• Published 19th Oct 2021
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Accepting Change - drFraud

Well... it seems I'm a changeling... Decades before the first episode of FiM.

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CH 14 (passing the test)


I circled around Shield Strike, her smirk following me, provoking me to make a move.

Today was exam day.

The written portion could have gone better. Even with my photographic memory, I was so nervous that I began doubting myself, over and over again. The questions weren’t even all that complicated in the first place: where Equestria is located geographically (northern middle of Hoofland continent), what is its government (‘temporary’ monarchy), who are Equestrian’s primary citizens (ponies, earth, pegasus, and unicorn ponies), name at least one large ethnic group (thestrals, and donkeys), et cetera.

The physical portion was laughably easy. Just do a number of exercises on a time limit and that’s it. Armoured Saddle made sure I could pass this part with my eyes closed and my wings tied behind my back.

Now was time to spar, against Shield Strike of all ponies.

She made it abundantly clear that this is for the keeps, and I certainly expected no favors, but I still expected someone else to be my opponent. This was an honor, to be sure, but I think she is playing at something.

Right now, I am looking for an opening. Everything and anything was scoured, from the way she sat, to her slightly hunched head, and even her annoying smirk.

I made another full circle around her, her eyes not leaving mine for even a moment. I started to draw magic to my body, pulling my core and magic strings taut and getting ready for a transformation.

Just when I decided to jump at her she blinked, and I suddenly had an opening.

Over the course of the last year and seven months (‘gods I’ve been here a while now’) I have perfected my changing and shifting, even making some alterations when I figured out how. The change I was relying now on was my cover flame. Normally it starts from hooves to head, but I have modified it to start from head backward, allowing me to shift while moving and allowing the flames to easily wash over me far faster than normal.

By the time Shield got to her hooves, I was already upon her in the form of a hippo. She surprised me with a full-body left hook, knocking me to the side just enough to gain some distance.

I hit the ground in a roll immediately shifting into a large Colibri bird and zipping up and away from a charging Captain. When I got high enough that she couldn’t reach me I changed into myself and used my wings to drop at her, covering myself in a wreath of blue fire.

I thought she would dodge, but she surprised me by grabbing me out of the air and pushing me down to the ground. The sudden grounding stunned me long enough to barely notice her hop and throw a hind leg in my direction. I managed to block it with a mana shield, but she still pushed me two meters away cracking my shield but not breaking it.

I shook myself from the magic drain, and I managed to catch her mid-jump. I hopped to the side dodging her drop (which cracked the marble tiles underneath her) and shifted into a rhinoceros. I tried to catch her on my horn, not to gore her but to throw her away, but she ducked and jumped back.

I gave chase transforming into a long-bodied, teenage dragon and taking a deep breath. Before I was able to unleash a fire breath she jumped to the side and tried to grab me. I again shifted into a Colibri and did my hardest to dodge her flailing hooves. When I got enough distance I changed back into myself, panting heavily. She took to her hooves at once, capitalizing on my weariness and shoulder checking me.

I exhaled, trying to absorb the blow using my claws to grab her neck and twisting myself to land on her side. I pushed at my low reserves to change into an actual horse and used my hind legs to buck her. I nearly missed, but I have managed to clip something because I heard her gasp and felt the recoil of a connected kick.

I changed into myself, turning around only to catch a hoof to the face. I blacked out for a second, hitting the ground hard, feeling something crack on my muzzle.

“All right, bug-colt. You did well.” I heard her through the ringing in my ears. I gingerly lifted my claw and felt along my muzzle, finding a small crack on my left cheek. I pushed a small amount of my magic fixing the crack and setting my chitin back into place (a trick I picked up after regular spars with normal guards, doesn’t work over large cracks though). I will let my body fix the rest of it up, no point in wasting energy on it.

I slowly got back on my claws. I saw Captain Strike and Celestia talking to the examiner pony (off white earth pony, purple mane and tail cut short, couldn’t see the ‘mark’, saved to my memory for practice later). I didn’t know his name, but I was told it didn’t matter if I did.

Sensing their emotions (something that still gave me trouble every now and again) Strike was proud, Celestia was… worried, and upset, and the examiner pony was ‘fascinated’… I think? Anyways!

I walked over to a table set up on the side of the ring and grabbed a bottle of water I left there before we started. I put it on my cheek and sighed and the pleasant tingle of cold on the sore spot.

I wasn’t happy with my performance. Usually, in my spars with other soldiers, I can dominate with my shapeshifting. Without it I lose, fast. To be fair, those spars are against soldiers with a minimum of three years’ worth of training, so it’s not like I was against novices. But still, this loss today hurt. In more ways than one. I knew Shield Strike was a monster of an earth pony but knocking me out in a single punch? And I doubt she was even trying to do it. Other ponies tried the same but were unable to knock me out. The closest anyone got was a stallion named Split Grieves. He was relentless and I was dizzy for a solid hour, but he couldn’t do it.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a hoof prodding me in the back, between my wings.

“Gah!” I buzzed my wings loudly, trying to get the ticklish feeling to go away. I turned around with a scowl, ready to tear open a new one to whoever thought this was funny. My wings weren’t so delicate that touching will cause damage but messing with the nerve cluster in between them can screw up the mana pathways temporarily, as well as oil secretions used to keep the wings functional.

