• Published 31st Aug 2021
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We don't go to Sub-Level Five - RadBunny

Astral Sentinel is just a typical security guard. The job pays well, has decent hours, and it's basically glorified customer service. There was just one odd thing stamped on the job description. Never ask about Sub-Level Five, ever.

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Chapter Thirty: Relief

The two of them trotting up to the security station, Sassi sat down and tapped a few large keys with a frown.

“I have no idea who could be messaging me,” she admitted, pulling up the internal email server. “Everyone who could is either dead or no longer here.”

The message was a simple text file, the sentences flickering on the screen.

“This is Vial. Contact with outside. Flask’s plan succeeded. He is ok. Princess has data. Company at trial. Armed help is at exits to assist with extraction. I am trapped with colleagues. Silo 2, lvl 61. If rescued, will provide ice cream. Flask sends his love and apologies. Warning: Experiment activity high. All Silo 2 containment breached. Please respond and will relay info to Princess. We have more than a week of supplies. Cannot reach exit points without support. No wounded.
Family-friend password: Lemon Lime Lillies.
See you soon (I hope)

“Sassi?” Astral asked softly, “does this message mean what….?”

“Vial is alive? I’m impressed,” Sassi muttered, her brow furrowing. “He is the only one here who my dad trusted with a family password when I was young. He walked me to different levels and stuff. A total egghead, but a nice pony, one of the few here. I’m not surprised he found a way to re-route the email around the system lockout.”

“So, they’re in level sixty one?”

“About two thirds down Silo Two, yep. Lots of computers and servers in that area.”

Sassi didn’t say anything for a few moments, staring at the screen as she swallowed a lump in her throat.

“My dad’s alive,” she whispered, “and the Princess has the data. We’ll still keep the backup safe. But he’s ok. And there’s help at the exits.”

Staring at the floor, Astral took a deep breath. Their break couldn’t have lasted forever.
“So, we have a plan?”

Sassi typed a short reply and sent it, looking to him with a firm nod.
“We have a plan.”

“Acknowledged. Astral Sentinel is safe with me. Silo 1 is collapsed. We will start heading your way within 24-36 hours. Should take us no more than 2-3 days to reach you moving slow, leaving at least 1-3 days to get to the exit points. Save some ice cream for us.
-Officer Sassi.”

Sassi walked back into the apartment, Astral following. They had monitored the cameras for a few moments, then headed back downstairs. Unfortunately, that was enough time for reality to come crashing down. An alien, icy tendril of terror encircled the mare’s heart, limbs freezing in place.

I have to tell him.

It wasn’t just Vial who was alive, but his colleagues who knew about this place.

Who knew about her.

Fear tightened its grip on Sassi’s heart, the mare forcing herself to take deep breaths. She hadn’t been genuinely frightened in so long, it was overwhelming to feel scared again. Foalhood memories rushed back; the times during her life when fear was a constant.

He’ll find out eventually, in Silo Two.

It would almost be easier if he did know. At least I know how to react around such creatures. But maybe he wouldn’t-

“Sassi?” Astral asked. “You alright?”

It would be so much easier if Astral just didn’t care, or even wasn’t into mares. The simple act of asking if she was ok; Astral had no idea how odd that was to her. Plenty of creatures had asked her that, but the oddity was that she knew Astral meant it in the full sense.

Sassi could easily brush it off, just say it was just an ache or pain. But she was so tired of it all. Always having to lie about what she wanted to say, what she wanted to do.

Who I am. Who I want to be.

Astral hadn’t given her a reason to stop being honest. So, she took another leap of faith. It took every ounce of willpower to shove aside the cautionary voice that had kept her safe for so long, to never open up to someone.

“Saving the scientists is bringing up some stuff if I’m being honest,” she admitted, ears drooping. “Not the nicest things. Vial is like family, but the o-others…”

Her voice hitched on the last word, Sassi’s mind and body betraying her. She didn’t want to be this exposed this fast. But abruptly having someone there who cared, even as a friend was shattering every one of her barriers faster than the mare could rebuild them. Rebellious tears squeezed out of her eyes, the mare hanging her head in shame. Sassi hated being out of control more than she could put into words, and that included her emotions.

But part of her was so tired of being strong, a large part. Tired of being strong, of living half a life. Of being half a pony.

Sassi just wanted to be herself. And that option had never existed until now.

“Oooooh, I’ll bet that does bring up some stuff,” Astral immediately replied with a wince. The stallion sighed, a gentle, almost tender look in his eyes. “I know you said that I’d be the one getting a hug as soon as you could walk, but I think you need it a bit more if you’d like.”

