• Published 25th Sep 2021
  • 14,437 Views, 672 Comments

Forgotten - milesprower06

Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.

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The next evening...

Hitch walked down the hall of his one story house on the west side of Maretime Bay, carrying a plate containing two slices of veggie deluxe pizza, fresh out of the oven, and a cup of soda. He came up to the second door on the left, knocked twice, and received a "Come in!"

He opened the door to the guest bedroom.

"And dinner is serv... Did my temporary roommate turn into a conspiracy theorist?" He asked. There sat Sunny, in the middle of the bedroom floor, a large bulletin board leaning up against her bed, with a dozen sheets of notebook paper pinned to it, and laminated sheets of paper scattered all around her. Each of them looked to be scans of... book pages?

She turned to smirk at him.

"Ha. I'm finally starting to make sense of a bunch of those memory gems we found in the castle. Like the party in the library? That was Twilight's welcome party when she first came to Ponyville. And her very first sleepover. And the one who carved his final message into the wall; his name was Discord! And that mirror in the basement was a portal to another dimension! Hitch, it's amazing, it's like discovering them for the first time all over again," Sunny excitedly told him, pointing to several different pages strewn about the floor.

"Still no idea how long ago this all was?" Hitch asked, setting the plate and cup on the nightstand.

"No, and that answer may not be in here," Sunny said, getting up and carefully stepping through the copies on the floor to sit on the bed and start into her pizza. "You might enjoy reading about Fluttershy, Hitch. She seemed to be a rehabilitative therapist of some kind for small woodland critters. Now where have I heard of a pony like that before?"

"They follow me around everywhere. Hardly speaks to my ability to care for them to a degree like that," Hitch retorted.

"So I hear it's official? Construction and repair work started on the lighthouse today?" Sunny asked.

"Yep. Mayor's office finally finalized the permits and the last of the red tape was finally gotten through. Hope it goes smoothly, and doesn't take too long. And don't get me wrong, I love having you here, but I know you like having your own place."

"I just hope they don't have to change it too much to make it livable again," Sunny said, finishing off her first slice.

"Seeing how it's a local landmark, I do think there are certain things they are required to keep the same. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll look better than it did before this whole mess started."

"Here's hoping," Sunny replied, raising her glass.

Three days later...

Now armed with an arsenal of names and places, Sunny was finally beginning to mentally prepare how she wanted to organize the Guardians of Harmony wing in the Maretime Bay Museum of History. Regardless of the way the display cases would be organized, she knew she'd likely commission large cutouts of these six legendary friends to hang on the walls.

She was also highly considering getting the Journal of Friendship republished and have copies available during the reopening.

"Ah, Miss Starscout, just the pony I wanted to see," Mystic Cinnamon said, strolling into the still-barren hall, hoofsteps echoing off of the walls.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Cinnamon?" She asked, turning her attention away from the far wall.

"Well, I'd like to know how you feel about replicas."


"Why, yes. I think a museum shouldn't solely be about preservation, of storing ancient relics and showing ponies what they look like now, but also giving them a look back in time, showing them what items looked like back in the day. What do you think?" Mystic asked.

"Hm," Sunny began, putting a hoof to her chin and taking a look around the wing. Truth be told, not too much had come in just yet, and they were currently just working off the memory gems. "Yeah, replicas are probably the perfect way to fill out this space. Where do you think we should begin?"

"I've been looking at those gems you brought in, and I think having a miniature replica of Princess Twilight's castle would be a great piece. And I'd bet a replica of one of those Wonderbolt uniforms would look pretty flashy, especially if we could get a hold of a mid-flight pegasus mannequin, that we could hang from the ceiling. Although, to be fair, CanterLogic's pegasus test dummies may not be the most accurate thing in town, so we might need to have them update the model. Maybe have the same pegasus fit for a custom uniform and be the template for the new mannequin?"

The proverbial light bulb came on over Sunny's head.

"I think I might have just the pony in mind, Mr. Cinnamon."