• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,470 Views, 223 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Fantasy Friendship - Jojoleopard

Sunset Shimmer finds herself pulled into a plot to take over the world, and she'll have to not just master her Stand, but also master the importance of friendship.

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Chapter 8: Twin Stand Attack

Lyra Heartstrings stirred as Sunset Shimmer stepped back, her Stand’s work done. With her injuries healed, it was like she had never even been in the earlier fight and she got up without much effort.

“What happened? Why are all you girls here?” She asked, looking at each one of them.

“Lyra, you’re okay now!” Sweetie Drops threw her arms around her friend and squeezed her.

“Sweetie, you’re here?” Lyra hugged her back. “What happened? The last I remember, the master… The master. She took control of us. Our minds.”

“Are you able to recall anything? Anything that could help us find her?” Rainbow Dash prodded her for information. “We’re trying to stop her from taking over the minds of everyone in the world.”

“Not much, I’m afraid. We were on a team, Sweetie and I. There were…” Lyra tapped her head. “Seven of us. They called us the Bully Squad.”

Pinkie Pie and Jojo burst out laughing again.

“We were the master’s enforcers. She would send us to take out anyone she deemed a threat, which I assume it means, you guys.”

“But she didn’t expect us to know how to stop her mind control.” Jojo pointed at the side of his head. “If we punch you hard enough, she loses her control on you. Or if Sushi here resets you with her Stand.”

“Sushi?” Lyra shot a quizzical look to Sunset.

She shook her head. “Long story. I think we should save it for later. I’ve had to explain this one time too many.”

“Sushi likes sushi!” Pinkie placed her arms around Sweetie Drops and Lyra and grinned. “That’s why we were in the Japanese restaurant earlier. But then Sweetie had to attack during meal time, huh?”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“Bygones are bygones, we’re all friends again, so it doesn’t matter!” Pinkie squeezed them. “So, what else do you remember about your Bully Squad?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t remember their faces…” Lyra sighed. “I do remember bits and pieces of their Stands though. One of them had a green Stand that was slightly plump with weird ears. Another looked like a flower and one was like a goblin with bright lights. Hmm… another had a battleship. A miniature one that it could stand on.”

Pinkie snickered. “Stand on. I get it.”

“And then our leader’s Stand. She had a Stand with spikes all over its body with some kind of meter on its chest. That’s all I remember. Sorry I can’t recall more.”

“That’s okay, you gave us a plentitude of information, dear.” Rarity gave her a pat on the back. “Now we know there are five more Stand users after us. We’ll be ready for them.”

“And they’ll be comin’ until either side of us is dead.” Applejack pounded her fists together. “We can’t have people goin’ about all mind controlled. That’s everythin’ a human ain’t, once you take away their will and free choice.”

“Well said.” Jojo twisted his cap to the side. “And we will stop this culprit. Lyra, do you recall anything about your meeting place with the master? Maybe something to help us find their hidden base or something.”

The girl scrunched up her face and thought hard, but after a few minutes, her facial muscles relaxed and she shook her head. “I cannot remember where it is. The room was dark and there was a desk at one end where she sat. But that’s it.”

“That doesn’t give us much room to go on…” Jojo scratched his chin. “But thank you, Lyra. At least with each member of the Bully Squad we take down, we’re getting closer and closer to the mystery.”

“Yeah, why does it even work like that?” Pinkie raised both arms in question. “Did the bad guy like, put little failsafes in everyone’s minds that help them remember only a little each time they are restored, and the more of her servants we defeat, the worse the failsafe?”

“That just sounds ludicrous,” Rarity said. “Why would anyone do that?”

“Easy.” Rainbow snapped her fingers. “Someone who wants to be found out eventually, of course.”

“Ooh, ooh! So that they can progress the plot, right?” Pinkie waved one arm energetically.

“Uh, I was thinking more on the lines of wanting recognition. Like how certain pranksters always reveal themselves at the end. They want you to know they did it, even if it brings backlash on them.”

“So the master wants us to find out who she is?” Fluttershy asked. It didn’t sound right.

