• Published 29th Aug 2022
  • 1,311 Views, 55 Comments

A Certain Magical Sunset - Babroniedad

Life is Bigger, Wilder, and More Wonderful than They ever Imagined! A Certain Scientific Railgun Crossover.

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A Certain Magical Sunset - Act 2 - 12 - Sunset - Eyes Wide Shut

Sunset - Eyes Wide Shut

Tuesday, September 2, 6:30 AM Tokyo time.

At 6:30 AM, the alarm went off, the windows opaqued, and the lights came up. Sunset groaned. “It’s way too early for this.”

Twilight rolled over smiling and booped Sunset on the nose. “No complaining. This is exactly what we wanted. Up and at em Sunny!” She sat up, stretched, then rolled out of bed. “Dibs on the shower!” she called out, gathering up her clothes and supplies as she headed for the bathroom.

“Fine! I’ll start on breakfast.” Sunset pushed herself up and stretched, yawning the sleep out of her system. “Porridge day I think,” she said to herself, transferring to her wheelchair then rolling into the kitchen. Taking out the supplies and pans needed, she put water on to boil, then made herself and Twilight cups of coffee.

“I really love this coffee maker,” sighed Sunset as she sipped her coffee.

“Better than me?” grinned Twilight, leaning over her shoulder and dripping onto her nightgown with her still wet hair.

“Ugh, girl!” laughed Sunset, putting her coffee down and turning to face her friend. “You really can be a brat,” she said, pulling her wet friend in for a hug, damp towel and all. “Better than you? Never, you’re the best! Besties forever!”

“Ah, you’re so sweet!” smiled Twilight, hugging her back. She pulled away and skipped into the bedroom. “Be right back!”

“Wow, you’re in a good mood,” smiled Sunset. She turned back to the stove, noting the water was finally boiling. She finished making the porridge and set the table while Twilight finished getting ready.

Twilight, now dressed and ready for the day, came out and took her coffee.

“Thank you, Sunny!” Twilight said in gratitude, sitting at the table and preparing her porridge, then sipping her coffee.

Preparing her own porridge, Sunset smiled in agreement. “Anything for you, Sparky. Grace?” she asked.

Nodding, Twilight took her hands and bowed her head.

Thank the Maker for this food and friends,” prayed Sunset, her own head bowed.

Thank the Maker,” agreed Twilight, squeezing her friend's hand before letting go to settle into her breakfast.

Sunset joined her, quickly finishing up her breakfast and coffee.

“Okay, my turn!” Sunny laughed, placing her bowl in the sink, then she rolled into the bedroom to gather her bathroom kit before heading into the shower.

Twilight smiled as she started cleaning up from breakfast. She finished quickly.

Sunset rolled out of the bathroom, dressed, and readied for the day, rolling into the bedroom to exchange her bathroom kit for her daypack. Ready, she rolled out to her BFF.

“Ready Freddy?” asked Sunset with a grin.

“Ready Freddy!” Twilight repeated confidently. She pushed her friend out the front door, which closed and locked behind them. They rolled onto the waiting elevator and were whisked down to the ground floor. With a bow to the concierge, they rolled out of the building and towards Tokiwadai Academy for their first class.

Tuesdays and Thursdays were block days at the academy. So, when the girls arrived at their homeroom, they were surprised to be directed to the office after homeroom instead of their normal classes. Normally block days involved one extended class in the morning after homeroom, then the afternoon spent either on their internships, or school organization activities, such as their Judgment work.

In the office, they were informed that they were to take part in an internship with one of the Academy's scientific institutions. For their first day, they were to be evaluated for the available internships and would be placed based on the results of the evaluation, though they did promise that the girls would be placed together.

Twilight wheeled Sunset out. “At least they kept us together. As soon as they said internships, I was half expecting they were going to break us up for our assignments,” she said. “I’m just glad that didn’t happen.”

“Agreed,” Sunset nodded. “At least we can hang out between jobs if we’re both working at the same place, right?”

“I certainly hope so,” agreed Twilight as they rolled off the campus. They arrived at the gate of the institute they were testing to intern for, Academy Life Sciences. Showing their IDs, they were let in and escorted to a room filled with other students, all looking for placements as interns with the different programs at the institute.

“Wow. Lots of students testing for positions here,” noted Sunset, scanning around the full auditorium-sized room. There were students of every level there, from grade school through University, gathered together in what looked like groups of friends as they waited for their testing.

An instructor entered the room, signaling for attention. Dressed in a white lab coat, she clutched a clipboard with multiple note sheets in one hand and a pen in the other. Her white hair poked out from under her surgical cap as she waved her hand and pen to get everyone’s attention.

