• Published 29th Aug 2022
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A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 1 - 03 - Sunset - The Everfree Trials

Sunset - The Everfree Trials

Saturday, August 16 - 9:15 AM Canterlot time

Sunset transferred into the passenger seat of Pinkie’s van. Pinkie placed her chair in the back. “Thanks, Pinkie! You’re a lifesaver!” Sunset smiled gratefully. “We got everything, right? ”

“Yupperunni Sunny! I packed up your chair and brought snacks for everyone! Your backpack is in there too!” replied Pinkie. “Off we go!”

Sunset smiled. “I hope we have good weather. I know the forecast said it would be fine, but they haven’t been as accurate since Japan lost their weather satellite late last month.”

She texted the rest of the girls. “We’re on our way! See you all there! :)

Pinkie turned on the stereo, selecting a playlist of the girls' greatest hits. Smiling, Sunset sang the songs, Pinkie singing along with Sunset. Laughing and singing together, the trip to the Everfree campground seemed to take no time at all.

Pulling into the campground parking lot, Sunset noted they were the last to arrive. A car she didn't recognize was in the lot. She assumed it belonged to Kaori and her fellow mage. Pinkie parked the van and brought Sunset’s chair around for her.

“Thanks, Pinkie!” said Sunset as she transferred into her chair. She wheeled around to the back of Pinkie’s van and slung her backpack over the chair’s handles. “Want me to take some of these trays?” offered Sunset.

“Nah. Thanks though, Sunny! I got this!” replied Pinkie. She put on her own backpack and picked up the trays. She bumped the doors to the van shut as she turned. “Let’s go say hi!”

“Lead on McDuff!” smiled Sunset, “and damned be she who first cries Hold! Enough!”

Pinkie snorted and laughed. “I love that you’re so random!” She skipped ahead while Sunset trailed behind her.

Ahead in the camp amphitheater clearing they could see the girls chatting with Kaori and another mage they didn't recognize. Twilight was unloading her selfie-bot, preparing it on the table while she talked and listened. Pinkie went over to a table where a cooler was already opened, full of iced cans of soda and tea. She placed the trays on the table, spreading them out so everyone could enjoy the cupcakes she had baked and brought.

Sunset rolled over to the rest of the girls talking to Kaori and her friend. “Hi everyone! Hope you weren’t waiting too long for us!” She greeted them.

“Hey, Sunset! No, it’s fine,” replied Kaori. “We got here early to set up a few things and check the site out. We’ve been chatting with the girls here, answering some of their questions. It still amazes me that none of you heard about magic, Academy City, or the espers. I guess there really are some places with rocks you can hide under,” she snarked.

“Oh hahaha! We weren’t trying to be isolated. I guess we just were looking in the wrong directions,” Sunset snarked back. “So who’s your friend?”

Kaori introduced her fellow mage. “This is Stiyl Magnus. He’s one of the mages with Necessarius, like myself.”

Turning to the mage next to Kaori, Sunset smiled and held out her hand in greeting.

“Hi! I’m Sunset Shimmer! I don’t know how much Kaori told you about us, but we’re magic users who’ve been trying to keep our little slice of heaven from going chaotic from magic. We’ve been mostly successful so far, but as you know, we recently were surprised to learn there’s a bigger world out there than we imagined.” Shaking his hand, she continued. “We’re really hoping you can help us grow stronger with our magic. Also, we would love to help you keep the magical chaos in this world in check.”

The wizard returned her greeting, shaking her hand. “Hi, Sunset. I’m Stiyl Magnus. Technically we’re not just fighting chaos, but magic itself. We use magic to contain magic. If we could, we would eliminate magic altogether. But it doesn’t exactly work that way, so we do what we must.”

“So you end up fighting to contain magic and eliminate chaos. Yeah, I can see how that would work out that way. Well, we’re happy to consider you and your group our allies. Please teach us how we can help.” Sunset shook his hand, smiling back.

