• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,067 Views, 79 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony - Battwell

Sonic the Hedgehog and The Mane Six team up against the evil Dr. Eggman in this feature fanfiction

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Metal Rumble

Twilight's eyes widened as Metal Sonic charged right into her and choke slammed her into a wall.

The Mane 6 gasped as Metal began to squeeze Twilight's neck. Metal then threw her to the floor and began to charge up his chest blast. He was interrupted by Rainbow Dash as she slammed him right into a wall. Metal recovered and readied his claws. Metal and Rainbow charged at one another and met in the middle, Metal had a grasp on Rainbow's hooves as the two struggled to overcome one another. Rainbow clenched her teeth and furrowed her brow, she had a look of determination on her face as she tried to overpower the metal menace. Her eyes widened as she quickly glanced to Metal's chest and saw it began to glow. She was then blasted across the room by Metal's chest blast and hit the wall and landed on the ground. As she struggled to get up, Metal walked over menacingly towards her.


Metal then flew over to Rainbow and kicked her in the chest, sending her flying through the wall and into the air outside. As she recovered, Metal dashed forward and kneed her in the chest and karate chopped her neck, sending her crashing down below. Rainbow shook her head and flew back up and Metal flew down towards her. Metal went to punch her head, but she ducked out of the way and hit him in the chest. She went for another hit but he caught her hoof in his hand and punched her right in the face, sending her flying through the air. Rainbow shook her head and smirked at the robot.

"Is that all you got?" Rainbow said confidently.

Metal then dashed forward towards the rainbow maned pegasus. Rainbow then flew away, causing Metal to give chase. As the pair flew in the air, Rainbow looked back and to her surprise, Metal was catching up to her. Her eyes widened as Metal flew right past her and did a quick U-turn and close lined Rainbow Dash, causing her to lose control and be sent crashing into the street below, digging a trench as she slid across the street. As she tried to get up, Metal landed right on top of Rainbow with both feet. Metal then reached down towards her and grabbed her by the neck. His eyes then glowed as he punched Rainbow right in the face and sent her crashing into a nearby house. Metal then began to walk towards where Rainbow landed.


Suddenly, he was tackled by Rainbow and they both crashed into multiple houses as they flew. Rainbow kept punching Metal Sonic in the face as they continued to cause destruction in their wake. Metal then fired a chest blast at Rainbow, which sent her flying into the air. Before she had time to recover, she was then punched in the gut by Metal, he then grabbed her forearm and began to swing in a circular motion before letting Rainbow go, sending her crashing onto the ground, creating a crater where she landed. Metal then began to charge another chest blast, his eyes glowed as he glared at the Rainbow maned pegasus.

"STATEMENT: DIE!!!" Metal shouted before firing the blast towards the crater. Rainbow quickly came back to her senses and saw the beam heading right towards her. She then quickly flew up and avoided the fatal blast, which caused a massive explosion in its wake.

"Let's see what else you got, you tin can!!!" Rainbow shouted.

The pair then flew towards each other and exchanged blows with one another. The ponies down below began to evacuate the area, not wanting to be caught between the battle. Rainbow punched Metal in the face, to which he replied with a kick to the gut, Rainbow bent over in pain, giving Metal the opportunity to get behind her and kick her right in the back, sending her crashing down to the ground. As the smoke began to clear, Metal saw Rainbow trying to crawl away. Metal then landed right in front of her and glared at the pegasus. He raised his hand and reading his claw like fingers and prepared to finish her off.


Metal would have ended the battle right then and there, but a rope tied itself around his wrist, preventing his finishing blow.

(End song)

Metal turned around and saw the rest of the Mane 6 standing there, ready to back up their friend. Applejack kept a firm grip on the robotic menace.

"Ya better leave our friend alone, you varmint!!!" Applejack yelled.

