• Published 31st Aug 2021
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We don't go to Sub-Level Five - RadBunny

Astral Sentinel is just a typical security guard. The job pays well, has decent hours, and it's basically glorified customer service. There was just one odd thing stamped on the job description. Never ask about Sub-Level Five, ever.

  • ...

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Chapter Seventy Two: The Viewscreen Cracks

“You have news about Astral?” Edge Sentinel asked, Halberd at her side.

“I do,” Twilight said, the three of them in one of the many conference rooms of the castle. She had summoned the parents after they had processed the footage. There wasn’t any reason to withhold it outside of ‘clearance’ issues. But even then, Astral’s parents had the credentials. It wasn’t exactly stellar news, however.

“In short, he’s alive. We have some footage of him, but-”

“We want to see.”

Halberd’s simple utterance made Twilight blink, the alicorn holding up a hoof.
“It’s combat footage, so you don’t see his face many times. The most recent transmission from Sassi is the information we’re operating on. Astral was unconscious for that.”

“Show us our son, please,” Edge whispered, the mare’s steely demeanor breaking as she looked at Twilight almost desperately.

With a flash of magic and one of the wall screens lit up with the combat footage from Astral’s helmet, soon after he began the fight down the Silo floors. Some of the scenes were blurry, prompting the two parents to frown.

“The movement speed is off. Is the footage broken?” Edge asked immediately, Twilight shaking her head.

“Your son underwent severe modifications. They sped up his reaction time by approximately three times normal. The camera is only able to capture so much.”

“Modifications?” Halberd muttered. “What kind of modifications?”

“I can bring in Vial to explain if you’ll permit him. He was the last pony to speak with your son. But we can watch some of this footage first.”

The two parents stared at the combat film, neither moving a muscle as their son tore through hordes of monstrous creatures. The two experienced guards physically jerked in shock as an enraged yell crackled through the speakers, the stallion skewering a Skitter to a wall as he beat its head in with his bare hooves.

With a furious bellow, the stallion jumped at another Skitter. The blade slit the creature’s throat, Astral’s guns tearing into a wall of the creatures as gore spattered the helmet. The Thestral tore the obscured piece of armor off, camera now showing his features widened in a furious snarl as a hoof shattered a writhing Skitter’s skull.

“I’ll kill you all!”

“That’s…that can’t be out son,” Edge muttered. “What did those modifications do to him?”

Her head shaking, Twilight gestured to the screen.
“That is your son. Vial would be able to confirm the specifics. But that’s Astral.”

The two Thestrals were clearly shocked as they continued to watch.

“I’m coming, Sassi. Hold on!”

At hearing Astral’s growl, Edge’s eyes narrowed.
“All of this for Sassi? Surely not.”

Twilight had to resist an outward wince.
“It’d appear so. He defended her with his life, from what we could tell. That involved killing the Director of the facility in her defense.”

“What?” Halberd exclaimed. “Show me. I’d have to see it to believe our son would do such a thing.”

The footage from the encounter with Split Tie was immediately brought up, the two Thestral’s staring. Astral ripped off the detonator cords with a roar, throwing the Director into the elevator shaft.

“He killed…a pony?” Edge whispered. “For Sassi?”

Twilight resisted an interjection. From what she understood, calling the Director a pony was a stretch.

“This is the most recent footage we have.”

The footage then shifted to the most recent transmission, and Edge’s eyes narrowed at Sassi’s words.

‘And I’m an experiment.’

After it closed, the mother let out a soft huff.
“What in the world did you get yourself into, Astral,” she muttered.

“Wait. She’s not even a pony? Some…creation from this company?” Halberd added on. “Why weren’t we told this sooner?”

Twilight couldn’t hold back a disproving snort.

“Sassi was created by the Company, yes. Just as a gryphon or dragon isn’t a pony, neither is Sassi,” Twilight said, a bit of stern coldness entering her tone. The change immediately made the two guards look her way. “I would expect her to be treated with the same respect. You weren’t told because it wasn’t essential information concerning Astral.”

It was also because Twilight hadn’t known, but she left that part out. It certainly wouldn’t inspire confidence.

