• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,134 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Realm of the Admins

Octavia had no idea what she was expecting on the other side of the portal, as Pandora had told them nothing about the realm of the Admins, but as everyone glanced around the area that her magic had brought them to she had to admit that this was an interesting place. She, Pinkie, Steve, and Alex were standing on a white walkway and were staring out into what seemed to be a purplish void, though that wasn't the most interesting part, as there were multiple spheres floating around in the sky, though when she focused on one she instantly realized what she was seeing. Another world rested inside each of the spheres, copies of the world she and Pinkie had been sent to a lifetime ago, though as she glanced from one to another she discovered something she wasn't expecting to see, each one had different additions made to them. By that she found one that seemed to be an ordinary world, likely the one that Steve and Alex came from since no one else was there, there was one that seemed to be more smithy related, like Pinkie's smithy, there were others with trains and people working on all sorts of large structures, and even one with a vast community of rather creative Crafters.

In that moment she realized that the Admins were able to peer out into every world that the Builders had created, meaning the creators of this world were still out there and didn't care about what their Admins were doing to their precious creations, while their world seemed to be absent.

"I see. It looks like they can focus on a world, instead of just staring at all of them at the same time." Octavia remarked, as it made the most sense, especially when she recalled that Pandora had said that her brothers saw this world as their toy, just like all of the others that existed across all of reality, though if that was the case it meant that the Admins knew they were coming, if they didn't feel their intrusion in this realm.

"So we're playthings to them... great, makes me dislike them even more than I previously did." Steve said, though while he had been nervous about doing this, in fact it was insane to think that they could face the people that watched over the vast worlds that the Builders had created so long ago, he found that he was calmer than he expected, either because of the fact that Pinkie and Octavia were nearby or because of the empowered gear.

In that moment they discovered what appeared to be silver creatures, which looked like humans while being metallic, that formed a fair distance in front of them and rushed at them, where Octavia found that their arms formed blades and axes, as if they were made of some malleable material, where they fell as Alex slashed them apart.

"I'm also amazed by this place as well, but we need to focus on the task at hand." Alex remarked, focusing on the fact that the Admins wanted them destroyed before they reached the area that their targets were likely resting in, though she also found her new blades, reforged and improved with Pinkie's new material, to be even stronger than she expected, cutting through the creatures with ease.

Octavia nodded as she called upon her power and loosed blasts of energy through the air, where they zeroed in on some additional silver creatures that were emerging from what appeared to be pools of silver energy or material, like they were made of quicksilver or something. In the end she found that it didn't matter too much, as Pinkie's new weapons cut them up with ease, allowing her, Steve, and Alex to move forward as Octavia provided support with her magic, but she did have a shortsword that Pinkie had insisted on her having in case of emergency. Still, her spells were more than enough to stun all of the Quicksilver Golems, as she was going to call them, which allowed Pinkie to slash through her targets, Alex pinned her targets down with some of her arrows, and Steve finished them off while cutting down his own foes. Together the four of them tore through the guardians of the realm that the Admins ruled from and pressed onward, though while they did that, however, Octavia spotted the shadowy image of Pandora flying through the air, no doubt happy to be home, but she was also focused on the task at hand as they tracked down the other Admins.

As they did that, however, a roar filled the air as small winged creatures, drakes that were smaller dragons, rushed toward where they were currently fighting their way through, where Octavia nodded to Pinkie as they each focused on one set of foes, she taking the right of the bridge as Pinkie leapt to the left. Together they cleaned up every enemy that was flying in the air with their abilities, even though Octavia found that Pinkie's wings allowed her to move through the air with ease so she could slash at her targets without wasting too much time, so she used lesser spells to stun her foes. Still, something about this worried Octavia as she glanced around the rest of the area they were in, none of the Admins were anywhere, as she expected one or more of the other three Admins to show up and challenge them for entering their domain, instead of them being allowed to run rampant on the bridge that also seemed out of place. Given that the Admins had total power in this plane, and likely the mortal realms that they were supposed to watch over, it seemed odd for there to even be an area like this in the first place, making her wonder if Herobrine and his brothers had set a trap they had walked into.

Eventually they reached what appeared to be the main heart of the realm, a circular area with some sort of magical disc in the direct center, floating above the ground, causing them to gather around it as Octavia found out one other thing, there were three sealed portals and a destroyed path to one more, Pandora's she guessed.

We called this the 'Nexus', the connection point between our four realms. Pandora said, where they found her spirit to the left of the disc, no doubt remembering when she and the others used it, before her brothers sealed her away in the prison that she had been trapped in for who knew how long, causing her to turn towards them for a moment, With all of their powerful beings slain my brothers will be weakened for a time, meaning this is the best chance we have to set things right. Octavia, I know the codes... Herobrine and the others wouldn't change them, as they never thought I'd made it back here... can you use your power to change the disc and open the way?

Octavia nodded her head as she listened to the combination that Pandora gave her, where the portal on their left opened a few seconds later and they found that it seemed to lead to a realm that looked like a darker version of the Nether, and off in the distance was a shadowy human, which had to be Null. Sure enough he didn't seem pleased by their arrival in his shadowy fire realm, as that was the best way to describe his plane of existence, though to be sure that no openings were given the group separated from each other as they went their different ways to attack him. Null glanced at them for just a few moments, clearly gauging who was more of a threat to him and his brothers, before lashing out with his magic, which was waves of darkness that targeted Octavia, who wrapped her magic around her as she loosed fireballs at her target, all to open holes in his defenses. Even though he was clearly damaged by Rahovart's death, damaging him like Pandora had said, he readied most of his magic and sent it at them to keep them away from where he was standing, switching between his targets to ensure he was victorious, though with Pinkie's incredibly useful Pinkie Sense they were able to avoid each of his spells, as Pinkie informed Pandora of what was coming and she told the others what was coming.

One thing she noticed was that his power happened to be nullifying whatever he wanted, forming holes in the ground to catch Steve and Alex by surprise, but they were able to avoid them thanks to what Pinkie and Pandora were doing, though as he raised his hands Pinkie removed one of his hands with her scythe before Steve removed his head.

"We... we did it!" Alex remarked, though at the same time she and the others glanced at the Harmonium weapons Pinkie had pushed their weapons to earlier, weapons capable of fighting, harming, and even slaying an Admin, the strongest foe they could possibly face in the entire world, only it made her wonder how far they could push their weapons.

In the following moment Null's dimension started to collapse around them, where Pinkie collected a golden piece that had to be from a medallion as they escaped from this realm, allowing them to return to the Nexus before the portal slammed shut, where they paused for a time to decide who to worry about next and what might be waiting for them in the realm they picked out.