• Published 21st Aug 2021
  • 2,471 Views, 223 Comments

SuShi's Bizarre Adventure: Fantasy Friendship - Jojoleopard

Sunset Shimmer finds herself pulled into a plot to take over the world, and she'll have to not just master her Stand, but also master the importance of friendship.

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Chapter 17: The Who

After fleeing from the restaurant and making sure no one knew where they were headed, Jostle Joyride poked his head out of the bush they had been hiding in to avoid being followed.

“Coast looks clear.” He brushed an animal’s nest off his head. “I told you they wouldn’t be able to track us.”

They had run across the street to a little forest beside Crystal Prep Academy after defeating Lemon Zest. That had seemed to shoot encouragement into the others, especially Rainbow Dash. She had been extremely ecstatic that they had managed to beat a member of Crystal Prep Academy’s acclaimed Shadowbolts, something that had never been done in Canterlot High history.

“Man, if we can beat one, we can totally beat the whole school now!” She whooped and cheered as they left the bushes. She had to stop to pull her scarf off some of the branches. “Bring it on, Crystal Prep!”

“And just yesterday ya didn’t even want ta come here.” Applejack was not impressed.

“Hey, I have the evidence to back me up.” Rainbow stuck a finger in Applejack’s chest. “We’ve never won! Not even in a spelling bee! And look at us now. I’d change my mind too if I saw something as amazing as that happening.”

“Yeah, it’s amazing!” Pinkie pushed herself between the two of them. “It’s almost like we’ve discovered some sort of new power that makes us stronger together as a team!”

“Uh, Stands? Duh.” Rainbow stretched her arms to her sides and Running on Ice appeared over her.

“Ah think she’s meanin’ somethin’ else, Dash.”

“Psssh, whatever it is, we’re so much more awesome now!” She pumped a fist up. “Now, I say we head into the school and see what we can find. I’m sure a creep like Cinch has nowhere to go but the principal’s office.”

“She does love the school a lot, with all the accolades and awards they’ve won…” Fluttershy added. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she lives here…”

“Then it’ll be easy work getting to her to take her down.” Jojo cracked his knuckles and his neck. “Who’s ready to serve some just desserts?”

“Ooh, me! Me!” Pinkie hopped around and waved a hand. “I love dessert! In fact, I make lots of dessert, we should have some!”

She whipped out three cakes from behind her back and held them up. Among them was a chocolate cake, a cake stuffed with marshmallows and one that was yellow and had a gnome standing in the center of it.

“Where’d you…” Sunset shook her head. It was Pinkie after all. “Nevermind. I’m getting used to it slowly.”

“It’s tasty!” She shoved the chocolate cake wholly into her mouth and licked her lips. “Ahynon elsh?”

“We’re good. Now come on! I want to see what else Crystal Prep’s gonna throw at us!” Rainbow beckoned for them to move and hopped over her bush and walked across the lawn towards the front doors.

The Crystal Prep front lawn was more spacious and trimmed than Canterlot High’s and it also sported rows of trees that were cut into the shape of pods. Strangely enough, there was a short cobbled wall and a steel gate with crystal spikes around the compound. Sunset didn’t know what that wall was for, seeing as it was low enough for them to climb over. And so they did, vaulting themselves over the short wall and heading towards the main doors of the school building.

“Easy peasy. They probably didn’t expect us to just walk in like that.” Rainbow stuck her tongue out at the building and ran on, a fist in front of herself, ready to finish this. “Coooome on, Crystal Prep! What’cha got?”

Running on Ice appeared and smashed one of the main doors open with a fist, but all of a sudden, Rainbow fell back down the steps to the doors, clutching at her face as she screamed in agony, rolling around on the ground back and forth.

“Rainbow? What’s wrong?” Fluttershy ran over and tried to hold her, but she wouldn’t stop moving.

“It’s too much, it’s too much!” Rainbow cried out. “My eyes have seen too much!”