I wish you weren’t so sweet, so different than the others. It’d make it so much easier to just ignore it all.

But she didn’t want to ignore it.

Sassi simply nodded, the other Thestral promptly trotting over and wrapping her up in a hug. She couldn’t help but instinctively flinch, as much as she didn’t want to. Before Astral could pull back, the mare immediately returned the gesture, her heartbeat thudding in her ears. The initial nerves faded, Sassi feeling herself completely melt into the embrace. True to her hypothesis, the stallion had just the right amount of squish and fluff. The smell of his fur was the final key that made everything fade away.

The voice that usually was screaming at her to get away, to put physical distance between whoever was in her personal space was muted, almost completely silent. Instead, the soft, simple warmth of another creature’s presence blotted out the usual fears. To be comfortable this close to somepony had been but a fantasy, a wistful dream that Sassi hadn’t been sure would ever happen.

Yet now Sassi realized it hadn’t been such a far-away dream after all.

You don’t realize how much I’ve needed this, Astral.

As Astral hugged her back, Sassi felt a few tears slide out of her eyes. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this close to someone other than Flask, let alone in a positive way. The Silo had never given a comfortable feeling of a home, only her apartment providing a calming relief. Yet for a brief moment, the mare felt safe. It defied all logic, the simple touch almost intoxicating. It all just faded away.

Whether or not the stallion felt his fur getting damp was moot, because he tightened his hold ever so slightly.

Maybe you do understand how much I needed this.

Astral wasn’t a huggy pony, at least that’s what he told himself nine times out of ten. Aside from close family…or Gabbro. It was an abominable thought, living in Equestria. The land was practically powered by hugs. You could walk up to a stranger with who you happened to be sharing the same type of hat with and they’d accept a hug.

To that end, a certain Princess had invented a reactor that could utilize the gestures.

However, Astral was quite quickly realizing that perhaps his statement wasn’t entirely complete. It was abundantly clear that if anyone needed a hug, Sassi was the candidate. The poor mare was clearly struggling with some internal challenges Astral couldn’t fathom. The flinch proved that at the very least. The fact his shoulder was now a bit damp from some tears was another obvious indicator

Yet he couldn’t ignore the fact that after being close to death multiple times within the past weeks, Astral needed a hug as well. So, he decided the simplest action was to hug Sassi a bit tighter.

The fact such a simple gesture could make him feel a bit safer was silly, and yet very, very real. Astral hadn’t fully appreciated that fact until now. There was only one creature, one mare in the world who knew exactly how difficult things had been, and she was in his arms. He hadn’t understood how much that meant to him. Nobody else could comprehend what they had gone through.

Except for Sassi.

He’d be processing that fact for a long time. But for now, one would think he’d have learned this simple fact long ago, living in Equestria.

Hugs were nice.

Thankfully, the pony who needed it the most was composing herself, clearly embarrassed as she wiped her eyes and then promptly buried her head back into the crook of Astral’s neck and shoulder, the stallion now abruptly blushing.

The ‘friend’ hug abruptly felt like something else. Obviously, Sassi was interested in him, and vice versa. That hurdle had been already jumped rather seamlessly. They had already agreed that formal dates were on the table.

But maybe I’m overthinking it?

Astral put a fair amount of weight into that thought. He certainly was. Sassi was just-

The abrupt kiss on his cheek fragmented those ideas.

The stallion pulled back ever so slightly to look at her. Any remnant ideas of Sassi’s intentions were quickly clarified even further, the mare looking rather shy as she could only meet his gaze for a few moments. If she had bangs, she would be trying to hide behind them. There was a bit of an unspoken question in her eyes as if she was wondering if Astral would accept the gesture in any way.

To see Sassi having a genuine, consistent shy side was a bit of a shock, but a pleasant one. Knowing he had a rather awkward but silly smile on his face, Astral simply leaned forward to rest his forehead against Sassi’s, tightening his forelimbs around her slightly. He didn’t want to leave anything to chance, so he traced his muzzle down to rest his cheek against hers; a common gesture just below a kiss in terms of intimacy as he hugged her close.

He felt her frame shiver slightly in response, her limbs pulling him a bit closer. Maybe it was the fact she burned calories at a higher rate, but Sassi was warm. That, coupled with the fruity, gunpowder smell made Astral’s vision fuzzy with a warm pink glow. Her fur was just the right amount of softness, not too coarse. Though he wouldn’t say it, Astral realized in an instant that he wouldn’t mind being this close quite often. He couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t to say he didn’t care about Sassi, quite the opposite, but the stallion hadn’t thought of how close to the surface his affection ran for her, even if it was still blossoming. Evidently, he had underestimated her feelings quite a bit.