Their ears flattened, but it was Edge who spoke first.
“Apologies, Highness. It’s just…difficult to understand. And accept,” Edge admitted. Despite the apology, her eyes didn’t meet Twilight’s. Her tone was far from genuine, an almost angry inflection creeping in.

“From our last meeting, it was clear that Astral had taken a very different path. I thought we were starting to understand that, but he’s gone even further than we can grasp. Or at least, I can. These modifications, they may kill him, won’t they? Something is off about this entire affair. And I mean aside from the monsters.” The mare was clearly troubled, head shaking back and forth.

“There is a high chance of him dying from them, yes,” Twilight admitted. Lying served no purpose now.

“And he did all of that for some thing…mare he met a few months ago? Who even is our son?” Edge added, correcting herself with a visible gritting of her teeth.

Halberd had no answer, the stallion shaking his head.
“I thought I knew. I thought we knew.” He looked up at Twilight. “What will these modifications do to our son? What did they do?”

“May Vial explain? He was the last one to see Astral,” Twilight asked. Thestrals immediately nodded, ears perking up. “Bring him in.”

Vial trotted in, sat down, and shifted nervously.
“H-highness?” the unicorn asked, Twilight smiling kindly.

“These are Astral’s parents. They’d like some clarification.”

The unicorn’s ears perked up, the scientist’s nerves starting to fade.
“Of course. I imagine you have some questions about, well, everything? How much can I say?” he asked, looking towards Twilight.

“They’ve got the clearance.”

“Did Astral really volunteer?” Edge asked, her voice slightly barbed and clearly not caring at Twilight’s warning glance. “This company has used Astral for so much already, why not another test subject?”

Vial blinked, letting out a soft hum.
“That’s a fair point. But your son did ask for the treatment,” the unicorn explained. “I made the risks clear many times, but he insisted. He was going to die otherwise. I offered an alternative.”


Halberd’s exclamation made Vial wince.

“Sorry. Astral was going to charge after Sassi with or without the modifications. He wouldn’t have made it a single floor with the armor, weapons, and injuries he had. I had to stop him.”

The two parents stared at Vial in shock.
“He was going against all of that…before?” Edge asked cautiously.

“Yes. I offered him a greater chance of success, nothing more.”

“And what exactly did these modifications do to our son?” The mare pressed.

Vial took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.
“He’s like Sassi now, to be brief,” he explained. “Longer life, faster reaction time, resistant to poisons, more durable, and more. It was a rapid-augmentation program designed to produce an effective soldier. Sassi was the first fully-successful case, and now Astral underwent the treatment her program evolved to. In his case, the modifications took extraordinarily well. He had the highest compatibility I’ve ever seen. Emotional swings, yes, but nothing that would be out of the ordinary.”

“So, he’ll be ok…?” Halberd asked, Vial then shaking his head.

“I didn’t say that. The modifications require extensive follow-up treatment and healing. But based on the footage, at least he’s in a healing bed. That means his odds go up every day he’s under those spells. If those falter, however, his body won’t recover from the strain. The odds…” his voice trailed off as the parents shook their heads.

The unicorn shifted uncomfortably during the silence that followed, the Thestral’s clearly in thought. Twilight sent Vial back to his team, the mare waiting to see if the parents had any more questions.

“Why would he do all that?” Edge muttered. “Surely not for…no.” The mare seemed to be lost in thought, fluffy ears shaking back and forth slowly.

A simple message came through with a magical *pop*, and Twilight hummed as she read the brief note.

“Flask is requesting to see you if you’ll allow it.”

Edge let out a huff, shrugging her wings.
“Why not? Clearly, he understands our son more than us,” she growled, Twilight immediately noticing an acidic tone to the mare’s voice.

That wasn’t good. Perhaps this wasn’t the best idea.

“He won’t take offense if you refuse.”

The two Thestrals shook their heads, Edge waving a huff.
“Just send him in. I have a few questions anyhow.”

As Flask was brought into the room, Twilight glanced over Astral’s parents briefly. Halberd was quiet, obviously unsettled. Edge, on the other hoof, was actively tense, a spring winding up.

“You wanted to see us?” Edge asked, Flask simply nodding. The unicorn was calm and collected, the Thestral’s clear annoyance at him simply being shrugged off.

“I did.”

“I have a question for you first,” Edge continued, walking over and glaring at the unicorn. “What did Sassi do to Astral?”

The stallion blinked.

“What. Did. She. Do?” Edge growled, gesturing to the blank monitor on the wall. “My son. We don’t even know who he is anymore! While he’s never been fully committed to the Guard traditions of our family, this is so far past that. The combat footage, accepting these deadly modifications…and now this? Killing somepony! Astral’s never killed before. For what? A thing the company created?”

The air in the room took on an icy tone as Flask met the enraged mother’s gaze with an emotionless yet chillingly fearless look of his own.
“That ‘thing’ is my daughter,” he stated, “and yes. I believe he did all of that for Sassi. Astral stated as much.”

“Daughter? Well, is she? She was created by this company. Why? Obviously not to be your daughter,” Edge countered.

“To be a perfect soldier.”

“So, never to be a normal creature. Created for a single purpose?”

“Yes. But I tried to give her a chance to be normal. She deserved that, at the very least, since I’m the one who sabotaged the program.”

Edge let out a snort, walking away with her tail swishing in annoyance. Halberd let out a frustrated grunt.

“A…mare he’s known for what, a few months? He’d suddenly die for her? That’s hard to accept, to say the least. I have my doubts,” Halbert muttered. “I didn’t even know you could create creatures in a lab like this.”

“And our son is going to die just to save…her? It? Whatever Sassi is?” Edge hissed. “It’s not right. A creature created to be a soldier? Why would our son do all of that?”

Twilight stayed silent. Perhaps she should have expected this, but Flask seemed perfectly at ease.

“He cares about her. That is the only reason that makes sense,” the unicorn stated cautiously. “He says so himself in the footage multiple times.”

“Oh, that’s quite a pair. My son and an experiment,” Edge let out a humorless laugh. “Astral is many things, but I don’t think he’s that far gone. Friends? Sure. But all of this for some experiment? A creature with no future outside of the labs?”

Even as Halberd nodded in agreement, Twilight had to suppress a soft, surprised gasp. The views of the two parents had quickly unraveled into something else. Flask’s gaze settled on her, the stallion seeming completely nonchalant about the entire ordeal, and a soft, subtle shake of his head forestalled any words Twilight was about to say. There was no anger in the stallion’s eyes, only a surprisingly gentle sadness and disappointment.

“I’m simply stating an explanation to it all,” Flask explained, “Sassi clearly cares for him, so-”
A wince slid onto the unicorn’s face as Edge laughed, the unicorn regretting his words.

“Charming. But to what end? After a few months, really? It’s one thing to train with someone, to have that bond of battle. But even in these ridiculous circumstances, suggesting our son is close to someone like that in any way other than friends is borderline offensive.”

“Offensive?” Flask appeared genuinely surprised.

“Our family is one of tradition, of the Night Guard and Thestral culture,” Halberd explained, “what you’re suggesting violates all of that. Add in the rapid changes our son has experienced…it doesn’t add up.”

Flask winced again, the unicorn’s demeanor slumping.

“Goodness, I courted Halberd for two years before marrying him. To think Astral would even consider going down that track with an experiment, some artificial creature…” Edge muttered. “What did she do to him to make him kill a pony?” The Thestral let out a rather disgusted huff. “I can think of a few things that she could have done to wrap Astral around her hoof. I never thought our son would be so easy to manipulate though; quickly jumping into bed with a mare that shows any interest.”

Twilight was about to interject, but Flask caught her gaze and shook his head firmly. He stood up, and not seeing any objection to his departure started to trot towards the door.

“I don’t know what Sassi did to our son, but I’ll find out before all of this is over,” Edge said softly, glaring at Flask. “None of this is right, and he obviously isn’t thinking straight. Whatever that experiment did to him when they were stuck together, I’ll find out. The sooner he’s away from her, the better. Not like we’d ever approve.”