“Everyone, please!” the instructor bade in Japanese. “Take a seat! It’s time to begin testing. Take a seat please so we can get started!”

Everyone settled down and turned to face the instructor.

She looked down at the sheet, reading. “We are going to take you individually to your tests. For many of you, this may include a physical examination. Please do not be alarmed. This is a normal part of the testing depending on the job you are being examined for. It does not mean anything is wrong or that you are in any kind of trouble. It’s just part of the placement process. We will be testing your abilities as well as your competence in the skills needed for the jobs you are being placed into. The testing may take a while. Please be patient, though we do expect to be completed before lunch, at which time we will break, then afterward resume with the internship training.”

Twilight and Sunset both looked perplexed. “I wonder what that’s all about? I didn’t think we were volunteering to be lab rats,” noted Sunset quietly.

Twilight just shrugged. “No idea. Maybe we’ll find out more during our testing,” she observed.

The instructor flipped a page, then ran her finger down the list on the current page. “When I call your name, please come to the front of the room where a volunteer will take you to your testing location.”

She began calling out student names. They were not in any order the girls could discern, so they kept their ears open for each other’s names while they studied. About ten minutes later, the instructor called out. “Twilight Sparkle! Please come to the front of the auditorium.”

“Welp, that’s me!” grinned Twilight, giving Sunset a quick hug. “See you for lunch!” She put on her daypack and walked to the front of the auditorium. A young man was waiting with the instructor, who waved her to him. He bowed, then led Twilight out of the classroom. She turned and waved to Sunset as she left the room.

Sunset went back to studying her class notes, keeping her ears open for her name, which was called shortly.

“Sunset Shimmer! Please come to the front of the auditorium.”

Sunset put her notebook away, then placed her daypack on the back of her chair before rolling to the front of the auditorium. A young woman was waiting for her with the instructor. Sunset bowed to them both. The young woman bowed back while the instructor just pointed to her and nodded. Sunset nodded back then followed the young woman out of the room. She led her silently down several halls and into a room that looked suspiciously like an examination room.

“I take it I am one of the interns who will be physically examined as well?” asked Sunset as she viewed the room.

The young woman nodded. “That is correct, Ms. Shimmer. Please transfer onto the examination table and change into the gown on the table. You may keep on your undergarments, but we ask that any jewelry or other clothing be removed and placed into the garment bag provided, which will be returned to you of course when the examination is completed.” She stood by the examination table while Sunset rolled up to it. “Do you require any assistance?” she offered.

Sunset transferred over to the table and proceeded to undress. She placed her clothes into the garment bag.

“No,” Sunset eventually replied. “I think I have this. Thank you though for the kind offer.”

Sunset proceeded to dress in the examination gown. She placed her garment bag on her chair, then laid down on the table.

“Excellent, and you are most welcome. The examiners will be in shortly,” the young woman said as she rolled Sunset’s chair to the foot of the bed and exited the room.

“Guess now I wait,” sighed Sunset, staring at the ceiling.

Several minutes later a group of technicians garbed in white scrubs and masks entered with electronic testing equipment. They proceed to attach electrodes to Sunset, starting with her scalp, and working their way down her entire body to her toes. When they finished, they left her attached to the beeping machine by what felt like about 50 wires, which draped down from the examination table in carefully wrapped bundles.

“Well, that happened,” noted Sunset with a blank stare. No one else entered, so she resumed staring at the ceiling.

A woman's voice came from a speaker somewhere in the room. “Ms. Shimmer. We are ready to begin the testing. We will be examining your psionic responses to several tests. Please give your best effort to the following psychic tasks.”

Sunset nodded. The voice continued. “Very well. Beginning the first test.”

Guess that confirms they’re watching’, mused Sunset.

The voice led her through a litany of psychic tasks, from basic levitation, clairvoyance (“what card am I looking at now?”), and other cantrips. All through the tests, she was completely dispassionate, her voice devoid of any inflection or emotion.

After over an hour of these tests, the examiner concluded. “We will now monitor your psychic energies to establish your post-test baseline. This will take approximately twenty minutes. After that, we will begin the examination of your skills to determine your proficiency in the tasks required by this position. This should take less than an hour, allowing you to return to enjoy lunch with your fellow interns.”

Sunset nodded and resumed staring at the ceiling. She found the starkness of the lab and the callous scientific detachment shown by the examiner and technicians to be more than a little off-putting. Furthermore, she could sense that these tests were not just for the position, but that they were looking for something beyond the results of the simple tests they were running. Sunset suspected it had to do with their efforts to create their own ‘awakened’ Level 6 god. And quite frankly, she was less than pleased to be treated like a piece of meat in a test tube.