“What’s happenin’ to her?” Applejack dropped to a crouch as she kept her eyes open for anything. “Are we in trouble again?”

“I’m afraid it’s gotta be the work of another enemy Stand.” Jojo spun around and looked to the trees they had come from, then to the other end of the lawn. “They must have come from inside.”

“Rainbow, what did you see? You have to tell us.” Sunset shook her friend, who was still rolling on the ground, covering her eyes with her hands. “Come on, Rainbow!”

“We need to check inside, b-but what if we end up like Rainbow…?” Fluttershy swallowed hard and looked to her friends.

“I’ll go! I’ll just take a different way in!” Pinkie saluted, then walked to the side of the school building on the left of the entrance.

“I’ll go with her. We could use an attack Stand.” Jojo pulled at the corners of his vest, then turned his body sideways and flexed one arm. “The rest of you stay out here with Rainbow. We don’t know if the Stand user will try to attack you out here.”

“Okay, good luck.” Sunset nodded and bent down to help.

“Let’s gooo, Jooooooojo!” Pinkie’s Golden Ticket leapt out of her and shifted the door from the entrance over to the wall. It opened it, revealing a classroom inside. “Let’s see where it is.”

Jojo jumped into the room behind Pinkie, keeping his eyes out for anything that could be hostile. The room was shrouded in shadows, which was expected since it was summer break; no one would be here using the room at the moment. The light coming in from the windows reflected off the school’s extremely polished floor and into their eyes. He wondered just why they would make such a gleaming floor, especially since the school uniform consisted of skirts. Jojo wouldn’t have minded being a student here if he could see things like that.

“Nice.” He flexed and grinned to no one in particular.

He was the first to turn the knob to the door and pushed it slowly, peeking through the gap at anything that could be a potential enemy. The halls outside were silent and there wasn’t even a sound out there.

“Do you see anything?” Pinkie pushed on his shoulders and looked over his head. “Because I don’t!”

“Nothing yet.” Jojo shook his head. “But keep your eyes peeled. We don’t know what we’re up against yet.”

“Eyes peeled and ready!” Pinkie pried her eyelids back and grinned.

“Let’s do this.” Jojo pushed the door open further, then snuck out and kept his body low and his ears listening for any sounds that could mean danger.

With the slick floor of the school, their footsteps made soft noises in the total silence, no matter how quietly they attempted to walk. Jojo stopped to think of a way when Pinkie walked past him, moving forward on her hands.

“It’s quieter this way!” she whispered.

The walked down the hall, towards the main entrance where Rainbow had attempted to enter from. She had been attacked there and that was likely where the Stand user would be.

Something still troubled Jojo as they proceeded down the hall. It had been the way Rainbow had been afflicted, rolling all over the ground and covering her face. She had mentioned seeing something. Perhaps it had been some kind of light attack that would damage the eyes, or perhaps it was something that could eat eyes. He didn’t know. In the world of Stands, it could’ve been anything.

All of a sudden, there were screams coming from outside the building, and Jojo stopped and tensed up, calling forth White Buffalo on instinct.

“It’s the others! Something’s wrong!” Pinkie put her hands to her face.

She pulled the classroom door over and opened it to the outside. Now it wasn’t just Rainbow rolling around in agony. Everyone else was doing it too, their faces covered and screaming out in pain.

Just then, Jojo caught sight of something darting past the main foyer and down another hallway and he flipped himself back forward.

“My my, you two are the only ones left. You should’ve just waited outside,” a female voice echoed down towards them. “That way, my job would’ve already been done. Oh, why did you have to make it hard for me? You disgusting son of a basketball coach.”

“We’ve got company.” Jojo put out a hand in front of Pinkie. “If you see it, don’t look at it.”

“Why not?” Pinkie’s Golden Ticket appeared behind her, now holding the door they had taken from the classroom. “Will it somehow reveal to us the secrets of the universe and drive us mad?”