That made Flask pause, the unicorn turning to look at the mare.
“She didn’t do anything,” he said firmly. “If anything, I thought you’d be happy.”

“And why is that?” Edge asked with a hiss.

Flask’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, a dangerous glint escaping from underneath his previously impassive demeanor.

“Successful parents strive to raise their children to be better creatures than themselves. Both you and I succeeded.”

‘Hello everyone. Sassi here.
Well, I’m not sure what else to report. We’re still here. Astral’s alive, but…well, now he gets to be a power-pony with some crystals fused to his skin. Astral nearly died a few hours ago. Genetic destabilization. But he’s ok. If the power fails though, I…

Not going to go there yet. Still can’t think about it.

I slept…at least I think I did. Built a barricade and negotiated with the monsters in this Silo. And by negotiating, I mean slaughtering a few to make them leave us alone. They’re some sort of fungus-based organism as best I can tell. There’s another, a big one with a cybernetic eye or two. It’s smart enough to not mess with me, not since I put the head of one of its minions on a pike.

The power grid is stable for now, but I don’t know for how long. It makes me uneasy. The fuse box already had to be reset a second time. That was about thirty minutes ago. It’s badly damaged. We’ll need to move.

I’m not doing so great. Nopony to talk to, and the stallion I care about is lying unconscious on a medical table. This place feels like a tomb. But it won’t be ours. I just have to figure out our next move. I don’t know how long we can stay here.

I’ve begun setting the RASP suit to scan the surroundings. If there’s another medical facility nearby with a stable power supply, we may need to move there. We’ve got enough food and water for a bit, but we’ll need more supplies.

The mare takes a few deep breaths, her hoof shaking as she brushes the bangs out of her eyes. She looks at the unsteady limb with a frown.

Maybe I’m not doing as well as I’d like to think. But we’re still alive. I’m going to try to get some sleep. I haven’t slept well.

Sassi Satin, broadcasting for anyone who can hear this. Over and out.’

Flask left the conference room without another word, leaving an agitated Thestral mare behind as Halberd stayed silent.

“The nerve. How…” Edge began, shaking her head. “I think we’ve heard enough, Princess. I appreciate the new information, however unsettling it may be.”

“You’re welcome. When we learn anything else about Astral, I’ll let you know,” Twilight said, opting for diplomacy rather than immediate empathy. She could feel the tension in the air, thick enough to cut like a cheesecake.

Astral’s parents left, Edge letting out a few angry mutterings to Halberd as they exited the doors. As soon as she was alone, Twilight let out a groan and planted her face on the nearest wooden table, cracking it. To say that had gone poorly was an understatement.

A piercing barb of regret and failure made the Princess wince. Twilight took a few deep breaths as she composed herself. Despite almost two centuries of cooperation, cross-border travel, and integration programs, there were still deep roots of…

One breath in, one breath out.

She wasn’t sure what to call it. Xenophobia? Fear of the new? This was different, as both Edge and Halberd’s reactions to Sassi’s origins weren’t completely unwarranted. It wasn’t like she was a gryphon or dragon.

Then again, most creatures feared that which was different or not understood. Sassi being created as a soldier rather than embarking on the traditional training route directly challenged many tenants of Thestral and Night Guard culture.

“Flask is requesting to see you, Highness,” one of the secretaries said, a voice piped in on a wall speaker.

“I’ll see him immediately. Please send Flask to meeting room three; that’s closer for him.”

With a simple teleport, Twilight appeared in the room just as Flask walked in, making the unicorn jump.

“Highness!” he gasped, then took a few deep breaths to calm himself before sitting.

“Sorry, Flask. Didn’t expect you to be here so quickly,” she said with a gentle smile. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yes, but for your sake, rather than mine.”

“Hmm?” Twilight asked, head tilting in curiosity.

“You seemed rather disturbed during the exchange with Astral’s parents.”

“I’m surprised you weren’t more aggravated if I’m honest,” the mare admitted.

Flask’s demeanor slumped, and the stallion shook his head.

“I wasn’t, because I’ve heard it all before. So has Sassi,” he said. “Nothing about what Astral’s parents said was new to me, not in the slightest. You can’t disprove that viewpoint by arguing. Sometimes they grow out of it and learn from experience, but it can’t be forced. Seeing some of the footage…it would have only solidified their stance. I recently saw a few recovered clips, and that’s why I didn’t push things too far.”

“That was a rather insightful parting shot you gave them though,” Twilight said with a slight smirk.

“There’s only so much I was willing to put up with. That said, I know a little bit about some Thestral traditions, especially with military families. Taking that into account, do you really think anything I could say would change their minds?”

Twilight shook her head at that, Flask letting out a sad sigh, which quickly brightened into a smile.

“But the fact remains, I think Sassi cares for Astral far more than we know. And vice versa. I’m not surprised his parents drew their own, likely correct conclusions.”

A soft chuckle left Twilight’s mouth at that.
“I’d say that’s accurate. Astral took on an entire Silo of freakish monsters to try and save her. There’s something we’re missing.”

“And it’s not because she slept with him.”

The Princess blinked at Flask’s statement, the hints of a growl on his tone. He waved a hoof, head shaking as the unicorn winced.

“Sorry. Just, that’s what I can’t stand. Ignorant fools classifying Sassi as some loose…” he let the words hang, head shaking. “It’s a touchy subject.”

Twilight had to take a deep breath as a spike of anger made her mane spark with arcane energy.
“Ah. I take it the Silos were not a…safe atmosphere.”

Flask managed a smile at that.
“Hardly. But nothing ever happened. I kept her safe. Other times, she kept herself safe. Thankfully, when you’re a super-soldier, there’s not much anypony can do to you if you don’t want them to.”

“That’s a fair point.”

“But considering the dregs of creatures that worked there, the atmosphere was…” the unicorn struggled for words. “Not becoming of explaining to a Princess.”

“I’m not a child, Flask. The more I can learn about these Silos, the better I can try to prevent this from all happening again,” Twilight said kindly, appreciating the sentiment if nothing else.

“You’re a mare, highness. Stallions, and I use that term to span all species, are at times not respectful towards the other sex. That was only amplified in the Silos. There weren’t as many ladies that worked underground.”

“I suspected as much. So, the implication that Sassi would use Astral…”

“Was angering on several levels. She doesn’t let creatures get close to her unless she wants to,” Flask explained. “That means me included, not even for a hug at times, especially after the modification sessions.”

“I saw your report about removing the control chip.”

“And yet I missed the spell,” Flask’s ears flattened, his voice choking with emotion before the stallion composed himself. “Thankfully, Astral was there to save her. I dare not dwell on what the alternatives are. Those alternatives, even if they never came to pass, were a constant threat in the Silo’s, and often joked about.”

“Even with the stigma of being an experiment?” Twilight asked.

Because of the stigma,” Flask clarified. “She wasn’t ever seen as a mare, a pony in her own right. Just a product to be used, however any pony wanted. Controlling experiments, or…other ways. I kept her safe, but I could only do so much for blunting perceptions.”

The stallion abruptly fell silent, and Twilight’s heart ached in sympathy as Flask looked up at her, eyes brimming with tears.

“When your daughter asks you why nopony finds them pretty or doesn’t give them hearts-and-hooves-day cards, how do you answer that?” he whispered. “It was all I could to do reassure her, and even then, I was one voice against a storm. It only intensified during her teenage years, and that was what broke part of her, I feel. When you’re only seen by what you can offer, it wears you down. When your validation is only based on that, how can you convince somepony they have worth, simply by being themselves?”

There were a few moments of silence before Twilight spoke.
“It sounds like aspects of gryphon culture. Relationships based on what can be offered, rather than seeking mutual friendship.”

A nod was Flask’s response, the unicorn taking a few deep breaths as he wiped his eyes.
“That’s accurate in many ways. So, when Edge suggested Sassi was effectively using Astral, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Truthfully, I feared the opposite.”

“Really?” This was news to the Princess.

“Very much so. She has never seen herself having value outside of what she was created to do. If someone did provide that positive impact, I was afraid she’d be easily manipulated. Being complimented, validated for who she is both in deeds and looks is something Sassi hasn’t had in abundance.”