“That’s a lot of confidence.” Jojo folded his arms. “She must be powerful enough to take us on even if we find out her secrets.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry, who are you again?” Lyra looked back at the blue haired man. “How do you fit into all this?”

“Ah. Jostle Joyride.” Jojo struck a pose, with one knee bent and his arms flexed out. “But you can call me Jojo. I’m from out of town, doing what I can to stop enemy Stand users like this master here.”

“He’s quite the hunk, huh?” Sweetie nudged her friend.

Rarity starred daggers at both of them. “He’s not yours to look at.”

“What, and he’s yours?”

“I would hope so!”

“Uh, okay girls, that’s enough. We should get moving.” Jojo looked between them awkwardly and pointed to the mall’s entrance. “We should get out of here. We don’t want so many commotions in one place. I’m sure the mall security is already on the lookout for whoever caused all this damage.”

“Lyra and I won’t be coming with you,” Sweetie Drops told them as they walked out through the mall’s sliding doors.

“You won’t?” Sunset asked.

They both shook their heads. “All this Stand business is already out of our league. But you girls, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, you five have always been there to solve problems for people since middle school. This was made for you. And with Jojo and uh, Sushi, or Sunset, I don’t know what you want us to call you, I’m sure you will triumph over the enemy.”

“And that we will.” Rainbow pumped her arms up. “Because we’re awesome!”

“We’ll give it our best, do or die!” Pinkie jumped into the air and saluted before dropping back down.

“I mean, I’d like to not d-die…” Fluttershy pulled at her hair.

“We should head back to the safehouse then.” Jojo pointed to the street, where White Buffalo appeared, already rumbling and ready to go. “But we haven’t had a proper meal. I think one of us should head out to get something while the rest of us head back to plan.”

“Good idea! It’s always a good idea to split the team!” Pinkie darted from companion to companion. “Well, except horror movies. In horror movies you die if you split up! One by one. Otherwise, what’s the worst thing that could happen? Someone could come after the lonely person and try to get them to reveal where the rest are at, right? Psshhh, but the chances of that happening are like, so low!”

“Okay, now that you put it like that, I think two people should go after some food for us.” Jojo clapped his hands together. “So, who wants to get us food? You get to pick if you volunteer.”

“Um, I guess I’ll do it.” Sunset raised her hand and smiled sheepishly. “I still remember the way back and uh, I owe you guys a lot, you know? For, uh, hanging out with me. I haven’t had anyone who wanted to be near me in such a long time.”

“That’s cause we’re your friends, aren’t we?” Pinkie appeared under her and lifted her up.

“Woah, Pinkie.” Sunset wobbled on top of her. “But uh, I guess you’re right. You’re all the closest thing to friends I’ve had in a long time.”

“In that case, I’ll stick with Sunset.” Rarity placed a hand on her chest. “I’ve a great deal of owing to do myself, after you girls rescued me from the master’s control. Plus, I know good food when I see them. Just leave it to me, darlings.”

“Then it’s settled. Sunset knows the way back. Meet us there once you’re done.” Jojo got on White Buffalo. “Rainbow, you’re with me. We’re going to make sure we’re not followed back while the rest of you go with Fluttershy to get a new car.”

“Right. Be careful. Don’t die.” Applejack gave Sunset and Rarity fist bumps, then jogged off after Fluttershy’s group.

Jojo gave them one final salute, then spun in a circle and drove off.

“So, food,” Sunset said once their friends were long gone. “What do you have in mind?”

She peeled out a card from her pocket and waved. “I’m thinking of something extravagant. We deserve something more after what we’ve done. How you do feel about Italian?”

“Can’t say I’ve ever tried it.” Sunset walked after Rarity as they went down the street. “I’ve heard the name before. Some country in Europe. They used to be some great empire. The Italian Empire?”

“Well, you’re thinking of the wrong empire now, Sushi dear.” Rarity waved her card around. “The Italian Empire was a series of colonies part of the Kingdom of Italy. What you’re looking for is the Roman Empire.”

“Ah, right. Rome. The capital.”

“Correct. Now this good place, Vincenzo Roma’s, it’s just down the next block. We’ll get there soon enough.” Rarity turned her head to Sunset. “How far away was the safehouse again?”