“Y’know, that was a surprise, a nice one,” he said softly, the mare letting out a snort.

“It’s not my fault you’re so, ugh.”

“Ugh? That’s going to be what you say after kissing me? I’d return the gesture but I’m still processing things.”

The glare that Sassi pulled back to give him nearly made Astral burst out in laughter, partially because the mare was trying her hardest to pout but failing miserably.

“I don’t know what to say,” Sassi said softly, her shy demeanor still not fleeing completely. “I just…”

Her eyes flickered to her hooves, head shaking briefly.

“You don’t need to say anything; I’m not complaining and certainly not going anywhere while you figure stuff out,” Astral said with a smile. “I’m just a tad surprised, that’s all. Well, not that you think I’m awesome that is,” he added with a false bit of bravado.

Sassi slugged him on the shoulder at that, thankfully holding back considerably as the stallion smirked. But the joke seemed to get her troubled look to vanish.

“I’m familiar with a lot of dangerous things,” Sassi said, “but weaponized sweetness is not something I know how to handle.”

Astral couldn’t help but stand up a bit taller at that.
“I can’t say I’ve ever been given that compliment, but I’ll take it,” he said with a grin, expression softening. “But Sassi, do realize I’m just being a decent stallion. I know you’ve had a rough time here. Don’t settle for me thinking there aren’t plenty of other ponies like me in terms of being a good friend.”

Letting out a snort, Sassi tossed her head for Astral to follow, meandering to the couch. To his surprise, after he slumped down, she sat down next to him.

That was new.

“I appreciate that, Astral,” she admitted, “but I’m not that sheltered.” Sassi paused, then shot a glare his way as the Thestral raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.

“Ok, I’m pretty sheltered in some aspects, but I know that how you’re treating me isn’t that out of the ordinary. Hard to find, but not impossible. Don’t think for a moment I’m settling. That undersells what I think of you by quite a lot.”

Before he could object, Sassi raised a hoof.
“It’s not that you risked your life multiple times to save me and held my hoof, it’s how you did it,” she added, rolling her eyes. “I know plenty of stallions who would do that, along with a list of other things just because a mare asked. But it’s everything else.”

The mare gestured to the couch with a sigh, her ears drooping.

“Usually, it would make me uncomfortable even being this close to someone physically, let alone a hug. Flask and Vial were only the two ponies that broke through that,” she admitted softly, “the way of life I’ve developed over growing up here is telling me to be as far from you, or anyone else as possible,” Sassi explained. The mare paused, not looking at Astral as her sides shook.

“But that’s not w-what I want,” she whispered, “I didn’t think it would take just a week or two to trust someone, let alone have my life be in their hooves. All you’ve done is give me reasons to trust you. And that scares me, Astral. I’m scared that the cautionary voice, the way of living my life that has kept me safe while being here is going to eventually be right about you. But I can’t just do nothing and let you think I don’t care. Not after everything you have done for me. It’s already eating up my thoughts just trying to process it all.”

He didn’t say anything for a few moments after that, brow furrowed in thought. To say the stallion had been correct about Sassi dealing with internal stuff was an understatement.

“Well, how about this?” Astral suggested. “I’m going to do my hardest to keep proving that voice wrong, to not push things along or make you uncomfortable. That’s all I can really think of how to help. I feel the same way about you, and I’d like to see where things go.”

She sniffled at that, that shy smile returning which Astral was quickly starting to like.
“A bit of pushing is fine,” Sassi admitted, “even the simple inadvertent flirting. Normal things. Things that help me start to think as I should, rather than always doubting. Just…” her tone then shifted. The mare looked like she was about to speak a few times before settling on her words.

“All I ask is no surprise hugs or anything,” her ears drooped down at that. “Physical stuff is a barrier I’m still processing. I don’t want it to become a regular thing but just ask first. Please. Other than that, just keep being you. The fact you haven’t expected anything of me after all your remarks, for example, helps me realize that my normal isn’t, well, a good one. So that helps a lot.”

“Hmmm,” he muttered, “that doesn’t sound too odd at all. And ask I shall. As for the other stuff…”

Her eyes dried up a bit on seeing Astral abruptly grin, the Thestral sitting up proudly.
“Is this permission to badly flirt with you now and again?”

She smacked a forehoof to her head with a groan.
“Yes, but I don’t think I fully anticipated what that will entail.”

“Hey, I can be sweet!”

Sassi burst out laughing at that, jabbing a hoof at him.
“Yes, you can and are. You may have a weak stomach for horrific stuff, freeze when you really shouldn’t, and have some unresolved conflicts,” Astral’s ears flattened at that.