Metal then pulled onto the rope and in doing so, pulled Applejack towards him. He then grabbed her by the neck and slammed her to the ground. He then prepared to stomp on her but was hit by a magic blast by Twilight. She then tackled him to the ground and tried to restrain him.

"Why are you doing this?!"

Metal responded by firing his chest laser at the alicorn, sending her into the air. As he flew up, he noticed something heavy on his back. Pinkie then got in his face and slammed a cupcake onto his visor, blinding him, but not for long. He then reached behind him and grabbed Pinkie by the neck and threw her down to the ground. He then wiped the cupcake off of his visor. He then landed back onto the ground and dashed towards Rarity, who placed up a magic shield to protect herself, but it instantly broke when Metal punched it, which sent Rarity sliding on the road. She then fired a magic blast, but Metal activated his jet booster on his back and slid out of the way and then charged forward at Rarity and grabbed her by the neck. He then raised her into the air and began to squeeze. He would have finished her off if it hadn't been fir a certain yellow pegasus.


Metal turned around and saw Fluttershy with an angry look on her face. He dropped Rarity and began to walk towards her.

"YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!! APOLOGISE FOR HURTING MY FRIENDS!!!" Fluttershy then began to stare into Metal's visor. She expected him to feel bad, but to her surprise, he seized her by the neck and slammed her down on the ground. What she didn't count on was the fact that Metal was a robot and didn't feel emotions. Metal reached down for her again but suddenly, Applejack's rope wrapped around his neck and he was swung into a nearby building. Metal then flew out of the rubble and tried to slice Applejack with his claws, but she ducked underneath it and prepare to buck him. Metal saw this and activated his Black Shield. Applejack bucked the shield and then screamed in pain and fell to the floor. Metal then deactivated the shield and prepared to fire at the cowpony, but he was blasted by Twilight in the back. Metal turned around and saw her with an angry look on her face.

"YOU WILL NOT HURT. MY. FRIENDS!!!" Twilight yelled in anger.

Twilight then flew up and Metal followed. Twilight fired multiple magic blasts and Metal fired multiple chest blasts. They both used their flying acrobatics to dodge the attacks, causing explosions down on the ground below.

(End song)

Meanwhile, Sonic was running just outside of Canterlot. His ears suddenly twitched and he turned to the cause of the noise. It sounded like explosions. He ran a little closer and saw a familiar looking robot fight an alicorn. Sonic smirked and ran to intervene.

Twilight then crashed onto the ground and groaned in pain. She then tried to get up but Metal stomped his foot on her chest. He glared at the alicorn and prepared to finish her off.

"STATEMENT: PREPARE FOR TERMINATION." Metal said as his chest began to glow. Twilight closed her eyes and braced herself.

Metal was about to fire, when suddenly he was sent flying down the street by a Homing Attack.

Twilight opened her eyes and saw a blue hedgehog standing over her, looking at Metal with a confident smirk on his face.

"Long time no see, Metal. Still as ugly as ever I see." Sonic said to his metal duplicate.

Metal clenched his fist and charged forward towards his loathsome copy, Sonic then dashed forward and jumped over Metal. He then turned around and hit him with another Homing Attack, sending him tumbling down the road. The Mane 6 looked in awe of this mysterious hedgehog. By the look of it, he was just as fast as Dash, maybe faster. Metal then fired a beam from his chest, Sonic ran forward and moved to the left to avoid the blast. Metal fired another one, which Sonic avoided by leaping into the air and curled into a ball and hit Metal right in the chest, sending him through multiple buildings.

(End song)

Sonic looked and saw the Mane 6 with their jaws dropped. He chuckled and ran over to the group.

"You guys, okay?" Sonic asked kindly.

Before anyone could answer, Rainbow dashed up to him and screamed, "THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!"

"Well, I don't like to brag, but, yeah it was." Sonic replied.

Twilight then smiled kindly and walked forward towards the blue hedgehog. "Thank you for saving us from that... thing. I'm the Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle. These are my friends. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike."

Applejack tilted her hat as a kind gesture while the others waved, "Nice to meet you, I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog."

Pinkie then began running around in circles, "OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!!! A NEW FRIEND, I HAVE TO THROW YOU A 'THANK-YOU-FOR-SAVING-US' PARTY PRONTO!!!"

Before Sonic could reply, a shadow began to loom over Canterlot. Sonic looked up and his eyes widened as he saw a certain battle station with a fleet of ships in the sky. The Death Egg Mark II and the Egg Fleet have arrived in Canterlot.

He then saw a familiar egg shaped doctor fly down in his Egg Mobile.

"HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!! Citizens of Canterlot!!! I am Doctor. Ivo Robotnik!!! And by orders of the Eggman Empire, I hereby declare that this city is under my rule!!! And there is nothing that you can do about it!!! Surrender peacefully, and I might not Roboticize you!!!" Eggman announced.

Sonic cleared his throat and Eggman looked to the source of the noise and saw his arch nemesis standing there with his arms crossed.

"Sup, Eggman?" Sonic said, which caused Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to burst out laughing at the name while Eggman's arms simply dropped to the sides and he sighed as he brought his hand and slid it down his face.

"Y'know, I had hoped. I had seriously hoped that you and that twin tailed freak had perished in that plane crash, I really did. But no~ You had to survive, didn't you? It's like the universe hates me!!!" Eggman shouted.

"Aw, come on, Baldy McNosehair, you know you can't get rid of me that easily." Sonic said as Rainbow and Pinkie wheezed.

"Grr, well it doesn't matter!!! My latest plan will not fail and this dimension will be under my rule!!! And you can't do a thing to stop me!!!" Eggman declared.

Twilight then stepped forward and glared at the mad doctor, who looked confused at the pony, "I am the Princess of Equestria, and I demand that you cease this attack this instant."

Eggman looked puzzled for a moment before bursting out into laughter. He held his sides as he continued to laugh, Sonic rolled his eyes while Twilight's brow furrowed.

"Hahahahahaha. Wait, wait, wait!!! You think that you, a mere pony, can order me around?! Hahahahahahaha. That's hilarious. Please, humour me. What are you gonna do to stop me?" Eggman asked.

"I'm going to seal you in stone with magic if you don't cut it out." Twilight declared.

"Magic? HA! Magic is just science that hasn't been discovered yet. You're not going to do squat!!!" Eggman declared.

"Watch how you talk to her, Eggface!!! I think you need to see that she isn't alone." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, she's got us!" Pinkie said as the rest of the Mane 6 stood beside Twilight.

"The day I get beaten by Ponies is the day that I retire." Eggman said.

"Seems like this is over before it's even begun, EggHead." Sonic said confidently.

(Song end)

"DON'T BE SO SURE!!!" Eggman yelled as Metal shot up from the rubble. Suddenly, the ships began firing upon Canterlot, Badniks and Egg Pawns dropped down from the Egg Fleet and started attacking the city.

Everyone gasped at the destruction while Eggman laughed maniacally. Sonic clenched his fist and grinded his teeth.

"Oh, Sonic~ Don't forget, I still have the Emeralds, so, no Super Form for you this time!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Eggman gloated.

Sonic then turned to the Mane 6, "Girls, I"ll handle Metal, do you think you could help out the civilians?"

Twilight nodded and turned to the girls, "Let's go, girls!!!" They all rushed off to do their assignments.

Sonic dashed towards Metal and they interlocked hands and struggled to overpower one another. Sonic then fell on his back, causing Metal to bend over, giving Sonic the chance to kick him in the chest and get him off of him. Sonic then dashed down the street and Metal flew in pursuit.

Meanwhile, a group of Egg Pawns were approaching a group of civilians and were aiming their blasters at the group. It wasn't until Rainbow Dash destroyed them all by plowing through them at high speeds that the civilians were safe. While Rainbow wasn't looking, she was shot in the back by a wasp Badnik. She fell to the ground and turned her head to glare at the Badnik.

