• Published 19th Oct 2021
  • 24,943 Views, 1,800 Comments

Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 21 (Making another decision)

Author's Note:

Will be busy the whole day tomorrow, so here is the next chapter a bit early. Enjoy.


“So, you know my mother is into ballet, and that my father owns a school for service staff,” Velvet started off while we were on a slow trot to the park, “and we talked about this and that during our previous date…” We entered the park, and Velvet stopped talking, focusing on finding us a good spot. I was also looking but was suddenly yanked to the side. Velvet obviously spotted a good place.

She kept dragging me for a good few seconds until I got my bearings. She was giggling all the while, and I couldn’t suppress a chuckle of my own.

Young love, it always did that; the giggles the caresses, the sweet nothings…

She finally let go of me and pranced in a circle she designated would be our picnic spot. I noticed that it was very close to the edge of the plate, and its guard rail.

As I set everything up she approached the stone railing and propping herself up with her forelegs she took a long whiff of the fresh air.

“Don’t jump, you have so much to live for,” I joked setting up the picnic.

“I get a feeling you wouldn’t let me fall in the first place,” she let out a melodic laugh, and the wind that picked up for a moment only added to the atmosphere.

I was watching her as the wind whipped her mane around as all thoughts of abandoning this path got crushed into nothing. Let’s be honest, the moment I came into the picture on this world everything was up for grabs. There is no way I would let some of the things happen the way it was supposed to if I could help it. It hurt, knowing I messed things up this badly with Velvet and Night, but it was out of my claws now.

“You bet your fuzzy tail I wouldn’t let you fall,” I growled out. Putting the basket on the blanket I approached her and looked over the countryside, thoroughly enjoying the view. Both of them.

“You know, the vista is over there,” Velvet giggled trying to gently force my muzzle to look at the sprawl.

“I know,” I chuckled, “but I made my choice.”

“Have you now?” She looked ahead but didn’t try to correct me again. “You know, I envy you pegasi. I always wished to be able to fly.” She waved her hooves around trying to encompass the magnitude of the sky in front of us. “The thrill of the fall, the open sky above, and the long, long drop. Rollercoasters have nothing on it.” She sighed wistfully.

“Hm, maybe I could help with that?” I jumped over the railing, letting my wings catch the thermals. I turned around and extended my hooves towards her.

It took her all but a second to contemplate before she took a running start and jumped over.

“Holy shit!” I scrambled to catch her and keep us up, nearly giving in to the temptation of flashing into my buggy self, but I was able to get a firm hold on her and keep us aloft with powerful flaps. “Are you out of your mind, filly!?”

She only laughed that melodic laugh of hers before the view caught up with her.

I maneuvered myself into a better hold, cradling her bridal style, and promptly started pumping my wings harder to gain some altitude and distance from the city.

It wasn’t easy, but I could manage. I carried her like that for roughly fifteen minutes before my forelegs started slightly burning. I did not do anything complex, just a simple flight forward and back but it seemed to be enough for her. She hasn’t spoken a word, just looked out towards the skyline, and occasionally looked down causing her already hammering heart to beat faster.

Whatever idea I had to ‘fix’ things may as well have been murdered in a back alley as she pointed pure and unfiltered love towards me, so much so that I almost choked on it.

I landed us on the chequered blanket near our basket and before I let set her down she craned her neck and kissed me gently on the lips.

I froze.

I stood on my hind legs, holding Velvet in my forelegs for a moment more before I shook my head and gently set her down. She had a look of worry on her face, and I had to fix it as soon as possible.

Gently cupping her head while her head was down I slowly pulled her towards me and kissed her back. I saw her eyes widen before they closed, and she let out an appreciative hum melting into the kiss.

We slowly separated, my heart hammering in my chest and I decided then and there that I would make absolutely sure that her future is as happy as I can make it. Even if I have to fight the nightmares of the future on my own.

“You - you really know how to steal a mare’s heart.” She bit her lower lip, looking into my eyes.

“It helps when I have someone like you around to inspire me.” I chuckled at her blush and laughed out loud when her stomach made itself known. I swiftly caressed her cheek with my wing, and we sat down to eat.

“So, you mind sharing a bit about your family, handsome?” She asked in between bites of her sandwich.

I took a large sip of apple juice as I thought about it.

“There isn’t much to say I’m afraid,” I looked at my own daffodil, honey, and tomato sandwich (weird combo but tasty), “My father is a lawyer, and my mother is an accountant. We aren’t as well off as your family, but we make do with what we have.” I stopped for a second to get my story straight and to consider how much I can transfer to what I had now.

“Those are both good occupations, lawyers are paid well here in Canterlot, so I doubt you were lacking.”

“I never said we did, but my father wasn’t some hot shot lawyer though, I had what I wanted as an only child, and I was happy with it. I was never wanting, outside of wants of a foal.”

“You were an only child?” She looked at me weirdly for some reason.

“Yep, and happy to be one as well. I never saw the appeal of having a sibling, but that may be simply because I don’t know better.” I took the second sandwich and took my time eating it.

“Having the undivided attention of your parents must have been a blessing then?”

“Not really…” Some pain managed to seep into my voice, and she reached with her hoof to grab mine in sympathy. I sighed, “If my parents married out of love that love was gone ages ago. My mother was rarely there for me, but my father…” this time I smiled, “My father was always there. He made sure to be there whenever I needed him, and I- whenever I think of my family my father is at the forefront of my mind.”

“What about your other family members? Friends?”

“Plenty of both, and all left behind when I came here. They weren’t happy about me leaving, but I had to leave, maybe one day I’ll…” I never noticed when she hugged me, but I returned it all the same. We stayed like that for who knows how many minutes.

I wanted to tell her the truth, not these half lies I have been living with for the past four months. Just one more reason to talk to Celestia. If Vel’s parents are so well connected maybe she will know if I could trust them with my secret.

I felt a light tug on my tail, and I spotted that our tails were now intertwined. Looking at Velvet she had a lovely blush, and she couldn’t meet my eyes. I only smiled and reached into the picnic basket taking the cookie bag.

“Let’s not dwell on my past though, here…” I offered her a cookie, which she eagerly grabbed with her magic. She took one dainty bite, but in the next moment the cookie was gone, and her cheeks were bulging like a chipmunk.

“These are fantastic!” She exclaimed grabbing another cookie. I ate mine at a more sedate pace, savoring the delicacy. “How did you make this; I need to know the recipe.” She looked at me with her big blue eyes and a small pout that made my heart skip a beat.

Unfortunately for her, I was raised on my younger cousin’s pouts of incredible cuteness overload, what Vel showed me barely ranked as a four out of ten.

“Sorry my dear, but that is a secret.” I winked at her, and her pout went up to eight, with big tearful eyes and slightly puffed-up cheeks. Seeing that I was a tough walnut to crack she added a sniffle and a whimper; I just about had a heart attack. Sighing I turned away, “Sorry, darling, but they were a gift, and I did not make them. I honestly don’t know the recipe.”

“Oh,” the weapons-grade cuteness disappeared, and I could feel my heart calm down. “Do you think you could ask whoever gifted this to you for it? I would really like to try making these.”

“I’ll… try asking, but I cannot make any promises.” I extended my wing and ran the primaries through her mane, making sure I was extra gentle, as my dexterity with them wasn’t as great as I would like it to be.

“Works for me, thank you.” That got me a peck on the cheek and a nuzzle. She then leaned into me, and we spent a good hour just chatting about how our days went. It was bliss.

I walked at a slow trot to the academy, with my thoughts being a muddled mess. On one claw, my decision to stick with Vel made me very happy; on another claw, it also made me feel guilty.

I messed up so many things with fucking this up and looking to the future, I can honestly say that my little ‘diary’ may as well be useless.

Nightmare Moon? I need the six elements, and I am now probably one mare short. Discord, same deal. Chrysalis is on my to-do list as early as I possibly can, so that is taken care of. Sombra? Oh, gods did I ever mess this one up. Tirek, Starlight, et cetera, are all a bigger issue now with Twilight Sparkle being possibly removed from the picture. Even if the multiverse theory may mean that AN element of magic would be born, I needed to think about Vel’s future now.

I couldn’t put this off any longer, Celestia needs to know, if not the whole thing, then at least enough where she could understand… and punish me appropriately should she wish so. But she is not taking Vel from me.