“But so do I, a lot more.” Sassi whispered, “the fact remains that you are an absolute sweetheart, Astral. And I don’t want that to ever change. It’s something I…” her voice drifted off, the mare shaking her head. Astral’s ears perked back up, her demeanor another indicator that there was indeed another side of Sassi he was starting to see.

The stallion’s green eyes softened as Sassi looked back at him.
“Yes, I know there’s plenty of ponies out there who could be my friend, a coltfriend, all that stuff,” the mare said softly, “and I appreciate you mentioning that. But of those, how many could handle the things I have told you? The s-stuff I haven’t mentioned? Most are way too soft f-for that. And then there’s you, hence my current troubles.”


“No apologies.”

Astral could then only shrug.
“I’m just a bit surprised none of this has come up earlier.”

“Oh, it has,” she said with a frown, “but only briefly. Either Flask warned me, or I had access to employee records. I could see proven criminals who got off on the company’s good graces walking around as if all was well. And that was outside of the general scummy behavior that was taking place. Flask had to teach me what was right and wrong, which is weird when the majority is flipped. I only had a few friends who got close enough to where I was thinking about this, but they always saw me as…” her voice drifted off, and Astral saw her eyes flicker to her right forelimb, likely to the scars.

“Different?” he suggested.

“Different,” Sassi said with a weak smile, appreciating the lighter word than what came to her mind. “To put it lightly. And so, then there’s you. Within two weeks you’ve given me no reasons to not trust you, and I’m having to deal with this stuff when we really don’t have time for it. And don’t apologize. The timing is just lousy. I didn’t think I’d have to adapt this fast. Then again, I’ve never had my life saved multiple times and very specific fears proven utterly wrong,” Sassi sighed, shaking her head as her brow furrowed.

“How you acted when I couldn’t move, the shower, and even right now. The fact you aren’t trying to scoot close to me and place your hooves somewhere is confusing in the best way possible. In a few weeks, I’ve gotten more comfortable with you than I have with co-workers I knew for a decade,” her brow furrowed at that, “which further explains the type of unsavory creatures who worked here, unfortunately.”

Astral’s mouth closed at that.
“So, because you’ve had no reason to not trust me…”

“My subconscious has decided I don’t have reasons to not open up to you, whether I want to or not. So, I’m sorry for all of that.”

Now it was Astral’s turn to grin cheekily.
“No apologizing, but that does sound frustrating,” he quipped, Sassi glaring at him without much venom. The playfulness in her eyes made Astral’s heart thud in his chest.

“To say the least. Especially when we have to plan an expedition for tomorrow,” Sassi sighed, shaking her head. “If you were less adorable this would make things a lot easier.”

Her cheeks reddened, the mare turning to look at the wide-eyed Thestral with a glare.
“I’m not taking that back, but don’t say anything,” she muttered, Astral donning a goofy grin and saluting. She sighed, a genuine smile on her face. “I guess I’m just asking for you to be patient while I try to figure this out on my end.”

“Well, I can promise that at the very least, as we’re running for our lives. Plenty of time for figuring each other out after that,” Astral mused as Sassi let out an amused chuckle.

“Ok, that is true. To that end, we have a day or two, so we need to make sure we’re both back to a hundred percent, and get our supplies and armor packed,” she explained. “You need to definitely try an FRE, because we’re probably packing those and compressed ration bars for the trip. Usually, we could get to Silo Two in like, fifteen minutes. But I have no idea if the trams even work.”

Astral’s face drained of color at that.
“So, if they don’t work…”

“We’d have to walk the tunnels in the dark, which would be annoying,” Sassi confirmed. “But I can check the security cameras again and some of the readouts in the security terminal. Unfortunately, I can control functional trams only from here. Even if it’s a simple lockout, it has to be reset on site. But we can figure out that part of the plan later. Today is a weird day.”

I think it’s going rather well,” Astral mused with a grin. “But weird is a good descriptor. I probably should keep stretching my back leg. Not sure what I pulled, but it’s better,” he mused, glancing at the aching appendage.

“Well, you stay there and I’ll get some painkillers and an FRE,” Sassi said as she hopped off the couch. “What sounds better? Pizza with a mango fruit bar, or spicy hayburger?”

“Uh, either?”

“Both it is!”

Despite the impending trip, Astral couldn’t help but relax ever so slightly. Things weren’t going that badly. The FRE taste test would certainly keep the still-acidic thoughts about his involvement with the company at bay.

Of course, a simple recollection made the stallion grin goofily, banishing any tendrils of negative twinges for a time.

She thinks I’m adorable.

The day hadn’t ended that bad after all.

Author's Note:

Aww. :twilightsmile: Making progress you two!

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