She was extremely careful throughout the tests to not allow any of her magic to come into play. She did exactly what was asked to the best of her abilities, but did not allow any form of ‘pony-up’ to occur.

After her twenty-minute cooldown was completed, the technicians returned, removing the electrodes from her body and cleaning up the adhesive used. They returned her chair and bag to her, and allowed her to change back into her uniform and transfer into her chair. When she was completely ready, one of the technicians led her into a room filled with terminals and computer equipment. There, she was assigned a series of clerical tasks which she completed proficiently.

Once these were completed, the technician led her back to the auditorium where she found Twilight waiting for her in the same seat she had before.

“So, how’d it go?” asked Sunset as she rolled up to her BFF with a grin. “Did they treat you like a lab rat too?”

“Yup. Stripped me down, wired me up, tested me hard then tested me again,” grinned Twilight.

“That sounds about right,” agreed Sunset. “Same with me. After they tested my psychic talents, they made me lay still for another twenty minutes. After that, I got dressed and they did the tests I expected they were going to do.”

“They made you lay still for twenty minutes? They had me there for over half an hour. Wonder why the difference?” noted Twilight.

“Probably because you’re cuter,” snarked Sunset with a smirk. “They just wanted to get a good look at you in your skivvies.”

“Shuddup you!” blushed Twilight. “Shut your mouth! You are so weird.” She smacked her friend on the arm.

Sunset laughed. “Just teasing, Sparky. No idea why.” She smiled slyly at her friend. “You really are cuter though.”

“Liar!” laughed Twilight.

The instructor signaled everyone for their attention. “Everyone! Eyes front, please! Attention please!” When everyone had settled down, she continued. “We are going to break for lunch. If you would all please follow me, I will take you to the institute cafeteria where lunch will be provided for you. After that, we will all meet back here. Please be back in your place by 1 PM so we can continue.”

With that, she went to the door on the left side of the auditorium, propped it open, and led the students out towards the cafeteria. There were also several volunteers along the halls to help shepherd the group in the correct direction. Sunset and Twilight tagged along towards the rear, following the herd to lunch.

“I wonder what they are serving?” mused Twilight as they passed through the halls.

Sunset just shrugged as Twilight pushed her along. “I’m just getting the same thing we always get if I have a choice,” she answered.

When they got to the cafeteria, they noted the menu stated in Japanese each student was allowed one entry, one side, and a drink. Sunset asked for the basic Bento Box lunch and a drink which was provided without complaint. Twilight opted for the same. Together they found an open table and sat down to eat.

“My tests were mostly focused on sensing the tester’s thoughts and feelings. I got the distinct impression they knew about my empathy,” Sunset related as they ate.

Twilight nodded. “My tests were geared more towards my telekinesis. That would make sense. They must have had some idea about our skills beforehand. Good questions for Kaori when we see her again,” she agreed.

“I know it has something to do with that work Kaori mentioned,” Sunset added. “I can feel it. Everyone here is hiding something. My gut says there is some dark secret they’re all keeping,” Sunset stated. “It’s just a feeling. I have no proof. Yet. But I know I’m right.”

“I trust your instincts, Sunny. We’ll keep our eyes and ears open,” agreed Twilight. “This is why we came here anyway, to help protect and defend. This is as good a place to start as any.“

Sunset nodded in agreement.

After lunch, they returned to the auditorium. The selected students were called forward and presented with their assigned internships, including Sunset and Twilight. Those not selected were then dismissed, after which an instructional video was shown about the institution, its goals, and basic information and guidelines in order to help them function safely while working here. Several areas were running experiments where a wrong move could potentially get someone killed, so they and the others took the presentation quite seriously.

They actually finished too early to call it a day, so Twilight decided to head back to the apartment and work with the concierge on the visas needed for their planned guests next weekend. Sunset headed over to Judgment to see if Shirai and Uiharu needed any help for the afternoon.

“Hey, Sunset! Didn’t expect to see you today! What brings you here? And where’s your girlfriend?” teased Shirai as Sunset rolled into the office.

Sunset hugged the girls in greeting. “Hi girls! Yeah. Finished orientation early so I thought I’d stop by and say hi and see if there was anything I could do. Twilight had some work she had to finish back at the apartment but she’ll be back tomorrow, same as always.”

“Well, you could finish your orientation training. I’ll give you the booklets so you can bring them to Twilight to finish too, then we can just go straight into your assignments tomorrow when you both get in,” nodded Shirai seriously as she passed several booklets over to Sunset. “Just read through those, sign the form, and you’re done. Same for Twilight. Just bring the forms in and we’ll put them on file.”

Sunset nodded, taking the books and rolling up to her desk. She started reading through them while the girls worked.

Their shift ended a short while later. Sunset finished up with the booklet she was reading. She put it back with the others in her daypack, along with the forms for her and Twilight to sign, then hung the daypack back on her chair.

“So, you girls doing anything tonight?” asked Sunset as they prepared to leave the office.

“Not really,” noted Shirai, locking the door. “We were just going to eat in the cafeteria then study for the night.”

“Same here,” noted Uiharu. “Nothing special. Just studying.”

Sunset nodded. “Not that you have to, but do you want to have a study session at our apartment? Twilight said she was making dinner. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind making a little extra if you girls wanted to join us instead of eating at the cafeteria.”

“Home cooking instead of cafeteria food? Don’t have to ask me twice,” smiled Shirai. “Let me see if Misaka is cool with that.”

“Ditto here. I’m calling Ruiko now to see if she wants to join us,” agreed Uiharu. A moment later she smiled. “We’re in! I’ll go pick her up and we’ll meet you there!” She happily ran out the door.

“Okay then!” laughed Sunset. She turned to Shirai, who was still talking on the phone. Shirai flashed her a thumbs up.

“Alright! I’ll let Twilight know you're all coming over. See you all there!” Sunset waved as she left the office.

She texted Twilight. “I invited the girls over for a study session. Hope that’s okay.

The reply came back almost immediately. “Always Sunny. I just put on more pasta, all good. See you all soon!

Sunset smiled.

She arrived just as Twilight was finishing preparing dinner - angel hair pasta with tomato sauce, her personal favorite. She joined her in getting dinner ready.

Twilight related what she had accomplished. “I spoke with the concierge. They were able to get the visas squared away for everyone’s visit. Also she has informed the appropriate authorities, so there should be no surprises. The concierge even arranged for the port inspectors to stop by the apartment briefly when the girls first arrive, so all the necessary stamps and signatures will be gathered and applied then.”

“Wow! That’s fantastic! Way better than I expected,” nodded Sunset gratefully as she set the table.

They had just put out the garlic bread when Twilight’s phone buzzed. She answered, “Hello! Ms. Shimmer’s personal assistant here. How can I help you?”

Sunset laughed and groaned, holding her face in her hands. “Not even, Sparky.”

The concierge took the joke in stride. “Congratulations, Ms. Sparkle. It must be a dream come true for you,” she teased with perfect deadpan delivery. “However I called to inform you and Ms. Shimmer that you have guests and they are on their way up.”

“Thank you! I’ll make sure my mistress is informed,” teased Twilight. She hung up the phone with a grin.

Rolling to the door, Sunset opened it just as their guests were getting out of the elevator.

Sunset called out. “Welcome! Oh, heh…. Hi guys. Not who I was expecting! Come on in! Hope you don’t mind spaghetti and pizza.” She rolled back to let them in, calling out to Twilight as she did so. “Hey Twilight! Better order a dozen pizzas too!”

Twilight looked up in confusion before seeing who came through the door. She laughed. “Sorry Sunny. Flash can’t make it. You’ll have to eat someone else’s pizza,” she grinned, dialing the concierge to place the order. Sunset gave her a playful glare.

Walking into the dining area with Sunset in tow, Toma turned to Sunset. “I don’t get it. Who else is coming? There’s just the three of us.” He gestured to Kaori and Index.

“Um-hmm.” Sunset rolled her head towards Index and grinned.

“Ohhh, okay.” Toma grinned in sudden understanding.

“That said, we do have other friends coming over,” Sunset informed Toma.

“Anyone I know?” asked Toma.

“Because of the size of the order, it’s going to be about 40 minutes,” called out Twilight as she hung up the phone.

Sunset laughed. “Yeah, you definitely know two of them. Misaka and her friends are joining us for dinner and the evening.”

Toma grinned. “Oh, yeah, I know Misaka and Shirai. I hope Shirai behaves.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine if we can keep from antagonizing her,” smirked Sunset. “It’s just so hard not to want to.”

Index looked up. “Pizza sounds good to me!” She turned to Toma. “I’m hungry, Toma! I need some food!” She pulled on his arm and pouted.

Twilight crossed over to them then gently pulled Index, and Toma, still in her grasp, into the kitchen.

“How about a snack, Index?” Twilight offered kindly. “Pizza is coming but we have some things to eat while we wait. Have a seat, sweetie.”

She sat them both done at the table and pulled out leftover dip and sushi. Placing them on the table, she went to the cupboard to get chips. Returning to the table with chips and a large bowl, she watched as Index finished off the last of the sushi.

“I’m still hungry,” pouted Index. Grinning, Twilight poured the chips into the bowl and passed it over to Index.

