the aerial relay—” He paused as the three watched as Thunderlane flew as fast as he could to cover his leg of the track. However, he was going too fast, too much like a sprinter and crashed into Flash.

The three cringed at the sight, Fleetfoot took over as they opened to see Flash yelling at Thunderlane about that collision, “—are pretty slim.”

As Rainbow tried to articulate an answer, Spitfire covered her mouth, “You should really take some time to think about it, Dash.” Rainbow squinted slightly in confusion. “Don’t get us wrong, we’re more than thankful that you agreed to train with us, but there’s a difference between training before the qualifying round and actually trying to qualify and compete in the Mystican Games, no need to give an immediate answer, just sleep on it and give us your answer in the morning.” Spitfire consulted before she and Fleetfoot took and left Rainbow to ponder her answer.

Once Spitfire and Fleetfoot were out of earshot, Rainbow turned to Brighteyes, “Did you hear that?” it wasn’t a question, not really but it was asked. “They want me to fly with them! It's like a dream come true!”

Brighteyes didn’t get up or turn her head, just continued to face upward towards the branches that covered her, “If you say so.” she started, “It’s not like Scootaloo will be wondering why you’re competing for another team after all the effort the CMC went through to be the bearers of the Magiville flag.” Brighteyes didn’t need vision, the blind could see that she hit Rainbow right in the heart with that retort. “Nor will your five closest friends find it hard to cheer on Cumula when they were led to believe that Magivillie will be getting all the gold.” she continued. Another blow that hit its mark with ease. “But go right ahead, it’s not like I have a sometimes-crippling disability that when I try to mitigate it, I lose most of my depth perception.” Brighteyes was not letting up. “Nor does Thunderlane have at least two sports he’s trying out for, and Flash clearly has all the respect in the world for you, and you possibly couldn’t lose any of it.” Brighteyes was clearly electing to show Rainbow no mercy.

Rainbow sighed, “But I really wanna fly with the best team!” she confessed. She then gave a pitiful moan, “What would you do?” she asked Brighteyes.

Brighteyes rolled to her side, not facing in the direction Rainbow was, “It really doesn’t matter what I would do in your shoes, Rainbow. In fact, it doesn’t matter what anyone else would do. The race is tomorrow, and regardless of whatever you choose, I need to be in my best shape and right now, I really could use some quiet. Now could you fly off and have your indecision crises somewhere else, my head is killing me.” Brighteyes said as she held the sides of her head with both hands, her voice weak and full of pain, all the while seeming to struggle with not letting herself take the fetal position.

The next day, as the praciting was winding down and the qualifying matches were underway. At the part of the grounds put aside for the aerial relay, Fleetfoot and Spitfire just finished as practice run and landed and nodded to Flash and Thunderlane indicating that it was clear for them to do their own practice run. Just before Flash and Thunderlane could take their starting stance. “Woe is me! Oooh!” came the voice of Rainbow moaning as she managed to wheel herself towards them. She was covered in bandages, a neck brace and other means of covering injuries. Everyone gasped in horror and shock at Rainbow's state.

Flash was the first of the Magiville team to approach Rainbow, “What happened?” he asked as he tried to make sense of Rainbow’s condition.

Rainbow looked down to the ground, “I was practicing my leg and misjudged my speed and ended up messing up an attempt of a sonic rainboom.” She lied. She then buried her face in her hands, “There is no way I can fly now.” she wept. “Ouch.” she squirmed from contacting her head with her hands.

Flash gave a sad and mournful sigh, then walked around the wheelchair and took the handlers, “Well you really shouldn’t be out and about, let’s get you to a medic.” and began to roll her to Rainbow Falls Hospital.

About an hour later inside one of the rooms of Rainbow Falls Hospital, Rainbow was on one of the beds with her bandaged arms and legs evaluated by a set of limb hammocks. Next to her various machines beeped and gave various other sounds as they read the vitals of Rainbow. The door then opened and Flash, Thunderlane and Brighteyes entered. “And how is our patient doing?” Thunderlane asked as he smiled at Rainbow.