Stiyl continued. “Yes. We are wizards with Necessaruis. Our goal is to eliminate the proliferation of magic in our world. Not because we think magic is evil, or you and your friends are evil for having magic, but because many who use magic do so for their own selfish desires or goals. They pay no heed to the harm they are causing others or the world around them. So, even though our Church considers magic a source of great evil and harm, we’ve embraced magic by necessity to fight against those who use magic to harm others.”

Sunset smiled, shaking his hand. “That’s some convoluted thinking! But, I do see where you’re coming from. From what we have seen so far, you're right on the mark.”

Convoluted thinking seems to be a specialty of magic and its practitioners,” grinned the wizard. “But, keep your heart pure. When your mind is centered on a truly noble purpose, your feet will never stray too far from the necessary path.”

Sunset snorted. “Or your wheels.”

“Or your wheels,” agreed the mage with a grin, rolling his eyes.

Sunset turned back to Kaori, and asked, “So, what’s the plan? Do you want us to go first and demonstrate what we can do?”

“That sounds like a reasonable place to start. Sure, let’s get this going,” nodded Kaori.

Turning to the rest of the girls, Kaori called out. “Everyone! Listen up! Let’s get this started. We’re going to evaluate your magical abilities first. If you would please, can you move to the center of the clearing and show us what your abilities are, and how you use them? We’ll be over here watching. If we have any questions we’ll call them out. Okay, let’s go.”

Kaori and Stiyl moved to the edge of the ring and sat on the benches there. Twilight grabbed her cellphone and launched her selfie-bot skyward to record the event. The girls and Sunset all moved to the rear center of the clearing, huddled up around her chair.

“Okay girls! Let’s give them the razzle dazzle! We’ll all pony up, then show them what we can do one at a time. I’ll go last, after Fluttershy. Dash, you lead off. Ready Freddy?” prompted Sunset.

The girls all smiled and nodded.

“Alright! Acapella ‘Never gonna bring me down!’ on the break, and we roll from there! Break!” Sunset called out.

The girls all got in a line, and Sunset’s voice sang out.

You're never gonna bring me down

You're never gonna break this part of me

My friends are here to bring me 'round

Not singing just for popularity

Twilight joined Sunset.

We're here to let you know

That we won't let it go

And all the girls joined in.

Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow!

Sunset and Twilight sang out again.

And you can try to fight

But we have got the light of

All the girls joined in.

Friendship on our side!

Got the music in our hearts

We're here to blow this thing apart

And together, we will never

Be afraid of the dark

Here to sing our song out loud

Get you dancing with the crowd

As the music of our friendship

Survives! Survives!

Got the music in our hearts!

We're here to blow this thing apart!

And together, we will never

Be afraid of the dark

Here to sing our song out loud!

Get you dancing with the crowd

As the music of our friendship

Survives, survives, survives!

The girls began to shimmer, rising up into the air. Their hair grew longer, cascading down their backs to their feet. Wings appeared on Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Sunset. While that happened, Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity also grew horns of pure light gleaming from their foreheads. All of the girls had a set of pony ears poking through from their magnificent flowing hair.

There was a rainbow flash of light, then the girls were back on the ground in their new forms.

Rainbow Dash flew up into the air, rocketing towards a stray cloud in the sky above the campground. She zipped behind it then pushed it quickly down to the clearing below. Zipping around it in a flash of rainbow light, she compacted it down to a solid ball of water which she zipped over to the seated mages. Hovering behind the floating ball of water, she crossed her arms and grinned.

“Pretty slick! Am I right?” she snarked.

Stiyl reached out to touch it. When he did, the entire ball of water splashed to the ground at their feet. “Amazing!” he called out, with an impressed raised eyebrow.

“Thank you! We aim to please!” grinned Rainbow. She zipped back over to hover by the other girls.

Rarity stepped forward next. She conjured a flat laying shield of diamond shaped glowing magic, then stepped up onto it, floating over to the mages. “Twilight, would you be a dear and help me out? Please conjure up some projectiles and send them against me so I can demonstrate my shields? Thank you darling!” Rarity requested, as her shield carried her over to the waiting mages.