Laughing, Toma opened the dip and placed it next to Index as well. She immediately started scooping the dip up with the chips, eating them happily..

Joining Toma in his laughter, Twilight turned to him. “What about you, Toma? Anything you want?” she asked.

“Just something to drink maybe. I’m absolutely fine with waiting for the pizza,” he grinned.

“And spaghetti! Okay then. Juice, tea, coffee, soda, water?” Twilight asked.

“Soda’s fine. Any flavor. I don’t care. Thanks!” Toma grinned.

Twilight pulled two glasses down from the cupboard and filled them both with cola. Passing one to Toma, she placed the other by Index. Index paused eating the chips. Taking the glass of soda in hand, she drained it in one swig, then slammed it down with a grin, returning to her chips. Laughing, Twilight filled the glass again and watched Index repeat the process.

“Don’t give her too much!” warned Toma. “Sugar and caffeine are a bad combination.”

Index shot Toma a scowl. “I’m fine, Toma. And I’m still hungry!”

Twilight pulled Index into a hug, which she returned happily. “Never change, girl!” laughed Twilight.

Twilight’s phone rang again. Twilight extracted herself from Index’s grasp with a final squeeze, and Index launched back into her chips and dip. Answering her phone, Twilight said, “Twilight and Sunset’s party crib. How can I help you?”

“Still very droll, Ms. Sparkle. You have another group of friends coming up,” informed the concierge.

Twilight laughed. “Thanks!”

She walked to the door and opened it up as her friends poured out from the elevator.

“Come on in, girls!” Twilight welcomed. “Heads up, we had some unexpected visitors,” she said while stepping back from the door to let their friends in.

Among the new guests to arrive, Shirai saw Toma and scowled. “What’s that idiot doing here?”

“He showed up with Index. Be nice, please? We’re all trying to get along here,” asked Twilight.

“Fine. I’ll try,” Shirai grumbled. She took Misaka’s arm, held her tight, and walked into the room. Misaka looked confused until she saw Toma then grinned. Heading them off at the pass, Twilight put her arms around the girls and escorted them into the living room and onto the couch, handing them the remote, then she went over to Sunset.

“Okay, this is getting out of hand. I have an idea. Field trip?” asked Twilight.

Sunset grinned. “Where did you have in mind?”

“I know you’re thinking what I’m thinking,” grinned Twilight.

Sunset laughed. “Hey everyone! How do you feel about taking this party to a place we can really open up? Feel like taking a short trip with us?”

Across the room, Kaori started laughing.

“I see someone knows where I’m talking about,” Sunset called out, giving her a wink. “Anyone interested?”

Everyone happily yelled out their approval.

“Alright, everyone! Prepare to have your minds blown!” Sunset turned to Twilight, and said quietly just to her. “Coed group so bathing suites only in the spa I think.”

“Totally agreed. I can craft them if we need them,” whisperedTwilight in reply. “How do you want to do this?”

“We’ll use the fobs as ‘portable teleportation’ devices. No mention of magic here. They can find that out when we get there,” Sunset whispered back.

“Sounds good. I’ll take them through. You go first with Toma and Index. Keep them safe and busy. Kaori can hang here to keep everyone out of mischief while I ferry people back and forth. Oh and first thing, craft a door for the front entry before ‘Mr. Imagine Breaker’ touches something and kills all our guests!” reminded Twilight.

“Ah, crud. That’s right. I’ll have a little discussion with him and take care of that right away,” agreed Sunset.

Raising her voice again, Sunset addressed everyone. “Okay, everyone! Listen up! We’re going to be using Twilight and my personal teleportation devices to move this party to our private crib. It’s in a very remote and dangerous location, so please no one try to leave without Twilight or me coming with you for your protection. Any questions?” asked Sunset.

Toma called out. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise, but I can promise you it’s unlike anywhere you’ve ever been before. Anyone else?” Sunset asked. Getting no further questions, Sunset continued. “Okay, I’ll take the first group and get everything ready. Twilight will take everyone else in groups. Kaori, can you come over last and keep an eye on things here while Twilight brings everyone over?”

“Sure, no problem,” smiled Kaori.

“Thank you!” Sunset smiled. Turning to Toma and Index, she said “I’m taking you two. Ready?”

Toma smiled. “I don’t mind going last. That’s fine.”

“Sorry, but I need to have a chat with you before everyone else gets there,” explained Sunset quietly.

“Oh. Okay then. Come on, Index!” smile Toma. Taking Index’s hand, he stood by Sunset.

Taking both of their hands, Sunset called out. “Okay, everyone. See you there!” In a flash of teal she, Toma, and Index disappeared.