“I've been better.” Rainbow answered.

“Well, the doctor has no idea what’s wrong,” Flash informed as he looked over the machines that were hooked up to Rainbow to check her vitals. After a solid second of looking, he gave up trying to understand anything they indicated as he turned back to face Rainbow and shrugged his shoulder, “but to be on the level about half the people with any advanced degrees are straight up quacks.”

“Say doesn’t Twilight have a few PhDs?” Thunderlane asked pointing out Twilight's education.

Flash had a soft laugh, “And a couple of ScD’s, and while I care about her, she sometimes makes Pinkie look like she is of sound mind.”, Rainbow didn’t and really couldn’t argue, Twilight could be crazier than Pinkie at times.

Thunderlane turned back to Rainbow and her suspended limbs, “Well, hopefully you’ll at least be able to catch our train home tomorrow.” he commented, making sure he didn’t touch any of the limbs. “But we got the try out covered, thanks to Brighteyes.” he said as he nodded to Brighteyes. Brighteyes nodded. “And even if you’re not able to fly in the games, you can have my gold medal, I’ll already have the gold for the air sprint.” Thunderlane offered.

Rainbow gave a sad smile as she barely could say above a whisper, “Thanks…”

Brighteyes cleared her throat and nodded to the door, “I think Rainbow Dash might need to rest some more.” she declared. Neither Flash nor Thunderlane challenged and then they each gave their own goodbye and left. After Thunderlane and Flash had shut the door, Brighteyes turned to Rainbow. In a rare moment both her eyes were focused solely on her. “Wow, Rainbow. You’re many things, but I never once thought you were a coward.” Rainbow was left speechless at the accusation. Not that someone accused her of anything, but that it was right on the money. “Choosing not to choose, isn’t making a choice. It’s putting it on someone else. And that’s what cowards do.” Brighteyes then left Rainbow and slammed the door with a thud. “Oops, my bad.” her voice was heard.

Just then the curtains that divided the room were pulled to reveal Soarin with his ankle bandaged in the hospital bed. “You sure have nice teammates, even with Brighteyes calling you a coward.” he said with a slight sadness and selfpity, “Nobody's been by to visit me that much.” he then sighed, “Most likely too busy practicing.”

Rainbow smiled, “Well, hopefully your wing will be better soon.” She wished him well.

Soarin actually pulled the covers off of him and showed his right ankle. “Oh, it's fine.” he said as he then stood up and stretched the right leg and hopped on it, even manifesting the ethereal wing there. He then sat back down on the bed, “I'm just keeping it safe in case my team wants me back.” he said before he allowed himself to fall back.

Rainbow was perplexed, “What do you mean, 'wants you back'?” she asked. This was not what she was told by Spitfire, “Spitfire and Fleetfoot told me that you were still too injured to fly!” she informed Soarin of the story she was told.

Soarin leaned forward, “Huh,” he said as he held his chin, “they told me that they were worried I wouldn't be one hundred percent by the tryouts,” he said as he looked at the floor, in a pose somewhat akin to the thinkers, “And so they were going with somebody else.” he informed as he lowered his hand and looked up, looking in the eye of Rainbow.

Rainbow gasped as she looked into the void in front of her, “And that somebody else was me!” she declared in revolution.

Soarin shook his head as he allowed himself to fall back onto the bed with a sighed, “I guess they’re all out of luck. Cumula…” he trailed off as he thought about what he just said, “Sweet Faust we need to come up with a better name for that place, why not something like Cloudsdale?”

“Put that motion forward during the next town meeting, but focus, Soarin!” Rainbow retorted, she really didn’t care. Yes, Cloudsdale would be a better name, but this wasn’t the time.

“Sorry, well it won't qualify without three fliers, and Magiville won't qualify without you. Too bad… it’s not Cumula needs another gold in the aerial relay, and if Spitfire and Fleetfoot are so concerned about winning, they can always come by and check up on me.” He then yawned and pulled the covers over him. “Besides, I really could use this break.”

