• Published 25th Sep 2021
  • 14,437 Views, 672 Comments

Forgotten - milesprower06

Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.

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Sunny stared dumbfounded at the father she had only seen in photographs for the past five years as her mind struggled to make sense of the situation she found herself in.

"You... You can't be real," Sunny said, half-confidently. "You're not my dad."

The semi-transparent Argyle smiled gently at her and shook his head in confirmation.

"You choose what you see, not me. Argyle Starshine was always the embodiment of harmony to you, Sunny Starscout."

Sunny took a deep breath.

"So, what are you, some kind of spirit?"

Argyle nodded once.

"What is this place?" Sunny asked.

"A nexus; one of several places around Equestria that is so closely connected to the magical energies of Aetherius that you could reach out and touch it, given enough effort, though certainly while risking your corporeal form," Argyle told her.

"You knew the Guardians of Harmony?"

The spirit nodded again, turning to the six pillars that were still glowing around the center of the room.

"Charity, optimism, integrity, compassion, devotion, leadership, laughter, generosity, loyalty, kindness, honesty... The core tenets of harmony have gone by many names in the eras that have passed. Princess Twilight learned about these, and then spread them as far and wide as she could. Although, I cannot tell you how long it has been since her reign, because I honestly do not know. I do know I have been asleep for quite a long time, the world above no doubt looks quite different."

"The castle above is the only structure left standing. The town? Ponyville? It's long gone. It's nothing but forest out there now," Sunny told the spirit.

"An extension of my energies. No doubt the supernatural forest had quite some time to grow and expand unopposed before it too had its magic fade away."

"How... How many have there been? Since... The fall? Ponies like my dad?" Sunny asked.

"Not many, but they have been scattered throughout the countless years since Princess Twilight's reign. Think of it like waking up for barely a moment in the middle of the night. That is how it felt. That is how I knew there were still creatures who sought harmony."

"It's... It's so frightening. So much unity, and still, Equestria was fractured," Sunny said.

"Change is constant throughout the eons, Sunny. Just as the sun sets, it will surely rise again. Argyle may have known that restoring Equestria's unity would not be possible by one pony, or one generation, so he pointed you in the right direction. I hope you are proud of your father, Sunny Starscout, because he is undoubtedly proud of you. He may have shown you the path, but you and your friends are the ones who had to continue walking it without him. You are the dawn of a new day in Equestria."

Sunny smiled at the spirit.

"Remember, Sunny, gathering and preserving relics and tales of the past is a noble pursuit, but don't focus on it so much that you lose sight of the here and now."

Zipp frantically followed the rope deeper into the caves, the crystals faintly glowing as she passed them. As she was royalty, she didn't set foot in here without Zoom and Thunder right on her tail. She followed the rope until it came to a light source She peered over the ledge of an archway, and saw Sunny standing in a large chamber several feet below, among six glowing pillars.

"Sunny!" She called, and her friend looked up at her, and she made her way down the stairs.

"Sorry I was taking so long," Sunny apologized.

"Yeah, I was starting to get a little worried. But hey, another amazing find!" Zipp said, taking a look around.

"There's a spirit in here, Zipp. Of Harmony. It said this place is an aetherial nexus, a concentrated source of magical energy. The spirit has been asleep for a long time, but our actions to reunite Equestria have started to wake it up!"

Zipp looked around at the chamber as Sunny began to take pictures with her phone.

"I know Izzy is already working on the model of the castle up there, but maybe she'd like to do this too." The earth pony said.

"Did it say anything to you, the spirit?" Zipp asked.

Sunny nodded, turning back to her friend.

"That if we stay true to ourselves, there is no limit to what we can do for Equestria."