“Woah! That was cool!” enthused Shirai.

“Get in line girl! Your turn is coming,” grinned Twilight. Walking over to Kaori, she said “Thanks for watching things while we move everyone. We’re just waiting on the pizzas.” She laughed.

Kaori laughed with her. “Okay, no worries.”

Twilight took Ruiko and Uiharu. “Okay girls, ready for the ride of a lifetime?”

“Sure?” They replied hesitantly.

Twilight laughed. “No worries! You’ll be fine! On three. Three!” she yelled out. There were two terrified screams as they disappeared in a flash of magenta.

Shirai and Misaka fell on the floor laughing. “Oh my gosh, she got them good!” howled Shirai. Misaka nodded, unable to do more as she laughed just as hard. With a flash of magenta and a pop, Twilight reappeared, laughing so hard she could barely breathe. Pulling Shirai and Misaka to her, they disappeared in a flash of magenta, all still laughing.

Alone, Kaori grinned at the girls' antics. In a flash of magenta, Twilight reappeared, still grinning.

“You really are a stinker,” laughed Kaori.

“So I’ve been told,” grinned Twilight. “I had a very competent teacher.”

“So I’ve noticed,” agreed Kaori.

“I got a phone call. Pizza delivery is on the way up. Concierge is bringing the pizza order on a wheeled cart, mercifully,” Twilight smiled. She crossed over to the door and opened it. The concierge was just wheeling the pizza order out of the elevator..

Twilight smiled at the concierge. “Thank you so much!” she said, taking the cart and pulling it into the apartment. The concierge bowed with a smile and returned to the elevator. Pulling everything inside with Kaori, the door shut and locked. “Next stop, party on Mars. Let’s do this.”

She wheeled the cart over to the table, loading up the breadsticks, snacks, spaghetti and soda bottles onto the cart, then wheeled over to where Kaori was waiting. Still holding the car, Twilight took Kaori’s hand. In a flash of magenta, they and the cart disappeared.

They appeared in the bunker control room. “Dinner is here!” called out Twilight.

Index flew into the room dragging Toma behind her.

“Yes! I’m so hungry!” Index called out, reaching for the pizzas. Twilight passed two boxes to Index who happily raced out of the room. “Thank you!” she called out. Toma shook his head laughing then followed her. Twilight noticed Toma was wearing Sunset’s old glove, the one she wore when she was having issues controlling her empathic moments.

Wheeling the cart into the main room, everyone descended on the food. Twilight passed out boxes and dishes to everyone to set on the table. Sunset pulled plates, serving and silverware from the kitchen and passed them out. As Twilight passed serving dishes, she told everyone, “Let me know if you need anything else.” Smiling and taking the food, they all ate.

Looking around and seeing everyone else was served, Twilight loaded up two dinner plates, then walked over to Sunset. Handing her one of the servings, she laughed. “Nice call on the glove.”

Sunset took her plate and replied, “It seems to work, mostly. I don’t feel the drain when I touch his hand while he’s wearing it. Still, though, I’ve asked him to please not touch anything with it. The real fun will come when we take everyone outside. Just in case, can you please be ready to teleport everyone to safety if something catastrophic happens?”

Tucking into her own plate, Twilight nodded. “That sounds prudent. I’ll have it queued up to drop everyone back in the apartment. You should too just in case one of us gets knocked out.”

“Agreed. Okay, that’s the plan then. Grace?” asked Sunset.

“Grace,” Twilight agreed, setting her fork down and taking Sunset’s hand. They bowed their heads and shared harmonic grace. When they were finished they dug into their dinners. “Wow, this is really good!”

“It is, isn’t it! You, girl, are an amazing cook.” agreed Sunset, rolling over to the serving dishes for a second helping. Twilight, finished with her first helping, joined her.

“So how freaked do you think everyone’s going to be when we take them outside?” asked Sunset between bites when they were back at the table.

“From what? Seeing where we’re at? Or seeing us?” snarked Twilight, finished with her seconds. She took two cups from the table and poured sodas for both Sunset and herself. She passed one to Sunset.

“Thanks, Sparky. And right? Good point!” she laughed. “So basically, totally freaked.”

“Except for Kaori, totally not Kaori. She hasn’t stopped smirking since we got here. You know she’s looking forward to seeing everybody’s reactions,” laughed Twilight.

Sunset sipped her soda and nodded. “Yeah, I think you called that right.

“Hey, think I should do my sonic rainboom thing and strafe Olympus Mons?”

“Totally!” agreed Twilight. “Seriously, when will you ever get another chance to show off like this?”