Just as I was about to unleash a torrent of expletives I saw Celestia and Shield Strike, both sitting there with shit-eating grins on their muzzle.

“You passed.” Said Celestia, holding two scrolls in her magic right in front of my muzzle. The grin never left her face.

“Seriously!” I grumbled, grabbing the scrolls from her magic, “You both know how annoying it gets when you mess with THAT spot?” I put the scrolls on the ground and reached with my forelegs behind me. I gently scratched around my wings plates, finally getting the strange feeling to go away.

Celestia rolled her eyes good-naturedly at me, picking up the scrolls with her magic again. Captain Strike approached me, spun me around, and used her hoof to scratch my back while talking.

“You needs to learn how to deals wif’ this better, bug-colt. In battle, this wills cause you problems if you don’t gets it together on time.”

I shook myself off when she stopped and turned around. Celestia approached me, scrolls still in her magic, but there was a slight sadness in her eyes. I also felt and tasted it (tasted… “sour”, but not the good kind, like in candy) being one of the few emotions I could accurately tell.

“Normally I would like to celebrate such an occasion, but there is a reason why your tests were done in a hodgepodge manner, my dear.”

Before I asked her to clarify, she presented one of the scrolls to me.

“This scroll is your confirmation of passing; if anypony gives you any trouble this will serve as proof that you successfully passed the tests. And this one,” she gave me the second scroll, “is your mission and requirements before you go there.”

I tried to open the second scroll, but Shield Strike stopped me with a hoof.

“Listen bug-colt, Patchwork…” she started dropping that stupid accent she liked to use, “There is a lot that we asked from you during your stay here as a “prisoner” of sort, and with this scroll, we will have to ask more from you.” I have known this mare for almost two years now, and I have rarely seen her this serious. “I just want you to know, that this “, she pointed at the scroll, “isn’t permanent. Give us some time and we, Sunshine and I will make sure that you don’t have to hide anymore, or ever again.” There was a strange look in her eyes, and I struggled to look into them.

Suddenly she reached out and pulled my head close to her, forcing me to look her in the eyes.

“You do this last thing for us, Patchwork, and I will personally make sure you want for nothing for the rest of your life. Anything you want, any favor, or request, and I snap my hooves and make it happen… Got it?”

“Same goes for me, my dear changeling.” I looked at Celestia, Shield releasing my head from her grip. “You do this last request from us, and I will grant you whatever boon you wish… within reason of course.”

These two mares.

For the past two years, they have been acting like I have been kept in the worst cage imaginable. But I had fun, I enjoyed learning new things and growing that came with it. I met some wonderful ponies and found my place in this world… or WILL find my place. Regardless, they were there every step of the way, Celestia even risking her own health so I can get better and push through to evolve as a changeling.

“Consider it done!” I shouted with glee, saluting to both of them (with a smack as well, like Strike taught me). Both gave me beaming smiles and we spent the next hour just talking, the scrolls were lying there on the side. Temporarily forgotten.

In two months, I will officially start my training as a royal guard of U. E. R. G. I was looking forward to it.


The scroll that Celestia gave me, the one with mission requirements, had several points I had to read.

The first point being: I cannot go outside of trusted areas without a cover form. The areas of trust were aside from sections of Canterlot castle, my own barracks room, and in the Canterlot primary hospital, under the codename ‘shifter’.

The cover form is already chosen for me, as is the cover alias. I briefly skimmed over them, trying to find what the cover story is.

From what I was given, I belong to an old branch of the Night family. About two centuries ago a part of the family split and one part crossed the continent. Barely anyone remembers they exist, or what their numbers are, but that plays to our advantage. The documents were forged, along with a borrowed Night family seal and all the proper documentation has been set up.

I was to play the part of a distant family cousin, a pegasus by the name of Night Front, a northern pegasus breed (bigger, stronger, but slightly slower omnivores, with a preference for weather magic). I also got a whole bunch of information that would help me with blending in, and with my memory, I should have no issues.

The second point is: I am to report monthly for a check-up in order to make sure that I am adapting well to proper equestrian society, and not this ramshackle we had for almost two years.

I would also receive some additional vaccine boosters two weeks before I leave to make sure I am up to date.

And lastly, the final point: I was to report any located changeling activity I could find, should I find one in the first place.

I also noticed that there was one more point but that was the general stuff I would get upon leaving.

I would get an open bank account, to both my name and the cover name and one thousand bits (enough for two months without any income, and I would get some bits from the guard, it’s not volunteering but it’s not lavish living either).

I would also get two identifier gems, and I am supposed to keep mine safe and secure somewhere where ponies cannot find it. The Night Front one I am to keep with me at all times.

And lastly, I would be given a slew of documentation both for myself and for my cover alter, making me a legal citizen of Equestria. Yay me.

Last of note, was that all the stuff I have accrued during my stay here would be kept safe in a vault until such a time where I could pick them up and put them in a house of my own, should I ever own one. Which I hopefully will, eventually. I never owned a house before so I’m looking forward to it.

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