"Cheap shot."

Rainbow then flew up and destroyed the Badnik. Meanwhile, Pinkie, Spike, and Fluttershy were being surrounded by a horde of Badniks and Egg Pawns. Fluttershy and Spike cowered behind Pinkie, who pulled out her Party Cannon and fired a massive cake, covering the robots and sinking into their circuitry, disabling them.

"That's what you get, you meanies!!!" Pinkie shouted.

Applejack was busy bucking every Badnik or Egg Pawn that came near her. She then threw her rope around an Egg Pawn and spun it around, knocking down every robot it hit. She then let go of the Egg Pawn and he was sent flying into a wasp Badnik.

"Thanks for the ride, partner." Applejack said.

Rarity and Twilight were firing magic blasts at any robot they saw. But no matter how many they blew up, more just seemed to take their place. Twilight released a burst of magic that wiped out the whole group. The pair smirked at each other before running of to meet with their friends.

"Nice job, darling." Rarity complimented.

"Thanks, Rarity." Twilight replied with a smile on her face.

The Mane 6 regrouped in the centre of Canterlot before they were surrounded by a horde of robots.

(End song)

But before they could react, a red ball of energy struck the ground and the six ponies were separated. They then saw something land in the middle of them. They looked and saw Mecha Sonic walking out of the smoke.

Rainbow Dash deadpanned, "Seriously?"

Sonic raced down the street with Metal in hot pursuit, firing lasers at the blue blur, who just swayed left and right to avoid the blasts. Sonic then turned his head and rasp berried the metal duplicate. Metal charged forward and slashed at the hedgehog, who just slid under his robotic duplicate and let him pass him. Sonic took this opportunity to use a Homing Attack and hit Metal, causing him to roll and tumble down the road, allowing Sonic to pass.

"So long, loser!" Sonic mocked as Metal got back up and charged forward. "Uh, oh."

Metal flew ahead and fired a laser from his chest, breaking it apart as the laser tore through the road. Sonic then leaped out of the way and jumped onto the buildings on the side of the road and ran on their roofs. Metal saw this and fired another chest laser, causing Sonic to jump over the beam and slide to a stop on a rooftop. Sonic then leaped off the building and tackled Metal to the ground and began pounding his face in. Metal caught his fist and punched him off of him. Sonic recovered and dashed down the road, causing Metal to give chase.

"STATEMENT: I HAVE YOU NOW, MY LOATHSOME COPY." Metal said as yellow electricity began to surround him.

Sonic knew what this meant, he was going into Maximum Overdrive. Metal began to spin and shot forward and tried to hit the hedgehog. Sonic just curled into a ball and jumped over Metal, once he had to cool off, Sonic took this opportunity to spin dash his back thruster, causing Metal to stumble and roll back down the road. Metal grew furious and dashed forward and tried to tackle Sonic, but he simply moved to the side and let Metal pass him. Metal turned around and charged at Sonic, who responded by racing forward and curling into a ball and using a Homing Attack to hit Metal in the chest and send him flying into a nearby building.

"And he's outta here!" Sonic shouted as he dusted himself off. He looked to the sky and saw that it had darkened thanks to the smoke from all the damage from Eggman's forces. He then ran off to find the girls and Spike.

(End song)

Mecha Sonic glared at the Mane 6 and they glared back. His hand then turned into a gatling gun and he began firing at the group, causing them to split up. Rainbow flew towards Mecha, who simply flew above her and then flew back down and stomped on her back as she was passing under him.

"RAINBOW!!!" Twilight shouted.