Sold. Talked me into it, I’m so doing it as soon as we get outside. Do we have enough headsets for everyone?” Sunset asked.

“No, but that’s fine. I’ll bring out a Bluetooth speaker and pair it to my headset so they can hear everything. Good enough,” replied Twilight.

Sunset nodded. “Sounds good to me, Sparky. When do you want to do this?”

Twilight looked around. “Let’s tell them what we’re going to do, but give them some time to finish eating.”

“Sounds good to me,” agreed Sunset. She cleared her throat then called out loud enough to be heard by everyone.

“Okay, everyone. Take your time, but when we’ve finished eating here, it’s time for the surprise portion of our evening. Twilight and I will take you out of the bunker so you can see the literally breathtaking view from our front door. Then we’ll see if anyone can guess the location of our bunker.”

Everyone except Index hurried to finish what they were eating. Index didn’t change her pace one bit, mostly because she was already shoveling pizza into her mouth as fast as she could anyway. Watching her eat left Sunset laughing and shaking her head.

“Index, can you take a break from that for a bit so we can go outside?” asked Sunset.

Not missing a bite, Index shook her head. “Nope!” she grinned. She reached over and took the box with the rest of the pizza in it, placed her piece in it, then tucked the box under her arm. “All set, let’s go!” she grinned.

Sunset laughed. “That’s settled then. Everyone ready?” asked Sunset.

They all nodded emphatically.

Sunset smiled. “Okay, some basic ground rules. When I said the view was breathtaking, I wasn’t kidding. Twilight and I will be raising a shield over everyone to keep us alive. No exaggeration. Stay inside the shield at all times, and please don’t touch the shield.”

She turned to Toma and smirked. “Especially you, Toma. Please don’t break my magic shield.”

Toma laughed and raised his hands. “I’ll be good I promise!”

“So basically, enjoy the view, enjoy the show, and stay safe. Any questions?” Sunset finished.

“Magic?” asked Shirai, puzzled.

“Yes, magic,” grinned Sunset.

No more questions were forthcoming, so Sunset turned to Twilight. “Ready Freddy?”

Twilight grinned. “Ready Freddy.”

“Let the show begin!” called out Sunset. Taking Twilight’s hand, they both ponied up to their ascended forms.

“Angel ladies!” called out Index excitedly.

“Whoa,” observed Misaka in wonder.

“Yup, you could say that,” snarked Sunset.
“What are you?” asked Shirai, completely shocked.

“I’m known by many names, but you know me as Sunset. I am the goddess of this realm, and Twilight is my partner. Together, we rule this realm.”

“But then, why are you a student with us in Academy City? That makes no sense!” said Misaka, a bit shocked.

“We were asked by friends who care for you to come help protect you from harm. We agreed, and after befriending you all, I have to admit it’s a joy to be here with you and for you. We love you all very much! And we’re delighted to help protect you.” Sunset explained.

“So, goddesses. That means you’re invincible right?” asked Toma.

Sunset laughed. “I wish! No, not quite. We’re basically about what you would call Level 6.”

Toma scowled. “So how many people were sacrificed to ascend both of you?” he asked angrily.

Sunset smiled at Toma. “No one was sacrificed for our ascensions. That’s not how it works. That’s not how it was ever supposed to work! Ascension comes when a soul is ready to love others and themselves, completely in harmony with the Maker’s Will. Not forced by magic. Not tricked by psychic manipulation. But in Harmony with the Maker and Her Creation.”

Toma calmed, then smiled. “Well in that case, I’m delighted to be your friend as well.”

“And we yours.” Sunset looked around. “Okay, first big reveal out of the way. Any more questions? Or is everyone ready for the real surprise?”

No one had any questions, so Sunset rolled over to the new bunker door. Twilight and Sunset both raised their shields. They opened the door. Sunset rolled up the tunnel followed by Twilight. The others followed them, including a very happy Index with her pizza box.

Emerging out into the barren landscape, Sunset turned with Twilight. Both girls faced their guests as they emerged from the tunnel with their wings fully spread and arms outstretched in greeting. Golden and Teal fire swam over the surface of her outstretched wings and glowing horn. Magenta flames traveled along Twilight’s wings and horn. Together they spoke.

Welcome to our realm!

Everyone was talking at once. Twilight placed her headset on and pulled a Bluetooth speaker from behind her, turning it on.

Sunset placed her headset on as well. With a flap of her wings, she rose from her chair and into the sky above them.

“Woah! Awesome!” called out Toma.

“Okay, everyone. Prepare for the show!” Sunset called out from the speaker. Everyone watched her climb up into the sky, then bank over and head towards Olympus Mons.