“What? How do you figure that?” Jojo turned to her for a second just to see her shrug.

“Just a hunch!” She grinned. “But roger that, don’t look at it!”

Before they could take another step, something melted through the wall on Jojo’s left and flew at him. It had its hands over its face, covering it while tentacles from under it lashed out and grabbed him around the arms and neck.

“White Buffalo!” Jojo called.

His Stand swerved around and charged straight into the enemy as he planted one foot back to get it just right for White Buffalo’s horns to hit. The motorcycle Stand bashed into the enemy Stand and its tentacles let go as it sailed in the air, then went through the wall again, disappearing from view.

“Oh no you don’t!” Pinkie pointed at the surface it had gone through.

Golden Ticket threw the door it was holding onto the wall, where it swung open, revealing another classroom, this one with stacks of science equipment on the tables. They spotted the enemy slithering away through the wall on the other end and Pinkie called forth more doors to follow after it. Golden Ticket placed another door on the other end, then grabbed another door in its hands and went after it.

Jojo went through each door as well, trying not to lose sight of it, but at the same time wary, in case it decided to uncover its face.

“I think your theory was right, Pinkie,” he said. “It keeps its hands over its face and I’ve looked at the rest of it. While it has eyes on its arms and tentacles, I’m still okay. It must only be the face that will send us into madness.”

“But why would it cover its face then?” Pinkie ran along next to him. “Ooh, is it because it doesn’t want us to think it's ugly? You’re not ugly, by the way!”

“Maybe it’s like Sunset’s fantasy armor. Perhaps it can’t keep revealing it all the time.”

“Impressive guess work,” the enemy Stand user’s voice came again, somewhere ahead of their position. Her Stand went around another corner and vanished in the darkness. “It cannot unleash the full force of its face for too long, or everything could end, but one look at The Who’s face and you will be begging for a quick death. I don’t want you to suffer, it’s really just so sad. I would kill you without a second thought for interfering with Principal Cinch’s plans!”

And then her Stand, The Who, was back, coming through the wall above a water fountain on Jojo’s right, its hands moving away from its face, revealing a cluster of red eyes. Jojo quickly averted his eyes before he could see anymore as the glow of red intensified. White Buffalo aimed its horns behind itself and speared them backwards. Jojo watched the light behind him die down, then he spun around and kept his eyes low. He realized that the shiny floor of the school building would allow him to see its location without having to look at it and he rolled away as The Who’s tentacles tried to encircle him.

Golden Ticket threw its door at The Who, but it swiveled around it like a squid and uncovered its face again. Pinkie and her Stand turned away, but knowing its position now, Jojo brought White Buffalo up beside himself and used Faster than Fire, adding to the glow of light in the darkened corridor as flames licked away at the lockers and walls, melting the metal and chasing the enemy Stand away again. The Who fled through the paneled ceiling with a shriek, then everything went silent once White Buffalo’s flames died down.

“Pinkie, you still good?” Jojo had to check.

“Okey-dokey-lokey, never better!” Pinkie answered and bounded over with her Stand. “We’ve got to get it to stay still somehow. Golden Ticket’s doors don’t work on it since it can just go through walls.”

“There must be a limit to what it can and can’t pass through.” Jojo surmised. There was always a way to beat an enemy Stand.

“And you better find out quickly…” The enemy Stand user’s voice rang out in the halls again, followed by a shrill laughter. “Your friends outside have gone mad with knowledge. Let it go for too long, I’m afraid they will become something more, something… transcended. You might want to stop it before it happens, believe me, I know what happens and it’s dreadful…”

Jojo shook his fist to the air. “Get back here, you witch and face us like a man!”

“Your clock is the one that’s ticking. I’d suggest you find me fast.” With another bout of laughter, the halls fell silent once more, leaving Jojo and Pinkie by themselves as they tried to think of a way to beat this.

Author's Note: