• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,142 Views, 79 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony - Battwell

Sonic the Hedgehog and The Mane Six team up against the evil Dr. Eggman in this feature fanfiction

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Vs. Lord Tir-X

(Play from 0:32 onward)

Lord Tir-X fired a barrage of missiles from his missile launchers on his shoulders. Everybody spread out to avoid the devastating attack, explosions were going off everywhere as chaos consumed the Space Port. Sonic skidded to a halt and charged up a Homing Attack, he then used said attack to try and hit Tir-X.

"EAT THIS, CHROME DOME!!!" Sonic shouted as he spun towards Tir-X.

Tir-X growled as he backhanded Sonic away, causing Sonic to tumble to a halt on the ground. Tir-X then began charging his horns as he snarled at the speedy blue hedgehog. Tir-X then fired a yellow beam from in between his horns, causing Sonic to think on his feet and quickly speed out of the way. The resulting explosion tore apart part of the Space Port, Tir-X then fired some more missiles at the hedgehog, creating even more explosions on the Space Port. Sonic smirked as he ran ahead of the explosions behind him. He then saw one final missile heading right towards him, he then ran forward and kicked it back into Tir-X's face, causing the metallic centaur to stumble back.

Tir-X shook his head and was about to attack when suddenly, he was struck in the back by a blast of magic. He turned and saw Twilight behind him, charging up another attack. Tir-X charged forward and brought back his red fist and brought it down to where Twilight was standing, had she not teleported out of the way, she would have been seriously hurt. Tir-X was then shoved in the back at high speeds by Rainbow Dash.

"HAH! TOO SLOW!!!" Rainbow shouted as she took to the air.

Tir-X then looked up to the sky and saw Rainbow flying, he took this opportunity to fire a barrage of missiles at the cyan pegasus. Her eyes widened as she had to maneuver through the barrage of explosions that were in the air due to the missiles. She then turned around and flew right towards Tir-X, but he smiled as he fired another blast from his horns. Rainbow was then struck by the blast and was sent flying through the air and landed harshly on the ground.

"RAINBOW!!!" Sonic shouted in alarm.

He then gritted his teeth and dashed forward towards his enemy. Tir-X then raised his arms and opened his palms, he then fired two red blasts from his palms. Sonic moved to the left to avoid the blasts and got closer to Tir-X. Tir-X then stood on his back legs, raising his forelegs into the air. He then roared as he brought them back down, creating a red shockwave that knocked Sonic back and sent him rolling on the ground.

Tir-X then turned around and was cupcaked in the face by Pinkie. He wiped the delicious treat of his face and snarled at Pinkie, who just stood there with a smile on her face. He then fired a blast from his horns to try and hit the pink coloured mare. He smiled but as soon as the smoke cleared, he realised that Pinkie was gone. He looked around for the random pony, only for his attention to be brought behind him as he heard someone whistle. He turned and was hit by the cargo attached to a crane. It sent him flying off the Space Port. Pinkie cheered but it was short lived as Tir-X rose up, the underside of his hooves a blaze as he floated in the air.

"Uh oh." Pinkie said as Tir-X flew forward and shoulder charged the mare. She was sent to the edge of the Space Port and was close to falling into the polluted water.

Tir-X floated over to her and landed right in front of her. He then raised a fist to finish her off, he brought it down, but missed her as Sonic quickly dashed over and picked up Pinkie Pie and carried her to safety. The pair fell over and tumbled to the ground.

Tir-X lifted his fist from the ground and looked over to his enemies. He was about to charge over there, but was suddenly encased within a bubble, courtesy of Twilight. Tir-X then turned to see the alicorn, her horn lit up from her magic. Tir-X then began punching the bubble, causing it to crack. Twilight struggled to keep the bubble together as each punch caused the bubble to crack on impact. Tir-X then gave the bubble one final punch and caused the bubble to shatter. Twilight fell to the floor in exhaustion and panted heavily. She looked up only to see Tir-X charging over to her, she then received a punch in the face and was sent flying over the edge of the Space Port. She would've fell into the water if it wasn't for Princess Skystar, who saved her just in time. The two landed on the Space Port and fell over, rolling to a stop.

Twilight looked to see Sonic running circles around Tir-X, but was then backhanded away, "How do we stop him, he's even more powerful than before?!"

Tails then flew down towards Tir-X in the Tornado and fired multiple bullets at the metal centaur. He raised his arms to cover his face from the bullets. The Tornado flew over them as Tir-X turned around and fired a blast from his horns. Tails just barely dodged the attack by maneuvering out of the way. Tir-X then fired multiple missiles at the Tornado in hopes of destroying it. Tails activated the Tornado's boosters and flew out of the way of the missiles. He then turned around and fired a missile at Tir-X, only for Tir-X to catch it in his hand and throw it back. Tails' eyes widened as he lifted up just enough to dodge the missile.

Applejack then ran towards the centaur with her rope in her mouth and threw it over one of Tir-X's horns. She then tried to pull him down with all the strength she could muster, but it was for nothing as Tir-X simply grabbed the rope with his hand and lifted it off of his horn and tugged the rope, sending Applejack flying towards him. He then headbutted the cowpony to the ground. He then raised his forelegs to try and crush the mare. Applejack quickly rolled out of the way as Tir-X brought them down. Applejack then stared the centaur down and Tir-X did the same. Applejack then ran forward in hopes of at least doing something to him. But Tir-X simply grabbed her by the throat and raised her into the air. He then punched her in the chest and she was sent flying through the air and landed harsly on the ground.

Spike flew around Tir-X in the air and breathed fire at the metal centaur, but it didn't appear to do any damage whatsoever. Spike flew in front of the centaur, only to be backhanded away.

Fluttershy then shrieked as Tir-X turned to her, she was shaking as his shadow loomed over the kind, yellow pegasus. He smiled as he began charging up his horns. He was about to fire when suddenly, a wave of magic pushed him back a few metres. Fluttershy turned to see Rarity, who had just fallen to the ground from over using her magic. Fluttershy quickly ran over to check on her friend, Tir-X saw this and began to run over to them to finish them off. He was close but was brought to a stop by Sonic, who had Spin Dashed him in the chest. Tir-X stumbled and glared at the hedgehog.

"You want someone to crush, come and get me!!!" Sonic yelled.

Sonic then began running around Tir-X in a circle. Soon enough, he was running so fast that a blue tornado formed around the metallic centaur, blinding him from seeing anything outside the tornado. As he looked around, he was suddenly struck in the face by Rainbow Dash as she flew into the tornado and out of it. She repeated this multiple times, each time hitting him harder than the last. Sonic then skidded to a halt and joined Dash in hitting the centaur with multiple Spin Attacks. The tornado disappeared and Tir-X could only get a quick look before being hit in the face by both Sonic and Rainbow Dash. The attack from the two speedsters sent Tir-X sliding back towards the edge of the Space Port, only stopping before falling into the water.

The heroes then regrouped as Tir-X stared at them, Twilight then spoke to her friends, "Nothing we're doing is working. We hit him and it doesn't even bother him!!!"

Rainbow then had an idea, "Maybe we're not hitting him hard enough. Applejack, Pinkie. I need you two to wrap his legs with Applejack's rope. Sonic, think you could blind him again?"

"You know I can." Sonic replied.

"What are you goin' ta do?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow smirked as she took to the air, "I'm gonna give Tirek a taste of the rainbow." She then took off to the sky.

Tir-X then fired a barrage of missiles at the heroes and stepped forward away from the ledge. Applejack and Pinkie had the rope in their mouths and began running around Tir-X's legs, limiting his movement. Sonic then ran around Tir-X, creating another blue tornado, blinding him.

Rainbow reached a high enough altitude and then turned around, "Here we go." Rainbow then boosted down towards the Space Port. Tir-X then had had enough and used his strength to break the rope around his legs. Sonic then skidded to a halt with a smirk on his face. As the tornado disappeared, Tir-X saw a a wave of Rainbow in the sky, Rainbow Dash had performed a Sonic Rainboom. She then flew towards Tir-X at high speeds and slammed into him, causing part of the Space Port to break off as Tir-X was sent crashing into the depths below, finishing this battle for good.

(End song)

As Tir-X sunk to the bottom of the ocean, the group all came together and posed at their victory.

"Too easy." Sonic said.

"Didn't even break a sweat." Rainbow inputted.

(End song)

Tails then landed the Tornado on what remained of the Space Port and hopped out. He then walked towards the main computer and began typing it. The others walked over to see what he was doing.

"What are you doing, Tails?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm hacking the EggNet to see if I can gather any further intel to what Eggman is planning." Tails explained.

"Hacking?" Twilight asked.

"I couldn't explain it even if I tried." Sonic said, shrugging.

Tails then gasped at the information he saw on screen. "Guys, we have a problem."

"What is it, Tails?" Spike asked.

"According to this, Eggman has already taken over 5% of Equestria. And he's only been here for a few hours. It says here that he has multiple factories stationed at seperate areas of Equestria. He has turned a place called 'Cloudsdale' into a Badnik production facility, he set up a weapons factory in a place called the Badlands, and he's turned this 'Changeling Kingdom' into a camp where prisoners are taken to be Roboticized." Tails informed the heroes.

"HE DID WHAT TO CLOUDSDALE?!" Rainbow shouted.

"Sounds like EggHead has been busy." Sonic said.

"Well, what do we do?" Rarity asked.

Sonic then turned to the group, "We smash every factory and camp and free those areas from Eggman's grasp. Then once we do that, we take the fight to Eggman." Sonic said, the group looked at each other and nodded. Sonic then turned to Skystar, "Think you can keep an eye on things here while we save the world?" He asked.

"You bet! Give Eggman a punch for me." Skystar replied.

"Well, then we better get going." Twilight said.

"Hang on." Tails said as he finished typing on the console. Suddenly, the screen turned red as numbers counting down from a minute appeared on screen. "We better get outta here, this place is about to blow." Tails said.

The heroes then gathered at the Tornado and began their escape. Everyone was ready to go and Tails took off into the sky while Skystar flew away at a safe distance. The numbers reached zero and the Chemical Plant exploded, being taken out of commission.

As the explosion went off, Tails asked his friends, 'Where should we go first?"

"CLOUDSDALE!!!" Rainbow shouted.

Everyone shrugged as Tails put in the coordinates. "Cloudsdale it is."

The Tornado then boosted as the heroes made their way to Cloudsdale.

Meanwhile, the doors leading to a room on the Death Egg Mark II opened, letting Eggman step inside. Orbot and Cubot floated in after him.

"Sir, I just got reports that the Chemical Plant has been, destroyed." Orbot informed his master.

Eggman chuckled as he walked over towards two shadowed silhouettes, "It doesn't matter. They won't get far."

"I have also been informed that they are heading towards your Badnik Factory in Cloudsdale, boss."

"Well, what a perfect opportunity to test these two out." Eggman replied.

The two silhouettes then stepped out of the shadows and it was revealed to be Eggman's latest creations.

"Heh, heh. Get a load of this!!!"

Author's Note:

What a battle.

Next time we'll be heading to Cloudsdale, where Twilight and Rainbow will meet their metal counterparts.

That will be exciting to see.

Anyway, see you next chapter.