As Soarin, Rainbow realized that he was staying here for the reason she was here, so that he didn’t have to make a choice. Rainbow was slightly taken aback at this among other things of recent, in particular, that what she had been told about Soarin was, in fact, a lie, ironically while trying to perpetuate a similar lie. She was ashamed of herself. She then looked at the glass of water on the stand next to her bed. She then saw it glitter with a rainbow made of the colours orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink. Her eyes then flashed the same rainbow. She knew what she had to do. She got out of bed. “Come on Soarin, we got work to do.” She said and started out. Soarin was reluctant, but he followed suit shortly after.

At the end of the air space for the track for the aerial relay, Brighteyes landed and called, “Time!”.

Flash stopped the stop watch he had and looked at it. His lips parted as he bared his teeth and clearly cringed, “We got a fifty-fifty chance of beating the clock if you don’t wear the eye patch.” he said reluctantly. Brighteyes groaned as she pulled out of one her pockets an eye patch. “Sorry, Brighteyes, but it’s our best shot.” Flash said. Brighteyes glared at him as she placed the eyepatch over the eye that was drifting. Flash couldn’t help but feel a shiver down his spin from that glare.

After Brighteyes put on the patch she looked from Flash and Thunderlane to see Rainbow out of the hospital bed walking towards the aerial relay track, “Is that Rainbow Dash... walking?” she asked as Rainbow walked by the Magiville team up to the Cumula team, Soarin a couple of meters behind her. This was not unwitnessed by everyone else within a hundred meters.

Spitfire and Fleetfoot finished drinking water as Rainbow approached. Fleetfoot was the first to speak, “Does... this mean you're feeling better?” Fleetfoot asked in confusion.

Rainbow began to take off all the bandages, gaze and all other medical things on her, “I feel great, because... I was never hurt in the first place.” She confessed. Everyone gasped, save Brighteyes who seemed to smile and nod like a parent happy that their child is owning up to their misbehavior on their own. Once everything was off her, “I faked my injury so that I wouldn't have to choose between flying for my current home and my old home.” she admitted. “I wanted to fly with you both, but I know I can't and I am terrible at making these kinds of hard decisions!”

Thunderlane was the first to speak, “Hey, you want to fly with Spitfire and Fleetfoot, there’s really nothing stopping yah. Magiville might not get the gold.” he then shrugged, “But hey he wears it on the regular so is it really all that great.” he asked rhetorically. Flash only rolled his eyes, he didn’t have a retort, but he seemed to side with Thunderlane, quietly.

Rainbow managed to fight off a smile, she was not in a place to feel glad. She took a breath and looked squarely at Spitfire, “I know now who I should be competing with.” she declared.

Spitfire looked towards Fleetfoot and received a nod. She then turned back to Rainbow, her glasses still on, “Good choice. Always stick with the winners.” she started.

Rainbow nodded, and turned to face Flash, Thunderlane, Brighteyes and all the others from Magiville there, “Magiville.” she declared and took a step towards them. She did an about face to look squarely at Spitfire and Fleetfoot so that they saw her face as she gave her answer, “Because it's not just where I live, but it's where my friends are. The people who really care about me, whether I can help them win a race or not.”

Spitfire took a few steps towards Rainbow as she lowered her shades slightly, exposing her eyes, “Are you sure that's the right decision?” she asked.

Rainbow raised her right hand and pointed to Spitfire, “You lied to me about Soarin just so you could get a flyer who wasn’t injured!” she said as she gestured to Soarin. She then lowered her right hand and then made a ‘X’ in front of her chest with her arms at her wrist. “You may be a winning team, but you’re not the kind of team I wanna be a part of.” she concluded as she dropped her arms.

Spitfire took off her shades and started a slow applause and was joined by Fleetfoot and the other Wonderbolts present. This left Rainbow and all the non-Wonderbolts present perplexed as Spitfire pulled out a Wonderbolt pin and put it on Rainbow while the rest of the Wonderbolts continued to clap. “It took you a while Dash, but I couldn’t be prouder of a cadet. Saw it at the Academy, seeing it again here. The Wonderbolts would be lucky to have someone like you as one of us.” The applause stopped. However, Rainbow could only look at Spitfire in unending confusion. “While the Academy and history exams are the official requirements to make it to the reverse, like any established group, we Wonderbolts need to see the character of possible members. Since you’re the Bearer of The Element of Loyalty and you’re know to make a big deal of who you stand with…” Spitfire paused as she gave Rainbow time to infer on her own what Spitfire was implying.

“So, this was a test?” Rainbow asked. “You and Fleetfoot were never gonna let me on the team?”

Spitfire shook her head, “If you picked to fly with us, you would compete with us.” she informed Rainbow. Rainbow couldn’t stop herself from smiling, but she swiftly caught herself and frowned that Spitfire was pretty much confessing that she was going to reward Rainbow for the wrong action, “However, what we wanted to see if you would take an almost sure win,” Spitfire gestured to herself and Fleetfoot, “or would you risk defeat standing by those that stand by you.” she said as she nodded to Flash, Thunderlane and Brighteyes. “And you made the right call.”

“But what about Soarin?” Rainbow asked as she pointed to him with her left hand, “You didn’t visit him or tell him that he was about to be replaced!” she accused Spitfire. When Spitfire tilted her head to her left and squinted, Rainbow started to see that this test was not solely being conducted by Spitfire.

Once Rainbow lowered her hand, she turned to face Soarin. Soarin rubbed the back of his head, “Yeah, sorry Rainbow, but this was actually my idea.” he confused with a nervous laugh. “Spitfire would never order any of us to risk serious injury to test a possible recruit, but Clipper choosing to live up to his name, well that’s a different story.”

Before Rainbow could reply, “Always trust a Blunderbolt to mess up a simple recruit screening.” Flash laughed as he placed an arm around Rainbow’s shoulder and with little effort brought her to the Magiville Aerial Really team. Once the team was together, “Well Dash, we’re up after the Blunderbolts for our qualification, if you want in, I’m game. Thunderlane?” Flash asked. Thunderlane nodded.

The three then turned to Brighteyes. The muffinmancer took off her eye patch, “I hate wearing this. You better make it or you can come to the post office to pick up your own mail for the next year.” she answered before they could ask the question.

Rainbow wanted to smile, happy for the acceptance, but then she looked at Thunderlane and Flash with a slight panic, “She can’t threaten that, can she?” she asked, referring to Brighteyes’ final statement.

The two men shrugged their shoulders, “I wouldn’t want to be proven wrong if I call that a bluff.” Thunderlane said. Flash nodded and the three got ready, each taking their spot along the track.

The Wonderbolts started their run, which took them 30 seconds as Spitfire crossed the finish line and landed next to her teammates, Fleetfoot and Soarin. The fastest of the six teams that were competing for qualification. Thunderlane was first, he stumbled here and there, but he managed to reach Flash. Flash bolted from his starting point and weaving in and out between the obstacles. He hit one, but managed to quickly recover and reached Rainbow. Rainbow flew as fast as she could without causing a sonic boom. As she flew even the Cumula cheer squad cheered her on. She crossed the finish line at just under 45 seconds. As the official stopwatch was pressed, and the time recorded, the official that oversaw the qualifications declared, “Magiville qualifies!” Everyone cheered and hallowed all for Magiville’s success.

Later that afternoon, Rainbow was lying on the grass, she took out the group journal and started to write about the last couple of days. After she wrote about the qualification. Rainbow stopped and took a minute to think about it all. She then jotted down, ‘I can't deny it. I love to win! But if I ever gotta choose between winning and competing alongside my friends, I'm always gonna choose my friends. 'Cause as much as I love winning, I love them waaaaay more.’ She didn’t notice that the Wonderbolt pin flashed a rainbow of orange, yellow, alabaster, cyan, purple and pink.