Suddenly she shot forward faster than their eyes could follow. A rainbow blast circled out from where she started, while a rainbow trail traced out behind her.

She raced up the side of Olympus Mons then disappeared over the cusp of the volcano and into its caldera. There was complete silence for a moment as everyone watched, waiting for her to appear again.

“Woo hoo!” came Sunset’s voice over the speakers. A second later a rainbow streak shot straight up from the caldera, climbing like a shot into the sky. Just as she reached the point where the sky was more black than red, she slowed. Coasting to a stop, she started descending, circling slowly around the mountain. When she got to the height of the mountain, she disappeared briefly behind it. She shortly emerged from around the other side. As she rounded back towards the front of the mountain, she angled back towards them, still streaking a magical rainbow trail behind her. As she closed in on them she came to a sudden stop. The rainbow trail caught up with her then exploded outward in a rainbow ring when it got to her.

Laughing, she slowly descended back into their shield bubble adding her own signature color to it. With a final flap of her wings, she settled back into her chair. “Ta-da!” she called.

“That was so epic!” called out Toma.

Twilight turned the speaker off.

“Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it Toma. Did anyone figure out where we are?” Sunset asked.

Shirai quietly raised her hand.

“Yes, Shirai. Where are we?” asked Sunset.

“Is that Olympus Mons?” she asked.

“Yup!” Smiled Sunset.

“We’re on Mars?” Shirai asked.

Twilight high-fived her. “We’re on Mars!” She agreed.

“We’re on Mars!” Shouted out several voices. Everyone was shouting and celebrating with hugs and high-fives.

Sunset smiled. “So with that out of the way, let me reintroduce myself.” She rose from her chair, wings slowly and majestically beating to hold her in place a few meters above the ground. She threw her arms wide. “I am Sunset Shimmer, the Maker’s Hand, goddess of the realm Mars, friend to and protector of you all! And this is my partner, my consort in all things throughout eternity, Twilight Sparkle. Together we will fight by your sides to protect you and your dear ones from harm. You have our love and friendship now and forever, thank the Maker.”

She lowered back into her chair, wings folding gracefully behind her back. “So, all the corny stuff aside, Hi?” she laughed with a little wave. “And welcome to Mars. Please enjoy yourselves.”

Twilight was laughing. Most of the others had slightly shocked expressions.

Sunset turned to her. “What? Did I mess up? I did it right. Right?” She grinned.

Twilight nodded, taking a breath. “Don’t ever change Sunny!” she laughed. “And just saying, I don’t think you understand what a consort is.” She grinned.

Sunset smiled. “Well, duh! A consort is a partner you consult with and are close to. A best friend and partner in each other’s lives.”

Twilight shook her head and laughed. “I like your version better. But no, a consort is a partner for life for certain activities,” she said with meaningful emphasis.

“Huh?” Sunset looked perplexed. “What activities?”

Twilight smiled then lifted her eyebrows up and down slowly with a leering grin.

“What! No! No no-no. Friends. Just friends! Sisters from another mister!” Sunset protested.

Twilight burst into laughter and everyone joined in. Twilight walked over to Sunset, still sputtering protests, and pulled her into a hug. “I love you too, Sunny. Don’t ever change.” She cackled gleefully.

“That’s what I get from cribbing my speech from my favorite anime,” groaned Sunset.

The party went for another hour, but as the next day was a school day, everyone did need to get home and get some rest.

Admonishing everyone to please keep their secret, the girls returned everyone to their apartment where they all said their goodbyes and parted for the night.

“We’re all going to Liberal Arts City tomorrow for a week,” commented Shirai as they were leaving. We’ll miss you two! Don’t forget to show up for your shifts at Judgment,” She gave them both hugs as they all left to return to their dorms.

“Guess it’s just us again for a while,” laughed Sunset. “Come on Sparky, let's get some rest.” She rolled into the room and prepared for bed.

“Right behind you, Sunny!” Twilight answered, walking into the room behind her. She also prepared for bed, then slipped in and snuggled up to her friend. Together they fell asleep as the city sparkled before them.

There is no truer sign of a Harmonious soul than a constant profound amazement at the Makers Grace - The Celestial Teachings

Author's Note:

Events from A Certain Magical Index during this time:

  • None mentioned, but..
  • Tomorrow, supersonic wooden battle canoes! For the girls at least. The Mikoto 4 leave for Liberal Arts City. Misaka Mikoto, Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari, and Saten Ruiko are randomly selected to take part in Academy City's seven-day exchange program. Here, they are taken to Liberal Arts City, an affiliate of Academy City, and are later involved in a conspiracy involving Aztec magicians. The story is set in Liberal Arts City and takes place in the time period between September 3rd to 10th.
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