Nodding, Twilight stepped out and raised her arms. “Just let me know when you're ready, Rarity!” she called out.

Nodding to the mages, Rarity placed herself in front of and off to the side of the mages, keeping them out of the line of fire. Remaining balanced on her shield, she called out. “Ready whenever you are, darling!”

Twilight flicked her fingers, and bolts of sizzling magic raced towards Rarity.

Without flinching, Rarity faced the fast-approaching magic. Before anyone could blink, she had manifested several diamond shields, blocking all the bolts. When the last bolt was absorbed by the shields, she disbanded them, saving only the shield she stood on. Nodding to the mages, she floated on her shield back to the waiting girls. With a pop, her last shield disappeared as she hopped gracefully down to stand with her friends.

The mages nodded in appreciation, talking quietly together.

Next, Applejack stepped forward. Stretching, she cracked her back from the left then switched sides to crack it from the right. Walking over to the forest at the edge of the clearing, she squatted and put her arms around a tree that was at least a half-meter thick. With a grunt, she stood up, ripping the tree roots and all from the ground.

Slinging the tree over her shoulder, she walked back to the center of the clearing, carrying the 10 plus meter tree as if it were a broomstick. As she moved to the center of the clearing, the girls all backed up a few steps to stay clear. Once at the center, she held the tree up over her head then spun it as if she were in a circus act. She next proceeded to use the tree as a poleax, doing jabs and feints with it. She spun over the top of it in midswing, then ducked under the bottom on the return swing, performing all manner of acrobatics with it for the next few minutes.

Stopping with the tree held over her head, Applejack rested the tree back on her shoulder and strode to the hole she had made when she tore it from the ground. She dropped the tree back into the hole, sitting lopsided, then rejoined her friends in the back center of the clearing.

Pinkie waved as she declared, “Me next!”.

Wondering what amazing feat the girls would do next, the mages smiled at the girls, waiting for the next display of their magic. After several moments of waiting, Kaori raised her hand and started to speak, but stopped when she realized Pinkie was leaning over her back with her head right beside hers.

“Pretty amazing stuff! Am I right?” grinned Pinkie. “Wanna cupcake?”

Reaching into her hair, she pulled out two warm and delicious-smelling cupcakes. She passed one to each of the mages. “Baked them fresh this morning! Guaranteed to be the tastiest treat you’ve ever tasted!” she smiled. Grinning, Pinkie bounced back to the girls, a trail of sprinkles leaving small explosions trailing behind her. “Oopsies!” she laughed, capping the bottle of sprinkles and putting them back in her pocket, then waved at the mages. They waved back, bemused.

“Seriously! These really are the tastiest treats you’ll ever taste! I promise!” Pinkie said, her head once again right next to Kaori. Kaori whipped her head around to stare at Pinkie, then stared back at the girls. Pinkie was missing. She turned back to Pinkie, but now she was gone. Looking back at the girls, Pinkie was waving to her again.

“Wow! Quick teleport,” was all Kaori had to say.

Fluttershy stepped forward. “Hi,” she said shyly, hidden behind her hair. “I’m Fluttershy.” She waved and smiled at the mages. After that, she went over to the tree Applejack had uprooted. Placing her hands on the tree, she shut her eyes, bowing her head. A pink glow surrounded the tree as it magically straightened, becoming greener and healthier looking. When the glow faded, Fluttershy turned and spoke to squirrels and birds that came out from the other trees. They chirped and cheeped as Fluttershy spoke to them quietly. After the brief exchange, she smiled at them fondly as they fluttered around her then up into the tree she had just healed. The squirrels hugged her legs, then happily scrambled into the tree as well.

Fluttershy skipped over to the mages, smiling the entire way.

“They were really sad because Applejack broke their home. But I healed it and now they’re all happy again!” Fluttershy related softly. She pulled on her hair and twisted her toe on the ground, shyly looking down with a smile.

The mages smiled back. Fluttershy nodded and skipped back to her friends. Sunset gave her a hug. “Great job Flutters! You were fantastic.” Fluttershy blushed and went back to her place next to Rainbow Dash.

Kaori turned to Stiyl. “Druidic magic?” she commented. Stiyl nodded thoughtfully.

Twilight stepped forward. “I think this will work best if I do this with you Sunny. Do you mind?” asked Twilight, turning back toward her friend.

“Nope! I don’t mind at all!” She smiled then rolled out, following Twilight to the center of the clearing. Once they were in place, Twilight gave Sunset a quick hug which Sunset happily returned.

“Thanks, Sunny!” Twilight called out. She turned, and walked about 20 meters away, then turned back to face her friend. “Whenever you’re ready!”.

“All right!” replied Sunset, raising her hands, surrounded by a teal glow. A cloud of storming teal magic appeared over her head. Twilight raised her hands and was surrounded by a magenta glow, encasing her completely.

“Ready or not! Here it comes!” shouted Sunset. Several shots of pure scorching magic flew from her cloud, racing towards Twilight. Twilight didn't flinch from the bolts of magic that flew directly at her. They were all blocked by the magical magenta shield surrounding her.

As the last bolt absorbed into her shield, Twilight whipped her hands outward, sending a hail of magical bullets racing towards her friend.

Sunset laughed as she faced the bullets racing towards her. With a flash of teal the cloud above her head spread out, covering her completely, blocking the speeding bullets. They bounced harmlessly from the shield, disappearing as they hit the ground.

Sunset grinned. “Good one Sparky! But you have to be faster than that if you want to get me!” Sunset teased. Throwing her hands outward, a giant bolt of teal magic lept out from her hands and raced toward Twilight.

Twilight’s wings sprang open, launching her up into the air. The bolt passed harmlessly below her and dissipated as it hit the trees at the edge of the clearing.

Twilight crowed as she hovered above the ground, raven black feathered wings gently flapping. “Hahaha, Sunset! Now who’s too slow!” She hovered over the clearing on her majestic wings.

Sunset laughed in delight. “Oh ho! Now you’ve done it, girl! I am so bringing it!”

A large pair of flame wings spread out from Sunset’s back. With a downward beat, she rose into the air majestically, launching up from her chair. With a grin, she rocketed towards her friend.

Twilight grinned, calling her out. “Bring it, girl! I am SO ready for you!”

The two raced through the air, twisting and turning after each other, magical bolts blasting back and forth between them.

The mage's jaws dropped. Pinkie turned towards Applejack, unable to turn completely away from the sight of her dueling friends. “They’re just playing, right?” asked Pinkie. “They’re not really trying to hurt each other, right?”

Applejack grinned in response, also unable to look away from the duel. “No, Pinks. They’re just playing. They finally got a chance to really let it all loose, so they're just having some fun.”

“Ah. Okey dokie loki! All good then!” grinned Pinkie as she happily bounced in place. “Go Sunset! Go Twilight!” she cheered.

After a few minutes of dazzling magic blasts and high-speed chases, Twilight grabbed Sunset in midair, laughing loudly. “Now I’ve got you! That’s enough of that I think!” She grinned as she spun through the air with her friend in her grasp.

Sunset grabbed her back, spinning happily. “Yup. You got me! And I got you! And, I think I’ll keep you!” she called out.

“Ugh! Way to make it weird!” called out Twilight as she pushed Sunset away. She then grabbed her friend’s hand. “Come on!”

Together they flew back down toward the girls. Sunset landed in her chair. Her wings folded behind her, then disappeared. Twilight settled down to the ground beside her while still holding tightly to her friend's hand.

“That! Was! Amazing!” Dash called out as she zoomed over and tackled both her friends in a hug, knocking them to the ground.

Sunset laughed, her legs straight up in the air as she lay in her flipped over wheelchair. Twilight was still by her side, with Dash’s arms wrapped around them both still squeezing.

“Dang Dash! Love you too, girl!'' Sunset proclaimed with a goofy grin.

Dash let them go as she backed up embarrassed. “Sorry! Sorry sorry. But that was Amazing!” she said as she helped Twilight up. Together, they righted Sunset. “You guys rock!