“I’m guessing it’s a thirty minute walk.” Sunset shrugged. They’d only ever driven there and back.

“Thirty minutes?” Rarity placed a hand to her forehead. “I cannot possibly walk for half an hour. This is too much for me. We will need to procure a vehicle.”

“Too bad Fluttershy isn’t with us. We could use her Stand for that.” Sunset looked at the street ahead.

After being attacked by two Stand users in one day, Sunset keep her eyes alert, looking for anyone that might look like a Stand user. She guessed everyone on the Bully Squad might be from CHS too, but that was only an observation. She wouldn’t know for sure until they showed up. At the moment, no one looked too suspicious, well, except for one chubby man who looked like he was trying to eat his phone. No one puts their phone so close to their mouth when they talk. At least, not that she knew.

Voila.” Rarity soon stretched her arms out to her sides as she showcased it to Sunset. “Vincenzo Roma’s. Probably the best Italian food in town.”

The restaurant’s facade had a brick front, with wooden beams at various key points. Everything about it looked foreign, like it didn’t belong in Canterlot, but that only made it look more interesting to Sunset. Whoever built this place was probably hoping to bring a little Italy to Canterlot. Under the restaurant’s name, which was in a cursive yellow font, was the front double doors, which had long gold handles on them. Rarity pushed it open and beckoned Sunset to follow.

She had already thought the outside was nice, but the inside of the restaurant was more fascinating. The floor was a dark varnished wood and there were columns running up to the ceiling at the corners, and the windows looking out from the side walls were all framed by ‘X’ shaped wooden beams, and they were unlike anything Sunset had seen here in Canterlot. The style actually reminded her more of Equestria’s Canterlot than this world’s.

Circular wooden tables dotted the place and there were people in suits going around, serving the guests with trays of food that smelt absolutely delicious.

“Smells nice, doesn’t it, Sushi dear?” Rarity smiled as she watched Sunset take in the place.

“It’s different. Something I wouldn’t mind trying.” Sunset nodded. “See anyone suspicious?”

She looked around the room, still on alert for enemy Stand users, but no one really stood out as evil. There were two people by the wall, sharing a plate of what looked like shells. There were four more at the back, with one of them reading a book, while another in a green shirt with plenty of holes in it pointed at various parts of the book. They didn’t strike her as odd as well.

“Coast looks clear, but I don’t know how long that’ll last. We should order and go.” Sunset nudged her companion.

“Leave that to me.” Rarity brushed her hair aside and approached the counter. “Hello, good sir.”

She began ordering things Sunset had never heard of, with something that sounded like “gya-no-chee” and another that sounded like “Airy-bee-etah”. She wasn’t even sure Rarity was pronouncing these right, but at this point, she wasn’t about to ask. Rarity had been here before and she was well-versed with the food. Sunset was not, so weird sounding or not, she let it be.

Once she was done ordering, she handed her card over to process the payment. Sunset knew that there were seven people altogether, but Rarity seemed to have ordered for more than seven, from what she heard.

“And now we wait.” She slid her card back in her wallet and marched over to the side where there were a row of chairs to sit on to wait. “So, never tried Italian, huh? Then what have you tried, Sushi dear? Don’t tell me just sushi.”

“No, I’ve had more than just Japanese food.” Sunset kicked one foot against the floor. “Uh, I’ve had… uh, well, American, since, you know, we’re here, I’d say English food as well, probably some Mexican… uh… I’ll let you know if more come to mind.”

“Yes, right, on your own time, Sushi dear.” Rarity grabbed one of the chairs to try and sit down, but she missed and stumbled forward. “That’s weird.”

“What. What is?” Sunset asked.

“I’m starting to see double. Everything’s spinning…” Rarity held the side of her head and leaned against the wall with a thud. “I don’t feel so good.”

“Again? Already?” Sunset exclaimed, looking around warily and summoning Pegasus Fantasy. “How many people are going to attack us today?”

“You would be surprised how many!” a nasaly voice from the doorway.

Sunset turned just in time for Pegasus Fantasy to deflect some kind of laser beam. It was bright purple and it looked like those neon signs outside pubs at night.