Mecha chuckled and dashed towards the princess and punched her in the face before she could teleport away. She was sent tumbling down the road and she skidded to a stop. Spike used his fire breath but it had no effect. Mecha turned around and punted him away. Pinkie threw multiple cupcakes at the mechanical menace, but it did nothing to him at all. He dashed forward and grabbed Pinkie and threw her into Fluttershy and Rarity, who were rushing forward to aid their friend. Applejack tried bucking him, but his armour was too strong and caused her a great deal of pain in her back legs. Mecha backhanded her away into a building. Mecha turned to Twilight, who had tackled him into a nearby building. He kicked her off of him and fired a laser from his hands. Twilight teleported to the sky and fired a magic beam at the robot, but he simply slided away to the left.

"TOO SLOW!!!" Mecha shouted before blasting off into the sky towards her. Mecha tried to punch her but she teleported behind him and contained him in a magic bubble.

"That's enough out of you." Twilight said proudly, thinking she had won.

Mecha simply chuckled as he began to build up energy before releasing it, breaking the bubble. The blast sent Twilight flying back, Mecha then flew forward and grabbed her by the neck and leaned in close to her face.

"I'VE LET YOU LIVE LONG ENOUGH!" Mecha said as he punched her to the ground.

Mecha then prepared to finish her off but was then hit into a building by Sonic, who had arrived just in time. Mecha landed on his feet on the ground and glared at his foe as he helped Twilight up. Sonic then cracked his knuckles and prepared to charge forward, but not before a certain metal copy of himself landed right next to Mecha.

(End song)

Eggman then floated towards them in his Egg Mobile and laughed as more and more robots began to surround the group.

"BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Nowhere to run, fools!!! Now, you'll all be destroyed!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Eggman laughed.

Sonic then heard a familiar voice in his earpiece.

"Sonic, can you hear me? I've tracked your earpiece and I'm on my way to pick you up." Tails said.

"Thanks pal, but I'm not coming alone. Meet up at the edge of the city." Sonic replied. He then turned to the girls and Spike. "Guys, I have a plan. But we need to reach the edge of the city." They all nodded and followed Sonic as they ran to the edge of the city.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE!!! AFTER THEM!!!" Eggman ordered.

They all gave chase, with Metal and Mecha in the lead. The heroes made it to the edge of the city and saw the horde of robots approaching them, with Metal and Mecha walking in front of them.

"What do we do now?" Applejack asked.

"On my signal, we jump." Sonic said.

"WHAT?! ARE YOU INSANE?!" Rarity yelled.

"Just trust me." Sonic replied.

Eggman floated down and hovered in front of his nemesis.

"Nowhere to run, hedgehog." Eggman said.

"Sonic, jump now!!!" Tails said.

Sonic smirked at his nemesis. "Don't be so sure, Eggface." He then turned to the girls, "NOW!!!"

They all jumped off the edge and screamed. Eggman looked shocked and peered over the edge. Only to be startled by the Tornado flying upwards with Sonic and his new friends on the wings, hanging on for dear life.

"Grr, METAL, MECHA!!! AFTER THEM!!!" Eggman screamed. The two nodded and flew off after them.

As Metal and Mecha began to catch up, Sonic turned his head and saw them approaching.

"TAILS!!! WE GOT COMPANY!!!" Sonic yelled.

"I've got just the thing!!!" Tails said as he flicked a switch. Suddenly an EMP blast dispersed from the Tornado and hit the robots, causing them to short circuit and fall down to the earth below.

Rainbow cheered and stuck her tongue out. "EAT DIRT, LOSERS!!!" The plane then began to fly away out of Eggman's reach.

Eggman growled as he saw his enemies get away. But he then sighed and smiled. "It doesn't matter. You may have gotten away, Sonic. But you lost the capital of this land, and you are still clueless about my real intentions. Once my plans are complete, ALL REALITIES SHALL BOW TO THE EGGMAN EMPIRE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Author's Note:

Phew, that was a big chapter.

Next time is the time for exposition

And we see what Eggman plans to do with Canterlot.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll see you next chapter.