“It was pretty amazing,” observed Twilight with a grin as she took Sunset’s hand again.

“Yes, it was,” smiled Sunset up at her friend.

Looking over, they saw that the mages were walking towards them. “So, what do you think?” asked Sunset. “Did we pass? Do we have what it takes to work with you guys?”

Kaori grinned. “I think we can work with you,” she smiled.

“Oh, you didn’t get to see my empathy. Do you want to do that now?” asked Sunset.

Kaori shook her head. “No. Not right now. We do want to see and study your power, but I think Stiyl would agree. We both have secrets we’d like to keep, and if I let you use your empathic read on me, I may not have much choice about that. So a rain-check for now, thanks,” answered Kaori.

“Okay then,” Sunset grinned. “What’s next?”

“Stiyl and I will show off some of our battle spells. After that, perhaps we should take a break for lunch and answer any questions,” answered Kaori.

“Sounds good!” replied Sunset. “Girls!” she called out. “Everyone! Take a seat on the benches! Our new friends are going to show us how it’s done!” Sunset rolled towards the benches, Twilight helping push Sunset’s chair, with girls in tow. When everyone was settled, they turned back to watch Kaori and Stiyl in their mock battle.

Facing one another, Kaori and Stiyl proceeded to use many of the same battle spells that Sunset observed from the battle behind the mall. They took turns rocketing debris back and forth, taking turns redirecting and blocking each attack. They also used curses and magical blasts, both of which were new to Sunset. She noted that Stiyl Magnus used runes heavily in his magic. That was of particular interest to Twilight.

The girls all oohed and aahed as the mages traded attacks. They clapped profusely when it was over. “That was Epic!” gushed Dash.

“Thanks, girls. We’re glad you enjoyed the show,” grinned Kaori as they returned. “Who’s ready for some lunch?”

The girls were still cheering as the group headed over to the table for lunch.

They all laughed and joked together during their shared lunch. “Pinkie ... you outdid yourself again. I’ve never had spicy tuna-filled cupcakes before! It’s like Onigiri but with a cupcake instead of rice! And it’s so good!” Sunset gushed as she devoured the cupcake before her.

“Ah! You’re very welcome Sunny! I knew you would like them!” Pinkie smiled. “Have another! I made a whole tray for you!” she replied as she passed another to Sunset who happily took them.

“Ooh! I’ll try one of those!” smiled Kaori as she reached over to take one from Pinkie.

“Okey Dokey Lokey!” said Pinkie as she passed them over. Stiyl took one as well. His face lit up as he bit into them.

“This is really good!” said Stiyl, happily devouring the snack. Kaori nodded as she smiled while devouring hers.

“Anyone else want to try one?” asked Pinkie. The rest of the girls looked up from their lunches then shook their heads. “Okay. Your loss is their gain!” Pinkie handed the rest of the tray over to the mages and Sunset.

“These apple fritters hit the spot! Thanks, AJ!” grinned Rainbow as she tucked into the plate of fritters before her.

“Don't mention it Sugercube!” answered Applejack while enjoying her own apple turnover. “There’s plenty of apple pie here too Dash! I can serve you up a slice,” she offered.

“Nah. I’m good. Not really a fan of pie. Totally happy with these fritters here,” answered Dash.

“Really? Not a fan of pies? Why’s that?” asked Applejack as she reached for another turnover.

“No reason really. Just not my thing. I’m good. Seriously,” assured Dash.

“Sure you don’t want to try one?” asked Applejack.

“Nope. I’m good. Honest. Happy with this,” replied Dash as she still worked on the plate of fritters before her.

“Okay then, Sugarcube. Just don’t want you missing out is all,” replied AJ. Dash gave her a thumbs up.

Rarity nodded. “These finger sandwiches are just divine! Excellent work Pinkie!”

“Ah shucks! You bet Rares!” grinned Pinkie. “Glad you like them.” Pinkie reached into her hair and pulled out a bucket of popcorn. With it, she sat back and watched her friends eat. “I’m just glad you all enjoy my cooking.” She smiled as she popped another handful of popcorn into her mouth.