Arriving at the academy I made my way through its familiar corridors, my head a bit lighter but some lingering doubts were left over. Maybe Celestia can offer some help.

Opening the door to my room and entering I was immediately greeted by a bone-crushing hug from a red-furred pony with a familiar blue tattoo. Dropping the basket I opted not to move too much.

“Captain!” I croaked out through the creaking of my ribs.

“Evenin’ bug-colt, miss me?” She asked cheerfully after letting me go. I was breathing very carefully hoping she didn’t do more than bruise me.

“I actually did, ma’am. It is good to see you.” I missed most of the old team I worked with, and while I still see White Light on occasion, he told me has been busy with a new project as of late, but he never said what kind of project opting to be all mysterious when I asked.

“It’s good to see you too, Patch.” Strike walked over to one of the desks and moved the chair to face me as she sat down on it. “Now, tell me what’s been going on the past four months. I heard you got yourself a fillyfriend.” She winked at me.

I felt my body grow warmer with embarrassment as I flashed into my changeling form, taking the basket and putting it to the side.

“Yes, I got a fillyfriend, her name is Velvet, can we drop this already?” It felt embarrassing talking about this with Strike, like I was talking about my first crush with my parents. I noted that Night Light was missing, but he was probably out.

“No can do, bug colt, ah’ need the deets so ah’ can gives them ta’ Sunshine.” She laughed, and I got the feeling that she knew more about the date than I would like.

Sighing I sat down in front of her, “Fine, what do ya’ want to know, mom?”

She barked a laugh gain, slapping her knee, “Mom, eh bug-colt? Can’t say I’m a mom material, but I’ll do my best.”

My ears wilted and I growled, “It was a joke.” I ground out.

“Nope, ih’m a mom now, can’ts change ma’ mind ‘bout it.” She rubbed her hooves together as a predatory grin spread on her face. “So, tells me about ‘er: what’s she like, is she fun, what do you like about her, what does she look like, tell me everything.”

I sighed again while rolling my eyes at her, but it still filled me with warmth knowing she cares.

“I really like her,” I started off, “she’s like a bit of a daredevil from what she told me, she is fun to be around, I love her eyes, she is grey with a two-tone mane and blue eyes, and we went on a picnic today. There, happy now?”

“Nope, but it’ll do fer now. So, tell me, how is tha’ guard life treatin’ ya?”

“It’s been going fine, I guess,” I said, uncertain of what I should say. This whole meeting has become awkward for some reason.

“Ya guess?” She deadpanned, “C’mon ya got ’a give me something more than that, bug-colt.”

“What do you want me to say, captain,” I started gesturing wildly with my hooves, “You probably know more about what is going on in this place than me.” I snorted folding my forelegs in front of me, “For all I know you have someone tailing me day and night.”

“Well, yes I do, and yes I do.” I looked at her in shock, but she continued undeterred in a softer tone, “But my point is that I want to hear it from you, Patch. Like, how is the training going, did you make some friends, do you like the academy, did Impulse give you any issues, and so on.”

I was quiet for a moment, and she decided to continue.

“For the record, Patch, if ya wants ta’ know, we trust ya, bug-colt; the shadows are there, however for your safety, ya hear. We don’ts want anything ta’ happen to you.”

I nodded, rolling my eyes at their overprotectiveness, “Other than some issues with Impulse a few days ago everything is fine.”

“Aye, he told me about it, the prick. Why did you think that it was a good idea to send a message like that,” she scolded me, but it was still in a soft, motherly tone, “you have an open invitation to the castle itself at any point, why go around like this?”

“Cause I didn’t want to bother ponies,” I muttered.

“Patch, the day you become a bother to us will be a sad day indeed.” She put a hoof on my shoulder and smiled, “how about this, you want to speak to Sunshine I’m guessing…” I nodded my head.

“But I kind of wanted to say hi to you as well,” I scratched behind my head with my claws.

Strike pulled her hoof back with a laugh, “Heh, you don’t have to do that, but I appreciate it. But about this, next Restday hop on over to the castle later afternoon, and you and Sunshine can discuss whatever it is that’s bothering you. How’s that?” She asked with a smirk.

“Sure, sure thing.” I nodded buzzing my wings, “I’ll be there.”

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