“Despite being a gorgeous mare?”

Twilight’s words made Flask smile, a wide, thankful gesture as his eyes dampened again.
“Yes. But I was the only one who told her so, outside of those who used complements to try and gain something. At least, until a certain stallion entered the picture. And he has surpassed my expectations, to say the least.”

He gestured to a screen, holding up a small, crystal data chip.
“This is the footage that made me hold back when talking to Astral’s parents.”

With a flash of her horn, Twilight connected the device to the wall screen.

“We just retrieved this,” Flask explained, the short clip speaking volumes.

The room was covered in beautiful greenery, and two familiar Thestrals were visible conversing. A simple green circlet was visible on Sassi’s head, the audio unable to pick up their words. Whatever was said, the overall feeling was obvious as Astral gently hugged Sassi, the mare leaning into his embrace.

Twilight could only smile, a familiar feeling of warmth welling up in her chest. Even in a place as vile as the Silo’s, there was good that pushed out the darkness.

“She’s never let a pony do that, Highness. Outside a few awkward hugs, she simply hasn’t let someone get that close, other than myself or Vial,” Flask explained quietly. He tapped a video control key on the side of the screen, a still image of Sassi now looking at them. It was taken from the most recent broadcast, where she had introduced herself.

“So that, plus hearing her talk about Astral in this clip…she cares a lot for him. I think Sassi has a lot more feelings for Astral than she realizes.”

“What makes you say that?”

He gestured to the screen.
“The concern in her voice, her demeanor. She’s confronted by something she’s never let herself understand to keep herself safe.”

“That being?”

Flask smiled, a trembling jaw betraying his emotions.
“That somepony would risk death to save her. That she’s worth everything Astral has done. She now doesn’t have just her father telling her that her life has value, more than the price to create her at least.”

The stallion’s eyes then abruptly widened, locking onto the screen.
“How did I never notice this before?” he whispered to himself. Tears began to fall from the pony’s eyes, his lips quivering.


Pointing with a trembling hoof, Flask managed to compose himself briefly.
“She’s growing out her bangs, just how she always wanted,” he said softly. “Sassi stopped growing them like that after being made fun of in school, about the time she had to have a military cut in her teens.” The stallion smiled at the memory. “She always liked how Fluttershy styled her mane, the Elem-” Flask burst out laughing. “Sorry, I just realized you’re someone who definitely doesn’t need to be reminded who Fluttershy is,” he added.

“Sassi got the idea of bangs from her? I could tell Fluttershy next time we meet,” Twilight said with a genuinely happy smile. The mare paused, then let out a soft laugh. “As a matter of fact, I think Fluttershy would love to meet her.”

Flask’s lips trembled, the stallion managing to nod.
“I think she’d love that,” he whispered, then shook his head. “I don’t feel worthy of feeling this happy though. Not after what I’ve done.”

“You will pay your penance, Flask,” Twilight assured him, feeling rather odd that such a statement made the unicorn appear more at ease. “But I’m not about to punish Sassi for what you’ve done. I’d like her to be as comfortable as possible once they’re free of the Silos. If having another friend like Fluttershy can help, I’d be happy to introduce her.”

A few deep breaths later, and Flask was a bit more composed.
“Thank you. I wish I could do more than just say my thanks,” he admitted.

“I assume Fluttershy spends time with Discord. I imagine he would be amused, as she’s more like him in genetic ways. I did already ask if he could yank them to safety, but that’s not possible for several reasons,” Twilight explained. “That said, if he’s willing, I think once Sassi is on her own, she could use Discord’s help acclimating.

“Really? I’d be happy to! When’s the party?”

As Discord’s head popped out from the wall next to him, Flask promptly let out a high-pitched scream.

Twilight couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Annoying at times, yes. But she appreciated Discord’s friendship more and more as the years passed.

Especially at times like these.

Author's Note:

Uh oh...someponies aren't too happy with things.

Bigger chapter this time! I originally had this split into two chapters, but I figured having a single chapter served the narrative better, our focus only drifting from our heroes for one chapter instead of two.

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