Sunset nodded happily. “Between you and Applejack, you spoil us. It’s amazing we aren't 300 pounds each!”

“Pfht! As if,” exclaimed Twilight. “I told you all before how much energy magic burns off. With all the magic we were slinging around this morning, we could eat like a battle regiment and not one of us would have any chance of ‘getting fat’! Magic burns calories like you wouldn’t believe. I have the data to prove it!” She tucked back into her slice of apple pie.

“Good thing too!” grinned Sunset. “I could totally picture you and I as big as horses, Twilight. It’s not a pretty sight!”

“Bite your tongue, Sunset! Don’t you dare jinx us!” Twilight glared at her friend. They both burst into laughter.

“You girls get along really well. I admire your chemistry,” observed Kaori. “That kind of teamwork is really hard to come by. You should cherish that!”

“Oh, we do! We absolutely do! It was hard-won and it’s deeply appreciated!” agreed Sunset. The rest of the girls nodded happily.

Kaori smiled back. “Glad to hear it. Maybe someday you can tell me that story.”

“Sure. Happy to share it,” agreed Sunset. “Definitely a long story though. Probably one for another time. So what’s next?”

Kaori looked at Stiyl who nodded. She smiled and turned back to Sunset and the girls. “Okay. We’ve decided. You’re in. We have to head back and discuss things with the rest of the group, but we’ll figure out some way to get together with you to train you up a bit. And we will definitely hit you up for some support when we have the chance. Thanks, girls!”

“Yay!” shouted Pinkie. The girls all hugged and high-fived each other. Sunset reached out and took Kaori’s hands. “Thanks, Kaori! You won’t regret this. We have your back. Like Rainbow would say… We won’t leave you hanging!”

Rainbow nodded with a smile. “Yup! Got that right!”

Kaori smiled and gave Sunset’s hands a squeeze. “Thank you, girls. We will be in touch. We have to head back now, but I promise it won’t be too long. We will be reaching out to you! Have a great evening!”

With that, Kaori and Stiyl passed the rest of the tray back to Sunset. Afterward they took up their backpacks and turned to leave.

Quickly turning back around, Kaori reached over and took one more cupcake. “Okay, one more for the road.” Sunset grinned as Stiyl turned back and grabbed one too.

“Bye, all! Thanks for meeting with us!” Pinkie waved happily with the rest of the girls adding their farewells. With that, the mages got into their car and drove off.

“Well that went well!” observed Twilight. “That was pretty amazing! We should really do that more often!”

“Yes, we should. Call it a date?” teased Sunset.

“You know I don’t swing that way Sunset!” groused Twilight. “You’re such an awful tease!”

Sunset laughed out loud. “Me either, girlfriend. Though, if it did, I would totally want you to be my filly friend!”

Face turning red, Twilight slapped softly at her friend. “You’re a total brat! Stop putting embarrassing ideas into my mind, you dork! I’m saving myself for my prince!”

“Oh! Can I meet him!” grinned Sunset. “Do I know him? Does he know me? Does he want to know me?” she teased.

“I swear, sometimes I wonder why we’re friends at all!” groused Twilight playfully. “You’re merciless!”

“Ah, Twilight! You know I’d be nothing but merciful to you! My little princess!” teased Sunset.

Dash facepalmed. “Seriously you two! Do you need a room? A moment maybe? Or maybe just to grow up?”

Sunset cackled loudly. “Oh, Dash! Don’t ever change!” She gave her friend a bear hug.

Grinning, Dash joked. “It must be a pony thing. You can be so weird sometimes!”

Sunset leaned back, looking into Dash's face. “What?!” she exclaimed questioningly. “You speciest cad! I’m shocked! And offended! And appalled!” She couldn’t keep up the act past that, dissolving into a fit of giggles with Twilight, shortly joined by the rest of the girls. “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself!” she answered between laughs.

Dash pulled her into a headlock and gave her a noogie. “Wiseacre!” she grinned.

Packing up the leftover food, Applejack called out, “It’s my weekend, so dinner and a movie at my place tonight. Show up if you can!”