At the doorway were two very odd looking boys. One was short and plump with two buckteeth hanging outside his mouth and the other was taller, but as skinny as a stick. They both wore an assortment of strange clothes, with the first one having a black top that ended over his large belly with what looked like cuts all over it and his pants, while the other one had on some kind of green vest that also ended over his abdomen, but he also had some kind of sack behind him that made him look like a snail.

“Snips and Snails.” Rarity pointed at them. “So you’re working for the master too.”

“Wait, really, those are their real names?” Sunset looked at Rarity to see if she would explain that, but she didn’t.

“The master is disappointed in your betrayal, Rarity,” Snails said. He had a slow drawl that took him a while to finish speaking. “And she’s got an eye on you, Sunset Shimmer, or should we say, Sussshhhiiiii.”

“Susssshhiiii, tasty, am I right?” Snips added, then struck a pose behind his friend, placing one arm on Snail’s right thigh, and the other behind his left shoulder. They were so weird.

“Stop.” Sunset got herself ready. She couldn’t see why anyone would take these two as henchmen. They were an odd pair. “You’ll see. We’ll break the master’s control on you two.”

And then Sunset began to feel it too. Like Rarity had said, it was as though she was seeing double and the doubles started spinning in her vision. Instead of just one Snips and Snails pair, she was now seeing another two of them standing weirdly.

“Haahaa!” Snails laughed like he was some sort of llama. “Notice that dizzying effect already, huh?” He raised a hand to his face, then put the other around his back where he placed it on top of Snips’ head. “This is the work of my Stand, Garfunkel. He releases pheromones to disorient you.”

“That’s it, huh?” Sunset stretched an arm out to try and grab something, fortunate enough to grab the backing of one of the chairs. “Then I’ll just get Pegasus Fantasy to stop you.”

“Try it. I dare you.” Snails laughed with that annoying bray again. His Stand appeared to the side, just outside the restaurant. It was a red and white flower creature of some sort, with bulbs for its hands and head. It was constantly puffing smoke from them and that was probably what was making them feel so weird.

Pegasus Fantasy flew forward, one arm already drawn back to go in for the kill, but then it smashed headfirst into the wall, breaking a chunk off of it and making Sunset’s head hurt.

“Ow!” She clutched her head and fell to the ground. With her vision spinning, the wall hadn’t seemed that close.

“Wait till you get a load of what I can do.” Snips spun his arms in a circle, then pointed one hand at her, while the other one went down to his thigh. “Simon, get them!”

A metallic and goblin-like Stand emerged from his belly and pointed its right index finger at Sunset. From it blasted a neon beam, same as the one from before. Pegasus Fantasy moved to attempt to parry it again, but it couldn’t move fast enough and it pierced through Sunset’s left arm and she winced as she grabbed the wound. The heat had cauterized it, stopping her from bleeding, but it hurt a whole lot.

“Want to try that again?” Snips said after a bout of laughter.

Pegasus Fantasy got to its hooves and waited. Sunset had a better idea of dodging it this time. As Simon fired another beam from its finger, Pegasus Fantasy was already on the move, dropping to its chest on the floor. Sunset’s plan was to have it fly at the enemy from down low, catching them off guard and then beating them senseless. It seemed like a good plan at first, but as Pegasus Fantasy began flying forward, the beam behind it bounced off one of the columns in the room and ricocheted back at Sunset’s Stand, hitting in between the wings.

Pegasus Fantasy dropped to the ground and Sunset reached for her back, which felt like it was burning.

“Ah ah. Did I mention?” Snips spun around and dropped on one leg as though he was sitting on it. “Simon can fire beams of neon light. As we all know, light can be reflected and it will bounce on any surface with light and I’m also a master at calculating trajectory. Don’t be fooled by my looks. I’m actually quite the ace. So you can think again when you try attacking me head on, Sunset. And Garfunkel works well to make sure you have a harder time dodging my attacks, don’t you, Snails?”

The two of them siddled closer and pressed their backs against each other, then stuck one leg out each as their arms reached behind to grasp each other’s shoulders.

“Would you like to try again?” they both said at the same time.

Author's Note: