• Published 3rd May 2022
  • 1,144 Views, 399 Comments

Minecraft: A New Adventure - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie Pie and Octavia end up being sent to a brand new world, one made of blocks and having different rules to live by, where they join forces with Steve and Alex to see what the world has to offer.

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Day Off

Following the discovery in the jungle, that none of them had been needed by the imposing dragon that seemed to be on their side, for now anyway, Pinkie, Octavia, Steve, and Alex returned to their village once more, this time purely to rest for the rest of the day and maybe all of the next day.

"Was there a point in doing all of that, when that dragon just wrecked everything on it's own?" Steve asked, speaking once everyone was back in the village, and their Morocks were resting after all the flying they had done since discovering that the Golem had smashed through the last of Pinkie's massive walls.

"I know we thought everything was for the battle with the Golem, but I've changed my mind on that." Octavia replied, as she had taken some time to think about this and was sure that she had an answer to the question, even though there was no way for her to really tell right now, not until Pandora spoke to them again, "I believe that our ally has been preparing us for the battle with the three beasts that serve the other Admins, the ones that are found in three different dimensions: the Nether, the End, and the Lost Dimension, or the Sculk Dimension if you prefer."

"Right, I kind of forget about them." Alex commented, though at the same time she realized something, if the dragon was Pandora's beast, and a rather powerful one at that as she considered what they had seen, it made her wonder how much danger they were in with the other three, even with Pinkie and Octavia's powers, "Are we even ready for them?"

"Honestly, I have no idea." Steve admitted, because if they were as strong as the dragon he knew that they were in danger of being wiped out instantly, while at the same time if any of the trio were weaker than they assumed no one would have to worry about being killed if they got into a fight with the creatures.

Octavia let out a sigh for a moment as she noticed that Pinkie didn't seem to be focused on the conversation, which told her that Pandora might have something to share with her and she would likely need to confirm it before worrying them, a fine strategy she guessed, before they went their separate ways. Once more she returned to her tower and decided to do a bit of work with her tome, to take her mind off of the madness that they had been dealing with for some time, and that meant picking up from where she left off, since Pinkie had interrupted her the last time she got serious. She was eager to get further in the depths of the tome, where part of her was sure that Pandora, in the smallest way possible, had given her the push she needed to pursue the secrets contained inside it, or at least at the beginning, even though it switched to her trying to sate her curiosity. The tome was the reason why, instead of resting like she should, Octavia opened it and picked up from where she left off the last time she worked with it, not to mention the secrets inside it, as she was sure there was something inside it that Pandora wanted her to find, something to turn the tide against the other Admins, she just had to be patient until she discovered what that something was.

As she moved into the next category of study, however, she found that Pandora had given her another present, a portal to a dimension that, according to the sign resting near it, wasn't connected to the other Admins and would provide her with a place to study the items in the tome, without damaging the Overworld. Such a thing meant that she could pipe all of the dangerous aspects of her studies into the new Dimension, which was perfect since one of the categories she discovered in the other pages talked about something called the 'Taint'. What she discovered was that it was similar to the Sculk, that it could spread to other parts of the world and corrupt it, slowly based on everything she was seeing right now, but the key difference was that while the Sculk moved via absorbing Experience and converting it into energy, the Taint required one to give it a boost. That was why she was carefully pumping any dangerous substance to this odd dimension, making sure to keep her portal back home safe and sound, allowing the Taint's requirement to accumulate without endangering the Overworld, allowing her to focus on other things at the same time.

The other category she delved into was something called 'Golemancy', the creation and commanding of golems, which sounded like something interesting when she started to delve into the new pages that opened for that topic, and she was able to find that all sorts of things were possible with these golems. By that she discovered that they could be made out of several types of material, which were greatwood, iron, clay, brass, thaumium, and something called 'Void Metal', where it was easy for her to figure out that each one had their own strengths and weaknesses. What really interested her was that she was now capable of creating golems that could do all sorts of things, such as harvesting and planting trees, collecting plants and placing seeds in their place, mining anything weaker than one's arms and transporting material into a chest, even killing animals and cooking food. If she wanted Octavia could automate everything inside her tower, allowing her to focus more on her studies and less on the collection of materials, in fact with this new dimension she could set up the first golem station to see how they operated before making them for her tower.

It took her some time to figure out how to craft the first golem, to a degree where it would be able to sustain itself and not break under pressure, before creating a 'Control Seal', a device that allowed her to set boundaries of a golem's work area, though she figured out a way to make sure they didn't delve into the deepest parts of the world, just in case the Sculk was in this world.

After that, however, Octavia smiled as the first golem, which she made after using the golem press that was revealed to her after reading the tome's new pages, went to work chopping trees, allowing her to observe the construct, which was as tall as her, as it hacked into some of the trees, collected the wood and other components, and stored them inside a large chest she had set as it's storage box. Once she was satisfied with the first one Octavia went back to her new workbench and went to work making one of the other types as well, as she wanted to be sure that all of them worked before putting them to work in her tower, just in case one of them broke or exploded at random. With a nearby village she was able to test the golem who was responsible for harvesting the farm and planting new items to ensure the cycle continued, where she found that it did so without delay and also stored everything away in the appropriate chests, since it harvested more than one thing at a time. After that she tended to the worker class golems, where she found that the miner golem went to work on one of the stone walls near her portal, using the pickaxe Pinkie had crafter for her since she didn't want to make a test pickaxe to do this, and it wasn't long before she had more than enough material to continue her tests, including geodes of crystals to aid in her experiments, Vis Crystals to be exact.

The battle golems, on the other hand, looked like they were made out of ancient stone, almost Deepslate when she took a moment to study them, and when she placed one Octavia found that it stood like a statue, as if sensing no danger for it to take care of, and when a Creeper appeared it moved and cleaved the monster in half.

Such a thing lead to her expanding the base of her tower, truly making it look like it had been ripped out of the ground by her magic, or something to that affect, and when she got to the entrance, making it look more like the entrance to where a wizard would rest, she placed her new statue golems outside it. They were under orders to take down any monster that dared to come near her residence, though as she thought about it Octavia realized that she could make more of them and designate specific sections of the outer reaches of Pinkie's wall for the battle golems to watch over. Of course she would have to ask the Elders and the others about it before suddenly placing a number of them down, since surprising them like that would be a bad thing, especially with Pinkie's fast skills, but for now she went about her work in setting up the rest of her tower. Since the Test Dimension still existed, which was what Octavia was calling it, she set up some golems and set all of them to work, creating a small lodging area for her to do her studies in, in case she discovered anything new in the rest of her tome's pages, so the farming golems could work in this dimension as well while the mining golems did their thing and collected more material for her to work with.

Once everything was said and done she found that morning had arrived, though she wasn't tired and such a thing lead to her heading into the village to tell the others the news, that she had something to show them, and sure enough they made their way to her tower, riding their Morocks, or using her wings in Pinkie's case, to the entrance of her tower.

"What in the world are those?" Alex asked, as the moment she and the others landed they noticed the statues that were in front of Octavia's tower, in fact she was sure that they were different than anything else she had seen so far, though at the same time they could see that Pinkie was pleased with her friend.

"Golems... battle types, to be exact... but if you think this is odd, wait till you see what else I've done." Octavia replied, as it was amusing to see that they were surprised by this discovery, even if Pinkie was more impressed by her handiwork and the fact that she had done this all within a single night, before she headed inside.

Sure enough the others were stunned when they saw the worker golems going about their duties, the farmers tending to her new farm, both on an island she had prepared for such a thing, again made to look like she had ripped it out of part of the ground below her tower, and the one near her lodging. On the other side of the portal, however, she chuckled as the others stared at the scene before them, watching as her miner golems went to work carefully removing the dirt that was on top of the stone, giving the group more room to work with as they delved into the depths. She had, of course, used the majority of her materials to make multiple of every golem that was inside the pages of her tome, hence why there was a large group of miner golems gathering more materials for her studies and making more if she needed them. In addition to all of that they got a chance to see the battle golems in action, since the ones stationed in this dimension were set to be on guard in case monsters showed up, and they had collector golems who would gather fallen components to be brought back to the tower, for either her to work with or give to Pinkie if she didn't have one.

Octavia chuckled as she saw how shocked they were and went into explaining what she had done, though she was more interested in what else she could do with the tome's knowledge and knew that they'd be ready for whatever the future held for them and their village.