“I wouldn't miss it! See you there!” laughed Sunset from her place in Dash's headlock.

“Me too!” said Dash as she resumed Sunset’s noogies.

“I’ll be there! Dash, let go of Sunset! I need my friend back,” replied Twilight.

“Ohh. You need your friend, eh?” teased Dash with a playful grin.

“Rainbow, I swear I will pound you,” answered Twilight with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, now you want to pound me? You’re moving too fast, girl!” grinned Dash.

“That’s it! You were warned!’ called out Twilight as she stomped towards Dash.

Letting Sunset go and jumping back, Dash called out, “Have to catch me first, slowpoke!” She disappeared in a rainbow flash down the road back towards town.

Twilight shook her head, scowling. “Sometimes you all can be such juveniles!” She turned back to help Pinkie pack up the rest of the food.

Sunset laughed and shook her head. “Ah, Dash! You’re lucky we all love you so much!” She turned to Pinkie. “Pinkie, do you have room for Dash’s bike in the back of the van? At some point, she is going to remember she left it here and it would be rather mean to make her come back for it.”

“Sure Sunny. There’s plenty of room, no problemo,” answered Pinkie.

“I’ll help you get it in,” offered Applejack.

“That’s what she said!” grinned Pinkie.

“Ah please! Don't you start too!” groaned Twilight. The girls all laughed.

The cars were all packed up, Dashes' bike secured in the back of the van, right next to Sunset’s chair. After goodbyes were said, they all headed back into town.

Sunset texted Dash that they were bringing her bike home to her, which Dash responded with a sheepish thanks. Smiling to herself, Sunset reflected on the morning, their meeting with the mages, and what their future might bring. She was definitely pleased with the way things had gone, and looking forward to where things would go from here.

Driving back into town, Kaori smiled. “That went well,” she commented, driving their rental car back to town and their hotel. “I was afraid for a bit it would turn out to be a dud, and we would have to deal with the fallout from that.”

Stiyl nodded in agreement. “I’m still not sure about all of them. But definitely the two friends have potential. I think we should make some introductions, and see how that pans out,” he replied.

“I agree. I think Index would like them. And Toma could use the help,” Kaori noted.

“That blockhead. Yes, he could. And I know just the two girls to give it to him,” Stiyl agreed. “I’m just glad things worked out. I was really afraid we were going to have to clean up the situation. I’m so tired of that work,” he sighed.

“I hear that. One of my least favorite parts of the job,” Kaori agreed. “To be honest, those two may have been a handful if we had to take them. I’m rather glad not to face them head on.”

“I’m sure we would have cleaned their clocks, regardless,” assured Stiyl. “Still though, I would rather fight with them than against them.”

Thinking of the seven shallow graves in the Everfree that did not have to be filled, the two continued their journey in grateful reflection.

Trust the Maker in all things; Faith does not change the changeless Maker, faith changes the faithful - The Celestial Teachings

Mikoto - Academy City

Having wandered despondently all night, Mikoto finally returned to her dorm room, where she found her roommate Shirai Kuroko frantic with worry.

“Sissy!” called out her roommate, flying into her arms and pulling her into a tight hug. “Where have you been! I was worried sick about you all night! I had to cover for you when you weren’t there for the curfew. Are you okay?”

“No,” admitted Mikoto. “I needed some time to think.” She hugged her roommate back and entered their room.

Back in her room, Mikoto signed into the terminal at her study desk and used her psychic abilities to hack into several databases, looking for any information on the project that was using her sisters as disposable lab animals. With some digging and efforts, she was able to gather the documents for the project, as well as a list of the facilities involved and a map of their locations. She printed it all out, and bundled it together, deciding to hide it in her stuffed bear, Kirugumar.

Selecting the first facility on the list, she left, finding a public terminal to launch a cyberterrorism attack against it and shut it down.

Author's Note:

Events in A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • The Sisters Arc (Railgun)

Did that take a dark turn or what? The girls had no idea they could have died if things didn’t go well. Fate has smiled on them.

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